My brother is the funniest guy in our family.
He tells jokes. He has good timing. He can do voices.
Me? I come up with stuff two minutes too late. And they usually are an 8 outta ten. And all my accents sound like a weird mix of German and British with a random Spanish verb thrown in. It’s not cool.
But Brad? Very funny. Plus, he’s a plumber…and lives in Alabama….so he can make redneck & crack jokes without offending anyone.
That’s not really the point of this post. Just some random information that I thought you might like.
So anyway…my brother’s wife, Tara asked me if I could snap a photo for their Christmas card. And then it turned into a full-blown photo shoot. I love when that happens 🙂 Wanna see their darling fam?
Braden is my oldest nephew. He’s a straight-up studmuffin. Everytime I see him, he is more and more like a little man. He would scowl and yell “NO!” at me if he knew that I said this…but he is really really sweet. Like sweeter than a lot of girls his age. He would literally give you his shirt if you asked. Not that you would…because you don’t know this because I never said it 🙂
Braden is the big brother to Clara. I’ve written bucketloads about this little girl.
She’s dramatic. She’s spitfirey. She’s got more confidence than ten female celebrities combined.
You may have noticed but I tried to edit all the photos to compliment each other. It was a lot of saturated golds and reds and warmth and feel-good-in-fallness.
I also did copies in black & white. That’s how I roll.
I get emails all the time about what I provide at photo shoots…and I like to give the people color edits and the B&W edits too. It just makes sense. Afterall, you spend about five to ten minutes doing the color and then it takes like 45 seconds to do the B&W version.
This was one of my favorites of Brad & Clara. She, like any little girl, wants her daddy’s approval…and love…and kisses…and Brad does all that….plus can make her squeal like a shopaholic at a designer’s sale.
And don’t get me started on how much these kiddies love their momma. I hope Will loves me half that much one day.
Hand’s down…my favorite of Braden.
(photographer’s tip: if you are having trouble keeping up with high energy kids, have them lay on the ground. It’s perfect tickling range, plus it buys you extra time to get your focus on their eyes without them running off!)
Love this one too.
And as much as I love a good ole fashioned staring-into-one-another’s-eye’s photo…
…this one is my fav of them. It was totally candid. I love me a smiling kiss. That’s another tip…when people are kissing, it can be sweet. Yes it can. But then you look at the image and it looks…well…weird. Tell the kissers to smile when they are puckering up and through the smooch…it makes for a very sweet kiss (vs. a photo that makes you wanna gag a little in the back of your throat).
So that is just one of the little family photo sessions I worked in over the holiday…how bout you? Any awesome family photos you snapped between the bird and the pigskin games? Or perhaps the only thing you did this past weekend was serious R&R? Love to hear how your holiday went! Mine was devine. Food…family…several games of cornhole…breakin & entering into a house for sale….you know, fun stuff 🙂
What a gorgeous family! And the autumn colours are gorgeous, just got snow here in England, but I suppose that is just as exciting!
Although, just some advice, on some of the photos, particularly the close ups, they look a little over airbrushed to the point where there skin has zero texture anymore so they end up looking slightly odd.
these are beautiful! what a pretty family! You can definitely tell you and your brother are related 🙂 happy holidays!
I know Vicki…sadly it wasn’t only due to the editing though (I could have controlled that)…but the exposure and the lighting (we took these in the middle of the day – not good). When I tried to darken them up, it was either go with airbrushed skin or skin that looked slightly frankensteinish. I guess I need to stick to the morning & evening shoots and learn a little more about darkening highlights and midtones in Photoshop.
xo – kb
I am loving all of your photography tips – I have basically the same equipment you do (Rebel with a 50mm prime), except I have PSE8. I am wondering, though, would you be willing to give more information on your photos – like f-stop and shutter speed? I am especially wondering what types of f-stops you use to get such clear pictures and such awesome focus on the eyes. Do you use manual or automatic focus? I’d love to know!!! I am just getting into doing some photo shoots of friends/family and am really enjoying it.
Great job Katie! I seriously think that you should start doing this professionally…or semi-professionally 🙂
Hi Erin,
Most times with outdoor shots my ISO is 200 (for a very clear bright day) to 400 (normal) to 600 (if the sun is going down). My f-stop is generally 2.8 for portraits but can vary accordingly. Shutterspeed never really drops below 1/200. I shoot manually so it definitely depends on the lighting…if you go into a really dark area or whatever things can change. I use automatic focus and I always try to get the camera to focus on the eyes. Also I sharpen the eyes afterwards in photoshop.
Hope this helps!
xo – kb
These are done wonderfully. So which one are they choosing for their Christmas Card? The first one?
Thanks so much, it does help! I’m glad to know that I’m on track 🙂 I used to shoot at the 1.8 fstop a lot, but lately am realizing that slightly higher is ok!
I don’t know yet Amanda! I can’t wait to find out either 🙂
xo – kb
yes- The first one! Thank you- Katie! They are all wonderful!!!
Did a little self-family-portrait (linked). Being behind the camera yourself you don’t get to be quite as creative! Still, I should’ve made ’em suffer in the cold a little longer and taken more shots!
a) The pictures are GORGEOUS, as usual!
b) Please keep the photography and Photoshop tips coming. I’m slowly learning Lightroom… and I’m loving the tidbits you keep sharing.
c) Does the small mention of ‘a house for sale’ mean you may have news to share soon??
reply to c)….I. wish.
xo – kb
Hey I just found your blog over Thrifty Decor Chick and I am so glad that I did it looks like I will be here a while looking at all of your wonderful posts. But I thought I would comment this post first. Has anyone ever told your sister -in-law that she looks like Katy Perry? I think she does. Anywho thanks for creating a cool blog and I am sure you will hear from me whenever I see something I just have to comment on. (whether you want to or not)
Greetings from Mannheim Germany
Your whole family has the beautiful gene!
Yay Julia! It’s nice to have ya in our neck of the woods!
I’ll have to tease Tara about the Katy Perry reference….she loves that kinda thing 🙂
xo – kb
Ahhhh – I knew it! Next time I’ll be more patient 🙂 Very excited for you guys and sending prayers your way.