I’m just gonna apologize right now. I didn’t have time to white balance these photos so everything seems a little off.
The good news is…you get to see the playroom rug!
We went with the GREEN!
I’m very predictable aren’t I? I didn’t have the guts to do the orange and the rest just seemed like they would get too dirty or compete with my pouf….and yes, I am that cheap that I didn’t want to purchase another pouf.
And the boys are giving it a giant thumbs up. Even this sick little kid with the perma-smile, grinned a little bit bigger when he got to crawl all over it.
It ended up costing $292 including tax and free shipping after the 75% off sale at RugsUSA.com….I had a coupon code for an additional twenty bones off that and so I got it for $272. That’s a super price for a nice thick wool rug that is 11’6″ by 8’6″.
The only complaint that I have is that this beast sheds like a wooly mammoth. I read the reviews that said it would take a couple weeks of regular vacuuming before it stopped and I have noticed that it tapered off. When I sit down there to play, I used to get up looking like a green Chewbacca….now it looks more like the Jolly Green Giant’s wife just forgot to shave her legs. Progress I tell ya. Progress 🙂
Overall, it’s definitely a step in the right direction. There are a few more things in this space to finish before I can call it complete though.
I need to finish patching/repainting the holes from the shelves.
I also want to sew some simple shades for the windows. I think the ‘brag wall’ needs a few more magnet boards too….ya know…for more masterpieces.
I started on the little gallery wall above the toy cubbies. It’s not complete yet….I’m waiting on a bear head to arrive. I instagrammed a picture of it (you didn’t know you actually had to follow me there too?! @bowerpowerblog) and I can’t wait to see it up. Also…I need to get a trucker hat and a pair of sunglasses for the bear head. #notkidding
The artwork here is just what was already in the frames….don’t judge me.
I think that I will need to order photos of the boys and then also pop in a few cheap/easy printables/artwork. Nothing too serious.
Oh and did I mention the cubbies? I had some gift cards from my birthday and it helped me purchase those plastic toy bins which are FANTASTIC. I got them at Target and I had been searching for the bigger size boxes (the little fabric ones didn’t hold enough!) and these are easy to clean and so far, have held up great to the Abuser….aka Weston.
We also have on more big basket of toys and then a few that live on the floor but otherwise, we purged SO many. It felt GREAT. And the fantastic thing is….everything has a home and we know where it goes.
The other area I would love to address is this little nook. I hate that it has a door to the garage. I wish it were just a closet where I could put craft supplies, board games and the toys that live on the floor. Maybe one day. For now, I think we need to build a custom unit for the craft supplies. Something not very deep and that would be a spot for all those randoms.
Oh and we need a new light fixture in here too. Something a little more indestructible. I’m thinking metal….or wood….or Kryptonite because my little Supermen will find a way!
So congrats to all you who voted GREEN! You totally read my mind. And let the play time begin!
I feel incredibly awkward asking this question, and PLEASE don’t feel like you have to answer this, but I love looking at homes and floor plans and I can’t for the life of me picture where this room is in your house. I always thought it was on the same side of the house as your office and living room (not sure why I thought that), but your mention of a door leading into the garage has me completely confused. Again, I totally get if you don’t want to answer this question for privacy purposes, I was just curious. Oh, and I was totally hoping you would choose the green. It looks great!
So cute!! Kind of off topic but would you ever think of doing a post on homeschooling? We are thinking about homeschooling starting next year (we’d have a 1st grader and a 3 year old in preschool). I’m always curious what adults who were homeschooled thought about it! Did you love it, feel like you missed out, etc. also are you planning to homeschool your kids? It’s such a huge decision!!! Thanks Katie!
Wr have those same toy bins but on a lime green and black! They are amazing! Love the way the toy room turned out!
Looks good! I can’t even remember what I voted for but I’m sure your choice is the best! Ha! Oh and is the another matchbox car shelf over there? We really need to make one of those for our boys!
Love this room. My kid’s play room is in the basement and I wish it was this bright and cheery feeling. No amount of decor and organization can make it bright. The colors you use are so fun, it is kid-ish without being too cutesy and overkill. Cubbies and bins, love them. Every house with kids should have a TON, you can never have enough. If I see a bin or basket on sale I seriously consider buying it. I might not have a need for it right away, but something will come up. Some women are obsessed with shoes, for me it is baskets, bins, and anything monogrammed. Really just home decor stuff. Me, old jeans and flip flops, my house…. trying for perfection 🙂
I voted for the orange, but I’m loving the green. The room looks colorful and playful without being overwhelming. Love it!
love it! Where did you get the black square cubby thingie? Thanks!
Where did you get the book stand? I’m really hoping you didn’t build it!! I have been searching for a decent one and can only find the fabric ones that seem really difficult to keep upright.
Looks great, Katie! Just curious where you got the boy’s train table? Tks!
I originally voted for the blue chevron, but I’m surprised by how much I’m loving the green rug! Maybe because it reminds me of grass? And grass is totally neutral, right? Anyway, I love it, and I think it looks great in the space! I’m jealous (though not jealous of all that vacuuming, ha).
I voted for orange yet green was my second choice. However, after now seeing all of the other elements in the room, green clearly was the best choice. Looks so plush and comfy and the room is looking adorable. Great job!
Have you thought about walling up that little corner and just making it a closet? Obviously pictures aren’t as good as being in there, so I don’t know if the size of the room would allow for it. But you could have a closet and even remove the door between the room and garage to fully close off that area (or leave it, most people would never know lol).
Love the rug by the way! 🙂
Looks great!
Looking good! I love the freshness the green rug adds to the room! Do you have a link for the Target baskets?
Love the green! Looks like a fun room.
Can you share the target link for the cubby and bins? I’ve been on the hunt for something that will hold the big toys! This looks perfect by I can’t seem to find it on the target website—-maybe I’m blind!!!
Good choice! I think green is one of your signature colors- it always looks great in your home. Your playroom is already so beautiful and functional. I’m looking forward to seeing the finishing details.
We’re using our formal living room as a playroom for my 11 month old. My goal is to get some frames and a large map (finally) hung before her first birthday party at the end of the month.
I didn’t vote for the green but I like it! It plays very nicely with the other colors in the room. Is it soft? I always worry about ordering rugs online because I really hate a scratchy rug.
It is soft.
xo – kb
Here is a link to the smaller bins (the larger ones aren’t listed online)…and the cubby thing is from Ikea (I got it on clearance).
xo – kb
The larger baskets are not listed online but here is the link to the smaller baskets with the same pattern.
xo – kb
It is actually a play table that we retrofitted with a train topper. Here is the post about it.
xo – kb
The cubby is from Ikea.
xo – kb
Here is a post I wrote about homeschooling.
xo – kb
Here is the link to the first floor plan…and it might be labeled office.
xo – kb
Yup! I love that thing!
xo – kb
We didn’t build…we bought it…at a local thrift store. Here is the link about it.
xo – kb
We have those plastic bins in turquoise and I bought an additional set for when my middle boy (aka: destructor aka: wreck-it Ralph…you get the picture) breaks those. I wanted replacements because they are perfect. Sounds like your Weston and my Ben would play well together!
We have thought about it…but it is a LOT of work…removing wainscoting, studding out a wall, drywalling, building/installing a door, running a light, etc. It’s just gonna sit on the back burner for a long time.
xo – kb
Hi Katie. This rug looks wonderful in the play room! Could you please share the coupon code for the additional $20 off? Thanks so much!
I completely fell for the green and I’m so glad it worked out well! It looks terrific!!
I hate a love-hate relationship with rugs in my house: I love the look but I’m bound to spill something on it within a week of buying it 🙁
Whether it’s food or pets (2 cats and a 200lbs dog) I can never seem to keep a rug looking decent for more than 1 year. And when getting it cleaned professionally is almost as expensive as buying new, I sort of wonder if it’s worth it.
It is hard to tell scale from the pictures, but what if you used that little nook area as a permanent fort? I am picturing something like this …
Get some bean bags or square floor pillow. You could even put a curtain on the wall with the door and car rack. Disguise the door and make it more encompassing.
I got it from a promotion thing…I forget if it was a fill-out-this-form thing or what. I think I saw it from following on Facebook. It didn’t expire.
xo kb
We would have nothing left whole! Everything would be in pieces!
xo kb
I’m loving the green! This is such an awesome space. It looks great!
I voted for the first blue one – but LOVE this! Even with photoshop I couldn’t picture it… but you made the perfect choice (as usual). This room is really coming along 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Oh dude…if I had my way, I would build a two-story playhouse in there…complete with slide and ball pit. Unfortunately it really does need to be more storage 🙁
xo – kb
I didn’t vote for the green but now that it’s actually in the room I absolutely love it. It goes so well with the map. Beautiful!
Such a sweet room! I love that rug, but my first thought was it was WAY too clean for a kid to be in there, lol! Great use of storage that includes some that little hands can grab if he needs.
Great post!
Please check out my blog! 🙂
Hi there! Love the look of your area rug! Do you have a link to the one you purchased? I went on the rugsusa.com website (what a great selection!). There are many rugs that look similar to yours, but I can’t seem to find the exact one.
Nice post.
I don’t. I can’t find it 🙁
I do have the name though – Satara Lattice FG87 Rug
Item #: 200SBFG87A-P
Hope this helps.
xo – kb
Yay! I voted for the green rug. It looks awesome.
You are probably right! My boy has picked up his Gator and flipped it on its side, and did the same thing with the train table. I keep saying they need drywall that is made of rubber. I’ve had to patch the walls on the landing at the bottom of the stairs multiple times. We could share war stories. Lol. #lifewithboys
Hi Katie!
I LOVE your playroom! I am planning one for my house since we just moved. Could you share where you got that huge map? It is beautiful!
I got it at a local antique mall.
xo – kb
You’re so kind for getting me the item number and description. Thank you!! 🙂
Do you use that door to the garage often? If not, that area could be a fun “fort” for your boys. You just need a curtain that hangs across there.