Feeling philosophical tonight. Be aware. or beware. your choice 🙂
I think it all has to do with these photos….photos of texture. texture in our yard. it’s nothing really…bricks, straw, rocks…nothing important or thought-provoking….but it’s there. all this texture. and so I looked it up.
No, I didn’t google “how are bricks made” or “is all mulch equal” – I looked up the word texture. and this a little peek into what I found…
tex·ture (tks
r) n.
- The distinctive physical composition or structure of something, especially with respect to the size, shape, and arrangment of its parts
- Distinctive or identifying quality or character
The composition….the structure…or the distinctive identifying quality. And it got me thinking…
…do I have a texture?
is it humor? is it irony? is it awkwardness or weirdness or quirkiness? WHAT IS MY TEXTURE?! Can I change mine? can a pile of straw become bricks? more importantly – how do I make my texture, my very composition and distinctive identifying quality….how do I make it love? I guess I need to resize, reshape and rearrange my parts….sounds like a rough time…pun totally intended.
That’s like asking us the texture of a tree. You can be as smooth as a leaf, as flexible as a waving branches, or tree-trunk rough; thoughtful, funny as heck, a bit snarky, and sweet as can be. You are consistently entertaining.
I think that’s the beauty of your blog. One the one hand, we never know what to expect; on the other hand, we do!
Philosophical mood over this side of the globe too. Just remember texture changes depending on how you are approached. Think of some of that wonderful natural texture, run your fingers over it one way and its rough (for protection maybe) but from the other way its smooth. So maybe you dont need to worry about changing your texture just which way you’re facing. Also that rough things become smooth after exposure to sandpaper which you’re awesome at using and straw has been used as binding in mud bricks for thousands of years so you totally have (bower) power over any change you want to make.
My texture has been rough and sandpapery – but I think I’m gonna be changing it for Sunday morning coffee and breakfast. Life’s too short.
I want to frame those pics and hang them in just the order you have here. They are fantastic.
Beautiful shots! At first I thought you were adding them to your shop. I’m not sure what texture I would use to describe you but I think that’s because it’s hard to pin-point one texture. It would be pretty boring if we were only limited to one texture, don’t you agree?
I always have loved “Yet you Lord our are Father, we are the clay,You are the potter.” Isaiah 64:8
happy Sunday
Hmmmm, not sure, but these photos are great!
Hmmm good questions Miss Katie. I think texture can definitely be molded and shaped. I think it’s up to us to decide what texture, what mood, etc. to be in each day.
I’ve been having some thoughts on a similar line as well. I love the quote, “We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day.” (Richard G. Scott)
I believe that if we work at it, over time and with God’s help, we can change our textures to what we want to be.
OK, that was my quick reaction, while I pondered the deeper meaning of whether we can change our textures. I believe we absolutely can. To quote from Jonah, The VeggieTale Movie, “Our God is the God of second chances!” Even if we can’t change our essential temperament (we just have to look at babies and toddlers and how different they are – even siblings! – to know that’s something we are born with, each and every one of us can change our beliefs, our outlook, our character.
How? I think it’s definitely a challenge for all of us, but “…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice…” From Philippians 4:8-9.
OK, that was my quick reaction, while I pondered the deeper question of whether we can change our textures. I believe we absolutely can. To quote from Jonah, The VeggieTale Movie, “Our God is the God of second chances!” Even if we can’t change our essential temperament (we just have to look at babies and toddlers and how different they are – even siblings! – to know that’s something we are born with, each and every one of us can change our beliefs, our outlook, our character.
How? I think it’s definitely a challenge for all of us, but “…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice…” From Philippians 4:8-9.
Ohhh texture! Yes, I believe one can make it what they want it to be. A person might not get there fully, but one can try! Good luck dear!
Beautiful post and beautiful pictures! You might have just given me the idea of what to put in that photo gallery I have been planning in my living room forever!
Your texture is, without a doubt in the world, inconsistent punctuation. Talk about rough…
haha… I think what you meant was ‘inconsistent’ period. I am so, flaky it. hurt’s sometimes’!?@g}
xo – kb
Who is this Bob character and why is he such a Negative Nancy on this, and other blogs I happen to read????? Jealous much?????
been following you since I found out about the pallet wall y’all made for your little boy, and even though I’m a guy, I get a kick out of checking up on you on the family. I live in Atlanta too so don’t be weirded out that I totally feel like I’m checking up on the neighbors. Finally, just to add icing to the creepy cake, I did this same thing a couple of weeks ago…with the same sheet…hand to God. I just bought a house and am looking for ways to put finishing touches on it (which is harder when you’re a guy!), and I opted to learn how to sew and make my own shower curtain…same sheet!
Keep up the good work!
I think Bob is just uber-sarcastic…which I can dig 🙂 either that or is just simply not a fan (can’t win em all!).
xo – kb
Let’s be positive thinkers, see the good in all and say he’s just uber-sarcastic:)
Love you KB:)