That title is deceiving 🙂
But this has nothing to do with potty training…I just wanted to jot down how this pregnancy has been different to my pregnancy with Will. Just so I don’t forget. And because it’s relevant to some of the quickie photos I had Jer snap outside of me in my ‘happy stage’ vs. any future ‘uncomfortably large stage’ photos that might make an appearance.
First – the biggest and most notable difference in this pregnancy is my lack of rose-colored glasses. With Will, I was IN LOVE with being pregnant. I seriously thought I never looked or felt better. I could not see my weight gain or my puffy eyelids or my swollenness or felt anything more than mildly uncomfortable. This time around, I see it. I see it and I feel it. Maybe it’s because I am older…or because I’m pregnant during an excruciatingly hot summer but I feel huge and every position is uncomfortable. I never struggled sleeping…this time if my pillows aren’t just right then neither am I. Plus, that feeling of excitement, that feeling that nothing could be more attractive than pregnancy, that overwhelming positivity is just not here.
Don’t get me wrong…I am THRILLED that we are pregnant and expecting another baby boy. But I think this time around I am looking forward more to the baby itself. This stage has just lost it’s romance if you know what I mean. Plus, every time I think about being pregnant I think of all those women out there that are waiting or trying or frustrated with their own journey. Those gals and guys have my heartstrings.
Besides the emotional part of it, the physical part is different too. For one, I am carrying lower than I did with Will. So I have more siatica pain. And I am hot all the time…it’s like I have a space heater strapped to my belly. And my rear end? Holy MOLY. It’s growing as fast as my belly is. And basically I am uncomfortable in clothing. If I could be naked 100% of the time, I would. Of course, I don’t think the FedEx guy would appreciate that.
This time around I am not craving salty foods like I did with Will. With him, I downed boxes and boxes of Super Pretzels dipped in mustard. And I wanted sushi…sushi with lots of soy sauce. This time – cold fruit and dark chocolate. I am loving Fruit Bars (Lemon or Strawberry are this weeks favorites) and COKE. Seriously…I want it all the time. Of course, I don’t. But there is quite a lot of time invested in thinking about how delicious a tall glass of ice with a cold coke poured on top would be. I can practically feel the fizz on my tongue as we speak.
Speaking of foods – let’s talk aversions. With Will there was a moment that I could not stand Burger King french fries. And I am a fan of the King’s fries. But for some reason they tasted ashy to me. This time, me and BK get along just fine. What I can’t think about? Meat. Ground beef to be exact. If I smell it cooking, I seriously wanna hack up a hairball. And then vomit on it. And that would be more appealing than ground meat.
Of course, this time around, I am tired. With a constant chase going on in the house (me after Will or my next hit of dark chocolate), I am exhausted. Usually I am a really good sleeper…but it seems like the time that I wanna crash is in the afternoon…when a certain two-year-old is wide awake…so I can’t. I was expecting the tiredness in the beginning (I had it with Will too) but this late in the pregnancy is totally unforseeable. I guess I just see it as God’s way of preparing to be up all the time when our little baby makes his appearance.
Now let’s talk Braxton Hicks. Seriously. Those suckers are no joke. I actually had my first episode with them this month and I was SHOCKED. Since my labor was more like cramps, I was surprised to feel something this early that was more intense than labor pains. And I never had anything more than tightness and a hard-as-a-rock belly with Will. This time? Three hours of crying. Calling my mom. Contemplating a call to the doctor or a visit to the ER. Wowza. In the end, we figured out that my lack of drinking water played a big part. Now if I feel them starting to come on, I down as much water in a half hour as possible and continue to drink all throughout the day. That’s tough for me because I am a desert creature…as in I usually could be completely content with one glass of water all day.
#2 has also brought along a surprising desire. As in Jeremy. As in I could literally jump his bones at any moment. I can’t get enough of him in the bedroom. Sorry mom. It’s true though…I am so lucky to have married such an amazing man and to have a family with him…but I am so so lucky that he does it for me. like that pit-of-my-stomach wanting. animal lust. the kind of thing most people only feel towards bacon. it’s uncontrollable.
Nesting…hasn’t happened. Not even a little. I have no desire to clean or get anything ready this time around. It’s weird but I don’t even have much drive to do the nursery yet. It’s very odd. Maybe it’ll kick in later? Maybe because of the whole tiredness thing? Maybe because I’d rather be throwing myself at Jeremy than at our dirty floors? All sound legitimate.
Last but not least…skin tags. SERIOUSLY. I thought they were an urban myth….like needles in gas pump handles or how calories fell out of broken oreos. And then I got pregnant. In a very sexy turn of events, I have had to clip two off my body so far…both in my underarms. They are the pits. Pun totally intended. And no, nothing says sexy like saying the words “witch’s warts” and “bloody armpits” in the same sentence.
SOoo…that’s all the uber-personal info you need to know for now. Anyone else wanna share your crazy pregnancy body issues or random cravings or lack of nesting? Or perhaps your second pregnancy was totally different than your first? Or you had intense Braxton Hicks too? Or perhaps you also hated ground beef but couldn’t get enough of your husbands meat? Sorry….pregnancy makes me more inappropriate. which is possible contrary to popular belief.
p.s. all these photos were taken by Jer in the backyard. Yes. I begged.
p.p.s. Wanna see old pregnant-with-Will maternity photos? Click here.
You look amazing! Seriously, how do you do it?!
Holy moly Katie, I feel you on the beef. I can’t stand the sight, smell, thought of it. And that’s coming from the Cheeseburger queen.
But since this is my first pregnancy, and we tried for a while before getting here… I’ve still got my rose colored glasses on.
You look fabulous! xo
Oh Katie, I just adore you. Once again, I love your honesty…that you don’t wrap everything up in ribbon and you keep it real.
You are such a beautiful mommy!!!! I am so happy to see baby bump pictures!
How long have you been able to put your hair back? Where are your bangs, how is your hair so versatile?!?!?!?!?!?! It looks different every time you put photos up and I love it.
Ever since I got my hair cut, I could always pull it back into a pony (with a few hangouts)…and my bangs are still there – just pull them back with a headband 🙂
xo – kb
You look adorable. And of course you’re hot! You’re wearing jeans and long sleeves! I’m hot just looking at you!
And that not drinking water thing- make an effort to drink more..I just had a kidney stone and it WAS worse than pregnancy and childbirth combined. YOu don’t ever want to experience that. I am a water drinking fiend any more!
Katie – You are so funny. And so… honest! Love the post and the pictures 🙂
I had the same aversion to ground beef cooking! My son just turned 35, and I STILL hate that smell. I feel ya!
I am 8 1/2 months pregnant, and I totally didn’t realize the skin tags were a pregnancy related thing! I have gotten one in my armpit, and one on my belly, that got bumped off. It bled – grossness.
We tried for over a year to get pregnant, so I am enjoying it – up to a point 🙂 I am just ready for him to be here already!
So, is this cute pink ruffled longsleeve tee maternity? It’s SO cute.
Do tell where 🙂
PS: your glow/sunburn is AMAZING in these pics.
You are too cute. I’m sure you’re feeling yuck (except in the bedroom, of course) but you wouldn’t ever know it from these pictures.
How far along are you now? I would like to think I’m enough of a stalker to know this, but without the weekly/monthly/however often updates of you against the wall and then colorful fabric, it has gotten hard to keep track of. 😉
Congratulations again. You guys seem like such a great couple and I’m so happy you’re being blessed with another little Bower.
You look amazing! I’m sure I never looked that good when I was pregnant. You seem to wear it so naturally! If you are uncomfortable at all, you hide it well. 🙂
I had the same thing with the Braxton-Hicks contractions in my second pregnancy. I never had them with my first, but with my second they were so bad that most days I was forced to spend all evening on the couch. I was SO GRUMPY about it! I had things to do, and there I was, sentenced to lay on the couch. They were pretty bad in months 5-7 and actually got better towards the end of my pregnancy.
I hope yours get better…
I absolutely LOVE your honesty. You make me laugh so much and bring such a light to my day. I always love that you can tell God shines through you. You are a wonderful conductor of His light.
Also, thank you for your empathy towards those of us who struggle with infertility. I am always amazed by the heart you have for those who are struggling. I, myself, have been trying to get pregnant for a year and a half and I never expected to read those comforting words in your post. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness.
In Him,
I love how honest you are. I am pregnant with my first (after a miscarriage) and I too have had some of your same symptoms. What I’ve realized is you can read as much as you want and talk to all your friends but everyone is different in all aspects. Lucky for me one of my good friends is an OB so if something is to embarrassing to ask my Dr about (erotic dreams that have a happy ending!) i can ask her 🙂 ok, now I’m blushing!
Good luck to you in your final trimester-you are a beautiful pregnant woman and have a wonderful soul.
Miss Katie,
Can I say how very much I loved this post?! I am one of the many women whom God is waiting on His perfect timing to bless with a baby. My husband and I have been TTC for 9 months with no luck. Sometimes it’s frustrating, sometimes is okay. But, my point in writing this is to say NEVER feel bad for the blessings you have and sharing that with the world!! Some women may get frustrated seeing these pictures but we all know you have had struggles of your own! AND, despite our own struggles, it’s my hope that women would be cheerleaders for each other and be happy for you all the same! You are absolutely lovely and I really enjoy sharing this journey with you!!
Lots of Love,
You may not FEEL beautiful…but you LOOK beautiful. I love your honesty, and the part about your boy-toy Jeremy. It made me blush. I hope the rest of the pregnancy is a happy blur and just remember you’ll be holding your baby in one arm and an ice cold Coke in the other, before you know it!
You are soooo cute! So, even if you aren’t feeling cute, trust me. You are cute! Oh, the dreaded skin tags. I ended up with a couple (one in my armpit and another in, well, let’s not go there). But, this clipping things you speak of….you mean, you just CLIPPED it off?! Does it bleed? Katie, enlighten me.
Katie! You are hilarious! I love reading your blog and this is exactly why – very few others out there are as honesty! I think you look amazing and that pink shirt is fabulous! I’m only a little bit into my first pregnancy (4 months) but I cannot agree more about the tiredness in the afternoons! I would happily reinstate naps at work-as-if-it-were-kindergarten!
Ground beef made me barf. It was bad. Only when cooking it though, because I loved me some Taco bell and the beef in that made me happy!
And I loved salt as well with the first(and only for now :)) Probably why I looked like a puffalump in my hospital pics! Good luck!
I wish I was lying, but during labor I wanted a nice, tall, cold Coke SO BAD that my doctor put one in front of me ;like a carrot to a horse. Let’s just say the first words out of my mouth after my darling daughter was born was “can I have that coke now?!?!”. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy, you look wonderful 🙂
My two pregnancies were totally, completely different too. But I attribute that more to working during the first, and not the second. More time to sit around and be tired = not a good thing. But I was much sicker with baby number two as well, and I think that’s because I had a daughter first and a son second. I love my children so very very much and both were wanted and planned pregnancies, but I am thrilled to be done with pregnancy. Is it horrible to admit every time I see (or hear) of a pregnancy I think to myself, “So glad it’s not me?” Done with babies here, but hopefully not our family. Let you figure that one out . . . 😉
You look beautiful!
I’m sure Jeremy doesn’t mind the extra desire on your end 🙂
Potentially one of your most hilariously shocking, laugh-out-loud, jaw-dropping-at-times posts. In the best possible way haha. Loved it. All of it. Such a great journal entry of exactly what this pregnancy has been for you. Thanks for sharing Katie! Always SO fun to read along.
It’s funny how no two pregnancies are the same…for the same person and when you compare different women’s stories.
I’m pregnant with #3 and all I want is Beef! I can’t get enough of hamburgers and often times the thought of chicken really grosses me out!
I wish you all the luck with your new baby! They are wonderful and so worth the ‘changes’ that take place…but I must say that the actual process of being pregnant is far from my favorite thing! 🙂
You look stunning! This is my first pregnancy and I have the rose colored glasses on as well. Also, I think Jeremy has a new career in the making!
Katie- you crack me up! We are also preggers with #2 (due 2.13.13) and I can not stand meat. But, the kicker is that I can not get enough of Del Tacos Classic tacos! Yep, I have made best friends with the lady at the Del Taco down the street from my work. Whatever gets you through those 9 lovely months! I am also chasing down a very active 2 year old little boy. It’s a lot when you are tired and aching all the time but I keep reminding myself that this is his time with me before baby!
Looking amazing lady! Both for #1 and #2
I’m in my first pregnancy and while I think I do have the rose-colored glasses on, I also feel pretty uncomfortable. I’m a month behind you so I should probably be thankful that the latter half will be in fall/winter. I’m still not fully into the nesting. I’m not sure how to tackle it I think. Hopefully we’ll both get there before the little one’s arrive.
Good luck!
With #1 I knew my pregnancy was really real (besides the whole heartbeat hearing thing…) when I went to eat Chick Fil A and almost yacked. And I am fairly certain I started crying, because the idea of not eating those nuggets dipped in mayo for a few months made me so very sad.
With #2, I just had to eat something. Anything. And then the gestational diabetes hit, and everything I wanted to eat, I couldn’t. So I ate a cucumber a day, everyday, from about 25 weeks til the end.
You are a beauty! Honestly, you HAVE the pregnancy glow!
What the heck is the deal with skin tags?!? I’m getting them too – and even have one on my nipple! How nasty?!
I’m also due with my 2nd and feel exactly the same way as you this time around. My son is 22months and I’m not due until new years. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! You look fab!
Couple of things…
1.Wish my hair looked that cute pulled back
2. You + belly = adorable
3. After a year and a half trying for our first, I hope I get a belly soon!
Questions…totally unrelated in any way, shape, or form…
I’m making 2 big purchases this month (what’s a girl to do when she yearning for a baby…shop I say!). I’m buying my first digital camera and a Macbook…so my questions are…
1. Your tab that reads “Our Stuff,” is it updated to what you currently have for your camera ?
2. Is the Macbook you have on there too?
I’m looking for recommendations on both. We’ve had a desk top computer for a long time and now that I’m getting a new camera, I feel like I Mac is so much better for all my pictures. I’m hoping we choose the right Mac book for all our needs. Is that the only computer you have? Help!
Sorry for all the prying, but between your fun blog and your amazing pictures….I think you’ve got it right!
xo Chrissy
Ok, minus the camera…..I used the side bar and found the “camera bag crash” post. No need to get snarky…not that you would. 🙂
I had the same, um… drive situation that you have with both my pregnancies. I remember sitting in a childbirth class with all these pregnant women complaining about how unappealing they were finding their husbands and how they had lost all desire to do anything…and I couldn’t wait to get home to be with my husband. Uncontrollable is the best word to describe it. I don’t know if my husband or I was more surprised by it (or thrilled about it!)
Sadly, I can’t feel your pain about the ground beef. Two pregnancies, two I-will-kill-someone-for-a-burger cravings. Pregnancy is so strange.
Katie – first off, I’ve followed your blog since you were FIRST featured on YHL. So we go way back.
Second, your title did NOT throw me off. Since I just blogged about the same topic. See it here:
Third, I think you are a week or two ahead of me in pregnancy. And my body is a wreck. Round ligament pains, sore back, and that chunky backside. What is up with this?
I love hearing how your pregnancy is going this time around!
You look awesome! Is your skin naturally that perfect or do you have a special pregnancy concoction you’d like to share?!
Congrats on Baby Boy #2!
I had our first baby in April, and I couldn’t stand the smell or texture of meat! I love steak and chicken and all things meaty, but I couldn’t not look or smell it! I just wanted crunchy things and fruit. And salads and salad dressings! The weird thing is I don’t eat ANY condiments. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. You may not feel it, but you look great!
Those two pictures that have a more vintage edit are my absolute favorite! You look great. I am a tell it like it is kind of girl so I completely appreciate your honesty. I will try not to judge you on days with no posts… instead I’ll just know you had some man jumping to do!
Hi Katie, I really enjoy reading these posts about your pregnancy and you look so beautiful in these photos. Also, I just wanted to say that I think you are so kind and thoughtful to mention that you still think of others who are still trying for their babies. We are still trying after four years and I don’t think I’ll ever forget how hard this time has been. I really think it is lovely that you continue to acknowledge that others are still hoping and waiting x
Just gotta say this… you have awesome grass! Since moving to FL I’m missing grass like that. I’m allergic to wheat and all I want are bagels with this baby… and hummus can not get further away from me (which I usually love).
You look fantastic! And Jeremy did such a great job with the pics! Whenever I ask my hubby to take pictures of my daughter and I (you know- for proof that actually mothered her), half a face is usually cropped out or we’re blurry. Sigh. And I totally had LOTS of Braxton Hicks with my daughter.. like, starting halfway through and what seemed like a few every day till the end. Such a bizarre feeling!
I’m pregnant for the first time, and I understand what you mean being excited about the actually “trip” getting to the labor part, and seeing the baby for the first time. Wishing you the best in the hot hot weather, we have the same problem here in California with 102 degrees for 10 days straight – I’m not outside much at all. However, I have been drinking both Coke and coffee throughout my pregnancy and it was been my lifesaver in the morning or to cool down with at lunch.
As I have gone through the two pregnancies also, I love how you kept things real! My two pregnancies were very different as well – but I think the biggest thing was the feeling tired (probably the toddler running around to chase, huh). I can’t wait for that little boy to come and see him! I have a 2.5 year old and a 10 month old (both boys) and I LOVE it. Busy, but amazing.
Kudos to Jeremy though, my poor husband did great until the end and then he was terrified that he might induce labor too early – I felt like I had to corner him! 😉
Longtime reader, first time commenter. I love your honesty and I can’t wait until I’m pregnant with my 2nd so I can discover my own differences. Just wanted to say your pictures are lovely and your boyfriend isn’t too shabby with a camera!
Sounds disgusting but OMG how did you get rid of your skin tags?
Katie! SO sweet. Even with all of the way TMI you’ve got goin’ on. I’m digging it. Also, skin tags are the worst. They infested me while I was pregnant. Also, Also, they all basically disappeared after birth. 😉
You look amazing!
My 2nd pregnancy i was tired ALL THE TIME. My first 2 girls are 22 months apart, so yeah, it is rough, but manageable. One time i fell asleep in the middle of the day and my oldest, then 22 months, buttered the dog. Yep, exactly like it sounds. Whole stick of butter on the dog.
This time around, number 3, all i want is meat. i would eat it at 2 am if you would let me. which is very new for me. but everytime is different i have learned by the 3rd time around. And yes, the husband thing happens to me too. It’s so bad my husband jokes that he can’t wait to get me pregnant because i won’t leave him alone!
I can’t remember, how far along are you? when are you due?
You look fabulous!! And Jer did a wonderful job with the picture taking! You’re a lucky gal in more ways than one!
Yeah… two boys here, two different pregnancies. I’ll admit, I didn’t really like being pregnant either time so that was the same. 🙂 I gained the same amount of weight too, and 65 lbs is a lot to gain (and lose) TWICE, I feel the need to brag about it. 😉 But everything else was different, except hating on it (and my fat self).
I do remember not being scared the second time around and that was nice but I don’t really remember much else, it was good of you to do this post b/c chasing after a toddler makes memories fade. 🙁
You look gorgeous, Momma! And I love your over-sharing! 🙂 xoxo
Have you still been doing the weekly pictures? I’d love to see them.
love hearing all the differences in your pregnancies. i too feel there are so many differences. i feel ya on the i’m so tired i don’t wanna do anything bit. 🙂 you’re looking gorgeous by the way!
Oh I hear ya!
Except I’m on to my third pregnancy in less than 4 years. Pregnancy #1 was a breeze – no morning sickness, slept well, no real aches or pains, no food aversions etc. I had Braxton hicks but they were an exciting “oh my body is preparing for labour” type thing. Despite being due the middle of a stinking hot Summer I never felt over it.
Pregnancy #2 was also pretty easy. Braxton hicks kicked in at 15 weeks (again lower) and I carried lower which meant pelvic pain towards the end. Again though all completely manageable and I was lucky with no morning sickness and still sleeping well.
I’m now 26 weeks pregnant with #3 and I am OVER IT. Felt hungover 24/7 from the time I peed on a stick at 4 weeks until about 12 weeks. Then I felt okay but got a head cold so that took me out for a week. Got better from that in time formthe pelvic pain to kick in early this time and have been on weekly physiotherapy visits since 21 weeks. I see your skin tags and raise you compression bike shorts to be worn 24/7… I’m bringing sexy back in a big way. If you don’t know what compression pants are just picture a modern day version of a chastity belt. My food aversions for the first trimester was chicken. The thought of it made me want to hurl and I couldn’t even handle the sight of someone else eating it. I got past that though and my current aversion seems to be not eating so I get past that by eating. ALL. THE. TIME. Add to all that I have a 3 year old, a 2 year old and I work full time… Thank god my husband is the full time stay at home parent. Imagine how much I’d be whinging if he wasn’t?! So at this point I am very much looking forward to meeting our addition more than being pregnant.
So after that massive pregnancy rant I will say you still look pretty darn good even if you don’t feel it! Bring on November for both of us hey?!
I was dying laughing at the part about Jeremy. I never felt that way with my daughter. The thought of sex totally repulsed me. But of course I did my wifely duty. Jeremy must be LOVING it. I love how honest this was. You are awesome and look gorgeous! Jeremy did a good job with the pics 🙂
Seriously, I swear you just described every issue I am going through! Second pregnancy, due in October. Skin tags in armpits, seriously why is this happening to me :D. Pretty sure my nose is swollen too. I imagine chasing after my two year old is why this pregnancy is so exhasting. It’s fun to read your posts and have someone else go through the same thing. Still can’t help but be grateful that I am able to go through this misery. Best of luck to you!
Katie – you look gorgeous – you and your body are doing an amazing thing. That is what I tell myself every day when I look in the mirror.
This is my first pregnancy, and I am starting to pop now at 19 weeks. And I never really had rose-colored glasses on, despite it taking quite a while to get pregnant. I am struggling with the weight gain thing, as I have always worked really HARD to keep my weight and fitness. It is a daily struggle, but I know how much this is worth it, and figure I will just bust my butt after pregnancy. But the biggest thing I am noticing is how my thighs are growing, and my face is swelling!!!!! Again, I couldn’t be happier though.
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy, and take comfort in knowing that many momma’s out there are feeling the same way as you!!!
For the sciatica try the first stretch in this video. It saved me during my last pregnancy. It’s a little tricky with a belly in the way but if you can manage it you might get some relief.
You look gorgeous. I’m so jealous. I’m done with my 4 boys but may do the pregnancy again as a surrogate. I love being pregnant.
Ha! Katie, you’re hilarious. I’ve never been pregnant, and I’m not planning on having children for quite a while… but I love reading your pregnancy updates!
Katie you make you heart sing. <3 I LOVE your honesty. I have to say, that though I 'brows' a lot of blogs yours is one of the very few I READ, as in, all the way! Me and my husband are finally expecting! After 11 LONG month of trying we are expecting. I thought I would have rose colored glasses too but its just not so. I totally understand. Its not like we don't love our babies just that we love our babies and not being big round awkward masses or getting sick. I totally get it. I am so glade I'm not crazy. Sometimes I feel its wrong of me to not be drooling over the idea of maternity cloths or rubbing my belly and crying at the bliss. Its comforting to know there are others out there 🙂
Awwww, you’re so cute!
I’m 31 weeks with number two right now, and I’m also soooo tired all the time. I am super jealous of your libido though. It’s like a lightswitch, and mine got stuck in the off position 🙁
I’ve been craving avocados, peaches, and McDonald’s fries, and I can’t stomach my old favorite food: medium rare steak. But even medium steak feels too chewy in my mouth and I cry. It’s been awesome not being morning sick this time around, though.
With Jamey, I had my head in a trash can for all but six weeks in the middle. Like, conception through labor. This time, I’ve been gaggy in the morning, but that’s fixable with a hot beverage. And I havne’t been swollen this time. I can still wear my wedding ring! My feet and ankles are constantly sore, though.
I’m the opposite on the outlook. My son came during a very stressful, unplanned time in our lives, and between that and the insane morning sickness, and a 21 December due date, I was just praying he would come at like 36 weeks and 1 second. This time, I’m feeling pretty good, and Fi has been planned for and desired for over a year. I’m relishing every kick, every belly kiss from Jamey, even the waddling.
You are glowing! I know your blog leans toward the home improvement genre, but please please share your make up/skin care routine. Pretty please. 🙂
You are just too cute! My pregnancies with my boys were totally different. The first time I was so, so sick – until about 24 weeks, and then I felt amazing -seriously better than I felt before getting pregnant. The 2nd time – no sickness at all, but I couldn’t stand the baby smell of my 15 month old! Strange… No heartburn at all, ever the 1st time – CONSTANT heartburn with #2. Really the only similarity was in the bedroom – yes, both times!
And just like my pregnancies – my boys are TOTALLY different. People always tell you that, but I never really believed it until I had two!
So cute KB! Isnt it strange how different pregnancies are? So weird. That is until you have kids and see how different they are, then it totally makes sense!
Love your guts
Coming from a gal who has never had kids (yet!) this is all fascinating to me. Some might call it over sharing, but good grief, we’re women and from what I hear some gals wish their friends had been more honest and warned them of things that could pop up! And you are looking so great and flat out adorable 🙂
But as a gal who does get skin tags, it’s hereditary apparently, I want to warn you about cutting them off yourself. If you can just go to a dermatologist, some physicians will cut them off too, and it’s just a little safer. My dermatologist actually zaps them off and it doesn’t hurt at all and doesn’t leave any possible scaring. Just a suggestion, I know not all people have a professional take them off, but just wanted to give a heads up!
Hi Katie,
You are so sweet to consider those who are still trying to have little ones of their own. We have been that couple for the last 9 months. We got pregnant with our son in only a few months, but when trying to get pregnant with our second, month after month ticked by…and then frustration, tears, prayers, etc. And often, I thought of you and the struggle that you went through as well. Somehow I felt comforted by “being in the same boat” as you. Well, 3 weeks ago, I took a test and found out that I’m pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Due beginning of April. We are THRILLED and give all the glory to God. So far with this pregnancy, the only difference is extreme nausea and fatigue…so much worse than with my first. Praying for a safe pregnancy for both of us.
I know you said you don’t feel like a million bucks, but holycow lady you are absolutely gorgeous! I honestly hope that I carry pregnancy as well as you do! But don’t get me wrong, you’re adorable caring the children outside your body too!
And you know I mean it from my heart because I came out of lurking status to tell you so. 😉
Now grow baby grow– so we can see your adorable little face & mama can have a break!
I love your honesty on this blog. I have to say I could never be as open as you. I tend to keep everything private. I hardly even post pics on facebook b/c I am paranoid. I feel like we could be real life friends….and actually wish we were. Is that creepy?
WOW Jer…you did such a good job with these pics. Of course Katie is such beautiful subject but wow, I wish when I gave my camera to someone else they would have a little bit of a clue.
You look GORGEOUS! And while you may not have rose-colored glasses on, your cheeks are beautifully rosy!! Jeremy did a great job on the pictures…helps to have such a pretty model!
P.S. thanks for remembering all of us who are TTC! Even though each month I’m disappointed, I sooooo look forward to hearing how you’re doing! So keep the stories coming!!
I bet Jeremy loves reading how you feel about him. Although it sounds like he didn’t have to read it to know. 🙂 As moms and pregos we have the tendency to put our hubbies on the back burner so I think it’s really sweet that you professed your feelings about him in the pregnancy list.
Well you may feel like poop, but you look great. 🙂 My pregnancies were all different . . . I was never in love with being pregnant, even with my first, but I do love those babies that come out in the end! I’ve found that with each pregnancy I have less and less time to even contemplate what is happening to my body because there is so much else to do. I think everything you’re feeling is normal.
Oh Katie, you’re the best. So honest! This is real life, this is what the masses want 😛 I love, love, love this little window into your life! Soldier on girl, you’ll get a great sleep eventually.
YOU LOOK GORGEOUS! Great photos – and it’s really interesting to hear about the second pregnancy with other women. I look forward to the chance to have a second baby, but I bet I will feel the same way.
I am 40 weeks and 4 days with our first (a boy!!) and it’s been a tough pregnancy, I was sick almost the entire time. But I also have never felt so confident in my body, even though it looks like I will be ending this pregnancy with a close to 60 pound weight gain (I would LOVE any tips you have for how you lost the weight after Will because I think you look amazing-it gives me hope haha). I too have had an insatiable desire for my man’s meat so to speak – and I hope this desire continues postpartum because there are some tricky positions I’ve been dying to try sans belly 😉
This is such a great post! It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one who’s not 100% in love with being pregnant. I’m sooooo excited to be having a baby (this is my first), but you hear so much about pregnancy being this great time in a woman’s life and women feeling so beautiful and womanly while pregnant. I just don’t feel that way most of the time. I’ve had some major food aversions and I’m totally exhausted all the time. And I’m convinced that I’m quickly becoming a whale, even though my husband is constantly telling me that I look great (he’s be so sweet and supportive, which definitely helps). I’m also a little jealous that you say you’ve been wanting to jump Jeremy all the time because I couldn’t be less interested in that right now! I’m just getting into my second trimester and I hear that it all gets better, so I’m hoping that’s true! At this point, I’m just ready to skip ahead to February and meet my little one.
You look gorgeous Ms B. The perfect round belly!
If you aren’t feeling your best you’d never know it!- you look great! Love your blog!
Love the tales. 🙂
We are expecting number 1 together (my first, his second) at the end of November, a little she-one who is loved by her big bro dearly.
She’s been a fruit/veg/calcium kid the entire time and the more of that, the better I am. I also suspect she digs meat, but she gets that I cannot eat it. Oh, and rice.. I nearly flipped out when my hub made rice tonight! She’s a little Asian-food eater for sure 🙂
The biggest thing that has helped me with a different craving is Clif Shot Bloks
Hub has a huge stash of them, and the citrus ones are PHENOMENAL!! They fill up the gummy food craving and balance the electrolyte levels. 1-3 is all she / we need and we’re all good.
A compassionate note, she’s also very, very low. This works well.
We moved at about 20 weeks (with me driving a UHaul with an autotransport from VA to UT, because hub rides a bike very well, but doesn’t deal well with driving cross country in large vehicles). The four weeks of travel (VA-TX for a half Ironman and back plus the move plus another trip) took a bit of a toll on the mind, but we’re settled.
An unexpected gift (I believe) of this sweetie wee one is that going from no altitude to life between 4000-8000 feet has been simple. Hikes up in the mountains only require extra balance focus- the biggest change I’ve felt.
Good Luck to you and all who are reading who are with wee one or waiting for wee one in any regard.
Hi Katie! I rarely comment on posts but felt like I should tell you how much I enjoyed reading this one! I can totally relate! I just had my número dos child (they’re 17 months apart, Lord help me!) and completely felt like you do now! The 2nd pregnancy was completely different, just as you’ve described…except the beef. I ate hamburgers like they we going out of style :). Love your blog, as always. Thanks for posting! Xo
True story (that really has nothing to do with this post, but thought you might find it humorous…oh, and those pics are gorgeous by the way!)…anyways, back to the true story. I once knew a girl whose last name was Hicks. She was the oldest of 4 or 5 kids and her youngest brother’s name was Braxton. Yep, Braxton Hicks. Now, when you have already had 3 or 4 kids, wouldn’t you already know what a Braxton Hicks contraction is? Cruel. Poor kid.
You are glowing and beautiful – and so are these photos!
Thank you for the shout-out to ladies whose childbearing journey didn’t go as planned and ended in heartbreak. That was sweet of you. It sometimes feels like being forgotten or unworthy in the blogosphere where everyone seems to be pregnant, so acknowledgment really does feel nice.
This is regarding your coke craving- I have two words- DO IT!!!!!! You definitely deserve to have at least 1 coke a day (in my opinion) I have had two beautiful girls ( 3 and 8 months) and I drank coke after the first 3 months with both. I am friends with you on facebook so you can check out the girls for proof that they turned out normal=))) ps- you look beautiful! Seriously though, I WOULD NOT have made it without my coke classic!
your photos are beautiful! I can relate–with my 2 I had a lot of braxton hicks + sciatic pain. And major morning sickness. Completely worth it though! And not something I think of often now, but it helps me relate to friends that are pregnant 🙂
oh- I should also add that if you look at my pictures you might not think that my 8 month old is normal, haha, she has extreme case of junk in the trunk but I assure you it is just baby fat and not the fact that I drank coke while I was pregnant, my oldest daughter was not like that at all. My 8 month old is just VERY healthy and she is a breastfed baby and still that chunky, as in she has rolls upon rolls and is so kissable!
You are too funny and the pictures are really great too! I craved steak and chocolate milk….together! Now it kind of grosses me out but I used to hate steak before being pregnant but now I like it….. Take care and good luck!!
I love your brutal honesty. it’s refreshing. 🙂
my 2 pregnancies (both boys) were sooooo different. first was a perfect, felt great all the time, never got sick, looked wonderful (did have diabetes, that sucked for this fl girl in the summer…) but couldn’t stand the smell of cooking meat or raw seafood. my second I was puking from week 5-18, had no food aversions, loved spicy stuff, and felt huge. and wanted the husband like crazy. they say each one is different, like the kids!
good luck and happy and healthy last few months!
You’re very funny! I love that you say all the things I thought while I was pregnant. The second time was nothing like the first. I hope it gets easier for you!
How far along are you, Katie? Or did you say and I missed it? Is it true that you show earlier/get bigger faster with baby #2? Last question: has anyone made the you-Britney Spears connection? You could be her pretty, non hot-mess cousin.
Oh the Coca Cola got me too and it had to be ice with ice. I also noticed a skin tag but didnt think it was pregnancy,, im going to look that up! We aren’t pregnant with our second as of yet but I hope its different because I was sick as a dog who just ate chocolate. The water ‘requirement’ was hard for me too. they kept telling me to drink more water because I was very swollen(water retention) but its hard! 8 glasses of water when you already have to pee a lot. are so funny!
i pretty much had the same feelings with the second preg. no time to rest!
my sister in law always told me…One is None. and yah…it’s a whole different ball game.
you look beautiful. enjoy these precious moments with will.
Expecting our 2nd this November as well and it’s very different this time around. I hear you on the whole fruit bars – pineapple is my current favorite. I also crave seltzer all day long – I can’t drink it fast enough. Luckily my chocolate obsession is an easy fix since my husband makes artisan chocolate bars in our kitchen – even my 2 year old is addicted to them:)
I totally didn’t have nesting the second time around either. But all I can say is, make sure you get your hospital bag packed. Most important!
You can always arrange nursery and furniture after the baby comes (or heck, even buy it like we did), because let’s admit it, the baby isn’t in his own room for the month or so anyways…
I kept putting it off. No hospital bags packed, nothing done in the nursery, no crib, or mattress, no clothes washed…saying oh I have time. Well, 36 weeks arrives and my little lady decides to come early (and fast!). Luckily we had the cars eat from my first born (I guess we could have gone out and bought one during my stay at the hospital).
So all this to say, packing a bag while dealing with contractions (PAIN) is not my idea of fun. You can’t even think straight. So make sure you get those bags packed. The other stuff can wait.
Heck, we still don’t have a crib mattress yet, and our little lady is almost 8 weeks old!
Good luck! and I hope you get to have a successful VBAC. I just had mine with my daughter and it was the greatest experience ever. Email if you want, I had Dr. Tate (I’m not sure if you decided to go with him or not).
You look maaaaaahvelous, kiddo!
You HAVE to be tired on a good day, you have a two year old. It’s the rule.
Hate to tell you this, but you’ll be tired until about 2030…when your lil bun in the oven turns 18 and hits the road for college.
Wow. There’s a number, eh?
I had twins at 39 weeks.
I only gained 42 lbs and felt good until those last two weeks.
I never puffed up-just rounded out.
Because I had lost a set of twins previously around 25weeks ( just awful, yes),
I was on bed rest from June 1 until December 20.
I learned how to knit. I read a lot. It was BORING most of the time!
My scheduled C-section was for Dec 26th.
I remember I didn’t want the 22nd or the 24th b/c I wouldn’t be able to go shopping for them for their first Christmas, LOL
I ate Christmas dinner at the in-laws standing up b/c I am 5’3″ and I had two 6 pounders incubating…no room left at THAT inn!
I had a water bed in 1985. Best thing EVER for preggo sleeping.
I craved pizza and artichoke heart salads.
I barfed at the small of ANY meat, pork chops especially.
Food shopping made me gag, and once bed ridden, I couldn’t go anyway, so hey.
You nesting will show up when it needs to. I bet this baby boy will as different from his bro-bro as your pregnancies are.
And yes, preggo sex is the best. ENJOY!
Thank you for sharing this. 🙂
Love the pics and all your pregnancy confessions! I couldn’t help but smile and LOL at most of them.
While I can completely relate to the fact that you might not feel spectacular, you look spectacular! Such great photos!
Ah! You definitely brought a smile to my face with this one. Funny that you mention your fry aversion.. with my pregnancy chocolate tasted so chalky and dry to me. WEIRDEST thing because I love chocolate. Like an unhealthy addiction kind of love. My family thought it was hilarious. Pregnancy is crazy!
I really enjoy your sincerity and straight-talk. Tell it like it is…with heart. 🙂 Hang in there!
Katie, I swear you just totally described my first pregnancy. Except for the skin clips, that is. But, everything else is dead on! I ate at least two pounds of cold fruit every day and because of it, I actually lost weight or gained nothing until week 28 (when the school year ended and I started sitting on my butt all summer – not what I typically do, but hey! it was a hot, hot summer!). Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to have your first pregnancy for my second? 😀
not sure if someone already mentioned this, but my doctor always pushed at least one Gatorade a day during the summer, for both of my pregnancies. I always noticed that I felt better and had less BH contractions on the day that I drank them in addition to my water intake, so maybe add those in too and try to stay out of the heat!
Thanks for sharing!! I found with my 2nd that I was definitely more pooped from chasing around the first! Now I’m 15 weeks with my sixth (3 other babies in heaven) and I realized the nausea is always way worse than I remember it being! Also- I ate a whole can of spaghettios 2 days in a row (probably hadn’t eaten them in 20 years)…. What the??
First off STUNNING! You glow you gorgeous preggers girl! Second I really really wamted Coke when pregnant with my Gavin but tried to control myself. Also knew I needed more water…my solution? I drank the crap out of seltzer water. Got the fizzy carbonation awesomeness minus the sugar, calories and bad mom guilt, PLUS i was getting more water! Just a thought! Much love to the Bower Fam!
You look so cute! Congratulations!! As a couple who has struggled for more than three years with infertility, I’d like to say thank you for your prayers and humble thoughts. So excited for your family as you add another little one!
haha…I actually have a 2 quart bottle of that as we speak in my fridge. It’s definitely not the same…but there are some days that I splurge on a Coke and then REALLY crave another…I can use that as my placebo.
xo – kb
Really? Good to know!
xo – kb
Yup – I am with Dr. Tate too! Hopefully I can attempt it and do it successfully – but most of all, I am just praying for a safe delivery and to get back home with a healthy baby in my arms!
xo – kb
xo – kb
haha…yup – I get that alot. I’m cool with it because dude the girl was hot!
and I am 28 weeks…so 8+ more weeks till full term and a few more after that till the baby probably comes 🙂 And yes…it was true for me…I showed way earlier…and got bigger faster too.
xo – kb
Thank you for being so open and honest! My hubs and I are looking to start a family this time next year, and it’s nice to hear about people’s honest experiences (the good, the bad, and the skin tags).
You are a gorgeous pregnant lady (even if you don’t feel like it all the time). Now quit reading this and go spend some ‘quality’ time with that boyfriend of yours! 😉
Hi Katie – I have never commented before but I think you look like you are glowing! Where did you get your pink top from – it is very cute!
Congratulations Sarah! I am so happy for you! And I pray that you will have a continued extreme nausea – I’ve heard that it sucks but that it’s a sign of a strong pregnancy!
xo – kb
I actually do them every five weeks…just haven’t gotten around to editing them and posting them here…but I promise I will!
xo – kb
ooohh…gotta try it out 🙂
xo – kb
I’m right there with ya Corie – I’m a 60lb+ preggo too 🙂
xo – kb
haha…they are gross! They totally freak me out. And as gross as they are – yes, I clipped them off with nail clippers (that I sanitized first). Gross huh?!
xo – kb
haha…it’s called photoshop 🙂
xo – kb
Pregnancy w 2nd baby Cooking ground beef = yuck. With 3rd baby I could eat a hamburger or steak. But don’t use the George Forman. I’d have to leave the house.
Our stuff page is like sortof a place where I put stuff that people ask about…like “what kinda stroller do you own?” and all that. Obviously it’s not every single item we own but stuff we get asked about. There is the sidebar thing “stuff that makes me drool” – that is more like wishlist stuff and stuff I own and love too. It’s weird I know.
I currently blog off a Sony Vaio laptop…and I do not own a Macbook (although one of these days I will have to take the plunge and switch to Apple…you know…when I have time).
Currently for my camera I have the Mark II body and use the 24-70mm lens, the 50mm lens 1.8 and the 1.4, the 85mm and use CS4 photoshop for Microsoft products. That should be everything! Hope this helps!
xo – kb
It’s not maternity…just stretchy 🙂 I got it at JCrew outlet last fall!
xo – kb
28 weeks! eek!
xo – kb
AMEN! I might be requesting that in the hospital STAT!
xo – kb
YES! It is gross but I couldn’t help myself…it was so gross to me. So I sanitized some nail clippers and snip snip. It does bleed a little…like a big zit if I had to compare it. That’s gross too huh.
xo – kb
Well I feel the same way! I’m 5 1/2 months pregnant and I can’t wait for it to be over. This is my first baby and I don’t know if I’ll go through it again. Nothing is worse than feeling fat, bloated, unattracted, and completely uncomfortable!!! I also crave Coke, but I also give in and allow myself to indulge!! My motto is, if I crave it, I have to have it!!!
It’s JCrew outlet from last fall. I think I got it for under $10 on clearance 🙂
xo – kb
haha…I love the buttered dog 🙂
And I am due November 5th…so 28 weeks!
xo – kb
Gorgeous pics! 🙂 And Burger King was all I wanted with my first. I think I was going there daily at one point! My second was non-discriminating and I ate any and all fast food… I’m probably the unhealthiest pregnant woman ever! Ha!
This may be coincidence, but the foods I craved or disliked with my pregnancies are the same likes/dislikes in my kids now. I drank lemonade and ate eggs like crazy with my son and he LOVES them. I couldn’t look at chicken preggo with my daughter and I pretty much have to starve her to get her to eat it, she’s a beef girl! You look beautiful!
2nd pregnancy was definitely different than the first. the first, was very planned (as in “honey i’m ovulating today let’s have sex!) and was very much wanted after 2 losses (#1 was loss of twins at about 8-10 weeks, #2 was an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured one of my tubes and required a blood transfusion and surgery). the second wasn’t totally unplanned, but came earlier than what my “plan” entailed. we were planning on getting pregnant in september so that baby would be born in june when daddy was out of school. instead, i got pregnant in july and baby came right after spring break. i had less morning sickness with #2 which was nice. actually, everything was a bit less with #2. the beginning was rough emotionally, but i was also dealing with the start of the terrible two’s in my daughter. i hear you on the tiredness. i could never figure out if that was just a difference in the pregnancies or if it was yet again related to the toddler (now i think it was!). the ground meat thing also was a problem for me this time around. actually, it was ground elk that i had an issue with. the smell just was so bad and the taste just wasn’t there for me either. but hubby wanted it, so i made it anyways! i didn’t tell him how horrible it was for me to cook it until after jack was born.
First of all you are positively glowing and look amazing!
My pregnancies were all different. No 1 I craved chicken nuggets, mashed potato and gravy. Got sick with ice cream and meat.
No 2 I craved milk and fish. And spicy asian food. Got sick with Orange juice – blergh!
No 3 I had nothing. At all! Well except ice
No 4, I craved milkshakes and hot chips. Couldnt handle meat cooking.
No 5. So far Im craving chocolate, caramel, milkshakes, hot salty chips and softdrink.
I too dont drink anywhere near enough water…..and have craved ice through each prregnancy. Baby sat lower each time, last time Lex was engaged from 18 weeks.
This time the bub is now head down and low- and BH has started……fun fun! Oh and varicose vein- I got my first one this time and oh em gee it hurts ( its behind my knee)
The photos are gorgeous! Also, I can’t get over your grass in the backyard. It is like perfect grass, oh my God.
Katie, you could be describing perfectly my pregnancy with my now 7 week old! He’s my first but that’s exactly how I felt. Huge, uncomfortable, hot, craving sweets and cold things, particularly coke and frozen strawberry bars, and absolutely hating meat. I also had excruciating pain in my ribs–the lower ribs on my right side were actually being pushed out and the ligaments couldn’t hold them in anymore. I did physical therapy and finally took short term disability the last month. Then my five foot self had a 9 pound baby! No wonder I was so uncomfortable! I hope that the rest of your pregnancy goes as smoothly as possible and that you end up with an easy baby to make up for all the discomfort!
I was wondering when your next pregnancy update would be! I’m pregnant with no.1 and today we found out… that it’s a boy!!!
Hubs had to go straight back to work after the scan but he confessed later that he cried in the car coupled with a few fist-pumps.
He guessed girl, but I told him for sure, that it was going to be a boy. We bet on it and he now owes me $50.
Congratulations on boy no.2 and you look beautiful (my break-outs are kiiiiiilllling my confidence). As always, super appreciate your honesty. You never mince your words. Mince. UGH *hurl* 😛 xoxo
Katie, you look gorgeous in your photos. Your husband did a great job. I love that you’re sharing you personal stories of your journey. We found out today from the fertility clinic that we aren’t able to have children after a year of trying and testing. I pray that one day, against all odds, that I’ll be posing pregnant and my husband will be snapping photos.
haha! Oh I splurged too! My name has not, is not and never will be Willpower (Not to be confused with Will Bower!)! Especially during pregnancy…
Absolutely gorgeous as usual! I missed having lovely pregnancy photos as i was so sick it was the last thing on my mind, yours are all so beautiful, I wish i’d done the same.
With #1 I was in love with being pregnant too. I enjoyed nearly every minute of it. With #2, as you said, the romance of pregnancy was gone. I was so impatient to get on already with the life with two kids! Bring it on!! I think my second son was impatient as well, as he was born at 37 weeks.
You always know how to make my day! My pregnancies were TOTALLY different as are my girls. With my first it was the smell of fish which wasn’t bad as we don’t eat much of it. However with #2 it was chicken – ANY smell of it cooking or already cooked and I was done for. That caused our grocery bills to sky rocket what with all the steak we added in.
I can’t say I wanted my hubby more, I was very sick with both pregnancies (so much so I LOST weight) so being intimate was not tops on my list. I know I’m evil for losing weight, but they had to put me on nausea drugs they use for cancer patients I was so sick. Now if only that weight had stayed off after they came out…..
Stay strong and make Jeremy do the nesting for you. Just keep bugging him with pictures and things of how you want the nursery. If nothing else he will do it to make you shut up 🙂
Ground beef = barf city!! The mere thought of it would make me turn green. But, I craved McDonald’s hamburgers. We all know it’s not real meat, right? Also, anything pink would make the room spin so Thousand Island dressing and seafood sauce from the Hibachi place were out. We’re still not chummy a year after my little fat kid was born but I’m working on it.
If things don’t work out between Will and Clara, I would be happy to introduce Will and my daughter 😉 She’s got crazy blue eyes and enjoys blowing zerberts. I think they’d hit it off!
You look great!
I am 36 weeks along now and I completely understand the fruit and Coke craving. I have never really been a soda drinker, but a cold Coke over a glass of ice……sigh… 🙂
Katie you look great!!! I wish I had your body during my second pregnancy. How do you feel about wearing thongs during pregnancy, that was the one thing that kept me feeling sexy.
Katie, I love this post! We are due around the same time and this is my second too. I have noticed major differences this time around that are so similar to yours. The skin tags! And I also have these things (blood-red moles) on my face that both my OB and Derm said would go down after the pregnancy. They are getting a little big (smaller than a skin tag but sticking out) and I feel as if I am growing pee pees on my face (I am due with a boy too!) First time around I had food adversions, this time I crave everything that is not good for me like clams, raw meats, pickle juice (not the pickles), chocolate big time, and deli meats. Of course I do not induldge in any of those…well maybe a swig of pickle juice and of course chocolate. Then to top it all off…I am waking up with Charlie horses in my calf muscles! I swear the pain is the closest I can think of that compares to labor. I even practice my breathing through it. Since I can not talk when it is happening except for moaning in pain, my husband thinks I am going into labor early! But I must say….if this is all I have to worry about and deal with I am so blessed! I am hearing other’s stories and really all my complaints are so small! I too am focused on meeting the baby versus being pregnant. BTW-do you have a blog post on doing your own photography like your maternity photo shoot or give pointers on how to set it up. I can not afford right now to hire a photographer but would love to capture some nice photos of this time. I was actually thinking of buying tripod. Do you recommend one?
Sweetie! Don’t cut them off! Have the Dr. take them off for you! Gah! Ouchie!
Haha. I always said pregnancy turned me into a teenage boy, as horny as it made me! It’s crazy the things that all those hormones do to you!
Only have the one baby, but the smell of cooking ground beef…ew, might as well have been roadkill, it was so bad! But cravings…pb and j with chicken noodle soup. Nom nom! I know this might be hard for you, but you could always just put the necessities in the nursery (crib, changing table, rocker) and do the rest later, after you get to know him. Just an idea! Loving your pics!
I had so many aversions with my pregnancies and few, rare cravings. Meat, especially raw meat that needed to be browned/cooked, was awful. As in, I didn’t even want it in the house. That continued to a lesser degree netween preg 1 & 2 and kicked back in high gear preg #2. LO2 is almost 14 months and I still am adverse to raw meat. Second time around, we were hosting Thanksgiving and no one knew I was pregnant. I suffered quietely – until the ILs were out the door. They weren’t even in their car when I half cried “dump all.the.meat& drippings and GET IT OUT NOW. Scrub the pans, the oven, everything!” My sense of smell is always ridiculous during pregnancy and the entire night I felt the turkey smell suffocating me – iasked to get a hotel room, lol.
I always want my husband constantly during pregnancy. Of ourse, I get like the one man in America who only wants it occasionally anyways. I told him I need a new hubby for pregnancy #3 – or a cabana boy. Ha.
Nesting hit about the 7th month for me – when I was already ginormous. I cleaned our kitchen from the top down – meaning I literally vacuumed/dusted/wiped the ceiling, re-did every drawer and cabinet, etc.
and I was exhausted the 2nd time. Like, can’t remember my name exhausted. It was my only regret about being pregnant when #1 was only 1 – a lot of that fun year is a blur and I feel bad I heated him from energetic mommy. Hopefully he loves his sister so much, he has forgiven me (or will when he is older).
glad jeremy did the photos for you s begging and pleading = one or two blurry bump photos with my husband. Doh.
You look gorgeous! Are you sure it is a boy in there this time? HA! That is everything I experienced with my daughter. The fruit, the chocolate, the heat (was also pregnant in the summer two years ago) the meat aversion, the lack of nesting, the total exhaustion, the “wanting.” My poor hubby, he’d walk in the door, and it would be like white on rice. What I learned though, is even though I didn’t nest, and I was chasing around two other boys at the time I was pregnant with her, that pregnancy was so memorable because of all of those things. My husband still jokes about it and asks if I need him to bring home an entire watermelon on his way home from work so that I will have dinner (yes I could eat whole watermelons). As hard as it is sometimes to be pregnant, trust me you’ll still look back on this time with great memories. Take care.
I am currently 25 weeks pregnant with our first, who will also be a Will! My husband thought “William Whitaker” sounded like a very important person. Anyway, I’m craving red food, does that make sense? Cherry flavoring, strawberry flavoring, tomato sauce (which I normally hate), red grapes, strawberries, cherries, etc. Weird, I know. I love being pregnant so far, but am also suffering from sciatica, so I definitely feel your pain. You look beautiful; enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!
I have a girl-crush on you Katie! You’re awesome 🙂
I’ve only been pregnant once, but mysex drive was over the top! Way more than normal. I am pretty sure my husband wants to get me pregnant again just in the hopes of that!
I think it’s the heat. My third trimester was during the summer (in Charleston, SC- so we have similar weather to Atlanta) and I never ever had that glowing, happy I-feel-great feeling. I was hot and sweaty and miserable. Next time around we’re planning on being preggers during the winter!
But you look adorable! Love the pictures, and I couldn’t be happier for you!
OMG, I totally laughed out loud reading this. Thanks for being so honest. I have a two month old (my first), so my memories of pregnancy are still very fresh. I actually find myself missing being pregnant some times (crazy, I know). I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well! Good luck 🙂
I’ve heard you can apply clear nail polish to help them disappear.
If it works, it definitely sounds less painful! 🙂
This is my second pregnancy as well and I can totally relate. With my first I had absolutely no symptoms other than a week or morning sickness in the beginning.
This time around I had morning sickness for my whole first trimester, I am tired all the time (probably doesn’t help having to wake up at 7AM every morning and chase around a toddler for 13 hours.) I get acid reflux from literally EVERYTHING, I can’t sleep without tons of pillows surrounding me and probably the biggest and most unwelcome difference is this time around I get HORRIBLE back spasms once a week at about 4 or 5 AM and they last for at least an hour if not 4. They seriously feel like I’m in labor because they get so intense that they wrap around the front and I wonder if I really am going into labor. I found that if I catch it early and take some ibuprofen and a hot shower then I can get by it with only about 30 mins to an hour of discomfort but if I wait too long I am in agony.
The good difference is that this time around I haven’t gotten any new stretch marks *knock on wood* and last time I looked like a freaking zebra with all of the marks I had. Also, I’m 8 months pregnant and I can still fit into pre pregnancy jeans with the only problem being that I can’t button them and have to use a rubber band through the bottom hole.
I totally get where you’re coming from. I had 2 boys too and the pregnancies had a lot of similarities, but also many differences. All in all, my body grew in the same places, except the 2nd time, it grew bigger. Butt and thighs had to be like twice the size they are now (OK, that might be an exaggeration, but not much of one). I craved meat and salt with my 1st and wanted nothing but Skittles with my 2nd. And the 2nd pregnancy was not as enjoyable…I was due in August, so largest in the summer (Charleston, SC humidity!) and I also had a lot more hip/joint pain…don’t remember much of that with my 1st…like you, I just wanted to see the baby already. I can’t wait to see your new baby boy. xoxo
Not pregnant, but… skin tags?!?!?!? OMG!!!!!!
I have those suckers and I’m always so tempted to just SNIP them off with some (sterilized) nail clippers or something! (TMI?!?!?!) But then I think I’m nuts. REALLY? You clipped them off yourself?!?!?
I have had a major meat aversion with both of my pregnancies at the beginning but luckily I eventually start to love it again, I can’t live long without meat. Also with this pregnancy I really did not want any affection at all, but oddly now that I’m huge at 35 weeks and sex is supremely awkward I want it more than ever finally, my hubby couldn’t be happier hahahaha.
Hey katie!
Sounds exactly like my second pregnancy, which I am now officially not pregnant anymore…woohoo! Totally agree with you, it was not as blissful this time around. I was bitchy, fat and uncomfortable 24/7, and ready to jump my husbands bones quite often, very weird. Looking back now 3 weeks postpartum, I can laugh, but during, I think I even gave coworkers the stink eye.
I can relate to nearly all of that. With #1 I wanted fruit eggs and avocados. #2? Ice cream. And burritos. Big change. Same lovely symptoms (although minus skin tags- you poor thing) and same feelings about the loss of romance in the process. I just want the baby and I don’t want to pretend hemmorhoids are beautiful anymore . I love that you are so into Jeremy!! Go buddy! I have been feeling a lot of that too. And vice versa. Apparently he thinks there is nothing hotter than me about to burst with baby. He’s alone in this pretty sure. Oh and nesting! I didn’t really feel it until about 34 weeks and then I finished nearly everything in two weeks it’ll come. Never fear. Love hearing about it sending love and comfort hopes to ya.
My feet are so swollen today I had to wear flip flops to work. I woke up that way. It doesn’t seem to matter how much water I drink I can’t get the swelling to go down. And I feel you on the Braxton Hicks! This is our first baby (a little girl) and so they scare the crap out of me every time. My really weird thing is I really don’t eat a lot of meat, especially not red meat. Pregnancy = me wanted red meat all the time. The meat I did eat, chicken and pork, I could happily pass on most any day! Hope you can cool off soon (just jump Jeremy a few extra times 😉 )
I’m due right behind you (on November 13th) with my 2nd child. My first one (a girl) it took us a year and a half to get pregnant and lots of medical intervention, so I definitely had those rose-colored glasses on throughout that pregnancy. I was never sick and ate for two (or three) and gained 50 lbs. (I craved french fries and ate them way too often.) Other than that end-of-the-pregnancy tiredness and uncomfortableness (I was big pregnant in the hot summer), everything was great with that one!
This pregnancy, I started out with low progesterone, so I had to take medicine for the first trimester that made me twice as tired as regular first-trimester tiredness. On top of that, I was extremely nauseous in the beginning as well. Also, with this pregnancy, my hair has been horribly oily and so has my skin! Ugh! And, because I’m six years older this time around, I feel like my body just can’t handle it as well. I get tired super easy and my feet hurt very quickly. The major difference in my two pregnancies is that I’m 27 weeks and have gained 20 lbs. and don’t really have any cravings (or feel the need to eat for two or three) so I should finish out this pregnancy with closer to a 30-lb. weight gain, instead of that 50-lb. one, which makes me much happier. (And, I’m having a boy this time around, so I don’t know if that has anything to do with the differences.)
I’m pretty much right there with you, though, on looking much more forward to the actual baby. I thought pregnancy was awesome the first-time around, this time: it’s just a necessary means to a end–an end that I wish would hurry up and get here! 🙂
Baby 1 and 2 were night and day for me. Baby 1 a boy at 24 years old. Baby 2 a girl at 36. 60 lbs weight gain with the boy, 18 lbs. with the girl. Craved EVERYTHING with the boy. Even the thought of Mexican food with the girl would get my gag reflexes going. Didn’t want to be touched witht he boy. Wanted the “man-meat” as much as possible with the girl *blushes*.
You’re not alone with the skin tags. It didn’t happen with the first pregnancy… but with my second. I just had my 2nd baby boy two weeks ago… and I’m disgusted by the little things that popped up on my neck. Ugh!!! Don’t we go through enough during pregnancy?
One of the most annoying things with this last pregnancy was that water made me sick. What a pain that turned out to be. I went through a “get me a pineapple before I kill you” phase. That then turned into “Get me a Chipotle burrito before I kill you” – Chicken completely grossed me out (unless it was in said burrito).
Anyway, you look great. You don’t look puffy, and that’s pretty impressive in this heat. Keep up the good work Mama!
I am pregnant with my #2 also and am so thankful for your post! I haven’t really been able to put into words how I’ve been feeling about not being as excited, but I liked the way you put it…that the “romance” is just not there with this one.
I just started reading your blog and have been looking back at old posts. It’s neat to see the difference between two pregnancies.
Thanks for being open and honest, and not trying to sugar coat things. I also appreciate any “no make up on” pictures…I know I’m not alone those days (more often than not) but it’s nice to see proof!
SAME! keep ’em coming… for my sanity. I shall live vicariously through you to until I can start baking babies with Boyfriend.
Maybe I am missing the problem with just drinking another coke? Is it the caffeine? Could you drink caffeine-free coke? Or is there some other reason you can’t go overboard?
All I can say is, you are blessed. Thank you for praying for those of us awaiting our own miracle, year after year. p.s. Also, you DO look gorgeous and glowing. 🙂
I’m 11 weeks with my first and it’s not at all like I expected it to be! We lost a baby in April, so this baby is very much wanted, but it’s still difficult to open myself up to being an incubator for a little human for nine months. I’m trying to remind myself the constant nausea, falling asleep at my desk, sneezing constantly (apparently a side effect?), and the not cute “bump” right now is going to be allllllll worth it when that precious baby is in my arms.
I love reading about your pregnancy and will be praying for a quick and easy delivery and a happy and healthy baby!
How are you still fitting into your jeans?? I was busting out of mine at 5 months- even the hair tie trick wasn’t cutting it at that point! Or are they maternity jeans?
First, you look gorgeous!
Second, I have two boys and the pregnancies were completely different! (my kids are completely different, too. Be prepared for that….nobody warned me) I am shocked at some of the things I wanted to eat the second time around that literally made me vomit the first time. Now I’m pregnant with my third and it’s completely different again!! Good luck, hon. It will be over soon 🙂
One other comment…Katie you look so beautiful! Your photos came out great! And I am amazed at how fast the time flew by when you just annouced you were pregnant! Love seeing your baby boy bump!
My sister will be happy to see that your second pregnancy could be so different cause her first wasn’t good at all she was ill throughout.
I’m totally with ya. Tired/not sleeping, chasing toddler, lack of nesting, not in love with being prego, BH contractions, and skin tags (which are juuuust enough to push me over the edge). Check, check, checkcheckcheck. But soon enough- SOON! PLEASE!- we’ll have a new baby boy, too. It’s hard not to be excited and grateful for that, as you obviously are too. Hang in there! You look great!
Jeremy did a great job with the photos. 🙂
Did you cut the skin tags off yourself?! Did it hurt? I’m not pregnant, nor have I ever been, but I have a couple in my armpits too. It’s annoying. haha
hi katie.
you look great. i’m pregnant with my second boy too–due the same day as you! I don’t remember being this uncomfortable this early last time and i’ve been sick continually because of my 18-month old’s daycare germs. I’m also having to curb my Coke craving–though when i do indulge, i just tell myself here are worse things i could be having:)
I’m hoping these last few months speed by for us both!
I love the contrast of the nitty-gritty of pregnancy with those gorgeous photos!
…ground meat and hairballs…
(beautiful photo)
(beautiful photo)
…Braxton Hicks and ER…
(beautiful photo)
…witches warts and bloody armpits…
(beautiful phot0)
You’re the cutest, Katie. Yes, Braxton Hicks with the 2nd (and after) are no joke. With my 4th I started getting them at the beginning of the second trimester. I freaked a LOT, but my midwife said because your uterus has been there, done that, they’re a lot more common and frequent. Make sure you drink a TON of water (no camel-ing for you now, young lady- you can go back to one glass a day in about a year and a half, after you’re done nursing again) :). And try to lay down on your left side while you’re drinking. That helps too.
In any case, you may feel uncomfortable, but you still look gorgeous! Try to enjoy this special time (I’m sure Jeremy is) 😉
how do you keep your skin so clear during pregnancy?
or are the photos photoshopped? your skin looks very clear and smooth in the pictures…-i think you said you were having breakouts though…i got that with some of my pregnancies:( those doggone hormones.
You look fabulous pregnant. I am 18 weeks pregnant myself and one of my food aversions is Mexican food…I nearly gagged just typing that. Anything with avocado or just greasy anything from a Mexican restaurant makes me want to vomit. I have to confess though that I drink the caffeinated drinks. I have at least one a day and the doctor told me that it was okay (or else I wouldn’t do it). I do have a question for you…Will’s toy chest in his room (the one you switched around with the dresser) where did you get that?? I need one of those for our baby girls room, our house is so small and we need storage pieces like that to put her toys away. I love your blog, a lot of times it brightens my day with your witty humor.
Take care!!
I had the same thing. Skin tags. 2 under my arms and one on the left baby feeding device! I thought it was just random but now I guess I realize it was the pregnancy! I was insanely hot all the time (and was pregnant during the summer) I had to literally sit buck naked with a fan blowing on me on high just to get my hair dried for work in the morning. The smell of anything cooking made me sick. ANYTHING..even boiling water. Needless to say I didn’t gain much weight with my pregnancy and drinking water was hard for me because I felt like a fish. It was better if I added a squirt of lemon or two every now and then. You look great! Enjoy these last few months… 🙂
youre so beatiful! and im just gonna throw this out there.. when youre no longer in need of all those cute prego clothes, you should toss them over to TX, and ill give em a good home, haha. just found out im expecting my third! happy, yay!
You are seriously too cute! I love your bump photos!!
I am expecting baby #1 and we tried for three years, so I figured I would be in LOVE with being pregnant because I wanted it so bad and prayed for so long. It’s not terrible, but it’s definitely not a total cakewalk either. My main aversion is CHICKEN. It absolutely disgusts me. All I want to eat is Chinese food and baked potatoes. The main thing I’ve dealt with is body aches, like I’ve worked out hard in the gym (which I most definitely have not done!). The nesting hasn’t kicked in for me either! I’ve put off doing the nursery I think because I was in so much disbelief that I was really pregnant for about the first 14 weeks.
Thanks so much for your honesty and sharing your stories! I look forward to your blog every day!
With my first boy I wanted nothing to with nesting, popcorn and only wanted to jump my husbands bones.
With boy number 2 all I want is meat, nesting and sleep. Poor husband’s schedule doesn’t allow for a ton of frisky moments.
I’m due with #2 in about 6 weeks – yikes! You are spot on with some of the differences I’ve experienced too. Most notably, I just don’t think about this pregnancy nearly as much. I haven’t read anything other than the weekly updates. I work full time and come home to a busy 2yo boy, so my “I wonder what our child will look like/be like?” questions don’t take up much brain space – I already have a little person of my own. And although our daughter will be totally different, I just don’t think about it quite so much as I did with #1.
My girl moves a TON. She’s a ninja warrior already and sometimes it’s annoying and hurts. With my son, I think I was so enthralled with feeling him move that it never bothered me. The best part about this pregnancy is that I’ve been able to keep going to the gym a bit. The fatigue hasn’t been nearly as debilitating as it was the first time around, so I feel much more physically prepared for my c-section and recovery.
Hope you continue to feel well! You look fabulous!!
You look gorgeous in these pictures! I mean, you are always beautiful, but I love you in these pictures too! Jeremy did a great job!
That’s a pretty serious glow you have going there, pretty lady! I couldn’t be more excited for you… and I’m sure Jeremy is pretty thrilled about the exciting turn of events, too 🙂
I had two girls and the pregnancies were pretty similar, but I definitely didn’t have any nesting or desire to set up a nursery with #2. Maybe its because they were the same sex, or it was less important the second time around? But my husband and I coined the phrase “sexapalooza” during our pregnancies, so I feel ya there!
i love your honesty. you rock.
I’m pregnant with my first, also a boy, due end of November. My strongest aversion has been ground turkey but during the irst trimester it was all meat, especially ground beef/turkey. Now thankfully I can stomach most meat with the exception of turkey/plain chicken breast. My number one craving has also been coke but this is also a pms trigger craving for me so I’m not at all surprised. I’m also carrying ridiculously low so sciatic pain is a B…as is hip pain. Thankfully, this being my first pregnancy I definitely have some rose colored glasses on, I just feel so blessed (having had suffered two miscarriages in 2010 and it taking 9 months to get pregnant with this little one add to this immensely) that I forget all my discomforts. Can’t wait for the new little Bower’s arrival!
I’m on baby #1 (due about a week before you!) and am so with you on the exhaustion. Or, maybe it’s the result of some wicked insomnia? I want to spend the day just sleeping and be up all night. I can’t force myself to stop dinking around on Babycenter until about 10:00, and I have to be up at about 6:00 for work. Ugh. Plus, all the peeing. What is that about?! I have no desire to get moving on the nursery either, but boy do I want to clean EVERYTHING in my house. But only if I could force myself to get up off the couch. Which I can’t. 🙂 So, the nursery stays non-existent and the house stays messy. I’m enjoying the pregnancy thing, but really can’t wait to have Baby Girl in my arms. I’m even looking forward to labor – in the “I’m excited to see just how tough and determined I can be” way, not the “my nethers are tearing in two and I’m not having pain meds” kind of way. I think my favorite part about this whole thing is how much more I love my husband. I still have a dorky crush on him even after 8 years together, but now it’s this whole new level of contentment and happiness and excitement to be with him. It’s kind of indescribable.
PS – could you GET any more beautiful?? 🙂
This is good to hear, because I’ve been indulging in my coke craving a couple of times a week since the second trimester started and I don’t feel guilty about it at all! Haha
WHAT! that is why i have skin tags? and you took them off by yourself? i’m too scared. what if it hurts? (i mean, i already know it will) lmk if they come back. if not- i’ll do it. YUCK.
I am due in the early part of October and can totally relate to all but one part of this. I do not want to jump my husbands bones all of the time. Smells are not good and that is one of the worst for me. I also have diabetes really bad this time around. No fun at all! With my girls they were “easy” pregnancies. This one is gonna kill me! Hang in there. It is almost done.
With #1 I could and would eat anything that didn’t eat me first! I mainly craved anything super spicy and anything sweet (I had a massive craving for Coke too). My skin was horrible and I didn’t look pretty, there was no glowing pregnant lady at all… well I glowed from all the oil on my face. I gained close to 75 lbs. and had him at 37 weeks in about eight hours from the very start of labor until the very end. I was super tired all the time with my first, my whole pregnancy I just wanted to sleep, and I could so I did! I was also ready to jump my husband’s bones at any possible moment.
With #2 I couldn’t eat anything, I was so sick the whole time so nothing ever sounded good. I wouldn’t eat until I was starving just because I feared throwing-up that much. Then came the heartburn during my third trimester, oh the heartburn… I had it up until the second she came out. It was awful. I was that glowling pregnant lady though, my hair was shiny and healthy, my skin glowed, and my belly sat so perfect strangers would stop me to tell me how lovely I looked. I was pretty tired but I chaulk that up to having a very demanding three-year-old. And my back was in constant pain from the second I got a positive pregnancy test, my lower back was horrible… I’d sleep with pillows all around me and a heating pad on low just so I could get comfy. And I wanted nobody to touch me or even look at me half the time. And the labor, oh the labor, I was in labor for 28 hours and she was turned all weird so I couldn’t push her out without some help from a very nice nurse who knows way too much about my lady parts, and it was just not quick like I had expected. It was a much tougher pregnancy/labor this time around. But I got my little girl out of it so I am happy!
I had skin tags with my first, they are weird and gross…
You look amazing!
Hey Katie,
I just had my second boy (July 25) and my first will be 22 months on the 18. I could have written this. HA! (I live in Memphis and thought I was gonna die those last 6 weeks! (Of course, he was late! (But I did have a successful (drug-free) VBAC (YOU CAN DO IT!))))
I totally feel you on the being so tired, yet unable to sleep, and having to chase a super active little boy around (hard-stuff). And I didn’t feel as glamorous this pregnancy as I did the last either. And this one sat SO INCREDIBLY LOW (I could feel him with every step the last month and it hurt to sit (in fact, the nurse at the hospital was sure my water had broken because all she could feel was his head (SO LOW!!!))) Anyhow, this is incredibly random, just to say, “I feel ya.”
LOL……thanks for the clarification! The thought makes me queasy, so I might just have to keep the tags. Oh, it’s so nice to have an online friend to discuss skin weirdness with. 🙂
Ahhhh, contractions. I’m a bit ahead of you (34 weeks) and I have them all. the. time! For the longest time I couldn’t feel them but all of a sudden it’s like I’m walking around with a basket ball in there! They aren’t painful so much as squeezy and uncomfortable. I keep praying that God grew this little boy quickly so he can get the heck out of there a little early 🙂
Your photos are adorable and so are you!
Also, water. My friend recommended an app to me called Water Your Body when I was having a hard time drinking enough water. It reminds you to drink water throughout the day and charts how well you are doing based on the goal set by body weight and lifestyle factors (like pregnancy or breastfeeding). I’d recommend it!
you are so cute… and honest… and i love it. i am so scared to have a 2nd only because i had an awesome pregnancy the 1st time around. i worry that the next one will be awful! (um i’m pretty sure that’s awful to say!!) i know that being in a good place helps tremendously with pregnancy and i love that you’ve addressed a lot of the things i’ve thought about. you’re definitely more prepared and know what’s coming, right?! anyway, you look fantastic and i’m hoping you get some relief in these next couple of months. and go jeremy for awesome pictures!
You look fabulous Katie! Your bump photos are gorgeous. Your husband is a great photographer!
Are you saving your progression photos until later? Jeremy took nice pics! How far you now?
You are so so precious, Katie! And glowing! I think you look adorable pregnant. I wish I could look that good pregnant. Seriously. You could be a model on the cover of a pregnancy magazine. I felt fat and bloated the entire time! I didn’t even want pictures of me, but now I am glad I have pictures of my ridiculously huge and pregnant self. I wish I would have taken more. I craved ice, crushed Sonic ice, to be exact. Icees. Especially coke icees, but definitely didn’t indulge in one. Popsicles. Anything cold. I seriously couldn’t get enough. My husband even tried to crush some ice for me in the food processor. I thought it was hilarious, yet sweet. That is how bad I wanted it. As far as food aversions, deli meat grossed me out. I couldn’t even think about it.
I’m 35 weeks with my 1st and haven’t liked being pregnant; except the kicking part, I do like that. I’m so excited for the baby to be born though! A couple things that have helped me with similar symptoms:
–sciatic pain- Had this since 20 weeks and recently it flared up so bad that it was hard to walk. I went to the chiropractor and it has helped sooooo much. Look for one that is certified in the Webster Technique My pelvis feels like a million bucks, my sciatic pain is better, I sleep better and apparently proper pelvic alignment helps with a faster labor (I’ll get back to you on that one).
– B-H- I don’t have these, but if they are related to dehydration, they may respond similarly to the leg cramps I’ve been having. I’ve been drinking coconut water which is like natural, better for you gatorade with electrolytes and potassium. I don’t like the taste that much, but it works so I drink 8-12 oz per day. It’s pricey stuff, but you can get it at Costco.
You are SO funny! I too craved Coke and couldn’t stand the thought of meat! Or anything raw…Still can’t and it’s been 18 months! I fulfilled my coke cravings with cream/orange soda trying every brand and keeping the 4/6 pack holder? I look back and think “why would I do this?” I think the craving fresh fruit also has something to do with a HOT summer! Hang in there!
You are beautiful!!! I love your honesty.
Beautiful pictures, Katie! Since this pregnancy is so different from your first I wonder how different compared to Will this little boy will be. Exciting!
I read your blog religiously (along with YHL) and wish I could have a friendship threesome with you Sherri (um, sorry for the awkward choice of words lol)! Your honesty rocks and it’s so great to see how in love you and Jeremy are. I’m getting married in September and you’re definitely an inspiration!
I love your sweet maternity photo shoot.
I’m due in November with our first…it’s a boy! We’re sooooo excited!
My personality changed, almost immediately. I’m not nearly as sensitive and I’m more likely to speak my mind rather than holding all that junk inside. Weird.
Sleeping has become more difficult and heartburn often keeps me up at night.
My pelvis is falling apart already, but that’s a story for another day. 😉
Thank you for sharing, I love your baby updates!
Well I love your honesty:) I’m prego with my first and was SERIOUSLY naive about all that comes with pregnancy. Don’t get me wrong I am excited and happy but the rose colored glasses are definitely put away in a drawer somewhere. The physical changes are crazy and I could not feel more unlike myself:) But the prize at the end is what keeps it all in perspective and I know people (like yourself) do it more than once so it’s gotta be an awesome prize. Your pics are awesome, you’re beautiful:) Love your blog:)
Great post. I have a pregnancy journal so I dont forget the difference in my two pregnancies. Actually today is my due date and no baby yet! And my first was 3 1/2 weeks early! My pregnancies have been polar opposite too! Your pregnancy now sounds like my first and with you being pregnant with Will sounds like what this second pregnancy was for me. We don’t know what we are having. I’m guessing a boy. We have a daughter. I thought since its been totally different this time around the gender would be different but clearly you can have the same gender with way different pregnancies! Good luck to you!
Um, please stop being so gorgeous with your lovely, golden pregnancy glow 😉
You seriously look beautiful! When I was pregnant with my daughter, I craved ice cream, spicy food and ice cream. I once sent an order of Pad Thai back to the kitchen with the request that they make it spicy. This was at our favorite Chinese place. After I had already ordered it “extra spicy.” The teenage waiter who knew me by name at this point said that he didn’t know whether they could make it any spicier. I settled for a cup of chili sauce on the side to dip everything in. With my son, I craved meat. I ate more cheeseburgers in those 9 months than I probably had in my entire life leading up to that point. My daughter, then 3, asked if my bottom was pregnant too.
I do realize that this isn’t my blog, so I’ll stop here! 🙂 Just relating to the way 2 pregnancies can feel and be really different.
off topic but your grass looks fake it’s so nice, haha
I’m going through my second pregnancy also and I hear you, sister!
I LOVE your honesty and I am experiencing so many similar feelings….especially the inappropriate ones. Basically, it’s like I am an old woman already at which point I plan on being completely inappropriate all the time- this is a nice preview for the hubs.
Oh man! I am one week from due date (likely three weeks from delivery) with our second, and SERIOUSLY, the contractions this time are HORRIBLE! I have to stop and breathe through some of them….it’s been crazy. Jim (the hubs) keeps thinking it’s a good thing – I keep thinking I’m going to ask for an epidural before I”m even in labor! And I”m hoping to go all natural again!
This kiddo is also carrying a ton lower – shooting pain down the legs. I hate to say it, but all that started around 20 weeks and hasn’t gotten any better. I’m hoping different for you!
We’ve got a little girl and haven’t found out the gender on this one. :o) Loving the the maternity photos – I wish we lived near you for updated family photos after this one is born. Your photography is beautiful!!
Random but are you planning to do the hybrid cloth diapering again with Bum Genius diapers? Been pondering on those!
Yeah – I think we will. I haven’t really talked to Jer about it yet but last time it worked out well.
xo – kb
I’m not saving them per se…just busy with other things so those posts got pushed to the back burner. Oh and I am 28 weeks 🙂
xo – kb
Urban myth debunked!
xo – kb
haha…actually only the pants are maternity – everything else is just weirdly long regular clothing 🙂
xo – kb
We actually built the toychest…it was an plan and we modified it to make it our own. Here is the post all about it.
xo – kb
Most of these are photoshopped to remove some shadows but my skin definitely cleared up quite a bit…those first hormonal breakouts were awful and I think my skin was adjusting to new makeup too. To answer the question though…I wash twice a day with Clearasil and use a scrub once a week…and I only wear makeup like three days a week so it does stay relatively cleaner because of that.
xo – kb
Oh girl…those are maternity jeans.
xo – kb
Um…you obviously have not met my arch enemy – Mr. Zero SelfControl. If I have one, I want a two-liter. And is it just me or is the caffeine free taste different. I will indulge but it’s definitely hard for me to stick to a single can.
xo – kb
Yes. Really.
xo – kb
SO interesting!
I love the warning at the bottom of that link. Can you imagine your mate saying “Honey, could you put this nail polish on the skin tag on my anus?” haha.
xo – kb
haha…why pay to go to the doctor when you can do something at home with a pair of nail clippers for free?! Spoken like a true redneck 🙂
xo – kb
Girl – I live in thongs.
xo – kb
Basically a tripod just needs to be adjustable so you can take horizontal and vertical photos. Other than that – a normal cheapo one can work just fine. Maybe you could ask a friend to take some for you?
xo – kb
Yup…and yup 🙂
xo – kb
ohh….good to know. I might need a chiropractor…it hurts! OUCH!
xo – kb
Hi! I’m a YHL fan and found your blog and love it, not least because we both have two-year-old boys (and I just had my second boy in May).
I just wanted to say congratulations, but please talk to your OB or midwife about your BH contractions, just in case. They’re probably nothing, but when I was pregnant with my older son, I had what I thought were BH contractions a lot that turned out to be an irritable uterus that became preterm labor, ending up with me on hospital bedrest and a lot of labor-stopping drugs for five weeks. (Then I got more drugs and ptl-preventing shots throughout my second pregnancy. Funtimes! But they worked, so they were worth it.)
Anyway, I tell every pregnant woman who mentions contractions this, just to be safe. It never hurts to get examined if you’re contracting when you shouldn’t be.
You look beautiful! I hope you’ll enjoy having two tiny men in your life as much as I do. <3
A post on removing shadows from faces would be amazing (using Photoshop of course). Would help for any beach or just outside picture. Thanks!
Beautiful pics! I recently read about some research that suggests that a child prefers the foods that his/her mother ate when s/he was in utero. Have you found that Will especially likes salty foods?
Hey Katie!! You look gorgeous! My favortie pics are 1) sitting on the ground, and you’re looking to your left- super cute. 2) the one right below it, the profile with the pretty sun shining behind you. Love them! 🙂
(Ps. I emailed you about our photo session for tomorrow morning earlier this week- did you get that email?!)
So, this is totally unrelated to the pregnancy post, but I LOVE your hair in these pictures! I remember you got it cut shorter, so how did you fix such a cute, messy bun?
So some days I may have more thoughts for a comment. Something substantial to contribute. Maybe even a linkup to a similar post I’ve just written really just with the pride that comes with “KB, just read my post.” But today I leave all of that aside. Today, I just want to say…. you’re beautiful. You’re glowing. And I’m so incredibly happy for you. And thank you for continuing to share your life with us.
It’s actually a pony tail and I pinned a few pieces up so it looks like a bun. Totally faking it 🙂
xo – kb
No I didn’t but now that you mention it – I will go looking!
xo – kb
Yes and no. I wouldn’t say he prefers salty foods specifically – I think he prefers anything that could be categorized as JUNK 🙂
xo – kb
Ahhhh I see! 😛
I am 31 weeks with my 1st. I am also carrying low with lots of back pain. Its been insanely hot in CT too. Like, gross hot. My house has become the Ice Tunnel. My husband is going to start wearing ear muffs to bed. I thought I’d have the rosy glasses on, but it’s tough when I can’t get comfy in bed either.
For what its worth, I think you look gorgeous. Thanks for sharing your honest feelings. I don’t feel like such a weirdo for feeling the same way.
I’m hoping to get pregnant next year with #2 and I’m also hoping to enjoy it more. DD was, um, an accident. Not married, no health care, 3 hour daily commute… it was 9 months of stress and 7 day work weeks. Sooo, while I eventually adjusted to the idea of having a baby I’m hoping to not be as freaked out or upset the second time around. But nothing goes as planned so who knows what will happen next time around. Please God, not twins.
My pregnancies…
#1. I was sick. Like all of the time. My “morning-sickness” honestly should’ve been named “as long as you’re awake-sickness”. It also didn’t disappear in the 1st trimester. It lasted 8.5 long months. I couldn’t keep anything down. I wasn’t trying to get pregnant at the time so didn’t even know that I was for a while. I went to many different doctors. At first I was told that I had mono. REALLY?!?! Mono?!?! Then they thought I had an ulcer. So finally a doc asked if I could be pregnant. I took a test & guess what????? I was. I then found out that I was about 5.5 months along. Shocked to say the least. I was tiny back then. I’m 5’4″ & @ 5.5 months along I only weighed 85 lbs. Like I said, I WAS SICK!!! My aversion was cigarettes. I couldn’t be w/in a mile of anyone smoking or you would’ve seen my lunch. The dr’s put me on anti-nausea meds that knocked me out, but allowed me to actually eat & keep it down. I delivered a week early @ 120 lbs. I also suffered from an insane amount of BH contrations. UGH! Not a fan.
#2 Also a surprise. You’d think that I would’ve realized what happens when you…. I was also pretty darn sick w/ that one. Luckily it only lasted 6.5 months. My skin absolutely freaked out. I don’t think I broke out that much as a teen! My aversion was pop-tarts. I couldn’t even think about one of the gag reflex would kick-in. this aversion lasted for about 10 yrs after the pregnancy too. Is that odd? Anyway, I couldn’t get enough cherry slurpee’s or mashed potatoes. I went to a buffet w/ my best friend, we were due a day apart, & I ate a plate FULL of mashed taters! With this one I didn’t have nearly as many BH contractions. Thank goodness. I was also pregnant in the summer. I’m usually always cold. ALWAYS! I live in Richmond & wear jackets year round. My heater is always on since I’m even cold when it’s 80 degrees, but w/ my 2nd pregnancy I was HOT. I even pushed the bed up to the window where we had an extra ac unit. I had to sleep up against that thing to just get to a comfortable temp. Oh & we can’t forget the heartburn from you-know-where which lasted the 2nd half of the pregnancy.
This is just a little blip of my pregnancies, which were uber horrible if you ask me. But I got 2 beautiful girls out of it all. They’re now 23 & 17. One is a chef @ a 5-Star hotel in the city & the other is a senior in high school. 🙂
None of my pregnancies were alike really. One thing I craved was ice cold pepsi (Coke, BLECH! LOL). But not from a can or bottle, it had to be from a fountain machine. I had to have it. I still get that way, but now that i’m breastfeeding I try to limit my caffine. I couldn’t do raw cheese or chicken. ICK! And while I was pregnant I could have cared less about my husband, but i’m 3 months post-partum now, and that has totally changed. I don’t know if it’s the breastfeeding hormones or what, but I would have preferred it while I was pregnant… who has time for that stuff with a 3 month old? When she falls asleep, I want to SLEEEEP before she wakes up again! LOL.
Did’ya find it? Do I need to email it again?! 🙂
Sorry to be annoying! Just want to make sure we are on the same page!!
Hi, I’ve commented in the past, but under another name. I am also pregnant, although with my first, after more than two years of waiting, and I wanted to let you know that I’ve always appreciated the honesty with which you write about your experiences. I don’t love being pregnant, but I remind myself often that it doesn’t mean I will love the child that comes any less. I thought that finally seeing that second pink line would be followed by months of happiness, and months later I’m still sometimes surprised that it hasn’t been. That’s a lot of pressure to put on a pink line though.
I hope things cool down in Atlanta soon. And, if you do discover the trick to getting a good night sleep, please share! I would be eternally in your debt 🙂
“…more then your husbands meat.”
i’m seriously dying =]]
Love your pregnancy updates. I had a serious meat aversion when I was preggo, too. All of it made me want to hurl. I would even sit on the front porch while my hubby cooked so I didn’t have to smell it. Gross. And I craved Pepsi! I drank the caffeine free stuff like it was going out of style and snuck the caffeinated stuff when I could. 😉
Oh, and I also got the crazy skin tags! My little one is almost 2 and I STILL have them. They give me the heemie jeemies. How in the world did you get them off?!
Oh my word. SKINTAGS. I just had my baby 2 weeks ago and I seriously have 4 new skintags in my pits. How did you cut them off? They are so gross. Too bad I live on the west coast or I’d make you cut them off for me. Kid I only kid… maybe.
You are my pregnancy twin!!! Hotlanta is absolutely killing me this summer. My wedding rings hit the jewelry box months ago as I’m up two ring sizes just from the swelling. This is our first pregnancy after many losses. I thought I would absolutely, blissfully love being pregnant. That fairy tale bubble popped right along with my belly button! God has certainly blessed us beyond measure, but other things are being measured that make my jaw drop open… weight gain (how could I possibly weigh this much?!), panties (I cannot believe my butt is this big!), shoes (this heat and little girl have increased me half a size), bra notches (I’m out of room on the bra extender… again!), and on and on. As you said, you are thrilled to be waiting on a little one, agreed. Pregnancy has some challenges… AGREED!!! Last night I was pawing at my Pooh Bear of a hubby only to find him sound asleep. Why so tired? Because he works all day, cooks dinner, washes the dinner and collapses because the mere idea of any type of meat makes me gag! And, suck down that Coke! Fine, I’ll limit myself to one a day. Does it count if one is an Coke Icee and another is a bottle? 🙂 I couldn’t even finish a 20 oz by myself before I was preggers. As for that siatica, RUN to the chiropractor! I was cautious and hesitant, but the minute the numbness in my right leg (tingles from hip to toes) subsided I was addicted. These moments are exhausting and blessed (someone remind me while helping me get out of a sitting position!); I know this early Christmas present will be a life-changing, amnesia-inducing miracle! Blessings as you press on!!!
Katie you look great! And trust me I know hearing that gets old. I have 11 days left and I swear if there was a sure fire way to be done with this pregnancy I would be all over it. I thought everything was great the first time around and with this one I really can’t stand being pregnant. Don’t get me wrong we are so excited for the baby, but man do I feel like this one is dragging on. I had 4 months of morning sickness, no nesting urge to date, no energy, sciatic pain, I think I have gone through most of the things you described, except the skin tags. The Braxton hicks contractions have only gotten worse since I am getting closer to my due date. Ok now that I got all of that whinning out I feel better. I am not going crazy. Someone else feels similar. I hope you have an easier next few months and I can’t wait to see pics of your new little guy. My prayers are with you. 🙂
haha…I would totally clip off your skin tags 🙂 I just used sterilized nail clippers…gross huh?!
xo – kb
Nail clippers that I sterilized. Eww..just saying that gives me the willies 🙂
xo – kb
Oh yes – I will look when I get back in front of my computer!
xo – kb
Katie, I’m so excited for you and love that you shared/overshared. 🙂 I’m due Nov. 3 with our first baby…a little girl. I’m very excited but am not a super gushy, all-about-the-baby kinda gal. I don’t dream of lace and hairclips or have my nursery set up yet. I have started counting down in weeks though and am embracing the TON of knowledge and fun experiences I’m gaining (even the weird crap like sciatica pain and strangers yelling across the grocery store about my hormones and what to expect). I’m totally jealous of your sexy time though, it cracked me up to read. I’ve had the opposite happen and my sweet, wonderful, sexy husband is paying the price, haha. I try to make up for it with backrubs and bacon. Best wishes for the remaining time and thanks again for the honest and beautiful info! <3
I totally had crazy skin tags too!! The Dr. said they would go away and I wasn’t allowed to do anything about them until I had the baby. So they grossed me out for 9 months, then like magic they were gone…I totally didn’t beleive the Dr. and had been counting down the days till baby was born and I could see a dermatolicist, but I didn’t need to! I was amazed!
Katie! Your lawn! Oh! Mah! Gah! It’s gorgeous. What do you do to keep it looking so lush?
Ok- sorry again! Thinking we might need to pick a day other than tomorrow?! I emailed your regular account and your photography account- it has my number if you need to call. I just gotta know if we’re one for the morning…and where!!
We’ve had a hot hot summer with loads of rain so it was the perfect situation for our bermuda grass!
xo – kb
This made me laugh. And say “Ewww” a few times. I am 20 weeks and I can sympathize…GA has been too hot. People out of the state don’t really get humidity and how you can nearly swim through it – ugh. This is my 2nd pregnancy and it is nothing like the first one…course I am 12 years older and the older I get the more I hate being uncomfortable. Glad your marriage is benefitting from pregnancy perks 🙂 Hubby and I are leaving tomorrow for Chateau Elan for a little couple time and I can’t wait 🙂
Your hubs did a great job taking photos.
My boy was born August 24 – nearly 23 years ago! It’s amazing how many details of my pregnancy I remember. I could NOT stand any kind of tomato sauce. I was living in Ohio at the time – and it was so freakin’ hot, I could barely move. It was an incredible time – and then at the end, oh my god, you get a baby!
You’re looking beautiful. Savor the moments. xox
I just had my first in December and was totally shocked that I didn’t have a lot of the stereotypical pregnancy symptoms. I didn’t have any extreme cravings or aversions. I was never hot (often cold)… then again I was at my biggest in winter so I guess the extra blubber just kept me from freezing, and UNFORTUNATELY, I didn’t have a single desire to jump my husband’s bones… so sorry for him. I’m still getting over a total drop in libido since I’m still breastfeeding but am lucky to have such a sweet and understanding hubby.
Again, you are too stunning and I’m so thankful you shared your preggo comparison! P.S. We live in gwinett too! yay us!
smart girl. thats my plan as well. whatever i buy has to be functional outside of pregnancy. pants dont count though, because theyre a must. i cant imagine ill be able to fit my bum in any of my jeans for very much longer, haha. i suppose we’re lucky to live at a time in fashion where long tops are in.. as are short ones, just i dont think theyd look as acceptable with a gaint belly showing out the bottom. you know, like the pepsi can logo! :/
I had skin tags with my first pregnancy. You might hold off on clipping them. Mine went away after the pregnancy!
I told my Dr. about getting Charley horses in the middle of the night and she recommended eatting a banana or 2 every week (for the potassium). Low and behold it worked for me!
Except for the skin tags and amourous feelings (I feel bad for my husband, but they just aren’t there), I’m totally with you. I have been feeling horrible that I haven’t been al wonderfully happy and glowy about this pregnancy, but really I just feel fat, tired and hot this time around. I’m chalking it up to the hottest summer on record up here in Philly. I can only imagine how it is in Atlanta. Thanks as always for so articulately expressing what so many of us are feeling!
I say rock the Moo-moo!( sp?) I’m pregnant with #3, just awaiting the little ones arrival and trying to get through the uncomforableness while stayed clothed. But what a blessed time that we will soon forget. I have a wonderfully sexy husband too, I’m sure they love our hormone induced lust!
Thanks for sharing! Great pics!
You are glowing! How many weeks are you now? This is my first preganacy and I’m at 23 weeks, so I really have nothing to compare it to. So far, nothing unsual has happened. Definitely no skin tags thank God! We are also having a boy! Can’t wait to see how your baby#2 looks like! I’m sure he’ll be as cute as Will!
i am right there with you. baby boy number 2 due on nov 8. and i am fatter and bigger and grosser than i ever remember being with the first one. and yes….jumping hubby in the bedroom is on the top of the list! i feel your pain….only 11 weeks to go, girl.
29 now but 27 when these were taken (I think! pregnancy brain makes me forget everything!)
xo – kb
I use to read your blog all the time but got a little busy. I just realized you are pregnant and that is so exciting! Maybe there will be a number 2 for us too someday. The pictures are so simple and beautiful! Congrats and good luck!!
Thanks doll! I’m so glad you came back to visit me 🙂
xo – kb