Make fun of me if you must, but transitioning to this house wasn’t exactly pie.
I know what you are thinking….but Katie, this is your dream house with all the space you’ll ever need, in a safe neighborhood and with great light and wonderful neighbors. To which I reply….how do you know my neighbors? Are you watching me? Right? Now?
It’s true. I have all that. But you must remember that we bought this house not necessarily for the house itself…(we had a great house that we loved!)….but mostly for the lot. The other house had an average sized lot compared to the 5 acres of this property….and the other house had a good sized backyard but not necessarily an entertaining style space….and the other house had a normal deck that was elevated above a sloped backyard….versus this house that has an elevated deck and an underneath shaded patio that is open to the flat backyard. Small differences…but to me they are HUGE.
This is part of the underneath patio that is the scene of the crime (it is a punishable crime to not have seating down here). Especially with my transplanted bushes doing so well. And me, being the law-abiding citizen that I am, decided that I needed furniture pronto Tonto. (ten thousandy points to Lone Ranger fans out there)
Enter this little advertisement below thanks to Target….
Hello right back atcha.
I looked at tons of different sites….all putting their summer furniture sets on sale in early June (that’s like how Hobby Lobby already has Christmas stuff out – CRAZY!). I looked at making my own furniture (see the Ana-White window open?!) but in the end, I decided that I would love to construct some pieces for down there but the chairs and their cushions would cost me just as much to DIY…so buying big-box it is!
Now this is the part where I tell you about how I got a great deal. It’s called the Nornie Method. That’s right. My baby sister. Long story shorter, I saw the online price (the lowest price of the season per their homepage) and wanted an additional 5% off (all I needed was a Target Red Card)….so I drove the twenty minutes into the nearest Target, applied right there in the store, got my temporary card, was told it would be easy to order online and went home. Four hours later, I was crying in a panic while simultaneously getting heart palpatations from talking to a I-barely-speak-English customer service assistant who shuffled me back and forth to different departments all of who told me mixed messages and repeated the same answer no matter the question. Basically there was no way for me to get the additional 5% off. And I learned that day that I love my Target branch manager and hate the corporate Target customer service protocol. In the end, I called my little sister – told her the first-world-drama that I was tearfully experiencing and she whipped out her Red Card (and found an online coupon to boot for any orders over $50) and got me the discounted price.
When Nornie called me back – she had saved me over $65 additionally from the sales price….not too shabby…and that is almost $600 off the regular price (!!!). I got 2 chaise lounges, 2 armchairs and a loveseat all from the Belvedere collection from Target.
A couple weeks later, our furniture finally arrived. Our porch was a little cluttered till Jer arrived back from work. And then it was on like donkey kong.
This furniture was super easy to assemble but there are a few simple things that can make it easier.
For one, lay your furniture pieces on a big blanket. It will help it keep the coated wicker from getting roughed up.
Secondly, use a rachet with an attachment for monkey wrench head.
My last tip is to not follow the directions. Attach the seat piece to the back piece first. It says to do it last. Don’t. Do it first.
So after I assembled the chaise lounges, I waited for Jer to finish up the loveseat….and took random photos.
I have no idea what they were doing.
And as much as I hate that this photo was out of focus, I still love it.
Ready for my new patio furniture? Here are the lounge chairs…
And the two armchairs…
And the whole set…
Eventually we will move the chaise lounges up onto the deck…and build a coffee table and a console and some outdoor storage.
Oh and did I mention we have plans for a table? Yup. After scoping out tons of DIY plans – we are gonna build a 14 person table for under the patio. It’s gonna rock my world. No literally. If it fell over, the hugeness would probably shake the entire earth.
We already have the wood. Consider me excited.
So that’s the patio furniture news. Seriously life-changing. I have spent almost every non-rainy day outside lounging and enjoying the best part of this property. It’s been amazing. Ever buy something that literally changed your life in such a positive way? I know it sounds crazy but being able to enjoy watching Will play in the back yard while relaxing my bulbous belly in the shade is priceless.
p.s. Today I hosted my first mommy&me playgroup! It was soo so fun! My dear ole mom even did a music class for us and literally it has me so excited for the rest of the summer.
p.p.s. ANOTHER BIG FIRST – Jeremy felt the baby kick for the first time today! It was really really crazy active and he felt little Kevin (or Kelvina) Bacon Bower roundhouse hello a few times. It makes it so much more real!
When do you find out if it’s a Kevin or Kelvina?? Does you Mommy instinct tell you one way or the other?
Sweet score on the patio set!!! It looks great!
On a completely random tangent, I’ve seen that blanket that you laid it on in a couple of your posts now, and it always brings back memories… my mom had the same one (well, still has it to this day) when I was growing up, and it was always our impromptu-picnic or living-room-fort-building blanket. Ahh, memories…
I was supposed to find out for sure this week but I had to reschedule for Haven…so I think I probably won’t know till next week
And I always thought it was a boy.
xo – kb
Awesome furniture! And awesome sister
Oooh are we going to see a KB and Sherdogg reunion?? Hope so!
So fun about the mommy and me – did you just start your own group or were you part of one already?
Hope you and baby are doing well!!!
I remember you giving a little teaser about this patio furniture a while ago and every time I go to and see it on the home page I wondered when you were going to show it.
It fits that space so perfectly. Can’t wait to see what ideas you have for a 14 person table!
Target phone customer service is THE WORST. I ordered a headboard from Target online late last year, and it arrived not as described. (Made it sound as though the full height of the headboard was adjustable when it was not.) Then, the product page online did not say it wasn’t returnable in the store, though in fact I would have to ship it back.
I spent more than an hour on hold one day waiting to talk to someone (who also did not really speak English), was transferred and disconnected, had to call back and wait on hold again. AH! I wanted them to pay for the return shipping (since I wouldn’t have bought it if it wasn’t returnable in the store), and I was so dazed from all the ridiculousness I can’t even remember now if they paid for it. I was just happy to get the massive box out of my house.
P.S. Really like your new furniture!
Funny that you say boy, cause I always felt like you were gonna have a girl. BUT I could be wrong!
That furniture is beautiful! I bet it’s nice and shady and cool under the deck, too. Perfect for your southern summers! BTW you know you’re really making us squirm with your lack of baby news, right?
I love saving money like that! Way to go. AND if you had shopped through ebates you could receive an additional 2% cash back, which would be a nice little chunk of about $19 coming back atcha! I have loved using this for online shopping. You can try it here.
Did you used Ebates as well to get even more cash back? I found out about that via the Petersiks and anytime I order online, I use Ebates. So far I have gotten $35 back! It’s not a ton, but it adds up, especially on a big purchase like you made. I have another $3.50 waiting as well from a dress I ordered from Old Navy and hopefully can add to it over the next couple of months if I can order some other things.
And you also get $5 everytime you refer people. I’m sure with the blog, if you mention it, a ton of people will sign up and you will be rolling in the money so you can fund your next project!
Here’s a link if anyone is interested in signing up via my referral. Thanks!
I totally had this happen to me with the Target card. I did the exact. same. thing. but you can’t use the Red Card online until you have the physical card. But now that I have it all set up, I love me some Red Card action
Woohoo for Nornie finding an even better sale price! They look great
Can’t wait to find out if you’re having a Kevin or Kelvina Bacon!
I love love your new furniture! I dream of having the space for pretty, loungey outdoor living areas someday.
I know it’s too late now, but here’s what probably happened with the Red Card. We decided to buy a new TV from Target and got a Target debit card (all the same benefits of the CC!) a few days prior. When we went to buy the TV it kept getting rejected, and the cashier told us your first purchase can’t be over $100 or something until you are “verified” in the system. They were able to manually give us the 5% discount, but it was a huge hassle at the time! Now we have no issues with it.
I bet baby kicks are just amazing! You are so blessed.
p.s. I love the patio furniture. The neutral colors are perfect although I could see some bright, bold pillows & accessories jazzing things up a bit.
Love the patio furniture!
And that is so exciting about Jer feeling the baby kick!
xo – c
I CAN’T WAIT for her to get here! It’s gonna be so fun.
And yes – I just felt like I had all this room down there going to waste and so I decided to start my own group.
xo – kb
I’ve been using ebates for about 2 years and have made almost $200 bucks! It’s awesome!
Cute pics of Jer & Will.
Love the new furniture ~ great price too!!
The new furniture is awesome!! Yay for Nornie getting a good deal!
I saw this furniture the other day at our Target and loved it. Unfortunately with our monstrous everything-eating (including our deck itself) puppies, we can’t have anything chewable– So the Little House will be getting metal patio furniture. Yay!
I call the hubs Kevina when he’s being a girl
yes…please please use ebates whenever you order online..i’ve used it for sooo many years and i just love getting the checks in the mail..the last one i got was $18.00 the one before was like $22.00 so easy to do also..takes maybe 1 extra minute of your time to log on and then go to the website you will order from.:)
I have those same lounge chairs and they are awesome. One quick warning (because I found this out the hard way): you may want to reinforce the connection between the ties and the cushions. After one fairly mild wind storm, I had to fish two very heavy cushions out of the pool as both had been ripped from the ties.
Hey! Can you give more details about the mommy & me? I want to start one but have no clue how to start!
Speaking of things being out in stores early…I live in Chicago, and all of the Targets here have their patio furniture on clearance for 50 percent off already (!). I’m waiting for it to go to 70 percent off before I bite…but it may be worth checking out at your local Target if you want to get additional outdoor furnishings/accessories.
Love how you are maximizing and utilizing all that space. You really are blessed to be able to lounge around down there, watching your boys play b-ball…hosting family cookouts on a table you built yourself! (LOVE LOVE LOVE me some Ana White! Built a swing bed from her plans for a fraction of what one would cost and I’m ready to build tons of stuff now! Those benches are her plans too right?)
Can’t wait to see what you and the Petersiks get into. I figured it was about time for another get together :))
Love a great bargain, the patio furniture looks great!
I’m due on October 29, and my hubby (his name is Jeremy too!) just felt our little girl kick for the first time on Monday. It’s our first, so I’m so happy that he finally gets to “be in” on the excitement/developments. I’m sure it’s just as amazing the second time around!
can’t wait to find out what you’re having.. i think it’s a girl too…
love your new set from Target.. i’m betting out of those indoor/outdoor rugs would look divine underneath the table and chairs once you get that built… no pressure hahaha…
wish and hoping for some new belly shots of you… so exciting Jer got to feel her kick :-).
love your blog Katie.. highlight of my day here at the office.. (sshhh i didn’t say that.)
Yup! Modified but they were definitely an brainchild
xo – kb
I was just talking to a friend about how I really feel led to host a weekly playdate for stay at homers. She said that she would come – that’s all it took for me to say “OKAY!”…so we picked a time and date that would work for us…and then just emailed & texted & told our friends…it was really chill – nothing high strung. We told everyone that it would be from 10 till 1…and to bring a bagged lunch if they wanted to eat here. My mom volunteered to do the music for the 4&u for the first thirty minutes. And we provided popsicles and bottled water (and a clean bathroom!). It was really simple and fun
xo – kb
Love that you have a deck and a patio! How lucky! And what an awesome deal on that furniture, it looks really nice!
k wait…did I miss somewhere about sherri comin to visit? went back and looked and cant find where you mention it!
Oooh I love the patio furniture!!! It looks like the perfect space for lounging, I’m a little jealous! And that is awesome that you are starting to feel the baby move! As I read this I’m watching my own baby make my belly all wiggly bahahaha
First – Love the patio furniture! Are the cushions a thumbs up for rainy days…or do ya hafta take ’em inside?
Second – The upper deck/lower deck thing is awesome! I’m sure the patio is so comfortable on an extra warm day!
Third – I’d love to see some more pregnancy pics! I keep coming by hoping you’ve shared some updates of your growing belly…but alas, none yet. I just found out I’m expecting my fourth (holy smokes) baby, due in January. I’m not really showing yet, only 8.5 weeks along, but I’m looking forward to having a baby bump again
Love your blog!
Love a great deal just like you!!! Purchased these same chairs myself for $164 (no coupon or discount) – that was the online price the week AFTER Mother’s Day! Picked up some awesome outdoor pillows from Pottery Barn for them as well! Be sure to check out their pillows as they make the chairs looks even better!
Love the patio set. And Im so happy you are getting together with other Mommies. I was in Cumming GA two weeks ago visitng a girlfriend, and lost my courage to stalk…er…try to meet you
And the ‘purchase/invention’ that changed my life? DVR. Ive never looked back since we got DVR. 
Agreed about the lack of baby news….where are the semi-weekly pics??? Wanna see, please!
Great deal on the furniture – can’t wait to see your table!
Feeling the baby kick – it really is so joyous, isn’t it? My “baby” is 23 and I still remember that feeling.
I have the exact same patio set (from a few years ago)! I still love it to this day! Nothing I like better than curling up on my settee in the breezeway and reading a book!
Ooops…i figured everyone would put two and two together when she announced she was coming here for the Haven conference. We have an entire weekend to fill with toddler fun
xo kb
YAY I cant wait to see what you have planed for the 14 person table, and I cant wait to find out what your baby is going to be.
Random Target discount info for next time. If you are a AAA member, you can get 5% off at I have not used it in a while but was in the store last week and remembered the AA discount only to learn it is an online only discount. Iäm not sure if oyu can combine that with the Red card so maybe it is the same but it would have saved you thr drive to the store to fill out an application.
We just purchased the same patio set! 30% off plus free shipping plus a 10% off coupon. Amazing, happy savings!
I absolutely love your space out there! But I’ve gotta ask… do you all have issues with mosquitoes?
I am in South Florida and as much as I’d looove to spend more time outdoors, our mosquitoes are out of control and it (for lack of a better word) sucks, to have to spray everyone down just to hang out outside only to get a bit on the face (forehead) or the back of the neck. Those pesky mosquitoes! grr!
You keep me smiling and laughing out loud (when I read your blog – THANK YOU!)
We don’t have much of an issue with them right now…but we do tend to have gnat swarms out in the yard right around 7pm. It’s what Will calls clouds of bees
xo – kb
Does the matchy matchy rule not apply to outdoor furniture?
I am no designer so I can’t say that there is any rule that you should or shouldn’t break. In most cases I like to mix n match…so the chairs and loveseat are all the same – and then we are building a dining table and side tables that will all be similar and then the benches and coffee table (I got it at a thrift store!) will be finished differently again. So I’ll be mixing in three different types…but I’m sure that everyone does everything differently
xo – kb
I’ve noticed browsing your blog that you have a crush on bacon…and as I sit here eating Hidden Valley Tomato Bacon dressing (on carrots…not by itself…although that might be delicious) I felt I should tell you about it, IF you don’t already have a stash of it in your pantry like I do. It is the best. salad. dressing. ever…especially if you like bacon.