One of my absolute favorite bloggers – Michael at Inspired by Charm is a go-to read for me. His style is so fresh and clean and his photography is stunning and I love that he embraces homes in a colorful but not impractical way. It speaks to me. Like on a cellular level 🙂
That being said, I love love love his dining room and I wanted that wall art so badly that it kinda hurt. I literally searched high and low for the source and come to find out that they were originally from Target. Nate Berkus designed them and of course, they are no longer available. Thanks Nate. Thanks Target. Thanks Michael. You all are officially on my naughty list 🙂 of course you will come off that list in like ten minutes when I need a Nate/Target/Michael fix but for three seconds, NO NUTROLL FOR YOU.
So I decided that the best course of action would be to just try my hand at recreating this bad boy. It couldn’t be hard, right?!
I went to the store and picked up a bunch of small dowel rods and cut them into thirds.
Then I grabbed some craft glue – E6000 needs to be in everyone’s glue arsenal. It is one of the best!
And tried my hand at laying the dowels in a formation that mimicked the Nate version.
Each spot where the dowels touched, I gave it a glob of E6000 and let it dry.
Then I broke out my favorite gold spray paint – Rust-Oleum is literally the best gold in my book. I have tried all of them. Trust.
All in all….this is one of those projects that I’m glad I did….even if I did spend like $12 in dowels. I wish I could have just bought it but the knock off version is definitely cute if you need this starburst in your life. I used it in the Pedraza kitchen on their new shelves and love the graphic punch it gives to the room. I think it would be cute in black too! I wonder if that will trend…black starbursts! 🙂
So lesson learned y’all….if Michael blogs about something at Target….RUN. Don’t walk. Or else you will be on the Nate schedule where the item is shelved one day, marked down the next and unavailable by the weekend. And guys wish me luck….this weekend we are supposed to get snow. Maybe even over 1 inch….so of course people are freaking out. I can’t wait to get the boys in the snow and get some photos. The three littlest ones have never really played in snow before and Will can’t remember if he did. So yeah….excitement! Also…all the Christmas decor has to come down…which I’m dreading. Hopefully we don’t have too many casualties when it comes to ornaments and breakables. AND come back on Monday….I’m trying to get a complete Christmas recap done for you and it’s beefy. Like it makes cows look like fish. It’s that beefy. Did that analogy translate? No? 🙂
p.s. Here are some of my favorite Nate things at Target right now….check em out….
I just bought the gold obelisk for 90% off the other day. It was $1.49!!!! Have fun in the snow. We are supposed to get 4-8 inches in VA (just south of Richmond). However it wasn’t supposed to start snowing until midnight and it started before 6:00 pm! This can’t be good! Our kids are bouncing off the walls!
The banner ads at the bottom of your page are terribly annoying. The gifs are distracting, but worst of all, they cover up your content. I understand that you need the revenue, but I wish you’d find less annoying advertisements. The ones one the side aren’t so bad. And on the computer the ones at the end of your posts aren’t so bad either (though on the phone they’re every other paragraph, which is way too many and distracting from your own post photos). But if you only change one thing I really wish you’d get rid of these banners and pop ups that cover up your work. Ugh.
That starburst looks great but can’t find that pink Ottoman at the bottom. Bummer.
Do you know where he got the black chairs and chandelier?
I love his Blog also. Those res canisters are cute.
Did I miss the final reveal of the Pedrazza kitchen? It’s been a crazy couple of months, but I thought I’d kept up on my BP reading 🙂
Nope! I plan on doing it this coming week! Yay!
xo – kb
I think the black chairs are also Target and the chandelier is maybe Pottery Barn? I might have to look that one up 🙂
xo – kb
Thanks for the feedback. I completely understand. If you can tell me ones that are the worst, I can send that info along to the ad network to have them blocked. It’s hard because I see different ones than you do!
xo – kb
I sent you an e-mail with two screenshots. Thanks for understanding.
Thanks April. The problem with the ads is that we never know what people see unless they can help send us info! We always see these little tiny ones and we can’t eliminate things unless we know what they are!
xo – kb
Katie! I love your rendition of this project – gorgeous results! And those bowls are adorable!! I bought a few at HomeGoods a few months ago and regretted not getting more. Nicely done!!
Katie, I agree with April. The x’s are very tiny and I’ll just end up clicking the ads in attempt to hide it. I guess on PC it’s okay, but on a small screen phone (iPhone SE here) I can hardly scroll to the next paragraph without accidentally clicking on the ads