Our family grew a little bit larger last week and I can not be more excited for the new addition.
Allow me to introduce little William Clay. He is my new nephew and quite possibly the next George Clooney in the world of newborns.
Let’s start at the beginning. As most of you may know, my gorgeous sister Nornie was a single mom to Cole for several years until Boots came into the picture. They met, fell in love, got married (see photos here!) and always talked about having more kids…dreaming about what they would name him or her…and how their entire family would love that adventure. Even Cole would say that he really wanted a little brother. So when we found out that they were pregnant with their second child, our entire family got so excited for them. When they found out it was a boy…well…it was like Christmas…in Halloween costumes…with a carnival…and a sky full of rainbows.
I hesitated to share Weston’s birth story because they asked us all to keep it on the DL. that’s short for “down low” mom 🙂 And once I got the clear signal, it was hilarious to remember Norn passing out during his delivery. That’s me and Norn for sure…always willing to pick a sister up when they fall….after laughing our head off.
So Norn delivered Cole about a week early…and her doctor expected her to go as early as 37 weeks with this bundle of joy. The days ticked by one after another…until four days till her due date and her water broke. I got the BIG text, and then dished Will off to a friend, packed up Weston and followed them to the hospital.
Norn’s contractions didn’t really get started until about four hours after her water broke so it was weird to see such a calm and collected labor. This was totally different than Cole’s labor…which was pretty immediate in the pain department.
Weston was excited to meet his cousin too. The great part is that both boys will be in the same grade at school and both Norn and I always wanted our kids to be buddies 🙂 Thanks Fairy Godmother. ‘Preciate it.
Once the contractions started, Norn progressed really well. Steady. Calmly.
Her desire was to do a natural birth (she’s got a huge fear of needles…and she practically did one with Cole so we all knew if anyone could do it, it was her!)…and right around her transition stage started, she changed her mind and started crying for an epidural. Boots and I knew that the only reason she would get to that point was because she feared the pain more than the needle.
The nurses and doctors started her on a bag of fluid but by the time came for the epidural, the anesthesiologist slammed on the brakes. Norn was so brave at that point. She had suffered through about 45 min of just fluids with word that pain relief was coming soon just to have them say no was devastating. I think both Boots and I were heartbroken to see her cry in pain and frustration.
I only stayed until she was ready to push. Boots was gonna be the only one in there with her (which is also WAY different than Cole’s delivery) and I was so excited that they were experiencing this huge life changing and bonding moment together. Sure…if Norn wanted me to stay I would have…but honestly, this was gonna be Boots first birth experience and being there for each other…husband and wife…welcoming a child into this world…that is something I know I will never forget with Jer and I am happy they also got to share that.
In the waiting room, Cole kept saying “I miss my mom.” It was adorable…especially since he had just seen his mom about four hours before that. But we all kept promising him that he would be the first to see his brother…and that he was gonna come soon!
Soon actually meant three pushes.
Color me jealous. Jer was too. He said to Boots “Man, you didn’t even walk the halls!” Apparently one sister got all the luck in the hair and birthing department.
What a beautiful family! Norn doesn’t even look like she labored. Or was pregnant. Again…jealous 🙂
They named him William Clay. Some folks thought it was odd on instagram and Facebook that two sisters would name their kids William. Maybe. But it is probably equally weird that two sisters would both marry Williams. And have father in laws named William. Yup. Jeremy is actually William Jeremy…and Boots is actually William Andrew. And both their fathers are also named William (but go by middle names). William is also the name of my dad. And my brothers middle name. And our other nephews middle name. I could go on and on. We are practically shareholders in the William name stock. So in the end, we will have Will and Clay. Clay and Cole. Will and Weston. and a hundred million nicknames. and a whole lot of love.
be still my uterus 🙂
Clay was born 8 lbs and 12 ounces. healthy. and beautiful.
He cried a bit at bath time…definitely has Boot’s mouth.
And we all laughed when he got put in the bucket of warm water because there was an audible little baby sigh and he completely dug his ‘first nude hot tub’ experience. Yes, those are newborn yoga hands.
I think it’s amazing how much we all instantly love this sweet boy. It’s very much the same as how it was when Cole arrived in our family…just as beautiful….every bit as easy to celebrate…and perhaps just a smidge more savory because we are all older and can appreciate a stable pregnancy, a fast delivery, and a healthy baby just a little bit more.
Congratulations you guys. I am so happy for you all.
p.s. For those of you still waiting on your little ones, hoping and praying for a growing family of your own, I hope you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
what a perfect post Katie!
What a beautiful story, Katie. Congrats, Norn, Boots, and Cole!!!
there sure are a lot of Williams in that family! Congratulations to your sister. She looks amazing and that baby looks so delicious!
Congrats to the new big brother as well!
Gorgeous baby! Look at that cleft chin. Congratulations to your family on the sweet new addition!
Awww YAY! So precious! Congratulations to your sister and entire family! So great that Clay will be in the same grade as his Weston.
I thought it was crazy how rude some people were being about the William name – I think it’s awesome! You always handle those issues with such grace 🙂
How sweet! And such beautiful pictures. What fun your boys will have together!
What a sweet and beautiful post! So happy for you and your family!
From the bottom of my heart, congratulations on your beautiful growing family. And from the bottom of my (sometimes achy) heart, thank you for your prayers. xo
So sweet! Congrats on your newest nephew!
By the way, I was one of those who was waiting and praying for my own little one (and at the age of 40 – I KNOW – way old! – we had no idea if it would happen) and I now find myself at 31 weeks with a giant belly. Thanks for praying for your readers!
Such a beautiful story and pictures. Makes me ready for another one. So special.
Yay yay yay! So exciting! And thank you so much for the p.s. at the bottom… so thoughtful. I am actually finally expecting #1 in October, after a looong wait, so husband and I are thrilled and so thankful. So, does your sis have any tips on how to promote a quick delivery like she had, or was that purely divine providence?
Beautiful, congrats to the whole family!!
Congratulations on the addition to your family! How sweet it will be to watch al those boys grow up together, now you can never stop blogging!
William is a great name – why shouldn’t it be used? Lots of family history there 🙂 (And your mom is the spitting image of Paula Deen in that picture)
Katie, what a beautifully told story. So sweet and touching. And yes, my uterus needs to be still too. Already jonesing for another sweet babe!
So incredibly beautiful. I am tearing up over here! Congratulations:)
Loving the yoga hands. Our family name passe down is Charles as a middle name, son, husband, father in law and both grandfather in laws. So I get the whole Will thing. Love the family alliteration too. (from the mom of Andrew and Allison). 🙂 Congrats to all.
Ahhh baby fever! How absolutely adorable! 🙂 Congratulations to Norn and Boots!
What a wonderful post. So happy for your sister and her growing family. Thanks for explaining all the Williams in the family! 🙂 I am waiting for the day one girl in the family marries someone with the last name Williams in your family!
He’s adorable! Congrats to your family.
It’s totally understandable if you want to tell me that it’s none of my business, but in case you feel like answering, i’m just curious – does Cole call Boots Dad?
So, so sweet! 🙂 Congratulations to all!
Very sweet! What a precious baby boy.
oh and we have a lot of James’ in our family. My papa is James Vernon, FIL James Earl, baby daddy is James Alan, and youngest son Colton James. Boom! And I am pretty sure there are more but I am not naming all of them. LOL!
I am so happy for your family. You are a wonderful sister to Nornie and I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post about Clay’s birth. God bless you all 🙂
Amanda – Toronto, Canada
Congratulations family! I love all the Williams’s in your family! We have a lot of Dave’s in my family and extended family. Both my brother and husband are Dave’s and my best friend’s (my second family) dad, brother, and late step-father are all Dave’s. Plus, there are other friends here and there that are Dave’s. I love Clay’s bath pic! I wasn’t able to experience my daughter’s first bath because they took her to the nursery for tests, but my son who was born last year did not like his first bath! He screamed the whole time and to let the nurse know just how much he hated it, he pooped as she was lifting him out. Little did he know that that meant he had to take another bath! I think he would have waited for his diaper to be on if he had known that. What a beautiful post and thanks to your sister for sharing the story and those labor pics are truly beautiful! Maybe that’s a new path for you in the photography department. I wish I had a professional there to capture my births.
Ok. So, if you have a girl one day, she is not allowed to marry a William. Or a guy with last name Williams. Alright…if that would mean you’d have a girl, she can! 😉
Yes he does.
xo kb
So happy for your sister and her growing family. Thank you for sharing!
My husband is a Jim(James), his cousin is a Jim(James). His Grandpa was a Jim(James) and his uncle is a James. I get the William thing!
Congrats to your sister and the whole clan!
Everyone wants drugs at transition (those who are going natural, I mean)!!! It’s the most intense part of it all really. Transition is where you are like “I may or may not die right now….” as in, near death experience. If you request people around you to make you hold out a few more minutes (it doesn’t last that long) then pushing comes and it’s all over with! Actually, by transition time, I think it’s probably too late to have drugs? Is that what ended up happening with your sis?
Anyway, cute cute baby and happy your wider family is growing 🙂 Big families are so nice!
I smiled the whole time I was reading this. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Beautifully written…awesome pics…and don’t kid yourself. YOU are so beautiful indeed…hair and all. Your parents made beautiful girls!!
Congrats on an ever-growing family. Now, lets get some girl babies in there!!!
Love that pictures. Especially the one of him leaning his head on her shoulder. So much emotion conveyed with just a snap of the camera. Congrats to your family.
Oh he’s so precious, gongratulations to the entire family! That “hot tub” photo and those yoga hands are <3. We're expecting our first on week 29, can't wait to meet him or her (we don't know the gender).
Beautiful story, I teared up a bit!
What a sweet recap and beautiful pictures. You have a great way of writing about birth and putting the miracle into words. And thank you for the P.S. at the end. That really touched me as I recently had a miscarriage. It was my first pregnancy, so my husband and I were devastated. But we are optimistic that God has plans for our future. 🙂
Isn’t it crazy how anxious you were to be pregnant and have Weston be part of your family, but one of the perks of being forced to wait is the blessing of having these sweet boys being cousintwins. Congrats to you all 🙂 He’s precious!
This post did NOT help my growing baby fever! The meditative baby bath was the cutest picture I’ve ever seen and actually made me laugh with its utter cuteness. I just want to squeeze him! Congrats to your family!
Ok, I cried while I read this, (I just had a baby 2 months ago. That’s a good excuse right?) and then laughed SO hard at the “baby yoga hands” picture! Congratulations to all! Such a beautiful family…
Sweet story, thank you for sharing. 🙂
What a prefect looking newborn, usually they are so funny lookin’ at first, but he’s perfect! We have a Charlie William, my Dad is William, my brother…..I could go on and on, I get the William thing!
Thank you for sharing all of the precious moments in your family life! My husband also goes by his middle name. The only time it gets confusing is when we go to the doctor and they call him by his first. 🙂 Also, thanks for the mention at the end of your story. We’ve been waiting for a little one for a long time now. I love reading and hearing about new babies and seeing their sweet faces, but it’s nice to hear someone recognize that some couples do struggle. Bless you!
SO SWEET!! Looooooove
So precious! Congrats! And gorgeous photos by the way.
Beautiful post! I got a little teary eye reading that and seeing the amazing photos. Congratulations to your sister and her beautiful family. PS – thank you for that last PS at the end of the post.
I love that your sister has pictures of this event, she’ll cherish them forever.
Just a question about how school grades work in the U.S….You wrote that Weston and the new baby will be in the same grade in school, but wasn’t Weston born in 2012??? Here in Canada, you go to school with kids born in the same year as you. So although my friend had a baby December 31st 2012 and our son was born exactly one week later they won’t be in the same grade. Does that make sense?
Loved this post! He is such a cutie. We have a lot of John’s in my family. Thanks for the p.s. and for being so open about your own struggle.
So cute! My Dad is William Clay and all the men in my family have the middle name Clay. Good choice Nornie 🙂
Congratulations to the whole family! What a beautiful baby. Wow, your sister looks so beautiful after giving birth! Bravo!
I was totally OK going thru that blog post, smiling and feeling the love with you… Until I reached the last few sentences where I immediately burst into tears! Thank You. So many people have no idea how painful a simple birth announcement can be, even a strangers (!), until you have gone thru the pain of “waiting for your little ones”. Thank you for thinking of us; it really made a big impression on me and I truly appreciate the acknowledgement.
I loved this post, and the pictures of the new family were just beautiful 🙂
I’m all teary eyed! So beautiful. Congratulations to the happy family!
Congrats to the beautiful family!! This post just made me feel so much better…we are rapidly falling in love with the name Sam for a future little boy (we already have a Charlie) but my hubs’ step-sis (with whom we are close) has a Samantha who goes by Sam. I thought it might be super weird for grandparents mostly. This situation gives me hope!! 🙂
Me too! Thanks for sharing Katie! I’m so happy for your family. <3
beautiful story. congrats to your sister & BIL!
Thank you for the PS at the bottom. My first pregnancy was recent and ectopic, which ended in emergency surgery. I just returned from the ob-gyn discussing my options, and have been bawling for like an hour. Then I read this. Prayers mean the world, even if you don’t know me.
Thank you for this beautiful post Katie. I am 37 weeks pregnant with my first, a little boy, and I am anxiously counting down the days until he is here. I am excited to share this day with my husband as well, he has been very patient with me throughout this pregnancy, especially these last few weeks of aches and pains! I am excited to see his reaction in the delivery room. Beautiful pictures once again!
Oh goodness! Those pics of Boots taking care of Norn… insta-tears! Just so heart warming. Congrats to your whole family.
Well, this post brought me tears. Such a beautiful family and all of the love surrounding all of your babies is incredible. Congratulations to everyone on another healthy, beautiful baby!
Congrats again Norn, Boots, and Big Brother Cole! What a precious little bug!
Yay! We have a “Clay” as well born shortly before Weston and Weston was in the mix of our names for a bit, but we have a friend Wes and didn’t want to think we were naming the baby after him. Clay is named for his great, great (and still living) grandpa. Congrats, Aunt Katie!!
So true! I had a natural home birth and transition was when I was begging for drugs!
I love the pick of Boots and Norn where they are hugging and you can clearly see him supporting her. Such great pictures.
Oh, another beautiful post! Thank you for sharing!
PS Love how much you love your sister. It’s so clear in your words that you two have a great relationship!
Such great photos! What a cutie! My husband is William Abel and goes by Abel- what’s up with these boys going by their middle names? William is one of my favorite boy names! (And was my grandfather’s middle name!)
Thanks for your P.S. Katie. Some days words like that are incredibly powerful. Even when reached across the internet by a total stranger. Today was that day for me.
Ha, ha! I love the part about that little guy sighing with relief as he hits the bowl of warm water. 🙂 What sweet pictures! Such a beautiful family (extended and immediate) you have!
I had both my girls at Emory Johns Creek! So happy for your family, the baby is beautiful!
congratulations and thank you for the last sentence. 🙂
congratulations, and thank you for the last sentence. 🙂
They really are a beautiful family with such a beautiful story. I know you’ve said several times that why you call your sister Nornie and Norn is a long story, but is it an embarrassing story or something? Each time you write that, it makes me more and more curious to know what’s the story.
My husband and I adopted a baby girl who was born 11/15. My sister just gave birth to a baby girl on 6/19. Almost the same dates as you and your sister and we have the same sex close in age cousins thing. I thought that was cool and a little weird.
I love these photos, very intimate and dreamy. My friend is about to go into labor and I am going to take some photos for her (I did her maternity session), so it was perfect inspirational timing for me!
Huge congrats to you and your family, especially all the Williams, haha! That is all of you, right?
Much love to Boots, Norn and Cole
Congratulations Auntie! Now the whole “William” thing makes a WHOLE lot more sense!
Also, thanks for the P.S. even though I don’t ‘know’ you, it means a lot. #TryingForThreeAndAHalfYearsIsExhausting
Thanks for your PS. After a chemical pregnancy and a failed IVF, I’m still waiting. Hopefully our time will be soon. Congrats to your family and your sister.
Sigh…your family is adorable! CONGRATULATIONS all. xx So much love, and that is only a few small pics. Wow, that is alot of Williams for sure ! Please thank Norn, Boots, Cole & W Clay for allowing you to share their personal stuff on your blog with us. That’s a pretty big deal. I noticed Norn’s little feet were swollen too, I guess you both won that prize! I see why your uterus would ache, dang Jer looks good with a newborn…haha. CONGRATULAIONS again, I look forward to seeing more of all the boys around your blog.
I always enjoy these intimate posts. I can feel the love! You have a way with words and captured the day beautifully.
Congratulations to you and your lovely family!!
And the last sentence.. Thank you for that.
So freakin beautiful…
I’m praying for all of those who are waiting. I was you more than twenty years ago, but remember the wait and everything that comes with it like it was yesterday.
Awww so happy for your sister and her little family! How fun that the boys will be in the same grade! Maybe that was why you guys had to wait for Weston…. 🙂
Was anxiously awaiting this post once I saw the pic on fb. Wonderful story, pics, etc. Much love and congrats to the whole family!
Love the cleft in his chin. Handsome little man. So fun to have a healthy and growing family. Many blessings to all of you!!!
Ps We have 3 Ronnie’s on my dad’s side of the family-but all married in. Isn’t that weird?
Aw, I can’t wait until my sister and I start having our own kids. I hope we can all end up in the same city some day. Life just seems to keep our family scattered.
I, too, want to thank you for the P.S. This is my first comment, even though I’ve been reading for about a year. You have no idea who I am, or even that I’m reading what you write. It feels almost as if I’m reading your diary, but when I read the P.S. part, I gasped (in my head) and thought, “She knows I’m reading this!” like I had been found out. 🙂 Also, you take such beautiful pictures!! I appreciate your talent, and I’m glad you’re willing to share your life for our entertainment/enjoyment.
hi! so happy for your family. what i beautiful story and baby boy!
i had my girls almost 13 & 10 years ago and they got sponge baths b/c of the cord after birth and at home until the cord fell off. when did they start bathing babies in a tub and allow the cord to get wet? i always that that was a no-no. i ask this b/c i see this a lot on blogs now and i am just curious george, if you will. 🙂
Congratulations to your whole family, Katie! Especially Nornie, Boots and Cole! I’d love to hear more about your sweet sister and her journey.
This is why I love your blog…I could just feel the emotions oozing off the screen…raw, pure & real:) Congratulations on your ever growing family…may the newest member be blessed with a long and happy life.
This post was absolutely beautiful Katie. Congratulations to your family on baby William Clay!
PS – Thank you so much for the PS – you don’t know how many people you touched by writing that (myself included).
We’ve been struggling with infertility for 3 years, so your P.S. on this post hit close to home. It was incredibly kind of you to acknowledge others that haven’t experienced that kind of joy (but want to so badly). It just goes to show how big of a heart you have. The fact that it crossed your mind to give a shout out to those still trying, means the world. Thank you for thinking of all the women in my shoes, and for keeping us in your thoughts.
Oh he is just precious! They look over the moon.
I had a miscarriage many year ago. I am now divorced and older than you, have given up on the dream of a family of my own, but I think it is so considerate of you to remember those who this doesn’t come so easy for. Beautiful heart of compassion.
Your PS totally caught me off guard….I didn’t realise I’d been holding onto these tears. Thank you for being so thoughtful. It means a lot.
Congratulations to your whole family.
Love, from a stranger on the other side of the world
Oh, Jill, I was reading through the comments and yours stuck out at me. I miscarried my first, too. At 12 weeks, and I was so utterly devastated. When it’s your first, and you’re so excited…there just aren’t words. For what it’s worth, I now have two beautiful boys (almost-3 and just-turned-1), and my oldest wouldn’t be here if I’d carried that first pregnancy to term, because I got pregnant with him just a month after miscarrying. God does have a plan for all of us. One of my friends (who also miscarried her first) said to me, “God took away something good to give me something even better,” and that has stuck with me ever since. Praying for you.
Not sure if my last comment went through…. But I just wanted to say thank you for the ps. You have a kind heart. It may seem like an insignificant comment to some, but is so impactful to those of us you are speaking to. It goes a long way. You are soo good at what you do! Beautiful post.
exactly! thanks for the Post scriptum!
Congratulations to your entire family! What a beautiful sweet addition! Boots looks in awe, you and Jeremy both look so proud. And your dad and mom. Well they look like they could stand a few dozen more Williams… 😉
Just adorable!!! I just started following your blog so I followed the link to your sister’s wedding post. You did a fabulous job. I loved how casual yet elegant the whole affair was. Such a beautiful setting…anyway, Congratulations on your new addition to your family!
Transition is a B word! I went naturally with all 3 of mine and I wish I wouldn’t have with my last since he was 9 lbs 9 oz and 22 inches of OUCH!! But I agree with you…sometimes it is too late and you just have to do it! LOL!
Oh my, that really sets a spark to that “I want another baby” fire, doesn’t it!
Adorable boy, happy family. Congrats to you guys!
Hi Katie – I’ve never commented before, but I read this post yesterday and am still thinking about it so I figured I should. I absolutely love how close you and your sister are, and how protective you are of her. My sister and I were absolute best friends too. She passed away 6 years ago very suddenly, and I still think about her every day and ache for her. I’ve since started my own family and ache for her more as I also pictured our kids being best friends one day. It makes me happy to see others appreciate their sisters so much – it is so apparent how much love is there in this post. xoxo
Sara, I just had to reply because I also sooo appreciated Katie’s PS at the bottom. We had such a journey to our two children and my second pregnancy was ectopic. Treated 2x with Methotrexate and then emergency surgery. Since then I have gotten pregnant 4 times (with only 1 tube). Totally don’t know where you are at but know I will be praying for you xxx.
Congrats on your family’s newest William!
Same here! I loved the whole post, and I am so happy for your sister and your whole family. But it was the P.S. that made me cry. We’re trying for our first, and it’s taking longer than expected, and the worrying is starting to creep in…trying to stay positive!
We just lost two pregnancies in a row and I’ve been debating whether we want to keep trying…these pics definitely help my decision 😉 Congrats to your whole family on the beautiful addition. Also, your sister is crazy gorgeous. Does not look like she just had a baby.
Don’t lose hope Katrina! We had 5 miscarriages after our first was born. We are now 6 months pregnant! Just keep trying! I wish you a healthy, wonderful pregnancy when the time comes
Awww…Congrats to you and your family!
Yet another reason I love the blogosphere! You have such a gift for holding waiting parents-to-be in your heart, and because of your lovely writing, you are able to support so many. I am sure that the 100+ people who have thanked you for that lovely P.S. are just a drop in the bucket of those you’ve touched. (That was me 16 years ago… now, I have to figure out what to do with this ache that tells me I was meant to be a mom to more than one child, though my daughter is 14 and I can’t have any more kids. *sigh*)
That said… thanks to Boots and Norn for the glimpse of such special moments. The expression on your dad’s face reminds me of your expression in the first photo; the baby yoga hands are adorable; Nornie will single-handedly make all women crave curly hair; and Cole should be “discovered” and used to model all children’s products. Loved this post.
Such a wonderful story, thank you for sharing! They are beautiful!
I think what they told us was that you just can’t submerge the cord…everything else is good to go 🙂
xo – kb
very cool!
xo – kb
not really embarrassing per se….my little brother couldn’t pronounce Lori correctly…so it came out Nornie…and we all let it stick. She tends to get the funniest nicknames out of the bunch 🙂
xo – kb
So funny! Our cutoff date is usually the first day of September…but I think it varies state to state. For the most part any kid that is born from September 1st to August 31st of the following year are in the same grade.
xo – kb
I just wanted to chime in about the funny way “they” choose to make the school ages. Where I live in Australia our school year is; end Jan – early Dec. The way to work out if you are eligible for starting school is if you will be 5 before June 30 in your first school year. So 1 July to 30 June, by year of birth, to make you 5yrs old by 30 June in your first school year. EG: Kids starting school 2013 would be born 1 July 2007-30 June 2008. Does that make sense? I’ve always thought it’s quite odd? Even though all my kids are 2 years apart, my daughter will have to wait an extra year because she is born 6 July. Wouldn’t it just be easier to line it up with the school year and you have to be 5 before school starts, (which I think is what Katie is saying) why 1/2 way through the year? Crazy to me. Then you end up with 2 age groups across year levels and sports carnivals get tricky etc..
Holy William!
For this fur mum, you’re really tugging on my uterus strings
… did I make this weird?
Hi Kate,
I’ve been following your blog from afar (literally, the netherlands aren’t exactly around the corner :P) for quite a while now and I’ve never commented on your posts before, but I somehow felt compelled to do so now… It’s very touching how you share these intimate moments with, well, us, and I absolutely love how your photos capture the feelings to go with your words. So happy for your sister and your family, congratulations!
Wow, what a special post. It is so wonderful to see the love your family has for each other. He is precious and you sister looks beautiful! I too want to thank you for the PS- your kindness and prayers are so appreciated! I commented a while ago on your pre-pregnancy bucket list and have been having a blast checking things off the list. Only a few more things to go, so I’m praying it’ll happen soon!! xo
This is a beautiful post and a beautiful family – congratulations to all! In addition to your postscript, I’d just like to say that adoption is also a wonderful option. To those who are struggling with infertility, don’t ever count yourself out. God may have even bigger plans for you than you know – a plan that may include an adventure like no other and a child who would otherwise never experience the love of a family.
Thank you for the thoughtful p.s.
Absolutely! You are so right…I always say that families are like a garden…seeds, transplants, and even ‘annuals’ make for the most beautiful home 🙂
xo – kb
Congrats! These photos are beautiful!
Agreed. Your p.s. was much appreciated – and so rare in baby-related blog posts.
What a gorgeous post. Congratulations and blessing to your family.
Just read this post for the first time (even though it’s old). It is such a beautiful story.
As if that wasn’t enough I read your postscript message, and became tearful.
It is very compassionate of you to keep in mind your readers who are going through fertility issues, during your family’s joyous celebration of new life.