Patience is not my forte. And waiting for fall to arrive so that I could update our kitchen shelves to display a more autumn-appropriate display practically killed me. I almost died. It was a true near death experience. Sort of like how the wait for Christmas morning kills millions of kids world-wide. That darn Santa should be persecuted as an accomplice to murder.
This is how the shelves in our kitchen looked all summer long…
And now they look a little bit more seasonal 🙂
I updated the shelves with a specific color scheme in mind….gray (because our backsplash and wall color is gray), pumpkin orange (it’s fall y’all!), and minty green (to make things feel really fresh and happy).
Cute, right?!
I love the color combo in the kitchen. I love anything that makes my kitchen seem cleaner.
The painted pumpkins were actually a salvage type project. A couple of the kids at the pumpkin painting party had been a little over-zealous in their painting jobs and decided that they “messed up” and even after offers of washing off the paint and giving the pumpkins back clean and new-ish, the kids abandoned their ‘creations’ and started on a spare pumpkin….so they left me with two small ‘kins that were adorned with smiley faces and squiggly lines.
Now…if that were my kid’s pumpkins with smiley faces and squigglies, bygoshdarnit, I would declare him a painting genius and proudly display them. But since they weren’t….well, most folks would do the same thing I did….repaint.
Both got coated with a metallic gunmetal gray and then I used a Sharpie white paint pen to make designs. This one I attempted to make it look like a doily.
And this one I am planning on giving to my friend who is in remission from brain cancer. She is my age and has one of the most amazing stories of commitment, love and faith that I’ve heard. Since the symbol for brain cancer is a gray ribbon (like the breast cancer has the pink ribbon), I thought it would be fitting to make the pumpkin gray and do lots of little “ribbons” to create a pattern.
Yes. My ribbons look more like cursive L’s but whatever. I tried 🙂
So have you been patiently waiting to decorate for fall? Any fun color schemes like minty pumpkin or do fun stuff like sharpie a gray matter or doily pumpkin? Anyone feeling not guilty for repainting another kid’s creation? (raises hand immediately)
Hey, nothing wrong with cursive Ls!
I love the bright, colorful bowls. I’d never let anyone use them so that I could keep them on display always.
And just like that, mint and orange move to the top of my favorite color combinations list (I’m not the only one with that list, right?).
That doily design is unreal. Great job!!
Love that color scheme, goes perfect in your kitchen! 🙂
First, LOVE that pumpkin picture of Will! Too cute, as usual. I might have to try that with my little guy.
Love that you are supporting your friend with brain cancer. I’m your age (UGA girl too) and two of my best girlfriends have dealt with brain cancer. One has been in remission for 5 years, the second was in remission for 7 but its starting to grow back now. She just had her first daughter a year ago and now potentially a second series of surgery and radiation. I hate for anyone to go through it, but so few realize that people our age (diagnosed in 20s, now in 30s) can actually get brain cancer. Thank you for mentioning it, it really helps to bring awareness.
Thoughts and prayers to your friend and her family during her battle.
I swear I spend too much time on Instagram. I was just trying to figure out in my mind why I wasn’t seeing a heart as I was tapping away on the picture of Will in the pumpkin. Liked your picture girl!
How sweet and adorable! Love the mint and sharpie’d pumpkins- the gray “ribbons” are so touching 🙂
I’ve put out a few things but not done much. We are in the process of selling our house so it’s better not to have too many personal things out. I can’t wait to get to a new house and get back at it!
I have to admit that I didn’t even notice those were pumpkins until you pointed them out. Cute!
Katie –
I have tried to find your wall color and haven’t been able to! Is it Metropolitain by Benjamen Moore?! I even went to the painter’s paint place here in Michigan and they said there is not such a color! Are they messing with me? Am I paranoid? PLEASE HELP! I desparately want to paint !!!
Thank you!
Yes. Metropolitan by Benjamin Moore. Here’s a link to their online listing of the color. Hope this helps!
xo – kb
looks awesome!
And we patiently wait on a “bump” update. please? thanks girl 🙂
Several things: first of all, love the colour scheme! I love fall, so I am ALL about this. But this year I am super excited about halloween. I went out and bought so many decorations this year… why? I do not know. Oh wait, I do. My visa likes getting a work out. Who am I to deny some exercise? Right? TWO. pumpkin picture. killing me. threeeeee. I love love love your kindness to others. Even if it’s a pumpkin, it’s such an act of kindness, and I think it is lovely. four, happy fall katie bower (and bower family)!
Love this! Is that metallic gunmetal gray a spray paint or craft paint or regular paint or…I could go on and on. Would love to use it on some unsuspecting gourds at my house! 🙂
Last week I made edible fall garland-
It’s kind of a mix between decoration and yum!
Next week we’re going to Spider Web School (oh, the cool things you can learn with them) which means I really should decorate for that. We have so many around us, I’m not sure decorating is needed though.
I painted my pumpkin this year too! Love the no mess!
You are SO creative – Sharpies on a pumpkin = genius!
It was still close to 100 degrees outside when the First Day of Fall arrived here in TX. I didnt care, I took down all the summertime decor and gladly put up fall.
Do you have the specs for the shelves? I LOVE them!
Festive and fun. Love that picture of Will! So cute 🙂
I love this! It looks great and the owl print is adorable!
So, I had my kids paint pumpkins this weekend for my dining room table, I’m not sure what happened but they came out looking like poo (no literally), so I totally thought about repainting them but I couldn’t bring myself to do it… so my fall decorations are officially pumpkins resembling poo.
I love your fancy pumpkins!!
Minty pumpkin! What a fresh color combo, I totally dig it 🙂 and ohmygosh little will in a pumpkin! holy too cutes batman!!
Those dark grey pumpkins look incredible!! I have never felt like I am good at decorating for the seasons, but just this weekend I got inspired and built this:
and I FINALLY feel like our house feels like autumn!
I love that you painted that pumpkin in honor of your friend. You are so thoughtful.
Love your fall decor! I would never have thought of that color combo but it looks great.
Love the “clean” color scheme! Do you actually use that clock to tell what time it is? With my luck, it would lean/roll the tiniest bit and I would end up being an hour late for everything! 😉
I really think we are destined to be friends.
My MIL has stage 4 brain cancer. :,( She just turned 56, she has 16 children (no multiples, same mom and dad, no we are not catholic) and I’m lucky enough to be married to her oldest son.
She is AMAZING. There are no words to describe it. And even though we know she is going to a place that is more wonderful than we could ever imagine, we can’t quite cope with not having her here.
I’ll keep your friend in my prayers. <3
I do. I plan on using one of those 3M hooks on the tile to hang it properly…because yeah…I am with ya on the back luck 🙂
xo – kb
It’s one of those little craft paints at Michaels. It was the brand Folkart I believe 🙂
xo – kb
xo – kb
I love the Owl print. Would you mind sharing where you got it? Thanks!
Love the color combination! I plan on trying the pumpkin picture with my 10 month old too. And I’ve been a sucker for owls for years now, might I ask where the owl print is from?
I LOVE the orange with the mint! I’m obsessed with mint right now and then orange with it is so unexpected. I also love your cancer pumpkin for your friend. We lost my dad 5 years ago last month to brain/lung cancer. I like the idea of small happy tributes like that. Lots of love to your friend!
Love this – absolutely gorgeous! I’ve been “away” from your blog for a couple of weeks with a sick baby (and then a sick self) so I might have missed it but where did the adorable owl art come from?
I’m glad someone else has no qualms about repainting their child’s handywork! You’re look so cute! I love the sharpie swirls!
It’s from one of my favorite etsy artists…his name is Ashley Percival and here is the link.
xo – kb
It’s from Ashley Percival…he’s one of my favorite etsy artists 🙂
xo – kb
The owl art is by a very talented etsy artist named Ashley Percival. His shop is here.
xo – kb
Love this! Mint and pumpkins are my two favorite things!
That is some very pretty Halloween décor. The colors are perfect. Snazzy!
Minus the corbels, they are 6.25 x 36 x 1 inch. Sorry it took me so long to measure…I was looking for my measuring tape 🙂
xo – kb