Remember when I told you I was going to be working on our basement bedroom?
Remember how I didn’t even bother to show you the before photos?
Remember that?
Well, it happened.
I was a bad friend. It’s like I invited you over & then didn’t feed you. And that’s a cardinal sin for an Italian. Basically I could burn for that one.
So to remedy the situation, I thought it was high time to get you up to speed on the basement bedroom. Let’s get started. The door to the room is at the bottom of our basement stairs. And when you enter, you are immediately greeted with a blank wall…behind which is the closet.
But if you turn the corner just inside the doorway, you can see the rest of the room. It has one window (which combined with the closet makes it technically a bedroom to be counted on any future appraisals) and a rug on the bed.
The rug is on the bed because…well…I don’t know why. Such is life. Things happen & nobody knows why.
Earthquakes, tsunamis, why Nick Cannon & Mariah Carey are really married….those are life mysteries.
But the rug is there. And the bed is in the corner.
The furniture belongs to Jeremy’s brother.
Which brings me to my next point….Jeremy’s brother. We actually tackled the basement back in July because my boyfriend’s brother was attempting to save money and was moving in with us. Then he got a new job. A better job. And this new, better job was kinda far away from our house. So his stuff stayed here…and Torrey stayed with friends. It was actually a blessing in disguise. I was worried that living with a brother-in-law in the house would be awkward. I mean, Torrey would hear our raucous lovemaking. And I am sure Jeremy doesn’t want his little bro to hear him scream like a girl.
The real reason that it worked out for the best was because I got totally knocked up and we probably wouldn’t have spent the money on finishing the basement if we knew that a baby was on it’s way. But we did. And it’s finished. And that’s good.
So as Torrey stays with friends, his stuff still remains with us. So we asked if it would be okay to put it in storage for now and finally tackle decorating this space.
He was cool with that.
He’s cool with most things.
Unlike me.
Who is going bonkers over the lack of a closet door.
And who is going batty over this rug issue right now.
Seriously batty.
So you might be wondering what furniture we have to put in the basement bedroom.
It’s very nice that you asked.
What will be placed in the basement bedroom is the fabuliciousness that was in our master bedroom before we bought the Canopy furniture. See that tallboy in the corner?
And here’s the matching dresser – in a VERY old photo of our master bedroom (way back before we painted!). My mom said the wood is curly maple…which they don’t make a lot of furniture out of anymore because of the cost. In order to get curly maple furniture, the carpenter has to purchase it raw from a wood dealer. This was actually the furniture that I had in my bedroom growing up…which is probably why I love it so much. Plus ‘curly maple’ sounds like a special kind of syrup…and well folks, I am pregnant…and liquid sugar is a pregnant girl’s George Clooney.
I also think I might try to work in the two chairs that were in the office. Since the office is transitioning to the nursery, these chairs need a new home.
So there you have it. The lowdown on the before photos of our basement bedroom. Hopefully soon I will have some splendid after pics to share. But for now…let’s talk about something interesting. How bout stuff in your house that is out of place? Like rugs on beds? Or how clothes and towels ALWAYS end up on the floor? Or how hubbies put the tupperware in the cup cabinet? Or perhaps how you found a toy in the VCR? Doesn’t it just drive you bonkers? Or maybe you don’t suffer from these things. maybe your life is one of life’s mysteries. and maybe I am just insanely jealous.
Katie–Totally unrelated to this post, but Sears has clearance baby clothes online for less than $2 a piece. I thought you might be up for a little more retail therapy.
Oh I suffer from that!!! I hate dishes in the sink or anywhere besides the cubbard or dishwasher! And I don’t mind shoes on the floor, but the man toy does, and I hate things on the counter, but the man toy doesn’t. So one of us is always having issues with the others things. The good news, our house is usually clutter free!
may have just inadvertantly found jeremy’s valentine’s gift 🙂
You are too funny Katie!!! Can’t wait to see the after pictures! 🙂
Thanks for sharing KB, can’t wait to see the after! : )
I have two dirty towels hanging over the banister–for no reason. I pass them everyday (for the last 4 days) and havent put them in the laundry…something is wrong with me…
everything in my house has been in the “wrong” place since about two months after moving in. that’s when we started remodeling our home. since then every room has gone through some kind of metamorphasis. usually it ends up being good but the getting there is enough to make you run screaming from the house! like when you have to climb over saw horses to do your laundry, or the cat looks at you and crys because he can’t get to his litter box anymore because it is surrounded by power tools and tile…..
You do know that those two nautical pictures in the last photo are uneven right… right… its not just my brain? Cause that would drive me batty if it wasnt on purpose!
Ok, can I just say that the “lovemaking” part made me laugh out loud. And I’m at work! Ha! Anywho, love the potential of the basement room and can’t wait to see the after shots.
I speak as a pregnant girl. George Clooney is a pregnant girl’s George Clooney. I may a moment to myself now, thank you. Sigh.
My husband just found his watch in the storage ottoman we use for our dog’s toys. I can only assume my one-year-old son put it there, considering the dog lacks the opposable thumbs.
Can’t wait to see the after pics…
How about finding your cat in the refrigerator?
That happened to me…twice.
Our cat went through a phase where he was obsessed with the inside of our refrigerator. It was pretty amusing, especially when we had to check the refrigerator whenever we left the house. 🙂
Here’s a photo of it:
I love your flooring in your basement bedroom! Is it laminate? We put laminate in our basement last summer and I wanted to go dark, but we went lighter to match the real hardwood in the rest of our home. Great choice! You have such great taste.
How about ear defenders (those silly padded ear muffs for the gun range) in the pantry. Grrr. Drives me nuts!
Hiya Keeley –
The basement flooring is actually Thomasville engineered hardwood flooring in Walnut. It was the cheapest engineered hardwood that we could find in a rich dark color. Here is the post & a little video of how we installed it.
Things out of place… hmmm…
That would describe… my whole darn house!
The biggest thing that drives me nuts isn’t the jackets we/I drop on the back of the sofa as we/I walk in the front door, it’s not my shoes on the floor of the bedroom in front of hubby’s dresser, it’s not the 16 pounds of candy just sitting all over the kitchen and the dining room and the library that the little kids gave hubby for Christmas which I’m trying desperately NOT to eat…
Clean clothes in the laundry basket that my hubby
THAT drives me mad!
I put away HIS underwear and socks.
Why oh why can’t he put away mine???
They just stay on the bed, or on the spare room bed, or in the hallway in the laundry basket.
Until I put them away.
I live with a toddler, so we are subject to his home decor logic. A Dwight Schrute stress ball in the baby ball popper? Check. A book lamp sticking out of a boot like a periscope on a submarine? Check. A watch in the snack cabinet? You betcha.
My husband tends to leave the kitchen cabinets open. He’ll walk in, open the cabinet, grab a cup, pour some koolaid, walk back into the living room…did you notice the missing step? Yep he didn’t close the cabinet door. Drives me crazy.
Just want to say that I love your writing style! I work in an office with only one other person that I have ZERO things in common with, save the fact that we work in the same office. So, it’s fun to read your posts as if we are having a conversation. Hope that doesn’t sound creepy…I’m not outside your house right now or anything.
Anywho, my hubby loves to leave his damp towels hanging on anything! His favorite place to hang them is on an open dresser drawer! Thus there is a damp towel hanging in our bedroom and a drawer is open. How does that not bother him?
Thanks for brightening up my day!
I love the dark wood floors you have in your basement!! Gorgeous! What brand/color are they?
Sorry! I should have read all the comments before posting! oops 🙂 I’m definitely checking out that flooring for my kitchen reno!
“I mean, Torrey would hear our raucous lovemaking. And I am sure Jeremy doesn’t want his little bro to hear him scream like a girl.”
Hahahahaha woo i got a kick out of that.Your too funny!
You are hilarious! Love the “scream like a girl” comment! HAHAHA..seriously laughed out loud while in my classroom full of kids. Thanks for that!