You guys were so sweet about all the changes that we made in the kitchen. Thank you so much for supporting our crazy ideas – like putting two regular fridges side-by-side. The overall functionality is SO improved and now I thought it was about time to take on the next phase of updating the space. Namely the things I want to do to tweak the kitchen island now that it has bar stools and a new quartz countertop.
Our kitchen island right now is white on white with the counter having some very subtle veining. The lights were outlet finds and are intended to be a children’s space (which I would love to reuse these in a homework area!). And the other thing that bothers me is the windows in here. I’m honestly not a huge fan of the rounded tops (I say they look like a bum, Jeremy said boobs….either way, they are pretty much not our style)….I don’t know if they are gonna be something that bothers us enough to change but I did a little photoshop action to see what y’all think.
Okay the first question is…..What do you think of these three changes?
First, I switched out the lights. I want something a little bigger (these are roughly six inches wider than the existing) and still go with the black of the fixture over our table. The previous lights were also not hung in a place that it makes sense so that location would need be tweaked (hello more drywall work). And then these are also more light bulbs so I hope it will brighten things up.
Secondly, I virtually painted the windows black. I don’t know if I can paint my windows but the tan color looks dirty all the time and I would prefer to have black or white. What do you all think? I would paint the bottom parts black and then the rounded parts white to blend in with the trim a little more.
Lastly, I am deciding if I need to keep the bright white island for unity sake or take a plunge with a different color. My options would be a dark warm gray. I actually have tried this concept in the past (remember this old post?) but this time we have different floors and lighter quartz countertops so the actual contrast might work now.
The other option for the island is dark navy blue. This rendering is a little too saturated for my taste but you get the point. But then comes the debate….black with white and blue and brown and gray? That’s a lot going on.
And then again – we can just leave it white. I am not opposed to that idea either.
Okay and just for kicks and giggles, here is the rendering with the bum/boobs no longer on the window….aka rounded transom gone. Also I did open shelving on both sides because balance makes me happy. What do you think? I know it’s easy to say “oh yeah definitely looks better.” and then spend someone else virtual money….but REALLY worth it? That’s what I want to know. It would mean drywall work, new siding and even tiling and new shelves. It would be pretty pricey for what it is. Thoughts?
Ok, so I surprisingly don’t like it as much without the rounded windows at the top. I am surprised because I thought I would. I wonder if you put a little rounded blind in those windows, would it be better somehow? Maybe if the blind were a light gray similar to your wall color?
Also, I don’t know about the black on the window frames unless you bring more black into the room. To my eye, it is jarring without the new light fixtures and the painted island in grey. (If you do that, I think the black could work). But if you keep it lighter and brighter, I wonder if again a light grey could work instead of the black.
I would not make any of the changes you suggested in this post. Looks best as is!
Bigger lights and navy island!! Just my 2 cents though
Look at McGee and Co for pendants. You can’t go wrong there! Worth the splurge!
I’m more about practical and functional than fashion so that will influence all my comments!. I like the new light fixtures and gray island color and both of those changes are reasonable from a cost/benefit standpoint I’m not sure the benefit of removing the rounded window justifies the cost – unless you really hate it or if it leaks or has other structural problems. And painting the sash black just draws attention to the window so it might be better to match the trim (whatever white you use everywhere for the trim).
Kitchen is looking good. Here is my two sense. I may be bias because I have a black island myself but I think it looks best with the new larger lights. Not a fan of the black window trim.
I’ve always loved the rounded window and think replacing it with a standard window would look very builder grade. Why don’t you just add a window treatment(maybe with a black accent fabric) over the rounded part? Seems a lot easier then removing the whole thing. Can’t wait to see what you do. All the best.
Yes to the lights. Yes to the gray island. Yes to open shelving on both sides. But I would leave the windows unless you really hate it. That’s a lot of work and money. But it’s beautiful the way it is too!
Not a fan of the arched windows but I could live with them if I made the changes to lighting and island. Otherwise, with all the money needed, I would remove the two small windows and bumps and put in one larger window with the same width with or without a stationary transom. Also, over at the Lettered Cottage, she is dealing with scuff marks from little feet on her island and had some neat ideas, if you are interested.
I like the look of the darker island, it would hide shoe scuff marks too.
And what about sewing a roman blind (rectangle shape) and hanging it so it starts above rounded windows, that way they are hidden but from outside, no changes needed.Good luck with what ever you decide.
I agree with Laura who suggested a window treatment over the rounded part. What about a cornice to cover the rounded part? Or a roman shade?
Leave the windows as they are. I’m iffy on the light fixture too.
I say yes to the lights, no to the black window, definitely to a navy island, no to open shelves on both sides and I am torn on the window – I don’t mind the arches but I prefer rectangular windows and I would like it taller but like someone else said that’s a lot of work & money!
I think the windows would look best if you replaced them with a single rectangular windows the same height and width as the current situation (rather than simply removing the top portion). I think that would help draw the eye up and avoid the dramatic line across your wall where both the window and tile end. Obviously new windows would be more expensive but maybe that would be offset by less siding to patch, but I really have no idea about cost.
just my thoughts…i kind of love the navy island. i like how it relates to the tile a bit. I am not a fan of the black window trim- I’d go white myself. What about changing out the top butt/boob window to be rectangular? Almost would remind me of a transom above a door? I feel like that could possibly have less of an effect on the siding/drywall/tile/etc?
Love the kitchen changes thus far! Just my opinions but here it goes…I love the bigger light fixtures and the gray island. I think you are right about the navy having too much going on. We went with a navy/midnight blue island and got rid of our blank perimeter counter tops for that exact reason.
I really dislike the black window.
The shelves on both sides look great but not sure about cost/benefit.
I think the window transom looks fine either way, so probably not worth the work and money.
Katie…How awesome of you to do these mock up designs and ask our opinions!
Here is my two cents:
1. New pendants would be a neat change (i do like the ones you have but a larger scale would work well). In my opinion, the glass ones do not look right to my eye in this space. When it comes to lighting in visually open rooms, I usually think, “what would match with what lighting I already have”. This usually ends up looking “matchy-matchy”. To me, that is what I see with these pendants (they match the table pendant a little too perfectly) when you could go in so many directions with the wonderful pallet you have going in this room. I remember designer Erika Powell saying to layer different metal finishes in kitchens or it looks flat (i have so done this). Would you consider bringing in another metal like aged brass pendants, copper, or even something woven, even capiz? (just ideas) I think it would pop and put this kitchen over the top as showstoppers.
2. I like the white windows rather than black as I think the black draws my eye in when it is not the focal point (like your gorgeous tile, shelves, etc). I would be like you and not love the rounded window. My vote would be to take it out as it adds another element that distracts the eye.
3. The symmetrical shelf looks really good. It may not be practical, but was neat to see this rendering.
4. I really thought the charcoal island looked great as it ‘grounds’ the kitchen. It broke things up and looks more like a piece of furniture in there.
Thanks for sharing and letting us share back!!
It wouldn’t be much work to replace the rounded transoms with standard ones (like you have in the breakfast nook). Those rounded ones are framed just like rectangular ones would be, and the change wouldn’t require any siding work.
I like the lighting option and charcoal grey island ideas. Not sure i like painting the window trim black in this case, I would definitely go with white instead. Also, I would not change the window unless you go with a window that is as tall as the current one. The drawn up ootion you show with the open shelving seems like something is just missing there.
Totally agree! I don’t like any of th changes! Leave as is
No to the black window idea. Leave the existing window and paint it all white. Yes to the new lights & grey island.
Leave the transcom. Paint the island the dark gray.
I love what you have done to your kitchen so far! So inspiring!
I think adding color to the island is fun and cheap to change in the future. Love the navy, and could also see black or charcoal working well. I would prefer all-white windows – the black is too busy for my taste. I like either pendant options, but maybe you could spray paint the existing ones black instead? Or, if you kept the island white, colorful pendants might be fun (but maybe not your style?).
Regarding the rounded windows, maybe squaring it off into a transom would work better for your style? Not even sure how much that would cost to do, but I don’t think it is worth the cost (plus tiling, plus loss of light) to remove. But if it makes you happy, go for it!
I feel like removing the transom windows actually removes some architectural detail and makes the wall less interesting. The navy blue island is visually interesting without being loud. I would worry the gray/brown will look too drab. The Navy would also pick up the hints of blue in the grayscale in your backsplash.
If you keep the windows, I would remove the cabinet and put open shelving. Also I think the island looks best grey so it’s not so many different colors going on. I like the new lights you selected.
Have you thought about replacing the curved windows with more of a rectangular transom window?
What about just putting shelves on the other side of the window? I think it would balance it out better and maybe you wouldn’t mind the roundness? And love the light upgrade ideas!!
If I were you, I would add the open shelving to the other side, paint the island grey, and add bigger lights. I wouldn’t paint the windows black (but I would paint them white to match the trim) or pay to have them removed.
That said, I think it looks pretty darn great as-is!
I like the white window with the arch on top; don’t like the black painted frae — it’s too stark. White rounded window is softer and more airy.
Like the new lights, a lot.
Instead of painting the island, think about leaving it white, except the back of it (where kids kick their feet and scuff the paint). The back could be covered with concrete tile in a fairly busy, but light pattern and it would look dynamite. Wouldn’t cost a fortune, either b/c space is so small.
Love all your kitchen updates! Here are my thoughts –
1) love the old pendants but I agree new scale is better
2) don’t change the windows at all. I love me some black windows but the black here just draws attention and it’s not repeated anywhere else in the open concept floor plan. Like one of the other commenters I too surprisingly didn’t love it without the boob windows – but I think it’s because the tile stops at basically the same height. I don’t think changing it would be worth the cost or visual benefit. Just paint the window white and let it blend in. I did kind of like the window treatment idea to hide the boob window but it’s hhard to visualize without your awesome photoshop skills.
3) I love all three island colors but am drawn to a little more contrast. I don’t think the navy makes too many colors if you love it best! It is a little more likely to look dated sooner though. But it’s just paint – I say do whichever makes you smile when you walk in there.
Great work mama!
Hi Katie!
I would leave the window and hang a cute window treatment over the rounded part. The open shelving I could take or leave, looks good either way to me but I would vote more ‘hidden’ storage if it were my house 🙂
LOVE the grey island, I feel that it really pulls everything together and grounds the center area. Also agree with others on painting the window trim white instead of black so you will notice it less. Let those lights shine on their own (no pun intended 🙂
Love you guys!
I totally dig the open shelving (as long as it stays functional for your beautiful family) and the navy island. Surprisingly, though, I don’t care for the windows without the transom. I get why they aren’t your style, cause legit, but they add too much visual height to lose them completely. Maybe taking them from bum to one rectangular window?
agree – I prefer the status quo here. Maybe paint the windows white but not black.
Yes to the new lights and gray island. As much as I love navy blue, it does feel like too much going on. I would paint the window trim white if the tan is bothersome. I remember John and Sherry’s post from waaaay back with a photo of black window trim and it’s ghastly. 🙂
For those rounded windows, you could put a Roman shade over them with some blackout fabric behind them. Make it look like the two bottom windows are taller than they really are.
Can you disguise the rounded part with a cornice or a valance? Not loving the inner black trim but the bigger lights are awesome. What about going lighter with the island–it would still provide contrast with the counter but not be so heavy looking. What about the wall color on the island so you’re not introducing anything new?
The only thing I would change is paint the island the dark grey — great for covering the kick marks from kids sitting on those stools.
The windows look worse to me without the rounded tops — it gives scale and dimension to that wall. I prefer the style of light that you already have (those black ones are trendy, but don’t match the style of your kitchen to me). And I don’t think the open shelving on both sides is worth the work. You have a beautiful kitchen! You’ve spent a lot of effort and money in there. I think you’re overthinking it 🙂
I would suggest an outside mounted roman shade for the windows – so much cheaper. If you change the window I would definitely keep it the same height – no siding patching needed on the outside and makes more sense visually with the windows to the left.
I would paint the windows white and do the open shelves (symmetry lovers unite).
I like the lamps and I would keep the island white – or possibly gray…
Can’t wait for the afters!
Greetings from Germany
I love black framed windows–but I’m not sure if that is the answer for this room. It could be–I’m just not convinced yet. I think this room is missing some warmth and could use some wood tones. For example, replacing the corbels on the island and the shelving with some light to medium toned wood ones would make the room feel more complete. I do love the suggested light fixtures.
I don’t think making the windows more square would be worth it. I think it could be better if you put in larger windows (taller and wider)…but of course that’s more $$ and you would lose some cabinet space.
Keep the windows but definitely do NOT paint the trim black! Yes to new lighting.
I love the navy on the island. It lets the stools shine a little more. The grey kind of hides them. The black on the window draws more attention to it. I’ve never noticed the rounded tops before. I like the idea of a different light, but in not sold on these lights.
Hi Katie,
I like all of your changes, except for painting the window frames black. I think they look best left white. My favorite color on the island was the navy. Your kitchen is looking so nice and I love your new quartz counter on the island.
I actually like the kitchen best as is. I don’t care for any of the changes.
I like navy counter, New lights, black trimed out window and for savings sake keep the window.
I like the navy island and rounder lights. However, you might rethink that much glass lighting in a kitchen. I’m very particular about keeping glass fixtures clean so they sparkle…and in a kitchen that’s nearly impossible. Between water and greasy vapors from cooking those particular fixures might look yucky quickly.
I love the grey island (blue looks good too). Love the size and function of the new lights too. However the shape of the old lights actually work with the (hated) windows better as they mimic the shape – though this may not be as noticeable looking from another direction. I’m not loving the black window trim – and if it is vinyl paint generally doesn’t work and chips off. I don’t love the rounded windows but they do add a little interest and look more custom – not sure if it would be worth the expense to replace (remember unless you go bigger you will also need to match new siding outside)
Keep the windows exactly as they are. Skip out on the additional open shelving. Lights new or old – doesn’t matter. Gray on the island.
I agree with several of the others that the lights and the darker island look really good, but I don’t really like the black window. The black window feels like it’s trying to jump into the space of the island instead of letting the darkness of the lights and island stand for themselves.
I also expected to prefer the window without the rounded top, but the wall looks so bare when everything stops at the top of the tile. Maybe do a mock up with a rectangular window replacing the rounded part, keeping some kind of beefy trim around it? Still not sure it would be worth the cost, but it may not be as expensive as taking out the rounded parts altogether.
Like the pendants, like the dark gray for the island, and like you, I am not a fan of the rounded transom either and probably would change that to either a rectangle transom or one larger window and leave the trim white.
For what it’s worth – don’t care for the windows removed at all as the whole view becomes rectangular and straight lines. Don’t like black or tan windows – I say paint them white. Final vote – love new lights, white windows, keep the round windows, white or gray island. Let that back-splash be the focal centerpiece!
Love the larger light fixtures and contrasting island. I am partial to the navy but the gray is beautiful and I see your point about maybe too many colors with the blue. I agree with others that the black window frames are a bit jarring in the space and only call attention to the windows. Not sure removing the arches is worth the cost – and the last picture looks weird without them. Maybe paint all of the framing and trim of the windows and arches white to blend them together and keep the focus on the lights, island and rest of the kitchen?
I do like the idea of switching up the island since you now have so much white cabinetry. The blue is pretty and different from the dominance of gray cabinets out there (coming from someone with a gray kitchen). Also, since you have a lot of storage, I like the balance of open shelving on both sides of the window. The new lights are nice with glass that visually lightens up the space. I wouldn’t change the window with all costs involved, but you could color block white straight up from the trim to help the shape disappear. (Kind of like how you can paint black behind a tv to help disguise it). My house has orangey floors and trim ev-er-y-where, so loving how the colors work with your new tone!
I love the gray island with the new light fixtures! Surprisingly, I don’t like the black windows (I’d go white to make everything more cohesive). I really thought I would like the space without the double arched windows, but it looks like that space is flat out missing something. Maybe add one large arch in it’s place? Or to be more cost effective, add a curtain or something else to cover up the booty…
As for the cupboards, do whatever makes more sense from a functional standpoint. Do you need the enclosed cupboards or do you have enough space other places to store things? I love the open shelves, but wouldn’t trade looks over functionality. Just my 2 cents and you are definitely the pro at this 🙂
I personally don’t like the window trim painted black. If you must paint it, white would blend with the window trim better, imho. I think the windows need SOMETHING above them. The windows stopping just an inch or so above the tile looks strange to me. That said, I think a rectangular transom (maybe stained glass?) would look good if you really want to get rid of the arches. Love the new pendants and I think the island would look great painted a black or maybe a light gray (possibly pulling the color from your backsplash).
My vote: Leave the windows as is. The black is too stark and draws too much attention to them. If the trim is too beige, paint it white, not black. I don’t love the arches but they are ok and not worth changing. I like the lights you have better. I definitely vote for the grey island which highlights the marble. Good luck!
I love the dark gray, and bonus—it will hide little boys’ shoe scuffs! The pendants look great, but I prefer the window as-is. I think the arches give it some character, and the black trim is a bit distracting.
I like the open shelves flanking the window. A low cost suggestion to take the focus off of the arched window is to install a glass shelve at the bottom of the transom portion of the window for a potted herb garden. Style the shelve with pots matching the wall color or paint them with black chalkboard paint and label plants. What you consider an eyesore can be transformed into a stage for your herb garden.
What about hanging a simple valence over tops of the rounded windows? Or bamboo shades?
I’d LOVE to see some color on your island–and the navy in particular is so pretty! I think that it would add dimension, fun, and interest–and reflect the personality of the people in your home!!
I love the new lights and navy island. I would leave the window unless you really don’t like it. And if you change it, I would go with one large open window.
Thanks for the inspiration 🙂 I don’t really dig the black trim on the window but think the darker island would be great. As far as the rounded windows, I would probably leave them based on cost to replace/remove.
LOVE the navy blue and black windows! Not so crazy about the lights, they remind me more of porch lights? But I agree with the need to replace the current ones, they just don’t look like your style. Kitchen is looking amazing!
I would: paint island gray, paint windows white/trim color, hang new lights and tile to the ceiling. Windows are different and not offensive at all.
Absolutely, 100% on Team No Boob/Bum Windows. I have one similar to that on the front of my house and it’s the bane of my existence. It’s so totally not my style, either. I like the floating shelves on both sides of the window and I do like the painted island (I’d go with the grey to bring out that color in your floors) but I think the window frame should stay tan or maybe white (if you decide to paint it). I do like black window frames but here I think it’s bit distracting.
I would probably leave window as is, and paint white to match trim.
I love a blue island (and hope to paint mine blue some day), but I think it would be too much in your kitchen. I sort of agree that the white on white feels like too much, but I think there needs to be something unifying the island and the other cabinetry in the kitchen or it will just feel off. I could be wrong–it seems okay with the charcoal island mock-up–but I’m just concerned that IRL it won’t work as well. Maybe a black to match the granite will pull it together? These are the details where I generally get stuck myself, so I’m really no help! LOL
I think the open shelving looks nice, but I don’t mind your cabinet with glass doors as is. Not sure the additional tiling and such would be worth it to me (assuming you have enough matching tile or can buy some).
And I really like the pendants…two thumbs up on those 🙂
Good Morning! I would like to see another Photoshop option… 🙂 Paint the window white (I think the black draws attention to a feature you don’t like). Paint the island the dark warm grey. And try to find large WHITE ROUND light fixtures (like a big globe with the bulb hidden inside but pointing down). I think that color and shape would mimic the bumpy window, thus making it all blend in and look intentional. To my eye, although I like the size or the Photoshopped light fixtures, the color and design are too busy with the window/tile/shelving/cabinetry behind them. I think something white/round/sleek would draw your attention away from the bumps and keep the focus on your new beautiful island/countertop. I agree with another commenter who says she surprisingly doesn’t like the bumpy window removal; it does cheapen the look and I think you would very much miss the light. I like another commenter’s idea to perhaps replace the bumps with a rectangle window… But I also see a slight curve at the top of your glass cabinet fronts and I think repeating that with the existing bumpy windows and a round white fixture might push what you don’t like into the background. Photoshop may very well prove me wrong! 🙂
I do like the open shelving on both sides. As you said, symmetry. Someone mentioned a window treatment to disguise the rounded windows…seems like a viable option and I would choose white for the window trim. Definitely a fan of the new light fixtures and I think I would choose black if you’re set on painting the island.
Love the warm grey island & new lights! I feel like if you did open shelving on both sides you’d have to take the tile all the way up. For some reason the top grey looks really empty without the cabinet / transom windows there. Your whole kitchen is seriously dreamy though, no matter what you do!
Replace the “bum” windows with a transom similar to the ones in the bay window area. Or, purchase taller windows that hang from the top of the radius of the “bum” windows. I think you would miss the natural light those windows add.
I LOVE the dark gray island – I have white wall cabinets with a navy blue island and I love that look. In the last 2 years the only spot on our dark island that doesn’t look great is the pull out drawer with our trashcans because it’s opened and closed so much and takes the most abuse so the paint needs touched up already. I’m undecided on the bigger light fixtures because I don’t know how it would look from the living room/dining area view. And I agree that the rounded window are a little…different but what if you did a small rectangular transom above the existing window so it matches the windows in the dining nook? Although the windows look to be different heights but just removing the rounded windows and mirroring the floating shelves makes the top of the wall look empty somehow?
Love a darker island…navy or grey would both work
New pendants seem like a no brainer. The ones you picked out are gorgeous and glam up the space a bit. I’m sure that they will also provide way more light.
I vote no to both window modifications. The black sashes are jarring and seem out of place with everything else going on in your kitchen. For the money, I wouldn’t remove the arched windows unless you are willing to install new giant windows all of the way along that wall. If not, just leave them as is. They really don’t look that terrible!
Definitely paint the inside of the windows white. I like the black but only if you did ALL the windows in your house or I think it would look funny. My vote is bigger lights – Yes! and keep island white (if you leave the walls the teal color) or navy if you paint the teal walls a neutral greige color! Can’t wait to see what you do 🙂
I would do a straight transom window instead of the arches. As for the island, I love the brownish grey but would suggest you then get new stools.
I like the gray island (because white will get scuffed) but not the black windows. I think they look better white with or without the curved tops. Depending on how old the windows are, maybe you can get a few more years out of them and change them when they need to be replaced. As for the lights, I think something simpler would work. I’d only change them if I had another proejct that needed drywall and have it done all at once.
Yes to the large statement lights. Yes to the dark gray island. The open shelving on both sides looks nice as well. HECK NO to painting the windows black! It doesn’t go with the rest of the kitchen which is so light and airy. It just looks really heavy…. Also no to removing the rounded window tops. WAY too much money to do it….
I think bigger pendants is a great switch, especially since you can use the current pendants elsewhere.
The windows: Could you get taller windows that would go up to where the bumps stop? This would allow you to square them off, but it wouldn’t require patching the siding or drywall, and I’d guess there’s already some extra support there within the wall.
I love the black/gray island and the bigger pendants. I think the black window work well with the darker island and bigger lights, if the island doesn’t go darker the window needs to stay..
If you hate the windows and have a way to make them more your style, go for it.
Is there a way instead of eliminating the butt windows, just changing the shape, squaring them off…It seems like the windows/doors in the area next to them have high windows also but rather than being rounded and butt shaped they are like a square/rectangular transom window. It would still be an expense, but maybe less drywall and siding involved…since you’d be making the opening bigger (by squaring off the rounded windows) you wouldn’t need to cover up a large hole with drywall/siding but that you’d pop a new shaped window into the spot…does that make any sense..?
I like the gray or White Island better than navy, and prefer the windows as they are now. I do love the new lights though! And i like the symmetry of the open shelves on both sides of the window, but don’t know if it’s worth the effort/expense. It’s a beautiful kitchen no matter what you do!
Your kitchen looks great but I understand about wanting to tweak a few things and make it your dream kitchen. I do like the new, bigger lights with the grey island. I also like the white window trim, I think it draws less attention to itself since you don’t really like it. What about putting a valance over the rounded tops of the windows, and then maybe some wall are over the open shelves to balance things out? I’m sure whatever you go with with turn out wonderful. Good luck!
Hello Katie!!
I am a kitchen designer – so I thought I would weigh in…
My thoughts are keep ONE common denominator.. so since your countertops are different, I would keep the cabinetry colour the same.
I would like bigger lights, but I think the ones you put on are too busy. You have that lovely simple geometric light above your dining table – so I would do a chunkier an airy/chunky light above the island (maybe a nice globe pendant??).
I do LOVE the navy trend – but I think that’s what it is… a trend. My vote is keep the island white.
I like the idea of the navy island but I’m not a fan of the black window trim. It’s seems very stark in contrast to the white and navy.
Love the painted island! The dark gray is my fav! I love how it pulls out the color from the tile! To hide the rounded window but not take it out, what about doing a bamboo shade or a fabric one to cover it up? Or could you change the rounded window to a transom? Your kitchen is beautiful, and I love all the updates you’ve made so far.
Looking at your kitchen from the table side in your kitchen/laundry room update post, I say yes to light fixtures and gray island. Leave the windows/cabinets as is. I, too, love symmetry, but if you put open shelving on the right side of the sink window, I think it will throw off the balance between shelving/cabinetry as you look from the other side of the room. As I’d, the open shelves are a cute little decorative touch that keeps the space between the window and the door open and light.
I like the change in the pendant light fixtures, and any color for the base of the island. I have no preference, but would coordinate it with other accent colors you are using in your nearby rooms. The arched windows are definitely different, but I think adding something to the left of the windows to balance the height between the upper cabinets and arches would create a visual element that would draw the eye away from the windows at first glance. Could be plates, two or three smaller pictures, one long oblong plaque and incorporate the color you use on your island. Could try a small valance on the windows beneath the arches tying in the darker colors, but would leave them white. You have a very light and neutral palette going on, so careful on the higher objects as dark colors bring weight, so use in moderation, i.e, frames, lettering and trims.
I am on the fence about the island color. I love the rendering with the gray and the navy, but I am mixed on if it goes with the the black countertops in the back. What about a black island? With a different countertop and a completely different cabinet color I think it will look like just that and “island” that doesn’t feel at home with the rest of the kitchen. I love the larger lights! And I actually love the “boob” windows. I always thought they were interesting, added extra light, and added a nice round element to a kitchen with lots of angles. 🙂 Plus – I don’t think it is worth all the work and cost to remove them, unless you were planning to add a bigger squared off transom. I am on the fence about painting the window sashes too. I LOVE me some black window sashes, but not sure about painting vinyl windows. Plus, I think it would make the other windows stand out as not matching. I hear ya on tan looking dirty all the time though… (we recently moved into a house that chose to do cream trim and doors.. man do I hate it!) so if you are going to paint them, I think I vote white for clean and bright. Just my 2 cents.
Paint the island!!! I like both colors so just choose what’s going to coordinate best with your current accessories. Leave the windows white and with the demilune transoms. Loving how your kitchen is looking!
Yes to the darker island (either color looks sharp!), pendants and open shelving. I agree with other folks that white windows would flow better with the rest of the windows in the house. And, easy to say since it’s not my money, could you replace the butt transom with a squared off transom to match the windows to left? Keep the lines at the same height so it would flow nicely! Can’t wait to see!
Love the painted island–the navy is nice but maybe a dark gray?? Yes, please center the lights, haha. That would drive me bonkers. Not a fan of the pendants themselves, I think because they remind too much of the 90’s brass chandelier that is hanging in my entry that I have been wanting to change for, oh 20 years or so! Boob windows–if you have the budget then I would consider getting rid of them. It just can’t be unseen now! IMHO 😉
Oh, I would not remove that beautiful cabinet. Yes, change lights. Maybe, paint island. No, I wouldn’t bother with the expense and work of replacing the window (or cabinet). The black window panes look very odd especially if no other windows in the house have black panes. Black panes would need black trim.
Don’t change the windows–too much work and money for the benefit. I also don’t think the black trim on them windows works–draws too much attention!
Shelving, maybe? But do change out the pendants. As for the island, I like the white, although I can see doing something to its texture to help with scuffs, etc.
Love the new lights, dark gray island, and open shelving, but I’d leave the window shape and paint the sashes white 🙂
Love the idea of switching out the pendants, the darker color (i like blue) under the island, and the black around the windows but I don’t care for the removal of the arches. That green wall at the top just looks too weird without it! I’m always up for more light, and I think the project adds too much money because of the dry wall and siding. Just my opinion. But I have always liked your blue, brown, white combo and that would go well with your family room!
One other comment. Now go paint the base of your coffee table the same color as the under side of the island to bring the rooms together!
I think if you lose the rounded windows it brings down the overall height of the room – what about a transom window instead? I like the lights you have now but i also like the other ones you rendered. Yes to the navy island (especially with so much white cabinetry nearby in your new pantry space.
I’m with Deb on the window. Maybe cost out replacing it with one larger rectangle that is same width and same total height including the previously round transformers. That should fix your needs of replacing siding. You end up wanting to add to the backsplash as well, but that seems easier and cheaper to do.
Lucy at craftberry bush painted her all-white island dark blue: I think it looks amazing! So, Yes to painting the island! I don’t love the painted window, but maybe that’s just because the photoshop looks a little rough 😀
As much as I love a good dose of color, I think from this angle of the kitchen the island should be left white. It’s looks classic and clean. As for the window, paint white. With the black it draws your eye towards the window and makes it look small and awkward. I think with some awesome lights it will change the whole look without having to do all the extra work
yes to gray island and bigger lights!
I like the gray and not the navy – could get to be too many colors and with the gray it is shades of black and white. could you square out the transom windows? I think the height is missing when you take them out – would that be more or less work? Cutting the existing hole a little larger and replacing the window?
My vote….paint the rounded window part to match the grey on the island, which I would do. I like it better with the rounded windows. Change out the lights! Looks great!
Love new lights! My fave picture is the last one. Love the window trim painted black. I don’t know how much it would cost to make the windows squared, but, man, it looks nice—more updated.
Oh what fun!! I vote for gray island, open shelving, no black windows, & pretty valance. Wish i knew how to do this!
PERSOnally, for the window I would do a large picture window that would be as high as the curved windows are now. And I’d keep it white. I think larger pendants are a good idea but I’m not sure about the ones that you photoshopped.
I actually like the window shape better as is (not what I would probably choose, but better than without – does that make sense?). I also don’t really care for the black window frames – I think white is better. But, I love the new pendant lights! I would definitely do those. I think for the island I would either leave it white or look at a lighter color personally. It’s really coming along though! All of the changes you’ve made so far are so good!
Loving the new lighting idea – Gorgeous!
Changing the island color – Meh, lukewarm on the renderings. The gray is better than the navy (with the brown stools, navy is too much happening).
Dark window trim – Don’t think going darker improves it…just makes it look dated and shrinks the view. Go for whiter like the trim to make it blend.
Booty transom – Not worth messing with the walls/siding/everything for the little change.. Build a nice valance or some sneaky window covering or art to display in front of the booty transom to hide it. Go for the open shelving to balance though. I support your balance desires all the way!
Could you square off the transom windows? You have such tall ceilings it looks like you could use the visual height. And usually the framing is easy to change from round to square. I also like the chunkier lights because they seem more centered on the island. And I ❤ navy, so that’s my pick for island color [it’s also on my wish list for my kitchen remodel)
I like the navy island! And I hate the rounded windows, but it seems a little plain without them – what if you had them replaced with a rectangle transom style window instead? That would mimic what you have in the eating area, and even with buying the new window I think cost would be comparable since you would have all the “fixing” to do with drywall and siding.
I think it would be really worth it to have symmetry on either side of the window either with the shelves or cabinets. I would leave the transom windows both for the light and the fact that it would be too much work to remove them in my opinion. I like the window frames in white (too jarring in the black and it’s all I would be looking at). I think the island would look great painted the same color green as your canisters. The dark colors look like they clash with your bar stools. I love the new lights you chose and think they add a lot, but I wonder if they come in gold? I just like mixed metals, but I’m sure that whatever you do will look great!
I like bigger lights but you window looks too small without the transom. Why not keep a transom, just square it off.
The new lights and navy or gray island look great! Nope to the black windows and removing the round transom windows. It makes the whole thing look too short. What I would do instead is replace the rounded windows with a recangular transom above the lower windows so you keep the height and paint the windows white, or just replace the whole set of windows there with taller windows eliminating the transom altogether. (You wouldn’t have to add siding or do much drywall work with either of these options.) The I’d do the shelving on the right and extend the tile up to the top of the window on both sides (or even to the ceiling and above the windows.)
The new lights and navy or gray island look great! Nope to the black windows and removing the round transom windows. It makes the whole thing look too short. What I would do instead is replace the rounded windows with a recangular transom above the lower windows so you keep the height and paint the windows white, or just replace the whole set of windows there with taller windows eliminating the transom altogether. (You also wouldn’t have to add siding with either of these options.) The I’d do the shelving on the right and extend the tile up to the top of the window on both sides (or even to the ceiling and above the windows.)
Yes I totally agree…the height is kinda needed. The issue I would have is – would it look weird if the transom here is different than the transom near the eating area?!
xo – kb
The globe pendant was actually my second choice! I love them!
xo – kb
Definitely paint the island dark gray. Larger lights would look nice but something less busy- too many lines competing with other details in the room. Don’t paint the window trim black, also too busy, do white to match your other trim. Try a simple valance to partially mask the bum window.
I like the gray island and larger pendants a lot. I think staying with white and larger pendants also works. I would not lose the transom-it makes your big, beautiful kitchen suddenly look short and squat.
I like the grey colour on the island, makes the kitchen look warmer, but I’d leave everything else. I prefer the lights you currently have, the grey colour on the island would tie in to them. I’m not a fan of open shelves, they seem to be very much in fashion at the moment and everyone seems to have them but they will go out of style. The top unit you currently have is more practical and, I think, more expensive looking….it’s too much money to spend for little change.
I would also leave the window as is, the wall looks very bare on top so it needs the height. As someone else mentioned, maybe put a rectangular window if you don’t like the rounded tops but that wall needs the height.
Have you thought about adding a faux Roman shade or woven shade over the rounded part of the window to fake a large rectangular window?
I love the dark island!
My vote would be a blue island! We did ours in BM Hale Navy with all of other cabinets in white, and I just love it. Plus the warmth of you stools and the navy, so good! I like the black on the windows. A thought….would you be able to remove the round trim all around those two half moon windows, and sort of “fake it” by putting straight trim around them so it appears as a rectangle window, with two half moons inside, and if you painted the inside of the trim the same white, it wouldn’t be quite so obvious? Also, you could try warm bamboo blinds that match your stools, hung above the windows and down a bit over the bottom set, to cover them :).
I LOVE the charcoal island.
I prefer white trim around the windows. The black I think is trendy, but calls away from the beauty of the rest of your kitchen.
The lights are great as is, but if you did something different I think you should keep looking. The ones you chose don’t seem perfect yet.
What if for the boobs/bum window you change the trim around it – beef it up so it’s a square/rectangle around those arched panes? No siding or sheetrock work to be done. Or put in a rectangle window in place of the arches? Then you would be getting rid of sheetrock and siding, not patching any in, which would also be easier.
I think it’s so fun that you asked us to weigh in! I love the gray on the island and think that it might hold up better than the white or show fewer shoe marks etc. I also would do different lights. I wouldn’t change the rounded transoms, I definitely think that area needs the height. If you could, I’d paint the window trim white. Another commenter said that the black draws your attention to the window, and I tend to agree with that. I’d at least start with that (painting the trim white) and if those windows still drive you insane change them out later. BUT, you have the Monroe house, your camper (update please!) I’m sure other updates and of course your littles so I just think that you might want to spend that money somewhere else. Happy almost weekend!
I’m behind in my blog reading, and read your post updating us on the laundry and kitchen spaces 6 months later BEFORE I read this one. In that post, I thought to myself, those kitchen pendants are small and don’t really go well anymore in the space. So that being said, I was excited to read this post about possible changes ya’ll might do! I definitely like the idea of updating the pendants. If you do paint the island (which would be fun!), I think you should go more neutral with the wall color (to help decrease all the other things going on in the room.) The black paint on the window is very distracting and adds to the “busy-ness” on that wall. If you decide to paint the beige, I think white would be better and more seamless. Can’t wait to see what ya’ll decide!
I didn’t read everyone’s comments, so I apologize if it’s a repeat suggestion. Take a look at the glass in your cabinet to the right of the sink. The outline echoes the ‘bun/bum’ window. I think it would be fun if you had the window with the same looking window panes as the cabinets. I also happen to think that would look pretty sharp in black. Congrats on the remodeled kitchen!
Yes to those lights and the grey island! I miss the upper windows when you photoshopped them out. So I say either leave them or swap it out for a square transom across the top. -if you swapped it for a squared off window up top, you wouldn’t have to worry about siding outside. And it looks like it would balance the windows in the dining area. I think that’s why it looks weird without it.
I love bigger lights above the island like the grey color. Agree with many others who have commented that if the round window things go, the existing window would need to be bigger. I’m not a fan of the window being painted black unless all windows in the house were done like that too. Can’t wait to see what you decide 🙂
What fun to weigh in! I love the other lights and either island color! I’m could go either way on the window trim color. I’m surprised, but I don’t mind the transom. Have you tried hanging something over it to block light & give you a sense of it being gone? I wonder if a month with a bamboo shade or valance (do they make modern-looking/ones that aren’t lace/country looking?) would give you a sense of if it goes, there has to be another transom there, or actually, not much light is lost, or maybe we are OK with the light & shape. The whole room makeover looks great and I love hearing what’s best for others!
Could you replace the rounded windows for a rectangular transom? Might be easier to replace than to remove….The last photo actually looks bare with everything lined up…
I like the new lights and gray island. I also like the height the windows ads vs removing them and the cabinet on the right. As for the sashes, I like the black trend but wouldn’t that bring attention to them? Why not just paint them white like the trim?
I like the idea of a adding a window treatment instead of changing the windows. Maybe a stained glass framed artwork could mask the shape without blocking the light. You could even diy something if you’re feeling adventurous.
My suggestion, would be to leave the boob/butt transom, but to put open shelving on the other side. I think it is looking particularly odd because the linear nature of the cabinets is running into the curvilinear nature of the windows. All the other changes are just paint and drywall, so I say go for what makes you happy!
What if you painted your island a more saturated color of your wall color. Then maybe you won’t feel like you have so much going on.
I like all the changes but the cost of removing the rounded windows doesn’t seem worth it. Wouldn’t it be less costly to replace them with a squared transom that is more similar to the area on the left?
I also like the open shelving on the right but to really evaluate that one you need to see what’s outside of the shot.
Just my two cents.
Thougt the exact same thing about the window treatments! I would definately paint the window white and go with the dark gray island and new lights.
I’d go for the last option (or leave the island white), but paint the window white and instead of removing it, hang some nice window treatment over the “boobs”, to hide them. I think it would be nice since it would also fill up that blank space above the window and add a little interest. Also I think globe pendants seem like a great idea and would be a nice contrast to your dining table light fixture.
I like all of the ideas separately but not combined – after viewing your photos and trying to find the balance you are seeking I propose this: YES to the open shelves for symmetry. NO to the black window trim. Just keep the window as is – paint the trim white if you can (not sure if they’re vinyl or wood). I think the black draws my eyes too the windows/boob/bum, as before i didn’t notice it. If you had the shelves on the side and think it would feel more balanced and you’d notice it less.
I LOVE the lights you have in the rendering, LOVE THEM. Here is a crazy idea: paint the island black.
I vote for changing the lights, but more in line with ones that match the one over the kitchen table. I’d change the window trim to white and lastly, I’d maybe change the color of the island to a black, Caviar by Sherwin Williams or Tricorn Black by them as well. But hey, opinions are like belly buttons… everyone has one!!! Have a great day and your kitchen is looking fabulous!!!
I love the new lights you rendered in here. I kinda like the island as is though.
As for those transom windows, I really like them! I can see how once you see the boobs/butt though, you can’t unsee it! 🙂 I mean…would it be possible to just change the framing on the INSIDE of the house only instead of redoing the whole window? Like, square out the frame so the transom windows and the boob/butt looks square, but you haven’t changed the actual structure?
I’m not sure if that makes any sense? Maybe I can clarify if you don’t know what the heck I’m talking about. lol.
I think that you should put in taller, rectangular windows, but paint them all white trim. Those rounded windows were so popular in the ’90’s and ’00’s, and I think they look dated now. I like the gray island and the bigger pendents!
Love the new lights, but I’d leave the island color white….with the different counter top, it already has a contrasting element, too much would make it look off (IMO!)
I’d paint the window sashes white, but leave the rounded tops alone…..the windows look too small without them! If the shape is an issue, have you thought about covering the rounded area with a box valence? It would give the illusion of a higher, squared off window, without all the demo required!
I feel you on not being crazy about the rounded transom windows. I’d try covering that with a Roman shade before removing them and drywalling though! I like the island color gray, but love the bigger lights.
My 2 cents, for whatever it’s worth: Moving and changing the pendant lights looks great. I also like the look of the island painted a darker color – either the gray or the navy – they both look good. I don’t think you should lose the arched transom windows for 2 reasons — they are a unique feature of your kitchen AND, you don’t want LESS natural light coming in. I don’t think the expense is necessary or worthwhile. As for the open shelves, my humble opinion is that it’s fine with open shelves on 1 side only. I think your closed, glass-front upper cabinets are more practical, hold more stuff and already have an “open” look thanks to the glass. And bonus…. no extra shelf dusting!
I would replace the half-rounds with a transom. With them removed, there is too much space above. I like the grey island (blue was too different) but think the lights are too busy – I would do something a bit more simple. Love watching the changes –
100% agree!
Had the same thought, it looks a bit squat without the height of the rounded windows and throws off the ceiling height, could you do little square windows (transoms) if you really want to replace them and can’t find taller windows? Agree with above that black doesn’t work for me on the windows, white would be better. Love the new lights and either of the island colors!
My two cents:
Yes new lighting, warm grey island and open shelving on both sides of windows for symmetry.
No black windows and removing the palladium window.