TWEET TWEET Definitely my hubby- the best father anyone could ask for!!
Oops wrong thread! Your baby is adorable btw. My firstborn is named Will too. He is 5 now. Seems like yesterday he was your Will’s size…. Enjoy ever moment!
NOM NOM baby feet in footie pjs… nothing beats it.
it makes you wonder.. what is he dreaming about? I often sneak into my daughters room while she is sleeping to peak at her..and then get teary eyed… looking at the amazing child the Lord blessed my husband and I with… enjoy Will… he is really beautiful!
Precious!! I would give anything for my 4 month old to do that!! Instead, when naptime rolls around its cryfest 2010 for the next 20 minutes until he sleeps for MAYBE 25 minutes!
Will is so sweet!!
On another note, I have a suggestion (sorry i didn’t know where to write this)…
The Bower Power page on facebook would be so much easier if it was a ‘Page’, so people can just click ‘Like’ to join, instead of the current one where people have to click ‘add as friend’ and then wait to be accepted. If you can do it, I think it will make it so much easier for fans 🙂
I Love your blog, and I am thankful for your sense of humour every morning!
Oh Man! Could you just stare at his little face for hours!!! He’s adorable!
That is precisely the reason my daughter sleeps with us, there’s nothing better than staring at her all night long. I hardly sleep!
Yeah he is Kristin. It was a gift from a reader and he LOVES it. In fact, whenever we put him down for a nap he waits till we hand him his lovie and then he will bury his head down and go right off to sleep. I don’t know what we would do without it 🙂
xo – kb
Tweet Tweet! Definitely a family picture. Since our son was born we haven’t had any shots of the four of us! And this type of photo would be perfect in our home!!!!
These are by far some of the sweetest pics you’ve posted of Will. He is just too cute for words.
Love the binky in the shot! My 4mo old has the same one, and he’s obsessed. When he can’t put it in his mouth the right way, he gets all annoyed. 🙂
Heather Mackeysays
Absolutely a adorable little boy! I so miss my two boys when they were that age! I used to snuggle in beside them when they would sleep on my bed. I especially miss Saturday and Sunday mornings when they would wake up and come and get into bed with us!
TWEET TWEET Definitely my hubby- the best father anyone could ask for!!
Oops wrong thread! Your baby is adorable btw. My firstborn is named Will too. He is 5 now. Seems like yesterday he was your Will’s size…. Enjoy ever moment!
NOM NOM baby feet in footie pjs… nothing beats it.
it makes you wonder.. what is he dreaming about? I often sneak into my daughters room while she is sleeping to peak at her..and then get teary eyed… looking at the amazing child the Lord blessed my husband and I with… enjoy Will… he is really beautiful!
Precious!! I would give anything for my 4 month old to do that!! Instead, when naptime rolls around its cryfest 2010 for the next 20 minutes until he sleeps for MAYBE 25 minutes!
LOVE this.
omg he is so precious, i remember when my boys were that little!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So cute and irresistable. And it looks like he might have Jeremy’s eyebrows / forehead structure?
I hear ya sister 😉
I need longer posts. I don’t have anything to do.
So sweet! Don’t you love having a little boy!
So cute. He looks like a doll.
Will is so sweet!!
On another note, I have a suggestion (sorry i didn’t know where to write this)…
The Bower Power page on facebook would be so much easier if it was a ‘Page’, so people can just click ‘Like’ to join, instead of the current one where people have to click ‘add as friend’ and then wait to be accepted. If you can do it, I think it will make it so much easier for fans 🙂
I Love your blog, and I am thankful for your sense of humour every morning!
Oh Man! Could you just stare at his little face for hours!!! He’s adorable!
That is precisely the reason my daughter sleeps with us, there’s nothing better than staring at her all night long. I hardly sleep!
Oh and don’t you just wanna scrunch him!
So sweet! Do you find it hard not to snuggle him all day long?!
My favorite kind of pictures! I swear my girl looks so sweet and peaceful when she sleeps!
How sweet!!
super cute. love the jammies, where’da getem?
My son is wearing that outfit right now! I love how soft it feels!
They are from the Gap…and I love them because they zip up 🙂
xo – kb
Is he snuggling with an owl blanket? My little girl loves her owl at bed time!
Yeah he is Kristin. It was a gift from a reader and he LOVES it. In fact, whenever we put him down for a nap he waits till we hand him his lovie and then he will bury his head down and go right off to sleep. I don’t know what we would do without it 🙂
xo – kb
Tweet Tweet! Definitely a family picture. Since our son was born we haven’t had any shots of the four of us! And this type of photo would be perfect in our home!!!!
These are by far some of the sweetest pics you’ve posted of Will. He is just too cute for words.
Love the binky in the shot! My 4mo old has the same one, and he’s obsessed. When he can’t put it in his mouth the right way, he gets all annoyed. 🙂
Absolutely a adorable little boy! I so miss my two boys when they were that age! I used to snuggle in beside them when they would sleep on my bed. I especially miss Saturday and Sunday mornings when they would wake up and come and get into bed with us!