When I see an American flag….I see family.
I see my family. I see other families. I see our big mixing pot of Americans. One big (sometimes highly dysfunctional) and passionate family. And I see the sacrifice so many families have made for our lives here. So many men and women, children and mothers and fathers and grandparents, they give of themselves….they give their most precious time, endless energy and tireless effort….they give their lives. just so I can hum hymns to my unborn baby without fear. so my son can sit on the floor with his grandparents and play and laugh and enjoy one another. just so we can have freedom, hope and the ability to worship.
My heart goes out to anyone – man, woman or child – that is remembering a lost loved one today. To the military families out there – I thank you for your daily sacrifice. My family thanks you. You are our heros. You are remembered. Your family is flying proudly with our flag today.
We hung a flag at our old house….and when we moved, I had to bring it with me. No flag left behind. We left the bracket though. My goal was to have a flag up at this new house by last Memorial Day….obviously with all my other slacking that got thrown in with the mix.
This year – dubbed by me as Year of Git Er Done – we have it flying high. Consider yourself here. We are celebrating the lives of our fellow Americans.
Hope you are able to enjoy your long weekend too.
p.s. At our first appointment (12 weeks) the doctor said he thought it was a boy but “he wouldn’t put money on it” – and I figured we get that confirmation at this past Thursdays appointment. Unfortunately, the baby wasn’t in the right position to see (I blame a very full bladder) – so we have to wait four more weeks till we get the chance to see the private bits again. And then we’ll start picking out names. And think about nurseries. And start imagining life with a baby brother or sister.
p.p.s. I wasn’t disappointed – how can I be when I get to see that little heartbeat again?! just impatient. I’m so ready to name the little stinker.
p.p.p.s. This baby is like the Karate Kid. Kicking up a storm. I should just call him Daniel son 🙂
What a bummer! I’m 18 weeks and have an ultrasound tomorrow, so I’m praying for a great crotch shot. I don’t have the patience to wait any longer!
I was disappointed about not finding out so we booked a private scan on the weekend. We are expecting a baby girl. I hope you get your news at your next appointment!
Silly babies and not getting into position!
Looks like you guys had a great weekend already. Happy Memorial Day!
Thank you for this post. So many people seem to forget what Memorial Day really stands for and use it as the day to kick start Summer. As a Marine Corps Wife, Niece, Sister and Sister-in-law, and also a Navy Daughter, Granddaughter and Niece, I truly appreciate that you and your family celebrate the day for what it is truly meant to be.
Happy Memorial Day fellow readers! Say a prayer for those currently deployed and for our fallen heros!
So glad that maybe-baby-boy is well! Heartbeats are amazing to see/ hear. Happy Memorial Day!
At 13 weeks they thought I might be having a boy. At my 19 week they changed their mind to girl. I’ve had them check several times since then and they’re still saying girl. I’m 38+ weeks now so not too much longer!
Thank you for a post reminding us all what today is about. Now just burgers, and dogs, and a day off. I think it gets forgotten sometimes.
Did you know Ive been checking the blog every ten minutes or so the last two days to see if you posted pink or blue?! Now I…ok…WE…have to wait four more weeks?! Gaaahhh! 🙂
XO Lynn
I hope more people are like you. I hope people have their backyard BBQs and set an empty place setting for the service man or woman who never made it home. I hope parents teach their kids about why they have the day off from school. And I hope they listen to the National Anthem with gratitude. I am the wife of a US Marine and could not be prouder of him. Thank YOU Katie and family for your support.
Haha! Daniel son, like a play on Danial-san! Did you mean to make that joke or is it just your natural humor oozing out?
You could always wait a few more months to find out! 🙂 it’s worth the wait but I COMPLETLY understand why people want to know. The inability the plan/decorate is the hardest part. I hope you find out at your next appointment!
ur way ahead on the name train lol. i’m 37 weeks and still haven’t chosen a name for my baby boy! i’m fully convinced i have to see him first. maybe I’m just nervous bc he’s our very first baby. we couldn’t be more happy. took us a couple of years of trying before we were blessed with him! i know u know how that feels 🙂 anyhow, thx for sharing ur experience with us.
i’m a new-ish reader and i *think* that we may be from the same town. just based on some of the posts i’ve read. (i’m really hoping we didn’t graduate high school together or i’ll be really embarrassed. it’s happened before though.)
Full of surprises this one! Congrats:)
My friend was told her baby was a girl early on. She was then told later (and ever since), that it was definitely boy! So, it’s hard to tell until you get that money shot and am for sure. I had to do weekly appointments due to a preconsisting issue and although it was slightly annoying and time consuming, it gave me chances to see my baby girl every week and lots and lots of photos!
Good job on getting the flag up. We don’t have one but I keep wanting one. We have my husband’s grandfather’s flag but it is in really poor shape and needs properly destroyed as it’s past fixing.
Thanks for the kind words that honor our military. After my own tour in Iraq as an Army Officer, it means that much more when people say a heartfelt “Thank you for your service.”
It looks and sounds like you had fun and exciting weekend, even if you didn’t get all the answers yet. Sending thoughts for a healthy pregnancy and Little One!
Baby Bower’s keeping us all waiting here! Must be a girl 😉
Hi Amy –
I’m in Loganville but my folks live closer to Snellville. We probably didn’t graduate HS together…because if we did, that would be really weird to not remember…afterall, I was homeschooled 🙂
xo – kb
Is that butter next to your hamburgers on the large red plate or mayo?
Absolutely beautiful post. It’s refreshing to come across someone who is so unapologetically patriotic. 🙂 xoxo
I just wanted to thank you for acknowledging Memorial Day, so often the real reason for it is overlooked. I all too often took lightly what this day meant – until this year. On 4/26/2012 my brother was killed in Afghanistan. So this year, Memorial Day (which always happens to be my birthday) hits all to close to home. Thank you for remembering and honoring the real meaning of the day – May you be blessed always.
Bahaha I loved your ‘Daniel son’ comment. My last name is Danielson. Growing up, I always heard the Karate Kid version of my name “DanielSON”. I think it is definitely fitting for a karate kid baby! This ‘Daniel son’ approves. 🙂
haha…potato salad 🙂 Can you imagine if we just had one big bowl of mayo or butter?!
xo – kb
THANK YOU for your support! I think it’s easy for people to forget and get lost in their own lives when they are not the ones necessarily sacrificing daily. I am a Navy daughter and proud Navy wife with three kids. I proudly fly my American flag everyday whether it be on the big pole or the mini flag holder. It means a lot to hear people voice their support, prayers and appreciation!
Oh gosh, I’m just so happy for you!
I am so sorry to hear about your brother, but know that we all thank him from the bottom of our hearts for laying his life down for us. I can’t thank him or his comrades enough for standing up for the rights of my son, my family, and for me. I pray that your family has peace and remembers that this nation is made great because of people like your brother.
That makes much more sense. I was thinking that you guys really liked your mayo!
I appreciate your sentiments about military people. We just had a family wedding this weekend and the groom’s brother is serving in Afgahnastan- he was skyped in for some parts. It’s so hard to not have him there for these things.
Excited to find out what you’re having… and I love the name Daniel- that’s my son’s name! 🙂
Now if it’s a boy, you should name him Daniel haha. My brother is a Daniel. I picked his name when I was 7. Because I was in love with Ralph Macchio.
i’m surprised the doctors didn’t ask you to just excuse yourself to the bathroom and then come back in the room to check right after since your bladder was so full. i remember doing that at my ultrasounds. mayeb they would’ve seen then?
I went for my 20 week ultrasound yesterday. It took every ounce of willpower in my body but I can officially say that we are team GREEN! I’m so glad you guys are documenting your pregnancy! It’s so nice to hear from someone else that’s going through the same thing. Good luck!
congratulations! love the deck that you have too! great post!
good to know! my parents are in loganville, too! and i grew up in snellville….where everybody’s somebody, right? 🙂