I used to do this thing where I would just have a post with things I bought lately. It wasn’t fancy. It wasn’t a project or inspiring. But it was like girlfriend talk where you tell someone your story about running errands and then the baby having a blow out so you had to run out to the car and while you did that, you got poop on your shirt. Thank goodness there was a store nearby because you absolutely had to finish the errands because five year old birthday parties were happening the next day so you had to then buy yourself something that didn’t look like a mustard elf just attacked you….also now you have to start keeping an outfit change for yourself in the car. All of that. All of that actually has happened before. Several times.
Soo…this is that post. This is the post where I tell you that I need more skinny jeans and preferably ones that will feel like maternity jeans or leggings because food happens. And Will needs shoes. Because wow those feet just grow like overnight. And I already have the boys Easter outfits but now comes the hard part – a dress for me. And I got a great deal because I used two discount codes and three gift cards and two reward codes and basically paid $1.75 for $300 worth of stuff. And if anyone knows where to get a nursing friendly, tummy tucking one piece bathing suit that doesn’t cost $85 I am all ears. Speaking of ears – we booked our Disney trip and yeah….it’s got me RIDICULOUSLY excited to introduce my kids to the land of Mickey and Minnie 🙂
also! Have you gotten into the Pillowfort line at Target yet? I am loving it! I already bought two of the monogram pillows and then two comforters for the boys. I have been looking for the comforters forever and am so glad to finally find them! Winning!!! They go great with the madras quilts and the boys told me that they were so beautiful that they promise not to draw on them 🙂
So that is what is up with me. All the items I bought lately are linked below!
What have you bought lately and why? Let’s be girlfriends and share!!!
I totally get this kind of post. My husband looks at me like I have lost it when I am super excited that at meijer stacking discounts and mperks and coupons I was able to get 2 pairs of leggings for $8!!! or that I think “I need more dresses to wear with leggings” because leggings are awesomely comfortable but they ARE NOT pants. And then I wonder if it is weird that I want enough leggings and dresses to wear everyday of the week because it looks nice but feels like pajamas.
The pillowfort stuff is cute. I did buy one of the fabric bins to use as a laundry hamper in our bedroom. Boys do grow overnight. My current childrens clothing dilemma is pants …..all I do is buy pants! My son is growing out of an 8 but swimming in 10’s. He needs a suit for his first communion (so excited for this) in a month but I am terrified that whatever I buy now so he can wear it for Easter might not fit in a month.
I love these types of posts because they do make me feel like we’re amigas IRL. Real-life conversations don’t have just one topic or an organized flow or perfectly curated tutorials. Which blogs should have most of the time, but hey, it’s nice to have a natural “here’s what’s on my mind girlfriend” kinda moment here and there.
ALL THAT SAID, Old Navy has some really cute stuff this season! Merrick over at Merrick’s Art just posted some adorable things from them yesterday. I should check it out.
Recently I got these pants from GAP and they are so comfy and still work appropriate. I want all the colors now! http://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=129975052&vid=1&locale=en_US&kwid=1&sem=false&sdkw=girlfriend-chino-P129975&sdReferer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F
Also, this http://www.target.com/p/women-s-v-neck-tunic-who-what-wear/-/A-50479834#prodSlot=large_3_1 which makes me feel so pretty and elegant and teeny tiny because of how well it drapes.
You are totally holding out on us with that discount code/ reward code awesomeness. Where did you buy the boys’ Easter outfits? Teach us your ways, oh wise one. And the Bowers in Disney? I’m weirdly excited to see the pics when you get back!
I love this idea!
My favorite recent purchase has been some prints from Katie Daisy. We are expecting a baby girl in June, so these are for her nursery. 🙂 My mama used to tell me to “rise and shine” as a kid, so I got one of these in her honor: https://www.etsy.com/listing/102021008/rise-shine-print-watercolor-quote?ref=hp_mod_rf
I did 6 prints total, framed in white, and hung them in a grid over her crib. Very proud of myself for managing to get the grid right on the first try, without putting a zillion holes in the wall! (It only took 15 years of home ownership to achieve that feat….)
I’m still on the hunt for a few more pieces of artwork to finish her room. I have been stalking Home Goods but so far nothing has stood out to me as being exactly what I want. I’m waiting for inspiration to strike!
Haha loved this! I’ve recently been stocking up on uniform clothing because my babies will start pre-k next fall ! Eek! Also bought them new shoes for the spring/summer. I love saltwater sandals for my daughter (got her a RED pair this year!) and bought some Natives to try for my son which I love love! And literally just purchased matching dresses from Old Navy for my 3-year old daughter and me. Oh yes I did. I’m thinking a Mother’s Day photo sesh is in order. I’m ridiculously excited. 😀
Have you tried Lands End for suits? I always get mine there, but get a 2-piece! They have a bottom that goes up past your waist (to hold it all in after baby) and I get a tankini that you can slouch up on the side. They have some with a thicker strap and a sweetheart bustling (as revealing as I need, but also holding the girls up) I never pay full price, there’s always a coupon code at the top of their website. (But I almost always get it from the clearance or last-chance section) They are very true to size and I like that I can get a bigger bottom and a smaller top (seriously. My boys have wreaked havoc on my body) And I get the boys’ suits and rash guards there too. And the hubby’s. And I get the boys some sandals also. (And we live in WI where they have a Lands End Inlet Store at our local outlet mall. Love, love love Lands End and their quality for the price. (Again. I never pay full price. Ever!) And I can hand down from the 1st boys to the last. Seriously.
Love those Kitchen towels, they reminded my of ” Sue the Napkin” and yes I did remember that John and Sherry named their napkin “Sue the Napkin”. Haha! I’m a total dork! Ive been trying to not shop to much lately but I did buy some fun clear vases at Goodwill that I plan to Decoupage with fabric like this!https://www.pinterest.com/pin/118923246383996293/ I also bought Lowly the worm for my nieces birthday. If you don’t know he is he’s pretty cute and I bet your boys would think so. http://www.amazon.com/Richard-Scarrys-Busytown-Mini-Plush/dp/B005JZHUAE/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1458675889&sr=8-2&keywords=lowly+worm So there you go that’s what Ive bought lately and I might need to order those kitchen towels 🙂
Katie! You need to check out the swimsuits at Walmart. Yes, Walmart. Last year I got the cutest polka dot, retro cut, ruching on the belly one piece. I was going to buy something very similar from ModCloth until I found this gem for $36 at Walmart. Unfortunately, they carry different clothing by region but it’s worth checking out.
I’m obsessed with the Pillowfort line! I haven’t bought anything yet but I’m dying to. I’ve been buying a lot of wood/hardware for a few different projects, and I just ordered myself a new pair of ankle boots that I’ve been swooning over for a few weeks now!
I bought two pairs of ankle boots this year and wear them both in rotation! You won’t regret it!
xo – kb
OOoohhh….good recommendation!
xo – kb
Saltwater sandals always remind me of Kelle Hampton’s blog! Her girls always have red ones and they are adorable! I will have to check out the Natives! also – MATCHING IS EVERYTHING.
xo – kb
Well…the boys outfits are Gymboree and I did it a few weeks back. I recommend following Hip2Save – they have awesome discounts posted every day!
xo – kb
The bowls are adorable! You should tell me what happens when you attempt the decoupage!
xo – kb
I haven’t tried them…I get so nervous when I can’t try things on! I do have one of their extra large tote bags and we used for toys when we travel…but never have tried the clothing!
xo – kb
CUTE! I love Katie Daisy work! I can’t wait to get her new book – I have dropped some serious hints about it to Jeremy 🙂
xo – kb
Those Gap pants are adorable! I love colors for pants – it makes my outfit feel happy!
xo – kb
Ahhh! I feel you! Will’s legs literally went through three sizes in three months.
xo – kb
This is so cute – I love the dresses 🙂 I’m on the hunt for a new duvet cover right now, but I can’t settle on a style so I’m going a little crazy 😛
I stalked this retro-modest suit on Amazon for months- ended up getting the black for under $50 and the teal for $35! (regular price is $143!) I keep my size/color combo in my cart and obsessively check the prices. if you watch closely, it really drops! briefly!
Seafolly Women’s Goddess Boyleg One Piece Swimsuit, Black, 6 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007GB55N8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awd_lgG8wbAVPPYMK
I remember these posts! I’ve been following along to Bower Power since before Will was born!
I just got so many goodies at Homegoods I was compelled to snap about it (emilymcboyle) even though I purchased mostly gifts (luckily, the receivers are not on snapchat). Still, one simply doesn’t leave Homegoods without treating oneself.
I picked up a bright yellow Le Creuset grill pan, an oversized bottle of coconut/avocado oil blend, the prettiest floral oven mitt (http://www.ulsterweavers.com/emily-gauntlet.html – WAY cuter in person, very bright and Spring-y, and I just found out it shares my name so there’s that), 2 huge candles, DinoBlock book, Owl’s Brew tea and (no joke) 11 bags of YumEarth licorice (free of everything AND delicious, I recommend strawberry). My girlfriend and I take turns cleaning out our local Homegoods of YumEarth licorice and sharing the bounty. It’s that good.
I got it all under $200, too! BAM!
Also, Snapchat needs the Bowers. Just a thought! 😉
YAY! Emily it is so good to read your comment! And I love this whole Tea trend – you must teach me! I need to jump on that train!
xo – kb
It’s hard, right?! I have one on my bed and apparently Ikea’s idea of a king size duvet is very different than my idea 🙁
xo – kb
Woah! That’s awesome! I will have to check out Amazon because that’s a huge drop!
xo – kb
I always thought of Land’s End as an old lady clothes brand until I tried one of their dresses a year ago. Love their clothes now — especially the dresses! They have a lot of great new tankini styles out now. Give them a try. It is easy to return by mail!
Lands End suits are great!
Liverpool Jean company Sienna Jean leggings. Look them up. Amazon has them. They are maternity jeans for non-pregnant chics and feel like butter. Worth.every.penny. I promise! I swear every mom needs a pair!
Nothing as exciting as everyone else. I bought an undercounter light for the kitchen. Our old one died. I tried replacing it with the same thing from Ikea but it’s been discontinued. We couldn’t figure out how to install the replacement (had us both baffled). So quick trip to Lowes and it’s lights on.
I love this! I just ordered an Easter dress for my little girl on ThredUp, and found myself a cute jacket to wear with my dress. We will be matching and totally corny and exceptionally beautiful! I’m so excited. She’s 4. She loves looking like Mommy still, so I’m TOTALLY taking advantage of it!. 🙂 Yay. We are wearing royal blue this year, which feels really dark for Easter, but the print and cuts are really fun and playful, so hopefully it will be fine. Also, LOVE those Old Navy FlipFlops; I never think to go there. ugh.
And those tea towels would be a great throw pillow. I’m currently working on an office overhaul and they would look great in there with some free marine prints from NYC public library.
Thanks for sharing this fun train of thought post. Super fun!
I didn’t know she had a book! I will check it out. I have two of her prints in my son’s room too, and they are my go-to baby gifts (even though I don’t usually buy artwork for other people – the rules go out the window when it comes to babies).
I second Rebecca’s suggestion. I bought the same swimsuit last year, and it was SO comfortable. I felt cute in it, and still modest, which is a plus. They do not always have them in stores, but they are available online! Here’s the link below. I have the Serrano Pepper color (green).
Lands End is great (excellent return policies) but pricy. I’ve always had good luck with JC Penny, and I think they are doing a 30% off sale right now.
That sounds amazing!
xo – kb
Hooray! We have a light in the kitchen that has a short in it and it flicks off all the time and IT DRIVES ME CRAZY. I get it – lights are needed 🙂
xo – kb
NO WAY! Royal is totally fun for Easter! We did Navy several times!
xo – kb
Bought myself a new pair of running shoes! Happy feet! I also scored a Marmot vest at TJ Maxx for $40, normally $90.
Katie, my dear Katie, spend the $85 on the swimsuit. Seriously. You will not be sorry. The difference between an $85 or $100 suit and a $20 suit is, well, you get what you pay for. Check out MiracleSuits and Lands End. I only buy Lands End swimsuits. They are quality and will last years and the sizing is pretty spot on.
So do the Lands End suits suck you in? Because that is really what I need – something that holds my belly from falling out all over the place.
xo – kb
Best (cheap) bathing suit ever is Suddenly Slim by Catalina at Walmart. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Suddenly-Slim-by-Catalina-Women-s-Slimming-Shirred-Halter-One-Piece-Swimsuit/29507940
It definitely sucks you in. I’m 5’6″ and a size 10-12, and I wear a large. My only complaint is that the bottom is too full coverage for my liking, but I’m willing to deal with that. There are tons of reviews (with pictures!) online. Can’t go wrong for $35.
This is the exact suit I was going to recommend! I got one in red. I’ve nursed in it. It really helps with the post baby belly. And the return policy at Walmart is great, so if you don’t like it, just return it. My cousin has the leopard one. They didn’t have all these color options when I got mine a couple years ago. There are some super cute ones!
Last year I got some black boy short bottoms (N Solid Boyshort Bottoms – Women’s) at Kohl’s and then a top that was a slimmer (Croft & Barrow® Tummy Slimmer D-Cup Tankini Top – Women’s). I wanted a two piece option, I nurse comfortably in that too. It came to less then $40 after coupons. But I’m not seeing those available at the moment.
I had seen a young girl in boyshorts and a racerback tankini and convinced myself that I had to have that look. She looked so comfortable, cute and covered up. But the racerbacks didn’t come with tummy control…
Ok I guess that means I need to go to Walmart STAT!
xo – kb
You can also return Lands End items at Sears stores.
Aww nice! You have some really awesome picks! Love the crafts book for the Holidays and the Mickey plushie! Too cute! >.<
Rabecca/ http://www.midnightburnout.com/
They won’t make you instantly thin but they are tight/snug around your midsection to suck you in.
Try Democracy skinny jeans! They make you feel like you are wearing pajamas and have a hidden elastic waist! I bought my first pair at Notdstram Rack, and loved them so much, I got another pair in black at Younkers Department Store. You will live in them!
Good to know!
xo – kb
That Mickey is also a little backpack – there is a little pocket for treasures in the head! 🙂
xo – kb
My swimsuit rec – Athleta! Defintely shop the sale section but I got two great suits from there last summer, one tankini (that is actually long enough that my stomach doesn’t peek out when I stretch) and a one-piece. Both are a nice, thick material with underwires!!! and I ended up getting both for around $70. Plus, they had free returns and exchanges so I easily was able to get a different size in one suit. Very nice quality!
I used to get that catalog…I wonder why I don’t anymore?!
xo – kb
This is my kind of post. 😀
So…I just bought the kids new flip flops from Old Navy because…duh. #thebest My 3.5 year old boy HAD to have the black/grey whale ones. He wants to go back to Sea World so badly. The kids will probably outgrow them by the end of the summer. :/ Just picked up a dress for me from Land’s End. It’s nursing friendly and super colorful! I can’t wait to wear it! And this weekend we’re picking up some new bookcases from Ikea to go in our living room along with a new secretary desk for me.
And there goes our budget for the next several months…oh well.