Ya’ll guessed what I got as my ‘love-ly’ reminder of my Valentines at the Biltmore.
and here are the total of votes:
Silver plated server – 9 votes
Pink glasses – 4 votes
Handweights – 1 vote
Gray plates – 3 votes
Milk glass – 4 votes
Apple bowls – 3 votes
and the correct answer is….
(drumroll please…)
When I spotted the Fenton milk glass I knew it just had to be mine. The best part – it is a piece that I will actually use. And the candlesticks were just too cute to pass up. I am somewhat on a “white kick” right now – if it is creamy and colorless, I will take it! All you albinos better run!
My favorite part of the small capped bowl is definitely the lid. When I look at it the little handle reminds me of an acorn…which just happens to be the symbol of the Vanderbilt family. Small world, huh?!
I found this old photo of the hand-hammered copper roof ridge that had the intertwined initials of George Vanderbilt and the acorn motif on either side. On the tour we learned that the acorn was chosen as the symbol because of what it meant to Commodore Vanderbilt – the saying goes “From the tiny acorn springs the mighty oak”. It symbolizes his rise from steam boat captain to
the head of the richest family in the world. Cool, huh?
I placed the milk glass pieces in the newly painted bathroom cabinet. I also added an old milk glass footed bowl on the top shelf to hold the scented oils for our diffuser. I simply can NOT wait to use the candlesticks for a ladies brunch – wouldn’t they just look fabulous with pink glasses? Gosh darn – maybe I should drive back up there for those beauties…maybe not…we’ll see 🙂
So a big fat hand goes to Kristal, Sherry, Mrs. McB, and Miss Fabulous Side of Me! Each of you are awarded one hundred thousand points for correctly guessing!
Oh – and for those of you that care – Jeremy got hurt. Don’t worry – it’s nothing major. He crashed on his bike. Yes, my 32 year old husband still rides his mountain bike like he will bounce back like a 17 year old and tries to do “cool” tricks like jumping over hills. Arg!!! If you have facebook and wanna check out the video of it, here you go!
So if you could pray for him that would be great. The clinic doc said that his foot is fractured and he has a second degree sprain. Tomorrow he goes to the surgeon to get it further examined and to schedule the MRI. Boys and their toys, right?!? When will they ever learn?! I love you baby.
i watched the video 5x and laughed and felt sorry for him. which foot was it. he sure played it off well.
My milk glass victory dance came abruptly to an end when I read about (and watched) Jeremy’s smasharoonie.
That sucks!
And it’ll break his virtual BFF by proxy’s heart (John) when I tell him the news. I’m sending mucho foot healing vibes your man’s way…
great choice with the milk glass. i was hoping that is what you’d choose although i’m not sure why i cared so much. anyway, your choices are gorgeous and i’m sure you’ll use them often. i did a post a little while back and credited you-hope you don’t mind. check it out here-
i’ve enjoyed reading and copying. you are handy and witty-what more can you ask for?!?
I’m glad he’ll be okay!
I love the photo of the Biltmore roof! Hubby and I visited for our honeymoon and took the roof top tour. It was my third trip and his first, the only tour I hadn’t taken, and the one I thought he’d like most. We learned that each of George Vanderbilt’s monograms was covered with gold leaf. Can you imagine what that roof would have looked like when the copper was gleaming AND had gold leaf!?
woot! I’m sorta obsessed with milk glass myself right now. Just bought a vase this past weekend!
And poor Jeremy! Although I will admit to laughing when I watched the video…
Excellent choice! Love the milk glass.
Your poor husband! I will keep him in my prayers. Foot injuries are no fun. My husband broke his ankle and it was not good!
Great choice!
Sorry about Jeremy! 🙁
I’m glad he’ll be okay. Lots of thoughts coming your way.
I must be the last person on earth who has not subscribed to Facebook. Although I can’t view the vid, I’m sending speedy recovery vibes J’s way. Poor guy.
Thumbs up on the milkglass! I love the pops of white it adds to the room.