If you are under the assumption that this post is about planting…well, you would be wrong.
This post is basically a shrine to one little boy getting dirt into every sweaty crevice of his tiny little body.
Sounds like a Kevin Bacon movie, huh? (yum…bacon….) Brain trail – what if I was pregnant with a boy and we named him Kevin Bacon Bower. Awesome and hilarious. And then I would have to play that game – 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon Bower – all the time. And I would make him memorize the dance moves in Footloose and introduce himself with his full name to complete strangers. Oh the amount of motherly love that I have…
Anyhoo…let’s set the scenery here, shall we?!
I left ya off with our left-much-to-be-desired-landscaping near the front of our driveway…
On either side of the driveway was random lawn ornamentation…a fire hydrant, a water meter, a water line & spigot, a rotten palm tree stump and a very important drain.
Well, we decided to put the ole muscular system to work and dig out all the rocks behind our light pillar.
We picked each one up, threw it three yards and then cleaned out the ditch. After laying some weed blocker, we put each rock back into place…anchoring the fabric and also creating proper drainage from our neighbor’s yard to the drainage pipes under our driveway and into the ditch.
The best part about the project was that it was free – because we already had the weed blocker on hand and the rocks were already there. Just a little time and patience – and a killer forearm workout – and we had ourselves a much nicer drainage ditch on one side.
On the mailbox side, we decided that we definitely needed to start planting some shrubs…
so we headed to a local place called The Growers Outlet. Basically this is a place that sells directly from the plant growers…so no huge markups but you still get quality plants. And it’s only open during certain seasons. Like the winter – notsomuch.
I knew from our last house that both Jeremy & I loved Lorapetalum. It’s this beautiful shrub that turns golden bronze with dark green during the winter and purple during the blooming season and is full all year round – and does great in this Georgia heat and our deer won’t mess with them.
We didn’t really have much of a plan – but when we saw the sign for the Lorapetalum say that it works great with roses and hollies, we decided on the spot to go with the growers advice.
When we got home, I laid out the plants and got to capturing my longhaired boy (this was before his first haircut) help his daddy.
I often get the question – aren’t you nervous with Will helping out on your projects that he will get hurt? or how do you manage him – my toddler is always making a mess of things? or won’t he mess up your progress or make a ten minute project ten times longer?
Um. YES. Emphatically.
Will could get hurt. He could mess things up (and often does) and he makes everything take longer. He gets every.single.part. of his clothing dirty. even when I’m doing a cleaning project. BUT we want him to love tools. And we want him to not be afraid to tackle things or work hard or get his hands into stuff.
I’m more liberal than Jeremy – like I am the mom that would show him how to access and walk properly with scissors – while Jeremy wouldn’t trust him with a butter knife. And as partners in this parental raising thing we are in, I’ve learned that when Daddy says no – I enforce those rules…because they are now mine…whether I agree or not. And Jer has learned that actively engaging Will in our projects helps him understand what danger is, what messes are, what helping is all about, and that it’s not impossible to get things done with a kid (we once thought that it was)…but it just requires more multi-tasking and patience.
oh and small plastic tools often help too.
And one boatload of pretreater…
Since we planted all these last September, we didn’t trim anything back this spring. I need to still fertilize…but hopefully those two things will help these little guys grow big and strong.
Will discovered the clumps of roots in the red clay we have here…
and then went over to add some topsoil. Thank goodness it wasn’t a bag of manure…
The planting overall went really really fast. It’s probably because of my excellent cheering…
and it probably helped that the entire area was tilled by our neighbor when they added the drainage pipe.
Okay – can I just tell you how much I love this photo!?
Like a lot. a tiny little hand covered in all sorts of dirt – with a pudgy wrist and dirty socks in the background. It’s so Will 🙂
Oh and his little booty….it started off clean(ish)…
and soon progressed to full on muddy.
And that wasn’t the only area that saw dirt that day 🙂
His outfit got so dirty that day that Jeremy said “well I guess that’s a work outfit from now on”…
to which I said “are you kidding?! I can get those stains out” “hopefully”.
And I did too. I am still overly impressed with myself about it.
Around the fire hydrant, we planted some Waxleaf Ligustrum. It can grow really really tall…but we planted it strategically so that the leaves will be at least three feet away from the hydrant (per county code), but it will be blocked from view on the inside of our mailbox…but not the neighbors side of the mailbox….still visible from the street.
As Jer was wrapping up the plantings, I continued my hard work in documenting all things dirty-boy.
Will found his way into the ditch. This end of the ditch is still waiting on one more long tube for drainage.
Will decided it was the perfect play place.
I wish I could have this much fun in a ditch. Oh simple joys.
Well, in the end, the one side ended up looking like this:
We just mimiced it on the other side (I’ll spare you the other five hundred Will photos from that side)..
Here’s the before photo and the progress photo….
Not too shabby, huh!?
Next is the little paver patio we made for our drain…and then the final photos of all our outdoor adventures!
In the mean time, let’s talk shrubbery! What is your favorite shrub? Heck make it any plant…I need to know because it’s planting season again and I am black thumbed, forefingered, pinkie fingered and toed.
Great post as always, I just wanted to give you a heads up that you can read your house number in that first picture. It looks like you photoshopped it out in the second mailbox picture, so I didn’t think you’d want it there.
Looks good! I cant wait to see what it looks like when it grows in too! I have no clue about plants either 🙁 Do tulips count?!
Will is adorable! I get so scared with my daughter just being outside – she sticks rocks and twigs and well everything in her mouth. Haha I wish she just liked dirt 🙂
No favorite shrub, but we LOVE Grower’s Outlet! Heading back there this week. Your plantings look great!
Love Will’s dirty socks! He is too cute. I noticed your knock-out roses and have double knock-out roses bordering my yard and love ’em. Plant, fertilize and forget. They just keep on blooming!
ahhh… The joy of little boys 🙂 It warms my heart, truly a blessing ( this is coming from a mama with a 2.5 yr old crazy little boy, who had to take 2 baths yesterday, the mud was just wayy to fun to pass up!!) bless you and your new babe too 🙂
First, can I just say I LOVE your shoes in the one photo!!! SO cute and paired with red toenails makes them even better!!! 🙂
As far as greenery goes, I think my favorite plant has to be lambs ear or stachys byzantina. Its so soft and reminds me of my mom’s and grandmother’s garden. I highly recommend it for little ones too because it seems to stand abuse well and is also a great “feel me” plant! Definitely something Will would get a kick out of! Side note: I’m not sure how it would handle Georgia weather though, we live in New York and it does great here!
Will is the cutest little guy on the face of this earth (well its a tie with my little guy!) but OMG how cute is he helping! Love the “dirty hands” pic. My son did almost the same thing yest and it took me forever to clean under his nails etc. Next time maybe ill leave some under there, ya know, since today he’ll be back out there. Great job!
I laughed when I saw those shoes you were wearing. On A side note I love them!!! Anyway, I thought you were helping, because you were talking about using your muscles. I didn’t realize you meant your husband’s muscles. Made my day 🙂
It looks great! I pretty much love any flowering shrub, and despise vines. My favorite bush is our lilac bush. Stays green spring thru winter, and that smell when they are in bloom is amazing!
Also I have to say how much I love that you let Will experience everything!
I love hydrangeas! They’re kind of a shrub…right? We’ve been renters for years and I’ve never been able to plant any, but I think it might be time to invest in a flower box and go to town!
Our kiddos are always doing projects with us. We don’t have the financial luxury to hire baby sitter just because we need to get life done. Gunner is now 7 and is a work horse! That kid loves to help in the yard and with any projects that we have going on around. Of course we use common sense and there are things that we won’t do with them around but for the most part… it’s how they learn. I can’t tell you how many kiddie sized tools and yard tools that we have around. It keeps them interested, but keeps them educated.
And you will get even better at getting laundry stains out the older Will gets… it seems there is a constant tub in the laundry room filled with oxyclean and clothes…
I can see Will growing up to be a huge help like Gunner. Take advantage of it while it lasts. We figure we have until he’s at least 10 before he realizes there is a better and more fun way to spend his time… hehehe!
Oo – it looks great (SUCH an improvement)! I think it’ll really fill in nicely!
Oh and the red clay! I haven’t seen that since highschool when we took a trip to see Stone Mountain and The Biltmore and camped… yes, in a camper… it’s how we afforded to see all over, and the memories are amazing! We even camped at Disney World and the beach!
I love this post! I just love that Will is working in his socks! I always run out of the house wearing just socks (usually just to the mailbox) and the husband thinks it is weird. I too am looking foward to getting out in the dirt with my boy. With our warm spring temps we have been starting to get outside, so far his favorite thing to do is go over to the garden and grab a handful of chives. Usually he stuffs them in his mouth but he also likes to try to share with the dog. it is so cute. You will love the knock out roses. I just pruned mine yesterday. they got so big in year one I can’t wait to see what year 2 brings. I also love hydrangeas but they don’t always look so good in the winter. Boxwood is also a shrub I like for greenery in the winter. I am off to research the shrub you mentioned above to see if it will grow in my CT winters.
Oh forgot to ask…what is your trick for getting stains out. I have an arsenal of thigns ready to try. One is Dawn dish detergent and hydrogen peroxide. I tried it on on thing and it didn’t work so well but maybe b/c I didn’t realize the stain was there until it sat for too long in he hamper.
Love the yard. Its inspired me to work on my own little plot of land and make it look nice(er).
My favorite plant, although I guess its a tree really, are lilacs. But we don’t have them in Florida. And that’s just one of the reasons I miss living in New England. Sigh.
On another note, what do you use to pretreat Will’s clothes? I’m curious because I have a 20 month old little girl who loves to get just as dirty. Yesterday she looked just like your little guy complete with dirt in the hair. Despite a bath, I don’t think I got it all out. 🙂
Your lawn looks great, but what I really love is your shoes! So adorable!
I know this was all about landscaping, but I have to ask about the very cute shoes in one of the pictures. Love them!
Nothing cuter than a kid happily playing in dirt 🙂
You picked well with those knock-out roses (or “punch-out” roses as my husband jokingly calls them). We planted a few one year and in NO TIME they were huge and thriving all on their own. We never touched them, watered them, fertilized them or anything. They are super-low-maintenance and so pretty! Yard looks great so far 🙂
I love how you let your son get dirty. I do the same thing with my toddler. Whatever we need to do around the house I let her help. I know it will take much longer to do something, but I see it as an investment in the future. If she starts learning to do stuff now she will be able to help when she gets a little older:) LOL
Looks beautiful!! OK I just have to know, what did you use to get those dirt stains out??? I need to buy gallons of that product!
I love letting my kids help! And I am like you with the teaching them about how to do stuff correctly. I think you are doing a great job letting him be involved. It’s all about boundaries!!
I like the wedges you wear to garden in! LOL!! I don’t have a green thumb at all. Thank God for my boyfriend!
My sister and I are both big fans of Lilac bushes. We just read that there is a new variety out called Bloomerang, and it blooms all summer! Not just once in spring, but until the first frost – which for us southern girls might mean year round! 🙂
You know how real men wear pink? Real moms let their boys play in the dirt!!! 🙂 Cute pictures. I love how he’s got his socks on. When we have kids one, day most of their clothes will probably come from consignment shops/g-will for this very reason. Oh to be a kid!
Congrats on your pregnancy by the way. I hope you are feeling well 🙂
P.S. I totally think you are having a girl!!!
Forsythia is my favorite shrub. It’s the yellow lanky, whispy ones that are in bloom right now. But my favorite plant is clematis, which is a vine that will grow up ANYTHING and has giant (usually purple, pink or white) flowers with whispy centers. Definitely pretty. 🙂
Will (of course) looks adorable in all of these photos. The one of his dirty hand is absolutely fabulous.
my favorite plant is peony. I love all the different colors, and how full the blooms are! Will is adorable!!
They are from NY & Company – my sister in laws favorite store 🙂
xo – kb
My husband promised me forcythia bushes when we start our outdoor planting. Its still not time to plant in PA. I can’t wait to have a pop of bright yellow!
haha – I did help! I end up doing the rocks while Jer planted 🙂
xo – kb
I use Oxiclean spray for little stains – and soak it in Oxyclean for big ones. I must admit though – I make it more concentrated than the recommended amount 🙂
xo – kb
Oxyclean! I use the powder for soaking if it’s a big stain – like this one – and then I ALWAYS pretreat pretty much every item of Will’s clothing with the spray. It works like a charm 🙂
xo – kb
Gardinias…and yellow Jasmine. 🙂
I love your blog. I check it out every day! Thanks for being so much fun/an inspiration. You make me want to do/be better. As corny as that sounds… 😉
Your shoes are cute!!! Where are they from? And how did you play in the mud with them?
I LOVE your shoes! 🙂
Never mind…saw the answer in a comment above, whoops!
The plants look great!!! With some time they’ll grow and fill in and look like they’ve been there forever!
Oh, and my little guy (will be 2 in June) would LOVE playing in the dirt like that. I’m glad Will enjoyed “helping” you guys out!
Can I tell you how jealous it makes me to see Jeremy out working in the dirt while you take photos in the world’s cutest shoes ever? WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?!
What is “mimiced”?
I see that little boy and I see a mini-Mama. 🙂 He is cute—and so are you!
Great project, and great spring inspiration!
Love it! When it all fills in, I bet it’ll really look awesome. So Will with his long hair and Star Wars shirt (love!) kinda looks like a mini Luke Skywalker. All he needs is a lightsaber.
I have to say, these posts about being outside in the dirt…oh yeah. My cup of tea! I don’t really have the time with the other projects going on but just yesterday after reading your post and going for a bike ride with the hubs, I came back and weeded the entire side garden along my garage. Thanks for the motivation! 😉
Plant Moonflowers and Morning Glories. Both are soooo beautiful and bloom daily! Plus they can withstand the Orlando heat, so they should be just fine in GA.
Great post! I so want a little boy someday and seeing pics of Will just adds to that every time. 🙂
I saw your OxiClean tip (thank you for asking, Lesley!) and will definitely be trying that. While we’re at it, what detergent do you use?
I like less plants much better than more plants. I’m a complete believer in less is more! Just a few new plants made a world of difference for the entrance! Looks like you had a great little helper too! 🙂
Katie, it’s looking great! My husband and I just bought our first house back in August and although it wasn’t a foreclosure, it was rundown ( a bit of a sad story) and we got it for a great price, knowing that it was a fixer-upper. We are on a super tight budget too and are trying to re-use/re-purpose what we can, like you are doing and I “almost” think that’s the better way to tackle projects. You have to be imaginative and use the 2 hands and 2 feet that God gave you-the way he intended for you to. We may not get everything done overnight, but Rome wasn’t built in a day now was it? 🙂
(and my favorite plant-Hydrangea, hands down. I ordered some that are scheduled to be here by the end of this week from Michiganbulb.com and they were super inexpensive! My house currently has zero landscaping and mud for a yard-so cheap is the name of the game!)
We’ve been hard at work in our yard too! The previous owners did a lot of nice landscaping, but since the house was vacant for awhile it needs a lot of TLC. We also bought some heather and we are really loving the way that looks in the yard!
Will is such a cute helper!! The space looks much better with the new plants. I’m not much of a planter either, I actually try to rip out some sort of bush from our front yard every year. The previous owners got a little over excited with the planting if you ask me.
Katie –
I too am a black thumb; however, I really love (and so far haven’t completely killed) my forsythia bushes. If you aren’t familiar with forsythia, they bloom bright yellow in the spring and then have green leaves through summer. I think they are the happiest looking bush. Extra bonus, in my experience, they don’t require maintenance. Plant and let’em go. Eventually, if you avoid cutting back (which I recommend) they grow into very large bushes. If you like the wild and wooley type, they can act as a great natural fence. I can’t vouch for how they would take in Georgia soil, but seem to do well just a touch north in the Tar Heel State.
Love the blog!
Great job, it looks oodles better afterward!
I had to comment because of “Kevin Bacon Bower”. We always make that joke with my husband! My favorite ones that we’ve come up with are “Tom Selleck Smith”, “Jermajesty Jackson Smith” and… “Hugo Chavez Smith”. Hee.
Will is so cute, covered in dirt and all! ; )
Can you explain your drainage tube a little more? We need something like that (we had issued this year with water building up and ending up in our basement)! Any ideas you have would be a huge help!
Great job. I’ll make a mental note on the shrubs you used as we need more shrubbery in one part of our property. I love Nandina. They grow so well, especially in the hot GA summers and in the crazy GA clay: evergreen and drought tolerant. They also change colors from a chartreuse green to a red to a deep green. We always buy them at WalMart at the end of the season(I too love Walmart’s plant clearance section!).
Shortly after our friends took their family to Disney World, one of their sons came over to play with one of mine. They decided to make a swimming pool in our back yard and so dug out a hole large enough for them to sit in, then started pumping in water. They sat, jumped, and splashed in that mud hole all afternoon. As they were cleaning up, our late-of-Disney-World guest said, “That’s the most fun I’ve EVER had!” Could’ve saved themselves a lot of money.
I was always terrified of roses, but we planted a few bushes last year and I love them! The bloomed through the whole season, even had a few flowers still on at the beginning of November.
Gardenias are great for an area closer to your house- the smell is so amazing, I end up just standing near the bushes and inhaling lots (my husband thinks I’m crazy, but you ladies understand!!).
I’m going to second Frankie’s comments about forsythia- it is blooming everywhere right now, and the bright pop of yellow is a perfect beginning to spring! I don’t have any right now, but I’m hoping to plant some soon.
Right now my favorite shrubs are Nandina’s. Great color in the fall and winter and pretty green in the summer.
Wonder what would happen if you spray painted your fire hydrant?
Wow, looks beautiful! Will is such a doll–there’s nothing cuter than a dirty little boy with tools!
I love that Growers Outlet place. We go there every year for our plants. Front entry looks great!
This is from last year, right? Do we get to see how everything is looking now!? 🙂 I’m loving some wisteria that we planted on an arbor last year in order to block the neighbor’s view into our backyard (since we live in a tract home) and somehow I managed not to kill it. In fact, it has these crazy looking blossoms on it that are starting to bloom.
I like that your husband is listening to music while gardening despite having you and your kiddo there, my husband does the same even when I’m around (minus the kiddo)!
We have those purple things too! I love the look of them but they grow really fast and they’re kinda itchy when you get in them. I always have to wear longsleeves and jeans when I trim them. My favorite shrub is our tea olive trees. They are called trees but are more like a bush. They are so fragrant and bloom a lot during the year (I dont know when but it seems they have been blooming for several months now). I only have two and I can smell from far away. I love the growers outlet too!!!! I got a couple of black dragon cedars there last year to flank our front porch and they are still alive so far (I have blackthumbs too)!! 🙂
i can’t believe you were wearing those pretty shoes out in the dirt!
way to keep it classy 😉
I love Forsythia!! The yellow blooms this time of year are gorgeous!!
I like Russian sage – it smells good and adds color dimension with its gray/green color. I also love lavateria – it self sows at the end of the season but needs to be up against something or it falls down. My other fav is any “odora” – daphne being the most fragrant. Let’s see – I also like dusty miller and azalea. I have a bunch of fern (Seattle so it’s very wet), not sure if that would work in Georgia. Good luck and may the dirt be with you.
You pretty much had me at Kevin Bacon Bower, but why not double middle it. Kevin Bacon Power Bower.
You have so much land, I love it!
My husband edits the Oxiclean infomercials! They sponsered us for the Tough Mudder mud run last year. We literally swam in mud, but those stains came out! I might also use more than the recommended amount.
I really love hydrangeas. They are hard to kill. Sedum are great because they are also hard to kill and they will live anywhere. You can take off a small piece, stick it in the ground and another plant will pop up!
Are those sideburns? Finally? 🙂
Your plantings look great! I love Growers’ Outlet. It is nearly 90 minutes from my home, though, so when I go I take a friend or my parents and make a day of it loading up the minivan (usually stow or remove some of the seats to optimize space for plants!).
Also hastas. Every couple of years you can split them so free plants! They are easy to split and are super hardy. They are no maintenance!
I hope your afters include photos from this month (or so) so we can see it looking more lush. 🙂
We use Tide because Jeremy likes the smell 🙂
xo – kb
We actually weren’t the brain power behind that. The square drain had two in tubes and one out tube hole…so our neighbor and Jeremy slid the big long tube over the top lip of the out tube hole – and then it worked 🙂 The dirt really holds it all in place 🙂
xo – kb
So ridiculously off topic but did you ever do a post about your experiences with cloth diapers? I know YHL did one, but I dont read there blog as I dont “relate” to them (please, nobody take offence to that, I think they are very ncie and seriosuly talented, I just prefer other blogs) and I would love to hear your experiences.. will you use with baby number 2, did you use a diaper sprayer or how did you get rid of #2.. and did you use special detergent?? 🙂
A made up word 🙂
Like mimic. except in katie-language.
xo – kb
haha…I work hard but smart 🙂 I don’t need to get my feet dirty if I get my hands in the mud 🙂
xo – kb
They are from NY & Company and I didn’t do the muddy stuff – I did the rocks in the drainage ditch 🙂
xo – kb
I did a little post on how we cleaned ours – we didn’t follow the rules. don’t judge us 🙂
I think if you type in “cloth diapers” into our search bar, it’ll show you the post!
xo – kb
I will definitely post an update when things get growing! They are still in winter mode right now 🙂
xo – kb
I think it’s different in different places – but as far as I know in ours, the fire hydrant is painted a certain color to indicate how much water (or water pressure?) is available at that particular port…so painting is not an option for us. Good thing it’s not a super crazy color like orange, right?!
xo – kb
I love that you dont follow the rules!!!! Thats why I love your blog, and certainly why I can relate! Esp. when it comes to the not using organic things… My friends all hoped on that trend, but I figure… Our parents fed us regular food and used regular detergent with us… and we’re normal, right?!?!?! 🙂
Katie, have you ever tried making your own laundry detergent? I love the smell of Tide as well, but the cost was adding up so I switched to making my own and I love it! Here’s the super easy recipe in case you want to try it!
1 cup Borax
1 cup Arm and Hammer Washing Soda (you will find this near the Borax in the laundry aisle)
1 cup Baking Soda
1 bar of soap, finely grated (I use Yardley’s Pomegranate Rose, but any brand/scent you like will do) (I use a cheese grater to finely shred the soap)
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and transfer to a sealed container (I use a glass mason jar and this recipe will fill the whole jar) (you could use a large ziploc bag as well)
Use 1-2 Tablespoons per load depending on how dirty the clothes are.
**I have an HE front loading machine and a septic system and it is SAFE for both.**
Here are my favorite perennials and shrubs. I think they will do well in the south. I love perennial as you plant them once and pay for them once. Then you just enjoy year after year. Here goes:
Blue Spirea
Ornamental grasses that grow tall and wide
HOSTAS are a must…..the giant ones. you can’t kill them
Cimosifia (SPELLING?)
Balloon flowers
Painted daisies
Huekera (sp?) Hoo-kera
Sweet William
Jack in the Pulpit
Just a few suggestions.
Katie, I love these photos of your men! So cute! On a completely other note, I just saw this bacon jam article and thought of you: http://www.washingtonian.com/blogs/bestbites/from-the-magazine/bring-home-the-bacon.php CRAZY!
Where did you get those darling shoes…I am so totally in love. With them AND Will 🙂
I love it! I just hit up Growers Outlet yesterday….and what did I come home with? Loropetalum! This is my first time planting it, and I’m hoping I get the spacing right in my new beds! Gardening scares me a little….:D
Gotta be the hydrangeas. I love them in every color, especially the white lacecaps. I am so glad that you mentioned Growers Outlet. My family and I have been shopping there for years even though we live on the south side of Atlanta.
Love the scissors thing too! They gotta learn sometime!
will’s hair is so adorable…keep that child’s hair long!!
Hi Katie,
I am a new fan because of YHL, you are a hoot. We havent heard from you in several days so I hope everything is okay with you all.
Mary Ellen
I, too, have the knock rose and loropetalum combo (here in Texas) and ligustrums, too. One plant I really like with the loropetalum is a kaleidoscope abelia, it is kinda golden right now which looks great with the loropetalum being purple/pink now. It will be a brighter green in the summer with the loropetalum will be darker. They compliment/contrast each other nicely. I love the roses for bud vases all over the house. Fun!
NY & CO! Aren’t they cute?! I got em for really cheap last summer at the end of their season 🙂
xo – kb
Thanks! I’m not there yet – only because I feel pushed for time as it is…so making detergent sounds awesome but something that takes up more time. Does it take you long?
xo – kb
Honestly, it takes only a few minutes to mix together. I usually grate the bar of soap while watching TV, but you could probably stick it in a food processor? It saves me a lot of money since I do a ton of laundry every day and so it’s worth it. 🙂
hmm…interesting. I’ll usually up for trying anything once so I’ll have to give it a whirl 🙂
xo – kb
I’m planning out my garden for this year: http://dirtymessyhouse.blogspot.com/2012/03/garden-dreaming.html.
I’m so incredibly jealous of your house and yard! I have like, a 3 x 9 foot long garden area. Haha. I can’t wait to see how it looks this year! Have fun in FL!
That is, I can’t wait to see how it [YOURS] looks this year. Oh typing.
Your little guy is super cute!
It’s looking great! Will’s adorable.
Hey, so I was wondering what methods you used to get those stains out?! Dirt and grass have been a little too familiar lately, and I think I would be more accepting of it if I could preserve the clothing, haha.