Dear Due Dates,
You suck. That’s all.
Sincerely, Katie Bower
I don’t usually share all my pregnancy photos but I’m feeling like it today…for whatever reason. So whoop there it is…
People have been asking if I plan on Instagramming the birth of LJ again. I am. But some of my family (ahem…mom) still doesn’t understand Instagram so we will also be updating Facebook. Instagram feeds into Facebook, Facebook might be getting some other updates too depending on the situation, so if you want to follow along…here is the Facebook link to like me there.
If you are not a Facebook person but are a IG person…I am @bowerpowerblog
If you are a little squimish and don’t like seeing blood, guts, my vagina, etc….feel free to skip the birth pics entirely. Consider yourself warned.
(no mom, I will not be posting pics of my vagina….it was for emphasis….we try to keep it relatively PG. Maybe PG13 if a rogue areola pops out.)
Tonight I visit a friend in the hospital who had her baby last night. She was due three weeks after me. I just saw her hours before she gave birth so I am fully convinced she stole my baby labor vibes. That B-word. justkiddingiloveyouamanda. Seriously though…it is really awesome that I have healthy babies…I am really thankful that I get to carry them and they grow well inside me and that my body can support all that (I know that there are a ton of people that PRAY to get to viability) and I really am so so so grateful. But to all you girls that are like me (long-cookers), I get you. I understand completely. This is my third time past the pop-date and yeah….I am just SO FREAKING DARN EXCITED to meet my new little guy that I get all crazy in the head.
CON – lack of patience irritability (I wanna throat punch people just randomly)
PRO – LJ might be born on St Patrick’s Day….and the thought of me dressing up like a Leprechaun every birthday to surprise him at school is almost too thrilling. You’re welcome son. Your mom is the most embarrassing person ever.
Good Luck! I was an over-cooker, too. 42 weeks to the day and then an induction with my first. Not. Fun. At. All. Hope everything goes well for you and LJ!
rogue areola.:) That cracked me up. My mom is the same way. And sometimes she gets texts and facebook updates mixed up. And then chastises me about what I am putting on facebook when all I did was send her a simple (personal) text. Moms:)
most hilarious post ever. GODSPEED!
Hang in there!! It will all be over soon and you will one day forget how miserable you feel right now. It would be fun to have a St. Patty’s day baby!
Reading this post reminded me of this tumblr post:
If you don’t read his new one daddy newbie, you should. HILARIOUS stuff.
Baby LJ will be here soon! Hang in there! Sending good vibes your way!
rogue areola – nice movie credit there. Sending prayers your way for a smooth delivery. Keep praying that we can finally conceive (it’s been 4 years and nothing).
So feeling for you! I was 10 days late with my first and 12 with my second!!! Every passing day seems to be harder than the last … I SOO get it…but then when they are earth side you are so in awe and love and wonder why you were so so crazy waiting to begin with! Must be those hormones! Wishing you the best and sending oxytocin vibes your way!
Ok…I need to see the Leprechaun outfit! I’ll be thinking of you! So excited for you.
Best of luck with labor & delivery once it finally happens!! Even if LJ isn’t born on St. Patty’s Day you should still dress up like a leprechaun and embarrass/ surprise him at school. When I was growing up one of the mom’s of our class always dressed up for holidays and brought us treats (she also had 6 boys so she loved bringing girlie presents for the girls) needless to say, she was the best!!
I feel like you JUST had Weston! How is it already your due date again!?
aww man. I was totally hoping he would come on the same day as my little mans birthday ( march 6th) ha. oh well. you guys want a lot right… maybe next time … if that’s not too creepy for ya. 😛
My birthday is on St. Patty’s Day! It is a fun one… However, you have given me the best idea EVER, because what’s better than your mom showing up on your birthday dressed as a leprechaun? Your mom showing up on HER birthday dressed up as a leprechaun. hehehehehhehehhhh…. Good Luck Katie Bower!!!
Sending labor vibes your way… ps – your bump is lovely 🙂
You’re the cutest, KB! Good luck with everything! Sending you labor vibes. 🙂
To be fair, you could just dress up like a leprechaun whether or not it’s LJ’s birthday. It would almost be way more awesome if there was no reason for it other than just because (but I’m weird like that). 🙂
OMG! LOL, you crazy Leprechaun. Poor kiddo. 😉 kidding! Wishing you a safe and speedy (and soon) delivery.
I thought the same thing for my daughter last year… unfortunately she was born on the 19th but she got an irish name regardless (last minute change) …..
Oh Katie, I admire you so much. I am currently 29 weeks with my first baby, and I have seen you go well past your due date a few times now, so I have mentally prepared myself to be late. Or at least I have tried. Hang in there. LJ just likes his home for now.
My due date is tomorrow. I’m drinking a glass of wine in honor of the complete lack of any early labor signs. None. I might as well be 30 weeks. Maybe we’ll both have St. Patricks Day babies. My Irish in-laws would be thrilled.
We keep looking for a blue bow on your mailbox!
Katie, I love your blog! I feel like we are kindred with late babies. All three of mine were born after their due dates. I will never know what it is like to be less thab 40 weeks preggo! Also, my first was a c-section in 2009. My second in 2011 was a VBAC and my third, born two weeks ago, was my 2nd successful VBAC. I hope you get to meet your little guy soon!
I get you completely! 4 girls and the last three all went past their due dates… it is miserable. Hope little LJ makes his appearance soon!
Yeah due dates are SO DUMB. I mean, I have three different ones from three different doctors and odds are none of them will be right! How about a “due week”? Hello people. You got this girl. You’re looking amazing! 🙂
P.S. – We ate spicy indian food, went on a walk and then on a little roll in the hay ifyaknowwhatImean and our baby was born the next day! Albeit 1 1/2 weeks later than her “due date”… Can’t wait! Praying.
You are seriously one of my most favorite people!! I am convinced we would/could/should be the best of friends. To love Jesus and still be able to throw out words like vagina and areola and be able to call our friends a b-word is a gift few people possess- we’re just the lucky ones I guess!! LJ will be here any minute…or day…hang in there. Surely I’ve already lost the pool so thanks for not helping me out!! You’re the best Katie bower!! Can’t wait to hear of his arrival!
I’ve been there. I’ve had three kids — three super LATE kids!! All big, all late. I was ENORMOUS every time.
And my birthday is on St. Patrick’s Day and my initials are JL (maiden last name)…so I think LJ just needs to my birthday twin.
It’s REALLY fun the year you turn 21, lemme tell ya. Irish pubs all throwing giant parties just for you.
Not that he will ever drink. 🙂
God bless!!! And may St. Paddy smile down upon you…
two weeks past due with all three of my boys too…so i get ya. throat punch away.
Oh Katie! I feel for you. I always lacked the patience when it came to due date time.
May God give you some extra strength and patience (for the sake of the random people that you might to throat punch ;-)). Can’t wait to meet LG!
P.S. I love your sense of humor. It brings a smile to my day 🙂
LOL!!! You crack me up! I miss your smiling face!
Oh dear. *LJ*. Forgive me.
You mentioned last week that the dr was worried about LJ getting to big that you couldn’t do a VBAC — is he saying 1 week late before he will induce? Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?
With my second, I was due on Christmas Eve, so 1 week before, I needed to go shopping for last minute stuff (It had been a tough last month) and I was out for about 4-5 hours — Went into labor that night at 2am! So, go shopping!! (Like you need an excuse, right?) 🙂
Sending a dump truck full of “Happy and quick” labor dust your way!
Random fact – grew up in a small town and my brother and three of his friends all had St. Patty’s bdays – may the luck of the Irish be with you in hitting the 17th.
you look fantastic, katie b! can’t wait to meet lj!
ps—your 10 week picture is how i look all the time—FIVE years after having twins.
Good luck katie! My daughter was born on St Patrick’s Day, it’s an awesome day to have a baby!
I am a St. Patty’s day baby and I have to say, it is the best birthday ever 🙂 I obsess about how much green I can wear and my house has shamrocks up in it all the time and I get the most unique birthday cards. Good luck with the VBAC!
Yep! Me too! Three boys, all born in April, all two years apart and ALL FREAKING LATE!!!! I wrote a post about being late too and how I did crazy things like go for a run 40 weeks pregnant to stir things up. Nadda. 40 weeks and 6 days every.single.time
Ahh, i’m so excited for you. My birthday is the 19th, and as a early Birthday present, I just found out that I am pregnant as well! I’m hoping I can cook as long as you do!
I rarely comment, but this post is hysterical! You crack me up. 🙂 I was all crazy in the head, as you say, at 38 weeks… so God bless you, woman, and your enormous belly for staying (at least a little) sane at 40+ weeks!!!
People kept telling me to walk, walk, walk when I was about to pop… I swear I walked (i.e. waddled) about 13 miles the week my son was born. Just out of sheer desperation. So I GET IT!
You look great, you’re doing great, and I can’t wait to see the cute new Bower boy’s chubby little face!
Good luck!!!
Just married. Never been pregnant. But Being 100% Irish, I would LOVE to have a St. Patty’s Day baby to dress up like a leprechaun each year – – even if it was at the expense of a few throat punches. But again, I’m not sitting here 9+ months prego either.
Good luck!! We’ll be thinking about you & your adorable family. Hang in there!
I love your humor and honestly. You’re the best.
That is all.
Oh, I really hear you! I have four kids and only one was early – by two days. The rest were on the due date or late. My latest was 12 days late. 12 days! She is 15 now and I still say things like – “You were 12 days late. Go clean your room.”
Good luck! Hang in there!
You had me at ‘rogue areola.’
From the looks of how that belly is popping out, I think LJ is coming out the wrong way. Does this mean he hasn’t stopped to ask for directions?
You are the funniest, Katie!! Prayers for a safe delivery of a healthy baby boy. Hang in there!!
I’m right there with you! My due date was yesterday and I’m think a St. Patricks Day baby sounds good about now. Luckily, Target had cute Irish socks for this cozy little baby:)
Actually I bet he has a pact with the Petersik baby to make their birthdays a little closer together 🙂
I understand!!! My first was due on St. Patrick’s day and he didn’t come until March 30th. I was sooooo ready! Hoping LJ comes soon!
I feel you girl, I’m a long-cooker too. I’d give you a big hug and a foot massage if I could! <3
I don’t think you ever forget how miserable you are, but it makes for a funny birthday story eventually.
I still tease my daughter that I’m going to make her wait 2 weeks after her birthday to celebrate (she was 2 weeks overdue).
With my second I hoped for a little leprechaun, but he arrived on the first day of spring instead. 3 weeks before his due date…. Gotta tell you, early is better than late. (Not too early of course!)
Hang in there!
I absolutely ADORE you and all your glorious candor !
First off, I just spent an hour, yes, an hour, looking through your blog. I am new here and soooooo happy I stumbled across your blog! I LOVE IT! You are such a cute pregnant lady! I just had my first child, a son, and am so excited to learn from you about cute things to do with his room! Love your blog so much. Hang in there, the little guy will be here before you know it!!!!
Can I just say (like I’m sure many other girls on here already have) that I KNOW. I so so know. My little babykins is a little over 3 months now, but was due nov. 18th and came DECEMBER 1st. 16 days past her due date. It was crazy. God taught me SO MUCH in that time though, and I look back on it as a sweet time growing closer to The Lord. Waiting for my baby though was really hard! When she finally came, all the contractions and false labor I had in that time helped my labor go much quicker. My midwives said she didn’t look even a week overdue! Still, waiting was paiiinnnfffulll. Hang in there, you get to meet your sweet baby sooo soon! So far number three for me has been a dream! 🙂
I am soooooo with you on the long-cooker thing…and the rogue areola…on Facebook…posted by my husband. Good thing he was more embarrassed than me!
My doctor doesn’t induce until you are in that 42 weeks area…so my last date of pregnancy will definitely be no longer than the 25th. I think that they were concerned about my date was because I knew when LJ was conceived and that puts me at a certain due date….versus how I have been measured at the beginning (a different due date)…versus how I am measuring now (which my fundal height has not been ever past 36 weeks) so another different date…and considering my history (big babies, C-section risk, long labors, etc) all taken into account for making sure my uterus isn’t allowed to go too far. I am really happy that they treat me like I am an individual and consider all the factors…but dang if the 25th isn’t so far away!
xo – kb
I will definitely keep y’all in my prayers Paula!
xo – kb
My mom had each of her 3 children 9 days after her due date. EACH. TIME. I give her a big hug every time I think about that.
Soo funny 🙂
xo – kb
You look beautiful!! :))
Oh my gosh, you crack me up. Vaginas and areolas, I’m rolling over here. I have been reading foreverrr and never commented, but this post has me in stitches. I remember intently following along with Weston’s birth on Instagram last year, so I pray little LJ gives you an easier time. xo
I was at least a week late with both of my girls. Our youngest was due last year on the March 13th and arrived on the 19th. I cant believe its already been a year! Walking always helped me, and I mean walking a lot, like for miles. I always told myself to enjoy the days remaining as three, in your case four, good luck!
Excited for you Katie! My sweet baby Claire turns two on Sunday (the 16th). My due date was March 13th, so I totally feel ya. Here’s to hoping she has a birthday buddy! Good luck!
Long time reader, first time commenter…but what better time to chime in! Best of luck with your labor (it will happen, someday).
Awwwwww!!! I remember calling my aunt and crying after I left my 40 week check up with my doctor saying “it could still by a while it seems like he’s happy in there!” Man I just wanted him out and to dress him in all his little outfits.
Good luck, girl! Thinking of you and sending all of my uterus softening powers your way!
Nicole B.
13 days late (don’t think they do that any more), 6 days late (which felt early!) and only 5 late (because we induced.) I feel for you.
Oops. Wrong place! Sorry Allison!
Hang in there Katie! Just remember they are easier to look after when they are on the inside. 😛 Treat yourself to a great mani-pedi. Lots of love. xo
I know what its like to wait to pop but I am hoping you make it to the 20th that was my due date bet and my older sisters birthday-and the first day of spring! You could dress up like a flower or a rain cloud for school then.
Your welcome!
Sending contraction and labor vibes to replace your lost ones.
bad grammar correction *your=you’re
I hate bad grammar almost more than waiting for a baby to come!
I LOVE everything about this post Katie!
Lmao at the vagina warning and dressing up like a Leprechaun every birthday to surprise him at school.
I was so excited to follow along for Weston’s birth on IG. I know some people are totally weirded out by it, but I loved it.
My 3 were late, but born big and healthy. The first was 10 days late, the second 5 days late, and the third was 2 days late. We figured number 4 would have been on time, but we stopped at 3, so who knows! I totally get it, but the important thing is a healthy baby, and you!
I got induced 7 days after my due date last year with my daughter (she ended up being born the next morning) and I remember that feeling so well! I knew about other other women who were due around me, and every since one had their baby before me (one was due the day before me and had her son five weeks early, one was due two days after me and had her daughter on my due date, and one was due a week after me and had her son about four weeks early). I kind of expected it for some reason, but it was still hard. The only good part was having people ask when I’m due and saying “last Wednesday”. lol!
I love the idea of you dressing up as a Leprechaun. That’s just good parenting! I’ve been reading forever too, but never commented. While I might skim other blogs, I really read yours. Your writing style is great (so funny) and your taste is awesome. Big fan 🙂
I’m with you, sister! I’m currently 5 days overdue with no signs of that changing. I thought I was going into labor last Friday, and when it was a false alarm I was so bitter. I’m trying to feel peaceful and remind myself that there must be a reason he’s still cooking, but it’s hard! Enjoy a few more days as a Mom of two and hopefully we’ll both pop this weekend 🙂
Girl, I’m with you. I hit my due date tomorrow with #2. I’d been having good contractions, dilation for a couple of weeks so I was SURE he was coming early…since I had none of that with my daughter. I’m hoping for a St. Patty’s day baby too…Sending good vibes to you…but I’ll be annoyed if you steal mine. 🙂
My brother is a St. Paddy’s day baby and my mother never dressed as a leprechaun in order to embarrass him at school. Which means, I need to have a chat with my mother and express my disappointment in this. She missed the a HUGE opportunity with that one!
As a side note, we rode in a St. Paddy’s parade the year he turned 4 or 5 and he literally thought the entire parade was just for him and his birthday. It was priceless!
You look wonderful and I hope you get to meet your little guy really, really, really soon. 🙂
love the leprechaun idea – so awesome! LOL Good luck!
Good Luck Katie!! MAYBE our little ones will share the same birthday… my guy (Maxson) will be three next Friday..March 21st. I was pumped he was born on his due date! I’m a freak with counting down so I would’ve been disappointed and not known what to do with myself if he would’ve gone later! (technically I was in labour on the 20th.. and the 19th.. so I guess I was “early”)
I feel like every pregnant woman I know is due this week! I ended up having a c-section (breech baby), but I was expecting to be a slow cooker like my momma… I always told myself the baby wasn’t coming until 2 weeks after the ‘guess date’ so I was ready for it, but she ended up being here a week before. Good luck and praying for you and LJ!
OMG! The 25th seems soo far away! That really is fantastic that your Dr. considers all those factors, and that is a lot of different due dates — you are one complicated lady!! LOL!
Well — I am thinking of you daily and hoping and praying that contractions start soon!
I don’t usually comment but I felt compelled. Both my pregnancies were 41 weeks and 6 days long and I feel your pain. Thanks for sharing your beautiful belly shots and I can’t wait till I can “like” your baby announcement on IG!
You are adorable! I keep checking instagram hoping you you are in labor. Can’t wait to virtually meet little LJ 🙂
Hey Katie – praying for a safe delivery!! I thought you would get a kick out of this pic of a pregnant pot-bellied pig! (Looks downright painful!) :0) Hang in there!
As an L&D RN, I’m so proud of you for complaining with perspective! (Seriously.) I understand that people are uncomfortable, impatient, etc when near due and especially when overdue. But when you have a patient who is in labor at 24 weeks and scared out of her mind, and a term lady who isn’t in labor, and is obnoxiously complaining that she’s “So over it!” It can be a little…annoying…
So again, props to you! EVERYONE is allowed to complain at times, but I truly appreciate your empathy and perspective.
Wishing you a healthy delivery!
All the best to you and the belly!! I’m hoping LJ comes out pronto so that you (and the interwebs) can finally meet him! And so that you can feel comfortable again 🙂
Today would be a great day! It’s my birthday…it’s pi day….and it’s Albert Einstein’s birthday!
my daughter was born 19 days after my due date. My Dr. signed a note for me to stop working the day of my due date because all signs pointed to any day. 19 days later my water broke, I always laugh that she was so happy in there that I was pregnant with her for 10 months.
I feel ya Katie! My youngest son is 6 months old now and I was one of 4 girls who were pregnant all together. I WAS DUE FIRST AND I HAD HIM LAST. 2 weeks late. Seriously…one my girlfriend’s was due a month after me and she had hers first. BOO! However, you know better than anyone that as soon as little Leo gets here, all the waiting, discomfort, impatience, etc. will be forgotten. So happy for you and your family. I’m wishing you the easiest, quickest, healthiest delivery possible!
i’m so with you right now… currently at 40 + 6. i loved getting the ‘we’ll have to induce you next wednesday…’ threat, so trying to make my peace with that! i think i could go a lot longer… had 24cm of fluid, so she’s got room still!
You are so funny! Look out for those rogue nips hahah!
Maybe some hilarity will help- JudgyFetus
“Simply pushing the blue cheese crumbles off the salad really doesn’t cut it, but whatever helps you sleep at night, lady. #listeria”
I SOoooo know that feeling.
Baby #1 – 3 weeks early.
Baby #2, which I was expecting early, was 24 days late!
#3? 9 days late.
and #4…had to induce to get him out 14 days late.
BUT…they were all big and healthy and collectively have now given me 10 grandchildren. Life is grand 🙂
Prayers for a speedy and safe L&D.
I had my first baby in October-he was born at exactly 42 weeks! I have a feeling that the rest of my pregnancies will end up similar! Excitedly waiting for your little guy to arrive!
I love that you share your birth stories!! When Weston was born I was checking IG as if we actually knew each other and was so excited. The photo of you pushing was the most real and amazing photo because you were welcoming your son into this world. I have said it before and I will say it again, you are so honest and real and I love it. I also love that you pray for folks like myself that are just trying to get to the viability stage. After one miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy having women just talk about this is so very important. Thanks for always being real and you!
Love that you shared the photos! Keep it up Mamma, you are doing great! Wishing baby LJ gets here soon so we can see his cute little face 🙂
Glad you are being patient, Katie! Those due dates are a joke anyway… really it’s best to think ‘due time’ since you could really go two weeks before or two weeks after.
Good luck to you and your family. You will be wonderful. 🙂
No need to explain. Seriously…. Fingers crossed for your leprechaun delivery!
Good wishes. Hope today is the day.
Maybe he is waiting until the 19th so he can share my birthday (and coincidently Sherry Petersik’s)! J/k …a leprechaun birthday is wayyy better!
Good luck Katie! I was overdue by a week with my first and it was torture so I feel ya. Gotta say I love the nickname you picked for your little guy. I have a younger sister named Louisa Jane and thanks to my hubby she got nicknamed LJ. 🙂
My son was born on St. Patty’s day last year ago…it’s my favorite day to be born :). Thinking of you!!
I don’t normally comment either but I’m so with you on the slow cooker thing! I am preggas with baby number 5 and everybody keeps telling me ‘ya know you’ll probably go early” I have such a bad history of ‘running late’ I actually and truthfull don’t even know what my due date is! I don’t even know how far along I am and couldn’t care less!! I think I’m about 30 weeks (could be more…?) Its not like I’m going to misdiagnose labour (at number 5 think I’ll have a pretty good idea!) It’s not like I’ll be jet setting to Europe – I don’t need to know – so I don’t! I think Im about 30 weeks??
Wishing you all the very best – 3 is a magical number and you are going to love it (actually we all know its full on and as you’ve had other babies you know what you’re in for ha ha ha) but still 3 really is fantastic!!
So excited for you all! Best of luck, mama!
I almost spit my decaf chia tea all over my laptop when I read “rogue areola”.
BEST OF LUCK mama! Can’t wait to hear all about another sweet baby Bower birth!
18 days late. And only after being threatened with induction. That is all I can say.
Hope you have your baby soon.
I hate to hate, but it is truly disgusting to post your birth video. I can’t believe you would deprive your child of privacy. Anyone could access it. Would you want a video of your birth on the internet? Forever?
So excited for you and the arrival of the little guy. Hang in there! If its any consolation, my due date was december 25th and guess when he arrived? January 19th. 43 and 1/2 weeks pregnant. I don’t know if the dates were off or what but i’m pretty sure i broke a record or something. Lets just say i was WAY ready to get that baby out!
Hey guys! So we are expecting #2 any day now and I hate the my house has turned into a kids department store. I know we will move to a new house in the next few years for more space and better schools but in the meantime I want some nice storage solutions. Any suggestions or ideas on universal storage pieces for kids stuff? Ideally I would love a wall if those cubbies and shelves and places for art work but since I don’t know if our next house will allow that I don’t want to but things that won’t work and I’ll need to replace (I’m notorious for that). Since u have moved several times and found ways to reuse pieces I’m curious for suggestions. Thanks !!!
I love this post! I love your bump pictures! Did you take them weekly? I hope little LJ gets here quickly and safely! Sending thoughts & prayers to you guys!
Haha! Sher and I keep on texting that the 19th is the last approved arrival date 🙂
xo – kb
You are so gracious. Seriously. I can feel it in this comment.
I’ll be praying for ya Kym 🙂
xo – kb
I definitely think this is a different folks different strokes thing! But just to be clear…I am not posting a video, I plan on posting photos…and I would not care if my birth was on the internet….but then again, I don’t get embarrassed easily.
xo – kb
This is how many I took. I didn’t take them weekly in the same pose in the same place (I did with Will and it turned out that I actually loved seeing them further apart) but I did take some other shots throughout the pregnancy.
xo – kb
xo – kb
Have you considered storage pieces that could be converted to closet storage later? Like ClosetMaid has stackable organizer cubes that can later be converted to other areas of your home! I think it’s kinda the perfect solution to all sorts of organization problems!
xo – kb
my best pregnancy moment so far? at panera I told the cashier that I wanted “one of those sugar cookies” on our way out of the restaurant. He turns around and says (in a snotty tone), “actually, it’s a shortbread cookie.” and without even thinking, I just said, “Whatever, just give me the damn cookie.”
hellooooo hormones!! yikes!
Ohhh my goodness. I am a newbie to your blog, having found you through pinterest. Guess what? My due date was march 12! I am a ‘long cooker’ too, I guess. I love your humor, house, projects, photography, suggestions for baby (this is my first) but most of all, I love that you love Jesus. I am a pk and my husband and I were both homeschool kids. Thank you for setting a wholesome family example on your blog. I look forward to reading more and gleaning some tips!
And funnily enough, I had my daughter the next morning 🙂 hoping for your soon safe delivery!