In the playroom, I was on pins and needles. Not literally. I was on the world’s smallest and thinnest ikea polka dot rug. And usually LJ was on the floor crying because he would try to stand up and it would get slippy-slidey underneath him. I had to teach Will how to say “Baby DOWN!” just for effect.
We really needed something else. A plush, thick, wool rug that would be fun and vibrant but functional for little crawling knees and for a big mama booty.
Over the holiday break I waited to get the email from about their holiday sales and when it came I looked to see what was available that fit my wish list requirements. Here is what I wanted…
- wool – hand looped or hand tufted
- at least 8×10
- under $300
- matches the playroom map
- patterned
- fun
Here are the options I found….
OPTION 1 – Blue Chevron – At first I loved the blue stripes and had visions of the boys driving their cars on the ‘lanes’ but a half white rug with little ones is kinda asking for trouble.
OPTION 2 – Orange Trellis – I love this pattern and the orange is really fun but I worry about the long-term style and versatility of this rug. Will it be able to grow up with the boys?
OPTION C – Green Trellis – Again, love this pattern, love the fun color, and it seems more versatile than orange but I worry that the green will be too bright (matching the map) and look like a neon light….or be too dull (not a perfect map match) and end up looking dusty. Color woes.
OPTION D – Rainbow Tiles – It would hide imperfections well….but that’s a lot going on.
OPTION E – Navy on Navy – I like that it’s dark and would hide all the stains…but I am afraid that it kinda would look like a big navy sink hole. Plus, it doesn’t show pattern easily making it less ‘fun’.
OPTION F – Navy Trellis – The navy and white combo is one of my absolute favorites but I just don’t love the white border….it could totally work in other spaces but with kids, it seems like it would end up with a tan border before too long. And the pattern is smaller scale so it might be too busy….but I wouldn’t know unless I got it in here.
All of the options were under $300 (after the 75% off sale + free shipping) and had sizes available that were big enough to create a nice plush play space. So really the decision came down to preference…..which one would you choose?
Spoiler alert – I already have it and have lived with it for a couple weeks and I can’t wait to show you the new rug and the other improvements in the playroom!
I love that the chevron isn’t the traditional “zigzag” chevron (which is apparently going out of style now), but rather a more geometric option. Fun!
Whoot! I’m excited to see! And I’m so voting here (again) for the navy chevron. I think it’s timeless, classic, fun and could totally go in other areas of your house!
You have tons of fun options! I love the original rug, but if it’s not functional, it’s not right for that space. I can’t wait to see what you ended up with! Also, love the big, colorful map on the wall. Kids love maps!
I’m with the majority, it would seem (according to your poll results)–the blue chevron jumps out at me the most followed closely by the orange trellis and/or the green trellis. If the chevron pattern came in the orange though I’d be all over it like white on rice! 😉 Looking forward to seeing what you chose.
I would have gone with either the green or navy trellis. Easy to use in another area and pretty classic colors. I guess in a playroom you could take more of a color risk though.
I like the blue chevron rug best but I’m curious to see which one you chose!
I am so stoked to see what you picked, but… just out of curiosity – have you tried your hand at the “Never Wet” sprays that you can bet at Home Depot Or Lowes (or online because that’s WAY easier)? We have had GREAT experience with it and it’d be a perfect way to allow yourself the options you like with white accents and/or borders without having to worry about the color getting ruined thanks to kids and the mess aplenty. Just a thought. 😀
definitely the green…
Wow, I feel so uncool now, since I voted “Navy on Navy,” and it’s in dead last. Anyway, it’s the one I’d pick for myself, since it’s versatile, and I love a good navy. But I love this kind of post, and I would love to hear the rationale for why you pick what you pick!
Anyway, I don’t think I’ve ever commented but have read for years, and I just wanted to say that I hope you’re doing great w/ your pregnancy, Katie, and I love your blog!
xo from NYC,
I hope you chose the green trellis because that one looks best with all the colors in the room (including the map)!
F!!! Or maybe D but I love how F is a long term type pattern and colour combo, yet still ‘fun’ enough for a playroom 🙂 xx
Again, sorry for the Aussie spelling! ha
I LOVE this new voting plugin-thing that you’ve got now! I’m sure whatever you got looks great but I’m rooting for navy on navy. Now if they had had the navy on navy in the chevron pattern that would have taken the cake.
I voted navy on navy too. So kid friendly and I love navy!!
I know it wasn’t one of the options but I really like that polka dot rug the best. The others seemed a bit off and too busy with the map and all the toys and books. I know you are enjoying what you picked though and that’s all that really matters.
So, I love the orange that you have. BUT I think, if you are keeping the red accents, I like not-orange for the room. I have a navy rug that is plush and lovely, but super dark and shows all light dirt/fuzz/stuff. So, that’s my caution there.
I’ve been pining over the trellis ones (though the colors don’t work for the rooms I need) and love the Spanish Tiles! Though, seems I’m in the minority. For such a “busy” rug, I think the muted colors makes it oddly sophisticated and a little easier to use later? Maybe? Am I crazy? But so much tan/off-white would make me nervous.
I voted green trellis for the record. 😀
Can I vote more than once?! I really like the Navy on Navy and the Navy Trellis.
I have been searching for a playroom rug and living room rug for the past month and love these playroom picks. I have to go with the Navy chevron here.
Did you end up liking the quality of the rug and the company? I’ve heard different things about them and was a little scared to order anything from them.
Loving the green – adds great color and looks perfect with the map!
Orange trellis!! It makes the map “pop”, it’s a great rusty orange color & will hide fuzz/puke/etc! My 3 year old boys room has a huge map on the wall as well & I did orange ombré curtains & an orange nightstand.
This is why I don’t have any nice rugs in my life- I can’t even pick a rug that I’d like for YOUR house. My mind went like this- “Navy trellis! … Or green trellis. But the orange is nice, too. Gosh, the blue chevron looks good…”
So out of six choices, I only dislike two and can’t decide on the other four. Can’t wait to see your pick, along with the rest of the playroom!
I would choose the rainbow tiles. Can’t wait to see what you chose!
I like the orange one. It makes the orange in the map pop so well. It also has a fun and playful feel, which a kids play room should be all about! I am slowly introducing orange into my home because it is wonderfully perfect and bright.
Being a mom of three littles, go for the navy/navy. It won’t show stains! 🙂
I voted orange. I actually really love the rug that you currently have. Too bad you can’t get that exact same thing but larger.
I’m thinking the green trellis because it brings out colors in the map and from my experience shows less lint. I love the solid, textured navy rug, but I learned early on that putting solid, deep color carpet (emerald/navy) in my very little one’s rooms meant vacuuming every day or looking at lint from diapers. clothes and little feet. Belated congratulations on your soon-to-come family member.
Rainbow Tiles is my favorite. That rug is so versatile & will go with anything over the years of color & style change.
I have a few other rugs from them and have loved their products. They are perfect for what I need.
xo – kb
I have done it on outdoor stepping stones but I heard that over time, it will turn on you if you apply to textiles. Is that true?
xo – kb