I am seriously obsessed with this girl. Like in a completely unhealthy maniacal kind of way. Like in a I-wanna-squeeze-her-cheeks-off kinda way. Like in a yes-I-created-an-Aunt’s-birth-announcement-kinda-way. I am weird. I know it. I embrace that.
So for those of you that don’t follow me on Instagram or just look at the blog photos – here’s the info….two weeks ago I got to meet my newest family member, my neice Isla. She was born after the shortest labor ever (ok ok maybe not ever but it was FAST) and I missed her birth by thirty minutes! I was in traffic trying to get to the hospital for TWO HOURS (con of country living) but dear lord, she was worth it. She is just the sweetest little thing. And I totally am relishing in the fact that those baby girl clothes that I have been stashing are finally getting put to good use. I think that they call that phenomenon a Hoarders Paradise.
My sis Nornie claims this is their last baby which is just a terrible idea because DANG they make beautiful babies. But since she will be the baby, I fully plan on spoiling her rotten. It is so easy to just sit and love all over her…which is the agenda for the rest of my life. Overall, I am just so proud of Norn and Boots and it is so fun to see them all grow together as a family. So I hope you join me in a big hearty congratulations to them, Clay & Cole (her new big brothers) and wish Isla a very healthy first year. And just consider yourself warned if this place becomes Isla-mania 🙂
p.s. I have another post for you later today…so check back for the lamp tutorial!
Gorgeous! And love her name!!! Congratulations to all!
She is beautiful! Congrats to the whole family! Being an aunt rocks!!
Awww, she is scrumptious!
She’s adorable! And I love her name — I have an Isla too!
Congrats Auntie!
I love the name Isla! How do you pronounce her middle name?
She is adorable and I absolutely love her name!
So so sweet. <3. Thanks for sharing her!
She is adorable! Is her name pronounce Ice-la or Is-la? Either way, she is so cute and I’m sure that you will have a blast watching her grow up. Also, where did they come up with both Isla as a first and Carys as a middle name? One more question… promise! Where is her swaddle blanket from?? It is so pretty!
THAT IS A GORGEOUS BABY!!!!!!! Way to go Auntie. 🙂
So sweet! I haven’t had the chance to be an aunt yet, but I have three kids of my own… Including our latest who we named Nora… After considering isla… And we call her norn and nornie! Ha! I promise it’s all coincidence. 🙂
Such a beautiful girl! And I love the name.
I wish Isla and the whole family the luckiest, healthiest and hapiest of lives!
Love from Portugal
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful niece! What a pretty name and pretty baby.
Love the name Isla. Her middle name Carys was a name on our list when I was pregnant. But we had two boys once I discovered the name. Sometimes I get sad thinking of all the awesome names I won’t ever get to use. We are done, but oh the sweet babies are tempting. Everyime!
Oh she’s so sweet! Congrats all around! I tried to convince my husband that our last baby should be Isla… I got shot down! We went with Daphne. 🙂
Big congratulations to everyone!
She has such a wonderful family and she is absolutely precious!
she’s a beauty, congrats!
I adore her name. And such a pretty girl! We’re going to try next year for numero 5 & after 4 boys, if I don’t get a girl as cute as her, I might hurt my husband. You have to just be over the moon to have a girl in the family!!
Hey Katie, Love your blog! I typically do a check in every week and just read back on posts, how do we access your older posts? Do you still have an archive, or a “Older” button so I can pan back through what I might have missed?
Sorry if I’ve over looked it, just can’t seem to find it….
It’s just a scrap of fabric I had in my stash. And I know Norn loved that middle name forever. The first name is pronounced “eye-la” 🙂
xo – kb
I read your blog through bloglovin’ and haven’t been able to see any pics for quite some time when viewing via the web—have no difficulties from my phone (the rest of the content is there). I don’t have any issues with other blogs, just yours. Just wanted to let you know as an FYI. 🙂
“care-iss” is how we have been pronouncing it 🙂
xo – kb
She’s absolutely precious! 🙂 Congrats to all!
That sounds like an issue with Photobucket. You might want to add them to your approved content under security settings. Most blogs resize photos…but I don’t…I upload all mine to photobucket and then input the code. I see my photos on Bloglovin’ so I am pretty sure that’s the issue.
xo – kb
Hi! Congratulations on your adorable niece. Gorgeous names!
Carys is actually a Welsh name and is pronounced Ca -rr -iss. 🙂
Congratulations on your niece! She’s beautiful! Btw, the correct spelling is ‘niece’ not ‘neice’. I’ve noticed you misspelling that word before. Just your friendly neighborhood English teacher stopping by 😉
…But I like your way, too!
Congratulations Auntie and family! She is beautiful!
I have a daughter of my own, but man I can’t wait until I have a niece or nephew to spoil.
She is beautiful! Congrats to your whole family on the new addition!
I LOVE IT!!!! What a beautiful name!
Awe she is absolutely beautiful! Congrats auntie! I love her name! My 5 month olds name us Carys !
So beautiful and such a coincidence, my baby girl Isla was born 8/28/11, how wierd is that!? Congrats on the newest member of your seewt family!
I have a cousin Carys. That’s how we pronounce hers 🙂 I’ve always loved her name.
She looks like Cole to me!
Beautiful baby. 🙂 And you take such beautiful photos! That whole annoucement is gorgous. Congrats to the whole family.
so cute! love the photo…such a nice fabric piece.
Whoa. That’s freaky 🙂
xo kb
Yup…my speling stinks.
xo – kb
I’m still working on all the coding stuff (slow slow slowly.)
I just added it so hopefully it works.
xo – kb
Oh my goodness, she is gorgeous! And I love that name. Congratulations to your whole family!
Isla Carys, is an incredibly Celtic name (and beautiful), does Boots have any Irish, Scottish or Welsh in him? x
Yup…he has a welsh name and my sisters maiden name (mine too) was Scot-Irish and we also have Welsh in us 🙂
xo – kb
Being an aunt is the best!
I have a 5 yr old Carys!
Working like a charm. You’re awesome!
Seriously, Aunties are more proud than mothers sometimes. I know I am with my nieces and nephews, I spread the news anywhere I can! Enjoy your new little family member