I took a little break from working in the yard to arrange the inside of the bathroom cabinet.
Ya’ll remember that little project?
Yeah…so I haven’t been able to call it quits yet on making sure that the room is 100% done. Mostly because of this stupid cabinet. So I thought you would like to see what happened with it and where it is now. A little recap if you will.
So before the cabinet was just filled with stacked bootie paper and towels and a little wine bottle holder with diffuser oil.
Sorry about the pictures by the way. What the heck was I doing? It’s like the camera had glaucoma. And rose colored glasses.
Back to the cabinet.
The top of the cabinet was sporting these two black and white prints. They kinda looked like Mickey ears to me. Everytime I took a whiz, I couldn’t help but focus on them…dwelling on the Disney character…trying to make eyes out of the cabinet handles and questioning my sanity.
So then I did a little switch.
I was able to stuff some towels into a wire basket (that I picked up at the flea market for $3) and tuck the little metal B into the pile (another cheap flea market find).
On the top shelf was placed one of the pictures and a few woven lidded baskets that Little Debbie gave me. Love them. Thanks mom.
I also tried something new with the apothecary glass with stones thing…it was like Jake Gyllenhaal…just didn’t to it for me. I blame Brokeback…once you go crack you never go back.
On top I replaced the mouse ears with three small glass fishbowls filled with various napkin rings. The bowls were from our wedding…and let me tell ya, they have come in handy post-nuptials.
I liked the look.
But not in the bathroom. It weirded me out having a dining item in the loo.
So NOW we have this little scenario.
Nothing on top.
Neatly folded and rolled towels in the wire basket.
Dontcha just love how the soft towels play off the rough and tough wire basket?
And on the top shelf, I have books topped with the metal letter and a basket filled with the TP. The basket was only $2 at Target after Christmas. Yeah – let’s thank Jesus for after-holiday sales, shall we? Thank you. Amen.
I chose the books purely based on the color of the cover. Gray…cream…black…and navy. And if you wanna read about prophecy while doing your thang, the option exists. Hey, I aim to please 🙂
Since doing this revamp I have one little conundrum. Do you think that I should stain the basket a darker brown color?
Currently the picture on the left is what it looks like…redish.
On the right hand side is a darker *thank you photoshop* version.
What do you think?
I am leaning toward staining it darker right now. I think somehow it makes it look more cohesive with the rest of the room…less “Look at me, I’m a redhead!”. Dang that Marcia Cross…I only wished that I could sport an orange do. Anyhoo. Tell me what you think…stain or no stain. preeety pahleeaze?!?!
Definitely Stained
Stain!! 🙂
I love the new look! 🙂
Stain 🙂 And when you do – let me know how
you did it, because we have baskets-a-plenty
with the redheaded look all over our house and
I’m not quite sure how to change their shiny
finish. Looking forward to the “afters” 😉
Stain! Seems like such a little thing, but it would drive me crazy too! : P
definitely stain!!
I love what you have done. However, I don’t think the color of the basket makes that much difference. Either color looks fine.
Stain! I love that the inside of the cabinet was painted another shade. Looks great!
I’m not going to lie- I stared that the two options for a long long time trying to find a difference. So no- I don’t think it matters. But that is my experienced opinion.
I like the new way you organized the towels. so simple.
Stain! I’m glad you also rearranged the towels since having them standing up didn’t look right to me.
Go for the stain. The little bit of extra work will be worth it.
I love that you have a Ronnie (Reagan) book on hand. He’s one of my faves. I just checked out a book about him at the library today.
stain for sure.
At first I was all… really? stain a $2 basket? But then you went and photoshopped it, and you’re right – it looks better stained. Just make sure to share your process with the rest of us (I’ve got a few cheapie old baskets that could use a facelift, too)!
I don’t think option #2 is as unappealing as Jake Gyllenhaal (ick!) but I’m glad you tweaked it and came up with option #3. And this is random but have you seen the “literal” version of the music video “Total Eclipse of the Heart”? Freaking hilarious!
Oh and I’d probably stain it but think it looks great as a Marcia!
Only just stumbled on your website recently and have to say I just love it – you are completely mad! (but funny mad, not scary mad – scary mad would not be good. Glad I clarified that.)
This cabinet is the NUTS by the way. And I think you should stain the basket.
Stain it up! I wouldn’t have thought of doing it but I’m definitely on board.
p.s. I’ve tried to organize the open shelving in my bathroom since reading your original bathroom cabinet post and am now sporting some rolled up towels in a sage green tote. I would have folded them and been living in Blahville if I hadn’t seen your idea. Thanks!
Hi Guys – ok looks like the concensus is to stain…or it doesn’t matter…OR MAYBE IT DOES! AHHH, see…the decision paralysis strikes again!
Hi Kayce – gotta love the Ronnie. I have several books about him and Nancy…I just can’t get enough 🙂
Hey Natalie – ACTUALLY I LOVE LOVE LOVE the literal version of TEOTH. I discovered them about a month ago and watched every single one…it was great ab exercise!
Hola Redlilocks – welcome and thanks…I think 🙂 No seriously though…glad you made your way over here…it’s always good to see new faces…err…comments 🙂
Ok – back to the grind!
XO – Katie
I vote stained! 🙂
Question for you–what version of photoshop do you have? I would love to get my hands on some software to play around with–maybe I’ll have to ask the hubs for an early Christmas present 🙂
Stained! Can’t wait to see how you do it!
stain it! & i agree with previous posters, share
the details b/c i have a few baskets i’d like to change too 🙂
A bit late weighing in on the decision here, but I say stain it! Would definitely like to know how you go about doing that, if you decide to change Marcia into Teri!
I really like the cabinet with the books in it. It’s perfect. I think the staining looks slightly better but it doesn’t look bad the other way. If you’re bored, go for it. 🙂
I love this cabinet! Such a cool idea, I wish I had room for one. And I definitely like the basket darker.
I think you should paint it darker and somehow prop up that B for all to see!
I am liking the stain! LOOOOve that cabinet by the way!
Hi Shannon –
I have the Photoshop Elements 7.0 and my work laptop has the Photoshop CS4 so I work with both. The CS4 is nice because you can upload actions and apply them to photos for quick and easy changes…but most times it is UBER expensive. Elements was a Christmas present (Jeremy scored it for $70 after Thanksgiving) and I learned it first so it is second nature for me now.
Hope this helps – you will have fun either way!
XO – Katie
omg this is a hilarious post. I vote for staining the basket.
Your potty room is looking great.
I like the basket stained, but I’m not sure if I would take the time myself to do it.
Oh, please don’t stain it. It’s so beautiful white. Honestly, I liked what u did with the cabinet b/f the redo :(. It was simple but chic. U have good taste! 🙂
I love it! Great piece!
Ok this post was so SO funny to me! I just read it aloud to the hubs. Prophesy while pottying. perfect.
So I was laughing that you would stain a $2 basket as well. ALthough it does look better, but would probably just live with it the way it is, cause really–it doesnt look *bad*. But maybe that is a small project to you with all the awesome furniture restaining you’ve done…
so hop on it!
Go for the dark stain.
It looks great! I would spray paint the basket, way easier than trying to stain it. I tried to stain a basket once and it dripped so badly! But if you’ve done it before, by all means go for it.
I actually think black would look great!
Stain it! And I am glad you took the napkin rings out of there…it was creeping me out too.
i say stain as well! it matches the brown stripe in the towel more. Not mention I like the contrast with the bright while cabinet!
definitely darker 😀
you could stain it or spraypaint it I would imagine… keep the texture but dampen its screaming “hey I’m red over here… look at me!”.
I like it lighter! More contrast and thus more interest
I vote for stain (although I think it looks good either way… kinda like Marcia Cross).
Love all your renditions.
Like the darker. But if you do it, you have to give us explicit directions, because staining wicker just sounds hard!
Thanks for the info about photoshop, Katie! I’d love to paint my living room a nice neutral, warm tan/beige to brighten up the room (its dark red now), but I’m afraid of what it will look like with our chocolate brown couch, brown blinds, and black tv stand/side tables.
I think you should stain it.
I really love your little loo library. I think it’s a fun combo of books! I also think staining the basket would look great…more cohesive.
Love your blog!
I say stain that bee-atch!
Wow, you’re so ambitious! It would never even occur to me to stain a basket – I’m way too lazy. Maybe I’d spray paint it like someone suggested. Anyway, if it bugs you, I’d say fix it, since it will grate on you every time you have to stare at it.
Aww, good ol’ Chuck Swindoll. I haven’t read that book, but I love to listen to him on the radio.
i vote stained! could you tell me the colour of the inside of the cabinet – i love it!
Stain it!
Stain! And, I love your bowls with the napkin rings… so resourceful you are!
I like the TP in the basket so much more on the top shelf. However on the bottom my favorite was how you orginally had the towels displayed. Though my second favorite is definitely how you have them now (I did not like the middle towel arrangement it looked messy)
Books in the bathroom honestly creep me out…the look makes me think of a library but I’m not a fan.
Just being honest…sorry!
Hmm – I think I liked the first rearrangement better, but agree that the bowls aren’t the best fit for the top. And I agree that the baskets would look better with a darker stain. Love this cabinet and wish I had space for something similar. You have mad painting skills!
Stain/spray paint the basket. Love your choice of books/authors by the way!
My wife and I use well placed antique-looking books in various places around the house. We are hoping it makes us look a little more intellegent or refined!
I think it would look better if it was stained darker (or painted but that may be too redneck). What about the b&w pics? I really love those. Could you hang them on the wall above? Also how did you put the glass in the dresser? Love your blog!!
darker fo sho.
I love reorganizing too. its like a secret fettish of mine! my dorm room mate last year made fun of me all the time cause every other week i would moved my furniture around.
ps im in love with the colors of the cabinent. what is that marvelous steely gray color called?
Hey Gillian – voice that opinion girl! I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want to know 🙂
Hi there Travis – you and me both (wink wink!) My dear old father in law, Pastor Dad, gave us a bunch of good reads…here’s hoping that putting them in the loo will give me a chance to catch up on my need-to-read list!
Don’t worry your pretty little head Karen R – I will definitely find a spot for those b&w photos…and as for the cabinet, mine already came with the glass intact. But I know that you can replace the door front if it is raised-panel or recessed-panel with a router, some silicone, a couple screws and a plastic tab. Your best bet would be to google “how to replace cabinet fronts with glass”. Good Luck & Happy Googling!
XO – Katie
I think stain the basket. The towels in the
wire basket look nice, but I think your original
towel display was the best.
I would change it to a darker expresso color. Did you know you can spray paint baskets, is very easy!!
Stain it.
Hands down, Stain away! I love that you photoshopped it.
Stain? Whip out that bottle and spray paint that thang satin black to match your towels!!! Stain? Puh-leeze!!
Love the cabinet re-do. BTW, I’m a typography-holic!! Love the letters!! Nancy
I love it!