I apologize for the lack of posting. Sometimes life just doesn’t unfold according to my plan. Fortunately. That should be fortunately life doesn’t unfold according to my plan. If that were the case, life would be a big hot mess.
So what has been unfolding?
Well, photoshoots. lots and lots of photoshoots.
little cuties and graduating seniors.
newborns with minds of their own and gorgeous mamas that make me green with jealousy.
did you know that seniors are simply gorgeous? every single one of them?
and that newborns are seriously so squishy & adorable that cuteness oozes from them when you squeeze their naked thighs? I know…I tried…it did.
and that redheads are my new favorite cutiepies? especially when they get their purple tutus thrown into the air by their hot moms?
yeah – and did you know that my sister whom we affectionately call Nornie got engaged? Yup. Boots popped the question and they are full-throttled GO into wedding planning.
Speaking of wedding planning – I’ll give ya one guess where the big shindig is going down 🙂
p.s. would ya say a prayer for my friend Emily? She’s sixteen and she just lost her dad yesterday to a heart attack. He was a good man, a servant to our country by way of the Air Force, a wonderful husband to Rosemary (who also served in the military) and a loving father to Emily & her 8 year old sister Sarah. I went to be with them yesterday and my heart is simply broken for this family. I know that they would appreciate a few thousand prayers right now. Thanks you guys…
Aw, that little redhead is killing me with the cuteness.
We’ll be praying for Emily and her family.
I wish the very best to your sister and Boot, as well as sending my thoughts to Emily.
Praying for Emily and her family right now.
(And that red hair just about matches my Jonathan’s. Today just happens to be his 13th month birthday. And I know Will turned 13 months on Mother’s Day. How cool?!)
Awe Emily… That just sucks. My family and I will pray for you and your family. I hope you find all the comfort you deserve, the hugs you want, and the love you need.
And as for the other cuties… my oh my… make. my. uterus. HURT!
Prayers for Emily. We lost my dear gramps to a heart attack just days before Christmas. My heart is heavy to hear of Emily’s loss. Please convey that she has many people (who don’t even know her) wrapping her in good thoughts and prayer.
What gorgeous pictures! So sorry to hear about Emily’s dad, praying for the family. Give her bloggy hugs for me! :*) No, she doesn’t know me, I just feel bad for what they’re going through.
Emily, you don’t know me but that doesn’t matter because we are all children of God. I am praying for you and your sister and your mom right now, 7:15 in Austin, Texas, that He would wrap you in peace and comfort.
Thanks Katie for being so patient and amazing with Caroline and our entire family. I can’t wait to see all the pictures. You are so talented!
Hey Katie!
Your pictures are amazing. And please, don’t feel like you have to apologize for not posting twice a day everyday. You don’t owe us anything and you are allowed to have a life!! ;P
I will say a special prayer for Emily and her family tonight. It is so hard to deal with those types of situations, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
I will also say another for your sister. I wish her and her fiance all the best in their new adventure!!
God bless!,
Oh and your house will be a phenomenal place for a wedding!!! Good luck with the preparations!!
Oh – my heart just broke for your friend. Praying for peace and comfort.
Sending prayers their way.
I just hosted my sister’s wedding in my backyard! Super fun!
My heart aches for Emily. Sending love and prayers to her and her family.
Beautiful pictures Katie…are you sure you can’t make a trip to Iowa to teach me all your photography secrets?
Congrats to your sister and Boots. The wedding will be GORGEOUS at your beautiful home. Can’t wait to see pictures!
Praying for Emily and her family.
Thoughts and prayers to Emily and family. Thank you to her father and mother for serving in our military. Love and prayers all the way from Nebraska.
Katie- Your pictures are amazing. GREAT picture of sweet Belly!! 🙂
Already said a prayer for your friends….so sorry to hear that….
Congrats to your sis!! And congrats to you on getting so much work. I’m sure it can be really hard when you’re just starting out. I’ve always loved your photos, but have to say that the ones in this post are really extra special. Great job!
i love your blog and have never commented but feel the need to tonight – i’ll be praying for emily all night as i spend the night working…this just helped me put everything in perspective so thank you. and it’s so nice to read your blog since you are totally crazy and fun yet so real and genuine!
Simply gorgeous photos! The baby in the tutu – adorable beyond words. 🙂 And congrats to your sister…what an exciting time for your family. I will most certainly say a prayer for your friend who lost her father. I can only imagine the pain they are experiencing. 🙁
Oh my goodness! Eeeek! I am so excited for you about the wedding!
As someone who is a wedding planner and has ALWAYS dreamed of owning her own wedding venue . . . I am extremely jealous. And excited for you. Yeah, that too 🙂
My heart goes out to Emily. My dad died a month ago and every day is still so hard without him. I’ll be praying for her and her family.
Beautiful pictures Katie! You are an amazing photographer. I’m so excited for your sister’s wedding! How awesome that it’s going to happen at your house!
Sending prayers for Emily and her family. Thinking of them during this difficult time.
Wow, congratulations business wise and sister engagement wise! Continued blessings for you and your family!
Also praying for Emily and her family.
Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god *deep breath*
Backyard wedding!!!! so excited to see what you do for it!
Yaaay lol
I really can’t pick a favorite picture…love them all! And a wedding at your house? looking forward to the posts on that 🙂
I will keep Emily and family in my prayers.
Praying for Emily and her family.
A wedding at your house will be very exciting! Congrats to your sister! And all the newborn and senior photos are lovely!
Sending good thoughts to Emily and her family.
My heart breaks for Emily and her family. I can’t imagine losing my daddy. I will definitely be praying for peace for her family.
On another note, congratulations to your sister! Such an exciting time!
Love all of the pictures!!!
Hey Katie, I read up on your blog often. Great pictures! Praying and calling out fellow prayer warriors :o) for you’re dear friends.
The photos are amazing! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the red head!
So sorry for Emily and her family! So hard!
Thoughts and prayers for Emily and her family…
On a different note, the photos are just gorgeous! Please let us know if you’re ever in Boston – would love to schedule a shoot!
Wow, Katie. You have been busy–and you’ve done a lot of good work from what I can see. Congrats on getting this photog business off the ground. You definitely have a talent. I have the same dream, but I’m not quite ready to take the plunge. Still, I find your brave step inspirational.
I’m so sorry to hear about Emily and her family. Just sent up a little prayer for them.
I will definitetly say a pray for Emily and her family. We lost my dad (I’m 26) in October (8 months ago). He left a wonder wife and my younger siblings, a sister 21, a brother 18, and a sister 15. It sounds contrite to say I know what she’s feeling, but it’s true. He died suddenly of septic shock. He was rushed to the hospital and died less than 48 hours later.You don’t know what to say, you don’t know what to do, all you can feel is despair and a huge longing for what was never said or left undone. Please tell her God is comfort to her. She will find that her dad will never truely be gone as he will be rememberd in those he left behind. She is a living memory of her dad.
I read this post this morning and it made me cry…then I read the comments tonight and they made me cry again. My thoughts are with Emily and her family. So sad. She looks like a strong and smart girl, someone who made her dad proud.