My fine peeps, Bower Power has a basement update. We built a box. Not just any box but a box that our entire basement design depends on.
Presenting the box: Ok – so maybe it wasn’t much of a box. I’ll admit it. But this creation – this brainchild of my boyfriend – this stud work from a stud (hi baby!) is EXACTLY what we needed to create a lowered ceiling around our duct work.
Because as you see in the picture below – we have ducts that are lower than our ceiling…so…who you gonna call? After you realize that there are no ghostbusters – well, not ones that have cool coveralls – you are gonna call on the Lord to forgive you for cussing – cause your square footage depends on having this basement finished.
And after the Lord forgives you, your brainstorming leads to this:
Ok – ok – it may not look like much now – which is exactly why I created this lovely Paint Picture which shows what it will look like when the drywall is up. The green is the walls – the white is ceiling. Oh and no, that will not be my color of choice upon completion – but for illustration sake it works.
So do you see how we constructed the box to fit around the ducts? I think it is pretty genius – but I can’t take credit for it – the pat on the back goes to my Jeremy. Great Job Baby!
And come back later on – cause this bad boy of a basement has a lot more to come…
Pretty funny! That’s EXEACTLY what we did in our basement with the paint and everything. we put crown moulding on the top and underneath the drop ceiling there and it looks awesome. Great job!
I’m so impressed that you guys are doing this on your own! It’s going to look awesome.
I love taking this ‘basement journey’ with you guys. When it gets all finished and famous, I can say that I knew it when it was just studs and frameless.
Can’t wait to see more!
Freckles – I am uber glad that you like taking this “basement journey” with me! And I think I will call it that from now on! But just you wait – the fun part is still to come – painting and decor! So you guys all stay tuned so that I can get your expert opinion.
Katie – Thanks for the tip on the moulding – I feel like that stage is forever far away! Hopefully this basement journey will be done by Thanksgiving?!?
XO, Katie