Here’s a little info on my family: I have a big brother named Brad who is possibly the funniest person I have ever met. And I am not lying. I don’t lie. Except if I were on a reality game show like Big Brother, then I would lie my tootie-pa-hootie off so I could win. And I wouldn’t get caught either. Because I would do my research prior to arriving and then tell no-one including any alliances. I would also do the whole mediatation thing beforehand…you know…BECOME the lie. Noone would catch me…not even a lie detector. I would practically be a girl version of Leo Dicaprio in Catch Me If You Can. I would be Leah Dicaprio. No lie.
Sorry about the unrelated tangent.
So my very funny Brad and his wife Tara came to visit over the weekend. They brought their kids – Braden and Clara – who are very sweet. and loud. and full of energy.
I told them that if they let me take a couple serious photos and SMILED and LOOKED AT THE CAMERA then I would take some photos of them on the trampoline. These little bundles of adreneline love seeing photos of themselves on the camera. Especially if crazy jumping poses and silly faces are involved.
To be honest, I am a little jealous that my parents bought the trampoline for the grandkids. When we were young, a trampoline was considered ‘too dangerous’. We would have “broken our leg”. I think my parents even considered digging a hole and sinking a trampoline into the hole…but then we would probably have bounced off the trampoline….and then bounced off the ground…and then bounced into said hole. Becoming trapped. And dying.
Needless to say, we never had a trampoline. Until a few years ago. And someone did get hurt once.
My mother. My white-haired mother. The one who gets the senior citizens discount at TJMaxx.
She tore her ACL while performing a high-jump contest.
You were right mom. Trampolines are dangerous. Especially when you are…um…I won’t finish that 🙂 Love you mom.
(quick! someone change the subject!)
Thanks Will.
Aren’t those photos fun? I love the one of Braden upsidedown. And nothing beats a crazy head of Clara hair. Or perhaps you wanna just eat those curly little toes as much as I do? Believe me, they are tastier than chicken fingers. dipped in barbeque sauce. wrapped in bacon.
Those pictures are great! Looks like lots of fun. Tangent – I sprained my ankle once on a trampoline and I’ve been a little bit afraid of them every since! They really are dangerous!
Nice shots. I want to drag the little one back, one of my favorite to tease infants.
Oh Katie, these pictures were exactly what I needed this morning! Lots of silent laughter by someone who is would OBVIOUSLY never check blogs at work. Ever.
And on a side note, I would so totally hurt myself on a trampoline now!
Oh Katie these pictures pretty much gave me a heart attack this morning. When I was 11 I broke my arm falling off of a trampoline, so I have had a major aversion to them ever since. eek!
But it looks like your family had a great time!
Wait, does your mom seriously get a discount at TJMaxx??? This is front page news!
This looks so fun!
So who’s that 3rd kid jumping with Braden and Clara? Sounds like someone’s playing favorites 🙂
Hahaha! That third kiddo is Cole…my little sister’s little boy who I CONSTANTLY talk about. I dare you to put Cole in the search box…I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU. It’s like my blog will bury you alive in Cole posts.
XO – Katie
We LOVED our trampoline as kids – as a matter of fact, we had a swing that would swing out over the trampoline and we’d jump off mid-air over the trampoline… good memories!!! That trampoline is still around after 20+ years and now the grandkids are enjoying it 🙂
I had to laugh when I read the names – Brad = Braden and Tara = Clara. So cute!