We chose this old church as the backdrop because of several reasons: Kent is a pastor, it has great contrast, and we figured that the modern influence in the photos would make for some edgy urban maternity shots.
This pose just sort of happened and I love it. It makes her belly look especially pregnant. And I adore the fact that this reminds me of engagement photos which are all about the love 🙂
The church also had some large bushes so we had a way to switch things up a bit. I think maybe this one had too much white for her shirt – I didn’t edit these yet cause I don’t have editing software – Is there a way to tone that down and make it a little less blazing?
This pic just makes me laugh. Kent (like most boys) doesn’t feel 100% comfortable when in front of the camera. Some silly shots helped loosen things up a bit 🙂 The great part about this shot is that it is definitely more like them – super fun. And speaking of Kent…
I took this one probably ten times before he smiled really big. Little did I know that the smile was due to seeing Brook after she changed. I must say, it doesn’t get better than when boys are in love with their pregnant wife. This proud daddy is gonna make a great father.
I was totally guessing on how to get the background to look blurry. I was kinda going for that “look at the couple – and oh yeah – look at her belly”.
The light was quickly disappearing when I snapped this one. I hope I look as radiant and as beautiful when I have a little one on the way! And I hope that this pic does her justice – it was one of those ‘holding my breath’ moments when I thought “please Katie don’t screw this up!”
Last but not least – the belly heart. This is one of the only close-up photos I took…because tonight we are going over to take more ‘belly’ shots. Those probably won’t make it on here because they are a bit too intimate to share 🙂
So what do you think? Any photographers out there? I could use hints, tips, a major overhaul, maybe even a lesson on lighting, composition, or everything!!! I would love some input seeing as how this was my first attempt. I love constructive criticism – it will only make me better in the future. By the time I have kids, I wanna be able to capture them with some decent photos 🙂
I love the pics…I think they look beautiful! Just as good as a pricey photographer.
Wow, I think you did a great job. These are gorgeous!
I also think you did a great job! And Brook looks beautiful – I can only hope to look half as good when I’m pregnant!
Beautiful mom-to-be and great job photo queen!! I’d say you’re a darn good picture taker!!
I think you did awesome and need to give yourself some major credit. I also LURVE the back-to-back shot … and the heart shot at the end. She is truly lovely.
PS – I really enjoyed your model-post (for lack of a better description). It hasn’t disappeared out of my google reader (mwahaha) and I’ve starred it for future reference. =)
I think you did awesome and need to give yourself some major credit. I also LURVE the back-to-back shot … and the heart shot at the end. She is truly lovely.
PS – I really enjoyed your model-post (for lack of a better description). It hasn’t disappeared out of my google reader (mwahaha) and I’ve starred it for future reference. =)
Great photos! Terrific job!!!
Hi Ya'll,
I need criticism here folks – I can take it – I promise – so dish it out! I am definitely not trying to be a master of this trade – just want to improve and I know that I can take some hard advice to get better…I promise no retaliation will come your way 🙂
DISCLAIMER: you may still compliment Brook & Kent with flowery words of jealousy – heck I am envious that she looks that good at 38 weeks too!
XO – Katie
38 weeks, that’s craziness! The pics are gorgeous.
WOW! You did an amazing job! The photos are fab!!!!
Well done you! Really great shots. I always like to crop in close for some good facial shots as well as get on a stepstool or lie on the ground for some different vantage points…and of course make use of natural light! You’ve done a lovely job and should be very proud.
Honestly? I really think you have a knack for photography. I’m no photog, so I can’t give you any lighting/camera advice, but your shots are similar to one of my fave photogs, Jasmine Star:
Also, I love shots where the subjects aren’t looking at the camera (almost as if you’re peeking into their lives w/out them being aware of it) but you know your friends better than I do, so def. cater to their requests.
I love the pictures my favorite one is the last one beautiful!
Ok, these are beautiful. Now if I could only learn to take pics like that (and how to Photoshop them up too!)
You did such a wonderful job! Great composition of all the pictures.
I’m not much of a photog myself, but I do have a couple of tips that I’ve picked up along the way…
1. Tell the subject not to wear white unless it’s a wedding–for beginner photogs, it just allows for much more flexibility, ’cause it’s hard to get lighting right when they’re wearing white!
2. If they DO wear white (or sometimes black for that matter), read about light metering, and learn how to shoot manually in order to overexpose or underexpose as necessary, based on what your subject is wearing. If you’re shooting on automatic and point your camera at something light, the camera will say “ACK! Too much light!”, and then will consequently underexpose the picture. Does that make sense at all?
Melissa – Oh, I love that stepstool idea – wouldn’t that be darling, looking down on the head of someone who has this great big baby belly?!?
Freckles – you are so right about the ‘peering’ into thier lives with photos – I hope that one day I can capture that. And I checked out Jasmine’s blog – fabulous! That is fueling my photog fire baby!
And thanks Meredith for your tips – those are EXACTLY the kinda thing I need to know!
I am off to read about light-metering 🙂
XO – Katie
those are great… I never looked like that when I was preggo.. I am a little jealous now.. have to go …
Jennie – this girl has a figure most girls just dream about. I have chocked it up to good genes…something outta my control 🙂 I figure when I get pregnant, I will just pull the rip-cord early on…that way I don’t have to be judged.
XO – Katie