Hi Y’all! Welcome back! What a whirlwind and I am super pumped about this post because I want to hear from you in today’s survey.
First things first though….I hope that you guys all had the very best Christmas and New Years! I am so excited to get back on here to just thank you for all your love and support in 2018. We had a great Christmas and I can’t wait to update you on what we did, what we loved and how many kids got sick (spoiler alert….five out of five got sick. We do it big here in the Bower house). 2018 was an awesome year both in good ways and in humbling ways and I (in my ever annoying positivity) am always looking to improve in the new year! Not only is this blog my job but it’s also my hobby and I really do truly love it. Jeremy asks me all the time what I would do if I couldn’t blog….and I say…I would blog. Ha! And that is because of YOU! You are the best readers and I love y’all so much!
As for 2019, I have a lot of fun stuff planned and can not wait to share ALL the things…but first can I ask you to do something very quickly? I am bringing back the Bower Power reader survey….so we can hit that restart button together. I want to find out from you what we are doing right and the areas that we need improvement. I think I know in my brain the areas that I need to improve to make Bower Power the blog I would be most proud of writing…but I want to hear from you as well! You are some of the most kind friends and best people so knowing what YOU want is very important to me. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this and I will be back later with another post!
I’ve been following for years and love the blog! Aside from all the projects, it’s fun to watch your family grow up.
Hi! Great survey!! Happy New Year!
Love your blog!
You are awesome and I just love you and your family!
I love your blog and your sweet fam. Keep up the good work 🙂
I love everything about your blog. I love watching your family grow.
Katie,…Why isn’t Bear in any of the family pictures?!
Great survey!
Happy New Year! Looking forward to what you will share on 2019.
Because my parents took this photo and he was busy licking their ears 🙂 He loves my parents!
xo – kb
Love your blog! Thanks for making it interesting and fun.
Podcast! I think you would be so funny and charming. You are a very fortunate woman. I envy you
Happy New Year Bower Family! You’re a little bit of sunshine in the internet and I love to visit it. You are a good writer and I appreciate your candid honesty. I love your beautiful family and the fun stories you share!
I filled out the survey yesterday but just thought of something I’d like to see. Since your such a great photographer, I’d love to see more posts about taking pics with your cellphone/iPhone. Not necessarily family focused, but better interior photos. I can’t afford a DSLR but would love to know how I can utilize my iPhone, certain angles with the phone, placement, etc…for more professional looking pics! Thanks! Live your blog, been a follower for a long time.