All over town we had signs. There was one in front of the discount mattress store, one where they sell barrels and steel drums, and one near the fruit stand…and about thirteen more….all announcing the same thing – Bull Riding and Barrel Racing were coming to our little town. Consider us officially in.
The event was held at a local farm. It’s usually a farm during most of the year…but then in the fall, they convert a big open area to host their Corn Dawgs fall festival (we’ve enjoyed it the last two years!) and in the winter, they host ice skating.
The clown/MC/dancer said that there was nothing more redneck than bull riding in a corn field. I beg to differ. But a true redneck doesn’t like to brag…unless a hunting dog’s reputation is on the line.
Will was really excited to see Cole. He is obsessed.
I love the hand on the shoulder…Will held his hand there for a solid twenty minutes just to be touching his cousin.
After a bit of waiting, the show finally began. Check out the young cowboy with the colors flying…
And yes, that is not a college co-ed wearing a camo hat with that t-shirt. And yes, that is his wife with the buck shirt on. And yes, that is totally fashionable out here. I tried to count the camo hats present – I lost count when I hit the middle thirties.
The bull riding finally began. It was seriously impressive. Jeremy is thoroughly convinced that with a little training, he could be a professional bull rider. I wish I was joking.
Have you seen these monsters!? They are HUGE! I fully believe that the conversation surrounding the invention of bull riding was probably hilarious. It was a couple of guys…for sure…and they were probably in some kind of testosterone driven man-fest about what could make a bull really mad. And then spawned the idea that strapping the bull bits would really make that cow mad. And then came a dare.
Boots dared me to show this one on the blog. I told him that it probably would need a censor sticker. But then I realized that’s just bull 🙂
Will loved it. He sat with us on the narrow wooden plank bleachers staring intently.
Oh and this is Boot’s mom & dad…they came down to visit and got the pleasure of sitting right in front of Dogg the Bounty hunter’s old brother (that was a borrowed joke!) and he was hilarious. He was trying to win visitor of the night award…and yes, most of the yelling was unintelligible.
We missed the barrel racing because we had our own little horse back rider to watch.
Let me just say – this was worth every cent of the $5 that the pony rider operator assaulted us for.
He held on that horn so tight, smiled and giggled, and loved every single bit of it. I used to ride when I was little (english not western but I love love love horses) so to see Will smile that big and do so well, well, it made me and my hormones swell in a big way.
And then came the end…
followed by a full blown meltdown. Alligator tears, wailing for the horsie, and overall pitifulness. It was so cute…
We remedied it with a snowcone. I sometimes give him food and tell him “Go ahead honey – drown those sorrows with food. Eat those emotions away.” Mom of the year.
After that was more bull riding, more MC jokes and dancing (which I will gladly reinact for you if you ever ask) and more overall fun.
A fun family photo to commemorate the night of redneckery.
One of Norn & Boots & Cole – and yes, that’s Doggs Brother in the background putting out the vibe.
One with the little bump…although I must admit – most of that bump was burrito dinner 🙂
p.s. I wrote a little guest post about our outdoor play spaces wishlist (click here to read it). I’d love to hear what’s on your wish list too!
I love a good rodeo!! I used to think it’d be so cool to be a cowgirl… but I’ll settle for just living out in the country 🙂 LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture of Will with his hand on Cole – so cute!
Katie….You are glowing!!…And how cute is your Will?!! My goodness…
Loved the pics!
Hope you are in pinkest of health!
I so want to be your irl friend. You seem like you’d be such fun!
Plus you live near my parents. 🙂
You guys are just so darned likable. And not just that adorable little man – all of you.
I admit to tears at your pregnancy announcement, excitement for you at the office reveal (oh my…one room, all pretty and just for me…heaven!), endless kudos for the improvements you’ve made on a very big house project and so on.
All the best – you make a cute little one(s) and create lovely spaces and mange to be perfectly appealing people while doing so!
And huge congrats on little one number two – we worried about our first adapting to the second…and it was amazing. Nothing has been better. Three years later and they are the best of friends and honestly, you think one is cute? Wait until the first is manipulating the second into playing fetch or breaking something…cuteness combined. 🙂
Look at that big guy: long legs, manly haircut, riding a horse… He’ll be able to show that Little Baby a thing or two!
The hand on Cole’s shoulder is so sweet it makes me melt.
Next weekend I’m taking my kiddos to the annual Mushroom Festival! Not looking forward to walking around the fair at 34 weeks preggo but I’ll do anything for an elephant ear! I hope my kids love their $5 pony rides as much as Will did! And there’s nothing wrong with drowning your sorrows in a snow cone. Isn’t that why they exist? I’m so jealous of how good pregnancy looks on you! I’m one of those awkward pregnant ladies where people don’t know if I’m fat or pregnant. 😛 Congrats on the new wee one, you look stunning!
Oh my goodness every post with pictures of Will Bower in it makes me giggle. He is so cute! I’m excited to see what Bower baby #2 looks like…I’m sure this next one will be super cute too!
I say “nothing more Redneck than holding your cousins hand for 20mins!” LOL! You should get Will a horse for Christmas, now that would make you mother of year! (maybe one with a motor?) How cute are the Bower’s in that last pic. Loved looking at this post, thanks. Oh and are Norn and Boots going to hop on the baby train? How great would Cole be with a little sibling….awwww…..
So fun! And you look great Katie 🙂
What great family fun! As a kid, the annual rodeo at our county fair in Illinois was my favorite day of the year. I begged to go to the bull riding camp they advertized each time, but with poor timing I always begged right after we’d spent a couple of hours watching human beings go flying through the air, get kicked, dive through fences, and break bones. For some reason, my mother was not enthusiastic…
Also, Boots looks so much like his parents!
I always love your posts, but for this one I can only say: poor animals 🙁
What a fun day! I love the bump picture at the end (even if you’re just claiming it’s a food baby).
You need to get that boy a pony…STAT! You have the space for it, and building the barn and pasture would be a fun DIY! 🙂
Around here, the big rodeo is the Angola Prison Rodeo. Not only is it on the prison grounds, it’s prisoners doing the riding. Two of the most popular events are prison poker (the prisoners sit at a poker table in the middle of the arena and play poker… and eventually an angry bull is released into the game) and guts and glory (a poker chip is tied onto a big angry bull and the prisoner who can snatch it wins). I’m not a fan of rodeos but I find the prison twist interesting. :p
I’m a newer reader and I’m so happy to have stumbled across your blog. You have a beautiful family and this rodeo looks like so much fun! Great pics!
We LOVE Corn Dawgs! Have you gone there during the fall yet for apple picking?
NO! They really have apple picking!? How did I not know this?!
xo – kb
I think they are definitely going to wait a while – they have a lot of adjusting to do with Cole!
xo – kb
I have never been to a rodeo, but I have to say that I think it would be a ton of fun to try and catch photos of the bucking broncos! Great job! Also, there are several things that melted my heart:
1. Will’s hand on Cole.
2. Cole on Boots’ shoulders and loving his mama.
3. The fact that you guys went out with your brother-in-law’s parents. I, too, am a believer in when you you marry into a family, your family becomes family to everyone! (Did that make sense?)
Anyway, great job. Oh, and you look beautiful! Pregnancy looks good on you!
2 words:
SOOOoooOoooOoo Jealous!!!!
What a lovely day! Looks like it was loads of fun! How qute a little boy is Will not!
Looks like a fun night!! Will looked so grown-up riding that little horse!
Would you believe that I’m from TX and have never seen bull riding in person? And I’ve only been to one rodeo and it was just to see George Straight up close in person. Yee-haw!
Your attempt at snark comes across as snob. Don’t forget you’re “one of them”. Just because you have delusional blue collar housewives come here to stroke your ego doesn’t change that. On a lighter note, I appreciated your attempt to capture a Kate Spade vibe in your office, but I found it to be quite cluttered. (Kate has always been about clean lines and simplicity) -Clare
Looks like a great time! If you haven’t experienced a mud bog, then I suggest you try to attend… there’s something about big trucks, big tires, mud & carnival food that gets us rednecks goin – haha. You look adorable, by the way!
Katie, you look GREAT! I love the family photos at the end! Cole is too cute sitting on Boots shoulders and leaning over on Norn!
I agree. It is awful what they have to endure. I usually love all the posts here and check in often.
Big fan of your blog usually, but disappointed by this post. I feel bad for the animals who have to be part of this sport- the cowboys have a choice, animals do not.
Wow I’ve never been to a bull ride event like that. I don’t think we have such an event here in the north. Thanks for sharing. However…not to be gross and strickly as an observation..but what is up with the bulls down there?! I mean one of them look like they were smuggling cantalopes you know where!!! geez!
Hubby and I went last Saturday when the PBR (Professional Bull Riders) came to one of our local venues. We love watching bull riding. Andrew wasn’t really familiar with it until about 4 years ago when I won tickets from the radio station and we got to go behind the scenes and see where the bulls are all penned up and walk up on the shoots before the event started. Now he is obsessed. We have gone 3 out of the 4 past years. We only missed one year because they didn’t come around here last year. We even watch it on TV though now they switched channels and we don’t get it anymore. Poo! I’m glad Will enjoyed it so much.
I also ride horses, both english and western. You can see a picture of my horse over on my blog under the Furry Children tab. She is half Friesian and half paint. She’ll be 8 yrs old this month and I’ve had her since she was 7 months old.
Sure do! They have the big inflatable pillow, tractor rides, crazy slides made from drain pipes, bikes, petting farm, and of course .. pig races (that yes, I was a participant in the glourious mommy race and had to race 2 other moms on stick horses infront of 100+ people who just wanted to see the real pigs race..yeah, I make my kids
They also have ice skating in the winter. I haven’t done that yet, but I hear it’s pretty decent.
“strapping the bull bits” I had no idea. Like really, I didn’t know that! I’ve never been to anything like this, but I thought they just didn’t like to be ridden. Thanks for the edumacation 🙂
My husband rode bulls for 8 years! Maybe he can give Jeremy some lessons? Hehe j/k…I’m glad those days are over and every time we go see a rodeo he gets the “itch” to do it again. Oh and he can’t resist the glowing temptation of the mechanical bull either 🙂
Hey Katie!
Totally unrelated to this post but will you be sharing the winners of all the Giveaways you were doing in April? Maybe I missed it when you called the winners, so I’m just curious 🙂
Love you!!!!
Right there with ya ladies!
Hi Jen – Love you back 🙂
And I have started a few months back just notifying the winners directly (that’s why the comments ask for your email) so I can be in direct contact (most folks check their email more regularly than this blog) – therefore, if you were the winner, you will see an email from me!
xo – kb
haha…I am totally one of them! I don’t deny it! And that guy that’s Dogg’s brother could have been my older brother – which would make me and Dogg brother and sister. All that to say – I think seeing anyone give out the vibe is funny….and I am not trying to be snarky or snobby – just tell it like it is out here 🙂
Also – yes, the office is more cluttered than I imagine Kate would have…which is why I called it Kate Spade vomit 🙂
xo – kb
Beautiful fam! I love the Yuengling shirt Boots is wearing.. the brewery is about 10 minutes from my house.
To all the ladies saying poor animals, at least they’re not being killed. I just don’t understand when ppl non-vegetarians care for animals, it just does not make sense.
I used to live in southern cali and loved the people, they were so down to earth and friendly when compared to New Yorkers that I currently live with. Ahh how I wish I could go back.
Sorry to hear that you are disappointed and I do understand that different people support different stances on this issue. I would like to remind everyone that you need to figure out where you stand prior to attending any kind of event that requires animal participation and most times the ethics and treatment of those animals are posted online – in this case under
xo – kb
I love Rodeos, ya’ll look like you had a lot of fun!!
I love those redneck events! Tractor pulls, cutting horse shows, rodeos, Reba concerts… Best ever was going to a rodeo with a bunch of college friends – it was like visiting another country!
This post cracked me up! I teach in a small rural town in Michigan, and all the kids have Carhartts, camo hats, and cowboy boots. My “neighbor” teacher has a student teacher right now who rides bulls on the amateur circuit, which is hilarious to me. Everything in your pictures could have happened up here!
Bull riding is disgusting .. honestly those poor animals
Love it! We had to plan our wedding around rodeo season because it is such a big deal to my in-laws and to the town we got married in.
Digging the so-not-PG saying on the t-shirt in pic #6. I’m glad Will is too young to read!
What a cute family! By the way, I would LOVE to see the reenactment of the dancing!
Your posts always make me so happy! There’s something so honest and refreshing about the way you write, right down to admitting burrito belly. 🙂 Also, your “redneck” posts always make me homesick. For a small-town girl living in Seattle, they’re like a breath of fresh air (or in this case, late-night corn-dog, vaguely manure-y air)!
I love that you had a family night out… But poor bulls 🙁
Hi doll, you’re looking so good. I just wanted to share today, that my sister and I had our kids approx. 5 years apart, I had a boy, girl, then she had a boy and a girl, and because of the space in years, my kids were about 12 and 7ish when she had her kids–and I swear it will make my kids the best parents. We are never together with them all without her kids being doted and loved on by my kids, the cousin love is an amazing thing. They are all still so close and my son will be 29 this year.
And my daughter’s birthday is in oct. and when she was at college, at Ohio State, the PBR finals were in columbus on her birthday weekend and that was what she wanted for her birthday each year, so we did that for the last 4 years. It is fun.
And finally, I LOVE how you handle the not so nice comments, you are so sweet and honest and realize that everyone is entitled to their opinion and don’t get all bent. I know some people aren’t as nice as you and should really just not comment on YOUR space, but it is what it is. Good luck with everything, see you tomorrow. (yes I stalk and read everyday, lol, I’m redoing my kitchen right now. Just paint and tile.)
take care, KathyL.
I agree, poor animals, pony rides are terrible, bull riding is even worse. Also, I HATE when bloggers mock unsuspecting people on their blogs. So juvenile.
just wondering where you think the much-referenced bacon comes from?
Your attempt at snark comes across as bitterness and envy, Clare. As a white-collar, working, professional wife, I rather enjoy reading about a fellow mother living the small town life. Bitterness will consume you if you let it.
Katie, keep it coming. They’ll keep reading. 🙂
ooh – I forgot to give you our backyard list. I consulted with Q and she has the following wishes: Treehouse, zip line, trampoline, multipurpose court, soccer goals (“big ones, like REAL ones”), good climbing trees, and lots and lots of big swings. Just to give you a preview of a 13-year-old’s desires… (Funny side note: she had read your guest post before I did, so she was all ready for the conversation!)
We live on a steep lot with a practically-unusable backyard/hill, so these wishes would all involve heavy equipment and major land movement. So as a backup plan – to get from the front yard to the backyard – she’d like a slide like the one we went on a couple of weeks ago in a German salt mine:
Heck, a kid can wish, right?!
A gorgeous family and bull balls. What’s not to like? 😉 That shot of Will’s little hand on Cole’s back is just the most precious thing.
Loving that “hand on the shoulder” shot. And could Boots look any more like his dad?!? Wowie!
This looks like a blast! Have you and Will checked out Washington Farms? They have strawberry picking right now. It is really fun for little ones… and really anyone who loves strawberries.
You were at my type of sporting event! I love barrel racing and going to rodeos! They are so much fun. 🙂
Photos like this make me miss Texas sooo much more…I love the rodeo!!
I love to see your random out and about family photos, keep them coming.
Congrats on the bump, I can’t wait to see all the baby related posts.
Will and I need to go! I’m sure it will end up like me carrying Will and a bucket while trying to pick but all that fresh local fruit makes me giddy to think about – well worth it 🙂
xo – kb
To all of those who have posted the whole “p0or animal” non-sense. I really really wish you would do a little research and educate yourselves before uneducated opinions out there. It sounds so ignorant.
I grew up in Wyoming and around rodeo. In fact, I know the family that runs the company that provides most of the livestock supply to the rodeo circuit. As long as the rodeos are contracted with a reputable livestock supply dealer (and trust me, most of those that weren’t reputable were put out of business YEARS ago), these animals are treated better than you and I ever will be. In fact, most of them work a maximum of mere MINUTES per YEAR. They aren’t being slaughtered, they aren’t being abused, they aren’t being tortured. Yes, it’s true that they are used for entertainment but it is in the best interests of the livestock supply company to ensure that they are healthy and performing well. In order to do that, these animals are treated VERY well. While they are working (meaning, being ridden), they are riled up a bit to get them to perform but they are not being hurt in any way. Uncomfortable? Maybe. But at the most, it lasts for 8 seconds. I have to work and be uncomfortable for 8 hours EVERY DAY. I don’t recall hearing anyone moaning and complaining in defense of me.
Again, please educate yourself before you take a stand on something. Otherwise, you really defeat your platform.
Oh and for the record. . .the flank straps are NOT placed around the bull’s genitals. . .it is placed around the abdominal area. Bulls and bucking broncos do not buck simply because of that strap (in fact, Professional Rodeo Cowboy’s Association mandates the size and materials that those straps can be made out of–most are lined with fleece or neoprene), they buck because they are TRAINED animals and that strap is merely an indication or a queue to the animal that it’s time to perform. In reality, it’s not that much different than training your dog to sit.
The animals that are used in rodeo are as much athletes as the cowboy (or cowgirl!) performing right along side of them. Anyone who has had any experience behind the chutes at a rodeo can witness for themselves that these animals are shown a tremendous amount of respect and care. At every rodeo that I have ever attended (even the tiny ones in tiny little Wyoming towns) have had veterinarians on site the entire duration of the rodeo. These animals are being constantly monitored to ensure their health and safety.
I respect everyone’s right to their own opinions, but I’d urge education here. I am heavily involved in the sport of rodeo, and I am an animal lover. I can assure folks from first-hand experience that those involved in responsible animal events ensure the animals are treated very well. They are considered valued athletes and partners, respected for their abilities, and they are not abused. Bulls buck because they are bred to, so they inherently want to. The animals know the cues to perform (i.e. opening the chute). The flank straps are a cue, not an abuse (and are around their loin/flank, not pinching or interfering with their privates). Rodeo wouldn’t exist without quality, healthy animals and abused animals can’t- and won’t- perform. Best animal treatment means the best performance. It’s that simple. I loved this post, and I’m so glad the Bowers had a great time!
I definitely should have been more clear…I was daydreaming about the conversation leading up to the idea of bull riding…not trying to explain the how’s of when they cue their bulls…so yes…should have been more clear 🙂
xo – kb
Hi Katie- I need your help! You’ve mentioned before how Will stains his clothes often and that you can get *any* stain out. What is your secret?? I am having a hard time getting my little girls clothes (especially socks) white again. TIA!
BLEACH! The key to stains is to never ‘set’ them…aka add heat. As long as they never get permanently bound to the fabric, you can remove it. I use bleach, pretreaters, and concentrated stain removers…all with great success only if the stain never gets to the permanent stage.
xo – kb