Ikea is a dangerous place. Seriously. Walking in, you must be armed with a specific list of items that you need. And stick to your list people! Also, wear comfortable shoes. This is vital because at any moment you must start a dead sprint for the door. This is to keep you from purchasing the entire store. Jeremy and I can not go in there unprepared or we will reap the consequences of a $250 bill for items we didn’t even know we HAD to have. Each item is THAT fabulous! The Scandinavian superstore preys on your greatest weakness – a condition known to the Berenstain Bears as “The Gimme’s”.
Since our master bedroom transformation, the boyfriend and I have made a mental note to get our patooties down to Ikea to trade in some of our stuff. But first I had to scour the Ikea website to prepare my list. List in pocket, I finally got around to actually driving there this week.
Originally, we bought too many curtain sets for our wall-o-cacooniness and I had no receipt, so that means thirty dollars of store credit. I headed up to the kitchen section to buy some of these. Sorry Katie, this item is sold out. Darn. What else is on the list?
Down to the pillow section I headed. You see, we have two pillows on our couch that were pillow-cover-less. Jeremy hates hiding the tags. And I told him that if we ripped them off, the pillow police would come get us 🙂
These silk pillow covers immediately caught my eye. Aren’t they just yummy? And at $7.99 for a cover – they won’t break the bank. Oh and the fabulous part – they come in several different colors…so you could definitely find a color combo that would work in your own home AND they look way more high-quality in person than on the website.
Since my current lumbar pillow is from Ikea – it was easy to play mix and match while in the store. I was getting really excited as I dreamed of pillow combos that would give our leather chairs a bit of a softer edge.
Cover firmly in place, the pillow has texture overflowing and is just what the doctor ordered for my den. The crinkly silk has a subtle classiness to it and the color is warm and worldly all in one.

Yeah, yeah, we get it, you live close to an IKEA. Feel free to rub it in some more. Haha, J/K, I’m seething with jealousy but I love you still. Love the pillows, and love the Bearenstain Bears!
(sigh) I wish I had an IKEA near me. Although, I’m sure I would go overboard like you talk about. It’s easy to do with all the goodness. And, since the prices are relatively reasonable, you forget how much you are spending.
I compare it to my Dollar Store issues – I always come out of the Dollar Store (where everything is a dollar) with at least $35 (and as much as $75) worth of crap. It’s a curse.
(sigh) I wish I had an IKEA near me. Although, I’m sure I would go overboard like you talk about. It’s easy to do with all the goodness. And, since the prices are relatively reasonable, you forget how much you are spending.
I compare it to my Dollar Store issues – I always come out of the Dollar Store (where everything is a dollar) with at least $35 (and as much as $75) worth of crap. It’s a curse.
Man, I have an IKEA close to me and pp’s are making me feel guilty that I don’t hit it up more frequently!
Oooohhhh, IKEA is so good for the Gimmes. So is Target. Love that pillow cover!
I haven’t been to the Ikea that opened a few years ago in the Detroit area. But when I was living in Germany, I’d go to Ikea on a Saturday afternoon. I swear the ENTIRE German population was there, devouring the Swedish meatball lunch.
Ohhh I could rest my patootie on that anyday. LOVES IT. The texture, the colors, the contrast of chocolate leather and vanillas.
Yeah, and quit rubbing your proximity to an Ikea in our Ikea-deprived faces =)
Hi Ya’ll,
Have I told you guys that I live near an IKEA and that I go there shopping quite frequently? Cause if I forgot to mention it, I could do a whole post about my proximity, my strategy, my cell phone which has their ‘product availablity’ department on speed dial. No? I’ll get right on that 🙂
I guess it is just another reason that Atlanta rocks my socks off! Don’t hate Georgia cause we have an Ikea. Plus it is a good excuse for us to go shopping together if you should ever visit the ATL. And peeps, you definitely know I am always up for more shopping!
Michael – I could go for some of those meatballs right now! And I love their packaged cookies – the crispy ones that are chocolately delish. hmm.
Kim – I have dollar store issues as well. It is pretty much just shopping issues. Technically I am not addicted to shopping but a hangup with having to purchase stuff might be on the horizon.
You guys stay safe…and try not to dream of Ikea…or their fantastic products, their cheap pricetags, or the fact that I am dancing up and down the aisles 🙂
XO – Katie