One of the quintessential mommy moments in my mind is bathing your babe in the kitchen sink. I have no idea why but it feels like it connects me to the decades of mothers and caregivers of years gone by.
It’s basically me holding hands with Mary Poppins. Because I am fairly certain she invented the kitchen sink bath.
For Weston, he always had sponge baths until he was old enough to sit with me in the real bath tub. And then once he could sit in the Bumbo, I would sit him in, holding it down with my feet (it would float even with my chunky monkey in it) while he shared bath toys with Will…aka chewing toys while Will pretended the shark can talk. When he finally mastered sitting solo, it was always just easier to throw both boys in the tub together so this moment almost didn’t happen.
It’s funny. These little things that make you really feel like a mom. Sometimes I feel like I am just going through the motions….cleaning their hands, prepping food, making crafts, watching them play outside, pulling random objects from their mouths and pockets….but it seems like whenever I do sink baths, it really sinks in that I am a mother.
I am probably the only person that feels that way.
I am also probably the only person that realizes that the below photo is a rare jewel. You can see his smile AND his eyes. It’s like seeing a leprechaun or a unicorn….this is so rare that this is THE ONLY picture I have of both. #WINNING
So after a little digging, I found Will’s first bath time experience.
Apparently I did believe in white balance.
This is a very ‘Will’ photo…
Stoic and wide eyed. Contrast that with my second – smiley and squinty.
And this reminds me of Weston. I see both the similarities in looks and activity of choice…
I quickly realized that Weston was just a smidge too old to continue having sink baths after this happened…the ability to stand pretty much evicts babes from the sink bath. foh-evah.
So what are the quintessential ‘mothering’ moments you think of? That first diaper change? The moment where you realize that all of your clothes smell like baby powder? The day when you no longer order food in a diner based on your personal preference but on what can be mashed, smooshed, and masticated by your toothless partner in crime?
Im 34 weeks pregnant and your pictures honestly may send me into early labor… your boys are adorable!!
It’s so funny that you mention the way you order food when you are a mom. That is one of the big mommy things for me. No matter what I’m eating, I always make sure my little man can eat some too. I have completely changed my diet because of him. And it makes me so happy to see him come running to me when I have something because he wants a bite too!
That pic of Weston is amazing. Amazing.
I always feel like a mom on walks and nursing in public. Or really, at parks or play places where you stare at the parents who are basically not watching their children shove or hit or teaching their kids to apologize or say excuse me or try waiting in line.
you’re family is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing, Katie xo
Oh my gosh THE picture is gorgeous! What a precious jewel to have!
1. Your boys are gorgeous!
2. I am totally with you on the sink baths. We loved those in our house too. My next one will definitely be getting sink baths as well.
3. I think these personal posts are my favorite because I love seeing your photos.
The hubby and don’t have kidlets yet but o, did this post make me want some! The comparison shots of Will and Weston bathing in the sink at a similar age? Just died a little. Delicious and adorable, precious baby boys you have!
Love those sweet baby photos!
OMG, these are the best photos! Both of your boys are so beautiful! Love.
I absolutely love these pictures… I can’t wait to finally have a baby of my own to plop in the sink and clean! lol
I loved giving sink baths- having them up at my height, not stooping awkwardly half into the tub. My mother has pictures of me in the sink (and it wasn’t a big one like yours, and in the pictures I am at least 2 years old!)
I think I felt so motherly when I quietly rocked them and sang songs- the songs I remembered hearing my mother sing. It was MY thing to do with them. It was in those moments I realized I was creating motherly memories for my children that hopefully evoke in them the wonderful memories I have from my childhood.
Looking at these makes me sad I didn’t try doing a sink bath with my little O. He will be 11 months on the 17th and is pulling himself up on anything and everything, so I don’t think it would be very successful if I tried now. Plus I think he would just try to grab the faucet the entire time, hehe.
Quintessential mother moment is having streams of drool dropping on my bare arm and not even batting an eye or even trying to immediately wipe it off. Also, being able to sit and snuggle is my most cherished moment. As he becomes more mobile it’s getting more and more rare unless I catch him when he’s just exhausted (and I should be putting him to bed…should be). 🙂
I love giving my kids a bath in the sink….it always makes me sad when they outgrow it! Btw, congrats on the pregnancy!
These were always called chicken baths in my house. No clue why.
LOVE that pic of Weston with the smile and open eyes! You have two very handsome boys!
Ahh! Too much cuteness (not really, but I want them both!). I feel the same thing sometimes… just going through the motions, almost wondering “is this real?” that I’m a 30 year old mom of a crazy, blonde, blue eyed girl with one little chunky monkey boy on the way, owning a house and all the joys that comes along with motherhood, marriage, and homeownership. It happens a lot at dinner time for some reason. And then the blondie says “Momma, I love you.” and my heart swells and I want to kiss her all over and never let her grow up.
BTW, I adore that pic of Weston that is all eyes and smile! That’s one of the best photos I’ve seen of any kid, catching the impossible while being so adorable (hello naked baby!). I can’t wait to see what you have for #3. Maybe a girl who will have two super protective older brothers? Or continue the tradition and have another boy?!
I can hardly tell your boys apart in those pics. So sweet. I am looking forward to sink baths again soon, as well – I can’t wait…and then I noticed the pic with all the bottles on the counter and I realized…”Oh yeah, and I’m going to have THAT going on again soon, too…” 🙂
You take such amazing photographs! That’s such a great skill for capturing truly frame worthy photos of your family – I’m so jealous!
O.M.G.! You produce the MOST GORGEOUS babies!
Oh, the sink bath! My second baby was actually my second and third (twins), and I don’t think they ever got sink baths. That makes me so sad. It was one of my favorite things with my oldest. Think they would let me do it now? They turn three next week. 😉
My moment was rocking him to sleep, oh so sweet!
I have two moments. One, when I’m reading a story to him and my son crawls under my arm and snuggles up against me, with one little arm over my belly. Two, when he asks me to rock him to sleep. He’s 2 years old and is too big to really fit on my lap, but I’ll keep doing it as long as possible.
Anytime these happen, I sit with him just a bit longer than I need to, either by stretching out the story a bit or sitting with him for a while before tucking him into his bed. He’s normally such a energetic ball of kicks and arm flails and non-stop chattering, that when he settles down and wants to snuggle, it’s like magic.
You’ll appreciate this – I’m a mom of a little guy and I think it was the first time I got peed on…I was warned but didn’t believe it! Now I’m quick with the diaper and feel like I’ve been doing it a million years!
Beautiful pictures and georgous boys. Haha – I thought I was the only one who ordered food that could be mashed for the littles based on their likes and not my own.
The first time I got pooped on and didn’t freak out. Just clean it up and move on 🙂
I think that moment hits me most when I’m nursing my baby and he just looks at me with all the love in the world and he couldn’t be any happier. Kills me everytime.
I love the picture of Weston smiling! What a great shot! It really sinks in that I am a mother when I am telling my boys to not do some rediculous thing. I also had to seperate a knock out drag out wrestling match between them on the floor of a gas station…yep, that screams mom to me. Ha!
Those are some beautiful boys you have. Oddly for me its seeing my husband holding the baby or playing with our five year old that does it for me. It just makes me feel something I can’t even begin to describe. I love being a family.
Breastfeeding made it feel “real” for me, even from that first session and into the months ahead. And I loved every single minute of it!
Oh em GEE! That picture of Weston is to die for – seriously billboard worthy! Your boys are too dang cute!
You make the most beautiful boys! I know they are supposed to be handsome, but… I would never get work done for all the cuddling I would want to do! <3 Precious!
I love, love, love the sink bath pics. We don’t have one of our daughter. 🙁 She’s been too big for our stinkin shallow sink since she was big enough to sit up.
I’ve always been a slow eater. The fact that I can now scarf down a meal faster than my hubby is a mom thing. 🙂 And that I’m okay with being a little late to work if it means I get a kissing session with my little baby – this is also new (I don’t like being late).
PS – did the sink come with the house?? I can’t remember…if not, tell me more. I NEED IT.
Love these pics! I wish I would have done this with my son, never even crossed my mind! If I ever have a second one, I am doing a kitchen sink bath! My mommy moment is doctor’s appointments. Having to take them, sit in the waiting room, beg them to behave and then ask the doctor a million questions, definitely a “mom” thing!
Your editing is so good! Sweet boys. : )
That moment I reached into my purse for my wallet and got a diaper (my emergency one) and a stray Goldfish cracker instead.
So so sweet! Beautiful pictures of your boys that I’m sure you’ll cherish forever!
No kiddos for me yet (hopefully one of these days I’ll get my positive!), but I already feel like a mom in small ways.
Like, when I’m around little ones that are in the “mastering sitting up” phase, and they almost tumble over… suddenly I’m like a freaking ninja. That’s how I know. Haha!
Gorgeous babies! Is Weston’s hair red?
I just wanted to tell you that you have two of the cutest boys (next to my own of course) that I have ever seen!
I was just thinking about “mom moments” this morning as I steam cleaned my 10 month old’s banana breakfast puke off of the living room carpet 🙂
I love when you do posts like this one!
We love bath sinks too! I think the big “Omg, I’m someone’s mom” moments for me are when they’re hurt, sick, or scared and run to me. Me? I’m the source of comfort and the person who makes them feel like everything will be okay? Amazing! 🙂
Oh and also when I clean out our van. I think ours could give your post from a few weeks ago a run for its money!
Those pictures are priceless!! I had a few moments but I think my biggest ‘wow this is what it means to be a mom’ moments were when I would hear my daughter in the middle of the night and jump out of bed all tiredness leaving me because I knew she needed me more than I needed sleep – such a primal instinct and it surprised me every time
I looooove sink baths. Easier on your back and they’re just so dang cute in there. We put a simple swing set in our back yard recently and it has given me a huge surreal feeling of, “Wow, I’m really a mom.” (2 boys here, too.) I love it.
these photos are beautiful.
and they’re a great excuse to stop by and say congrats on baby #3 on the way. can’t wait to meet him/her through your blog.
The other night my husband and I drove to meet friends for dinner in their new neighborhood. Instead of commenting on the amazingly beautiful houses and cute shops and restaurants. We looked at each other and in unison and quite enthuastically said “AWESOME PLAYGROUND!!” Yep. I’m a mom now. It’s official.
These pictures are so cute!! I have yet to bathe my daughter (3 months) in the sink because it is always full of dirty dishes. I love how you have similar pictures for each child.
In my opinion you never really outgrow those “Mother” moments. They still happen to me even though my daughter is now 8 years old. I love to read to her at night, have her cuddle on my lap (even if she doesn’t fit very well), think of what restaurant we should go to (for her picky palate), watch those Disney channel shows she loves together, play with her Barbies with her and stand back and watch with pride as she helps her cousin with special needs. All of those things everyday remind me that I am blessed that God chose me to be her Mom. Blessings to you Katie!!
Katie, I work for a large healthcare company whose most iconic products include baby shampoo, powder, etc. Reading your post, I kept thinking I would read “Sponsored by Company X” I think most Moms feel that bathtime, particularly kitchen sink bathtime is really symbolic of motherhood. You definitely aren’t alone in feeling connected to generations of mothers going through those motions. That feeling is one of the reasons the scents of our products hasn’t changed for generations 🙂
So so so sweet. That photo is amazing. I expect to see it on canvas or something! At least you have another that will be sink ready soon 🙂
I love this post and could not agree more about really feeling like a mom while giving sink baths. For me, I think it was because I remember my mom doing it for my younger siblings. And gorgeous photos, by the way!
One of my quintessential mothering moments came when our little guy got a stomach virus around 10 months of age. I am not squeamish or easily grossed out by any stretch, but at the same time, do not typically welcome bodily fluids of others onto myself.
At any rate, we woke up one morning, all seemed fine, but then I realized he seemed extra clingy/whiny…then…puke, everywhere. I had no idea a tiny being could puke so much! And it just continued to happen about every 10 minutes. Even though I knew it was coming, as each puke was preceded by a crawl onto my lap and whining, all I wanted to do was hold the poor little guy (and consequently get puked on.) I felt as if it was the only thing I could do to make him feel a little bit better. (That and continue to nurse nearly constantly as of course we had no Pedialyte in the house, because who ever expects their child to get a stomach virus, right!?!)
Another of the moments, of which there have been many, is rocking/singing our son to sleep. He’s a toddler now, and when he gets to the point of overtired…wow. But once I can corral him into the rocking chair and get him a bit settled down, it is so beyond lovely to quietly sing a song that I really love and feel him relax and his breathing deepen, slow, and then he’s off to dreamland. There are days when it’s tough to imagine anything better. We are so very lucky.
Thanks for the great post! And as always, thinking of others who may be waiting for their special little ones.
I just found out I’m pregnant and these pictures made me so excited for the adventure that awaits. Can’t wait to have these special mommy moments. What sweet photos!
Oh, man. I am so the sink bath mother, too. My youngest (and last) has about outgrown the ability for sink baths and I want to cry. Great pictures!
Such great pictures of your little cuties!
I’d say showing up somewhere thinking I am all fancy since I actually showered and finding something on my sleeve or shoulder that was wiped there by a tiny mouth or nose is my quintessential mothering moment 🙂
We were on holidays a couple of weeks ago, and we rented an apartment in south France. The kitchen had this amazingly beautiful white porcelain sink and since we didn’t had a baby tub, we did the sink bath almost everyday. It was beautiful. I had the same feelings you talk about in this post. I felt like a mum, and one of the days I felt like i had this ball of light inside of me and it was finally coming out bathing the both of us, like we, my baby and I shared the same aura for a moment. I can’t explain it. It was like one of those rare moments in your life when you see clearly that you are where you’re meant to be, in the exact time in the exact space. It felt like such a special joy, i will never forget that moment.
I also felt the same one night she was nursing. It was just me and her, the whole house was silent, the light was really low, like a candle light, you could only heard the sound of our breathings and the sweet sound of a baby nursing. I was sooooo in love with her at that moment and could cry. Love the post, Katie, thank you very much!!!
I can’t believe how adorable your boys are. You are one lucky momma! And no doubt those pics will be treasures for years to come.
Annie XO
p.s. I think that gorgeous marble tile in your kitchen makes Weston’s blue eyes pop even more! 🙂
These photos are adorable. I don’t usually comment but I wanted to tell you how these showcase your amazing photography skills!
That picture of Weston smiling is insanely gorgeous. I’d have to agree on the ordering food as a mom statement. ‘Well, I reeeally want this, but then the monster won’t have anything to gnaw on.’
I have mom-ents (?) when I start to look for something in my relatively small purse (I refuse to buy/use a diaper bag) and out comes three pairs of socks, two baggies of partially smashed cheerios, a sippy cup, and a Hot Wheels.
A mommy moment? Well, not sink washing 🙂 I didn’t do that with either of my two!
I think of things like washing bottles, filling endless sippy cups, and cuddling at bedtime (and first thing in the morning).
ADORABLE! and Weston is such a great little modest poser. 🙂
Lol! I have three sons…I can really identify with this one. I carried them out of a Target once, one under each arm, yelling insults at each other the whole way. Thank God I am strong. They were four and six, I think? The insults were of the “you stink” and “I hates you, you meanie” variety. My youngest boys…they are too similar in personality and WAY too strong-willed to really get along. They love each other…and then want to kill each other. . My oldest is quiet and sweet and well-behaved. Bless him. Lol
I felt so sad when we had our third and I realized I was so tired that I could no longer manage that jumping up out of bed, wide awake thing. I still got up…but it took me a minute and I often didn’t even open my eyes. The baby’s room was right across the hall, none of the furniture in it had moved in several years…I just sleepwalked in, pluck the little sweetie up, fed him and kissed and cuddled him and put him back in bed…if I didn’t fall asleep in the chair, with him snoozing in my arms. Awww….I miss it. My youngest is five now.
My sister-in-law’s mothering moment was when she took her son into a furniture store, he climbed onto a white sofa, something yucky rolled out of the side of his shorts onto the seat cushion, and she didn’t even blink as she scooped it up bare-handed, put it in her pocket, and continued to shop. Never fazed her.
Be still my heart. These photos are absolutely precious! Weston is seriously the happiest baby I’ve ever seen, and these beautiful photos make me miss these adorable boys already!
My youngest is almost 17 years old, and yet I still sway the grocery cart like there’s a sleeping baby in there. And I still kiss him when he’s sleeping – it’s the only time I get to anymore!
Reading to my kids was when I felt most ‘motherly’ – it was my favourite thing to do, and it disappoints me that I don’t have anyone to read to anymore.
I guess I will wait for the grandchildren.
That picture of Weston looking up just melts me. What a sweet hearted boy!!
I thought I was weird because of that intergenerational sensation I get when sink-bathing my babes! I feel you, sister! But not in THAT way….
Wow your boy are just precious!! I just cant stare long enough at those chubby faces! I am a long time reader but a first time commenter haha. I am from another country and i often get surprised when i see sink baths on american blogs. See here it is considered very unsanitary to bathe a baby in a kichen sink. I don’t know if that’s a cultural thing… I see it’s pretty common in america but here there’s a general assumption that the kitchen sink is one of the most germ-ridden places in the home, which leads some people to say a baby should never be bathed there due to a risk of illness. I never tried a sink bath, i think the concept that is a dirty place (even though i keep it clean) is already stuck deep in my brazilian head. I think they look a lot of fun though! I bet they loved it!
beautiful pics! I feel most like a mom when someone is sick and they really need me. Congrats on the pregnancy. I have/had infertility issues so I know exactly where you are coming from.
Don’t worry. I guarantee that there will be more sink baths even after your kids are walking and talking. My (now 21 year old) son got a sink bath at age three after a shack we rented in Tahoe ended up not having a tub. My picture of that blond bowl cutted, brown berry limbed boy crammed into the kitchen sink is still a favorite. He loved it too.
Those pictures are so completely darling I almost started to cry. I remember so vividly bathing my daughter and washing her crazy thick hair in the sink … omgoodness. Thank you for bringing back those memories. Such darling boys you have! So excited for your next little blessing to arrive. Enjoy every second of every minute of the time you get with all of them – it just keeps getting better … every age is amazing!
That’s so interesting! We know that it is really dirty on a regular basis too…but we always make sure it’s extra clean before bath time 🙂
xo – kb
A little in the undertones…same as Will’s at that age 🙂
xo – kb
Our current sink did come with the house. Our old kitchen sink was actually free when we purchased our granite countertops.
xo – kb
Oh my gosh that sounds divine. Close as to heaven as you can get.
xo – kb
Weston’s eyes are stunning! Fantastic photo!
I think so too 🙂 That tile makes us all pop 🙂
xo – kb
Jeepers, so many mom moments! But definitely the day I started considering going to McDonald’s Play Place with the fam as a date night with my hubby!
Oh and my 4 year old STILL has sink baths! 🙂 He LOVES it!
The moment when you are trying to find something in your purse out in public (like the checkbook or a pen) and along with it comes crayons, a binky, baby spoons, etc. Real mommy moment for me!
Beautiful pictures! And good job making sure no baby bits show! Seems the only in-focus, smiling, bath pictures I ever captured were a little xrated! Haha. 🙂
We know it’s a unicorn! But we also love the squinty Weston smile 🙂 It’s fun to see your photography evolve! My sinking in moments usually involved physical contact – reading books before bed, watching TV on the couch, lifting her out of her crib while she grabs my neck.
Thank you for this post- It made me melt and tear up a little bit! My boy is 20 years old now, but these photos took me right back to my baby <3 🙂
My mommy moment is totally the sink bath as well. My mom has pictures of us in the sink taking baths, and she bathes my daughter in the sink also. Plus sink baths rock because you don’t break your leaning over the tub!
SO SWEET! I love that you captured these moments so beautifully! It’s crazy (and maybe it’s because I’m not doing it right at this current moment), but I get that feeling when I’m out and about with my two little guys, juggling them between shopping carts, my hip, carseats, etc. and doing it at least somewhat successfully. It’s empowering, like, “I can handle this, so I can handle anything!” 😉 Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Katie! And CONGRATS on your big news!!!
~Abby =)
Absolutely adorable! My “baby” is 35 now, but one of my favorite moments was sitting in the car waiting for the rain to let up while he read me Shel Silverstein poems.
We put a giant Shaw farmhouse sink in our old house’s kitchen specifically for baby bathing. It was the best money we spent during our renovation.
There are too many “Mom Moments” at this point to pick one but tonight I felt distinctly like a mom when my 1-year-old got stuck underneath our king-sized bed. Right in the middle. Between two of the support posts. That was some tricky negotiations right there. So, anytime I solve a ridiculous problem, I feel like a mom.
How cute r they….. What kitchen faucet do u have…and do you find the integrated soap dispenser on the counter top useful? {fill up etc.,} Not sure if you’ve mentioned about them before??
For me, the first moment I felt like a mother was doing everything in my power to get pregnant: all the surgeries, injections, waiting, procedures, and perseverance. The last was the moment I saw the heartbeat on the ultrasound.
Someone pointed out that I sway when I stand, even when I’m not holding my baby. Personally though, I feel most mom like when my daughter reaches out for me to pick her up (she’s 8 months). It’s a reminder that I’m hers.
Oh my goodness. The cuteness overwhelms. Those eyes on both of your sons are just lovely.
Sink baths are heavenly. My mom moments are late night nursing sessions, finding mashed up rusk crackers in my purse, and having been babied (the hugs where their food just gets ground into my shoulder, etc) all over my shirt. I love them all.
What sweet moments you have captured with your children. 😉
My ‘mommy’ moment is how no matter how tired or hungry I am , I give my baby boy priority. It gives me happiness when he is well fed and content..such a mommy moment!
KB, congrats on the third , but I TOTALLY had a dream couple of days ago that you were pregnant and I was shocked to read your post. It could be because I was wondering why you were absent from your blog before going to bed..!color me shocked n surprised , but so happy for you! I hope you get a little girl just keep hormones in the house balanced 🙂
Beautiful babies! They are such a perfect combo of you and your hubby. Thanks for sharing Katie! Love your blog (and humor!)
#1 – congrats on baby #3!! I had a feeling something was up….so exciting!
#2 – this post was oddly timely for me. I’m not even a mother yet and we are currently thinking about buying our first home soon, and I was doing dishes the other night and thinking, man, I hope if/when we move, we have a pretty window in front of our sink and a nice clean sink at that, so that I can do baby bird baths with my first child because I love the photos my mom has us my sibling and I in my grandmother’s sink. (Our current sink is gross and I stare at a wall that has caked on grease and random kitchen stains that even a magic eraser won’t clean.) It’s weird where your mind goes when you are doing dishes!
Katie, I just love you, your blog, and your family. I have been reading for years now, and you are still one of my favorites. I think it is your love for your family, your faith, and your genuineness that keep me coming back. I am dreaming of having my first child soon…and I always say I want a girl first…but your beautiful boys make me more okay with the prospect of having a boy. Anyway…this comment is pretty pointless. But I just felt the need to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. Thank you for being hilarious, selfless, weird, compassionate, and awesome.
Anna from South Carolina
Love all these photos! Do you find it hard to keep up with printing them and displaying them around the house? I hope to get some like this of my son in his sink bath (although he’s getting to big for it too). I try to take as many photos as I can and figure one day when the kids are older and more independent I’ll get around to printing them, but at least for now I am capturing these moments while they are still young!
God knows I’ve struggled with being a new mum. I felt very insecure during the first few months and it took me a while to figure it out so these moments are priceless and extra special to me.
Katie, I want you to know I love this blog. I come here everyday to see what you and your beautiful family have been up to. You have such a great personality and you feel soooo real to me, something that doesnt happen very often in bloggling land.
If you ever come to Spain, please call me! We could have some tapas and sangria together!! xxx
I’m Brazilian too, and currently living in the U.S. and I had the same shock when I first heard of my nieces (and my husband when he was a baby) being bathed in the sink. I think it’s a cultural thing, at least in the south (my husband is from Louisiana). It does look fun and mommy back-friendly. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it though whenever I have babies (some years down the line)… I guess time will tell.
Those pictures do warm your heart! Kate, you have precious jewels for children. God bless them!
I am a mother of 3. It even feels weird to type that! And i totally get what you are saying, about not really feeling like a mother. But last week my 5 yr old came to me with a splinter in her foot. I had her laid across my lap with her foot under the lamp and dug it out with a needle. I remembered all of the times my mom did that for me and it really hit me then, “I am their mother” Of course then i had mommy tears. It is funny what little things make you feel this way.
The fourth pictur down reminds me of your father in law …pastor dad (I think)… It’s crazy. It’s the first thing I thought of…the resemblance is crazy! The pictures are adorable…I love sink baths!
Your kids could not be any cuter. Seriously.
one of my “mom moments” was when i was shopping at target and i put back a shower curtain i loved in favor of buying my baby girl a dress. i realize that happens often! i put her needs/things i think she needs over my wants and desires. i always knew that was part of being a mom, but i didn’t think it would come so easily or quickly!
I am an attorney…when I needed something to write with during a legal proceeding and I could only locate a red crayon in my purse, that was pretty defining for me….loved this blog entry, great writing, great pics.
Even though they have different color eyes, they have such a similar face! You have two ADORABLE boys, Katie!
The moment it really sunk in that I was a mom was when my little guy got sick and I put out my hand to catch it. It was instinct and I was in shock that I had done it. Now I wouldn’t think twice about it.
That photo of him looking up is priceless! What a doll!
Your son is too cute! What kind of camera do you use? The quality of these images are phenomenal.
haha! I found myself rocking milk in the grocery store the other day! Once you start…you don’t stop!
Thanks for this post, Katie! I actually feel the exact same way. My mother and grandmother, though pretty gruff as we got older, were enamored with the babies (whether their own, their sister’s, a friend’s, etc); my mom has given first baths (in sinks) to more than just her own four babies. So, when my son’s umbilical cord finally came off, I was simultaneously terrified and ecstatic to be able to plunk him down into his first experience with water.
He’s over a year old and we still sink bathe. It’s so much easier (especially on my back ;-)) and he loves splashing and singing and learning “science” (learning about how water works and pouring and so forth), and I adore doing it with him. And the connection to our ancestral history is icing on the cake. While I may grumble about giving him the baths beforehand, I always heave a sigh of contentment when the washing is done. 🙂
There’s no mistaking it – those boys are brothers! 🙂 Spiten image 🙂
I love your photos. You are blessed with amazing skills. My mom moment is her morning bottle in the glider when she’s really sleepy and cuddly. She’ll fall asleep while I’m burping her with a wad of my shirt in her hand.
That pic of Weston looking up is divine, and I can’t believe how much the two boys look like each other.
I think my “I’m really a mom” moment was those middle of the night nursing sessions when she was a newborn.
These are the sweetest photos everrrrr! I love giving my baby boy sink baths, he is 9 months old and my last baby so every moment feels special to me because I think it may not happen again. I love giving my son baths in the sink, love when he reaches up for me from his crib when he wakes up, love that I’m the only one who can calm him down & I love nursing him most first thing in the morning before the day gets started and nursing him at night in his room when it’s just starting to get dark out. It puts what is really important in perspective! I loved this post so much!!!
Packing up my kids for college with that huge lump in my throat because I know there will be no more sink baths for me and my kids…sob….
And he is a doll!
I am expecting my first in December and can’t wait for the sink baths and other precious moments!
OMG!!!! This is so funny – and so mommy moment like, it really made me laugh so much. Once we went to see some water falls in a bushy place and my youngest (perhaps 5-6 years) had a running stomach. I had to wash his poopy bottom and shorts in the waterfall pool water whilst everyone was busy enjoying and admiring the beautiful scenery, as well as carry him on my back for the entire afternoon – just to make him fell better.
Same here. People would never eat food from my kitchen if they ever heard that I washed my babies in the kitchen sink(I have never and will never do it). It is considered very unnatural, but different countries have different cultures. In my country people would unblock an infants blocked nose(mucous) by gently sucking on the nose so that the mucous comes out, especially if the baby is having a hard time breathing due to nasal blockage.
Your babies are truly veryyyyyy beautiful.
Those babies of yours are so beautiful! Congrats on your pregnancy as well! You are blessed 🙂
omgeeeeeee! he’s so adorable!
Hi Katie!!
wow, those pictures were amazing! You might not have to give up sink baths yet. Your sink is really deep, when my boys were your boy’s ages I would put one in each side and let them play while I cooked dinner, they thought it was so cool even if it was a little squishy for my 3 year old:)
sending you so much love as you grow your new 3rd baby. The only thing better than 2 babies is 3!
mama to 3 amazing little boys
These photos are fantastic. The one with Weston looking up with his pretty blue eyes (I previously thought they were brown – bad blog reader!) and his adorable smile is definitely frame-worthy in my opinion.
1) I just have to say how gorgeous your boys are!! I would not EVER let them leave! I guess we don’t have a choice, other than making home reeeeaaallly comfy! Ha!
2)I have to say my “babies” are 19 and 9, but this post was like a time machine that Dr. Browned me smack into those days of long ago when I thought the smell of spit up was burned into my nostrils. Sweet days. They go so fast 🙁
3)Which brings me to your question… it was definitely those moments when they see you (like when you pick them up from the church nursery, or a baby-sitter) and they light up. You know that they know YOU are THEIR Momma. Such an amazing gift.
4)and now I must wipe up my nostalgic tears, reset the Flux Capacitor and get back to work 🙂
My mama used to always scratch my back when we were sitting next to each other on a couch. I just realized the other day that she doesn’t do it anymore, and I was trying to remember when she stopped. It was after I had my second child. I realized she no longer sees me as her little girl, but as a mama, strong and capable. THAT brought tears to my eyes, and made me feel like a real mom!
We recently had some, ahem, plumbing issues (flushable wipes are not flushable?!) and our only choice was to give our 3.5 year old a kitchen sink bath. Mind you we do have a 24 in. ikea sink so it wasn’t exactly a tight squeeze. (this kitchen, specifically:
Our son is a smidge small for his age so he fit with room to spare, and rather enjoyed having his hair rinsed with the sprayer. And he’s now requesting “kitchen baths.”
That photo of Weston looking up is amazing!! You should frame it and put it up on the bathroom wall! So cute to compare both little ones.
All my babies and grandbabies loved sink baths. I did them daily for years. It would make an adorable little photo album.
It’s a Canon Mark II.
xo – kb
TOTALLY! I sometimes think that Weston looks more like Jeremy’s dad than Jeremy!
xo – kb
Favorite books are by Shel 🙂
xo – kb
We have a Moen Weatherly and no…I do not find the soap dispenser useful.
xo – kb
I love your last 🙂
xo – kb
Aww thank you Anna. Your comment made my day.
xo – kb
I love your pictures! I thought that my 2 and 3 year olds were too big for sink baths until last week when we made cucumber boats to sail in the sink. I turned my back for a minute and they both jumped in. I thought, “Well, I have to mop the floor anyway…” and went and got the soap. My 5 month old was sleeping and I don’t think I’ve ever had a better time cleaning the kitchen in the last 3 years. My favorite mothering moments are when I see my babies light up and smile when I walk in the room and when I see my children helping each other do something hard. (Like seeing my son drag my daughter up each level of the McDonald’s play place because she isn’t tall enough to get up herself. 🙂 )
What a lovely post Katie. That picture of Weston looking up at you is simply precious! Love how you have both baby pictures in it too. Now you most get the third one that’s in the oven in it. What a great little collection.
thank u…for the reply! x
I’m right there with you mama! Sink baths were my favorite thing ever – I was so sad when my guys got too big (mobile) for the sink. Thanks for bringing back all those wonderful memories!
awwww!! LOVE the sink bath! You have caught the most precious moments of both boys. 🙂
I’ll have to get back to you on when I really felt like a mother. My little man is almost two and I still don’t get that I’m a mother yet, ha. 🙂
What lens did you use to take the pictures of Weston? I’m a new photographer and want to take better photos of my son, Nicholss (who was born 2 days after Weston)! these pictures are great! I love your photography advice because I can actually understand it. You give me hope that I can also take good photos 🙂
50mm 1.4 – it’s my go-to portrait lens 🙂
xo – kb
Tapas and Sangria!? I’m so in! When’s the next flight?!
xo – kb
Hi Katie.
I miss you.
Hope you feel well enough to return to blogging.
From your biggest fan
I can’t see the pictures anymore! All I see are photobucket icons with the phrase “Look who’s popular.” The icons are EVERYWHERE. I’m hoping your site hasn’t been hacked. 🙁
Your baby boy is adorable. These are such precious moments.
ERG! On support with Photobucket as we speak! Hope it gets resolved soon.
xo – kb
The dichotomy of your last two posts confuses me. It seems so awkward to the readers you were reaching out to in your last post. Surely a buffer post or two would have been a more considerate segue.
Oh for sure! There are never enough frames!
But I love photo albums and our family year book so favorites are frequently revisited 🙂
xo – kb
Nothing like a baby (or two!) in a sink. Beautiful images, beautiful family. Will definitely be following your blog!
Weston is such a cutie! My first is very serious like Will, my second is a goof ball and has been since day one. I think it’s a really good mix, the two kids equal each other out, she’s taught my oldest to have a little fun in life… he will always be keeping his sister out of trouble.
Sink baths are fun and the time goes by way too quickly. I’d say my very mom moment is when they’re sick, maybe it’s because they’re needy, or they just threw-up all over themselves and I clean them up with no gagging and nothing more then two wipes… maybe it’s my super mom moment.
Gorgeous. And this makes me realize that I MUST get a new sink for baby number 2 (which is still at least a year away). But kitchen remodel here I come!!
And congrats on #3- you are one kick ass mama.
And and I love your table- looks very similar to the one we got lat year from Restoration- love it!