Disclaimer – This is a sponsored post brought to you by Bona. All opinions are 100% my own.
It’s like when you have a baby.
You get the new little one and they are so super perfect in every way and you are so in love and then reality hits. HOW DO YOU KEEP THEM PERFECT?! HOW DO YOU KEEP THEM FROM ALL THE HARM?
Well, this past month, we realized that the same thing happens with newly refinished hardwoods. You will literally do anything to protect those beauties from any damage, dirt or harm. My baby floors are so perfect. They are so new and fresh and I am literally questioning my sanity when it came to protecting them. OH HI KIDS, YOU WANT TO EAT INSIDE THE KITCHEN?! I THINK NOT.
Ok, ok, I might be exaggerating. but just a little. The point is that Jeremy and I both were on high alert when it came to our hardwoods. We really wanted to keep the finish from getting junked up and also keeping the color the same and being safe for the little ones and still be able to get a good clean.
Well, right after we finished our floors, Bona reached out and asked if we would like to try their cleaning products on our newborn floors. Since we had used their stain for the custom color, we knew that they would never make something that would compromise their beautiful finish. So let me walk you through the process on what we do to keep these babies clean.
Every day we vacuum. We don’t vacuum all the rooms but every day we have to break it out and sweep up a variety of items tracked in by those eight little feet and four furry paws. Jeremy and I don’t track in anything as we are adults and therefore flawless 🙂
The kids don’t generally wear shoes inside the house. We have a ‘take-em-off’ rule and then they just run around barefoot most of the time. I do think this helps considerably with the dirt.
And then between vacuuming, we have to use dusters on the floors because we have a lot of dust bunnies.
We use this microfiber dusting pad first and just walk around getting random dust bunnies, grass or dirt.
This is my favorite part and also the kids love doing it too. I think it’s the fastest and simplest way to get kids to help….just get one of these. The other great thing about having a microfiber duster is that it fits under furniture where the vacuum doesn’t. It has a swivel head like the others on the market but the pad itself is much better at getting the little bits of dust.
The thing I was most excited to try was the Bona spray mop. It’s new and it addresses all the issues I have with other mops. I like to be able to apply a lot of scrubbing pressure (because I use these in the bathroom too and guys, little boys and tile floors near a toilet are a recipe for lots of scrubbing). And as I bear down, in the past, I’ve had trouble with the mops breaking or coming apart.
Immediately I noticed that I loved the handle. It’s very easy for a one-handed operation (which is all I have available most of the time). I like the squeeze-to-spray vs the button on most other spray mops. Definitely a plus!
The other thing I really liked is the fact that the pad is bigger than the mop head. It makes it so that I can get right up on the baseboards.
And it definitely has the fine mist thing going on! No giant wet spots here! (for reference, I squeezed the trigger about eight times for this photo so that Jeremy could capture the stream…but the amount on the floor with a single squeeze is not this much!)
And did you notice the blue padded part half way up the handle? That is for those moments that require a two handed deeper scrub. Moms, you know what I mean.
So I’ve been using it for about a month now and I love it. I found that it’s super easy and lightweight and there is absolutely no residue or stickiness.
The best part about cleaning the floors though is when you get a volunteer helper!
Max wanted to show you all how easy it is 🙂
Of course, I made him give me lots of kisses in order to be able to help.
How often do we clean them? We do our heavy traffic areas in the kitchen probably every day with this little wet mop and our bathrooms every other day. Other than that, we do spot cleaning. Once a month we have a lady come in and do some general cleaning and she uses our Bona cleaner and she cleans all the tile and hardwoods with them.
If you are wondering about the washable pads….the dusting one I take it outside and shake it after each use. I have yet to wash it…and I have even pushed around drywall dust and it works great. The wet pad I do wash at the end of each use. I actually went to the store and bought three more pads to use so that I could wash them all together at the end of the week. I would say if your floors are especially dirty, you could do two to three rooms before switching it out. If your house is like my moms, you could probably do the entire house 🙂
And for the moments when we have a quick spill or if Bear gets sick, we grab this spray cleaner and it is great! We can spray exactly where we need it (like I get weird about using the spray mop too close to the rugs) so this is a good small area solution.
I found out that Bona’s products are the first in the industry to offer a full line up of items that have the Greenguard certification. That’s pretty cool. And they even have a Free & Simple formula cleaner that is dye free and scent free and is certified asthma and allergy friendly by the AAFA. That means it’s perfect for all your little ones!
So now that you know more than you ever wanted to know about our floor cleaning regime, I’d love to hear about yours. What is your floor cleaning schedule? What do you do to keep your floors looking clean and new? Any hacks or tricks I should know about? And do you follow the same kinda routine as us…..daily vacuums, quick dusting, followed by a once-over with a spray mop? I know this sounds crazy but I love listening to how people with kids and pets and messy house partners clean their house. Growing up we used a bucket and a washcloth and did good-ole-fashioned scrubbing so having a Bona spray mop feels so fancy! ha!
p.s. Here is the link again for shopping Bona’s full line up of hardwood cleaning products. And the Bona stain color we used on our floors is Aged Pewter.
The worst is the dog. The nails…oh the nail marks. The kids are not nearly as bad as the dog. Hope you fare better than us…our stairs are scratched from the dog and we’ve only had the wood for 3 months.
do you vacuum your hardwood floors? If so what do you use?
I wanted to love Bona, but I swear it makes my floors dirtier/sticky. Now I just stick to water on my hardwoods.
Again, a sponsored post, with opinions your “own.” They come about every 5. I’m just wondering if you’ve ever received a free product that you didn’t rave about?
When cleaning your hardwood floors, do you find it doesn’t matter if you mop “with the grain” or against? Ours look much better if we mop with the direction the wood is laid. (Of course, this could also heavily depend on the quality of wood flooring; we’re currently stuck with what the builder put in until we’ve saved up enough $$ to replace them).
Random question – where did you get the white planter thingy (HA!) hanging on the wall in your foyer? I love it!
As for our floors, we could probably clean them more often, but I’d say we do at least once a month. Sweep every other day or so though. We have the Norwex wet/dry mop and I love that we aren’t using any chemicals. Before that, we used Swiffer, but I did have my eyes on Bona 🙂
you should look into a roomba, vaccum, wet mop (bravva)
I’m amazed at how often you clean!! Way to go. We moved into. New house in September and I have yet to scrub the wood floors. We have the Bona products…. just waiting to be used. I have two boys, ages 3 and 1, and another on the way. We do lots of sweeping and vacuuming but very, very seldom scrub with the exception being the kitchen but we don’t have wood floors in there.
You always want to clean with the grain of wood floors when using moisture, not against it as in these pictures.
We obviously staged these photos…it was just for best lighting and so you didn’t see a little naked bootie in the background 🙂
xo – kb
Yup. All the time 🙂
xo – kb
I kind of made it. The white wood part is from TJMaxx and the metal bucket and stems are from Hobby Lobby 🙂
xo – kb
We went with the matte finish and found it doesn’t really matter the direction you mop if you have that. I know we always did it with the grain before when the finish was shiny but now it doesn’t show those same ‘strokes’.
xo – kb
Ella’s thinking…’Mum, why are we all dressed up for cleaning?! Is the bonnet really necessary..?’ haha
I am soo in love with your floors now, so glad you splurged for the refinishing. Can’t wait for kitchen progress and what’s next…..maybe the master bath? Have you posted a want to do list for 2018?
Much love x
Just a warning. We moved into a house last summer and they had used Bona to clean the hardwoods and it took literally months of cleaning the floors with straight ammonia (Windex) to cut through the waxy residue. It was so incredibly frustrating, for almost 6 months the floors always looked dirty. So just wanted to give a heads up.
(I found the ammonia trick online, apparently it is a really common problem with Bona so there were lots of message boards full of tricks)
An RN here, I just noticed the brown spot on your left shin. Is that a mole or a scrape/scratch? If it is a mole, please have it looked at as it has gone “beyond its borders.” Thanks! Love your content! (and babies!)
It’s a birthmark 🙂
xo – kb
Have you tried a Dyson slim before? I feel like it would change your cleaning life (in a great way lol). It changed mine and I only have two kids aka mess monsters. I use it everyday to quickly vacuum my kitchen, so light and handy and great suction.
I have not but I have heard really great things! I might need to look for it at Black Friday 🙂
xo – kb