Why did you start blogging?
Seriously. It’s not complicated. Just tell me if you blog & why you began in the first place.
I started this blog – Bower Power – for me. I wanted to release the millions of swimming thoughts inside my too-large-for-normal-river-rafting-helmets head. Also because I was and am a horrible communicator. You see…Jeremy comes from a divorced family. And it was kinda awkward when I repeated stories over and over to one side without telling them at all to the other. So I figured that this way, I could put it out there once…and then it would be up to the in-laws to check the blog. Basically it comes down to me being lazy.
But that’s my story. Sure, it’s evolved a little. I realized slowly but surely along the way that my audience was larger than my blood or married relatives. There’s like at least four people out there that are not a direct cousin. And it wasn’t till recently that I even went onto WordPress’ Blog Stats….and that was a shock. Like I almost checked my pants for amniotic fluid shock.
You can imagine my surprise when I saw this…
That’s over 250,000 hits in one month!
Do you realize that is purely organic growth? It’s not because of advertisements (didn’t have any) or because of press coverage (most I’ve had is being part of the DIY Blog Squad) or because Oprah put me on her Favorite Things List (my fingers are crossed for 2010)…
…it’s because of you!
You guys linked to Bower Power in your sidebar or in your blogroll or sometimes in a post and you send your readers over here….probably as a form of punishment…but that still counts. Or because you found something remotely interesting and you kept coming back for more Bower Power crack.
But the blog evolution doesn’t stop there.
NowI have a new reason to blog…I took on my first sponsor for the month of February. My goal was one sponsor and by golly, I am a weinner. Wanna meet the very first ABP Sponsor? Here they are – The Tile Shop:
They officially became Bower Power’s first sponsor this month and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Mostly because I like their tile. Like these:
And secondly because tiling is something that I am totally interested in. Obviously I’ve done it a time or two.
But also (and most importantly) I like having a sponsor because this means that I can do a giveaway for you readers (yes mom, you still qualify!). It’s like my little way of licking the hand that feeds me. So be on the lookout for a little something picked by me just for you.
So now…back to the original question – why do I blog? I used to blog because of laziness & a big head…and now I blog because of you guys. Anyone reading this is my reason…and might I add that you have wonderful taste 🙂 Now tell me your reason & then go drool over The Tile Shop’s goods…because they are real good. Like bacon-but-in-the-form-of-a-tile good.
You can be a weinner every Saturday at 9:30 at The Tile Shop. That’s when they offer FREE DIY classes. Save big and Do-It-Yourself. Also – all ABP readers who print this listing and present at the time of purchase receive 15% off their entire purchase. Online enter code ABP2010 at check out.
First sponser! Woo hoo!!
Congrats Katie B.
I started blogging because my good friend Lindsay was blogging and she wanted a blog friend. It started as a journal and turned into an inspiration folder and now it’s kind of going to back to being a journal. It’s been really fun to meet people (near and far) who share similar interests.
Congrats on your first sponsor!!!
I blog because I wanted to see if I had talent for writing, decorating, etc. I also blog because I wanted something that was just mine – not for hubby or kiddos or work – something that existed solely for my pleasure and challenge.
Congrats on your first sponsor… and 250,000 hits! That’s awesome!
I started blogging for the same reason… just a way to clear my head. Got that done in about 4 posts. And by that point, even I was bored.
Then I started doing photography on the side, and I thought I should resurrect the blog because it seems like anyone who is anyone in the biz has a blog. Purely the product of my Lemur mentality.
Ultimately, my spiritual gift of laziness took over, and I find that I’d much rather spend time reading your site than writing anything of my own. Thanks for bringing untold amounts of joy to an otherwise boring life!
I blog for a lot of the same reasons you do. We recently moved from Charleston, SC 4 1/2 hours away and don’t live near my family, so starting Cultivating Home was my way of staying in touch. My blog is my outlet for the things I love to do in the time I have outside of my day job. I look forward to posting everyday!
I blog because I love the little community it creates! And I love reading blogs because you can get great design ideas! Especially from your blog. Love, love, love it!
Congrats on your first sponsor!! That’s awesome.
I started blogging when we bought our house so our friends and family could stay up-to-date on our progress with minimal effort from me. So basically – laziness. Then I realized what an awesome blogging community is out there! I love getting comments from people who are also spending their weekends covered in sawdust and grout.
Congrats on your first sponsor!
This post was so great and so encouraging. I just started blogging about a month ago and it is thrilling for me to see 50 readers. 🙂 So 250,000 sounds amazing! I started blogging for me as well – I wanted let my creative side out and share what we were up to. I also started blogging because I spend my lunch hour reading all of my faves and you all are so inspiring! The community is a lot of fun, and long-term, it’d be great to work from home more when we have kids. Thanks Katie!
I didn’t really blog a lot until I was trying to plan a wedding and keep a lot of people in the loop as I went along. After the wedding, things fell off a bit until I started doing a little costuming work and now they’ve fallen off again.
I figure now that I’m pretty much obsessed with decorating blogs (like yours!), it might be time to revisit the blog world a bit more…AND jump into getting my house in order. Thanks for the inspiration!!
I’ve been blogging for 9 years….(on a different source before blogger)….yea…that puts me at writing online around the age of 16. My writing has definitely changed…and honestly, its been about a year of having an actual crowd coming to visit my blog-before that, I was talking to no one other then my mom and sister, most likely. Honestly? people who set out to make a ‘famous’ blog need to just stop…those are the ones we can all pick out in a crowd, and honestly, its kind of annoying. You can TELL when someone started blogging purely because they love to write and get their thoughts out. Like you, I’m better at communicating this way.
Keep it up…
the other kb
Congrats, Katie!!! I blog because I love the people who blog. It’s a fun group to be a part of. Plus, you learn interesting stuff. And seriously — it gives me reason to eat super good food, keep my house clean and our projects moving along, etc.
And congrats on your first sponsor! Better than mine . . . who happens to be my MOM. Haha 🙂
WaHoo! You are totally a Professional Blogger now… very, very proud of you my friend (and a wee bit jealous 😉
I started blogging as a way of getting out my feelings with my crazy first year of marraige that included my parents divorcing, my mom living with us, and my husband and I dealing with infertility. No one in real life knows about my blog!
I love yours and good luck with your little one!
Congratulations Katie! I started blogging because my fiance’s parents own the condo that we live in and we wanted to show them (and my family) what we were doing to make it prettier. It just makes things so much easier when your family lives far away. I’ve made a few blog friends and now I’m just in love with the community. (I’m no where near as big time as you though!)Keep up the good posts!
I’ll be honest, I first started blogging so I could apply to blog for Weddingbee. Which was so stinkin awesome. It was a great way to kick of the addiction!
Congratulations KB! : )
And don’t sell yourself short, you have that many hits because YOU are a great blogger! You put yourself out there in such a real way that I think so many people can relate to, as well as sharing fun and inspirational stories, crafting, DIY, etc. So I would like to give you some credit my humble friend – you totally deserve it! : )
Also, love that you asked this question about blogging. After I stumbled into the blog community, I couldn’t believe how much it ROCKS! I feel a little guilty for not having my own blog though to contribute. BUT I have a lot of reservations about putting that much of myself out there due to the type of work that I do and I’m not sure I could do a blog without completely being myself. So I’m really interested to read everyone’s responses!
Congrats! Tile = awesome! What a fun first sponsor!
I started blogging as a way to keep long-distance friends/family up to date on our latest. I also love it as a way to journal our every day happenings… I was an avid (paper & pen) journaler in middle/high school and filled like 5 notebooks with my babble about boys that I like. I’ve since switched to adoring photography and home decor, but it’s still the same release – I *heart* writing!
oh man I started blogging in 2001, my senior year in high school. I guess I wanted to document it? I really need to delete those old posts, they are scary!! Other friends were blogging on Open Diary so I decided to as well, from there I went to xanga, blogger, and back to xanga again. In 2007 I started a food blog on blogger because everyone was doing it, which I now have on wordpress. And when I discovered how wonderful wordpress was (love their stat tracker!!) I moved my personal blog over there as well. I blog my personal life to connect to other people out there and my food blog is an amazing tool to keep track of all of our favorite recipes, making meal planning much simpler! According to Google Reader 2,023 people subscribe to your blog Katie!! You’ve just gotta convince them to click out of reader and onto your actual site to get ad revenue from them 😉
Between my 2 blogs I have about 625 subscribers, and then the random folks that cruise in from google when they do a search for “oreo truffles” or “funfetti cookies”, my 2 most popular posts 🙂 Congrats on your first sponsor, I’m sure you’ll have many more!
Congrats to you, Miss Katie B!
I started blogging when I began designing and making my wedding dress last fall. I did it as a way to keep my (scattered) family and friends posted on my gown-crafting progress. It’s been really fun and I love using the blog as a way to stay connected with each project we undertake in our new home. Come visit and see our current craziness – a basement reno!
I started blogging years ago when I was in college. Remember Xanga? I don’t know if it was big anywhere else but it was big in my college, almost everyone had a blog on Xanga. Then there was a protest at my school and I started to document it on my blog and it got really big (in my college and alumni, mind you, not internationally or anything like that) and then the protest was over and I focused on my own life – so I stopped.
But then we moved to a new house last spring, and in the summer I discovered Young House Love, and after that ALL THE DECOR BLOGS including yours and I fell in love with that world… So I thought, maybe it is time to blog again. It’s also a great way to update my mom – otherwise she would pepper me with questions DAILY about the house. 🙂
I began blogging because it’s a great way to keep my family in friends in on life since we are so busy. Plus, I am passionate about fun girly things and serving the Lord, both of which the blog world has in great and encouraging proportions! My friends and students can get on my blog and see the thoughts of a normal person who otherwise is too busy to share all the details usually!
And I love your blog! My passions are similar to yours and I am certain our goals are as well. It’s so great to use the things that bring you joy to serve others! Way to be.
< Alex
I started blogging because I wanted to document, from the very very beginning, our renovation. Our home is such a diamond in the rough. I can see it finished in my head but when you look at it now it’s just a jumble of blue, red, yellow, green & dust. It’s a hot mess, actually. But I can “see” it finished. It’s grand; homey & welcoming, classy & quirky, surprising & totally “us”. I thought there might be a couple people who might find that interesting too.
My blog is a virtual best friend, as weird as that probably sounds.. It’s where I go to cry my heart out, where I can share my excitement on things that bore my husband to death, get ideas, gain constructive criticism, vent, share my projects and renovations, you name it. My blog is where I went after I graduated from my diary 🙂 P.s. Major congratulations on your very first sponsor, so cool!
I started blogging to have a way to share what was going on with my family… At first mostly home projects…. And then more people started reading when I got pregnant and recorded all the fun things along the way. I think we mostly have family and friends reading, but I have had a few random folks comment… Guess you never know!!
I have a journal on livejournal.com that I started in 2002. I use it to journal and keep up with friends. Haven’t written much lately though. I’ve been thinking of starting a blog somewhere else but not sure what I want it to be yet.
You have John and Sherry to thank for my readership! 🙂
I started blogging because it’s easier than sending pictures and updates out to people separately, and because I don’t do Facebook. Gasp! I know, there’s me, a grandma, and someone’s newborn baby, we’re the holdouts. I have four pets, including one too-cute-for-his-own-good Nebolish Mastiff named Tucker, a very handy McHusband who I have to brag about on a regular basis, and a house that I’m having fun fixing up and telling people about.
One of the first big projects we undertook in our new house was putting up a tile backsplash in the kitchen (http://mcmania-ourlifeasweknowit.blogspot.com/2009/02/backsplash.html) and guess what? We got our tile from The Tile Shop here in Raleigh!
good job! maaaaaybe people come here because you are awesome??
i started blogging for the same reasons as you – it’s a creative outlet for me and a chance to write for fun, and a way for my fam to see all the little things we do and have done to our house (bc i am vain like that.)
I blog because I love to read them. Figured I could document our life. I have more readers than I imagined and it’s crazy cause it’s not that interesting.
On the note of bacon. Visit http://www.thecometcafe.com. They use bacon on everything and on Sunday you can get a bottomless basket of bacon with a beer (obviously the beer isn’t for you). Saw it on Diners Driveins and Dives and thought of you.
I initially started blogging in 2005, but I wasn’t focused. I felt my blog was too personal to appeal to people outside my immediate family, plus as I started working a professional job I didn’t want all of my business and opinions on the Internet. I created a new blog in 2009 to document my favorite hobby: cooking. People always ask me for recipes and then claim they “can’t” cook, so I wanted an easy way to share recipes with family and friends. I can only dream that my blog would get as many hits as yours. It’s been about 6 months and I still get excited about comments from strangers. So I blog to document my favorite hobby and as a creative outlet.
I started my blog as a way to communicate with family and friends who don’t live nearby. Unfortunately, none of them bother to read it, so I guess now I just blog to give myself an excuse to write. And whine.
hahahaha I like your posts. They make me laugh.
And I started blogging way back in the day. Just because I like to talk, and that way I could “talk” and get it all out. Then I was in Europe and wanted to keep everyone updated on my life – then it was about posting what I learned in classes. And now – well I’m married and wanted to keep my relatives (who live far) up to date. and then I started finding all sorts of sewing & crocheting blogs. And my cousin and I just started a blog about being Newlyweds (not to each other) at newlywife.com So yeah, lots of reasons to blog. But mostly — for the community. I am now friends with people from all over, and I love it! (whew that was a lot. if you read the whole comment and it made sense – then more power to you!)
I blog as a way to document my progress..and my life.
My blog is very different from yours in that it is not home-decor related at all…but it involves the lives of my wonderful trick ponies.
I blog about their new tricks, and what they are learning. I blog about the pictures they paint. I just love to look back at how far they have come. But like you it is slowly evolving. What started out with one reader (me) now has many more. And I now enjoy sharing our triumphs (and failures) with the world. Kinda fun!
I started blogging so that I could keep a journal of my new puppy, and now that has evolved into a little community of dog owners. And, I agree with you.. I blog now because of my readers 🙂 I don’t want to let them down!
I started blogging to chronicle our journey with our new baby for out-of-town family and friends, and quickly realized it’s a great way to commemorate all the every day moments of sweetness we might otherwise forget.
I was a creative writing major before God pointed me to Nursing, so blogging has allowed me to flex that writing muscle again. So that’s how I became a writer-turned-nurse-turned-mama-turned-writer.
Congrats on your sponsor! I started blogging because I wanted to stop being the “anonymous” commenter. I just started blogging about random things and found that we were doing enough home renovations/updates that it seemed like a better fit than just random stuff!
I love your blog! I blog because don’t have the time to scrapbook, so it’s a fast and easy way to create a record of the things we do with our friends, families, etc. One day, I hope to print my blog in book form so we have a hard copy of it.
I just realized my email was wrong!
I started a blog when I moved to NYC and wanted my friends and family to be able to keep up with the goings on in our world. It’s nothing overly interesting for anyone other than people close to us!
I miss reading about your pregnancy experiance! I just found out we were expecting and heard the heart beat for the first time….I read thru alot of your posts again for reference- I miss your reflections on each month:)
Can’t wait to meet your little man!
Congrats on the sponsor 🙂 I know you are so psyched!
I started blogging for a somewhat similar reason as your ‘story sharing’. Our families all live in different states and I wanted a way to let them know what was up in our lives. I’m not a big phone person, and the idea of a monthly “newsletter” seemed a bit corporation-ey.
Then, my husband came up with the idea of a website and I’ve been hooked since!
Yay for you! 🙂 Congrats. I’m not surprised with all your readers…you are hilarious, you have great content and you write well.
I started blogging b/c I have 3 boys and I wanted to document their lives. I have journaled since the 6th grade…I also have a need to get the swirling thoughts out! I am really random and blog about whatever’s at the top of my head….whether it be what my boys are doing, decorating, crafts, food, or whatever.
Keep up the good work! I’m dying to see the rest of the nursery!
sweet, coupons!
congrats on your first sponsor!
i blog because i want to share with my crafty friends all the weird ideas, craft projects, home projects, and whatnot that pop into my head (which i think is normal-sized).
i read YOUR blog because YHL linked, and the first time i read your quippy, quirky commentary i was hooked.
so thank you! and congrats on that impressive view count!
I teach Jr. Kindergarten and I started my blog because I hear and see the funniest things with my 4 year olds. Someone encouraged me to start writing the stuff down and I thought, “well, why not write it on a blog and share it with others!” My blog has since turned into what my kids at school say and do, what fun things the hubs and I are experiencing, and what the Lord is teaching me.
Congratulations on your sponsor!
I blog because I need a creative outlet, and law school just doesn’t provide that for me. My secret desire is to be a wedding planner, but I have a feeling that God is calling me to do something different. Still, you have to follow your heart, right?
I started blogging because a lot of my friends and family live out of state. I’m not originally from this area, and I wanted to share our house projects with my loved ones. I started getting random comments from strangers and realized others were reading my blog too. Now I write for a creative outlet and to hopefully inspire and help others. 🙂
That’s exciting! I just got my first sponsor, but I am no where as big as you in the blogging world. Maybe one day, but if not, I guess that’s alright with me because I just like to share with anyone who will listen.
I started blogging after I found some decorating blogs (started with YHL and went on a spree from there). I realized that commenting on posts was not enough for me – I had things to say and I wanted to be a part of the “gang” of people who live their life in a budget-friendly, balanced way. Plus, being in college, I feel like I have no one to talk to about my passions, so letting it out in a blog has really helped me connect more with people like me.
I blog for a bazillion reasons, but here are just a few 🙂
1. I had a creative writing degree that was busy doing a whole lot ‘o’ nothing. It turns out I’m not very productive when there is no deadline hovering over me.
2. I’m a school librarian, and I read a lot of library blogs. Like, A LOT. I considered writing a library blog for about 2 seconds…
3. I discovered YHL through an article in our local paper and it opened up this whole new world of home décor/craft/food blogs.
4. Once I realized I could blog about all the home stuff I already do, I was sold!
5. Having a blog has pushed me to create on a regular basis, something I think I need to do to be a more joyful person. (I was the weird kid in youth group with a homemade duct tape purse, before it was cool to make things out of duct tape – Now I’m the weird librarian with the duct tape purse!)
6. Added blogging bonus – I love how so many home bloggers (you included) are so real about their faith. I have been blessed and encourage by posts, and I have also held my laptop with tears streaming down my face – in awe of how our God uses something as crazy as blogging to touch hearts!
Thanks for sharing your life with us, and congrats on your first sponsor!
Congrats on breaking the quarter million. Soon you can be McD’s with “billions and billions served!” And hooray for beautiful sponsors!
I started our blog, Huneycutt Happenings, back in 2005 when my husband (a helicopter pilot in the Army) first deployed to Iraq. We used the blog to keep our family updated on his deployment and reduce the panicked phone calls that would inevitably come every time an aircraft went down in theatre. Nearly five years later and about to start our third combat deployment, our blog is still going strong and serves to document all aspects of our lives and hobbies. Thanks to great bloggers like you all, we are learning more about how to improve our blog and how to make the most of the opportunities it presents. Thanks for all the great inspiration!
I originally started to blog to promote my new etsy shop a few years ago. Then I found home decor and mommy blogs and couldn’t get enough, so I changed the direction of my blog. Now I blog because I enjoy it. It gives my something to do that is all mine.
I stumbled upon the blog world after the death of my two favorite magazines. I was searching for some decorating/design eye candy. It was love at first sight. I started my own blog recently as a way to meet like minded bloggers. An unintended bonus was that it motivated me again to get back to work on my house. I had a bambino in September and sort of put the house on the back burner during my pregnancy. Blogging has given me something just for ME! A few people have stopped by and it has been fun so far.
Congrats on the sponsor and having so many readers. I think it is TOTALLY your bacony sense of humor that brings us back. You are too funny!
I started blogging because I wanted to share photos of things I was making and didn’t want to send out a mass email. Now I blog about house projects and crafting goodness and started selling the things I was crafting. It’s been an interesting experience.
I started blogging because everyone was always asking me to find things for them on the Internet…now I blog my finds daily. It even crossed over into having shopping segments on 2 Atlanta radio stations.
I haven’t blogged in a while, but I had a blog for a couple of years. It started because my best friend lived on the other side of the country and we couldn’t talk every day. So we both started blogs. Gradually, more and more of my friends (and their significant others and friends) started reading. After I moved, I got out of the habit, but I hope to start another one just because I liked having a place to spill out random thoughts.
I started blogging because of the network it brought. I love DIY but lacked resouces. A friend of mine suggested I check out YHL and my first day looking at their site I found you…and your blog has many many things that I’m extremely interested in learning more about. One, photoshop…i’m so ignorant, two-photography…your wonderful at it! Three (and most important–humor) You’re hilarious and that is a must in my world. My only blogging delima is that I feel like I”m writing to NO ONE. What is your advice on getting the word out there (i’m at a disadvantage because no family reads my blog). You should give an advice post one day!! yay! Also…congrats on your first sponser!!!!! That’s amazing!
I started blogging because I live so far away from my family and ordination committee that I just wanted a way to keep in touch with them. But it definitely morphed into something else – I’m still trying to figure out what, exactly, it is, but I’m happy to – two years later – still be doing it.
I started blogging because I LOVED your blog and thought is was a great way to share news with my family who are 1654 miles away, hence the name 1654milesaway, esp. now that we are remodeling our bathroom.
It’s such an easy way to share photos and daily happenings with them. It’s a total knockoff of your blog. Mine is not good, but imitation is the best form of flattery, right?
Congrats on your first sponsor! That’s awesome. And 250,000 hits? I’m jealous! You have such a great writing style though and are such fun – it’s no wonder people love you!
I started blogging way back in college during the Xanga/LJ days when I did a summer internship across the country. It was mainly for family and friends to keep in touch. Then I stopped blogging for a number of years, and have recently picked it back up again to chronicle married life and our new (old) house. I love it and I love the community!
Congrat for your stats – it IS great. I only have a teacher-student college blog, but it seems to double the number of visitors every 3 months. I live very far from you and just popped in. 🙂 Love your blog.
Congrats on your first blog sponsor!
I started blogging as a college class assignment (just after I started reading design blogs) and wasn’t really into it b/c I didn’t think I was very creative or had much to say so I quickly gave up. I had been reading blogs of people who are designers for a living and was feeling so under qualified to write a blog.
Then I found blogs like Young House Love (which led me to your blog which I am so happy for) and realized blogs can be a little more personal. So basically, you inspired me to start my blog! And it’s a great way to keep in touch with my family (the closest of them live 3 hours away) so I’m grateful for that. That’s why you come up in my blog a bunch even though I’ve only been blogging for about a month.
Actually, I just finished reading “Your Money Counts” and am writing a post on it now. I found the book on your blog and I really think it will help me. 🙂 So…
Thanks for blogging, Katie!
I was laid off and I am one of those can’t-sit-still kind of people. I have two kids, like to take pictures, I like to craft and cook, I had to find a way to showcase all the the things I like to do. Afterall, I had time (when the kiddos were in school). I enjoy your blog!
I started blogging for a few reasons:
1. I was going through a lot of changes in my life and I wanted to keep a “journal” or way to remember everything.
2. As a way to relax and spill my thoughts
3. A lot of people in the past have told me I should sell my crafts or share them with others, so I thought this would be a good outlet
Blogging is addicting, but it’s also great to create a community of other who enjoy doing the same things you do : )
Katie, I read your blog everyday and it actually inspired my to start blogging over the overwhelming feeling of decorating a new home. I know you have a love for bacon. I had to share this with you. I know you can’t enjoy it now but, maybe after the baby. http://www.bakonvodka.com/ – Bacon Vodka
Congrats on your blogging growth! How great! You definitely deserve it! I started blogging this past August just as a way to feed my passion for writing and, as you said, communicating these crazy thoughts and ideas going on in my head. Whether they come from trying to live thrifty, being a new homeowner, being a newlywed, my faith, or being a teacher…I always have something I want to share with others. I am so blessed with the itty bitty growth I have seen in my blogging world over the past couple months…I can only hope to grow beyond my family fan-base as well. hehe. Thanks for the inspiration, as always!
Yeah Katie!! Look at those STATS, Girl!! So excited for you! I blog because technology is fun to play with and I can’t keep a journal or a scrapbook consistently to save my life. So I blog with the full intention of turning our every day life into a book to be published yearly. (just for us, a little yearbook, if you will!) I have this dream of basically having a bookcase of them that someday our grandkids would read when they really wanted to know who we are. Or even that I could look back and see pictures of our pets as babies, or showing our kids someday what our first house looked like. That, and someday when there are babies in our family, the in laws can see them as often as I post in addition to calling and visiting, etc.
Oh, and if it really does float your boat as much as you say, here’s a link to the cupboard I emailed you about painting. The final project isn’t’ finished yet and the pictures are dark and uninspiring, but I hope you’ll come back to see the finished product!
….aaaannndddd I forgot to give you the link. Excellent blogging skills, way to go. Here it is!
I started blogging to get reacquainted with my creative side. I used to read and write when I was young. Blogging allows me to do that again. It allows me to be reflective. I also enjoy connecting with people who relate to my blog.
Congrats on all of your hits. (I just started my blog…so my goal is 100 for now…lol)
I started a blog just so I would have a screenname to type in when I left comments on other people’s blogs. Then I started writing my own posts to share ideas and ask questions about decorating. I have a personal blog on xanga and use blogspot as my “decorating, organizing, cleaning, etc.” blog.
Did you notice the huge jump your stats made in December 2009? I chalk it up to that fan-freaking-tastic Pottery Barn-esque Advent Calendar. I mean that thing is AMAZING! You should leave it up all year round and make everyone who walks in your house worship it ~ that’s how amazing it is! Uhhh I hope that’s not blasphemous…anywho…
In case you are wondering, I follow your blog for 3 main reason:
#1 I love your usually inexpensive, “hey-I-think-I-can-do-that”, DIY projects
#2 Your posts have lots of variety {not too homey, not too personal, but juuuust right
#3 You are freaking hilarious
The end!
Feel free to stop by my blog sometime. I certainly don’t have over 200,000 followers {wow…seriously…wow} but maybe it’s worth a glance 🙂
I think above all I started blogging to keep from going crazy during my stint as a first-time stay-at-home-mom. It helps me to feel useful, even though I have my “this is sort of pointless” moments.
I blog because my friend has a blog here: http://www.leahsfavoritethings.com/my_favorite_things/
and I was always wanting her to put my things on her blog, so I started my own last month, here: http://willworkfordecor.blogspot.com/
I think this is great. I think I would like to start a blog, i just REALLY can’t imagine that anyone would be interested in the things I have to say. I don’t really do anything all that interesting on a day to day basis. ie. i’m sitting here drinking my coffee watching pinky dinnky doo. And no one wants to read that! I would love if you could write a post about how your blog became successful. How do you decide out of the mundane things in life what to write about? And how do you know that other people are going to take an interest in it? Are you inspired by other blogs? And btw congrats on your sponsor, that’s a big deal!
I started blogging because I realized I was emailing my sister a hundred times a day with all the funny/pretty/cute/interesting things I found and she was getting overwhelmed. Now she can just check my blog when has a few minutes and when I started posting the links on my Facebook, I found that a bunch of other people are interested in some of the same stuff.
I started blogging for almost the same reason.. Too many thoughts swimming around up there in my noggin and it was driving me crazy! That, and everyone telling me I needed to do something involving home decorating/design or fashion or something. So I finally took the leap when we finished building our second house.
I still feel from time to time like no one’s reading it but thankfully I do get comments from friends & family that spur me on! I’m due April 2 with our first baby so I’m hoping to devote more time to the blog once I’m not working fulltime anymore. I’m sure you can relate 😉
Congrats on your first sponsor! Thank you to The Tile Shop for keeping ABP up and running. And also awesome job on 283,720 hits for Jan.!
I started a blog because I love writing and wanted to have an outlet to share my weirdness with the world. My dog seemed like a worthy topic, as I don’t yet own my own home and don’t have any kids. Now that it’s up and running I’m not sure the blogosphere views Hamlet as so worthy but we’ll get there someday.
I started blogging several years ago after my daughter was born. I have a lot of family that lives elsewhere in the US and I wanted to keep them all up to speed on our life with our new baby. Soon after she was born, I got interested in learning how to sew and started adding posts about that a bit here and there on the blog. Only a handful of people that read my (private) blog were actually interested in that, and I wanted a way to share with the greater blogging/crafty/sewing community, and so “Skooks’ Playground” was born. It’s been so different (and quite fun) to “go public.” I’ve met a lot of cool people already. It’s also encouraged me to be more open with commenting than I was previous. I’m trying to be more of a blog participant and less of a blog stalker since I started my new blog. 😉 Even though it’s something I enjoy and would do anyway, it’s fun to hear from others who are looking at my stuff/are into handmade fare and hear about the projects they’re doing/what they like.
I check ABP because you make me laugh. Congrats on your first sponsor. 🙂
Congratulations on the amazing traffic and happy birthday! My first blog focused on my knitting. Through that I met a lot of amazing people I never would’ve known otherwise. I decided to blog about my house because I can’t seem to shut up about it in real life and I might as well also torment any random online people who might stop by. It’s also a good way for me to keep track of my projects and keep my dad in the loop of what I’m doing.
I started blogging after our son was born and we lived in Richmond, VA and our family was across the country. It was great to be able to share pictures and stories with them and like you, not feel like I was repeating myself with every conversation.
I started a new blog last week to detail my obsession with renovating our house, cooking and turning a thrift store find into something amazing.
I started bloging for the same reason you did. Too much in my head, wanted a creative way to put it out there and share with everyone I know (and some i don’t!)My view graph look s a bit different than yours but it’s coming along 🙂