Before I tell you all about our anniversary trip, let’s tell you about our anniversary.
On October sixth, we celebrated the big Happy Year Four…and it was wicked good. Literally. More about that later.
First of all, we said no gifts. We said that our big gift would be the road trip. Let’s just make that clear.
Secondly, I bought Jeremy a small gift. His nickname is Popeye…there’s a long funny story behind it involving Burbon Street, 6 drunk men and a desk chair spontaneously flying across the room…don’t ask…so my Popeye needed a nametag. And I had a coupon.
Thirdly, Jeremy bought me roses. Two dozen red. Gorgeous.
Fourthly, did you know that the gift for four years of marriage is flowers or linens? so creatively speaking, we both nailed that sucker in the face.
Jer’s mom came into town to visit and watched Will for us as we went out to dinner. This was the second official dinner date without the little man (here’s the first). It. felt. GOOD.
I, being frustratingly unpregnant, was happy to throw down four rolls of sushi. I love me some raw fish. And indulging myself is one of the only perks of not being pregnant. The little resturaunt was pretty empty when we arrived so we nestled down into the corner table and pretended that we had no wakeup cries at 2 am, no dirty cloth diapers waiting to be washed, and no blog posts needing to be written. It was bliss.
Basically we had a little too much fun.
Then we climbed into the car for what my boyfriend called “a surprise”.
I love surprises. (see that little sign for Mary Mac’s? It’s an Atlantan landmark basically…totally worth going to eat there once if you are ever in town!)
Back to the surprise….let’s just say that it was wicked good 🙂
I wasn’t supposed to take any photos inside the Fox theatre. It’s posted everywhere.
I’m such a rebel.
Jer scored us some seats on the far side for half price and they were AMAZING. The seats right next to us were full price and there were only two times that something was sort of hidden before they came into center stage. I honestly can say that I didn’t miss a thing. And the show was sooo good. My favorite female singing in a show. It was like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle if all theatre shows were actually the rankings of cool reptiles.
And if you have never been to the Fox, it is worth knowing that the ceiling is like a night sky.
A night sky with shooting stars. (I could really use a wish right now, a wish right now…name that song)
sorry about the crummy iphone photos.
Basically it was the perfect surprise anniversary date ever. And yes, I look like I have blond highlights in the photo below…never had those before 🙂
Anyone else celebrate an anniversary lately? Or see a cool show? Or maybe you are a fellow Atlantan who wants to share a place worth visiting in town besides the Fox and Mary Mac’s? Or maybe you just want to say that my boyfriend was totally hot rockin’ the walrus? that may be the weirdest sentence I have ever written…and that is saying something because I write some weird stuff.
p.s. I think I might have to triple post today…so don’t go far, mmkay?!
Where did you two go for sushi? We live in Lilburn and are always looking for sushi places to try out this way or even in town.
Happy Anniversary! You look great together (and I love that dress)!
For our most recent anniversary, my husband was in Afghanistan but he still managed to pull off an amazing day. The letter came and I thought that was the surprise…until the books arrived. The books were exciting…and then the flowers were delivered. I was in absolute bliss over the flowers…and then someone delivered chocolate.
This year will doubtless be lower-key in the gifts sense but much nicer in the being-in-the-same-place sense. Marriage is an amazing blessing isn’t it? Sounds like your husband gave you a pretty awesome surprise!
my husband and i went to the fox when we were dating! i lived in atlanta for 4 years…so many things i miss. willy’s queso + felini’s calzones are at the top of my list. happy anniversary…our 6th is saturday
I just love your blog! Looks like a magical evening:) I saw Wicked on Broadway and it was my fave show ever, loved it! So this brings back good memories.
PS y’all are the cutest family!
Love the surprise!! I’ve always wanted to see Wicked!
Yay for Wicked! I’ve seen it three times and never get sick of it!
Happy belated anniversary!
I am literally dying to see that show! We just celebrated 11! Happy Anniversary!
You guys clean up good! Quite a change from the normal diy outfits we see on you guys!!
ps – girl don’t you DARE cut that hair!
Your hair looks amazing. YOU look amazing! Boyfriend is OK too. Saw Wicked in NY and I cried before the show even started because the sets were so beautiful. Such an amazing show, glad you liked it!
I just saw Wicked for the 3rd time when it came through Nashville last week! Soooooo good!
And girl, you enjoy that sushi! God knows what he’s doing, so live it up while you can!
You guys are too cute. Happy Anniversary!
Happy Belated Anniversary! My husband and I just celebrated our first wedding anniversary. We took a long weekend to Vegas after we scored some stellar travel deals. It was nice to get away! You guys look great!
Happy Anniversary. Sounds like you had a great nite! Next month it will be 4 years for me. We are going to Vegas for 4 days next week so we’ll have a nice dinner there pre-anniversary. We usually keep it pretty low key. Last year I spend $20 for a custom art print on Etsy and this year I spend $12 for an art print also from Etsy. Super cheap but very meaningful.
Dang it, this just reminded me of the giant bag of cloth diapers I forgot to wash. Ha! Looks like you guys had fun!
I’m assuming your husband is in Afghanistan protecting our freedom? Tell him thank you. And thank you to you for being willing to spend your anniversary apart as well as several other holidays and key dates. Sounds like he is pretty special! Praying for you all!
Happy Anniversary Bowers!
Happy Anniversary! We celebrated our 4th on October 13th. Unfortunately, we live in Pensacola, FL so there is nothing like the Ford Theatre here. I would love to visit it one day for a great show!!! Anyway, you guys are so cute!
Too, crazy, we just celebrated our 5th anniversary on Oct. 7th and have a little man will be a year old next week. I enjoy your blog so much. Love the photography tips and hints, they’ve helped out with my photog skills tenfold!! Keep ’em comin!
Congrats on you anniversary! We’re going to be 1.5 in a week, so we’ve still got a ways to go to catch up with you 🙂 And kudos to Jeremy on the surprise – Wicked is amazing! I have the CD in my car and belt out the songs quite often.
Ok, as a Louisiana native, I have to tell you that it’s Bourbon. With an ‘o’. 🙂
And such a sweet anniversary! Sounds like the perfect date night to me. Sushi and Wicked. Awesome.
Happy Anniversary to one gorgeous couple! So glad you were able to get out for a date night and enjoy yourselves. I’ve heard Wicked is an awesome show.
triple post??? dont threaten us with a good time KB. Gorgeous dress! Im so glad you take the time to make anniversaries special. Ive always said its easy to GET married, and harder to STAY married so I think the years should be celebrated. And good for you getting out without PumpkinModel (aka Will). We dont get out without my 8 month old a ton, but when we do its so nice that we vow to do it more often…and then we dont. Boo. I went to visit a friend in Vinings GA once and we actually went into Atl but never to that outdoor theatre. It looks beautiful. Cant have a place like that up here in cold NH. Brr…
You guys are too cute!
What sushi place did you hit up? We are always looking for a good one.
So excited about a three post day.
Also, my entire family and office have loved Remie’s 1 year photos.
Hubs surprised me with tickets to Wicked when it rolls through town next month (less than 3 weeks). So excited.
We went to Charlotesville, VA and did wine tasting!! You can see it here…
It looks like you guys had so much fun! I’m super jealous you got to see Wicked, it came to Richmond a few weeks ago, but sadly we didn’t get to go! Congrats and Happy Anniversary again!
We have celebrated five of our seven anniversaries in Atlanta, and my two favorites were when we went to the Buckhead Diner and Chops Lobster Bar. I got a burger at the Diner that was delish, and a steak at Chops that made me want to slap both my mother and my mother-in-law. One was before Cole was born and the other conveniently took place when Cole’s school had their quarterly parents’ night out. I still think about that steak. Mmm. Steak. A nice place for dessert is Cami Cakes in Buckhead. The mint chocolate cupcake is to die for.
One of my favorite non-outrageously expensive places to go for a low-key dinner is California Dreaming in Lawrenceville. Strangely enough, we ate there the night before I was induced with Cole, and we ate there the night before I went into labor with Cannon. They should start marketing that, like Scalini’s does with their eggplant parmesan.
This just confirms that we picked the right date for our wedding next year – Oct 6 2012 🙂 Congrats on the 4 years & all things lovely & surprising!
Happy Anniversary! I love seeing how you guys interpret the yearly anniversary gift! I actually used your one year gift as inspiration for the one year anniversary my hubby and I celebrated on October 2 (great time of year to get married!) and got tickets (paper) to go see Sugarland at Mohegan Sun (Stuck Like Glue was a big part of our wedding). We also jumped the gun a little on the cotton for 2 years and got a couple’s massage 🙂 Though my husband enjoyed it so much, I think he’ll be in for another round next year!
You guys are the cutest couple ever!! Holy smokes! Your anniversary sounds perfect. We saw Wicked a few years ago and I LOVED it! Soooo good!
Happy Anniversary! My hubby and I celebrated our 4th this month too. We went on our first “overnight date” since our son was born 18 months ago. It was great. I missed the boy like crazy but it was really fun to get away with my man.
happy, happy, happy! so pumped for you. being in love. is. the. tits! (sorry, took a move right out of your book and did that… oh, and, sorry mom!)
i just posted my apartment tour on my new blog and am so excited to share. I would be so honored if you stopped by!:
xoxo, jawsie
Happy Anniversary! We celebrated our 5th on October 6th!! It’s the BEST day for an anniversary! 🙂
I just love the Fox! It’s so beautiful. I can’t believe they once thought of tearing it down. I missed Wicked unfortunately. The last show I saw there was Hair and it was awesome. Airplanes is the song by the way – B.o.B. featuring Haley Williams. Love that song!
Happy Anniversary! It looks like you had a wonderful time (I’ve been dying to see Wicked – I love those books!)!
Congratulations on 4 years – you guys look so happy! My hubs and I just celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary on the 25th. October weddings rock. Sushi is awesome and yes, indulge while you can. Totes. 🙂
We share an anniversary! We always celebrate with a trip and no gifts. This year, we went to Amelia Island. Next year, we’ll have a little one, so the destination will probably be somewhat dictated by a 10-month-old!
Mmmm, sushi…I miss it!
Love some Mary Mac’s. Fantastic food. If we are going for an evening in the city…it is always one of the first picks for places to eat. Then, get a warm Krispy Kreme across the street:)
I saw ‘Wicked” when it came through atlanta this season:) I actually sat in almost the same spot as you and your ‘boyfriend’…just a few rows back. I loved it so much…cried at the end of Act 1…and all the way through “For Good”. Looks like a very special night for you and your man!
If you are ever looking for some good music…check out Eddie’s Attic in Decatur. Great atmosphere and always a fun show with whoever is playing that evening. We always will check out Derek Webb and Sandra McCracken when they play.
I so enjoy your blog Katie…and I love that you blog about local activities! Thanks so much!
I *just* booked our 10yr Anniversary trip yesterday to Mexico!!! It’s our 1st trip since our honeymoon, can you believe that?! (4 kids in less than 7 years’ll do that to ya.) I’m ridiculously excited. 🙂
I know you get that you look like Britney Spears a lot, but in the first picture, you look a lot like Kate Middleton.
Happy four years!
My husband took me to see Wicked several years ago for my birthday. It was awesome! I totally cried at the end of the first act.
We went to a wedding at the hotel across from the Fox – it looks so cool. And yay for Wicked!! Easily one of my most favorite shows (and I’ve seen A LOT)!!
We celebrated our first anniversary this past labor day. We spent the weekend at a b&b in Savannah (which I scored half price on groupon), ate our year old cake (which actually was delicious – we ate the whole thing!) and had a wonderfully romantic and fancy celebration dinner at the Olde Pink House. I got my husband this really nice stand up tool box set which I was pretty impressed with until he totally out did me with a diamond necklace!
Happy belated anniversary!
Looks like you guys had a terrific time.
Happy Anniversary too by the way!!
OoOh I’m totally jelous! I wanna see wicked! 🙂
You should make the most of just having one baby, you have more freedom. Just think of double middle of the night wake up calls… Ahh
We celebrated our 4 year anniversary the day before you (October 5th) Our annual tradition is to order Chinese food, and watch a movie. This year we had a precious addition with our 5 month old baby girl. Congrats and Happy Anniversary!
Yay for cami cakes! I am addicted – went there weekly when I was pregnant! 🙂 (and yes I did gain more than the recommended amount of weight and loved every second)
I couldn’t believe nobody had named that tune yet – good job! I drive my 13-year-old crazy by calling B.o.B. “Bob” all the time, but I really like that song.
I’m guessing no one else here watches South Park.
I’m just gonna go now.
Happy anniversary!!
Our one year anniversary is in 2 weeks, and guess what we’re are doing? Going to see Wicked!
our 4 year anniversary is actually TODAY! too bad we didn’t know each other about 4 years ago, we could have wedding planned together! 🙂
we are taking our little guy trick or treating tonight. in our little town, all the businesses host a trick or treating night around the town square. i guess the husband has something planned for next week. i’m sure it won’t be exciting. not the romantic type, that husband of mine.
Ditto on Jennifer’s comment — thanks to your husband, Sarah, and thank you, too!
Happy Anniversary, Bowers — you two are such an adorable couple!
We just celebrated four years of wedded bliss on October 20! Hooray for getting hitched in October 2007! I totally didn’t know that flowers and linen were the four year anniversary gifts, but somehow managed to get just that– we bought new bed linens as our gift to each other and my sweetie bought me a beautiful bouquet of fall flowers, the same kinds that we had at our wedding!
The Fox is beautiful! My sorority had our fall formal there one year and it was so much fun!
Congratulations! You certainly have done a lot in four years by the looks of your blog. Even beavers will point to you and say “Dang! That girl is busier than we are!” My parents surprised me for my 23rd birthday by taking me to see Wicked on broadway! A-May-Zing! I rarely get surprises like that for my birthday. It’s nice when someone really puts in some effort to make you happy even if it’s not their cup of tea… Unless the boyfriend is a musical superfan? He definitely deserves a pat on the back for a job well done!
Congrats on 4 years! We celebrated 4 years in July too! Happy anniversary! Can’t wait to hear about your trip!
We saw Wicked at the Fox on Oct. 4th! IT WAS SO AWESOME. I’d been waiting 3 years to see it since it came through last time (fall 2008) and I missed it. My husband’s off the hook for not taking me because we were still a month away from dating then (just got married in August).
I would add the Aquarium as an Atlanta must-see, and of course you’ve blogged about going to Stone Mountain, and there are tons more things to do! I love Atlanta!
oh how I LOVE the Fox. Been many times and, just like you, I totally snap pics every time I’m there. It’s just too frappin pretty NOT to. Happy Anniversary to you both! My hubs and celebrated #4 this year as well and saw Wicked on our 1st anniversary in NYC. Elphaba rocks.
Happy 4th anniversary. You two are the cutest couple…I know guys don’t like being described as cute 🙂 What a great anniversary you shared!
Triple post: YAY!! serious. I’m at work….but YAY!! A little bloggin’ never hurt anyone.
Haha, I saw that episode last night too! I clicked to check the comments to this post just to see if anyone made the connection! My husband and I LAUGHED because he takes me to musicals occasionally even though they’re definitely NOT his thing!
Happy anniversary, Bowers!
Happy anniversary! We just celebrated our 2 year at the beginning of sept. We live about an hour and 10 minutes from NYC, we went and stayed for the weekend in midtown while our 10 month old baby girl stayed at my mom and dads for the weekend. it was fabulous! It’s just so nice to be away and baby free, a mama really needs that. I cried of course when we dropped her off, but I got over it once i was out with my husband, i felt like a teenager! We went to see spiderman which was pretty awesome, the actors use all those harnesses and fly right above you, it was very unlike any broadway show I’ve ever seen before. Glad you had a great time with your boyfriend and good luck on the baby making : )
awww…I’m so flattered…she’s gorgeous 🙂
xo – kb
I’m gonna have to check this place out next time I go into town 🙂
xo – kb
I love me some “Wicked”. I have seen it 3 times so far. Twice in NYC with different people and once in Ottawa with my husband. Would totally go again. Multiple times. I love to use the “you have never seen ‘Wicked’? Let’s go” excuse to not seem TOO crazy. Love it! Glad you got to see it!
Happy Anniversary! What an amazing surprise! Can’t think of a better show to catch than “Wicked” for a special occasion. Back in my freshman year of college, my roommates and I spontaneously decided to go to NY over winter break (we’re in CA) to see Idina Menzel in “Wicked” before she left the Broadway show — best decision ever. I totally burst into tears during “Defying Gravity.”
Haha. Nice, brah!
What a coinkydink! My hubby surprised me with tickets to Wicked this past weekend for my birthday. Such an amazing show! And we went to a sushi place for dinner before the show. Maybe we’re twins separated at birth.
The FOX is awesome…such a great venue.
For food spots, number one is Holeman and Finch in Buckhead. They got voted the best burgers in America. Seriously! They only serve 25 of them at 10pm each night, or 75 on Sundays. We always get there around 9 to reserve our burger. Such a cool place.
Another great one is JCT Kitchen downtown off Howell Mill. The best food and a great deck and upstairs bar. Just a really neat place!
Happy Anniversary! I didn’t celebrate mine but I did get married! 🙂 October 8th is our anniversary and I can’t wait for next year to celebrate again!
Must be!
who knew?! 🙂
xo – kb
I live outside of Birmingham, and have been to the Fox Theatre a couple of times. It is completely gorgeous. I saw Cats there and Beauty and the Beast.
Happy anniversary!!!!!!! Sounds like you guys had a great time. I love the musical Wicked!!
Same here with my 16 year old. He just looks at me and shakes his head. LOL!
Happy Anniversary, Bowers! Looks like you had a wonderful celebration. I had to comment, because I am “frustratingly unpregnant” at this time, too. I just keep reminding myself to appreciate the little things in life while I patiently wait… like sushi. 🙂
Katie, you are GORGEOUS!
We have a place called the Fabulous Fox here in St. Louis and I saw Wicked there last year. Amazeballs! Hands down the best show I have seen there!!
Aww happy (belated) anniversary! Looks like you two had a blast. Our 3rd anniversary was yesterday, and we’re still celebrating! {check out our blog below if you’d like to see our anniversary week posts 🙂 }
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BOWERS! Such a good nite – so glad you got out and enjoyed yourselves. I love my kids but a night out with just the hubby is so relaxing 🙂
Alas, I was all set to see Wicked with friends but had a pregnancy complication (placenta percretia) and had to go into the hospital at 32 weeks. Our 2nd daughter was born 2 weeks later and she was totally worth it 🙂 But now I want to see Wicked more than ever!!!
Two Urban Licks is my favorite restaurant in Atlanta! We came down from Athens and ate there for our last anniversary… after going to the FOX!
I like what you said about indulging yourself in sushi because you’re not pregnant. My husband and I have been trying for over a year for our first. I like to think of things that make me feel better that I’m not pregnant. Right now it’s that we are moving in a new house. It would be difficult if I was throwing up or couldn’t lift anything. Still, I would rather be pregnant! 🙂
What a great evening! My husband and I just celebrated our 16th anninversary a few weeks ago and tickets to “Wicked” was my surprise as well!! Surprises are awesome!!
Watched the South Park episode last night and immediately thought of this blog post. Funny how things have such perfect timing.
Happy Anniversary!! You two are so cute!! We actually saw Wicked 2 weeks ago here in Richmond, VA! It was one of the best Broadway productions we’ve seen!
Oh my goodness!! My husband and I just celebrated our first year anniversary on 10/09 by seeing Wicked at the Fox!! And since the first year is paper we bought each other a Wicked poster and are going to frame it and our tickets!! Also… we sat in the same section that you did! Too funny!!! If we’d been there on the same night and I’d seen you guys I probably would have passed out from crazy fan shock! 😀 I guess Katie’s from Atlanta who have anniversaries in October must think alike!
Happy anniversary! Looks like a perfect celebration! And Katie I LOOOVVEE your dress…where is it from?
haha…actually it is an old maternity dress I got from Gap…but let me tell you, I did not have the body when I was pregnant with Will to pull it off…I don’t think it’s genetically possible…so I just wear it like a normal dress 🙂
xo – kb
Hey Katie,
My husband and I just celebrated our 2 year anniversary this past weekend. My husband surprised me with where we were staying. It was a beautiful cabin at the foothills of the Appalachians. Our pictures reminded me of the ones from your recent road trip! I posted about it on my blog… it’s not a home-decorating-do-it-yourself-blog, it’s actually about food but I loved the weekend so much I had to post about it.
Here’s the link if you want to check out the pics.
I enjoy reading your blog! I am especially excited that you mentioned the TMNT. Love those reptiles from my childhood! I’m in Atlanta and there are just too many good places to eat. I’m partial to the small neighborhood eateries near my house. Decatur has tons of great restaurants too. As far as other activities go, I love taking my daughter to Piedmont Park!
Sal Grosso Brazilian Steak House off of 285 close to Smyrna is meatiliscious. That is if you like meat beyond bacon. Men walk around offering their meat sausages, meat wrapped in bacon, thick, thin and always lovingly tender. Yum. It’s an all you can meat Thanksgiving without the turkey and dressing. My heart melts thinking about this place. What’s even better is lunchtime is like half-price..or you can sometimes (fingers and toes crossed) find a BOGO coupon. If you’re a carnivore by any means get some sometime:)
Anne – I think this is the dirtiest comment ever 🙂 I love it.
xo – kb
haha…small world!
xo – kb
Airplanes in the night sky were like shooting stars! I personally like the JT/Lady Gaga SNL Liquorville version…makes me laugh every time!
That’s what she said:-)
Happy Anniversary!
We’ve got up close and personal tickets for the Vince Gill, Amy Grant concert the week of Christmas at the Fox. Attending this show has become a tradition and because I already know how good it’s going to be, I can’t wait! We’ll have dinner at The Livingston before and make a night of it–sweet!
Thanks to everyone who made Atlanta restaurant suggestions. I’ve put them on our To-Do, To-Try list!
Thanks to Katie for spoiling us with so many fun posts. It makes for a happy day!
Wicked was just here in Richmond and my husband and I went to see it. We saw it the last time it came to town too and it was too good not to hit a second time. It’s such a fun show!
My husband and I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary October 6th as well! Congrats!
I just came across your website after my cousin turned me onto younghouselove. I love all of your stuff! It is def. an inspiration. My husband and I live in Baltimore MD with our mini daschund and I am a fellow love of all things crafty! I look forward to future blogs and getting inspiration from you to do my own DIY projects around the house.
Congrats on your 4 year anniversary!!!! We just celebrated 5 years this past wknd. We did it big and went to Vegas and renewed our vows with Elvis. It was a blast!! I saw Wicked last year in Houston and let me say that it was just awesome! I think that the cast they had was even better than the original cast! They were Outstanding!!! Congrats again. Oh, and we are dealing with the baby thing too, its been a lil over a year and very upsetting. ALL, ALL of our friends have gotten pregnant in the past year, so its been extremely hard for us to experience. I wish you the best and remember to hold and cuddle Will as much as you can!
The Flying Biscuit… best oatmeal pancakes ever!
We celebrated our 9 year anniversary on 10/26! We went to Helen for a night. The leaves were georgeous! Also I went to see Wicked on 10/2 with my sis and cousin. It was awesome!! And thanks for the post. We will have to try Mary Macs and some of the other places that were mentioned in the comments. We always eat at the same old places when we eat out. Amiccis in Monroe for pizza or waffle house!