I’m kinda slobby. I’ve never been organized or on top of things. I’m that girl that never has a clean outfit, hair done, makeup in place and deodorant on all at the same time. And that has been reflected here at Bower Power for a long time.
And like most teenage girls out there, I, at almost 32 years of age, am insecure. I am insecure to a point that prevents me from moving forward, from getting my crap together, from trying to be the best version of me. I think it is because in the back of my mind, if I try really hard and then after all that hard work I fail, well that is far worse than if I don’t try hard at all. Like giving my best and getting my act together will make me more vulnerable. Like being vulnerable and honest is bad. But it’s not. It’s a lie. It’s a horrible idiotic lie that I tell myself. And it needs to stop. I need to improve. And hopefully this blog will reflect that change.
So in true make-a-list-in-hopes-of-gettin-er-done fashion, here’s my plans for my self-improvement/blog-improvement….
ORGANIZATION SELF IMPROVEMENT: I’ve touched on this before…I am very disorganized. For my self-improvement, I want and need to organize my life and house. Specifically the following rooms:
- workroom
- office (it went straight to hades after we started the kitchen)
- craft closet
- clothing (I have stuff from highschool in bins…it’s bad)
- storage area
- garage
- living room built-ins
- toys (oh em gee…the toys are like the plague…they are killing me)
I’m hoping that as I organize these spaces, that the rooms get closer to being finalized on the cheap. For instance, when I clean up my office, I could sew some curtains for in there from fabric that I already own. (duh) Or when I sort through my storage area, find some frames that I could redo for pictures of our newest addition. (so he doesn’t feel like he might be dropped off at a church doorstep anytime soon). I also want to make the following goals publicly known….if you meet me in the street, ask me how I’m doing…
- get together a new yearly budget
- sort through the MILLIONS of photos
- create and print the 2012 family year book (here’s when we started that tradition a couple years back)
- create and stick to a weekly meal plan
- write down an exercise plan and do it!
ORGANIZATION BLOG IMPROVEMENT: I have some plans for organization for the blog…basically the goal is to make things easier to find and highlight past projects because there is a lot of little gems of info here hidden in past posts…like how to clean a paintbrush or how to make a super cheap spice rack (you could also use this technique for canned goods). But also because most folks don’t wanna be friends with a slob. Here’s my to-do-organize-blog list:
- splurge for a new host – dedicated server perhaps so people can access the future organized posts because what we have now is not working
- get all the old blogger posts in order so that the photos show up on WordPress
- finish getting all the old posts in the Project Catalog (2.5 years down! 2.5 years to go!)
- make some easy sidebar links for you to find the important info
- catagorize all old house posts by room
- come up with a posting schedule
- create buttons for those of you asking to put Bower Power in your blog roll (thank you so much Loves and here they are!)
REALIFICATION SELF IMPROVEMENT: I’ve never been one to do something outside of my little world. I wanted to pierce my nose when I was 19…I didn’t because of fear. I wanted to bleach my hair when I was 23…I didn’t because of fear. I wanted to write a children’s book ever since I was a child…I didn’t because of fear. Notice a trend? Yeah. Fear. The thing is…when I’m insecure, I shut down. I don’t put myself out there…I crawl into my safe little hole. Well, I know that you can’t turn the Titanic around on a dime…so I don’t expect that fear to evaporate immediately. BUT I do want to try to be more me. to put myself out there. to be more vulnerable. to be more real. Here’s my little list of what I can do:
- find a red lipstick (this sounds weird but I’ve always wanted to do it and it’s high time to try)
- explore my photography interests…I think I wanna take more still life stuff…we shall see how that evolves
- write the dang kid’s book. also illustrate it….they are kids, what do they care if my drawings aren’t perfect?!
- journal…I think I might go back and try to follow Ashley’s Lil Journal Project for prompts
- try something new everyday…write it down (new is uncomfortable for me…which forces me to be more vulnerable)
REALIFICATION BLOG IMPROVEMENT: It’s way easier for me to be real on the blog than real life. Maybe because I feel like I’m talking to friends who all love and support me. I know that there are folks that read my blog simply because they do not like me or something I am, did, or said…but in general, most of you tune in because there is some kinship between you and me. I just hope to continue down the road of being me…of being weird and awkward and laughing at inappropriate jokes.
- Videos! I have a lot of ideas for videos. I am bursting with video plans…and in the past, only fear of being me held me back. No more fear.
- Take & post more photos of me with my kids and boytoy
- I went to school to be a teacher…high time I put that education to good use….how bout put together a bunch of imperfect photography related tutorials
SOCIALIZATION SELF IMPROVEMENT: I am much more social in real life than the blog….but I still need improvement. Like I said, it’s very easy for me to crawl into a safe little hole and I don’t want to do that. And I think that Will needs me to be more social…so there you go.
- arrange more playdates with other moms
- write notes of encouragement to my family members
- volunteer regularly in my community
- join a church small group
- arrange for Will to participate in an activity apart from me and make a friend during that time
SOCIALIZATION BLOG IMPROVEMENT: Getting personal means being real, right? And actually getting close enough to touch. Insert our first awkward hug here 🙂 But there is much more that I am hoping to get planned for us to continue this friendship we’ve started. Here’s how:
- Improve my social media presence – on Facebook (I plan on posting ‘would you rather ?’s starting today! Can’t wait to hear what you say!), on Pinterest, on Instagram (I post regularly there but hopefully as my life gets more interesting, so do my instapics)
- Give you more free stuff faster and easier (we are gonna start doing all smaller giveaways on Facebook…making it faster and easier!)
- Arrange more times I can actually MEET YOU! IN THE FLESH! (more on this later!)
- Link up to more blogs (through posts like the Before & After Showcases and videos)
- Arrange to attend at least one blog conference or one blogger related event this year
- Put more blogs on my blogroll
- SAY YES. I had a ‘no’ year last year….this is the year of the YES.
Okay…so whew…lotta listing. It’s like a tornado of lists. Now let’s get all real and crap and confess stuff to one another…
I am Katie and I love zombie shows, any hip hop song that involves me yelling at the DJ, and inwardly believe I could be a MMA fighter. OH and I practice the windmill break dance move whenever I know Jeremy can’t hear me crash on the floor. #imnotevenclose
Rug My Mug! I would love to have the exact same rug you bought for this space, it looks amazing!
I love love love your blog. And that´s not because I´m related to you or anything. I actually live in Iceland and just happened to find your blog a few months ago.
This post in particular is really inspiring to me, since I am doing some reorganizing in my life too. So please keep us posted.
Hey Kate,
Good for you putting your self and blog-improvement goals out there. Personally, I feel, often, like I am faking adult-hood, so I don’t have much advice to offer, expect this little nugget on meal planing: use your slow cooker. It’s the only way I manage to get a hot meal during the week. There are lots of websites dedicated to meal planing/what’s for dinner. I usually pick out 3-4 meals for the week from one of these sites. I am not ashamed to admit we have leftovers half the week. Also, once every couple of months or so I do some “freezer cooking” – where I prep meals and freeze them for later.
That’s my advice – keep us posted on what you find works for you in all these areas, because Lord knows I am a mess!
Great list Katie! Nothing quite like writing a list to get things happening! You will do great 🙂
Great goals – this is a really impressive list, and gave me some ideas for myself. If you’re looking for some motivation on organizing I found the book “Organized Simplicity” by Tsh Oxenreider hugely helpful. It’s short and clear and very practical. It’s written by a Christian mom who really helped me understand the “why” (and “why not”) of the belongings in our home and what we really need. While our house isn’t perfect (four month old twins = a whole new level of chaos) the book’s influence has been long lasting. I love making our monthly or bi-monthly trip to the Salvation Army now to get rid of purged stuff, knowing it’s helping feed and shelter the homeless in our town vs. sitting unused in the back of a closet, and I love the clearer, more open feel our home has now. Sometimes it’s free or available for pennies on Kindle, too!
You can do this!
I have dedicated this year for me to get more organized. I just wrapped up my daughters first year book. She turns two next month.
I am also focusing on me this year- running races again. Dressing nicer. I turn 30 and feel like I need to “grow up”. 🙂
Then I think the following year will focus on baby #2. Hehe!
Love this- and you will inspire me along with you.
I’m laughing though, at the thought that you “hide” when you feel insecure or overwhelmed (I’m the same!) . I found your blog about the time you posted your last Christmas family portrait and was so captivated by your willingness to be completely vulnerable, that I just knew I woudl love you and your blog. Anyone who is willing to post pictures of themselves as rednecks with their bellies hanging out is pretty darn confident in my book, and I have never been disappointed here.
Love your down to earth attitude, combined with your faith, love of your family, and fun and beautiful projects. Look forward to seeing more of all that this year!
I love the lists! I too laid out some plans and goals for the year. We are welcoming #2 in June and I want to get my crap together before then!! I applaud you putting things out there and admitting the areas you feel need work. I think the hardest one for me would be leaving the kiddo at an activity. I probably need to work on that too!!!
KB, I think you are just awesome – thank you for being real & vulnerable. It is not easy (I am 38 & feel much the same way as you describe yourself) but I am doing it too. I was amazed last summer when you first posted about inviting people over for play group. Wow, I thought! She’s BRAVE.
I have just started a supper club with a random group of people, our first gathering is in February. And I am scared. to. death.
I think it’s worth it. You go girl! xo
You never fail to brighten my day! Love listening to you. Those are some pretty impressive goals, and I wish you luck! I’m looking forward to reading about the fruits of all of this.
I love this. And can’t wait to tag along on the journey.
First off, I love your motivation to organize so many aspects of your life! 🙂 I think we all could take a cue from you here!
Second, I love the kind of person you are! Your personality is seriously one of my favorites and that’s why I’m here reading every day! Don’t be afraid to be your real self. 🙂 I mean seriously though.. who doesn’t love a girl who isn’t afraid to bust out some sweet dance moves?
Shannon 🙂
I love that rug, too! It would be perfect in our master bedroom! I have been stalking RugsUSA for several weeks b/c I need so many rugs right now: would love a hide rug in the sitting room where the piano is, a durable, geometric one in the homeschool room, something huge and pretty in my girls’ room to tie their mis-matched styles together … the list goes on and on! How great that you have a place where you can nurse and relax. It is so vital!
Whoops! Wrong post! Sorry!
This is a great list and you’re off to a perfect start. Just admitted out loud all of your insecurities instead of keeping them locked inside is a great start! It is a SUPER ambitious list and I can’t wait to see how this year turns out for you!
Whoa! YOU GO, GIRL! Get it. And I am stifling my guffaws here in my cubicle over your last paragraph. Guffaw-stifling is good for the ab muscles, BTW. Thanks for that.
RUG MY MUG! I am really liking geometric rugs these days and have had my eye on one at RugsUSA.
Sounds like a great list Katie– you have inspired me!!!
Oh Katie, I feel like I could have written this post almost word for word. And please for the love of Pete, get going on those photography tutorials! I would watch them over and over and over and over…well you get the idea. My photography skills are lacking, but I’m still learning!
”Rug my mug” I like geometric rugs!
you are so funny! i love your honesty and can’t wait to watch the progress this year… i hope you plan on being social up in MA. 🙂
i’m excited to check out those journal prompts you mentioned and i think i’ll send you something for your before and after feature (which i LOVE that you are doing!).
I love when you write a post like this, because I think it must be something a lot of us feel, but don’t think anyone else does. I have those same feelings…I am 30 with 3 children but feel like I’m 15. My house is what my teenage bedroom felt like. I’m afraid to feel vulnerable, that try and fail thing holds me back in the strangest ways. But it is all linked, and all part of why I still eat cheeze-its for lunch and have laundry piled up in my bedroom. So now that I feel less alone, I think I will jump in this with you.
Rug my mug. I’d love a shaggy rug for our playroom!
It is almost like I wrote this (as far as the Organization part goes). I am so disorganized it is not even funny. I have told my friends that this has to be the year that I get organized because it has gotten to the point that I cannot stand my house anymore!!! My Mom asked me how I find anything and the answer was “I don’t.” Sad but true. I also promised my daughter at Christmas that by April she would finally have her playroom. When your 7 year old states. “Yeah right” then you know it is bad. We can do this!!!!
Also, I love the Children’s book idea. I would definitely buy that from you!! I love your writing and how honest you are and that is one of the things that keeps me coming back every day to see if you have written a new post. Have faith that you are awesome and know that God does not make junk!! Also remember one of my favorite scriptures, ” I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength”. You can do it Katie!!!!!!!
I think this needs a You Go Girl! These are awesome goals, and I think the first step is putting them out there. We all are behind you!
I think that’s great – to try and revamp oneself. It’s purposeful and… necessary. I’m trying to do the same and I actually started the journal thing myself. I came across this site called 280daily.com and I love it. It’s forcing me to remember my life but more importantly my life with my son and husband. =)
I never leave comments, don’t know why, but if you’re entering into a just-do-it phase, so will I! Anyway, I love your ideas, and your honesty, and can’t wait to follow you as they happen Maybe one of your first videos should be you doing the break dance thing…that would be interesting 🙂
Rug my mug!
we just bought a new house with all wood floors so we’re looking to cozy the bedrooms with some new rugs!
Thank you for posting this! I can relate on so many levels to what you are saying. I often stick with what is “comfortable” instead of doing what I want due to fear and self-confidence. Having 2 young girls has made me really look at who I am and who I want to be so I can be the example for them. And organizing my house and my life, that is definitely a ‘to do’ for me. 🙂
ooooh thanks for sharing it…I’ll definitely go check it out 🙂
xo – kb
I love you, Katie! I believe you can do all this! Most of your list are things I want to do for myself this year as well. I will be rooting for you!
I love this post – I feel like there are a ton of things I need to get on that you have put into your lists. Good luck with everything – I can’t wait to hear how it all goes! You mentioned creating a yearly budget – will you post something on how you do this? I struggle with even a monthly budget ( I do have Dave Ramsey’s book, but haven’t yet read it).
Have you posted part 2 of Weston’s birth story, or did I just miss it?
“I practice the windmill break dance move whenever I know Jeremy can’t hear me crash on the floor.”
I am literally in tears at my desk laughing at this comment (and visually picturing you attempting to windmill while Will stands by prepared to call 911). Where do you come up with these things?!!! HAHAHAHAHA!
I understand this so well, as I have lists in a few places in our home and more in my phone.
It does, however, become a unique challenge when you have a cute baby who likes to sit and smile at you. Leaving that cute face for a moment with those sweet baby babbles can be worse than having to clean some spaces that haven’t seen daylight in how long?
In fact, I find it far easier to work out with my above-mentioned Susanna than I do cleaning the basement.
Best of Luck with your Opera of Organization!
That is a LOT of goals – I would be so overwhelmed by all of that! You are too hard on yourself, and you are already amazing. 🙂
Rug my mug! I love soft muted colored rugs and also thos with a repeating pattern.
OMG is right – what a list!!! there is enough there for 4 lifetimes.
Hope you winnow that down some.
It made me tired reading it.
I think you are great and I always looks forward to reading your blog. This scripture helps me a lot with fear and is a great reminder.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear or timidity, but of Power, love and self discipline”
2Timothy 1:7
Best of luck with all your goals.
My husband once told me that one of his favorite things about my personality was my eagerness to improve. I am always making little lists (like this big one) and trying new things. I don’t always complete them or even come close, but in the effort new routines and habits and accomplishments happen anyway. I guess there are people who might read because they don’t like you (I have a couple of those) but thy must be at least fascinated with something they wish they had, because people don’t invest time in things that bore them, and you dear, are never boring. Just know that however long it takes you to check these things off, I for one am not in a hurry and will be here reading and cheering you on the whole way.
I just recently started wearing red lipstick and I can’t tell you what an incredible difference it makes! I find myself walking with an extra spring in my step and a little extra swag 🙂 You won’t regret it!
Good for you Katie! Introspection is hard, and you have obviously spent some time and made some great lists of goals for yourself, both personally and professionally. I know it may seem like a lot when you write it all down in one place, but having all together can help keep things fresh in your mind, and really motivate you when you see that you have crossed things off! It often helps me to start with one smaller, approachable thing that I know I can accomplish relatively quickly and easily (like maybe finding a red lipstick to try, or just organizing one small area like a closet or cabinet). It is amazing how seeing something crossed off your list can make you want to cross off more!
Good luck, and all of us are supporting you along the way! And you said it, the vast majority of us are here because we feel a kinship with you, and even though this is just one comment on one blog post, I hope that makes you even the littlest bit more comfortable being yourself : )
I want to encourage you with your goals as well. I think it is positive to have written down your goals and a great motivator. I also want to encourage you to cut yourself a little slack. 🙂 Maybe organization is not your gift but you have a TON of other gifts. I have had to accepts a few things about myself. Like, I can not write a blog. But it’s cool because bloggers need readers and I can do that! At the end of the day…all you HAVE to do is take care of your sweet boys. I also have two boys and I tell myself that when I feel too pressured to do too many things or feel insecure. All the best! Aimee
Ooohhh… I’m excited about the photo tuts! And it would be pretty amazing to have the opportunity to meet in person.
Rug my mug!
I love that moroccan rug that you found – it’s gorgeous and shaggy (perfect for babies and mamas to cuddle on!)
Not yet! It will come soon!
xo – kb
I’m really not kidding.
xo – kb
What a fantastic post Katie! You’ve really laid it all out there, and you’ve inspired me to do the same. I’m going to be a whole lot more honest with myself this year, and work hard to push past fear. Personal fear of so many things is holding me back. I’m so excited to see what I can accomplish and become once I start facing those fears and knocking them off the list, one by one. Wish you the greatest success with your personal intentions! And as always, thank you for sharing as I enjoy following along so much!
Love this post, Katie! I’ve been trying to practice many of these things as well. (I like thinking of myself as “practicing” rather than “accomplishing” the goal, because there’s less of a threat of failure . . . I can’t fail at something I am practicing! Allows me to have some self-compassion as well, if/when I don’t live up to my self-imposed expectations.)
Also, can I just say how much I wish there was a video for the time you put all those embroidery hoops on you and took a picture like a robot? omg, I laugh so hard every time you post that pic — I can only IMAGINE the giddiness a video of that would inspire. 🙂
Katie-First and foremost, YOU are Uh-mazing. Second, last year one of my goals was to wear lipstick, mostly because I associate it with being a grown-up…a lady. You cannot go wrong with Russian Red by MAC. It is the perfect red, lasts all day long, and people will tell you it’s pretty!!!! If you are feeling extra saucy, you should try Girl About Town, also MAC. I promise you will never be sorry you chose to wear lipstick!!! And, you should most definitely wear it while practicing your break dancing 🙂
hi katie. you said you went to school to become a teacher. what degree do you have it in? elementary ed or early childhood?
i was a teacher before having kids… …i was just wondering also–did you ever think of opening up a daycare center in your house to teach small children?
i once thought of maybe doing that…
your house sure is big enough.
Katie! I LOVE this post. I have been following your blog for a few years (yes, I am one of the creepers who never comments). It has been fun and encouraging to see you step into your own journey and where God has taken you (even if you didn’t really want to be there in that moment). It is very inspiring to me. Seeing you step into Photography has in it’s own way encouraged me to start/continue in my own business. I love that you want to do videos! That is one of my goals this year too! Hope to keep you posted on that! ANYWAY, enough of my fan girl gushing. I just wanted to say Great job, keep it up, and I can’t wait to see what I year of YES can do!! ~Sarah
Regarding toys (and organization in general), this book changed my life:
I think you come across as very real on your blog, which is actually a pretty refreshing change from all the polished, “we’re perfect at 7 AM!” blogs out there. But I definitely get the desire for self-improvement and wish you the best of luck. 🙂
Thank you for sharing this! As much as I love the idea, I’m not a journal-keeping kinda girl. But…somehow, this still appeals to me.
Realification. I love it. Getting more organized is my new years resolution every year, but this year it is finally sticking. Maybe it has something to do with my girlfriend who called me out for having too much stuff. Whatever the reason, it sure is a good feeling when I get home from work and have less clutter and feel more organized. Good luck on your self improvement project. I’ll definitely check back in for ideas.
As someone who also wants to write a children’s book and cannot draw, why not use your photography? I wrote a book for my nephew using family photos and put it together on Shutterfly. Check it out here: http://share.shutterfly.com/share/received/welcome.sfly?fid=9459d10f1bd5b967&sid=0AYt2LZk5aOGrjA
I know that I’m not writing to a board audience that way, but it’s a start. And since you have a talent for photography, you could really use that as your art.
Good luck!
i didnt know that you went to school to be a teacher! what can you teach? how come you never did? funny that you were home schooled and grew up wanting to teach! do you plan on using this to home school your boys or will you ever start to teach?
It took some brass “you-know-whats” to write that list up. I’m inspired by your gumption, and I’m on your team!
However, I’d just like to say that I really like your style (and I think Emily Henderson is right there with you) as it is, and so I hope that being more “with it” gives you more time and energy to break out dance moves and woo your man.
Oh honey buns I know exactly how you feel! I’m trying to do the exact same. I told my husband that 2013 will be the year of happiness. I do everything else for him and my son so I want to do something for myself and improve my life. That means working out, getting organized and beig more social at church. I don’t want to look at this time where I get to be a SAHM and realize that I never went out on a limb to improve and challenge myself. You can do it girl! You’re awesome so just believe in yourself and have the confidence the rest of us see in you!
Oh Katie. All of us women feel the same way. Some just hide it better than others! 😉
PS – I have online small group that meets every Monday night called Frazzled Females, wanna join?! 😉
rug my mug! awesome giveaway, Katie! my fave rugs are soft + fluffy! 🙂
I just wanted to compliment you on compiling all your goals! I read this post and wondered, not for the first time, “where does she get the energy?!” I have a 10 month old son (only 1!), who doesn’t sleep through the night and I feel like I’m a wreck most of the time…certainly don’t have enough time to organize my life or even take a shower sometimes! I don’t know how you do it with an infant and a toddler but thank you for being an inspiration and example that maybe, just maybe it’s all possible. Good luck on your mission!
Erin in PDX
Oh KatieB… You have been reading my diary. I just keep trying to remember that even if I fall off the wagon, I can have a fresh start every morning! Stay encouraged!!
RUG MY MUG! I love a good shag rug… And I actually sort of hoard leather rugs. Hope I win!
I actually don’t have a degree…I never applied for it. My mom hates that but I didn’t want it in that area. Anyhoo…it was gonna be in bio ed…so middle and highschool science. And no, I am not good with disciplining other people’s kids so a daycare would be a disaster 🙂
xo – kb
Are you in Georgia?
xo – kb
Haha…lots of questions! Both my parents were public school teachers so it wasn’t that weird to me. And I never taught because I never graduated (because I didn’t want to teach). I went through my student teaching and then decided not to apply for graduation. Most folks (including my mother) thought that was crazy and stupid but I knew immediately that it wasn’t for me. I might end up homeschooling…maybe not. We will have to wait and see what they need and what is best 🙂
xo – kb
oooh I’ll have to check it out next time I go into town!
xo – kb
I am so glad to know that I’m not alone out there in the “needing to put myself out there more” boat. I’m sure it’s a big boat but you know. I understand you on having your safe place, I work from home so I don’t get much socialization outside. I have to say there are days I miss true grown up conversations about zombies and the occasional real house wife. 🙂 I wish you luck on your journey in 2013 and I’m hoping to be half as successful as you are with it. 🙂
Good work, Katie! Putting it all down/organizing a list of what ya want to achieve is often one of the hardest parts. You totally are going to OWN this list 🙂 And it’s going to feel – so – good – as you check stuff off of it! Good luck, lady! You can do it!
I love soft and fluffy rugs!! just like you said that they “Feel like walking on a cloud”
For workouts you must try Fit Yummy Mummy! I started using her workouts in Sept 2012 and I have lost weight and toned up! It’s an awesome workout and it’s made for busy mom 15 minute workout. I bought the Busy Moms 2.0 Basic and love love love it! I could go on but you probably get the point haha! Good luck with your journey.
While your list is impressive, please cut yourself some slack. It’s ok that you haven’t taken care of all your “business”. You have small children and we all know how much time that takes up. When you are in your 40’s you will see how marvelous and kick butt you really are. Trust me.
Keep loving those babies and the important stuff will fall in to place. And if it doesn’t, it wasn’t important in the first place!
Rug my mug! I’d love a thick rug in a color or pattern teenage boys can’t ruin! 🙂
You’ve got this Katie!! You’ve already made a huge accomplishment by getting out there what you would like to change! Change is good and can be really, really great! Enough with the pep talk. I live in a hole of fear at times, don’t always have the best self esteem and could stand to organize a thing or two as well. 🙂 I think that your list is great and there were a couple of items that really struck a chord with me. First, meal planning. If you can get into the swing of this – you’re golden. I meal plan and make my grocery list either Sat or Sun mornings with the paper, the coupons and a cup of tea. Going all day with ‘what’s for dinner?!?!?!?!?’ haunting you is like a silent killer. But there is a cure, meal planning. It will change your life! The other item that hit home was journaling. DO IT!!! Such a great way to get down great memories and (seriously, come on..) vent. AND… you’re not venting every silly little thing to your hubby. Such a stress reliever. I like to list the day’s highs and lows in my journal too. Keeps it real. There are always more highs. 🙂 Best of luck to you! Hope you start feeling some relief as things fall into place and you get in your groove!!
Forgot the mention.. VIDEOS!!!!!!! Adding in videos again would be great! You were a natural with your house tour with Will as a baby. You appear very approachable, sweet, humble and welcoming on camera. And that’s a good thing. 🙂
One of my roomates went all the way through school to teach, then got engaged and was moving to another state. She had all her credits to graduate, but they wouldn’t let her student teach outside Michigan, so she just took her history degree and forgot the teaching part! Hey, if you’re happy and don’t regret it – that’s what counts!
Rug my mug! I am looking for a great rug (maybe a bold floral? stepping out of my ‘neutral’ comfort zone here!) to layer over my carpeted bedroom floor. Wish you were closer to me (central Missouri) – we could SO be real-life buddies!
The red lipstick thing totally resonated with me! I’ve had a similar aha moment, courtesy of the incredible Lisa Eldridge, makeup artist extraordinaire!!!
Check out her guide to red lips here… I’ve bought the maybelline 14h super-stay and haven’t looked back since! 🙂
I’m been trying to leave a comment for the past two days and haven’t been able to until now. I just wanted to say that I hope you aren’t setting yourself up for failure with so many noble and worthy goals all at once. You are at the most demanding stage of life in terms of energy and physical stamina and you are expecting an awful lot from yourself to improve in all those areas. I say cut yourself some slack and be kind to yourself as well. A lot of the improvements in self-esteem happen over time as life marches on and not because you decide this is the year. I’m in my 50s and have been married for 33 years and raised (almost) 3 children so I know something about it. Try one goal at a time and be kind if you don’t have the time or energy to do it. I would hate to see you get to the end of the year and feel like an epic failure if you weren’t able to make so many changes in such a short amount of time. I know I’m way older than most of your readers (but I’m young at heart) and I just wanted you to know that I admire you and enjoy your blog immensely. Keep up the good work girl!
Such a great, inspiring list! This is why we love you…you’re so real, and basically just like us! Except you look really cute with no make-up…that doesn’t work as well for me. Doesn’t stop me from having a naked face most days, but still.
And if you’re looking to beef up your blogroll, feel free to add your ole Pinterest Challenge host pal! 😉
Katie, your lists are inspiring! I am tentative about making such lists because I always worry I won’t get much done and then feel worse about myself than before…I guess that is one of my fears to overcome! What I found I was not afraid of, however, was getting my nose pierced! Ha! Last summer, on my daughter’s 6th bday, we got pierced together – her ears, my nose…I was 33 at the time and had had it in the back of my mind since I was maybe 14 or so. My parents still gave me a hard time about it, even as an adult!
Cheers to achieving goals in 2013!
This post totally resonated with me. Thank you! I, too, have a bunch of goals that I am pushing myself to accomplish. It can be daunting, can’t it? Haha.
I’m looking forward to reading about and seeing the progress!
Hi Katie:
Your post today talking about your own vulnerability reminded me of the amazing Ted Talks by Brene Brown on the topic. I have included the links as I thought you may find them both enjoyable and helpful on your journey.
Take Care,
Rug my Mug! I really like the geometric rugs.
Katie, I first started following your blog last year when I realized we were due two days apart (my daughter was nine days late, and it seems Weston took his time as well, haha). Lovely honest posts like this one make me glad I found you! I especially like your “realification” goal to try new things. In 2010, I started a blog and titled it “Greenhorn Living” to focus on that very thing–trying new things as often as possible, no being afraid of not being good at stuff and just trying. With the baby, blogging took a hiatus, but she makes me try new things everyday! 😀
Best wishes! -A
I thought that I was the only girl out there who, never has a clean outfit, hair done, makeup in place and deodorant on all at the same time. I’m glad to discover that I am not the only one! Pheww. 🙂
p.s. great goals…I think you can totally do it!
ahh, shoot. my comment got wiped out and i poured my little heart out!! oh well!! LOL!
I read it before it got wiped out Jessica and you dont have to be afraid! Call around! Promote your Stella & Dot stuff…that stuff is amazing 🙂
xo kb
Always appreciate your sincerity and honestly. And frankly I’m so happy to hear that there is at least one pro-blogger out there that hasn’t quite mastered organization…there is hope for the rest of us! 2013 is yours for the conquering:)
This is such a great post – You always seem to have it so together on your blog, it’s nice to see that you have insecurities just like everyone else! All of your goals make me feel inspired to try new things too. It’s so easy to get stuck in ruts. I can’t wait to read more about your progress on these throughout the year – you can do it! xo
thanks Katie!!! And I really hope we all get to meet you! I crossed the Petersiks off my list, you’re next!
I’ll come help you organize your house! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE doing that kind of stuff! Plus, your house is beautiful, so it would be even more fun! I’m a nerd. Sorry.
I love this post! Keeping it real is what keeps me coming back for more Bower Power! I love your shared honesty and totally relate to being scared of things. I feel like I have so much to share but then I freak myself out about it (what if I get a stalker, what if I
embarrass my family, what if I look stupid, what if I fail, the list goes on and on). The world can be a scary place – especially at night when it seems all these thoughts come to mind, haha, why is that? I look forward to hearing how it goes and am cheering you on! You’ll look great with a nose ring and red lips and bleached hair doing a windmill and some air drop kicks! Haha, go Kate, go Katie (I’m doing the running man)
I’m really feeling you on the socializing part of this list. I have three boys and with this cold weather I feel stuck inside too often. I need more play dates and girl talk! I’m in GA, hit me up if you ever want to meet up! There is a really cute new kid tumbling place near Mall of Georgia. 😉
I love your list. I wish that I had compartmentalized my goals and categorized them as well as you have! I know SO many of us would LOVE to meet you & give you a not-so-virtual hug!
Also- if you find that shade of red lipstick, could you share? I want to do the same SO badly and I’m SO SCARED? Shall we send each other pictures of our attempts? Haha! 🙂 Good luck with your goals!
Seriously! I don’t know where to start with the quest for the perfect red!
xo – kb
i also meant to thank you for speaking about being paralyzed by fear. This is why …a) my blog doesn’t get updated, b) projects don’t get completed, and c) my house doesn’t stay clean. i’m so afraid i’ll slip up again & ruin it that i don’t start! i’m sorry that you’re suffering with it, too, but i’m so grateful that someone else feels that way!
…and this: http://www.wikihow.com/Find-the-Perfect-Red-Lipstick