yes, another post about my offspring.
This time – he wants to tell you what I am fixated on:
Yup. Those pretty little ankles.
Specifically how he likes to cross them.
Every other day or so, he gets to watch his movie…it’s a treat for him and he sits like a perfect little gentleman the entire time; his little legs crossed at the ankles.
It’s funny to me for some strange reason. Funny because it’s dainty.
Sometimes he gets excited and then he will rub his heels back and forth or flap his arms up and down.
But then as soon as the exciting part is over, he goes back to crossing those little feet.
At times, he attempts to do it the opposite way….
But sooner or later – it always ends up being the other way around…it’s more comfortable I guess.
It’s just not at movie watching times either. It’s when he nurses, and sits in his highchair and when he is in his car seat….sometimes he crosses those bad boys when playing. I think his rapper name should be Kriss Kross Breezy.
But enough about the ankles…let’s talk about the rest of his tv watching setup. He often forgets to blink…and when he does, it’s like a million times in a second. The mouth is always open….catchin’ flys as my Pappap would say.
And he sometimes gets this look of boredom…it’s the disco light section on the Baby Einstein movie – he hates those dang lights. I bet it reminds him of John Travolta. AKA John Revolta.
The hands are usually beside him or capping the knees.
Until it’s over…and then he squirms and squirms hoping that I will press repeat…which I never do…but I think *someone* in the house might…just to make him smile 🙂
So do you guys have babes that do something that just melts your little heart? Any ankle crossers? Or kneelers? Or kids that can’t contain their excitement?
oh – and just so you know this post title makes me laugh out loud because of an old story about my mother. Let’s just say it involved seeing The Ying Yang twins in the airport and my mother claiming that she knew who they were from a late night television show….then to prove her knowledge of Atlanta hiphop, she said they were the ones “who wore their clothes backwards”. We may or may not have been on the Atlanta airport floor rolling in laughter.
p.s. We do not have anything against Mr. Travolta….except for him letting his wife kiss another man in Old Dogs right in front of him…that’s nastier than white disco pants with a brown spot you-know-where.
The other day when I was attempting the circus act that is wrangling my 7mo son into his diaper, I turned away for half a second and when I looked back, he had one foot propped up on the other leg’s knee, with his arms above his head. And he was butt-naked. Needless to say, my laughter could not be contained!
Awww!! Love these pictures of Will (and appreciate you sharing them)! You can definitely see some personality shining through. Oh, and since I’ve been slow on my commenting…congrats on the photography business, dream house, and everything else you’re doing now – I don’t know how you keep up! (p.s. if you’re going to be in the D.C. area, I could use some family photos :))
I am so glad that you wrote this! I made me smile, because my adorable offspring (another boy, aged 8 months) does the exact same thing! He doesn’t have a movie, but does it when drinking his bottle and when being read a book). It cracks me up because he is constantly in motion every other second, but in those moments he seems to be such a laid back little fella. 🙂
That’s adorable. I can’t believe you can get him to sit there and watch.
Um, Kris Kross came to the Nebraska State Fair in 1993 and it was awwwwwwwesome!
where did you find his cute outfit?
This is beyond adorable. What a little gentleman 🙂
Oh man, babies in pajamas kill me! So cute! Will is quite the stud mini-muffin!!
God – is that fricking cute (coming from a fellow ankle crosser). I also rub my feet together right before I fall asleep…not nearly as cute on a grown woman mind you.
Will is adorable! My husband and I had the same issue with Old Dogs — it was too creepy for comfort.
Hi Julie, the jammies are from Target 🙂
xo – kb
Will is so bloody adorable, and like you I find all those simple little things just the cutest, I love watching my 2yo daughter eat-she bobs her head up and down as she chews. Kids are the best.
Hilarious. What a mini-man.
LOVE the Will photos!
And I have to say, whenever I look at baby pictures, I try to see who they look like in each photo, mommy or daddy.
And I must say I stopped dead in my internet tracks at the 2nd to the last Will photo, the one of him laying on his side – he looks EXACTLY like Jeremy in that photo, at least to me!
Too cute! My daughter would do that when I first started letting her watch movies. Now the newness wore off and she now prefers to stand right up in front of the TV. Have you ever had Will watch Praise Baby dvds? They are the best!! I started with these dvds and then went to Baby Einstein when she got a little older.
Will is too cute! Thanks for sharing his pictures.
I love little Will, hes such a cutie – i cant believe how quick he is growing!
You have a handsome little boy :o)
Awwwww!!!! This makes me want my little boy (due in May!) to hurry up and be here!
oh my gosh! I had to laugh because my son crosses his ankles daily. My husband and I laugh and say he’s only REALLY comfortable when his ankles are crossed. How sweet 🙂
My little guy is an ankle crosser too! It’s too funny. He also has his own little sign for I Love You which is kind of a modified wave where he opens and closes his hands like he’s squishing something. Not the same as his regular waves. ADORABLE and melts me every time. 🙂
I have said it before, and I’ll say it again. Will is the baby who makes my “mommy” hormones go crazy (and I’m not even a mommy!). If I could guarantee a little cutie like Will, I would be ready for a baby tomorrow!
i love this! do you mind explaning the system of letting him watch movies and tv? you said its a treat. so do you let him watch it every few days when he is a good boy? thanks! love your blog
we are a big fan of BE videos in this house. My babe LOVES them and he marches during the exciting parts ( while in his saucer) and then sometimes leans forward in his daze! ha Your boy is SO cute! I love seeing him grow up!
Oh so adorable!! He’s such a little gentleman! My baby boy (8 months) only gets a binky at bedtime now. Sometimes, when I’m rocking him or carrying him to his crib, he will pull it out of his mouth and put it against my lips. Its like he’s offering it to me and it melts my heart every time…
BTW – what age did Will start watching movies at? Mine won’t sit still long enough to watch anything, he keeps trying to crawl off the couch – I’m not sure if he’s still to young for it or just doesn’t find the movie interesting.
my daughter kinley crosses her ankles too, but in a much less dainty way. she crosses them and tenses up her whole body and holds her breath. it’s especially difficult when i’m trying to change her diaper. what a handsome little man!
He is the cutest thing ever! I hope he’s feeling better!
Our almost 6 month old little guy crosses his feet all the time too! It’s hilarious and I have gotten several pictures like you did of Will. I just love it. And it is always right over left!
SO, so, so stinkin’ cute. I love when little kids express mature mannerisms. Love.
he is so stinking cute 🙂
those little crossed ankles are just precious!
He’s been watching them since 5 months. We just looked at the recommended age and went with that…although back then, he only watched them very very infrequently. He used to be in the room with us when he was first born and Dancing with the Stars was on and I swear that he would watch the entire episode intently.
xo – kb
My 17 month old crosses his ankles just like that. He’s been doing it forever anytime he is sitting and my husband and I think it’s the cutest thing ever.
Funny to see another baby doing it too 😉
Katie~where did you get that green pillow at?
So cute, when did he grow up? He looks so big!
And did you color coordinate his adorable outfits with those adorable pillows? 😉
It’s a treat as in it doesn’t happen very often and he loves it thus making it ‘special’ like a treat. He really is too young to understand right from wrong or fully the concept of obedience just yet….so we don’t take behavior into consideration. We just know that movies (especially ones with music and singing and other kids) can be a helpful interactive tool for little ones as long as you don’t overdo it.
xo – kb
My Evan has always been an ankle crosser when he was sleepy. It is so easy to tell when he is ready to go to sleep! And it’s adorable too. I love Will’s pajamas…he’s adorable too. 🙂
Tooooo cute – seeing Will makes me want another baybee!
So adorable!! What a little angel! Can’t believe he sits there like that! You’re truely blessed to have such a great son. Love reading about him!
Just thought you might appreciate this (just a little): Don’t worry, I don’t think it applies to you!!! 🙂
Ahhhh my baby envy is on high alert right now! But none for me for a few years…
… In the mean time, I do have a puppy who watches TV 🙂
The ankle crossing is out of control adorable.
I got the green dot pillow at Pier 1 and the green pillow with the white modern lookin vines at Ikea.
xo – kb
heeheee…although that is something that I would definitely consider doing…no, it was just a happy accident 🙂
xo – kb
My favorite thing that my now 14 month old would do when she was younger is clap her feet! It was so cute! My hubby and I got really creative and started calling her the “foot clapper” 😀
Total cutie! 🙂
I took care of my littlest brother (he is now 6 years old) for a year when he was two, and his favourite movie was Cars. We watched it every day, sometimes more than once (for my sanity, I am ashamed to admit lol). He did the same thing with his ankles, but he always wanted to sit in my lap. I loved when we watched it because it was the only time he would sit still and not try to get out of my arms : )
Kids are so cute ^.^
He is so darn cute! 🙂
Will might just be the darn cutest little boy ever, well except my own two adorable boys. Love this big brown eyes! Question…how do you keep your couches so white? I love the look of white but I’m terrified to own anything like that due to having two crazy little boys with always sticky fingers! Is it an Ikea slipcover couch?
Sarah, I too rub my feet together as I’m falling asleep. I drive my husband crazy because I’m always rubbing or rubbing against him with my feet. Even when I was younger I can remember my sister sitting at the end of my bed talking on the phone while I was sleeping and I’d be rubbing my feet together by her butt, it would make her so mad!! LOL!
I don’t have “babies” anymore, but…
My sweet little proper 5 year old Lucy is the cutiest thing on the earth (of course i think that). When she sits in the car she sits like a proper lady and it is so cute!. In her booster (which by the way she will be in till she is 10 at this rate…she is very small for her age…like fits in 3T footie PJ’s at 5 1/2 years old) she sits with her leg fully crossed and her hands folded in her lap. Melts my heart everytime!
Too cute!
I loved the part about your mom and the Ying Yang twins – hilarious!!! I could just picture that entire situation. Wow, your mom brought it wayyy back with getting them confused with Kris Kross.
Does Will have red hair? Cute!
No kiddies for me yet but yours is absolutely adorable! Love those little PJ’s!
lol picturing your mother recognizing the ying yang twins. 🙂
Will is so adorable. it’s just SO cute when they do things like a little adult. the first time we sat my 11 month old in her umbrella stroller a few weeks ago, she sat there with her legs crossed at the ankle like a little lady. it was so cute i had to snap a picture.
Our youngest son is two weeks older than Will and does the same thing, crossing his ankles. It’s so friggin’ cute! Also, when he’s in his Bumbo, he pats his little feet on the table. Recently, he has started holding his arms over his head when we say, “Toughdown!” So cute! 🙂 Love Will’s expression, too.
My son (11 mo) does the same thing when he watches his movie. I admit to letting him watch a little of it each day just so I can watch him sit up straight, ankles crossed, and hands in his lap! I love it!
Thought I was the only who did that! =D
We’ve got a cute little ankle crosser, too. She is close to 9 months old and loves to cross her ankles whenever she can…carseat, when we are holding her on our laps, drinking her bottle. It is pretty darn cute. She has crossed those little ankles since the day she was born and I love it. I have the sweetest photo of my husband holding her a few minutes after she was born and she was gazing up at him with crossed ankles. So cute! Loved these photos of Will, he is too adorable 🙂
Now how cute is he? Thanks for sharing the pictures of your son. He is so precious. Congratulations on your house and new business venture. Such and exciting time for you and your family!
Oh, lordy! He is adorable! And such a gentleman already! Love all the posts that feature Will! Keep ’em coming!
So cute! Speaking of John Travolta, have you seen some of the photos floating around of him without his hair piece:
Say it ain’t so 🙂
Super cute!
Aww, I love this! Cute little Will! I practically die of adorable overload everytime my son lays on his belly, propped up on his elbows, and kicks his little legs. He’s 2 now and I have to admit that the cuteness factor was unmanagable when he first started doing it, around a year old maybe, but it still gets me everytime.
Oh goodness, he is just precious! And just looking at him he reminds me a lot of my almost 10-month-old. They look a lot alike! It’s to do with the hair.
This is such a super sweet post! Another favorite pose of mine is when the hands are crossed right behind the head.
So cute 🙂 The title totally took me back to junior high and wearing overalls with one strap undone. Ahhh…90’s style. 🙂
If my Ben doesn’t have socks on, he intertwines his big toes…so funny. I actually was going to blog about that soon so this was a good reminder! I got a cute shot of it a couple days ago.
I love your offspring, he’s very sweet.
It’s called bleeeeeeach! I couldn’t live without it 🙂 And the couch is Pottery Barn (bought at the outlet) and yes – it is indeed slipcovered 🙂
xp – kb
I love it when kids start doing ‘adult’ things like that, it’s the cutest!
Just wanted to let you know that this post is adorable. I am expecting my first baby boy, due March 19 (hopefully arriving sooner -kill me!). Will is adorable and this post has gotten me all excited for the cute little personal habits of my own little man.
Thanks for sharing.
Awe, both my nephews are ankle crossers. One is 4.5 and still does it. The best was when they sit in their matching armchairs, sippy cups in hand, watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Little Einstein…or at Christmas Eve mass when the youngest fell asleep in Papa’s lap with his ankles crossed 🙂
Will is precious. Hope he’s feeling better!
Hi Katie! I’ve never commented before, but just had to pop in because my little guy (he’s now 2, so he’s not so little anymore) has always shown an affinity for crossing his ankles too. I’ve always found it to be so stinkin’ cute! Little Will is simply adorable, and you are a great mama 🙂 (isn’t motherhood a crazy ride?) I enjoy your blog!
No ankle-crossers here, but both my babes were happy head shakers. My daughter started around 5months with it, shaking her head back and forth (like saying No) when she was happy. We called it the happy baby headshake. My son, who is almost 8 months old (I was so jealous when Will was born and I still had 2 months+ to go!), JUST started doing it. I think it’s so funny that they both do it. Of course, they start responding to us saying ‘HAPPY BABY HEAD SHAKE” by doing the motion, so it’s reinforced; but still, it’s too cute not to do it!