A little over one year ago I launched Katie Bower Photography and took the plunge from “I-take-photos-of-my-kid-and-people-I-know’s-kids” to “I-will-take-photos-of-you-and-your-kids-for-the-coinage-you-pull-from-your-couch-cushions”. It was one of the scariest things I have ever done. Let’s be honest…it’s tearfully frightful to have someone pay you for photos. For one there are a lot of variables…weather, location, moods, momentary brain drains (when your brain completely forgets what it’s doing) and you may have taken great photos…but they just aren’t that person’s style….there are a million things that could go south. So consider me completely flattered that I have gotten the chance to perform over 75 client sessions in the short period that I’ve been doing this photog thing. And because I get emails about this every single day – I thought I would share some background info for you (and give ya a sneak peek into a session I’ve been working on because let’s be honest – a post without photos is kinda boring)…
I am truly self-taught. It must have been the homeschooler in me that told me that with a little practice and a whole lotta reading, I could learn how to use my camera without a trained professional. It took me a long time…and I still feel like I am learning. I read and reread my manual. I read lots of photography blogs and would look at their photos next to mine to see how their editing took their pictures to the next level. I would watch loads of videos on random tutorials. In the end, I found another love of my life.
Not everyone learns that way though. So it is definitely not a waste of time or money to recognize when you need help mastering the wheel of the ship…whether that boat be post-processing, picture taking or even things like posing or props. There are tons of photographers out there that run great programs to help you learn and take your skills to the next level. But dedication is really important…it takes a lot of practice and time to get even just a tiny bit improved (I should know) and in the end, you will be glad you stuck with it.
If you are a newbie and are looking to start a photography business, I have no idea how to get clients. err….I have no idea how normal people do it. I do it through this blog and word of mouth. That’s it. No other advertising. I do know that you need a portfolio. So it might be a good idea to offer up freebie sessions to friends and family. That’s what I did. And get used to running a session – because that in of itself is a beast to handle. Treat those friends and family members as you would a normal client. Work on interacting with your target audience. Give yourself editing deadlines. Ask those friends and family what you could improve upon. Get feedback.
Already have a business going and want to expand your client base? Perhaps offer up a groupon for mini sessions…put an ad on Craigslist…offer a local blogger a free session in exchange for a shoutout on their blog…run a cutest kid contest at a local resturaunt of your clients…contact clothing boutiques to see if they need any imagery for a discounted price…ask a bunch of different successful photographers how they did it.
I recommend a DSLR and a 50mm lens. Both things can run about $600 new…but definitely cheaper used. And believe me, this is the cheap cheap cheap route. You can still capture great images with a beginner-level camera body and a cheap prime lens…but you still will need to learn how to use them. After you manage to learn the controls, you can translate those skills to a more advanced camera no problem…and the images are still amazing. Some of my favorite photos I’ve ever taken were with a Canon Rebel and a 50mm ‘nifty fifty’ lens. After that – get your hands on a copy of Photoshop or Lightroom.
I learned a lot. I learned my style. I like to take clean, happy and bright photos. Sure, those three things can be filtered many different ways…but in the end, if the pictures are clean, happy and bright – I feel like they are something to be proud of. Everyone has a different style – a different eye – so finding my style was probably the best thing that ever happened to me. I also learned that you can over-extend yourself. That editing time has to be scheduled. I learned to say no…which is excruciatingly hard when it comes to a paying customer. BUT I also learned that business’ need boundaries to be successful. And sometimes that means saying no. I learned the value in me. Am I the best photographer? Not in a long shot. (pun intended) But am I and the photos I produce and the product I give to customers worth what I charge? Absolutely. If I thought I wasn’t worth it – the price would go down. I learned that continued education can be invaluable. I learned that having flexible childcare is amazing. And I learned that if you put a diaperless newborn baby on seven different blankets – it will always pee or poop on the white one 🙂
Those are the basics of most of the starting a business questions. If you have other questions – put em right there in the comments and I might do a part two.
Not a photographer or a mom-who-hates-their-desk-job-and-dreams-of-being-a-shutterbug? Let’s talk about how the girl in the pictures looks like a brunette Reese Witherspoon. and how cute is her dress?! Like cuter than a bag full of kittens, right?!
Congrats on a successful year! You have a great eye!
So inspiring to see your growth! Congrats!
Yep, I’m currently frantically googling pink chevron dress. The photos are beautiful, you are truly talented!
Happy Anniversary Katie! I love your pictures so much.
I just got a 50mm lens for my camera (Canon 20D) and I’m having a lot of fun with it. I am also learning from photography blogs, and books, and a few friends who have given me tips. I don’t have the same skills/talent you have, but I do love picking up my camera and capturing my daily life. I’m glad your business seems to be doing so well. You are absolutely right about the white blanket being the one to get stained! Haha! This is why I wear dark clothes if I eat anything with marinara sauce (nothing ever gets on them though), because if I wear a light color it looks like my daughter tried to feed me. And yes, I’m totally in love with her dress… and it looks like the man in the photos is totally in love with her. 😉 Nice work Katie!
so… that last picture is crazy cool. not everyone has “the eye” but you definitely have it! glad you discovered your talent and are developing it and sharing it with THE WORLD! wish i lived close so you could capture MY family like that!
You are an inspiration. I mean that literally: you are the reason I sent my husband out at 10 pm the night before we left home to buy the same Canon DSLR you started with from a random guy on Craigslist. I need to keep rereading the manual… but maybe someday I’ll be brave enough to use it in manual mode!
I do photography as. A ‘hobby’ but I get paid for jobs sometimes. One lesson I’ve learnt is to have spare lens/ camera! I have 2 weddings booked and my lens just broke! Stress on another level! Ahhhh
You take beautiful pictures and you’re truly an inspiration to lots of shutter bugs out there dying to take that jump into the photography world. I’d love to get into photography as a side gig to being a SAHM – I love the outlet and capturing little moments. What gave you that big push to just do it???
This is really encouraging Katie. I recently started a photography “business”. I actually have my first shoot in two weeks. I am definitely nervous but I have been researching as well. I think that researching and teaching yourself must just be a “homeschool instinct”… heehee (since I was homeschooled too). 🙂
Love your photo posts, Katie! You are so inspirational to me and the #1 reason I chose to persue my passion for photography. I would love to see a post where we can “watch” how you edit a photo from start to finish. To see what your processing flow or “typical” editing process is like. 🙂
Also, I love your clean, happy, and bright photos too! Any tips for acheiving that in camera?
Hey Katie! I love reading your blog, and I have for a while now. You actually photoshopped the outside of my house a long time ago! 😉 Anyway, I wanted to ask you about props. Do you use a lot of them? When I started my photog business 3 years ago I spent a fortune on them, but my style is starting to transition a little. I’m liking my more recent photos that are just the kiddos. 🙂 I love baskets and blankets though. Just thought I would ask your opinion. You can easily spend 100% of your income back on props, and I think I want to quit doing that. 🙂
I have one million questions for you! Do you ever feel pressure to offer only prints and not digital images from other photographers? How much time does it take you to edit an average session? Do you shoot RAW and if so, how much of your post-processing is done in RAW? Do you use any actions to speed up your editing workflow? With your new full frame camera, which lens do you find the most useful for sessions? Do you allow your clients to choose the photos that they would like edited or do you choose the best ones? Lastly, do you set a custom white balance? White balance is without a doubt my biggest challenge! If you cannot tell, I just started my own little photo business in PA seven months ago, and I am so inspired by your photos and your home decor!
Katie – great post! I’d love to see a list of the photography blogs that you read!
That’s me in those pictures!!! Katie, they are AMAZING! I cannot wait to see the rest of them. What a great way to start my day. 🙂
HI! First of all, I adore you (and our pics!). I recently bought my first DSLR, a Canon t2i. I mainly shoot my 2 baby boys, but I have trouble keeping them in focus (especially my 1/2 year old)! Any tips?!
*your pics 🙂
Congrats on such a successful first year! I’ve read that it can be pretty tough starting out but that won’t squash my dreams. 🙂
What does a 50mm lens do, that makes it worth the price? We have a Nikon D3000, but with just the stock lens. I have been working with it for a year, in manual mode, and am already noticing a huge improvement in the quality of my photos (Compared to auto).
We want to invest in a new lens, but are having a hard time understanding what new features they will bring to the table. (Besides from a higher zoom lens, that is pretty self explanatory)
Lindsay B
Aw, congrats on your first year! I’m sure you’ll have many many more!
LOVE that last shot! Something about those floors and the sunshine!
This is a very interesting post to me as I love your style of taking pics. Could you please point us to a few of the sites that you used for self educating.
You and your husband are adorable! There is so much love in your eyes! Too cute.
PS Where did you get that dress?! It’s awesome!
Congratulations, Katie! Of all of the sessions you post, I’ve loved every single one! You’re a great photographer – keep it up! 🙂
I LOVE your pictures, Katie! They really are amazing. Are you still using Pioneer Woman’s free actions, or have you branched out? What are some of your favorite post processing techniques? I’d love to read a post on what happens after the pictures are loaded to your computer. This is where they tend to get stuck for me, and I’d love to be able to use photoshop on tenth as well as you do.
It’s a Taylor brand dress from Nordstrom. 🙂
Love this post and LOVE LOVE LOVE the dress. Where can I get one?! For the pictures of them drinking the milkshake, is that studio space you rented out, or just some local spot you have found to shoot?
I started up a small photography biz about a year ago and learned something really valuable—I didn’t enjoy taking pictures for pay, I enjoyed taking pictures for fun. I know that you can shoot for pay AND have fun, but for me—the obligation of getting up and going to a booked gig just made it feel like work. And since I already have a full-time job, I decided that for now it was just better to stick to taking photos for my friends and family. Not much makes me happier.
When we eventually have kids, if I cut back on work hours I may rethink the whole pictures for pay thing and who knows, when I have more time to do it, maybe I’ll love it. But for now, I’m happy to stick with what I know and oogle the great photos of the many professionals I’ve become friends with…you included. Great work!
KELLY! Where is that dress from?! It’s a-ma-zing.
I think Kelly said that it’s from Nordstrom – it’s a Taylor Dress, right girl?
xo – kb
I love you figured out what makes you happy – afterall, sometimes making money on something can suck the fun right out. And the space was just a little local ice cream shop that had this little hallway they said we could use. It worked out perfectly in my book 🙂
xo- kb
I still use a few of her actions but I do a lot of regular type adjustments. I figured out that each shoot might need a little different editing so I hate to apply actions across the board.
xo – kb
I have looked at the links and such that you have posted before in your photog section, but I would love, love, love to hear about your editing process (skin, light, hair, saving pics that go south), preferrably in lightroom if that’s what you use (that’s what I have). You really do have quite the touch 🙂
The 50 mm lens is the cheapest lens you could find….so keep that in mind first…also, it tends to have a lower aperature than most stock lenses…allowing you to get that bokeh (the blurry background) and still have crisp subjects. It can also allow you to take brighter faster photos in lower lighting…and since it is a prime lens, it forces you to worry less about zooming – and more about proper composition and exposure.
xo – kb
Your shutter speed is too slow! Try taking your ISO up and your aperature (the f-stop) down till your shutter speed is at least 1/250. That is probably the slowest shutter that will work for fast moving kids. Hope this helps a little!
xo – kb
Congratulations and bravo on taking that leap of faith and trusting God to take care of you and your family! Your photos are beautiful and if the hubs and I lived closer to Hotlanta instead of in Texas, I’d totes be a client (if I weren’t phobic about having my picture taken).
It’s also awesome that you are completely self taught! I’m still learning the basics of my new DSLR and it’s really encouraging to know that if I keep learning, maybe all my photos won’t turn out dark and blurry!
Thanks for the tips! I’m asking for a new lens for my birthday, so maybe I’ll ask for a 50!
Katie, I have always thought you undersell your natural talent as a photographer, and you are still doing it! 🙂 You have a natural talent. While many people CAN take great photos,and learn their way around LR and PS to make them even prettier–you seem to have what it takes to make people feel relaxed and comfortable around you which makes for pictures people will treasure.
Almost everything I’ve learned about photography has come from you! I got my first DSLR shortly after beginning to read your blog…the nifty fifty followed soon after. Then about a year later I upgraded to the Mark2 (my second husband 🙂 and the 1.4 50mm. I HANG on every photography post you do and study your pictures and angles. You are my muse :)! Please keep the beautiful photos and helpful information coming KB!
How much photoshop do you use when editing pictures? I used to work with a photographer who seemed to use too much.
When working for a client, do you ever do photos as-is or do you always edit? I read an interesting article recently via pinterest that talked a lot about the art of photography and photoshop. It was really interesting to read the comments on different schools of thought from photographers.
I sometimes do feel that pressure but I keep coming back to the fact that I want to provide something that I would want to buy. I would want 20-30 images…not only expensive prints…and I don’t shoot in RAW unless I feel like my exposure might be out of whack (like if the weather is expected to change or if I am working in a really bad lighting conditions). It takes me about four to six hours to edit all the photos…if I don’t have distractions…which is a big ‘if’ 🙂
The lens I love are the 50mm 1.4, my 24-70mm, and the 85mm (which I am still trying to get a handle on). I don’t let the clients choose…I choose the best complete package incorporating some personality shots, some traditional, some artsy, lots of different looks…etc. I used to set custom white balance but figured out I am much faster (due to numerous scene changes) to just do it in post processing.
xo – kb
Yup! The dress is from Nordstrom (I bought it that morning!). Taylor brand dresses are always super cute & very reasonably priced.
I’ll have to look into that!
And clean, happy and bright can be achieved in a couple ways – a slight overexposure, lots of interaction with your subject as they ‘pose’, and a distinct vision in how you want the photos to ‘feel’…all help me.
xo – kb
I don’t unless the clients say certain things (like in this case we used the ‘props’ from the ice cream shop)…and I always bring a few to newborn shoots because sometimes mommies are too overwhelmed to think about getting a cute basket or bowl or blanket 🙂
xo – kb
I kept getting emails about it and finally decided that I’d like to try it. I told myself that I would just do it on a month by month basis 🙂
xo – kb
I use mostly photoshop (I’m still getting the hang of lightroom) so I’ll have to see how I can show the editing process.
xo – kb
Aww you are too sweet Lynn – I am blushing. big time.
xo – kb
I use photoshop on every photo – I believe that a good picture can be great with a little editing. THAT BEING SAID…that last photo – it just needed a little sharpening for web…not a ton of editing because the exposure was spot-on. That is rare for me. I think since photography is art – each photographer can choose for them what is needed…and that is 100% correct for them 🙂
xo – kb
I have done a couple of photo shoots for close friends just trying to make some money to help pay for my daughters 8th grade cheer. It is outrageously expensive!!! Like $900!! I only charge them $50 and edit about 10 and give them every photo on a disk so they can do what they want. I always struggle with the poses. I hate telling people how to pose! LOL! I love my Canon. I have 2 lenses and I am really itching to get this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00007E7JU/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=undethesyca-20&linkCode=as2&camp=217145&creative=399369&creativeASIN=B00007E7JU . One day, after cheer is paid for!!
Do you have Lightroom? If so, what do you like about it better than Photoshop?
Thanks for this post!
sorry to respond also.
But I love using old quilts! And sometimes a cute banner. I recently got a burlap one with fabric letters that spells out HAPPY. One that spells LOVE. And one that spells FAMILY. And if it is babies, I use baskets, soft blankets, etc. For older kids, I always ask the parents to bring something they like, football, etc.
I agree – would love to see your go-to tips and tricks for editing photos!
I’m a wedding photographer’s assistant and you are SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE! I’m still learning to take and edit pictures but you are totally right about pictures being clean, happy, and bright. That’s what we aim for too 🙂
I will def be reading your other posts about photography. And congrats on your first year! You’re doing great!!
I know you are pregnant and that can mess with your schedule, but I’d love to hear about the behind-the-scenes stuff that goes into mama businesses. For instance:
1. How do you still get everything done around the house (or what slides) when you have a shoot/editing to do?
2. How do you run the blog (and all the work you do to have stuff to post) *plus* your photo biz? Do you set aside times each day? Week? Month?
3. Do you ever get criticized for not being a true “trained professional” photographer? How do you deal with the criticism and negative stuff?
4. (A little personal maybe?) How does Jeremy feel about your biz? You’ve said he works really hard, so does he jump in and help so you can pursue it or are you on your own?
I’m in love with the last photo, it’s kind vintage in a fresh way, perfect! And I think you hit the nail on the head when you described your style and good for you that you can define it. I’ve been a photographer for a few years now and still struggle with that.
Thanks Kelly! Is that you by chance? If so, you are gorgeous!
Do you take any of your shots in ‘auto’ mode knowing you can edit later? What websites/blogs do you recommend?
Folks, what Kati isn’t telling you is that she is PHENOMENAL with her clients during the shoot. Such a natural…One of my two little girls is terribly shy, and she took to Katie like she was a long-time family friend. I’ve never seen her interact with a stranger the way she interacted with Katie.
Katie, I’m GIDDY to see the photos you took of us this weekend! Thanks for such a positive, personal, yet professional experience!
Adorable! The pictures are beautiful. What a happy couple, too!!! 🙂
Katie – would you suggest this one to be your first lens outside of the “kit” lens. Or is there another you would suggest?
Hi Katie, Your photos are amazing. Can you recommend a couple photography blogs for learning to use a camera? I finally ordered my camera and I know I have a long road ahead of me in learning how to use it – especially since my son moves at superhuman speeds. 🙂
Congratulations on such a successful first year! And kudos to you for teaching yourself. I love photography and am trying to learn as much as I can, but some of the technical stuff is just so confusing! Will you share any of the resources (blogs, books, etc) you have found to be the most helpful on your photography journey? Congrats again and here’s to many more sessions in year 2!
I spy Katie in the chrome table edge ;). Love your blog and photos!
Congrats on your first year!! I have been a photographer for some time now.. mostly working as an assistant, but also within the last year started my own business. I’ve checked out your site and work and it’s absolutely great!! But one suggestion… you should charge waayy more 🙂 don’t sell yourself short. You could easily be charging double or more.
Camtasia is a great program for recording screen shots. We use it at work.
She DOES look like a dark haired Reese Witherspoon… beautiful!
Congratulations on your first year in business, your photographs are beautiful and you really are an inspiration to me.
This post had the most perfect timing for me, I am just starting my own photography business and you have no idea how reassuring it was to hear that it was “one of the scariest things” you have ever done. I am so scared and I needed to hear some one else has felt the same way.
(I know pretty selfish of me)
I really enjoyed this post and your pictures are gorgeous! Would love to see some of your post processing techniques as well if you’re looking for future posting ideas!
Thanks for this post Katie! I am JUST about to make that plunge into “advertising” and starting my own business. Sooooo scary!!!!! I love seeing your work and poses!! Keep it up 🙂
me too!!! i would love to see the photo blogs you read!! also any other books, tutorials that helped you learn. 🙂
Definitely if you are looking to capture people. Scenic or still life photography is a whole different can of worms 🙂
xo – kb
Nope. I shoot everything in either Aperature Priority or Manual. I’ll have to share the websites and blogs later!
xo – kb
Thank you! Managed to get one before they sold out online (coincidence that it happened on the day of this blog post? Methinks not!) Here’s my other question for you, do you think it runs true to size, big or small? They only had a 12, so I scooped it up even though I vary between 12 and 14.
As far as my limited knowledge, Lightroom is awesome for quick post processing if your only real issue is exposure or white balance. I like and use Photoshop because I can edit everything although it takes more time.
xo – kb
Haha…ok here we go…
1. I don’t get hardly anything done. I’m notoriously messy and horrible with time management. I don’t mind having a dirty house 🙂
2. I set aside time. The blog and photography is very important to us because it is part of our budgeted income. I do about six hours everyday on it (mostly when Will is asleep) – and more on weekends.
3. I haven’t gotten a whole lotta criticism but I don’t really ask for it either. I am not part of any forums (although they would be helpful) and I try to be my own worst critic. I think in the end, I give a product that is worth the money I charge so that helps me sleep at night.
4. Jeremy loves that I have the passion to do this and he definitely helps. He is the power behind Bower Power…and as cheesy as that sounds, he helps on weekends when I have shoots.
xo – kb
Totally my child that pooped on one of your white blankets. Sorry about that, but the picture turned out great! Congrats on your one year of success!
Hi Katie – great pics. What were your camera settings in that last picture of the post. Just wondering how you got such a great “sun burst” and still capturing great color of the subjects. I struggle with that…..
Congrats Katie! Your photos are incredible and you’re totally inspiring! I’ve gotten more and more into photography – still finding my style though :). Now I’m moving past doing photos of friends – to photos of *eek* people I don’t know (via word of mouth) and it is sooo scary! Thanks for addressing that, and sharing all your tips and “know-how” – I appreciate it. 🙂
Reese Witherspoon!! That’s who she looks like. Great photos! I LOVE the far off shot of them with the Dr. Pepper sign. Very creative!
I love photoshop and use CS5 all the time, but there’s so much you can do in LR beyond the “basics” (i.e. exposure and white balance)… this is a very brief list of examples, but you can adjust color tones using the HSL panel; add curves very similar to PS curves, including custom point curves; brush on edits to specific areas using the adjustment brush panel… not to mention all of the great organizational tools. Plus the sharpening and noise reduction are awesome. I’ve done a few different online tutorials, but I think one of the best deals going is Kelby training. For something like $25 a month they have super detailed video tutorials.
I know them! Great photos!
I have been a photographer for a couple of years now, taking tons of great classes in high school, so I am confident in my product, but I never got the hang of running a session, and that is what I’m most worried about. Do you have any tips?
Haha…your little man is welcome to poop on my bleachable white blankets anytime 🙂
xo kb
Great photo session Katie, I love your light and airy style! I just bought my first DSLR in January (Canon 60D, along with the 50mm 1.8) and have been taking photos of friends and family, now everyone’s saying I should do this full time but the thought is terrifying! I’m lucky that my husband taught himself photography five years ago and is an *amazing* teacher so having him on hand to suggest and supervise at my shoots has definitely fast tracked my progress (I never would have figured out any of it on my own like you did!) but how long did it take for you to feel okay with accepting money for a session? People have started asking and I don’t know what to say, I’m still soo new to it but I love love love it! xo Kirsty
I took on friends and family for two years before venturing out with ‘stranger’s’ money 🙂
xo – kb
I think that comes with practice Kiki…maybe you could ask a veteran photographer if you could tag along to one of their sessions to see how they run it?
xo – kb
Oh yes – LR definitely has more – but I guess I was just trying to nutshell these bad boys. I forgot about the sharpening and noise reduction – those are pretty great features.
xo – kb
ISO 2000
1/160 (this is slow compared to what I normally shoot but since these were two stationary adults and I didn’t want to boost the ISO anymore because of the higher chance of graininess, and I couldn’t lower the aperature because I had two subjects – the sign & the people – so the shutter speed took one for the team)…
xo – kb
I just want to say that I am obssessed with that last picture. And you’re awesome.
thanks for the great info Katie! i’m hoping to start my business in a couple months…..working on the website now which is taking forever since HTML coding and me are not friends- ha! But i was wondering about the business aspect of things. did you have to go and get a business license and all that stuff for tax purposes? i feel ok w/the client/picture part, but when it comes to the business side, i feel a bit lost. any advice or help you have on that would be great! thanks so much!
Great post Katie, and congratulations on your first year. I’ve just started dabbling in amateur photography over the last year and absolutely love it! Isn’t it fun to pick up new hobbies/passions as adults? Even better when they turn into viable careers. Well done. Love your photos and have no trouble understanding why people pay you the big bucks to take their portraits 🙂 If I wasn’t in Canada, and lived closer, I know I’d have called and booked you already.
Hi Katie,
I’m so proud of you for taking the plunge. I have always wanted to be a photographer I’m a graphic designer (my parents thought that would be a safer route not so much!). I specialize in retouching and album design for photographers and I love what I do but I would love to integrate photography into my business. Lately I have been taking more and more shoots offering them to friends as gifts plus I have a gorgeous niece I get to practice on. I currently work part time for the Canadian government giving me the opportunity to have benefits and steady income. I need the push to get right into it. For some reason I feel bad starting a photography business here in my town seeing that I worked for one photographer before and I’m afraid of how he and other photographers I do work for will feel. Is that ridiculous? Plus I have a hard time with charging… I know my skills are there I have taken many seminars and I feel that I am ready but where do I start with my pricing? Also do you always shoot in natural light? This is the longest comment ever BTW I love your blog
Thanks for this post, Katie! I had emailed you a couple weeks ago about this very topic, so it’s like you’re speaking to me (in addition to the very prompt reply email you sent!) This makes me feel more confident in my decision to become a paid photographer. I have a road ahead of me with building up a portfolio and getting the right supplies, but I am happy to hear of your success, it makes me feel hopeful. I am a “mom-that-hates-her-desk-job”)! Thanks again – Morgan @ A Bright Idea
Thanks Katie for another great post! As a part two…could you walk us through a photoshop editing process that you do? I am not looking at doing photography as a profession, just want to enhance the shots I have. or perhaps talk about what you look for as background? I love the photo where she is sitting, finace is looking at her at the soda shop and she is sitting in a heart-shaped chair. Your photographs tell a story to me not just simply taking an image. Love the dress too!
Oh one more question for you…do you still like your JO totes bag? Do you use it as a diaper bag too?
I also love your photos. No desire to have my own photography business but a huge desire to improve the photos I take of my kids. I am the total lame-o who always sets my Rebel T1i on auto. For some reason I just can NOT figure out what the manual settings mean. Is there some catchy acronym that would help me remember what does what? Honestly I’m not an idiot … graduated college with a 4.0 and easily passed the CPA exam, but my camera makes me cry. And my husband keeps buying these fancy lenses for me (I have both a 24-105 mm and a 50 mm) but I honestly just point and shoot the thing.
Congratulations Katie! It’s got to feel good to know yourself. I remember when I stopped shooting willy nilly and KNOWING I could expect to deliver a consistent product. It’s such a relief!
Katie, what sort of books do you recommend? Any specific titles?
Hey Katie!
I’d love to hear what photography blogs you follow! Could you list some? (And, of course, I love the blog!)
Still love it and still use it all the time. It doubles as our diaper bag when needed 🙂
xo – kb
Well – that’s a tough question…I don’t think you should necessarily feel bad for starting a photography business if there is someone you know who does it…BUT I wouldn’t be scared of letting him know either…everyone has different styles! Maybe you could even join forces with him on big projects (like if you needed an extra shooter for weddings). Charging is a touchy subject…especially if you don’t have a portfolio with photos that your own…so definitely take that into consideration. I always say that if you can afford it, then take your time to build the portfolio…charge half of what you deserve till you have a solid base and then you can move it up. Oh and yes – I always shoot in natural light 🙂
xo – kb
Try looking online at your state, county, or city’s websites. Mine had a “starting your own business” guide with some basic stuff laid out. That’s how I figured out whether or not I needed a DBA and licensing.
From there, you’ll probably want to have a contract of some sort that outlines what customers are getting, when/how they need to pay you, you don’t sell or distribute their photos, etc.
Search for small business counseling in your city. Sometimes there are low-cost or free advising seminars and sessions. They are awesome resources often put out there by people who work with small businesses for a living. Good luck!
Katie, how do you store all your photos (personal and clients)? Do you have an external drive, a networked site (I can’t think of the name of the popular one that others use for backup), or use the backup/sync option in Photoshop, or burn CDs or DVDs? Do you immediately dump your pics from SD card to your PC, or just do that daily or on some other schedule?
I need to get better at managing our digital photos and am looking for some tips.
I just wanted to share this link I stumbled upon that has an article on how to take better photos (it’s tailored more to dance photos but is packed with great info). It helped to explain some things about photography that I didn’t quite understand (and it has charts … YAY!). It’s by some genius who works at google:
Thanks Katie…This summer I will concentrate on getting the photography going…I will keep you posted on how it goes. Thanks for answering my question