I have zero brain power.
It happens when you exert yourself. That is my belief. It’s like my body is so tired that it directly drains my brain. If only it worked the only way…I would be ridiculously thin. It would be wicked awesome.
So instead of writing something semi-intelligent, I thought it would be a fine time to just let loose some old photos with random commentary. Here we go….Jeremy is so fine to me…ohsofine. I can’t handle it. That smile…oh geez…
holy amazeballs….
snotsicles. enough is enough.
I dream of these kinda meals….instead I have to dig out a camping kit from my old girl scouts’ days to boil half a cup of water to make some random pasta….
A couple of weeks ago Cole told me that he got in trouble at school.
He had to write sorry notes to four people – one of them being his good friend Thomas who he kicked “only a little bit” in the privates. It’s not funny….but it soo is.
One of the best toys I ever bought was this $4 yardsale Leapfrog table. Will loves it.
Will also loves condiments.
He also loves trying to crawl into the fridge. The new house is getting a french door style fridge….Will won’t know what to do with himself.
Where’s Will?
I’m gonna miss this scene.
Gosh, he makes my heart beat thunderously….
I especially love when he is freshly clean from the dishwasher…
Yet still no sideburns.
My mother cooks insane amounts of food for our family. I honestly don’t know where she finds the time but my stomach thanks her.
Will loves to blow raspberries on our tummies.
I love these itsy bitsy fingers….I could literally kiss them off his hand.
Yet still no sideburns on Friar.
This just makes me laugh.
We are touchers. We touch. And Timmy needed some sisterly face squeezing.
Pretty much anywhere Cole is in the house…it is exactly where Will is. It’s like Lojack for babies…and six year olds.
Sometimes I put random hair products on Will’s tresses.
But the hair style always falls weird in ten minutes…and he looks like he just got back from a bachelor party. Especially with that shirt on…
Will loves being kissed on the neck. I have already spoken to his baby girlfriend’s momma and warned her that Clara may only kiss his hand Soprano style to avoid complications.
Yet, still no sideburns….
Have I ever told you how happy this kid is?
He’s ridiculously happy. Which is why him being sick was so traumatic…for me….
My mom told me that my dad has an inexplicable love for Will. And then he explained that it was because Will looks like his kids did…thus eliminating the “inexplicable” part….
Random photo of Will with our front door during Christmas….note the real estate lock box.
Will wasn’t wearing any drawers in this photo. Thank goodness for cropping.
Okay…so he isn’t ALWAYS happy. We definitely have moments.
Cole is learning how to ride a bike without training wheels. Of course my mountain biking boyfriend is obsessed with making sure he learns asap.
I think this proves my point when I used the word “obsessed”.
Seriously?! Are the cute police out tonight? Cause someone is getting a ticket.
I get this look a lot. It’s usually when I call his underwear ‘panties’.
I love a saggy bottomed boy. Please note the fancy childproofing of the cabinet doors.
Did I mention that we went to WhirlyBall for my 30th birthday party? It was AWE. SOME.
Again…cause Maggie just makes me laugh.
This was a recent photoshoot….newborn Lydia was a perfect little lady.
Can my sister get any more beautiful? Boots…if you are ready this…you still don’t deserve her 🙂
Will on his first slide. It was more like guided falling vs. sliding but whatev.
Cole baby age 6. I can see him strikin this same pose at 26.
This is for all you gals that email me and act like I got it all together…I assure you…I don’t.
Single snotsicle.
This may be my favorite photo of the year….Will trying to catch the dust in the light.
He sat there for close to thirty minutes trying and trying…
such an amazing reminder for me to focus on the simple things….I want to be a dust-in-the-light chaser too.
Cole was freezing…and the playground was frozen…but we played on.
Ever play Pass the Pigs? It is a very very fun little game.
Everytime I got to the bathroom, this is what happens.
And then he gives me this face…
Still no sideburns.
The house after the snow melted just a little and then froze over again. It was like a slab of ice. Awesome for sliding random fridge leftovers across the yard.
Jeremy built this wall. I helped him dig out the rocks. It’s something I will always remember and cherish…that work…sweating together….building together.
A random neighbor has this stack of wood in their yard. For some reason I want to do a photoshoot right infront of it.
Will goes on lots of walks with me. He has just started that whole antsy-pantsy-in-a-stroller-thing. One day he won’t fight so hard to get out…and he will beg people to just let him sit down.
About once a week when the weather is nice, we try to have family lunch outside. I hate being so high…but I love being with my boys…it’s a very deep conflict of interest.
I thought I saw one…but no. Still no sideburns.
Love touches. When Will puts his hand on our face…that’s what we call them. Although, with me, they should be called love fingerupyournose or love tearyourlipoffyourface or love scratchthatsensitiveskinunderyoureye. We are still working on the word ‘gentle’.
okay. brain pooped. body pooped. must keep moving boxes. must pack. must sleep. must find box with toothbrush 🙂
p.s. thank you for all your emails, prayers and comments about Will. He definitely turned the corner and is now actually eating again and acting more like himself. I am sure he’ll be back to 100% Friar Tuck ways before we know it 🙂
omg Will is soooo cute he makes my ovaries hurt!
Katie, feel free to post like this anytime. Love your pics always. MmmHmm-thanks for Jeremy’s butt, & Tim (never too much Tim 🙂 I hate snotsicles, they are the sole reason that after work experience during school, I chose NOT to be an Early Childhood teacher. Yay! So glad you look like that, & smile! Dishwashing kids – brilliant idea! What in the heck is Whirly Ball? (I’m an Aussie) That baby is darling. Definitely do a photo shoot or two in front of that wood pile before it is gone. The sideburns will come, Jeremy has a fine set. That’s me, Thank You!
Love all the pictures!! 🙂 Can I borrow Jeremy for like a couple hours so he can teach my son to ride a bike?? We’re so working on it…it’s really not THAT easy if you ask me.
Adorable! Where do you buy Will’s clothes? They’re so cute!!
Love Love Love this post!
I literally just laughed out loud at work looking at the picture of Cole and what you wrote about kicking his friend “just a little bit” in the privates. haha so cute.
So I’m not the only one to call them that, huh? I even try to manly them up a little and call them “Man Panties”, but then I still get that same dirty look that your boyfriend gave you….
I live with snotsicles this week, too – baby girl’s first cold. And, lucky me, her first pair of pjs with said nose caterpillars smeared into the wrist cuffs. Good times.
Chin up, my friend, all this hard work is worth every ounce of effort!! Keep on truckin!
and, oh yea, what is Whirly Ball?
What a fun post :O) I call my husbands underware panties sometimes….. he hates it too 😛
I hope Will gets better very soon. My daughter had a little cold. Not fun 🙁
Good luck with moving!!
Ok, I must ask (because I drool everytime they make it in a photo), where did you get your kitchen bar stools??? I had been on the long search for that similar kind and landed on some from Ikea that have just not worked out at all!!! They are too tall, too stumpy, not comfy, well you get the point. But those white beauts you have would be just the ticket (except they would need to be black)!
GORGEOUS pics, you have a beautiful family
As much as I love all your meat and potatoes posts, this might have been one of my favorites. Sometimes it’s just nice to peak through your window and see your adorable life. Especially because I know you probably needed this post to remind you that things are normal, even when you are moving (with a sick baby!) and to let your brain rest.
Hopefully Will is 100% soon, and I hope the moving is not too stressful! Just keep swimming, and remember, after all of this, you get to live in your Dream House!
Hi Katie – what a great post! Thanks for sharing your memories from your old house that Will is just too cute! Quick question totally off-topic but the picture of Will in his bumGenius diaper reminded me to ask – what detergent you use for them?
I loved this post so much. It makes me feel wistful for a family. While I won’t be having kids for another 6+ years I definitely can’t wait for it. But first I think SF (sexy fiance) and I will be getting a puppy. For the best. 😉
Most of them are Gap brand – but we also hit up Target and Walmart. We love Children’s Place too…but we only buy the name brand ones either deeply discounted or at Goodwill 🙂
xo – kb
Love this!! Your family is awesome, and I think we would get along fabulously! I hope the unpacking continues to progress!
This may seriously be one of my fave posts from you so far!
It is open and honest and just down-right adorable!
*Plus you take pics of your BF’s butt like I do my HandyMan’s haha*
You have such a beautiful family! I hope Will feels better soon.
Hi Katie,I have been reading, and truely enjoying your site for several months now.I just wanted to tell you that I think you are so special,beautiful and I truely believe tht you are a genuine person.I wish that I had a friend in my life that was just like you,you are a rare find.Maybe some day I will be blessed.Thanks for always making my day!My best to you always.Lisa R
I’m pretty sure Will is the cutest baby ever! You are a lucky momma!
P.S. Uhhh, momma/mama? Clearly I’m losing it. My brain is fried, too! TGIF!
YAY for honest life posts! 🙂 Thanks for being real and making us smile all the more for it – I DIED when I read the caption for Will in the dishwasher..awesome!
We use Tide’s Free & Gentle for HE washers…and yes, sometimes we add vinegar to cut the urine smell and get rid of the built up residue and increase absorbancy.
xo – kb
They are from Ikea Erin…they don’t list them online but they still might manufacture them…you might want to call and ask your local Ikea rep.
xo – kb
I am so in love with Will. 🙂 Makes me miss when I was an infant teacher. Can’t wait until God bless my husband and I with a baby. Thank you for sharing all these pictures….even if they make me whimper in baby envy. 🙂
P.S. You’re “not always all together” pic….yea, I work in a school and have the week off. Hubby came home from work Tuesday and I made the comment that I needed a shower….and to brush my teeth….and wash my face…..and maybe brush my hair for the first time that day. Gross, but true. So yea, no one always has it all together.
Adorable! Love the dust-in-the-sun. And please please please take some photos in front of the wood pile. Please! FYI, my twin boys were 15m before they got sideburns. Full heads of black hair but no sideburns. And even now (at 16m) they’re spotty.
Thank you so much, Katie, for sharing little snapshots into your life. These photos were a great reminder for me today to just stop and appreciate the little things. 🙂
So many things to say!
1) I love that rock wall you and Jer built! So neat! Is that somewhere on this blog with before and after pics or a tutorial?
2) You look good even with your hair up and no makeup! That was an awesome pic of you! I guess that’s why we all think you have it all together!
3) How many brothers and how many sister’s do you have?
4) Are you parents still married? Do they have any marriage tips they’d share with the rest of us if they are!?!
5) Love the dust catching pic of Will! So cute! I remember my oldest doing that!
6) Cole is so cute!
7) Your Mom will she homeschool your kids for you if you want /need her to since she has experience!?! I read a blog on xanga where this Mom of lots of kids has her Mom homeschool her kids cause she has a photography business and I thought that was the coolest thing for a Grandma to do!
8) Sounds like life is busy with the move and projects on both houses! So exciting but, exhausting I imagine!
9) Good luck packing! That’s so hard with little ones crawling / walking and getting into everything!
10) Keep us updated on all the fun ( and stress) of the move!
11) Oh just hoping you really do a train theme bedroom for Will! That would be so stinkin’ cute and so BOY! Would transition so well to a toddler / preschool room too!
What a beautiful post, Katie! A great reminder, like you said, to appreciate all the little moments in life that might get lost in the midst of the shuffle 🙂
I shouldn’t say this as I’m getting married this year….
But jeremy. Is fiiiiiiiiiiiine !!! 😉
Love will in his nappy (diaper) standing he’s got so big now!
And u still look gorgeous in that photo… So lucky!
Thank you Katie for sharing your family moments with us. I just started following your blog a few weeks ago and I really love it!
You mention your french door fridge. Do you have one picked out?
We’re not remodeling our kitchen till the summer but I think prices are lower now so I’ve been trying to find one but there are so many models I don’t know what to do!
great post – i love that you are documenting memories in your first house – i really wish i did more of that before we moved last year – boo!!! you are inspiring me though to take more daily life photos, i defnitely don’t capture the mundane quite enough 🙂
i love the big basket you have in your living room – has blankets and such in it – could you tell me where you go – i’m looking for a couple that size for my living room
Hi Katie! I just started reading your blog & I love it!! This was such a fun post. I might take a page out of your book sometime soon and do some random picture/thought posts. It was cool to read through! Looking forward to seeing those sideburns grow. 😉
I love the idea of a photoshoot in front of the wood. I actually made my sister give me and my husband an anniversary photoshoot in a very similar location…
Ok, I don’t know what this is a reflection off but your “zero brain power” post was one of my favorites of yours ever!! These pics really capture what is important… we all need to stop and think about the little things and be present (sorry for the Ferris ueller like quote, but it is true).
yay Will’s getting better! Hope your packing is going as smoothly as possible katie! And my favorite picture is the Future Mr. Right. hilarious
I LOVE pass the pigs! We play that with our 92 year old grandmom and she ALWAYS wins.
Great post! Loving these photos. Key points: 1) You’re going all Pioneer Woman on us, showing off Jeremy’s hiney. Do you ever read her? That woman can cook! 2) Cole’s apology notes = hilarious. Love. 3) Will is so stinkin’ cute! You have captured some truly awesome moments. I especially love the dishwasher pic, as well as the dust in the light. Heck, they’re all great. What a sweet baby! Hope he’s 100% better soon!
Love them all!
Please consider a random photos and thoughts post more often….like at least once a month. It’s a hilarious look into your life and thoughts, and is always very entertaining. Best of luck packing and moving….it’s my least favorite activity! 😉
Moving and cleaning and a sick baby all at once! I hope there’s a long nap and a hot bath and a big plate of bacon in your future. Feel free to slack off on your blogging for a bit (but I loved this post). All the best!
Oh Katie
As obscenely good looking as your boyfriend is, you’re equivalently beautiful even without being made up. Will sure won the genetic lottery in the good looks department (with or without sideburns)
This so beautiful…and really poetic 🙂 I love the way you combine words with images. Thank you for sharing. And PS I hope to be a dust in the light catcher, too!
love. love the photos and randomness. love.
and you must share–where oh where do you get will’s delish striped jammies? there have been several i have swooned over and must.have.for my baby boy.
Just found your blog! WHERE is that awesome comfy-looking green rug in the kitchen from?!?!
Will is always such a cutie!
And oh my goodness… I LOVED Pass the Pigs when I was I kid. In fact, it’s actually sitting in our office in the bin ‘o games right now. And whirlyball, love it! Some of my friends had birthday parties there when we were little, and it was still just as much fun when we were in college. I’m sad because I’ve since moved somewhere (Wisconsin) with no whirlyball.
I loved this glimpse into your life. Your family is adorable and I love that you are so real! Thank you for sharing such wonderful pictures…this was probably one of my top 5 favorite posts of yours.
I love all your pictures, Katie! What a beautiful look into your life… seems just perfect (in that perfectly not perfect way). Thanks for sharing them! 🙂
Love this post with all the cute Will pictures! I think my favorite might be the one of him being unhappy. That little pout and his little finger… awwww 😀
i love all of these!! you’ve got some talent – even when you are photographing snotcicles.
hope the move is trucking along!
Hi Kathy,
The rug is from Shades of Light – it was called Green Trellis.
xo – kb
Hey Katie,
My Noah just turned one and still no sideburns for him either. I think it is pretty normal for little bebe boys. I never noticed it until your post. Will is adorable btw!
Pass the Pigs! We had (er, I STILL have) a game called PigMania from when I was little. Those pigs look just like yours. I loved the names of the various landing positions – and my always juvenile humor still makes me laugh at the “makin bacon” position 🙂
We’ve played that game with our kids, and the first time I opened it, there were still score sheets in there from my teenage years. Love it!
Love posts like this. They make me smile. Thank you.
Will is so stink’n cute. I don’t know how you handle it. Love the photos!
Where do you shop for Will’s cloths? Also, are you still breast feeding? If so, when do you plan to stop? My son is the same age and I was just wondering!
Hi Megan,
I get most of Will’s clothing at Goodwill, Target, Walmart, Baby Gap (only clearance when it’s an additional +30% off) and the Children’s Place outlet.
And yes, we are still breastfeeding…but it’s a battle. Will could care less about it. He totally would wean right now if I let him…I hope to get to a year…but we’ll have to wait and see.
xo – kb
i wish i could show you my ‘scratchthatsensitiveskinunderyoureye’ scab right now.
you are so funny!!
Wub. You have the best perspectives on life. And the best photos, too. This post literally made me laugh so hard I snorted. And shed a tear or two. Feeling like I must go take a pic of my 1 yr old cutie now…
Your pictures are absolutely amazing! Love you style 🙂
My husband and I had photos taken by a friend last fall and she took pictures infront of the woodpile. I thought it was strange but they turned out so fantastic! https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=17024510&ref=tn_tnmn#!/photo.php?fbid=495523600466010&set=a.495523243799379.115327.154714151213625&type=3&theater