We went to New York.
And most of you saw this one coming….I was there to tape a very short segment for The Nate Berkus Show. (AHH!)
Okay – let’s start over. Forget that you know the punchline, mmkay?!
So back in November, the producers of The Nate Berkus Show contacted me to see if they could show off our nursery. Of course, I played it cool and said something along the lines of letmethinkaboutitYESPLEASEHOWMUCHDOINEEDTOPAYYOU?!?
And there were plans. In fact, we even delayed getting our christmas decor up because they changed their minds and said they wanted to feature the entire house. Of course, I was thrilled. You see…I still consider Bower Power a dwarf in the land of Goliaths. In fact, I even prided myself on the fact that ABP has NEVER had any press from any publications, large websites, etc….the entire reason we are even this fun community of awesomeness is because of you! The growth here is 100% organic and due to the simple fact that we all are just being ourselves and found a quirky homeschool girl to make fun of….
no but seriously…the reason ABP has had almost 500K visits in the last month is because word of mouth. it’s because all you special gals and guys have found something to laugh about here. something that makes you smile. something that makes you cry or cringe or come back for more. for some of you – that something is someone else. readers have connected to other readers. friends have been made. bonds forged. and yes, there has been a decent amount of eye candy and how-to’s so that you can prettify your homes. So when the itty bittiness known as ABP was contacted by THE Nate Berkus, I was 1. over the moon & 2. star struck & 3. scrambling to finish all the last minute projects.
Then the plans changed. again. Apparently they were already over booked for certain segments and told us that we would have to wait till 2011. It was a little disappointing. A week passed and then we found our dream house and got distracted. About halfway through December, I started feeling like the opportunity was probably not going to pan out. I mean…we are moving. And Oprah’s interior designer wouldn’t feature a home filled with moving boxes, right? Unless bubble wrap is making a move in the design world, the answer is no. So I chocked it up as “the most flattering thing for my blog that never happened”.
Christmas passed. New Year’s passed. And then on January 14th, I got a call. It was Nate. Actually it was one of Nate’s producers…but whatever. They wanted to feature our home in their segment called House Proud. (I was thrilled because I had seen other bloggers do this segment and LOVED it!)
they wanted me to come to New York and tape a segment with the man himself! IN FIVE DAYS!
So after a ton of frantic cleaning, decorating, video taping, picture taking, clothing planning, and baby-coat-shopping, we were ready. They flew Jeremy, Will and I to the Big Apple and put us up at the lovely Lucerne Hotel. And on Thursday, January 20th, I taped THE NATE BERKUS SHOW with NATE BERKUS!
He was very nice. I don’t have any photos. Sorry. He did kiss me on the cheek though. He may have felt sorry for me.
Why would a perfectly nice celebrity feel sorry for me?
Well…I tend to ramble when I’m nervous. Ramble, make really bad jokes and self-depreciate. I remember saying that we were rednecks (which is true only if you look under our shed), that we are ignorant & clueless (also true but only when it comes to being savvy) and that the library is where they keep the free books. Um duh!
the entire segment….
I talked….
with a southern accent.
I have no clue why.
it just came out. it was like word vomit except with a twang worse than Paula Deen’s. And I even forgot to mention writing this little blog while we taped to give you guys credit for all the support and encouragement and great inspiration and ideas that you provide – because honestly you are a major reason our home is the way it is! DOh! Imagine me with the open palm to the head right now.
You probably are thinking – well katie, you really choked on this one. You didn’t mention Bower Power. You made a complete fool of yourself and you didn’t give credit where credit was due. And YOU FAILED TO EVEN DOCUMENT THE EXPERIENCE WITH PHOTOS OF THE MAN with the FAMOUS HAIR!
I know. I failed. I’m sorry. And I hope you forgive me.
But can I tell you something…I’ll whisper it so that Nate doesn’t hear me….honestly the highlight of the trip wasn’t the show. GASP! It’s true. Sure it was exciting. Sure it was flattering. Sure it was my fifteen seconds of fame. But to me, I was thrilled to just be in New York with my family. That was my highlight. And I did get pictures of that 🙂
New York Jan 2011 from Katie Bower on Vimeo.
Now you may be wondering when you can see the hot-mess-that-is-Katie-Bower on the show.
It will also be available online so if you miss it, I’ll try to link up to it so that ya’ll can see me in all my redneck glory.
So exciting!! I can’t wait to see it!!
Thanks for entertaining me on this snow day! 🙂 You are too hard on yourself!! I can tell you work hard to get where you are at!!
Your blog is one that inspired me to start typing away about my life! Thanks!
I’m sure you were perfect, can’t wait to see it! So exciting.
how fun!! so glad you got to do that – and can’t wait to see it! even if the accent was fake, everyone always thinks us Georgians are rednecks anyway! may as well give them a show!
love the vimeo video 🙂
these videos of yours are inspiring me to explore vimeo!
can’t wait to see the show.
i’m sure you were great!!!
like usual 🙂
Very exciting! I had to comment b/c I randomly “throw on” a southern accent too! I am originally from MD {transplanted to Florida/Southern Alabama} and if I am talking to strangers or in an uncomfortable situation, the strongest accent comes out. It’s not limited to southern either – if I am talking to my bff in New Jerz… you guessed it, a Jersey accent. Never lived there one day in my life. My husband just rolls his eyes and laughs, but I can’t help it!!!
Cute video thanks for sharing 🙂
Oh, Katie!!! This is beyond exciting. I’m sure that if I had been in your shoes, I would have had the same type of experience to report: no photos, feeling like I sounded like a dork, etc. Did you blurt out “Pickle Jars!” like Sherry joked about? haha
I record Nate every day, and now I have my virtual almost-friend to watch next week too! Congratulations!!! 2011 is shaping up to be Bower Power year! xo
YAAAYYY! I am SO happy for you. You should be so proud of yourself, Katie Bower. I can’t wait to see the show next week!
AAAHHHHH!!! Can you see me jumping up and down excited for you??? I wish I were still on maternity leave so I could watch your episode, but I will be at work when the show airs here. Pretty puh-leaz will you post a link to the re-run??
Thanks and congratualtions!! You should be very proud, you definitely earned this!!
BTW – what do you use to edit your videos? They are great!
So exciting! I can’t wait to see it! And like many people have said, don’t worry about the accent. English is my second language and most of the time, you can’t hear my Mexican accent but my husband says that when I’m mad or nervous I start talking really fast and my accent comes out. Doh! Oh well, it’s a part of us and we should just accept it 🙂 Congratulations again and can’t wait to see little Will on TV!
Wow! We’re only one month into 2011 and you are already off to an incredible year.
This is awesome! I’ll have to time my trip to the gym just right so I can watch you on the treadmill,
PS thanks for having such an awesome blog. I really feel like I’m catching up with an old friend every time I read one of your posts. You are a very entertaining writer, Katie!
You are hilarious! I can’t wait to see the show.
So exciting!
And, I love your Jo Tote! I’ve been waiting for them to get that one back in stock! 🙂
Can’t wait to see your segment.
Being in NYC during the holidays adds such a magical touch to it, hope you guys had a blast! I live in NYC and if I saw the Bower family on the street, I would have gone bananas! I have no idea who Nate Berkus is, but he was lucky to have you and your family on his show. Hope you can post of clip of it 😉
YAYYY!!! That is SO exciting! Congrats and I’m glad the trip to NY was memorable. =) I love the video you made.
Ooo love the shots! My hubby and I honeymoon in NY so I love seeing photo of it especailly good ones like yours!
Awesome! I love the southern accent, of course!! Congrats to you guys – so very cool.
Congratulations! I can’t wait to see your episode.
Congrats! You are being a wee bit hard on yourself, 😉 but at the same time…that level of self-critiquing is what makes one grow stronger. Overall, it’s a huge accomplishment, so sit back, take a deep breath and gaze in amazement at how far you’ve come. Last but not least, smile! There are many great things yet to come for you KB! Can’t wait to see you and the house on the NBS.. darling southern accent and all! 🙂
So exciting!! My guess was right! :O) Can’t wait to see your house proud segment! It looks like you had an amazing trip!
Oh wow! How exciting! I cannot wait to see the show! Still reference some of your how-to’s!
I just use Windows Movie Maker – it came with my laptop 🙂
xo – kb
when is it airing? can’t wait to watch it
Congrats! Being nervous makes us do and say off the wall things. Plus you don’t need the Nate Berkus Show to talk about your blog! Look how they found you! Can’t wait to see it!!!
YAY! Can’t wait to check it out… and I’m sure you did absolutely great! Is that your new camera bag you were sporting in a couple pics there? What are your thoughts? Do you like it?!?!
Great video and next time (which I’m sure there will be a next time!) go visit Bryant Park. During the winter they have an iceskating rink also (bigger than the Rocks) and all these really cool glass huts that are individual little stores. This year they had a Kate Spade Igloo store there too! So much fun.
I could not be any happier for you!!! The video was terrific! You all looked so happy.. Congratulations, I hope this only the beginning for you all!! <3
Yayy!!! What a fun experience, and I second the highlight being the time with your family. I would say the same thing.
Also, when I’m nervous my Michigan accent comes out, which is not pretty. A least southern accents are cute!
LOVE it! I literally can’t get enough of it. I am even thinking of saving for my next camerabag/purse/diaperbag 🙂
xo – kb
It comes on different channels because it’s syndicated…so you gotta check your local listing….but it is definitely coming on sometime February 8th 🙂
xo – kb
First of all Congrats!!! I’m sooooo excited for you!! The rambling is completely understandable. Nate is such a cutie pie, he would have that power over anyone!
Second – I am so surprised you didn’t take any pictures while at the studio. I think I just imagine you everywhere you go with camera. 🙂
katie! so exciting!…and well deserved 🙂
can’t wait to watch.
Oh I had the camera – we took a couple of snaps of Will…but in general they asked us not to take photos. And since we got about 4 hours of sleep the night before, we definitely lost a lot of photo-taking-energy.
xi – kb
Such a WONDERFUL opportunity and I think you got out of it what you are supposed to…a great trip with people you love the most. 🙂
Congratulations Katie! February 8 happens to be birthday (the big 3-0) and I took the day off to celebrate, get pampered by my husband with breakfast in bed and watch the Nate Berkus Show ~ and now I’ll look forward to seeing you on House Proud (my favorite part!).
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your video. Great job and I can’t wait to see you on The Nate Show!
Congratulations! =)
Please link it up, I’ll be at work! (and clearly I NEED to see this) 😉
Katie. You are so famous. I can’t believe it! Congrats!
That is pretty cool you get to be on that show! I live in Japan & unfortunately we do not have that show here so I’ll miss it. But I bet you had a great time!
Greta video!
Congrats Katie, that is great 😉
Can you please share info on the camera that you recorded your video with?
Also on the diaper/camera/purse/bag? Im always looking for a bag big enough to keep allt the things that my babyboy needs, my things and off course the huge camera 🙂
Keep up the good work.
BTW I was so inspired by you Advent calendar that I made one for my family in december.
Here is the link if you wanna check it out
So thanks for your wonderful blog and ideas, I come here daily and soak it all up 🙂
You should have come into Tiffany & Co! I work on the main floor and would have LOVED to have been able to meet you!!
Oh Katie, we DO love you! I’m sure your performance was wonderful, and I am excited to check it out soon. I’m so happy for you that your blog has seen such growth. I enjoy reading every post and really do appreciate that your blog is so personal and non-commercialized. I also hold you largely responsible for the Baby Fever that I developed in fall 2009 and has resulted in the birth of my little boy 12 days ago. You have an adorable family and a wonderful blog ;o)
AHHH Congrats Austyn! I don’t think I was awake 12 days later…much less leaving blog friends uber sweet comments 🙂
xo – kb
Happy early Birthday Kathleen! It looks like you are only three days younger than me (you lucky dog you!)…and when I’m watching, I’ll be sure to send you birthday wishes 🙂
xoo – kb
I know Austin…you probably always thought that it would be for something else, huh?
xo – kb
Hi Soffia,
It’s actually my Canon 5D Mark III – it has a video function 🙂
And the camera bag is from JoTotes…it’s called Missy Gray. I LOVE it with all my heart. Well, the part that doesn’t belong to my boys and my bacon 🙂
xo – kb
You know Lauren, Jeremy was really persistent that I go in and get something small for my thirtieth…but I was so overwhelmed with just being OUTSIDE the building that I probably would have gotten gassy inside…you know…from the nervousness 🙂 Maybe one day my redneckness will taper off and I’ll head in 🙂
xo – kb
So excited for your episode!! And your pictures are adorable!
Yay!!! I am so excited for you! I have my DVR set to record it and can’t wait! 🙂
K… so did you end getting a Jo Tote? Can you really fit your camera basics AND stuff for Will in that puppy?! Oh the joy… can it be so?!
You go KB! I saw one thousand gifts on your wish list. I am giving a copy of it away on my blog…come on over and enter to win! 🙂
Yay! Congratulations! I’m so excited for you!!! Can’t wait to see the show!!!
Congrats Katie! Well deserved! I think this is my first time commenting but I love how I can really hear your voice come through your writing 🙂 Cant wait to catch the show!
…the greatetest city in the world….
I loved the twilight-time shots with the wet reflective sidewalks and bare trees, with little yellow lights twinkling in the background! Thanks; you just made my morning.
Congratulations! You are so deserving of such an honor!! The picture of Will looking out the airplane window is too precious – was he okay on the airplane ride? And don’t worry about the southern accent thing, sometimes it happens to me too – but I’ve never lived south of the Ohio River 🙂
Yayy, how exciting. I have never watched the show, but I will put it on the calendar so I can see it. I’ve heard good things about the show. I’m sure you did awesome. How neat it must have been to be in New York…I would like to go there some day.
Yay, I can’t wait to see the show! I record it everday so make sure to watch it on the 8th!
So excited for you guys! Can’t wait to watch. I have to tell you, you make me giggle a lot, but I laughed LOUDLY when I read about you talking in a southern accent. Hope you don’t mind my picking on you a bit, but I REALLY can’t wait to see that! Haha! Congrats!
Congrats, so excited for you! And don’t be so hard on yourself- nothing wrong with a Southern accent! Phillippians 4:8- I’m sure there were plenty of these things to dwell on! 🙂
Can’t wait to see it! Congrats on becoming a super-famous tv star 😉
I love the music selection on the video, and your family is just too stinkin cute! Also, how did you two manage to get such nice white teeth? Gorgeous smiles!
I’ve never commented before. But wanted to say, “Congratulations!” I am a daily Nate Berkus watcher and will be looking forward to seeing your segment.
Thanks for the tip! I just discovered something I never used and now I LOVE it!! Can’t wait to do all my vacation photos/videos that way 🙂
I am so happy for you, Congrats!! Can’t wait to watch the show. BTW, I just wanted to mention that i go to your site daily and you have inspired me so much that I started my own blog!! Maybe not a big deal for most, but trust me it is a HUGE deal for me. So, Thanks!!
That is super exciting! How fun for you all! And I am looking forward to your awesome accent!
Krysta- I like the name of your blog!
xo – kb
Katie, I know this is super random, but I have been looking into DSLR’s and wondered what your thoughts are between Canon and Nikon (their “beginner” models). I wasn’t sure if you’ve already commented on this before. Thanks!
Well super star, it’s about time!!! So excited for you, I’m sure you were/are amazing on camera!!!!! And your home is so gorg, no wonder they wanted you on the show!
Cheers friend,
Today you are not allowed to talk about anyone else Kate! Today was YOUR DAY!
btw – I didn’t see it yet but I did record it so I CAN NOT wait to see you in your big debut!!!!
xo – kb
I think they are pretty similar. There are more professional reviews…like this one….but to me, it’s more about the user than the camera itself 🙂 Make sure you try them out in the store too!
xo – kb
When Dave and I were on the Nate Show, we stayed at the Lucerne, too! : )
I guess that’s their go-to spot for show guests! It was darling, wasn’t it?!?
xo – kb
Of course Nate would contact you! It was only a matter of time. Can’t wait to see your segment tomorrow.
I was on the show too recently and I also failed to mention the blog, take many photos, and my mention of hubby (who does the big part of the handiwork around the house) ended up on the cutting room floor. Oh well. It was a great experience though, wasn’t it?
JEN! I saw your segment and was like “OH CRUD”….basically because there is no way that I could ever be in the same category as your transformations. And I was so jealous that you got to actually talk about your projects…like a how-to. SOOO great.
You did awesome….and I am eager to know what hits the cutting room floor too 🙂
xo – kb