Disclaimer – This post is sponsored by Canon. All opinions are 100% my own.
Calling all moms! And grandmas! And preschool teachers! And basically anyone that interacts with a kid ever! This post is for you guys. This is one of those projects that is so easy and fast and USEFUL that I can not believe that I didn’t do it YEARS ago.
I mean. C’mon. We will be done in like two seconds with this tutorial. World’s fastest post. Let’s time it. Ready? go.
Okay, so the main star in this shindig is my Canon PIXMA iP8720. It’s the printer that makes gorgeous HUGE prints that usually cost an arm and a leg elsewhere but now you can get them at home. The largest it prints is 13×19 and they are stunning. We are gonna make kid friendly placemats with this thing and they are more fun than a jumpsuit made of fruit rollups.
For ONE placemat you will need to pick out TWO of your favorite images and make sure you pick ones that are in the horizontal orientation. Print both of them out.
I picked one close up of each boy and one group shot that I thought each one would like. These pairs make your placemat reversible.
Dab a little rubber cement on the back side of your pairs and join them together. Try to ignore the rubber cement booger on my bottle (excuse me!).
You are almost done. Now just zip over to your nearest Office Depot Office Max or Kinkos and get the picture two-sided laminated. I went with the thicker weight laminate and it costs $2.49 per placemat.
BOOM! You are done!
Stop the timer. That took six seconds, right?!
Well now you have gorgeous photos that not only protect your table but are wipeable and FUN!
For size – this is what those big ole photos look like on our kitchen table.
They are perfect for playdoh and crafting – no more crayons scribbles on your table top and no more scrubbing stains out of your finish! Plus the kids love being able to create ‘costumes’ for their adorable photo faces 🙂
And when you are done, you can easily do clean up. They wipe and wash like a champ!
And then they are ready for snacks. See what I mean about perfect for basically EVERY KID IN THE WORLD?!
And when they get bored, they can flip it over and do something to their friends or brothers 🙂 OR you may want to put a pretty fabric on the back and make that the side that is visible when your stylish friends come over…they would never know what is hiding on the other side!
Isn’t that the cutest? Well….if you make one, I want to see! Send me a picture and I could end up giving you a little shoutout on Instagram as the coolest mom on the block 🙂 Happy printing y’all!
Each time I see one of these printer posts I want to buy it! But I don’t neeeeeeeed one. What’s the ink use? How long can you go before you buy new cartridges? Looks like about $20/cartridge and it takes 6, though I’m sure they don’t all run out simultaneously. Thanks!
I work at office max and they charged you for the wrong size… It’s really closer to $5 for each one, but still not bad!!
What kind of paper do you use?
I used a glossy photo paper.
xo – kb
Really? Well that worked out in my favor 🙂
xo – kb
Well…that’s hard to say. I have replaced two ink cartridges already in my big printer…but I print off probably more than the normal bear 🙂
xo – kb
I like the finish on your table. Is there a post about that in the archives?
We’re in the market for a new printer and you always seem to have such great quality prints – looks like a Canon it is for us! Between the MG7720 or the iP8720, which would you recommend as the a the best one to get?
They are so different! I think of them in two different aspects…the iP8720 is the most amazing printer for giant prints…that is the best feature in my book. You can print these amazingly large prints and they are beautiful. The MG7720 is an all in one – so it is great for scanning and printing both smaller prints and regular documents. It is a really great all-in-one.
xo – kb
You can find it here:
xo -kb