I walked over to the sink and started to wash my hands. Yup…my hair still looked good. I couldn’t believe it. I was gonna have the baby. The day was here…I am not leaving this hospital until this baby is born. I smiled at myself. I would have another son. I reached over to grab a towel, and all of a sudden, I felt a warm gush of fluid.
“Are you kidding me!?” I said aloud and looked down at my pants.
I snatched at the paper towel machine…waving beneath the censor frantically…grabbing as many as the gray box would spit out at me. I quickly pulled up my green dress that was acting like a tunic over my enormous bump and looked to see if my pants were soaked. I expected everything from my thighs to my ankles to be soaked. Confusion set in. It didn’t seem that bad. It was comparable results to a big sneeze. I went back into the stall to assess the situation before heading back to meet Jeremy.
“Jer.” He was still looking down at the paperwork he had to fill out.
“Jerrr.” I slurred his name into three syllables in order to get his attention.
“uh huh?” Still looking down.
“Umm…I think my water might have broken. I’m not really certain.” I could hear the crazy in that statement.
“What?” He finally looked up.
“Nevermind. I don’t know. Let’s go.”
“Wait.” He was now confused too.
“I don’t know honey. I think it might have. This would only happen to someone like me…that I wait two weeks…that I work for a month to get this baby to come out…and the moment we are checking into the hospital that my body decides it’s time. It’s ridiculous.” He could see the frustration in my face. the confusion. the tiredness. He put his arm around me and didn’t say anything. He just knew that it wouldn’t help to talk right now.
Our hospital delivery room was really quite large. I changed into my gown and waited patiently for the nurse. Jeremy and I passed those silent moments with our phones in our hands…sharing snapshots online…our thoughts filling the room. I hoped my mom could remember how to work her phone to see the pictures. I hoped Will was alright. I hoped he wasn’t too rowdy or disobedient. He probably didn’t even realize we were gone with Cole there by his side. My brain ran with each rabbit trail.
My nurse finally arrived and gave me the run down. She would have to hook me up to an IV….she needed me to repeat all the general information from my previous birth….she would have to hook me up to continuous monitoring because this would be a VBAC. Then she asked if I was having any contractions. Yes. Yes, I was. And I think my water broke about thirty minutes ago.
I told her the situation. I explained why I was confused. She seemed to understand.
The following hour revolved around determining whether or not my water had in fact broken and if the baby was in the right position. In the end, the little blue stick stated YES…it was amniotic fluid…not pee. And yes, the baby was head down and sunny side up. I was officially in labor.
Shift change brought in a different nurse. I remembered from Will’s birth that different nurses could be the best thing ever and I crossed my fingers that the new nurse would be exactly what I needed. That is when Colette walked in.
Colette was a beautiful middle aged black woman with a short haircut and delicate gold bracelets on her wrist. She was thin and gentle looking and spoke with a island accent. I immediately loved her. She always gave way too much information. I would ask a simple question…sometimes not even realizing what I wanted to know…and her matter-of-fact way of talking and the strings of answers that came from her soothed me. She talked about my doctor, the situation, his general procedures with girls attempting a vaginal birth after a caesaren. I could feel myself calming internally with each word.
I asked her outright…”So since my water broke, does that mean that I still have to be induced?”
“We will ask your doctor. For now, we will monitor the contractions to see if they progress. I’ll come back in about ten minutes with more info.”
I got out of bed and started pacing the four steps that my IV and monitors strapped to my belly would allow. Back and forth. Back and forth. The non-slip hospital socks felt like stones in my feet and I desperately wanted them off. My sweet sister had arrived with her husband and they brought a giant bag of peanut M&M’s and a two liter of soda for Jeremy. For the next two hours, my contractions continued. But I could tell something was off.
Colette came in with an update a little later. She told me that Dr. Tate had been monitoring my contractions on the computer but they were very slowly progressing. Basically he would let this happen on it’s own but if by morning nothing picked up, I would need to have the Pitocin.
It was just the news I wanted. I could at least try. I asked Colette if he said anything about the monitors. I needed to walk if the contractions had any chance of getting more intense and being tethered to a four step track didn’t help. She said she had asked that already and he said I could walk the halls. Everything in me rejoiced. Finally I had found a doctor that wanted me to give my body a chance before telling me that I couldn’t do it. I turned to Jeremy and said “Let’s go!”
The socks were immediately ripped off my feet and I was ready for walking.
The first hour passed. and the second. the third. fifth. and around 3:30 am, I told Jeremy that it would be nice to take a little break. I laid down for my ten minutes of monitoring and closed my eyes hoping that my contractions would wake me back up and hoping at the same time they would let me sleep just for one hour.
My eyes shot open. What happened?! What was going on? Did I really just fall asleep? I pulled my phone up and saw that my alarm was going off for 5 am.
“Jer. Jeremy…we need to keep going. C’mon.” He looked exhausted. But I didn’t care. I needed to make progress. I needed to work. This was it and an hour and a half sleep was just enough to get me going. I swung my bare feet back onto the hospital floor….shuffling over to him. He stirred.
“C’mon honey…the contractions…they stopped….and I need to get them going again. Pleeese. please get up and come with me.” I pushed my IV stand towards the door. He grunted and stretched his head to one side.
Our same pace continued. We pushed on. Every now and then I would stop and reach for him…rocking back and forth as I relaxed into a contraction. But they were all the same. Nothing bigger and nothing closer together. It was as if my body was the pace car and all the other girls walking the halls were in the race of their lives. I felt defeated. Like my own body had won…and I couldn’t change a thing about it.
Five hours of walking passed.
Finally we went back to our room. Dr. Tate had called. The contractions didn’t pick up. The news was bittersweet. It was time for what I came there for. It was time for the induction. The good news was that I had complete peace about it. Afterall, my water did break on it’s own. My body and the baby were ready. And I had been given every chance. I got to walk in the halls…not strapped to a machine…not lying in bed. I was able to see how far my body could go…and the fact of the matter was, even ten hours of walking didn’t push me hard enough. I knew I needed that boost. My engines were dead.
Colette was sweet. She explained the way the Pit drip would work. It was going to be slow. I was going to be on the bed until it was time to deliver so I would need to get comfortable. I hung on her every syllable. They set up the bag and the waiting game started.
The first few hours didn’t feel any different than before. As long as I was laying down, the contractions seemed to disappear. At 10am they started the drugs and they said I probably would start feeling it around 2 in the afternoon. Two oclock came and went. It started getting more intense but it wasn’t exactly painful yet. Then around four, it began to get really hard really fast. My contractions were right on top of one another…giving me only thirty seconds inbetween for a break. I thought surely this is it. My sister had returned and brought with her a needed hand to hold and a a breathing partner. We googled the stages of labor. This has to be transition I thought to myself silently. I had to be at least a 7. Afterall, I came in at 2 cm…at least that’s what I was days before at an appointment. And I’ve dilated before. I gone through this with Will and this time everything was way more intense.
Finally it was 6pm. The resident came in with Colette. The resident was young and tall with dirty blond hair and started talking right away.
“Well Katie, we have just gotten a call from Dr. Tate and he wants us to check you.”
I started to feel excited. He might think I’m ready! This is the first time anyone has checked me since I got here and surely I made a lot of progress. I began to feel like a child in school who was ready to hand in homework.
“Okay!” I said with a smile. I grabbed Jer’s hand a little tighter and scooted my knees up toward my chest.
“We’ll wait for the next contraction and we’ll check you then. That’s how Dr. Tate wants it.” She smiled.
I looked at Jer. Trying to match my breathing to his and to relax into the next wave of pain.
“hmm….definitely a four.” The resident snapped her rubber glove and my heart dropped. It felt like time stood still for an hour.
“A FOUR!?” What is this? A joke? A horrible mean joke? I know a four! I didn’t go into the hospital with Will until I was a four! And this was not that. I had to be farther along. I just had to be.
“Yes. I will call the Doctor back and tell him.” She started to turn towards the door.
“Jeremy…jeremy…” I started to cry. My mouth dropped open so that I could breathe but even that was hard.
“Katie…you need something. It’s okay. I am here. But you need something for this pain. This is so different.” His voice of reason was smooth and deep. I could see it in his eyes that my pain was too much for him too. “Please Katie. Just ask the doctor.”
My mind raced. I had gone so long. But not far. It went back to my moments with Will. The time where I leaned onto Jeremy’s shoulders and looked into his blue eyes. I raced back to that day when I realized how much Jeremy loved me and how he would take anything for me. How he would never ask me to do something I didn’t want to do. And that’s the moment I knew that here and now, he was asking me to be brave enough to ask for help.
“ok….yes…..Colette….please….is there any way I could talk to the doctor too? I think I need something.”
A brief conversation on the phone with the doctor followed. I asked about an epidural. Did it reduce my chances at all of a VBAC? Was there a better choice? How much longer did I have?
Dr. T answered everything I needed to know. I was going to need drugs for the pain…and I needed them now.
The anesthesiologist worked fast. He was in with his assistant in the next five minutes. Then Colette gave us some bad news….Jeremy would have to leave. My source of steadfastness…my strength and calm would be gone. I started to feel my freak out coming. Colette immediately started talking…
“I will be here. I will hold you. We will be fast. Now sit up and swivel over here.” The next moments went by in a blur. I cringed. I hunched over. I felt the contraction coming on. I grabbed Colette’s shirt….her lapel pin pinched inbetween my thumb and forefinger. I could feel myself pulling too hard on her nurses shirt but I couldn’t stop….finally, the doctor behind me said to lay on my side. I slid into the pillow…instantly feeling the washing over of relaxation.
All was well…all was calm….
Jeremy came back in and I had a smile to greet him. He rushed over and held my hands. He had made the right decision to say what I needed. He knew that I needed permission to say what I wanted. That my pride was too strong…and that my will was too great to give in…but I needed to. I needed to surrender. I needed to rest and relax and to get ready for the end. That’s what is important here. I had to remind myself that the end goal was not to get through without drugs…the end goal was to have a healthy baby and healthy mom…and then I wanted a VBAC next. Drugs didn’t matter. I wouldn’t get a crown in heaven for a drug-free labor.
Over the course of the next three hours, my water broke fully…soaking the entire bed….my body rested…I slept for an hour and I relished the pain-free progression. There was still enormous amounts of pressure but the pain was gone. The epidural had to be adjusted a little because I could still feel a lot on one side but the searing agony was not there. It was so sweet.
And then Doctor Tate arrived. He walked in with a smile on his face and his street clothes on. He pulled on a rubber glove and told me that he was gonna check me. The new resident was there. She was my favorite of the residents I had met….and I couldn’t feel anything as they moved my dead legs up and chatted about my progress from the monitoring.
“Okay….you hold one leg like this” Dr. Tate said to Jeremy as he pulled up my foot to rest on his hip. “And you…are you going to help or what?!” He motioned to my sister.
Lori popped up and ran over. I could tell she was excited to be there and be given instructions.
“Katie, you are gonna hook your arms under your knees and pull them up to your chest. Push down and breathe.” He was telling me to push! I couldn’t believe it. I was ready?! It was time?! I had progressed the rest of the way?! I felt my heart beat faster and faster….I could tell the adreneline was rushing through to my head and my smile was stretched all the way to its limits. I did exactly what he said and pushed as hard as I could. It felt exhilarating!
“Um…um…I’m gonna have to go.” Lori looked down at me with a white face.
“Are you alright?” I asked as I sucked in a relaxing breath.
“uhhh….yeah…I just gotta go. the smell….” she looked pale, let go of my leg and started turning toward the door.
Lori took two steps toward the door and I laughed. I joked after her….”Lori, that’s the smell of life!”
I saw her round the curtain out of view before I heard a scuffle and a bang. Next thing we knew, a nurse yelled….
guuuuurrrrllllll youd better finish this soon! i need to hear the rest!
And i feel bad for Lori, I passed out after the birth of my daughter, those smelling salts are BRUTAL! lol
and you are so brave, this story is so amazing to read.
Reading your story brings back so many memories of my own birth experience. Like you, my water broke and after 10 hrs of no forward progress, pitocin was started. Like you they came in to check me when my contractions were on top of each other with no rest in between and I thought for sure this was it, but I was only a 6. I cried and cried HARD. I don’t think I’ve ever seen my husband look so helpless. Like you I opted for an epidural, but it didn’t take. I still felt everything. I would do it all again to get my little monkey who is now 13 months. I also hope that my next birth experience is nothing like the first one. It’s nice to know I’m not alone with what I experienced.
Bahahaha. I’m sure your sister just loves reliving this story!
I am Cracking up. Poor Lori.
We are expecting our 2nd on the way, and i am extremely nervous about it all, reading this is defiantly making me laugh and relax.
Thank you for writing all of this and telling all the gory tales. I appreciated reading them. Cant wait for part 3.
My husband hates blood and when I was pregnant he came with me to get my blood drawn. The blood was already drawn and I was just getting up to put my coat on when I heard a THUD! He passed out! He fell in the corner of the room and turned blue and was shaking. I just started shouting, “Baby! Baby!” The poor nurse was trying to ask all sorts of questions like “was he diabetic” and I was like no, he just hates blood. Then the nurse was bending down to assess him and asked what his name was. My reply? “baby.” She’s like, “his name is baby?” hahahah. Now, everyone calls my husband baby. He ended up making it through our son’s whole delivery without fainting though (he even cut the cord!) 🙂
I’m due (with my second) in about a month and your story is fantastic….and making it all very real for me. Thank you for sharing.
Oh my gosh! Please finish this story soon, your poor sister!
You are so right, you don’t earn a crown for going drug free and you shouldn’t care what anyone else thinks about it!
Seriously! This is pure torture. I’ve been waiting since part one of sweet Weston’s story was published for the rest of it. C’mon girl!
Hahaha. the smell? Hahaha
You are the mistress of suspense. Seriously, I love your storytelling. Can’t wait for the next installment. Please make it quick 🙂
I have been anxiously awaiting part 2. Now I can’t wait for part 3!
Aaahh you’re dragging this out to another installment!!! I can’t wait :).
I can imagine feeling similarly in regards to asking for pain killers.
Your birth story sounds so similar to my 3rd baby (7weeks old now)! Going in wanting an all natural Vbac (my second). I went in naturally in labor and walked and walked the halls. Barely progressed. Started the pitocin, and I couldnt handle the pain. It was nothing like my first natural delivery. I made the decision to get the epidural, and it was so wonderful! I went from a six to a ten in an hour! Amazing! Another and final vbac! All three of my deliveries were so different.
Your poor sister! I hope she was ok! And yay for a supportive husband!
Hahah poor sister. I am assuming she is okay (if not, I apologize for laughing).
I can’t wait for part III!
oh my gosh! Excellent writing – I am hanging on to every word! I had a c-section with my first that I am still quite disgruntled about (big-headed baby that wouldn’t engage, pre-e and stuck in bed on my side, oh and it was the evening of July 3 -pretty sure Dr just wanted to get home for the holiday), Katie, you are my inspiration for my next pregnancy and delivery.
can’t wait to read the next installment! your poor sister!
Love it! Can’t wait to read the rest!
Omg. I am sitting on the edge of my seat. One in anticipation of the end to this story!! And 2 cause I am feeling the pain and pressure along with you! Just beautiful!! I don’t even know you buy am do proud of you! And your sister passing out is funny! As I assume she’s ok?!?! 😉
God Bless you, Katie! You are amazing to not only push out a 10 lb baby, but to have a VBAC as well. I can not imagine that – & both my babies were both very small! 🙂 I can not believe your sister passed out!! I guess child birth isn’t for everyone! 🙂 It’s pretty intense, so I understand! You’re a wonderful writer, thanks for sharing your story. My second child’s birth story is pretty scary & I still can’t talk about it (and she’s one now!) 🙂 So, thank you!
Ugh, I cried. That’s exactly how I felt about my epidural too.
BUT I thought part 2 was the last installment! You’re going to have to tell us… Part 3 of __ !!?! The suspense is killing me!
Oh my goodness! I just cannot wait for a Part 3!!!!
Katie, you are an incredible storyteller. That is all.
Oh Em Geee!!! Katie Bower, I can’t believe you left us with such a cliff hanger!!! I can’t believe she fainted, I can’t believe how amazingly strong you are and I can’t believe how awesome you are at storytelling!!! Please don’t leave us hanging forever! This is like a book that I can’t put down, but there are no more chapters to read:(
I so needed this today. Thank you for sharing. My baby is frank breech and big and I’m four weeks from D-day and they’re telling me to start thinking c-section. I wanted natural and pain med free. Hearing other people’s stories help. None of my close friends really have kids yet.
During my second birth my sister fainted just as I was doing my final two pushes. She ended up watching from the ground basically underneath me. She did great during my third labor, we made sure she had enough to eat that time around. Its like in the movie The Vow, where she talks about how wedding disasters make great stories later… that’s how birth stories are too! Congrats again, thanks for sharing!
I’ve said once and I’ll say it again…girl you need to write a book!
Can’t wait for the next installment 🙂
Oh my Lord, I’m dying! I can’t believe she fainted! And at the smell of life!
I know the pain you were going through. My contractions were one minute on, one minute off and only 30 seconds of actual relaxation before the next one came raging in. Charlie was face up so the back labor felt like I was pooping out a tree stump. And not a regular tree stump. It was like a giant sequoia tree stump.
Can’t wait for part 3!
OHMYGOODNESS! I laughed so hard at this!! Seriously, hilarious! Your poor sis. I’m sure she hates hearing this story, but THAT made me snort my coffee this morning! Haha! 🙂
you are KILLING me smalls!!!!!!! dying for part 3!!! 🙂
Haha, Katie! You made me laugh and cry reading this! I can’t wait to hear the rest of this story! I gave birth to my second son the day after you did. I was following you on Instagram the entire time and I was hoping that we would have our second boys on the same day, but my little stinker decided to wait for my scheduled c-section on the 19th!
This post is full of awesome. As for your sis, I totally felt/smelled her pain when my sister delivered. I dutifully stood next to her, holding her leg back, but if took every ounce of self-restraint to not barf on her. Her hubby and I made it better by joking. After my niece was born, my b-i-l asked the nurse, “So can I just use my teeth to bite the umbilical cord in half?” LOL She was so disgusted/ticked… It was awesome.
When I had my daughter… I could email you the story (you might love it – it’s a comedy of errors)… The anesthesiologist came in and told me all about the epidural. I was like that’s nice, but I’m a MAN and I’m gonna go drug free. He rolled his eyes and said “Okaaaaay…” and left. After they came in and broke my water, I was like “Get that guy in here NOW!” So he comes in and goes to place the needle and I hear under his breath, “Oh, hmm…” I was like what what???? He asked me, “Do you uh… Do you taste something like pennies?” Me – “Huh?! What did you do??!!” “Oh nothing, I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Just let me know if you taste pennies.” I started uncontrollably tremoring/convulsing on the edge if the bed. I looked over at my hubby and he had this look of concerned terror on his face… It was amazing. That epidural was a godsend though, I’ll tell ya…
Ahhh….cannot wait for the rest of the story!
I’m 26 weeks with my third, and have avoided reading many birth stories just yet. But yours is making me laugh and cry – it’s wonderful.
Don’t make me wait tooooo long! ; )
Ooooh, I’m on the edge of my couch, literally. Ready for part 3 already! Thanks for sharing something so personal with all of your readers! One of the reasons you’re at the top of my favie list 🙂
Your poor sister!!! I love how you are sharing. I think it makes me feel more “normal.” 🙂
Haha that’s hilarious! Please put the rest up ASAP!!
Katie! Please do not make me wait so long to hear part 3!! This morning when I saw you posted part 2 was like Christmas 🙂
I can’t wait to read the rest! Thank you for sharing!
Is Lori pregnant?! Lol
It’s like watching a show and it continues to the next week… I’m sitting on the edge of my seat. And, poor Lori! 🙂
I love how you needed permission for the epidural. I felt the same way, like I was a failure when I asked for mine. I had planned a home birth and we ended up going to the hospital after I labored at home for 2 days… I just felt like my midwife was going to be so disappointed in me for asking for one, but in the end she says she thinks that is what relaxed me and saved me from a c-section…I went from a 6 to an 8 in about 15 minutes! I still feel guilty and hope I can do all natural next time. I Can’t wait to hear the rest of your story though- I was following along on Instagram so I know it’s a happy vbac ending!
KATIE BOWER. Please finish soon. This has me laughing and in tears and I am not even a mama yet. I was however a student nurse once and held a mama’s leg just like Lori, I did great on the natural birth. It was the smell of cauterized skin during a (later) C-section that had me passing out.
I almost peed with the last line. Fantastic.
I had an induction with my youngest last June but my doctor had warned me I would need an epidural beforehand to manage the pitocin contractions. My epidural ended up failing and I think your description of “searing agony” was spot on! It took me hours to convince the anesthesiologist that I wasn’t just a wussy and was in legitimate pain before they started a new epidural and I finally had some peace. Pitocin contractions are no joke! I read later that the drug is designed to keep you in a perpetual state of contracting. I would love to say I will never take it again, but as you experienced, labor is so beyond our control and ya end up doing whatever ya got to do 🙂
You are SUCH a great story teller!!! I can NOT stop reading…I want more!!!
Now I feel really bad about my comment earlier practically begging for the 2nd part! When can we expect part 3? You are such a good story teller…you remember every detail and are so honest. That is the reason I love this blog! Having never been through childbirth, but longing for it one day (hopefully soon), I want to hear everyone’s story so I can know in a very small way what to expect. That is why your complete honesty and real-ness (if that’s a word) is so valuable. Everyone’s story is so different, which is so cool and speaks to how uniquely our Lord made us. Thank you for sharing your life with the world!
OMG!!! Your poor sister! Katie – please hurry up with part 3!!!! I can’t wait to finish the story!
Oh, poor Lori! After my son was born, they needed NICU to take him for a bit, and my mother went into a PSTD-like shock with flashbacks to when I was born with no breathing, no heartbeat, and completely blue. Even though my son just has a minor issue and wasn’t anywhere close to the drama my own birth caused, the commotion was enough to mess with her and her condition warranted her own nurse for a little while.
During the same birth, I had my water break twice just like you. Initially, it was almost like it was written into a script. I had just walked into the hospital room and suddenly, woosh, there was a puddle between my feet. When they checked me, they realized that only one part of the water sack had broken. I still had what they called a “bulging foresack” which is basically a bit of the water sack that is in front of the baby’s head. Fast forward 4 hours, and I’m dilated at a 9.5, still with that foresack. The doctor is getting ready to have me push when it bursts (oh so literally!).
Doc checks me and I have gone from a 9.5 BACK to a 7. Yeah, you can go backwards. I almost gave up right then and there.
Luckily I also had a great nurse who reminded me that I had gotten there before and I could get there again. Plus since the sack had “primed the stretching,” it wouldn’t be quite so difficult. I decided she was right and I was gonna get back to push ready. 45 minutes later, my boy was born.
I’m loving your birth story and the suspense at the end of each installment! My son’s delivery was very different from yours*, but my mother-in-law DID pass out standing right beside me in the delivery room, so I truly can empathize and am excited to find out what happens with your sister (and you, of course, hehe).
*Like you, I was supposed to have a scheduled c-section. However, my water broke four days early at 7:45am while lounging in bed (thank God I was at home). After I’d filled out the paperwork at the hospital and was walking to the room, I felt my first contraction, and it was a bad mamma jamma. I had another one about five minutes later as I was putting on my gown. When the nurse examined me, she swore she could feel my son’s head…and had to get in the head nurse to confirm. Yes, she could feel his hair. OMG! All of a sudden, I was rushed into a delivery room, and every available nurse came in. My OB got there and determined that I’d basically been through labor and didn’t even feel it (again, thank God!) and since I’d gotten that far, I didn’t have to have a c-section! My mom was beyond excited that she’d get to be in the room, and I think my mother-in-law was surprised but happy I asked if she wanted to be there. We look back and laugh at the passing out part. It just added to the craziness of that morning. Anyway, after that lovely epidural and quite a bit of pushing he was born at 11:30am. I was jokingly told by a nurse if we have another one, my husband needs to learn how to deliver babies in case it happens so fast we can’t get to the hospital in time.
My labor with my son was very similar to yours, except my water didn’t break on it’s own. I was in labor for 36 hours at the hospital with no real progression even with pitocin until I finally gave in to the epidural and then my son was born within an hour and a half. Some times when you’re exhausted the epidural is all it takes to help you relax and get the rest done!
Oh man, do you try and make me cry when you write these installments?! The rest better come tomorrow!!
With all three of mine, I had to have pitocin (I hate that stuff). And with all three of mine, it took the epidural to progress my labor. By the third one, as soon as they started the pitocin, I requested the anesthesiologist.
I never had anyone pass out, though. 😉
Thank you for sharing your story!! I can’t wait to read the rest of it! Your first birth story really struck a cord with me, and I’m hoping to have a VBAC next time, so I love hearing all the details! I love your blog!
Man, we haven’t even gotten to the good part (Weston’s arrival) and I have cried in both installments. You are great writer, Katie.
Ahhh the suspense!!! 🙂
OMGosh!! This is so suspenseful!
Can’t wait to read the rest. Can onlybimGine the scene when your sister fainted! talk about a story to remember!
Also, I had my son via c-section and hope for a VBAC next time. I always thought you couldn’t be induced after a c- section because of the risk of uterine rupture. Glad to know there are successful VBAC stories out there!
….Ahh!!! write more of your story! 🙂 Love your writing Katie. Thank you for sharing this story.
….the smell of life! that just cracked me up, at my desk this morning….so true though!
I started out hesitant to read this because I’m due in July and birth stories are creating lots of anxiety for me, but once I started reading, I was really glad I did… it relaxed me to hear everything in such detail. And then I started crying for you when you heard labor wasn’t progressing, but those tears quickly went away by the end when I was laughing! Poor Lori, but what a great story! Can’t wait for part 3! 🙂
Lol. When I was born, my mom said that they asked her if the student nurses could watch, and she said yes. So there’s all these people standing around watching and then all of sudden….nobody! Nobody at all! She looked around to find them all and they had rushed to the other side of the room, where my big, tough dad was passed OUT!!! hahaha!!!!!
Thank you for sharing all the stories, including this one, about building your family so honestly. I am newly pregnant (only 7 weeks) and this story literally made me cry at my desk at work. I was just hoping no one would walk by and see me wiping tears from my eyes! Darn hormones! It’s a beautiful story and I can’t wait to hear the 3rd part!
I love this! I was tearing up. Can’t wait for the rest!! You know how to leave us hanging! 🙂
Thank you for the great reading.
How many installments are you planning? 🙂
I agree! While I was reading, I kept thinking, “Wow, Katie writes like a writer, not a photographer!” Haha. MORE, please!!
Katie, did you poop on the table?? LOL Your poor sister! And can we seriously have a birth story marathon week?? The suspense is killing me every time…
oh no! poor Lori! what a dramatic cliff-hanger! 🙂
Thanks for sharing this! Your story (and pregnancy hormones) had me bawling, then when your sister passed out I was snotting and snorting all over!
This is so much fun to read, I can’t wait until Part 3! Get it done, now! 🙂
OH MY GOSH! Part II is equally fantastic! More! More!!!!!
Three! Next one should be it!
xo – kb
Seriously… you’re going to leave me hanging?! You need to write a book. You’re amazing!
I admit it, I teared up a bit reading this. I’ve never been through it but it just got to me.
And then your sister fainted and I laughed with tears in my eyes! lol
I Googled and read the comments with no straight answer – why did Jer have to leave when you got the epidural?
Ahhhh! You are so mean, to end these right when it starts to get good….and wait forever to post the next one! I swear, every time I see that you have a new post up, I check to see if its more of this birth story. You are seriously good at writing. I’m dying to read the rest of this. You should totally write a novel.
I am now so glad that my sister never asked me to attend the birth of her 4 kids….I would have been DOWN myself!
Beautiful story. Great writing. Can’t wait for the final installment.
I am dying to hear the rest (and hope it’s before I deliver)! We had very similar stories with our firsts and I am trying for a vbac this time around in just a few weeks (fingers crossed). Love how you tell the story, thanks for sharing!
i know the pitocin and epidural isn’t what you dreamed up, but you’re so lucky you were given the chance! (and i know you know that……just a bit jelly here! 🙂 )
i attempted a VBAC w/my 2nd and after going 15 days late I showed up to the hospital for the scheduled c-section FINALLY having contractions. they let me labor on my own, but i never got passed 3, even after 18 hours and breaking my water. so wish pitocin could have been an option (my doctor wouldn’t do it), b/c then maybe i could have had a successful VBAC. but oh well! baby girl came and was healthy and i’m thankful!
can’t wait to hear the final installment!!
Thanks for sharing your story. Having only adopted children, the stories of new life and all that goes into it are precious for me since I couldn’t share that part with my boys. I can’t believe you left us with such a cliffhanger. Please don’t wait long to finish!!!
I had a vbac with an epideral. It was such a hard decision, the last one I Had caused me to have a csection. I had a different doctor for the vbac though and it made all the difference. Can’t wait to read the rest!
Katie, HI!
I have been reading your blog for a while now, but not sure I’ve ever commented.
I am a year into marriage and thinking about trying for a little one soon! I love all your posts, but these birth stories are fantastic! I literally had tears rolling down my face during the part when they made Jeremy leave for your epidural! I am so scared of having one of those, and the thought of my husband having to leave the room totally freaks me out! But, you sure made it seem just fine, and that makes me smile 🙂 I can’t wait to read more!!!
I hope you give us all the details. I had my first baby almost 6 months ago, and I LOVE telling my birth story and hearing others. It is so interesting to me now that I have been through it! I’m glad you had a successful VBAC, and such a happy baby!
What! Continued???? Aw C’mon!!!
Aww, man, poor Lori! Can’t wait for part 3. You’re leaving us hanging, ya know, lol =)
Oh goodness, is there a smell?? I don’t remember a smell, I’m gonna have to ask my husband. Love your story! Wish I would have written mine down when I could remember it all. I used to play it over & over in my mind, it’s just the most miraculous day. Now, 16 months later, the details are so fuzzy. Looking forward to the rest. xo
Love the cliffhanger!!! I had pitocin with my VBAC as well, I hated the stuff. Brutal, hard contractions. I feel your pain, even four and a half years later! Can’t wait to hear the rest of the story!
Colleen, I’m sure you’ve been offered a version, and if you’re eligible (good amniotic fluid levels, good placenta location, etc) it’s worth a shot! My baby was frank breech from 28 weeks on. We had him turned at 39 weeks (after trying everything in the book to make him turn on his own 🙂 and I was induced and had a vaginal, med-free delivery of a healthy 9pounder! I almost went for an epidural (after a long labour….I think that’s the way with being induced!) but baby boy decided to make his appearance just after I had caved….but before anything was stuck in me! Breech doesn’t always mean a c-section! A version definitely has its pros and cons (as does a c-section), but it’s worth looking into! All the best!
Cliff hanger!!! Can’t wait to read the rest! 🙂
How have I never thought about what birth smells like??? I’ve never even thought about it! Oh gosh, I hope my husband doesn’t pass out on me!
ARRRGH! How many instalments are there?! You write SO well. And I’m so glad we already know you’re all fine. Poor Lori.
Can’t wait for the rest.
I am so glad you posted part 2! Don’t think I’m weird, but I have checked a couple times a day to see if you continued the story! ha! I VBACd with my 2nd and I love to hear how it went for other Mommas. (I’m a Katie too btw). I can’t wait to read part 3! Oh, and sorry about your sister but that cracked me up! “The smell!” lol 🙂
kinda cried when you described getting your epidural…i grabbed my nurses wrist so hard i was certain i broke it. it was such a white hot intense pain….but just the best result….
are norn and boots expecting?!?
I thought Part 2 would be the end…you’re keeping me in suspense for the next installment.
Katie, first off THANK YOU for this and all your posts that you share with our blog family (that’s how I feel about reading your blog and the comments, a sense of family) I don’t normally comment but I had to over this. I haven’t yet been blessed to carry a child to term and deliver but your story makes me cry tears of such joy and love (which i didnt think a birth story could do right now). The description of Jer and knowing the love a husband has for the mother of his children is something I can’t wait to feel and know. It gives me more than hope and pure joy to know that there is so much more than just a baby involved, the sense of family is always there with so many connections. Thank you for these tears and this smile I feel throughout my whole body. I can not wait to experience a joy that I hope is similar. I’m now 4 months, and boy oh boy is there something to be said about this waiting and wishing game. Thank you again for all of this post and for all of the inspiration you and your amazing family give me and so many others.
Great story…Katie Bower you are a tease! You know just when to time the suspense. Your poor sister. She looked so cool, just waiting in all your Instagram shots. 🙂 Even though I already know this story has a happy ending, I can’t wait to hear your detailed version.
Oh please don’t make us wait too long. I think we are all ready for Part III tomorrow. You are a great writer and I want to hear the rest of the story….(please).
Thank you for sharing and being so honest. It is really nice to hear that other women are struggling with the same issues (and not just close friends).
Katie, you are such an amazing writer! Love reading your Baby Westin Birth Story:) I am on the edge of my seat and then BOOM! To be continued…whomp whomp. Oh, I will be back for more just don’t make us wait too long:)
LOL!!!! I literally just burst out laughing over this!!!! Such an accurate description of that feeling!
Oh my gosh, your sister is ME!! It is so embarrassing, but I always get queasy at hospitals. White as a sheet, bring me some of my own ice chips, gah ;o) I hope she recovered quickly! Thank you for sharing!
Love it! You’ve got me laughing & crying both! I did a VBAC 6 years & 4 months after my c-section and had to be induced. I think Pitocin sucks! Really wishing I could have just one more shot at a nature-induced labor, but I’m 43 – my chances are slim… Loving your story and can’t wait for part 3!
You are such a good writer, thank you for sharing! But why did your husband have to leave the room for the epidural, is that standard? How scary! Also, not to sound like a creeper, but it was lovely to meet you at FLOR tonight. That cutie Weston was worth the effort!
Diggity-dang Katie you know how to tell a story! You had me crying and laughing and everything in-between!
Loved the ” no crowns in Heaven for drug free labor” bit.
Thank you for sharing your birth story with us, so special!
My son will be 4 months old tomorrow. I feel like I’m right back going through this with you! I remember the “vagazzle” Instagram pic hahahah! Since 3 of my friends had kids over the past few months, the term has become a verb we use in casual conversation.
Can’t wait to hear the rest!
I’m so glad you got to have your VBAC. My son is 7 weeks and I had a medically necessary c section due to a previous difficult delivery. Your poor sister! Sorry that I find it funny, but it reminds me of my first (drug free) delivery. My poor hubby was coaching me on my breathing through the pushing and gave himself an asthma attack and collapsed on the floor. Everyone rushed to help him…no one ever let me forget that I shouted “Let him lie where he fell!” I’m sure you were kinder with your sister…guess I will have to wait for your 3rd installment to find out.
Ha ha! This is EXACTLY what I thought too.
They said that it was because it was a sterile procedure…I had him there for the first one with Will so I wasn’t so scared the second time around. I think it all depends on the hospital. And I’m so glad you made it out to FLOR…it was so fun to meet you and the other peeps there supporting Sher & John!
xo – kb
They told me that it was because it was a sterile procedure. I think it all depends on the hospital policy because that was not the way it was with my first little guy!
xo – kb
Wow katie, this is very similar to my sons birth, except my water broke two weeks before my due date. My body just wouldn’t cooperate. After 15 hours of labor, stuck at a 2, they gave me pit. Another 7 hours of agonizing labor, still stuck at 2. Finally agreed to an epi, had to wait over an hour and a half for the anesthesiologist to come. I had read your birth story for will, and thought they’d let me have my husband with me, but no, he had to leave. So I held onto a nurse too. Got one hour of sleep, body relaxed and went from 2 to 10 in that hour. I think some women just need that extra bit to relax. I feel bad for Lori! My sister is a fainter too.
Pitocin is the devil!! I had it for many hours and finally gave in to the epidural after being stuck at 9 for a few hours. So glad you got your VBAC!
Love this!
Hey, Katie! I was surprised to find out from a friend – after I had my VBA2C with Dr. Tate @ Emory in December – that you’d just done the same thing a month before! We have the same wonder-doctor, girl! Reading your story is making me relive mine. The part about “so… Are you gonna help or what?” And holding one heel while directing my hubby to hold the other… So familiar! 🙂
Wish I woulda had an epidural, tho. Smart woman. The reconstruction was beyond brutal.
Isn’t it just the most amazing thing to actually have your body do the work instead of the other way?? No one can understand that unless they’ve done both. I don’t know about you, but the bonding with my 3rd girlie is just totally and incredibly different! More immediate, maybe? Not to mention the nursing is easier!! So it was definitely worth it!
A million congratulations on the birth of your little man. (My brother’s name is Weston. Such a strong name.) Can’t wait to read the rest of your story!
*running off to write mine before I forget!*
I’ll be glad when the idea of an epidural being something to be ashamed is forever gone. We don’t expect people to have teeth drilled without novocaine. That would be considered barbaric. But labor without anesthetic is considered heroic?
The epidural is one of the greatest medical advances of the last century. No narcotics, no altered state, no drug to the baby and greatly relieved pain.
I read a lot of a birthstores (I like that stuff I don’t know why and I haven’t have any baby yet) yours just add a whole different layer, the smell! although I don’t know what that smells like. Can’t wait for the 3rd part! 🙂
You leave me on the edge of my seat. Great writing. Feels like I was there too. Great job!
I had a vbac with my second child also. The first labor was NOFUN, I was full of magnesium and it SUCKED. Anyways, my nurse for my vbac must have been your nurses twin!! She had an island accent and totally made my vbac happen.
It’s about time!!
You are a wonderful writer, part two moved me to tears faster than part one. I cannot wait for the next installment.
Also pretty funny, that the very end of the post discussing your sister passing out from the smell runs directly into the previous post entitled Oyster Cloister – too far? Maybe, but still pretty hilarious!
I’m an active reader, but an inactive commenter (terrible I know). Also no children of my own, but I just wanted to say- someday if I ever decide to have children that I hope to share the delivery room- like you surrounded by indescribable love like you and Jeremy. The emotions you express brought me to tears. I love reading your story and all the emotions and details you bring are astonishing- to say the least.
O’h Katie – You are a powerful women! I had a very similiar story with my first. Pitocin induction and after 12 hours only at 7 cm 🙁 so the epidural came and so did the relief and 3 short hours later my boy!
Can’t wait for installment #3.
I think it is fairly common. My husband had to leave for mine as well.
I love reading your birth story! Seriously…captivating. I am 10 days overdue with baby #2 and he doesn’t seem to be budging. I have a scheduled induction in 3 days, but I’m hoping that I’ll go into labor on my own as well. These last few days are by far the hardest throughout pregnancy. Thanks for sharing your inspirational story with us! 🙂
Wow Katie, I love this: “I wouldn’t get a crown in heaven for a drug-free labor.” So true!
And you didn’t mention much of this but Weston was sunny side up??? Oh my goodness! My second, (a week or two older than Weston was face up… goodness it hurt worse than my first and had a longer labor! I didn’t have the option for an epidural but if I did… I would have gotten it for sure with a sunny side up baby!!
What a great story!! I’m so glad to hear you had an epideral! I was on baby watch the day Weston was born and when you guys posted his beautiful first picture with his birth weight my first thought was OMG poor Katie! Can’t wait to read the rest of the story:-)
I have been stalking your site for Part 2 and you make me wait again?! Haha
Guess the stalking continues for Part 3 🙂
You are amazing at telling a story and have me on the edge of my seat 🙂 I can’t wait to hear the rest of it!
I’m due with boy #2 in about 5 weeks and this is getting me really excited for this moment again 🙂 Keep up the great work! Your blog is amazing!
So im sitting here on the edge of my seat waiting for your next sentence and then I completely break out laughing at Lori fainting. My husband fainted for our second baby too, and I just remember being annoyed that he had to steal my moment by passing out. I can’t wait to read what comes next.
I don’t understand were this idea came from that you have to give birth naturally and you have to breast feed. It is so ridiculous, what you have to do is what is best for you to get you through. If you go 12 hours in pain in labour who are you helping not your self and certainly not the baby, stress is way worse then any drug. And as far as breastfeeding goes the same applies if your not enjoying it then you are creating stress which is not good for you or your child. This idea of everything natural surfaced in the 60’s but the other thing that came about in the 60’s was woman’s lib…..doing what is best for you.
Wowww!!!! Youare such an amazing writer!!! I felt like I was experiencing the whole birth with you!! With my first, the doctor didn’t give me the option to walk and I had to have a c-section.. I regret that decision, and would totally have a VBAC- if there ever is a 2nd one!! Cannot wait to read the next part and experience that with you as well!!!
I’ll be glad when judgement for either birth choice (drug free or epidural) is gone.
Beautifully written! This has taken me back to the birth of my four. I had pitocin and epidurals with the first two pregnancies (second was twins) and so thankful for both. So thankful to live in a time when these two drugs are available to women. Don’t even like to think about deliveries without that option, and the danger posed to some women without them. But then when #4 rolled around, I went in expecting both because that was the pattern I’d established, and needed neither. My labor with the youngest was roughly 3 hours. If he’d come during rush hour instead of early dawn, he might have been born in the car instead of the hospital!
Ahhhhhh, the suspense!!!
I love reading your birth story. As impatient as I am to hear the whole thing, I’m glad there is at least one more installment coming. 🙂
I literally just laughed out loud!! That ending was amazing! HA!!! Can’t wait to hear the rest! You’re a rockstar lady!!! 🙂
xo – kb
ohhh my goodness… just when i was about to break into tears, i end up laughing! you’re hilarious and cannot wait until part 3!
I’ve done birth both ways, one without pitocin or epidural and one with both, and I think it’s absolutly ridiculous to put someone down for using drugs. If the technology is there, why shouldn’t we use it? I probably wouldn’t have done the epidural but that pitocin kicked my butt and I couldn’t deal with it anymore, totally different labor when I didn’t need anything to help it along!
I threw-up horribly in both of my labors and my poor husband has an aversion to the sight/noise/smell… he tried so hard but about the third time he almost threw-up on my head, that’s when I called my mom to come be the bowl holder. There is one thing to go through labor looking sweaty and messy, a total other to do it with vomit on my head. 🙂
LOL! Just when I was getting teary eyed…I started laughing out loud! Only you Katie! While giving birth still making jokes!
OK, I am on the edge of my seat waiting for Part 3. You are a really strong writer, I feel as if I was in the room with you. Bravo to you for being able to make jokes while in labor too. So funny. Hurry with Part 3. Congratulations on Weston!
This story made me laugh and cry – you are a wonderful writer. Please do not leave us waiting in suspense any longer. We need Part 3!!! 🙂
I’ve been waiting for part II, now I’m on the edge of my seat again waiting for part III! Great writing. Love the honesty and detail!! Hopefully part 3 posts soon!
Thanks for sharing this! Though I wish I had all parts at once. 🙂 I am about to try for a VBAC after two “failed” home births that ended in the hospital–once vag and once C-section. It will be the first time I’m in the hospital for the whole thing and also being monitored for the VBAC, so I’m a little freaked out. It’s so helpful to read other stories. Thanks for sharing!
OMG! such an intense story – but I definitely bust out laughing when you told her it was the smell of life! and even harder when the nurse yelled She’s down! poor thing. lol.
Your poor sister! I never really knew it smelled, and I’ve had three children! I guess I was too busy, and my husband was obviously too sweet to tell me! Hope she wasn’t hurt during the fall.
I’m drying to hear the rest! This is like a great novel… you should write a book!
Did I somehow miss the next chapter if this story?? When does it come out? Left it at such a cliffhanger!
It’ll come soon! I have to work it in while still being a mom and doing my projects. It’s coming though…I promise.
xo – kb
I love Dr Joseph Tate. He was so good to us. Baby was in great hands.So was mama. 🙂 And he has Krispy Kreme waiting for me after delivery. Bless him!
Is it weird that I am not pregnant and I am addicted to reading birth stories?? This one is a particularly great read. BTW, I am anxiously awaiting installment number three! I’ve really been enjoying the uptick in posts overall Katie. I know that must be such a challenge with two little boys now. Way to go!
When is Part 3 scheduled to be released? I’m 29 weeks pregnant and I LOVE birth stories.
I hope it comes out in the next week. I start crying every time I try to write…so it’s slow going 🙂
xo – kb
Me, too, Mandy! Also, the holier than thou attitude some women have when they talk about how they did it drug free. Everyone is different and have different reasons why they choose the way they do and it’s not my right to judge or question.