Disclaimer : This is a sponsored giveaway post brought to you by Legacybox. All opinions are 100% my own.
Jeremy forced me. This is a sponsored post that I was oh-so-against at first. It was like…dude, do we really need THIS? I mean…really?
Now I am eating my words. You’ll see why by the end of this post. I promise you. And then you will want to run immediately into your closet, don a 50’s style dress and headscarf and go to the lake. Even you men. Trust me.
So here is what happened. Legacybox contacted us and asked us to tell all our virtual friends about their company located in Jeremy’s hometown of Chattanooga Tennessee. With technology constantly changing, our VHS tapes, our Super 8 film and even our mini discs are all outdated and we can’t even access those memories any more because dude, who has a VCR any more?! Maybe Betty White? No. She’s definitely more hip than that. So Legacybox can take those outdated formats and turn them in digital GOLD. Here’s how it works.
You get an empty box from Legacybox.
You gather up all your outdated memories. I know my parents need to do this asap. I swear there are a thousand hours of Katie-as-a-child-classics stuck on VHS.
Since this was Jeremy’s idea, he was the one that sent in his films (imagine him lip-syncing to Christian rap as a teenager shirtless in his dad’s blazer and his mom’s beaded necklace with one giant clip on earring. I may have snorted a chicken nugget while watching it.) He also sent in his dad’s reels. They are from the 50’s and I was so intrigued.
Before you pack them up, they have to get labeled. Inside the original box is a barcode form with all these easy to apply stickers. One sticker goes on each item.
Then you pack everything in these small boxes that go into the bigger LegacyBox. Everything is included in this kit…so it’s REALLY simple.
You slap the pre-paid label on the box and drop it off at your local and you are good to go. (Don’t worry! Their kit includes a guide, round-trip shipping, a crush-proof box and personal concierge so you can check on your package at any time!)
In a couple weeks, you get your originals AND digital files and DVD’s of your originals. That means you can upload, play, and enjoy to your little hearts content.
I know you are DYING to know what was on those reels, weren’t you?! Okay. So I gotta admit. I made a video of the clips….two hours condensed down to seven minutes. And I cried. Several times. And I feel like RIDICULOUSLY kindred to Jeremy’s grandparents who were the cinematographers behind the films because I take pictures of EXACTLY the same things….decades apart from one another but we share the same heartbeat. It makes me proud to be part of this family. Also…the boy that looks like Weston? That’s Jeremy’s dad. And the little girl that sort of looks like LJ? That’s Jeremy’s aunt. And the boat? Jeremy’s grandpa built that. Yeah. Awesome.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I do….
And now for the very best part. Legacybox wants you to be able to get more of your memories back….they want to give the first 25 people a 40% off code on their Legacybox. Use the code: POWER at checkout to receive 40% off! CLICK HERE.
wait for it….
We have a giveaway. Dude. Was Jeremy right or was he right?!
- PRIZE: (1) $200 Target giftcard
- TO ENTER : Click here to visit Legacybox. Then join the mailing list (don’t worry…they aren’t annoying!) and then come back here to leave a comment telling us what your favorite childhood memory is that you would love to preserve digitally.
- PRIZE SHIPS : Continental U.S.
- NITTY GRITTY : This giveaway closes on Friday, October 9th at 11:59pm EDT. Only one contest entry per email address. The winner will be chosen using Random.org and will be announced in an update to this post the following Friday morning. We will email the winner directly, so please make sure you use your regularly checked email address.
I’d love to preserve dance recital videos 🙂
This is awesome! I would love to have all of our Christmas mornings digitally. Also, my dad has a lot of his high school football games on film and I would love to have those digitally as well.
I would love to preserve my husband’s and his 6 siblings’ old home movies digitally! They are so hilarious!
I was SO excited to see this post! Honestly, what I would be most excited to preserve is my wedding video, which is on VHS and has not yet been converted since our 2000 wedding. I would love for our sons to see it, but we have no way of watching it right now. This comes at the perfect time. Thank you, Katie!!
You mean we can bridge our non-digital world with our now digital world? I’m all about that!
Favorite childhood memory is ice skating on a frozen pond with my family 🙂
Thanks, Jeremy! I think you just did my Christmas shopping for me.
It’s not a favorite memory, but my dad took a video of me singing to my reflection in our oven door when I was 5 or 6. My husband is dying to see it, but no one has a VCR anymore! We also have a “War Movie” that my oldest brother “directed” when we were 3, 5, and 9 that’s pretty hilarious. 🙂
My parents have a tape of home movies which involves my goldfish funeral, a play put on by my siblings and me about an “Evil Santa” and my mom narrating my brothers bathtime in which he threatens us with a knife. Sounds dark and twisted, but they’re actually loving memories of my quirky family 🙂
Also, my favorite childhood memory would be my first time on stage as a kindergartner in the talent show. I’ve been in love with the stage ever since!
The day my baby brother came home from the hospital to his four older sisters amidst choruses of “She’s a boy!”
I would love to see my gramma and all her sisters and brother goof off. They are hilarious now, I’d love to see them as children!
I would love to save the baby videos of my brother and I! I just live seeing my parents and grandparents in those!
What a cool company! I wish I had videos of my aunt Vickie! I miss her.
I think this idea is great! My uncle was recently doing this all himself, video by video. It took him forever, I wish I had known about this for him. That video was adorable! I always wonder what and how my random recordings of my kids will be enjoyed later. Will it be weird that I recorded them talking about their dream? Or just them playing? But I see there is such beauty in the simple and everyday. Also, rapping shirtless with a blazer on? Was that even a thing?
I would love to have the 8mm film of me and my sisters riding horses. we loved our horses!!
I used to make Winter Wonderland videos whenever we would get a big snow – think Vanna White hosting an outdoor special.
My favorite memory isn’t about my childhood. I plan on converting our VHS tapes for my kids. Myhusband died when they were young, and I know that they would love to have these memories to look back on!
Joined the mailing list! Some of my favorite memories are the neighborhood talent shows in our backyard. Families, food, a show, and lots of embarrassment.
Favorite Childhood Memory – jumping on the trampoline with my siblings and playing “office”
Christmas mornings with my family were always recorded and I would love to have those in a format that we could actually see now!
Beach vacations and holidays.
Childhood memory…all those Christmas mornings when dad filmed us sitting on the stairs, waiting to come down and open presents!
Signed up! I would just want to preserve all those hours of video my dad took of me and my sister as little girls – and the unwrapping of every single Christmas gift each Christmas morning! 🙂
My sister and I had a fake news TV show when we were growing up with our two best friends. We called it “Between the Hour News”. It’d be great to have those in a digital format and put all of them together!
would love to preserve videos of me and my sister growing up… they are truly priceless!
I have been looking for something like this!! I am so glad you posted! We used to have one of those big old video cameras back in the 90s and my brothers and I would put together the craziest videos. We put together a special tape for my grandparents that we found still with their things after they both passed away, so I’ve been wanting to get it on a DVD so we can all watch again. This is perfect!
That video gave me all the feels!!
My favorite childhood memory, oh boy… Picture cute little six-year old me, with big cheeks (face not booty, although I have that too!) wearing a white cowboy hat with matching white boots, western shirt complete with the bolo tie and a jean skirt, line dancing and singing to Achy Breaky Heart while prepping for my first ever concert of Billy Ray Cyrus! Oh and I also had major nasal issues when I was little so imagine a little voice trying to sing with their nose squeezed shut. Yep. That’s me. *insert embarrassed face emoji here*
This is such a GREAT idea! My husband has VHS tapes from his high school basketball games that I have always wanted to get converted for him even onto DVDs! Loved the Old home movie 🙂
My mom has every Christmas morning on VHS, and I would LOVE to have them all on dvd to save and treasure and show my own babies! This is the neatest gift idea. I think I’ll surprise my mom and do this for her for Christmas!
I would love to be able to see some of my old recitals that my parents taped… and I know that my sister and I got behind the camera and ‘produced’ our own home movies as well!
I would love to have all of my high school dance team and theater performances preserved digitally.
My favorite childhood memory was Christmas 1986. My whole: family, grandparents, aunts, uncles ect. all rented a huge house in Keystone CO. We had so much fun playing board games, telling stories, dancing by the fire ect and we all laughed the entire time. That Christmas I received my first Cabbage Patch, my sister got a Popple but we all made so many special memories. I have watched the old VHS tape (because I do still own 1 VCR) countless times, still feel all warm and tingly watching it.
PS I still sleep with the Cabbage Patch each night, and my sister still owns that Popple!
Turning old family VHS tapes into DVDS make great Christmas gifts! 😉
Wow…. There is no denying that Weston is a Bower. I saw the little boy and said yup.. It was harder to spot the little girl but I did see a slight LJ resemblance.
This is so amazing to be able to see such old videos and enjoy them in good quality. I enjoyed seeing how fashion has evolved and come back
Memories! So good. My favorite is an old Super8 reel of myself and my sister having a leaf fight. . . but we always played it backwards so it looks like we were magically sucking the leaves off the ground into our arms.
So much fun!
I would love to digitally preserve a video of my family playing in my grandparents garden!
It would be so nice to have all of my old family vhs tapes digitally! I’m thinking of embarassing my siblings with old gymnastics and swim meet videos.
Summers spent at the beach with all 8 of my cousins! This is such a cool idea!
Oh I love LOVE this! My parents were just telling me how they need to transfer all their home movies over to some other form of digital file. And my favorite childhood memory was making our dad set up the camcorder to record all my siblings and I act out an episode of Tool Time. There were four of us so we covered all characters, Heidi, Al, Tim and even the Binford boss. Oh memories.
I had very little time with my mother and older brother and my old VHS tapes document our family of four. I would love to have them in DVD format!
not my memory per say…its a story I’ve heard my husband tell many times. As he was a youngster on vacation, his mom was recording a “special moment” of sorts, and in his natural being, he was being a pest/not cooperating as needed. So in the moment his mothers yells to him “god d#mnnit hunter! stop (whatever he was doing)!!” and my husband yells back “YOU SWORE!! ……..ON VIDEO!!!”
Wow! That video was awesome! I would love to preserve a lot of our Christmas and birthday videos.
Oh, Katie, I totally cried watching that video! Such great memories for Jeremy’s dad! I just love seeing old home movies. I think Christmas memories are my favorite to preserve. There’s nothing like waking up on Christmas morning and seeing excited faces smiling with joy!
Would love to be able to preserve all of the videos my parents took of me riding. They are all on those little tapes that you put into the recorder and then to play on tv you had to put it into the vhs tape. Remember those?! Gah, can you remember the days when video recorders were big and people carried them on their shoulder and looked through the eye piece. Memories, memories. LOL
Christmas when we were all little!
Id love to have the videos of my cousins and I in the creek every summer!
My husband has some old rodeo films that I would LOVE to see!
I’d love to preserve all of my old childhood videos on VHS but one in particular – the last ballet recital that my dad attended for me before he passed unexpectedly. It was over 20 years ago so the memory is getting fuzzy 🙁
OMG!!! Weston is the spitting image of Jeremy’s Dad!!! How wonderful that you now have these old memories to enjoy 🙂
Yep! Jeremy was right! What an amazing gift to share these memories again. Thanks for sharing!
I would love to have my old recitals and dad’s pictures from when he was little in a way we could enjoy, rather than packed away in a box.
My brother and I are very close and there are a TON of videos of us as kids. I would love to be able to convert those and give him a set!
This is super cool! I know my husband would love this – his grandparents both died before he was born, but he has some of their photos and videotapes and I know we’d love to preserve them. Here’s hoping! (Also the Target GC would be bada$$ – I love Tar-jay!!)
I grew up on a farm so it has to be the everyday things like milking cows and seasonal things like filling a silo. Most of my family has no understanding of that life.
I’d love to preserve all our memories at the lake and at my grandparents farm.
As a kid, every Christmas meant sliding down the stairs at my aunt and uncle’s house with my cousins–on our bums of course. It was so much fun, caused so many giggles, and I’m positive the video my aunt took of us would make us laugh even harder as adults.
My Pap used to video all of us grandchildren all the time. He has since passed and my Grandma has been saying for years that she wants to transfer all his old tapes to DVD for us kids to have. I would love to preserve his legacy and be able to do this for her.
When I was 11 or so, our dog had puppies. We have so many videos of my sisters and me helping take care of them – and then we got to keep one! I’d love to preserve those memories.
I would love to preserve our family’s trip to Disney World when I was young. It was such a memorable trip!
My favorite memories are camping with my family, playing and running around with all my cousins as a kid.
When I built a blanket fort, and felt the need to explain every last detail of it to my parents. Incorporated the lamp —which of course is the sun. Then I proceed to touch the sun, dying instantly of course.
I have some mini CD’s of our first born’s bottle, oatmeal, bath, Christmas, etc. that I NEED to have transferred over!
A few years ago we were able to watch VHS tapes of my Grandparents 50th wedding anniversary surprise party. They had a camera and mic set up in the middle of the room, so that people could go by and say something, but it also sat recording the entire time so that you could hear conversations going on.
We keep fast forwarding and stopping the tape as people come up and talk to my grandparents. My Great Aunt (sister to my grandmother) is sitting watching the video with us. Quickly my Great Aunts face passes by, and we rewind to go and look. She’d snuck up to the camera with the most ridiculous face, laughing at her self, and then doing another face at the camera. Best. Face.Ever. Had us all rolling, including her. She just shrugged and laughed.
Whoa, first comment?? Lucky me!
My parents were not particularly good historians so we don’t have much in the way of video footage. But my grandma was amazing at it and we have hundreds of slides that would be so great to have on disc rather than in shoeboxes. I mean. My dad had a pony. And it’s captured on a slide. I can’t figure out why it hasn’t been made into wallpaper yet…
My grandpa was a huge Husker fan. At one point you could pay for a brick with your name on it and that brick would be in Memorial Stadium that the players walk over during the Tunnel Walk. I was at a game with my Grandpa when they announced the brick information and he turned to Grandma and said they should get one. I knew they were too frugal to do it.
My mom and her sisters went together to buy the brick as a Christmas present. The video of Grandpa opening that gift is amazing. He was in his mid 60’s and he reacted like a giddy six year old. I’m tearing up remembering it now.
My favorite moments are the everyday moments of my family just being a family.
I would love to have every Christmas picture together in one place.
I’d love to have pictures of my Dad preserved digitally. He’s no longer with us and he passed before their were digital cameras.
I know my parents have on VHS a time with me crawling on a blanket when I first started crawling and my Mom trying to get grass our of my mouth when I crawled over and ate it. Then everyone laughed.
I would really love to preserve my memories of growing up on the beach in a small town long before condos and high speed highways took over!
My uncles wrote funny little sketches and had the nieces and nephews act in them. Inside family jokes, just being plain silly, and lots of wonderful memories. I still have a working VCR, but I’ve been wanting to digitize these gems for years.
I got chills! You can feel the love and warmth the Bower family has. Good job putting that together! And good call on Legacybox, Jeremy!
This is such a great idea. My parents never did videos, but I’d love to preserve a bunch of videos that my grandparents took of my parents and their siblings.
id love to preserve memories from my husbands childhood! There’s an old VHS from Christmas morning that is so sweet. It’s special because the whole family is there.
My favorite childhood memory is going to visit the Rocking Horse Dude Ranch with my family — it was hands down the most amazing/fun/entertaining/memorable vacation we took as a growing family!
So. There might be film that my grandmother once found epic to pull out and show EVERYONE. I as a child found it terribly embarrassing. Now, as an adult who embraces my awkwardness, I would love to see this video again.
It could be film of me trying to pee on a tree. In a park. However, I had no idea how to do so. I had only seen boys do it. So I am standing by this tree trying to arc my back…. yeah. You get the point… :$
Our family always watched “Christmas 1987” every Christmas! It was my youngest brother’s first Christmas and all of my siblings and I just love seeing our parents and little versions of ourselves!
My favorite memory that I would like to preserve is some videos of our Christmas’ growing up in Texas and I would have to easier access to those old home movies.
Somewhere there are videos of me, my sister, and cousin putting on dance shows in the basement. I would love to see those again!
A video of me and my sister hobbling around as little tots collecting eggs at Easter!
Oh! This would mean everything to me. My aunt has videos of my Dad who passed away when I was 5 on VHS. We got together to watch them a few years ago and it was the first time I had heard his voice. It was very emotional, but I didn’t get to spend the time I would have liked watching him because there were other people around and the sound wasn’t great.. There are videos of me with him that I’d like to be able to have a copy of. I’ve asked my aunt to get these tapes converted to DVD so we can share more easily but she hasn’t been able to do it/afford it. Sending her this box would make all the difference. My fingers are crossed so tight that I win this one!!
My mom videotaped every Christmas morning while I was growing up, as well as every embarrassing school recital. I think my favorite moment is when I was playing little league and when I say playing I mean twirling in the outfield picking flowers. This would be awesome for my mom!
Holy cow…Jeremy’s dad really DOES look like Weston! I’ve seen the resemblance from seeing pictures of his dad, but seeing him as a kid…wow! Aren’t genetics fascinating?! Loved the video you made, I’m going out to look for old 50’s attire asap.
I’d like to preserve trips to my grandparents’ house–swimming, playing cards, and riding in my grandfather’s Model A Ford!
I would love to be able to see past Christmases with all the family that’s no longer here.
My favorite childhood memory is going camping with my family every summer. We’d save our money up all year in order to ride the horses there!
This would be great for my parents… thank God they still have a VHS player for now to play our old home movies, but as soon as that dies, we’ll need to have digital copies! I would love to see the videos of my long lost birthday parties..
this is the best idea ever! i would love to use this to preserve the video of my brother dancing in his underwear to elvis 😀
At my first dance recital at age 4, I spent the whole time not dancing, and instead using my hands as binoculars the whole time. It’s been a favorite family story ever since. As embarrassing as it (still) may be, I think it would be fun to be able to watch again!
Over the summer my great aunt brought out LOTS of slides from the 50s/60s of my dad and family. I would love for these to be preserved digitally for easy viewing although I have to admit it was pretty cool to see baby photos of my in color for the first time on a slide viewer! 😉
One of my favorite childhood memories is getting a red tricycle for my 5th birthday present. I can picture my dad walking up the sidewalk carrying it and the thrill of knowing that it was for ME!
Okay- this is the most awesome thing you have ever posted! I cried. Also, wow Weston is represented well!
We have hundreds of old 8mils that my grandpa took in the 50s and 60s and now I have a great gift for ,y family!!!
My favorite childhood memory was our road trip to Yellowstone National Park. I wonder if my folks gave any tapes sitting around with footage on it!
I would love to take my parents old slides and convert them into photos!
So sweet. Thanks for sharing, Katie!
That video was priceless – what a wonderful service for preserving memories. My Dad used to record our Christmas morning – 4 daughters and Mom all opening presents and having breakfast. But my favorite was Easter – he got some great videos of us hunting for Easter eggs in the snow!
I’d love to preserve memories of my grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary party, where the whole extended family came from all over the world and literally camped out in their yard for a weekend.
Love this idea! My favorite memories are early birthdays that we recorded but didnt photograph. I’d love to convert them to DVDs!
I signed up!
My favorite childhood memory may be the middle school lip sync. My friend and I thought we were AWESOME. Not so much…
When I was three my brother and I got Michael Jackson jackets for our birthdays, and there is an old home video of us opening them where you can read my lips (no sound) saying “OH MY GOSH, a Michael Jackson jacket!” I would love to preserve that!
What a cool way to save all our old memories. I need to dust of my old dance recital VHS’s!
I inherited several envelopes of negatives from my grandmother. I would love to get those developed!
What a brilliant business! About every winter my family busts out all of our old Christmas videos and we huddle around an old 12-inch/VCR combo to watch our younger selves. This would be a great surprise for the entire family!
Growing up my siblings and I spent the weekends with our dad on a horse farm. I would love to be able to preserve my memories of the hay lofts. We’d play in them while our dad stacked hay or threw bales down for the horses.
My aunt and uncle were the first in our family to purchase a video camera and they video’d so many of our family’s moments. I’d love to see those now!
Dancing in the basement with my sisters – super embarassing but awesome!
that was beautiful….boy did Weston look like his grandad!
Hi Katie! I would love to convert all the Beta and VHS tapes that captured my childhood to DVD. My favorite childhood memory is the Christmas my parents got me a pink Power Wheels Barbie Corvette. It was amazing! It only went like 5 mph but I didn’t care. Love your blog, keep up the great work!
legacy box link not working – want to make sure you get credit:-)
I’d actually like to help my 87 and 92 year old grandparents preserve their memories! I LOVED watching their old home movies as a kid, and would love for my children to be able to see these movies as well!
This is so amazing!! Thanks for sharing these precious memories. My parents were divorced when I was just 6, so I’d love to preserve the memories of when my parents were together. I don’t remember that time of my life at all. Thanks for the chance to win!!
Favorite childhood memory: Telling ‘monkey’ jokes! I was 2.5, I only remembered the punch line!
Christmas mornings!
My favorite childhood memory is swimming in our pool with my sister. I am sure my parents have hours of tape of us in the pool pretending to be mermaids!
Wow, what a great service! One memory I’d love to have forever is time spent at my grandma’s cottage during summers in Michigan. There is no sound but to be able to preserve those memories would be amazing. Thank you!
I’d love to preserve anything with my grandma 🙂
Great post! My grandparents lived next door to us growing up. My mom mom transformed her house into a Christmas wonderland every winter. She was amazing, so any of my photos of myself as a child with her are ones that I will forever cherish as she passed away 6 years ago. ❤️
My parents have a video of me as a 2 year old with a bunny rabbit Easter cake smeared all over me. I claimed it “hopped into my mouth.”
AHHHH, I love this!!! I don’t know these people and I want to cry!!
Holidays with my grandparents and great-grandparents. My grandmother dancing at my first wedding, man did she put on a show!
To be honest I’m not even sure how many video’s my parents have of me. I remember my dad had this old recorder that took those small tapes, but my mom said it was broken for most of my life & I’ve never been able to see what is on the ones they were possibly able to record. Thank goodness my mom took tons of pictures so at least I have those, but I would love to know if there is anything good on those tapes my parents have.
I would love to get my wedding photos on a disk.
I would love to preserve my childhood memories of 4th of July, watermelons, and grandma’s house:)
I’ve been wanting to try Legacybox for a while now, thanks for the great post!
What a lovely legacy to have. Did you know before seeing this footage that Weston was so much like his grandfather in looks? Makes even more sense now why Weston is so like Jeremy
Thank you so much for doing this sponsored post! I have been needing to convert my father in law’s 8mm reels as a Christmas present, and this just made it so affordable! I ordered a Family box already 🙂
As to the contest- I’m on the mailing list! And my favorite childhood memory I would like to digitize is the videos from my 4-H contests 🙂
I need to forward this to my dad! He videotaped my childhood essentially, but we’ve never watched any of it. I remember him filming my first perm. Which is so necessary.
I would love to be able to watch a prank my dad played on me in 2nd grade. Back then he was friends with William “The Refrigerator” Perry (former NFL player). My dad had him come into my 2nd grade classroom and announce he was looking for Brooke. I had no idea who this giant man was and was terrified that he was looking for me. I imagine the look on my face would have been a good one to get on film. 😀
I would love our Christmas memories all in one place!!!
My 3 sisters and myself all stuffing our shirts (really our dads t-shirts) with pillows and running full force into each other and only to bounce off. 🙂 Good times!
Such a great company. I have a bunch of audio cassettes of my grandpa and 4 year old me making up songs (some about Care Bears!). Would love to have those transferred digitally.
So fantastic!!! And I noticed that boy that looked like Weston too before I read your text. Such a gift Katie. Enjoy!
Somehow my parents’ families totally missed the home video trend, so all I have are videos of my childhood dance recitals and high school musicals. But who wouldn’t want to watch those on repeat?
Easter egg hunts 🙂
I would want to preserve all of our family birthday parties when I was younger. Our whole family always came to our parties and it was so cool to see everyone and I cherish the videos that my dad always took!
I would love to have old family videos transferred!
Wow I am the first to leave a comment…I have done Legacy Box and really liked them. Still have more 8mm reels and photos. Anyhow… our parents didn’t really take us on vacations but we did lots of home movies for Christmas and those are probably my favorite.
My dad filmed my three sisters and I all taking our driver’s tests! I would love to see that as well as all the holidays with relatives who are no longer with us! Thanks for the discount!!
There are so many memories from my childhood that I would love to preserve digitally! My brother and I are very blessed to have been raised by awesome parents and extended family. There are so many special treasures that were captured on old film, pictures, and VHS tapes. It would be great to have them compiled onto DVDs to be able to share and watch together! …and it would be SO GREAT to be able to see departed loved ones again, like my grandparents, (who passed away when I was young) on DVD. I would watch those over and over again!!!
(Thank you!)
I’d love to preserve my childhood summer camp memories!
Would love to preserve my grandpop’s old Fighter pilot videos,,, he took a camera up in the cockpit and has incredible footage that he converted to VHS but needs to be converted again!
Such a precious video! My parents have hours upon hours of old VHS tapes of us at dance recitals, holidays, birthdays, etc. There’s one I like to watch around the holidays of my two brothers and I hysterically fighting over who gets to read the night before Christmas. It cuts with my mom sending us all to our rooms and then re-opens with us all sitting before the fireplace smiling angelically. God bless my mother.
I would love to save the monthly videos we took of my sons during their first year of life. They have grown so quickly and I love that we took a couple minutes of video each month. Time goes by so fast! I miss my babies 🙂
Enjoy this time with yours!!!! 🙂
What a beautiful video. How wonderful to have all that footage!!
Such a neat company and idea! Favorite memory– my greatgrandma reading her Bible late into the night. I named my daughter after her 110 or so years after she was born… I hope my nanny is on a lost video somewhere.
Katie!! That was brilliant!! Jeremy was right. His family will be so pleased too. I don’t even know these people, in reality anyway, and the film brought a tear to my eye. Doesn’t Jer’s Dad look like Weston!! Crazy awesome. The music as well, seriously you have some hidden talents !! Thank you for sharing, this was really great. Now, I need to find the sister company that do this in Australia!!
My husband has some great old films that have wonderful grandparent and family vacation footage that I would love to get done for him. This is a great idea!
My favorite childhood memory were the summers at my house on the Jersey Shore. My house had a deck and all summer long my parents would throw bbq’s and all of their friends and their kids would come and it was just a magical time. All the kids playing tag in the yard while the sound of Van Morrison played in the background. I wish I could go back 🙂
Would love to gift this to my parents for Christmas, awesome company!
Sledding down the hill at MCYC at winter camp!
My favorite childhood memory I wish was preserved: spending a day at Disneyland after my parents saved a whole year for us to be able to go.:)
I really liked your video clip and was wondering the names of the songs you used on the video? The music fit really well! Thanks for sharing!
I would love to have the video of my grandfather and I at the park. I was a little girl of about 6 years old and he was…well, old. It was the last time I saw him before he passed.
Summer vacations in the Sierra’s
My favorite memories are the summers we spent with my grandparents:
Oh man. You have NO IDEA how excited I am right now about the discount code. I have a huge box full of old family movies, and unfortunately it’s all I have left of my parents. I am the oldest of five, four girls and a boy. On July 10th last year my brother killed our dad, and then our mom took her own life in September 10th, two months later. So I literally cannot tell you what it means to me that we willbe able to see them soon, even if it’s just on silly old home movies. I borrowed a vhs/dvr converter from a friend but it didn’t work, and a lot of the companies that do that are really expensive. This discount code is perfect timing and I know that my three sisters will be so excited too! Glad you listened to your husband on this one.
We just digitized all of my husband’s childhood gymnastics competitions. Those were actually lots of fun to go back and watch!
Also, do you know how many DVD copies you get back with your order? I’m assuming it’s one copy because there was no answer on their FAQ page.
I have never once commented on this blog. But this.. this was heart wrenching … I obviously don’t know anyone in the clip but I felt like crying. HOW AWESOME that ya’ll were able to have this. LOVE.
I would love to preserve a video that my mom took of me gettin’ down to “Rock Steady” by the Whispers when I was a toddler. To this day, I absolutely love that song! <3
My favorite childhood memory would probably be Christmas when me and all my siblings were young, and lover nothing more than being with and playing with each other.
I don’t really have a favorite childhood memory, but I would love to see what is on the old video reels that my grandparents took.
We are secretly doing this for my mom for Christmas. I just sent our box the other day. You have made me even more excited to get it back!! I also love target, so yay!
And I sent some awesome Halloween pics in to be made digital. Score!
This is seriously an awesome concept, thank you for recommending this service! I don’t have any specific childhood memories that I want to preserve (I have zero video of myself prior to high school graduation). But I would love to preserve photos of loved ones who have passed away. I would also love this for all of the videos we have of our boys 🙂
There’s a video of my mom and her best friend with their 2 year olds (me). It’s the only video we have, as most people didn’t have video cameras in the former USSR.
Such a fantastic idea!!!! One of those projects I’d never know how to complete and just wouldn’t get done…till now:)
I’d love to have all our family vacations from Out West captured on film:) Some of my most favorite memories were those spent in the mountains, camping as a child:)
Ok Katie. That video had me a crying mess. I am committing to take more videos of my family right now! As for a childhood memory out there on video…I am pretty sure I am giving an acceptance speech to a future Academy Award that my daughters would just LOVE to get there hands on!
Not a childhood memory, but I have two VHS tapes of my wedding, which was 26 years ago in November. It would be nice to watch it again! Thank you!
I’d love to see just some everyday stuff that happened as a child – dinner, sibling play time, etc
I’d love to see my brothers and I in one of our huge whiffle ball games!
We don’t have much on tape, but I WISH I could watch any snip-its from camping trips with my dad – some of my favorite memories.
My sister’s and I used to film music videos complete with dubbed music. I would love to have a copy to show my kids!
Those videos from Jeremy’s family are amazing! I am forwarding this post to my aunt who is the family archivist. She is a geneology wizard and would likely love this service. I would like to get my 16th birthday celebration off of VHS. It was a surprise all day and night affair. All my best friends for breakfast, swimming, ice cream, a fake police officer giving me a ticket (actually 3 tickets to see Poison!) and ice skating. It was a great day and I want to do the same for my kids.
I would love to see what is on my grandparents old video tapes! Preserve a little family history and look back to a “simpler” life.
Honestly..any memory on film! My parents took lots of pictures, but I wish we had some videos! My older brother passed away while I was in my young teens and my younger brother was tiny. I wish we had something to watch and remember.
My favorite memories are making up news shows with my Sister…”this is kelly reporting live from texas”
There is a video of me and my brother playing on a stage at the state farm show when we were just small. A stranger filmed it and we were lucky enough to get a copy, which 30 years ago was a miracle. It’s the only video of us as kids so I’d love to keep it around forever in a way we can watch it.
I would preserve memories of going to the beach as a kid!
I’m intrigued by this company! My family has old super 8’s, vhs tapes, those little tapes from the 90’s all with solid gold memories on them (like me and my high school girlfriends making our own Scream video! Lol).
I would love to preserve memories with my grandparents, who are no longer with us. This seems like a fantastic service!
I have been wanting to do this for so long. I have so many tapes of my girls when they were little. My youngest is 17. I think it is time I start transferring the movies over. 😉
I’d love to have all our home videos of visiting my Grandparents in California when I was kid. Such special memories that are all on VHS!
My favorite childhood memory are my Dad’s stories. Unfortunately technology wasn’t as easily available today and it is my one true lasting regret that we didn’t get them on film.
I’d love to preserve all my old dance videos. I have a feeling my three girls will love them when they get older!
I want to digitize my dad’s voice. He died a few years ago and I found myself watching old VHS tapes to hear him again…. and now I’m crying. But I don’t want those VHS tapes to disappear into the old media abyss.
I would love to preserve the videos we have of my brother and I playing baseball!
Growing up, I loved playing in the backyard with my family. I know there is an old, old home movie out there of my dad pulling us around in a classic Radio Flyer wagon and he kept going faster and faster until he took a sharp turn and accidentally dumped us all out. Much crying ensued. I would LOVE to see that again.
I would love to be able to preserve all my grandmother’s film, I’m so worried something will happen to it before I can get it backed up properly. This service seems perfect for that! Tell your boyfriend good job!!
I would love to see my relatives you no longer with us come to life in “video form.”
My favorite memory is family camping trips. I would love to preserve old videos from my grandma’s house so I can share videos with my cousins/nephews/my husband and kids…since they didn’t get to meet my grandpa I would love for them to see what he was like.
Oh…my favourite childhood memory would have to be all of our summer campaign trips. Seeing friends and spending time with family playing for hours at the beach seemed like heaven as a child. I still talk about it now like it was the best time of my life (cause actually it was, haha)
Oh…my favourite childhood memory would have to be all of our summer camping trips. Seeing friends and spending time with family playing for hours at the beach seemed like heaven as a child. I still talk about it now like it was the best time of my life (cause actually it was, haha)
My parents have an old home video where you can see my youngest brother getting his head stuck between the banisters on the stairs while my dad is trying to get my sister to talk to the camera! I have no idea what format it was taken in, but I’d love for them to be able to preserve that memory digitally!
That is so amazing. I loved watching the video. So many memories!
This is amazing! My sisters and I are definitely signing up for this service to surprise my parents for Christmas. We have so many memories on VHS tapes, but if I had to choose one, it would be our annual Christmas tree farm adventures.
There’s a clip of me trying to get the dog outside when I was 2. The dog kept coming back inside before I could get the door closed so it was a long anf hilarious process when you hear my comments and my baby southern accent.
Thank you for sharing Katie. I never ever comment but loved the video so much I wanted to tell you. I don’t even know these people and yet I teared up – what an amazing time to have lived and so great that you have a way to share that legacy with your boys!!
Katie what a previous gift! My dad is not doing well healthwise and if I win this, I would use it to gather up all his slides and film of our family and give it to him. I have big ugly years in my eyes thinking about this. Thank you for sharing.
I don’t have any tapes of me as a child but I would love to preserve the ones of my kids when they were young. There is one of them acting like television anchors talking about our upcoming trip to the beach. It is hilarious.
I would like to preserve old black and whites of my grandparents
old videos of my grandparents when I was just a babe 🙂 they aren’t around anymore but this would be a great way for my daughter to learn about her heritage!
Any of our beach vacation with my grandparent’s are my favorite! I would love to be able to watch them again and show my kids what I was like when I was their age 😉
I would like to see the old music performances and all my siblings younger again 😉
I have a steel box in my basement with reels and reels of videos and several boxes of slides. I would love to see my grandfather with me at Swan Lake (Tulsa, OK) together. Best “Pepaw” ever!
I would love to preserve videos of my dads childhood. Both my dad and grandpa have passed away and I miss them dearly.
Oh my goodness… this would be wonderful. I’m one of six kiddos and we have SO many videos, but never watch them because it’s too complicated to hook all the needed machinery up. My favorites are always the ones where nothing is staged, you just get to see a recording of what everyday life was like back then, what the norm was… I could watch for hours!
I don’t really have much in the way of childhood memories (my parents weren’t much for capturing the moment), but I would LOVE to do this for my father-in-law for Christmas. He has so many old photos and VHS tapes of my husband and my late mother-in-law just sitting in a box.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh my goodness..this had me crying!!! I’m going home and looking into this ASAP.
I would preserve as many moments as I could have with my grandmother. She was always hiding from the camera or behind it, and when I lost her at the age of 12 I didn’t have nearly enough photos of her.
I have a very specific memory of my 13th birthday party that is on VHS and I would looooove to see it on digital! I’m going to check with my husband’s mom as well and see if I can get any of their videos!
I would love to watch videos of me and my cousins : ) I love the video you posted and you are right, I see LJ and Weston in there!
Katie, Best. Post. Ever. Thank Jeremy for making you do it! I don’t always enjoy sponsored posts from other bloggers, but you have an inimitable way of making them fun, especially this one. Now I have to find my daughter’s party bounce birthday VHS tape & order my Legacy box.
I love old photos and home videos! My grandmother captured both my brother and myself from the time we were born until long after we started walking and I always loved watching those! Some of my favorite memories were playing with my brother growing up. We played everything from cowboys and indians, to Mary and Joseph (with an old stuffed animal playing the part of Jesus), to special agents. And now that my dad’s parents have passed away, having photos of them playing with us readily available would be such a sweet thing!
we have cassettes of me talking and singing as a toddler, i would love to be able to play them for my son. my husband’s parents are divorced and we have a ton of pictures that need to be digitized for sharing.
I would love to have videos of Christmas with all the family together.
I have all my dance recitals and competitions on vhs tapes – I would LOVE to see them again! Also, my husband has some home movies of his sister who passed away 20 years ago when he was 15 years old. I never met her and he misses her daily. I would love to see what she was like and he would love to hear her voice again.
I would love to preserve all the memories of spending our summers at the lake with my siblings!
My favorite childhood memories are my families week at milepost 9 on the Outer Banks. I now live in the cold northeast and miss those days.
We have an old video of our first family vacation to Disney, from 1986, I used to watch it all the time but unfortunately we no longer have a VCR, I would love to see that video again!
First of all, it is very obvious who Weston takes after!
I have a lot of old VHS tapes that I’d like to digitize……mostly of my nephews just doing kid stuff, but I’ve also ran across some old reel to reels at my grandparents. I’d love to find out what’s on those…..hidden treasures of family history.
I love this idea. Some of my favorite childhood memories are from Christmas morning. My sisters and I would have to wait at the top of the stairs while my dad set up the video camera so he cold capture us coming down the stairs to see what Santa had left for us.
I would love to preserve memories of our family farm. It’s still in the family, but looking back is always a good reminder of why we love what we do with our entire family.
I would love to see videos of my brother and I when we were little with our first dog who has since but we don’t have anything to watch them so this would be awesome to have them transferred to DVD!!
My husband has videos of when we were teenagers, and we were just talking last night about how we need to figure out a way to go back and watch those. This would be such a great gift for us both!
I would love to preserve memories of my Christmas family get togethers. These are such happy times for all my family and to share with my children would be wonderful.
Ok. I’m totally crying. It’s so amazing to see all the family resemblance. So amazing how that all works!!! I kno my grandfather has old reals as well as my father. So want to do this ! Thanks for sharing.
I would love to preserve the memories of my late grandfather. I miss him so much.
My mother passed away when my daughter was 5, but I was fortunate enough to get some great footage of the two of them together. Unfortunately, they are on those little DVC tapes that need an adapter and VHS player to view. I would love to have these on DVD so that my daughter can watch them…she is 21 now, and has little memory of my mom!
I have a cassette tape of my grandma singing all the songs she sang to all of us (kids, grandkids, great grandkids) and I would like to be able to share it with the family!
My absolute favorite is baking apple pies with my grandmother, would love to have videos of that!
I would love to preserve memories with my grandmother. She was a bright and supportive part of our lives.
It looks like your boys in these movies! I cant get over it
What a wonderful gift idea!
I think my favorite childhood memory is the winter our tiny pool turned green and some frogs thought it was a pond… come spring we had thousands of tiny frogs swimming in it, and we had to wait until they grew up and moved out before we could have our pool back!
I would love to preserve the memories of me and my sister playing and just being kids.
I love this idea! Your video made me cry! I just love watching old videos. I would love to watch videos of me and my sister.
This is so awesome!! Definitely checking out LegacyBox!
And it was so cool to see your boys faces in Jeremy’s family – especially in his dad/Weston! Wow – even seemed like they were similar personalities! 🙂 SO CUTE!
Riding on the lawn mower with my dad…
My grandma has old reels of my dad and aunts at Christmas, and my dad throwing a no-hitter, and my grandpa. My dad and grandpa are gone now, so it would be wonderful to see them again. 🙂
I would love to preserve pictures and film from my childhood which includes my brothers and grandparents who are no longer with us. Thank you for the opportunity!
Wonderful! Time slips away so fast but for a moment it was captured. It was like reliving my past. What a great gift his grandparents have given. Thank you for the memories.
My dad has all sorts of vhs tapes that he was going to burn to dvd until he realized how long it would take and lost interest. It would be great to show my daughter what I was like at her age.
Man, this post made me emotional. Maybe because of the truth in your comment “I take pictures of EXACTLY the same things….decades apart from one another but we share the same heartbeat.” I think that extends to humans and is not just limited to single families.
I don’t know that I can narrow down a single childhood memory as the best, as an adult, one of my favorite things is to reminisce about those memories over holiday meals and it would be a blessing to have those memories digitally preserved. We laugh a lot at the past.
wow- what a wonderful post! 🙂 I just bought a box- it will be the best Christmas present to my mom! now I have to find a way to snoop through her old tapes to find out what to steal. 🙂
I would love to be able to watch old home movies from my childhood Christmases! A few years ago, we lost all of our family photos and home videos (thousands and thousands of pictures and decades of memories) which has been pretty devastating for everyone. I’ve been working to get photos and videos from various family members to try to recapture those old memories. Understandably, everyone wants their original photos and videos returned so I have been trying to digitize them myself, but it is a long and slow-going process.
I have been looking into services that could scan and save the photos, but haven’t found anything as affordable as Legacybox, so thank you thank you thank you for sharing! I LOVE how those old reels from the 50s look – reminds me of the Wonder Years!
I’ve signed up for the email list and can’t wait to get started. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
I love this video! I would love to preserve all the wonderful Christmases I has a child. Just pure joy!
I would love to preserve all my grandmother’s old photos – I ended up with them when she passed. We don’t have family gatherings like we used to. It would be a great opportunity to share these treasures with the entire family.
Easter Egg Hunts! Hotter…Colder…Colder…Hotter…Hotter…Hotter…You’re burning up!
My sister dancing to boot scootin’ boogie in the early 90s!
What I wouldn’t give to watch some of the videos of me and my brother with my grandparents!
I actually do not know if we have any old family movies – but my favorite memories are family vacations, visits to my grandparents, and just hanging in our neighborhood. I do want to share this with my in-laws, I’m pretty sure they do have old movies on VHS! This is so cool!!
This is awesome! I would love to watch all the Christmas videos from when I was little…such good memories!
Family Vacations to the shore and loading up the Vista Cruiser and as the years went on my dad got really good at making sure nothing fell off the roof. I also loved running around outside with my brothers, climbing trees, playing stick ball, volleyball, riding our skateboards, and so much more!
WOW. i have sooooo many tapes of my kids playing sports and on christmas morning, sigh. this is such a wonderful concept.
Dance Recital VHSs
I would love to preserve memories of my grandparents childhood. I grew up in the same home town as they did and would love to see everything!
I would love to preserve the trips to Disneyworld and our time as small children. I can imagine my 3 year old would be fascinated to watch them!
This would be the best gift for my in-laws! I can’t wait to do this!! Thank you for the awesome code 🙂
My favorite childhood memory that I would love to preserve digitally are videos of my husband riding his dirtbike when he is about 7 years old. There are several VHS videos and we were lucky enough to re-buy that same dirtbike almost 25 years later after his parents first bought it for him. We now have my husbands original dirtbike, and plan to restore it for our son, who is almost 4 months old. Having the ability to show our son video of his dad, on the bike he will inherit, would be amazing!
My mom has a few VHS tapes of my siblings and I from our childhood. We used to watch them all the time when we were younger (a few of our favorite, still-repeated, quotes came from those tapes!), and I would love to be able to have copies of them for myself and each of my siblings.
I love how my parents captured all of our Christmas memories on a REALLY old video camera. I’d love to get them converted so my sister and I (and my folks) can have copies!
I am one of seven kids and our baby sitter had at least that many, if not more. We would make videos and do plays over the summer. My favorite was when we acted as the kids from The Sound of Music.
This is a great idea! With ski season upon us here in the Northeast, I would love to preserve all the Sundays that my dad piled us into the car to drive us to VT to take us skiing. I know he has some 8mm reels with him and his friends skiing in Colorado when they were in college. Oh how I would love to give my parents this as a gift for Christmas! There are even some 8mms from when I was little and live in Atlanta :).
My dad took SO many videos of us growing up, and all the places we traveled to, driving through the western US. I would love to collect all that as my parents grow older. They’d love revisiting, and I’d love to have them forever too (can’t speak for my brother – he’s not really into nostalgia!).
BOOM! Order placed!! Me and my friends’ Senior Year has been stuck in a VHS prison since 1998! Free our stellar lipsyncing to “Gettin’ Jiggy With It”!!!!!
I have several dance recital that would be lovely to have done. But the first thing that I thought of was getting one done of the tapes of my husband racing a car when we first met. He would love to have it.
I am pregnant with our first kiddo and would love to be able to see old videos of my brother and I as littles.
All my babies being babies! They’re big boys now (sniff sniff)
OOOOOHHHH–I will start using them! We have an entire drawer-full of VHS tapes…births, birthdays, lazy summer days at my grandparent’s house. Would love to do them all!
My favorite childhood memory is anything that includes my dad. I lost him last year, and I will definitely be using Legacybox for my mom and 5 brothers and sisters this Christmas! I can’t wait to relive all my memories with my 3 babies! 🙂
I would love to preserve some of the videos from childhood, including one of my two sisters and I playing in our yard. I was maybe one or two years old, and you can clearly see my diaper needs changed as it is hanging out my shorts, and I keep pulling it up as I waddle around the yard. During this time, my dad continues to film us instead of changing my diaper. Great memories 🙂
I would preserve our family slides. It’s rare that our family is all together but when we are, we always take the opportunity to pull out the slide projector and screen and flip through the old family slides. Such fun memories. I love seeing my grandparents, who are no longer with us, on screen caring for their young family. So touching! It would be great to have these memories saved for a lifetime!
I’d love to put all of our VHS tapes and Super 8 onto digital! What a great giveaway!!
For our order we got one DVD copy and one flash drive with the files on it. It’s not expensive to copy DVD’s at your local office store.
xo – kb
We always saw the resemblance in looks but now we see the mannerisms too!
xo – kb
Such a cool concept!
I have VHS tapes of my kids when they were little – I would love to convert to DVD’s! Plus family slides!!
I would love recorded memories from a point in my childhood, when I would ride my red trike all over the neighborhood while my sister ran beside me. There was a gaggle of kids, and we would be out for hours “riding” free. Every corner, every bush, was a part of our “kid town”. I rode that trike so much that it broke in half in our driveway. I can recall our scheming, laughing, adventuring, exploring.
This is suc a great idea! I was just at my parents house going through ALL of their VHS tapes. I would love to be able to see footage of my siblings and I sledding and ice skating at the local park when we lived in IL. I just remember those being the best days… freezing cold from being outside then coming home to warm up with hot chocolate!
My parents do not have any video of my childhood but if they did I’d love to see the toddler years. There are some awesome photos of me walking around in some western cowboy boots and eating carrots (with the greens still attached.) I know I’m loving my own girls between 1 and 2 so much. The explosion of language, the fearfulness turned to fearlessness, the emergence of a personality that is all theirs. This year is full of the most firsts and it just flies by so quickly to have it saved digitally would be a special gift.
There are so many slides and videos of my late husband and our now-grown children. What fun it will be to reminisce, and cry, together!
Christmas – any year! Always the best.
The first song is Maroon 5 Daylight and the second song is Time of My Life by David Cook.
xo – kb
Christmas! I’m the 4th of 5 kids and the holidays were always so fun and chaotic. I would love to preserve more of those memories.
Also my mom’s old films of she and her brother…she has SO few memories of him. Would love to do that for her!
To many memories to choice just one, but have several DVR’s of the grandchildren I would love to preserve, Thank you.
Oh. My. LOVE.
That brought tears to my eyes.
Ohhh, that was an awesome video! Now I have the urge to record more videos… and to go see my grandparents. 😉 I need to get my mom’s VHS tapes and see what gems are out there! I haven’t watched any of them in YEARS.
My sister and I were on the Mr. Knozit show when we were little talking about what we wanted to be when we grow up. It’s only on VHS and I’d LOVE to have that on DVD! haha
My dad set up the VHS every year on Christmas morning, wold be fun to preserve these memories!
When we were kids my parents bought a barn (yes a real barn that was once part of a farm) and renovated it . It was the house we grew up in. They no longer live there and there are movies of the property when they first purchased it. I would love to show my own kids.
Fabulous idea to convert all of those old memories. I can’t wait to see what is on some of the old family tapes.
I’d love to convert all of my family’s old VHS tapes to dvds. Memories of my childhood at my grandparent’s lake house and running through the sprinkler in the front yard!
Just to remember to slow down some times. Time moves too fast. Awesome giveaway!
The videos of our trips to Disney World with my grandma!
This is amazing! I would love to get my hands on my mother-in-law’s videos of my husband and his sister growing up. What a tear-jerker of a Christmas gift that would be for him and his family.
I’d love to preserve the faux commercials I created as a 10 year old!
Would love to have all of the pictures from when I was a kid digitized! Would give me so much more to post on throwback Thursdays, lol.
I would LOVE to convert some of my old dance recitals from when my sister and I were young!
Favorite Childhood Memory…growing up working in the carnival.
Got to ride the rides for free..
Got all the cotton candy and funnel cakes my heart desired.
Saw more of the country by the time I was 15 then most people see in a life time!
Oh my goodness… so doing this for my parents for Christmas. They are notoriously hard to shop for and this is perfect! Can’t wait to break out the old VHS tapes from when my sister and I were the age my kids are now. I say all the time, I would have loved to be raising my kids back then, if only I could take along the photo and video capabilities we have now. 🙂
Would love to convert videos of family vacations and kids’ sporting events!
wow. what a breathtaking video (and i can’t imagine the time it took to select stuff!). i totally love it all.
sidenote- not even santa was ‘chubby’ …. that surprised me that i noticed.
Those old films are incredible! Wow. I can’t believe how much Weston looks like his grandpa!
I’d love to see the old tapes of us at Disney. I was too young/had a concussion the following year to remember. I’ve only seen a couple photos.
I think this is brilliant! I loved watching our home movies as a kid, but they are all on VHS. We recently found some super old home movies at my grandparents house while cleaning it out. I definitely need to make the time to do this. Tell Jeremy thank you for encouraging you to do this. This is a great idea.
I would love to preserve the memories of my childhood home which my dad sold last year.
I’m at an interesting season in life. On the one side, within six years my sister passed away, then my dad, then my mom. On the other side (here in 2015) I had three of my four children move out within six months time. One to college, one got married, and one moved to NY. I live in south FL. Sigh. So many memories stored away on tiny reel to reels that I got from my mom to a variety of other media stored away since we started raising kids in 1990. Can’t view a single one of them. I think I’d like to view when each of my kids were born, then roam around from there savoring the memories!
My brother-in-law passed away recently so I’d love to preserve all the pictures he took of my niece and nephew’s soccer games to give to my sister.
Family! Family! Family! I would love to not only preserve the things we do today, but also revisit the things we did yesterday. Family birthday parties, Nintendo power pad battles, living room dance offs, boat rides, campfires and pretty much everything else that made my childhood so awesomely fun. And I think it would be so much fun for my kids to see what I looked like and how silly I was when I was little. 🙂
Man it’s hard to choose one moment. They are all so special.
Childhood videos of my sister and I, and my friends! We were always making up silly dances and singing to Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston 🙂
Too many amazing memories to count. This is perfect. My favorite memory has to be my sister sneaking up behind me as I blow a huge bubble with gum. I finish and she smacks me hard square in the face. On cue to start bawling and run off camera, my sister smiling.
I would love to preserve the video me and my cousins made one Christmas. We were bored, so we decided to make a movie. Grandma even made us write a script!
We didn’t have a video camera but my Aunt and Uncle did. I did see a very entertaining video of my sister forcing all us younger kids to play Ring Around the Rosie. I didn’t want to at all so little toddler me was just sitting on the floor, shaking my head, saying noooo!!!! I’d love to have a copy of that!
I have so many old slides I would love to put on DVD, not to mention all the VHS tapes!
Jeremy is a genius (but you know that)
This is such a fantastic concept! Immediately after reading your post I immediately placed an order….can’t wait.
Of course we will want the family tapes from the 90s but also some tapes of my aerobic business back in the 70s & 80s….that will be a hoot & a great gift for my former aerobics business partner! Geesh….I mean have you even heard of aerobic dancing?! It was once a huge hit……& I can’t wait to see what we used to do.
I would preserve old super 8 movie reels from my childhood.
I would love to have all of my grandpa’s racing tapes from when he when he raced saved and all of the family Christmases spent together.
My parents have a video of me just doing crazy things for the camera. I need to dig that VHS out of the cabinet somewhere & watch it. Loved your video!
My favorite childhood memory I’d like to preserve digitally is my first trip to Disney World in the 1970’s
I’m inspired! My daughter and I were just talking about my dad’s 8mm films of my cousins and me acting like a bunch of crazy apes every time he reached for the camera. So, I already DO have my childhood memories on film…birthday parties, Christmas morning, clowning with my cousins, etc! My mom had them converted to VHS 20 years ago, but we need to get them digitized. We also have our kids’ childhood memories on VHS. It would be great to have everything put together. Thank you for sharing about this company.
I love all the Christmas morning videos that my parents used to take. Can’t wait to do the same for my little one!
I would LOVE to have my MIL’s old tapes put into digital format! How fun! Thank you for telling us about this service.
This is amazing, I have been wanting to do something like this for YEARS. Now if only they have a service for my amazing series of mix-tapes.
I’d love to preserve the memory of my sister and I playing in the backyard with all of my cousins and grandparents. I haven’t seen some of these faces in years now that they are in heaven so they really are precious.
Thank you for sharing that lovely video. I think we can all find things to relate to in it and a little nostalgia is good for the soul.
Holy cow! You weren’t kidding about Jeremy’s dad looking like Weston!
We have my high school graduation speech on a tape I’ve never been able to watch. I’d love to see it with my kids.
I’d love to preserve my mother’s super 8 films for her!
Oh, that video is precious. I have so many of those I would love to preserve. Especially ones of my mom before she passed.
Would love to digitize the super 8’s from childhood. Would add a whole new dimension to Throwback Thursday.
I would love to preserve video with my great grandfather!!
My wedding! We were pretty young when we said “I do” and now we have no way of watching our wedding video.
i can’t decide between our video diaries from our trip to Paris or all the crazy home movies when my 5 brothers and sisters and I were little.
My parents were too cheap for a video camera, and my husband’s single mother was too poor for one. So unfortunately no video for either of us as youngsters! But my husband did have a camcorder when we started dating and I would love to get those memories preserved on DVD. We’re coming up on our 10 year anniversary next year… it sure seems like we were kids back then!
How do I even choose which childhood memory? I would love to put my Grandma’s home videos on DVD so she could watch them…
Old Christmas morning videos – especially the ones with loved ones who are no longer around. Watching and reliving the memories is so special!
I would love to preserve the videos of my husband lip-syncing rap music in his mom and dad’s kitchen in a sweet pair of mustard colored jams.
Ugh, here I am tearing up about people I don’t even know 🙁
OK, it is that time of the month for me and I tend to get teary, but……..I am looking at these after yet another argument with my teenager just thinking about how quickly time goes by. I’m sure if you could ask Jeremy’s grandparents they’d say it seemed like just yesterday their babies were small. Probably just like the rest of us living day to day life, knowing and yet not knowing, how quickly times goes. I know you meant this to talk about a great product, but tonight this is a reminder for me to just take a breather and know that this too shall pass. I may even find myself missing these difficult times with my boy one day.
We have a ton of VHS tapes laying around from my childhood that I would love to be able to watch now!
My friends and I used to put on plays in our backyard all the time. They never made any sense, and were really just an excuse to run around and make our parents watch us play. I’d love to see that!
My parents have videos from when I was young of my aunts and uncles who have passed. I’d love to have those available to watch.
I would love to see videos of my grandparents at Christmas. They both have passed and they were such great times.
I would love to have memories of my camping trips every year with my cousins and grandparents. We would drive in their camper up to Pennsylvania and spend the weekend camping!
My favorite childhood memories involve playing with friends in the neighborhood, or some of the vacations that we took.
I’d love to preserve all my childhood moments from birthdays to halloween parades from the 90s and my only child’s babyshower to his first year that are in vhs tapes.
Aside from all of the dance recitals and musicals I was in, I would love to save the video my family made when we were in Switzerland visiting my dad’s friend (and my mom’s brother in Italy) but our car was suddenly surrounded by cows heading home for the evening after all day grazing in the fields it was SO funny!!!! My mom made up her own version of “Goodnight Moon” that went along the lines of “Goodnight Cow” haha.
I would choose a video where my sister and her best friend decided to script and make their own movie. A second runner up would be the song “Bye, Bye, Bye” they wrote, which is amazingly similar to Nsync’s version. 🙂
I loved our trips to the lake every summer! I’d have to have those!
Absolutely loved the video you put together. It made ME teary and I don’t even know these people 🙂
Any Christmas morning would be a moment in time I would love to look back on. The sheer excitement shared by my siblings and me cannot ever be surpassed!
There are many movies of us playing at my grandma’s house as kids. I would love to see these moments and be able to share them with my kids too!
Jeremy’s dad looks exactly like Weston! Even when he’s walking away from the camera! The way he carries himself is just the same as Weston! (it’s weird to comment on this since I don’t even know you, but that video is amazing!) Unbelievable. You must have been shocked to see the resemblance.
My favorite memories are Christmas time and summers on the beach. Sadly, they were not on video, but we do have lots of pictures.
I would love to see the dance performances from my HS days again! Thanks for the opportunity!
one of my favorites was laying in the den listening to records with my dad, mom, and brother. <3
When I was about 8 years old we performed the legendary “family rap.” It was fabulously 80’s and is one of the best pieces of cinematography of all time!
This is so neat! I would love to use it for all of the old home videos we have when I was a kid! Especially Christmas time and going Up North to the family cabin:)
Pretty sure my parents have videos of me and my siblings with our grandpa who died a number of years ago now. Having those videos accessible would be pretty sweet.
My sisters and I dancing and singing – although embarrassing, I love the memories!
This is such a great idea! My family has always had huge Christmas reunions and I would love to have all those videos in a format I could watch!
I love the video tape of my children decorating the Xmas tree.
My mom has video of her making me laugh when I can barely sit up on my own. I’d love to preserve that.
This is horribly embarassing, but I have this home video that my mom filmed when i was a smartmouthed 6 yearold with a big mop of curly hair. My mom was learning to use the camera so – nothing special =- but I was eating McD’s at the time (I clearly did something amazingly deserving). My mom pans the camera over and says “Whatcha eating?” I slurp my cup and say “Nuttin Mah, Isa drinkin!”
For some weird reason, I remember everyone bursting into laughter and not living it down for years, but…dang I loev that tape
I would love to preserve my Grandpa baptizing me!
So many elementary school videos! I’d love to be able to show my kiddo how silly his mama was!
Would love to re watch some of the plays/skits my brother and I made up 20+years ago!
The pictures of my brother sitting on the sprinkler to get away from the hornets who were attacking him. He was 3 a nd we were living temporarily in AR.
We didn’t take tons of videos when I was a kid. My grandma has a few of my brothers and I from our summers with her from plays we created and performed for the neighborhood. But other than that, not too many. The childhood memory I would digitize is this video my mom has. It’s a VHS video with pictures of my brothers, parents and I from when my parents got married to around age 7 for me (I am the oldest, so about 9-10 years of pictures) and it is set to music. I would digitize that and my mom would watch it and cry like she always does. Giving my mom that would be the best thing ever. In fact, I think that will be her Christmas present! (I am so glad Jeremy got you to agree to this post!!)
I wish I could have films of our time growing up with summers at the lake house in Pell Lake, WI. Every summer my grandmamama would go up for the summer and we would all get a turn staying with her. Then the whole family would go up for holidays and birthdays and just because. So many of us sleeping in that little house yet never feeling cramped or too full. Running, playing, swinging, and swimming to our hearts content. I miss this so much.
We have old films of a family reunion with 25 cousins that I have always treasured. I’m always scared something will happy to them before I can get them saved on something more durable!
I was just telling my students about the time I was in a ballet performance in second grade….OH, and when I was in sixth grade and the parents performed the theme from Hair!
I would love to preserve just the random snippets of daily life. Hearing the silliness that our family of five kids used to make.
We have all our old family videos (dance recital, Christmas morning etc) that I’d love to preserve. Especially since all my siblings are scattered across the U. S.
Wow!!!! How amazing are those videos?? I can’t recall any videos of my parents. I hardly have any of myself either, other than the obligatory dance recital films (and I was born in the 80s). Jeremy was right – you guys definitely need to preserve those treasures.
My siblings and I singing Rick Astley in our pj’s when we were younger.
He looks SO much like Weston! How cool is that?!
I remember decorating the Christmas tree as a family every year – I wish we had recordings to remember all the years and compare.
One of my favorite childhood memories would be the time my cousins and I wanted to play with the waterhose and my Mom wouldn’t let us, so we decided to get dirty so we’d have to be hosed down…. we seriously got so muddy that you couldn’t tell if we had on clothes or not!!!! It was awesome! BUT dealing with the consequences…. not so awesome, haha!!
I have so many fond memories of my childhood! One memory I would love to preserve digitally is a birthday party I had a the roller skating rink when I was maybe in 4th grade. I remember it being such a fun night and my parents got me my own pair of white roller skates with hot pink, glow in the dark wheels, as a gift. It was awesome. I wanna go skating again!
Easter egg hunts with the cousins!
Any of our Betamax videos with my Grandfather in them! He passed away when I was really young, but is still such a positive force in our family memory.
LOVE your blog!
Favorite childhood memory is going to the circus, and getting to join the parade! Hoping to win!
This video was so awesome to watch. It made my old soul happy! I’d love to preserve my memories of playing around the farm with my siblings and acting out Disney movies with my cousins. But most of all, I’d love to watch the old films from my when my parents were young.
Anything with my Dad in it! Miss him terribly.
I would love to be able to go thru my family tapes to remember the simple days when life was filled with family that has since moved on to different states, countries, or has passed on. Being able to easily see their faces and the beautiful memories we’ve shared will bring back closeness that gets so easily lost with busy lives and schedules. Mostly everyone in the family is serving or has served in the military so its so hard to gather a huge family together in one location, but back in the day all of us cousins would spend so many summers/ holidays together…. we all miss those days.
This is awesome. I have so many things I can use this for!
The time my brother found a dead bear in the river at our Colorado cabin!
I’d love to see some of my old dance recitals – my little girls (who are 7 and 5 and who are much better dancers already than I EVER was) would laugh and laugh and laugh (in the nicest way, of course)!!! Thanks for the chance to win.
My dad passed away when I was 18, so I wish I had more video memories of us playing together.
Just riding our bikes and golf cart around time, playing tag… I wish I had all of those on video!
Ahhh, I have so many favorite memories, but this kit would be perfect for another reason.
My husband lost his entire family (mom, dad and both brothers) over a 9 year period starting when he was 15 and his mom and youngest brother died in a car accident, his dad had heart attack in my husbands arms and died, and his other brother died in a gun accident. His family has so many videos that we have talked about getting made into a cd so that our children can watch their grandparents and uncles in action. I would love to see it too!
Christmas mornings and birthdays! They’re my favorite memories to record of my kids every year so I would love to have those memories of my childhood preserved as well!
For my own memories, I’d love to convert a high-school-career’s worth of volleyball games to re-watch. My paternal grandparents also had a fascinating life with their three boys, and it would be fascinating to get to see again some of the video I vaguely remember seeing as a kid. What a fabulous company to know about, thanks Katie!!
I would love to see Christmas mornings of me and my sisters growing up. Such fun!
There may or may not be a video of ridiculously tall 5 year old me (who is now a 6’1″ adult woman) dragging dance classmates around in a circle at a recital…
Would love to do this with video on VHS from our wedding!
So cool! I’d love to preserve all of my old dance VHS tapes to someday show my little girl!
I’d love to preserve videos of my family and I when my sister and I were toddlers. My mom only has them in VHS and we haven’t been able to watch them in years!
My neighbor friends and I did the American girl doll Samantha’s play and I’d love to have that made digital!
Thank you for sharing this great company! My fiance and I just purchased a box for his mom for Christmas. The 40% off was a huge score. Thanks so much!!
I would love to revisit my childhood when my dad flooded our front yard and made us a skating rink! Such a fun dad.
Dude! So awesome! Some amazing lip-sync action at the church talent show needs to be preserved forever. Also my grandpas old home movies, makes me cry thinking about them!
I would love to be able to go back and see videos of my family when we were young. I miss my dad sooo much and I am sure my mom would love to be able to relive these memories. Thanks for the chance to win!
I have a bunch of old super-8’s of our summer trips to the lake that need to be preserved. Thanks for the great idea, Jeremy!
Me as a little girl dancing on my mom’s feet to Lionel Richie “Easy on Sunday Mornings”. Our favorite song.
My grandparents just died, and this would be a great way to preserve all their old film reels of us kids — they left HUNDREDS…yikes!
I would love to have all the photos from my grandparents preserved digitally. Right now, they are in a dozen or so albums. Would love to have them kept safe (and take up less room)!
I would love to preserve the video of me and my siblings as children.
I would love to preserve special visits from far-away relatives.
This is so great! Perfect for getting all those photos and videos in usable form. I love to capture some fishing trips we used to take on digital media. Thanks for sharing!
Katie, I can only begin to try to describe how much the ability to retrieve memories and the example you have by your video has left me in complete tears. Trying to spend more time with my family, cherish memories, living gratefully, learning more and more about the history of my family and actually having stories and legacy to pass down to my daughter is what I have yearned for for so long. I have personally gone through so much as a women and as a single mother, that I have seen how much the love and joy family memories cannot only bring but also define the love you have and always will through family. I would love the chance to purchase many orders with Legacy box and also join in the contest for the gift card. Please accept this comment as my entry and regardless thank you thank you for sharing the service. I’m making plans as we speak to collect as much as I can to send in and try to capture as much love and laughter as possible!!
-Shenica Simmons
I would love to preserve all the videos my grandfather took of me. He was always behind the camera cheering me on!
I would like to be able to watch my wedding, but it’s on a little video and the camera doesn’t work anymore. 🙁
Oh my goodness!!!! THANK YOU for sharing this! Of course someone has thought of this and made it super easy! I’m going to do this for my parents for Christmas. We have tons of old tapes from my childhood and are priceless as my sister has passed away… they should be treated as priceless!
Love. This. I have soooooo many VHS I need to have converted. I actually do still have a VCR (I know, right?) but the VHS tapes get a little wonky after a few years so I’m scared to play them. I’m so glad you decided to work with this company so you could share it with us.
And omigosh, that video you put together…Wow. That is awesome. I love old home movies like that and the music makes them even more magical. 🙂
Oh my gosh, Katie! THIS IS AMAZING! All the ideas flowing through my mind right now with gifts I could make for my family, the things they thought were stuck on film forever with no way to play them. It brings me to tears thinking I can relive these memories with them. THANK YOU for doing this.
I signed up for their newsletter and hope to get my legacy box started first. My favorite memory I’d love to retrieve is when my mom and dad took my sister and I to disneyworld when we were kids. Life has changed so much since then but those days everything was perfect, and we were in awe of the big mouse and all that DW could give. I would love to relive that moment over and over again digitally.
Thanks for taking care of my Christmas gifts! My mom will LOVE this!
I wish my parents had had a video camera for when we were young. But I’d love to get some of our pictures redone/enhanced. I loved the video by the way!
I would love to preserve anything that has my Memom and Grandaddy in it. They’ve been gone for far too long and to see them, even in a video, would be so amazing. To show my daughter, who is named after my Memom, her beautiful, wonderful, kind, generous great grandmother would be so special. Just the thought of it has me in tears!
I would definitely preserve memories of family reunions – so many loved ones happy at the same time!
My favorite childhood videos are my many dance recital videos, but I love watching the random videos from my childhood backyard and house I would love to have on DVD and digital as well.
I really enjoy watching that montage you created from Jeremy’s videos. And that’s exactly what I want for my daughter to one day look back on. I have absolutely no relational ties to the people in your video however I still felt emotional watching it! It’s great to see old styles of living through real home movies instead of the stylized films made now to take place back then. I wonder if my parents have any videos I could dig through and send to processing!!
I would love to preserve all of my cheerleader competitions from when I was in elementary and middle school.
I’d love to make all the 8mm tapes me and my siblings made on our parents video-camera! I can’t even imagine the insane things we thought were funny to record back in the day!
Oh man, my parents recorded everything! We used to put on plays as kids and I’d love to preserve those.
How come they don’t publish the cost?
what a great idea, I have been looking for two days where to get a VHS tape into a DVD. The places that do that around here send them away and I don’t want to take a chance of it getting lost as it is the only one I have.
Here is the link to the pricing page.
xo – kb
There are lots of places that transfer old Super 8, Regular 8 and 16mm films. There also is a huge disparity of quality within those choices. Many places use a simple system of projecting films onto a screen, and use a video camera to capture the projection. This results in very poor image quality, blurry images, lots of obvious shutter shadows, and off center imaging. Some places use a system where they project the film into a mirror, which reflects the image into a video camera. Better than projecting onto a screen, but still has most of the same problems. The best system of transferring film, is a RANK CINTEL SYSTEM, which does not project the film, but actually digitizes each individual frame—creating very sharp images, no shutter shadows, no off center imaging. To get the best quality digitized films, ask the following questions: 1) Do you use a RANK CINTEL system for transfer? (if they don’t, go elsewhere) 2) Do you do double pass cleaning of the film prior to transfer? (nothing worse than getting your digitized film back and seeing tons of dust and hair). Be aware of cheap prices, that almost always means that they use an inferior transfer method.
I have some VHS’s and other tapes that need to be placed on CD’s, please respond with pricing.
Hi Jerry – you will need to follow the links to the Legacy website and inquire about pricing there!
Good luck!
xo – kb
Would really enjoy the ability to have preserved and show my children my mother’s film reel footage of her days as a champion softball player. Mom is now 70 years old and my 3 daughters, all middle school athletes who have always looked-up to her, would love viewing my mom in those games so long ago. Inspirational!
In other bower power breaking news: how to crank the starter on your model T
Can your service put VHS movies I purchased from going out of business rental stores onto DVD?
If it is not a copyright problem, I would love to look into this. I have many VHS tapes getting no viewing time.
Having these on DVD will make it much easier to carry around and view on portable systems.
Hi Brad, you will have to contact them directly. Good luck!
xo – kb