This comparison kills me…I love these cutie booties…
Will at 3 weeks
Weston at 2 weeks
I figure I’ll try to get a similar picture of all my kids (naked tush, belly pose, neutral background) to hang all together. I have a more proper post for you guys later…but for now, let’s just pretend the world revolves around my babies. rewrite the science books people…the planet goes around my little balls of gas 🙂
Whoa. I can see how your world revolves around them. Your boys are gorgeous! and basically identical. Keep soaking up this time with them!
So precious! Thanks for sharing.
SOOO cute!! I’m excited to see how similar Weston will look to Will as he grows 🙂
(I commented earlier, but it didn’t seem to work properly. Sorry if this gets duplicated!)
They are beautiful.
Squee! Sweet babies! Their bodies and hair look the same but I see some subtle differences in the facial features. You are giving me serious baby fever!
Oh my word. You two make the most precious babies. So happy for your little family. 🙂
Oh my gosh-identical!! They are both so precious- hope you all are adjusting to being a family of 4!
Wow, what little cuties! I can’t wait for my 12 wk punkin to come!
Oh, Katie both of your boys are just too cute! You and Jer sure make beautiful babies.
you and jeremy make beautiful babies!!! =)
Just too cute for words 🙂
Oh My!! What cuties!!! Love the little booties
~ jillian
Oh Katie, little Weston is so beautiful! (like your Will). I love his hairline in the front- these pics are fab! Congratulations—you incubate darling offspring!
Holy Smokes! They look identical! Can’t wait to see what Weston looks like in a few months.
oh my gosh, Weston has a Paul Ryan widow’s peak (please don’t be offended, it’s adorable!)
They are both so cute and look so different even so young!
Congrats, proud momma!
I totally think you should cover your walls in naked boys. 😉 Thanks for sharing their cuteness. xo
How beautiful!! your photography inspires & motivates me to improve my own!! And your precious boys are such beautiful subjects!! I do this similar-pose/setting thing with my boys (currently 3.5 and 7mos). Love seeing how similar but different they are at the same time. However, lately everyone says Bennett (2nd) looks so much like his big brother, Sam, but as their mana, I don’t see it. Some similar individual features, sure, but I see them as two totally different boys who are very different personalities that both add perfectly to our family!
I can’t wait to see more of your boys side-by-side and growing together. I love watching the same in my own home every day!!
So handsome! You guys make super duper cute babies, Katie and Jeremy!
WOW. They look identical!! So precious! Dying to know how mommy-hood is going with two babies!!! 🙂 xo
I see the similarities and differences! Both perfect!! I have a few more weeks until I have “my boys” so enjoying every bit of my boy for now:) congratulations!!
Katie B!
Your boys are presh! My Boykin is growing up way too fast and I keep telling him if he doesn’t stop I’m going to ground him. Doesn’t seem to phase him though. Question: I know your days are filled with diaps and nursing, etc, but if you find a minute to check out my blog, could you fill out my Christmas survey I have up? I would love to hear your answers. Thanks Happy Christmas!
Holy baby pictures, Batman! KB had the same baby twice!!
Hi Katie!
I`m Jacky from Germany and I`ve been reading your blog for over one year now. I wish you all the best four your family and your two precious babies! Your personality is so amazing and your posts made me smile even when I felt like crying.THANK YOU KATIE!
Your friend from far away Germany, who has never been to the US
They could be the same baby! Guess what we know Weston will look like. Two beautiful boys! Congratulations!
What angels! They are perfect!
Beautiful babies. So happy for you.
I don’t know of any definitive proof that the world, psychologically speaking, DOES NOT revolve around our children. Mine does. Same for all of my friends. Astronomy is for people know…”scientifically”. Poo. Those babies are everything to you and you are everything to them. What further proof is required. Wallow in it, Mama. All too soon they will be 10 and 7 and talking about being a teenager…… I miss the cutie booties an awful lot. I will luxuriate in babyness vicariously through you….and MODG. 😉
Such beautiful babies – I am totally down with the world revolving around them.
So freaking cuuuuuute<3
Not offended at all! I have the same hairline 🙂
xo – kb
It’s the new trend Dana – seriously…it’s like the new ombre chevron. Why do you not have thousands of Mabrey’s tush everywhere?!
xo – kb
They are SERIOUSLY adorable!!! And I am with you, there is nothing like cute little baby bums!
So precious!!! I love their little pouty lips! Thanks for sharing the cuteness 🙂
Just beautiful! Funny how Will looks the same now…just bigger, of course 😉 He’ll always be a baby too!
They look like the same baby – same lips. Hope you are getting lots of kisses in. What a beautiful family you have. Soak it ALL in. Hope your “down under” is recovering 🙂
So sweet! And it’s fun to see how your photography has changed/improved since your first baby.
It’s almost too much! The pictures of your babies are beyond beautiful. I’m 28 weeks tomorrow with #4 and am so looking forward to another newborn again! May God bless your growing family. 🙂
Are you having better luck breast feeding this time? I hope so! Sending well wishes and prayers. XO
Those are two BEAUTIFUL babies! Enjoy your time with them. Isn’t it amazing to look at will’s pics and see how much he looks the same but so different too. I do that all the time I when I look at Remie’s.
aaah, the hair on those boys! my six-month-old is a cue ball!
How beautiful! Will looks so much like his daddy, but guess what- Weston is all you!
OHmygosh, look at Weston’s cupid-bow lips they are soooo sweet!! aughh! These pics make me want babies!! So precious.
Beautiful. Its amazing how alike they look. I love those pictures
So precious! Oh, how I miss having a tiny infant in the house. My boys are already 6 and 8! Enjoy this time! They grow up way too fast!
Look at all that hair on Wills head! Both are one lucky family. Enjoy every moment!
As long as the world now revolves around them, I want more details! How much do they weigh at this stage? Sleep? Eat? Coo? Keep these coming Katie! Puts a smile on my face.
I may be the only one but I think they look completely different. I mean, I see similarities but I have always thought that Will was a baby Katie and Weston looks like a baby Jeremy.
They are gorgeous. I’m not just saying that either. Truly beautiful (non alien looking) babies are a rarity!
Ooh I think Will looks JUST like you and Weston looks so much like your husband! They’re both adorable 🙂
haha..that’s what Jeremy said too!
xo – kb
Night and day difference! So happy that it worked out easier this time 🙂
xo – kb
Oh my heart! What beautiful boys you have. Sososo sweet
12 year old boy tushes ( my son…) aren’t nearly as cute ( and I’m guaranteeing it is a bunch more stinky)….. That is sounding a bit creepy as I write it…. But it’s the truth:) ha!
No need for a “proper” post. This made my day (and it was a bad one). My what beautiful babies you make!
What handsome boys!!!
Oh wow. What beautiful boys. And once again your photography WOWS me!
Wow, such cuties!! I was reading some of the previous comments & it’s funny how some people think your boys look alike… I think they look so different, especially when I saw that very first photo of Weston that you put up in another post. Do you think he looks more like Jeremy than Will did?
Swoon! These pics totally make my ovaries itch for a 3rd baby.
Those are beautiful babies! I love the similar pictures. 🙂 They are so identical!
oh man!!! so adorable. so similar tet each with their own uniqueness
My ovaries are aching just looking at their cuteness!
I can’t wait for more posts!
PS I follow another photographer as well, Kerianne Brown ( and she has two boys, almost the same age, named Will & Wes… what are the chances? Great minds think alike I guess! 🙂
They are both adorable!!
yay!! baby post!!
Weston is precious! I do see a difference in them though!
Gorgeous. They are so, so beautiful.
We both think that Weston looks SOOO much like Jeremy. The main thing Weston gets from me is the shape of the head in the back…Jer’s head is smaller and is flatter in back while mine is huge…Weston’s got his mama’s big ole head.
xo – kb
i can only wonder if will is jealous of weston’s already full sideburns? i totally forgot about his friar tuck days! 🙂
Katie, they are both gorgeous! Seriously, how do you get anything done?! I would just sit and stare all. day. long.
haha…I almost forgot about that too! It’s so funny how little things like that are the best kind of memories 🙂
xo – kb
Someone has SIDEBURNS! 🙂 haha. Congratulations on your beautiful boys!
Such incredibly beautiful boys! So happy for you and your growing family. These little nude photos just kill me. Adorable!
That hairline is to die for!
They look so different!
I was convinced my new son (13 weeks) was a clone of my first son (two years) until I put pics of them at the same age next to each other. Then I realised my boys look nothing alike, nothing!!
So sweet to have little individuals 🙂
Haha! Isn’t it awesome seeing different parts of you and your partner in a baby? I have a tiny (let’s face it…pea-sized…head) and my little bird looks exactly like me in everything except her dad’s giganto head size. While tugging a t-shirt over that dome can be a bit difficult, we love it! Hubby says ‘she’s lucky to have such a big brain box’.
Your boys are beautiful! Happy Holidays!
You made the same baby twice! Such beautiful boys! Wishing you all the best!
Oh my gosh, newborn Will looks exactly like current Will!! I love those sweet little newborn lips
It’s amazing to look at Will’s face in the photo above and again in recent photos you’ve taken. The same sweet face in miniature but many of the features are very much the same. It will be fun to look at Weston’s photos in a few years and compare them with the one you just took. And yes, of course right now the world does revolve around you and those sweet boys – enjoy. And thanks for letting us enjoy a bit with you!
That hair!!! My kids were all bald forever.
What a great idea for same age/pose photos.
They are some handsome babies! I hope you are healing as well as can be expected. And that Will is behaving better!
They are so precious! Earlier today I was working on the computer when my 2 1/2 year old came over and asked to see “Katie’s baby that came out of her tummy”. It took me a minute to remember that I had told her about Weston last week when she saw me reading your first post about him. 🙂
Oh my gosh! I’ve been out of the loop for quite a while now, but just had to check back to see if you’d had your baby – and he is beautiful!! Congratulations!! And don’t judge me, but I’m going to throw it out there that every time I’m out in Loganville I hope to run into the Bowers so that I can idolize you guys. 😉 I promise I’m not a crazy stalker, I just live nearby and think you are awesome! Haha.
Absolutely adorable! Lovely photos. You’re giving me baby fever… really bad!!! 🙂
Hopefully we will one day!
xo – kb
Congratulations Katie. They are just adorable!
My oh my you make beautiful babies! <3
Many congratulations! We have two, too, and it’s amazing how your heart expands with love. Weston has a cool name– and I thought you were tricking us on Instagram with that monogram craft because the W could be for Jeremy and the K could be for you. 😉
Where was Weston’s two-week photo taken? I recognize the wall in Will’s photo from his nursery, and I’m curious where you photographed his brother. It’s a similar-looking background. We’ve also enjoyed staging similar shots of each of our children (poses and outfits).
We actually saved the ‘stage’ that my sister and Boots built for their wedding…they made it out of pallets I had in my stash from Will’s first birthday party…and now have it in our basement waiting conversion into a headboard. It looks very similar though, right?!
xo – kb
Oh my Gosh Katie!! Those photos totally made me tear up! My husband and I are going to start trying for our first this spring and…well, wow. Your boys are so beautiful! I’m jealous!