***This Giveaway is now closed and no longer taking entries. Thanks to all who commented. The results will be announced Friday, August 27, 2010***
Happy Friday ya’ll! And thanks a bunchload for all the well wishing you did yesterday to my friend Jules. It was amazing to be able to meet little Ethan and capture all of those first moments. I was so excited that I decided that there was no better time than now to do a giveaway in their honor.
This giveaway is actually something that is near and dear to my heart. You guys know that I love me some Jesus. Like way more than I love bacon…and I have an entire page devoted to pork…so you know that is alot. Well you can imagine my elation when a longtime reader (Hi Rachel!) who happens to work for a Bible company called Zondervan offered a free New Mom’s Prayer Bible to me and to one of my readers. I almost cussed I was so happy.
And when I received it in the mail, I tore into that sucker faster than you can say HELP ME BABY JESUS. Afterall, a little prayer never hurts…especially when you are sleep deprived, nursing sore nipples and worried about diaper rash, SIDS and whether or not you’ll ever fit into that pair of jeans that you bought right before you found out you were sperminated.
So I can attest that this bible is not just the normal version…but perfectly tailored for those new mommies. Now you might be thinking “Katie, this is not a normal giveaway. I thought you did home improvements?” And I say to you…you are right. And in my opinion, nothing can improve your home more than a little Jesus juice 🙂 Paint comes close. But the Son of God always wins. It’s in the rule book.
Now to the good part – how you can get your hands on one of these leather bounds yourself:
PRIZE : New Mom’s Prayer Bible
DESCRIPTION: The NIV New Mom’s Prayer Bible is perfect for the new mother, whether this is her first child or her fifth. The full text of the NIV Bible is included, along with relevant inspirational content on topics like sleep deprivation, body image, work/life balance, and marital adjustments. A great gift for the new or expectant mother!
TO ENTER : Leave a comment with the phrase “HOLY MAMA” and tell me something you need prayer for…maybe your stressful job or your ailing grandma or your envy over Julia’s great skin.
PRIZE SHIPS : Within the USA
NITTY GRITTY : This giveaway ends on Friday, August 27th at 8am EDT. Only one contest entry per email address. The winners will be chosen using Random.org and announced on Saturday, August 28th.
p.s. if you can’t wait to get your hands on this product, you can head on over to order one for yourself right here right now.
Hi Katie. What a wonderful giveaway. “HOLY MAMA”…I need prayer to deal with life in general living many states and a thousand mile away from my family and my own Mom who I am very close to. I would love to win this book for my cousin who will be having her first baby in October. PS – Love your blog!
HOLY MAMA! I’m praying hard and often that my best friend’s adoption gets finalized! They’ve had their baby boy Isaac home for a month but are still waiting for the birth mom to sign the papers.
HOLY MAMA! I need patience, please pray I can hold my tongue before unleashing it on my husband..prayer works, thanks Katie Bower.
HOLY MAMA! I’m praying for my husband’s uncle who found out this week he’s got advanced stages of cancer with maybe 3-5 years left.
HOLY MAMA! I’ve been praying for my friend’s little one who is expected to make an appearance into the world very soon. This would be a fabulous gift for the mama-to-be. Thanks for this opportunity Katie!
holy mama!
I need prayer for patience and hope as we wait for the referral call, which will tell us we have been matched with our sweet son or daughter from Ethiopia. It’s been a little over four months on the waiting list and we are anxious to see his/ her face.
HOLY MAMA! I could use some prayer for my mother-in-law, who recently found out that she has a pretty serious health condition. Pray that God will heal her and provide financially for her treatments.
HOLY MAMA!! I’m praying for the safe and healthy delivery of my baby who is due….TODAY! As you know, due dates are such a tease.
HOLY MAMA! i’m in the middle of a job search right now and praying for discernment to find the right fit and patience to work hard in my current job til i can find the right one! 🙂
Holy Mama! I’m praying that my poor hubs makes it through my first trimester alive! I definitely need strength and patience to deal with the nausea and mood swings in a nice way instead of biting his head off on a daily basis! <3
Holy Mama! My prayers are for the healthy & happy lives of my newest families addition (My brothers wife had a little boy yesterday) and for my daughter. I never imagined how much joy babies, and toddlers can bring to my life. My heart is literally pouring over with love and joy! I want to protect them from EVERYTHING!
HOLY MAMA! I am praying for two healthy and happy nephews that will be born this fall!
HOLY MAMA! I am praying for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. I am due in January and would love this book to help me through any anxiety I feel. 🙂
HOLY MAMA!! I’m about to be a mommy in just 2 weeks to a little boy. Prayers for that are definitely appreciated, especially since my Dr is heading out on vacation next week. I keep praying that whoever the Lord wants to deliver my baby would be the one. So I am having peace that whenever he come, it’s the person the Lord wants to deliver him. Also my father in law, who is becoming a grandfather for the first time, was just diagnosed with a very serious type of brain cancer AND kidney cancer. Thankful that he is a believer and trusting in the great physician. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway.
HOLY MAMA! I need plenty of prayer on this new journey of mommy-hood!
HOLY MAMA! My prayers are for my sister who is a new mamma and is going through every woman’s worst nightmare- being home during the day with her baby twins and having someone break-in and sexually assault her. On a brighter note, we can praise JESUS she and the babies are doing GREAT- just in need of lots of prayers!
HOLY MAMA! I pray that I will be a good mom to my little one due in March!
HOLY MAMA! I’m due with our first little boy next Saturday, August 28th. I’m praying for a healthy son and safe delivery.
Holy Mama! We are expecting our first baby in January… we are just praying and praying some more!
HOLY MAMA! I’m praying for my brand new baby girl (19 days old today) who had a rough start but is making great gains every day.
Holy Mama!! We are expecting our first in November and need all the prayer we can get!
HOLY MAMA! Prayers for my friend Nancy who is going through testing to see if her cancer has returned. Please pray for peace, comfort, and strength for all that is to come.
Thanks Katie! Great giveaway 🙂
HOLY MAMA!! I am praying for my friend who just had a baby a week ago, and is having a tough time adjusting to the craaaazy hormones and life with a new baby. Oh yeah, and her husband works. At night. So he sleeps during the day. Yikes! I’m also praying I’ll be able to find a quite time that will give me some encouragement for day-to-day living with a two month old. I’m having a hard time finding a place in my Bible that is both encouraging and seems relevant to my life right now. Please pray I find it!
Holy Mama, do I ever need prayer to keep my attitude in check, even when I’m overwhelmed with newborn exhaustion and dealing with 3 sick little boys. Great give away Katie!
HOLY MAMA! I just need to continually thank God for all of the recent blessings in my life – new jobs for me and the hubs, a home that we’re building and should close on in November, healthy and happy friends and family members, etc. We’ve had some hardship in the last few years – death, miscarriage, unemployment, debt – and are thankful to be moving on past those things. God is so good!
Me me me! I’m about to have my first baby and I know I need some prayers!!
We can all use just a simple prayer to keep our friends and family happy and healthy!
We have been actively praying for my husbands job situation. He is not happy but is seeking guidance and direction and ultimately wants God’s will in his career.
Holy Mama! I need prayers for my brother and sister in law. They are only weeks away from having their first kiddo who is the first grandchild too! We’re so excited! I’d love to give her this bible.
Holy Mama!
HOLY MAMA! I’m praying for my sister-in-law’s pregnancy…they found out there was a possibility the baby would have clubbed feet. I believe in miracles!
HOLY MAMA. I’ve been praying for my family and friends, and paticularly my dad and husband who are both seeking jobs.
Holy Mama! I’m praying for my little sister-in-law! She’s really sick with Adult Still’s disease right now and we’re hoping for some normalcy in her life again on the long road to recovery!
Holy mama!
So many things to pray for lately! A baby, a friend struggling with infertility, and a friend of a friend struck with cancer are at the top of my list.
I need prayer to be content with where I am in life and to appreciate all that He has blessed me with. I tend to be impatient and want things NOW instead of waiting for God’s perfect timing.
HOLY MAMA! Prayers for my little brother in the Armed Forces 🙂
HOLY MAMA! I’m praying hard these days for some peace in our lives with our job situation. My husband is looking hard for a new job, which would enable me to hopefully quit mine and stay home with our 8 month old boy, who is growing way too fast and I don’t spend nearly enough time with. I’m so thankful God blessed us with this little angel but momma needs some more baby lovin’ time with him!
I could use some prayers for working full time and missing my baby!
My prayers are for family and friends who have recently lost loved ones. Two people I knew died last week and they are still heavily on my mind.
I couldn’t be more excited about this! We have our first baby on the way and due in February! Thanks for the giveaway!
Prayers for my husband’s heart to be ready to try to conceive 🙂
What a great giveaway…I’m expecting my first baby on 1.11.11 and took your advice and purchased “I’m Having a Baby: Help me Lord”. I’ve loved reading the daily devotions and am currently reading through Ephesians 6, praying for God’s spiritual armor every day to protect me and the baby!
Praying right now for a healthy rest of this pregnancy (with baby boy #2) and a safe delivery of a healthy baby in late October/early November! Oh and that he somehow will be a great sleeper so I can still function taking care of 2 🙂
Well, I’m not actually a mom yet, or pregnant, but that’s where the prayers come in. We’ve been trying to start a family for over 1 year and 1/2, and just found out I have pcos (cysts in the ovaries). We need prayers for a healthy, happy outcome, and the strength to know that God is in control.
I need prayers for myself to get through these next few days because my baby, my firstborn, just started kindergarten! And although she is having the time of her life (like I knew she would), her Mama is a ball of worries. It’s the first step in letting her go into the world and it’s scary because I can’t protect her 24/7 like I used to when she was home with me. And as a mom, my primary job is to love her and to protect her and it kills me to know that I am not there by her side from 8-3:30 to protect her from any physical or mental hurt.
HOLY MAMA! I’m still learning patience with my toddler, myself, and my husband…let’s just say I need much more than I have. Only by God’s grace will I receive more…
Holy Mama!
My prayer is for continued stregth after losing our little bean and for being able to start our fam sooner rather than later!
HOLY MAMA! I need prayers as my husband and I are expecting our first baby in 2 months! We are beyond excited and anxious, but completely nervous and in need of lotsa prayers 🙂
HOLY MAMA! my best friend is preggers, and i’d love to give this to her b/c i know that she’d love it!
HOLY MAMA! I need some prayers to help me figure out what the next step in my career path is going to be.
HOLY MAMA! My husband has an interview this afternoon for a job that would allow me to quit mine so I could be a stay at home mom to our daughter! I could really use the prayers, thanks!! 🙂
HOLY MAMA! I’m not a mom yet. We planning to start trying this summer but then I lost my job. So I need prayers that a job will come around that wants me (seems to be an issue right now) so that we can start working towards that family. This is a very big issue for us right now as I was offered a job and then the offer was retracted. I could use all the prayer I can get as we can’t afford all of our expenses on just my husband’s income and we do not qualify for any aid including unemployment benefits.
HOLY MAMA! I pray daily for patience with my 2 1/2 year old (and we just added a 10 week old puppy). We’re also 9 1/2 weeks into our journey towards the next. I pray that all goes well with pregnancy and that this one is as healthy, happy, and feisty as our first.
HOLY MAMA! I’m 38 weeks pregnant and planning for a natural childbirth, so I need prayer that my little guy decides to come out on his own and that we don’t have complications with his birth. 🙂 However, a healthy baby and mama are the end goal, even if everything doesn’t go as planned!
HOLY MAMA! We are again facing possible layoffs with my husband’s job now a month before the birth of our 4th child. I’m also fighting a nasty cold and cough for the last week and majorly struggling with keeping up with my other 3 little ones and fighting every nesting instinct I have to get some rest. My biggest fear is that the baby will get here before we’re ready, which really, will we ever be REALLY ready? 🙂
Accepting any and all prayers for the little bean growing inside me. 17 weeks down, 20-some to go!
HOLY MAMA! Praying to get pregnant with a little one of our own sometime soon!
Holy Mama!
Just found out we’re expecting! Lots of prayers needed for patience and peace through the next 9 months!
HOLY MAMA! Please pray for my sister and her husband as they deal with the logistics of moving from the poor FL housing market to TX. Praise Baby Jesus I will get to be closer to my neice who was born a few days before Will!
We’re also hosting a giveaway today! Stop by to enter for a chance to win!
I am CROSSING my fingers that my comment isn’t chosen by random.org… because even though Jesus is my BFF, I am not yet a momma! Watch… I’ll get chosen and all my mojo for blog contests will be used up. Whatev! The actual reason I’m commenting is because this is going on in my hometown of Portland, Oregon…
Yes… Baconfest. A day devoted to all things bacon. I immediately thought of you. YUM.
HOLY MAMA! Praying for a friend that has been battling brain cancer for 8 years.
Great giveaway!
You can pray for my hubs and I as we in the process of adjusting to a very new life. Pray that we will follow the Lord in this move, that we will transition quickly, and that our marriage will be strengthened through this move/change.
Also, pray for my dear friend who’s expecting her first. The Bible would be a gift for her.
Way to be such a bold witness with your blog! 🙂
I love this giveaway! I’m expecting my first little one in December! EEK!
Right now we’re praying for this big transition in our lives and that baby girl is healthy, whole and perfect in every way!
Holy Mama! My oldest child is starting Kindergarten on Wednesday, so this sentimental mama could definitely use some prayer for that!
My friend is expecting, this would be the PERFECT gift for her! Prayer request-my husband’s boss is difficult to work with, and is not very nice to any of his employees. DH has been searching for awhile for a new job where he and other employees are treated with respect, something that would also help him grow (as this is the same office job he has had since the beg. of college), but so far, no luck (thus, I worry). Please don’t get me wrong, we are more than grateful to have jobs, and we’re happy and healthy! Thanks, Katie!
HOLY MAMA! I need prayer in order to become a momma myself. My husband and I are starting our second month of trying with fertility drugs, and there is no other way we could get through this without Jesus by our side. We are praying hard! We know the Lord has plans for us to be parents, so we are praising Him while we wait.
HOLY MAMA! I’m praying for 2 of my very good friends who are pregnant. These would make great gifts for baby showers! Thanks for the tip!
HOLY MAMMA! Katie, I love that your blog is not only decor fabulous…but a great testimony as well. I need prayer in preparing my heart and my husband’s heart for parenthood. 🙂
Let’s pray for all the new babies in the world and the babies about to be born soon. I had my first baby April 3 (I was due a week after you!) and she is perfect and we are so thankful. If Will’s baby romance doesn’t work out with Clara over at Young House Love, baby Giada would like a chance! She was a big baby like Will – 9lb, 6oz!
Holy mama! Hmmm… I think for a family member and their tough situation.
Holy Mama! My family and I need prayer as cystic fibrosis just took my sister-in-law.
Holy Mama! I just found out that we are pregnant after 15 months of trying!!I definitely need prayer for out little baby and for my sanity!! I can’t believe it finally happened, and I would LOVE to win this Bible! Guess the pregnancy hormones are kicking in…I’m about to start tearing up just leaving this comment!
HOLY MAMA! I am two weeks away from my due date and need some serious prayer to get me to the end! I am an emotional mess…. for no reason – I am truly blessed… I just can’t stop crying.
HOLY MAMA! I need prayers that I’ll be the best mom possible to my 5 month old Sara. I thank God for her daily!
HOLY MAMA! I’m due with our first child (a son) on 9/12 and we’ll be full-term on Sunday, so I need all the prayers I can get right now! I was actually looking for a Bible just like this one. Thanks for sharing!
HOLY MAMA! I need prayer to help me learn to balance my son, my home, my job, my friends… I just need feel so overwhelmed!
Please pray for my ginormous family as we grieve for my grandpa. He hasn’t passed just yet, but he has stage 4 cancer, has refused treatment, and has is no longer eating or drinking. Tomorrow one of my cousins is getting married. It’s such a bittersweet time in our lives! I’m so grateful we’ve had him around this long and I pray that God takes Grandpa home soon so that he can get away from the pain of his body!
HOLY MAMA! You know that whole saying ‘Cutting off one’s nose to spite your face’? I’m praying for whatever the opposite of the feeling of spite is….goodwill???…and then of course for patience and understanding!
Holy Mama! Praying for my mama who is in Heaven!
HOLY MAMA!!! Where to begin, prayers needed for sleep deprivation (3 month old boy who just wants to eat eat and eat), 8 year old son heading into 3rd Grade – where did that time go, husband waiting to hear on a new job offer, and prayer for motivation to get my big ol’ but working out!!!!
HOLY MAMA!!! I’m praying that my sister-in-law, her husband and their little baby girl get relocated back home soon. The Navy sure likes to take their time deciding how people get to live their lives!
Holy Mama(mia)! The power of prayer is a beautiful thing. I’m praying most for the beautiful gift from God growing in my belly. Grow baby, grow!!
HOLY MAMA! I had my son Everett about a month before you had your son… and much to my disappointment I have to go back to work. I am a teacher and do love what I do, but I love Everett more!
How about some *PRAISE* for a very wonderful pregnancy – because holy smokes is pregnancy wonderful! We just can’t wait to see who she is! 10ish weeks to go….
Praying that my baby girl arrives safely….I am expecting my first in 5 weeks. The pregnancy has been very difficult but I am reminded daily at what a blessing her little life is to us already!
I have two daughters, 19 months and 7 months and my husband just returned from his 4th deployment to Iraq. I was alone during the last leg of my pregnancy, but thankfully he was able to come home for two weeks to see our Sweet Sadie being born. I need prayers because his first born will be joining us today, a 4 year old English Bulldog…here’s to slobber, chewed baby toys and dog snoring!
I need prayer for the little girl in my belly that is due to arrive on September 8th!!
Katie, I love this giveaway! I am expecting my first child (a little girl) in 2 months. Her life and health are constantly in my prayers. This would be an amazing gift to give or receive. Thanks for the recommendation.
Love this giveaway and that there is such a great response signed up for it! : ) I am an the beginning of having tons of friends expecting first babies, and I’d really love a more personal baby gift like this for those I’m close to, even if I don’t win I can’t wait to check it out.
I am praying over restoring balance to my work, finding a schedule/system that works for me, and getting caught up. Thanks for asking!
Wow. I don’t know. Gratitude. Humility. Love. Hope. Patience. Appreciation for the fact that, though I am now infertile (at age 25) I have been blessed with one heck of a wonderful son (a miracle baby), and a husband who makes is all worth while.
HOLY MAMA I am praying so hard that I will be a good mama to my little boy. He is getting so adventurous that I sometimes lose my patience, and phrases and volumes I don’t want to use at him flood my thoughts and mouth. I pray every day for more patience and a Christ-like heart to raise him positively, patiently, and with as much love as God has for each of us!
I’m praying for my sister who is juggling being a new mom, having to go back to work while her husband stays home with the baby, not ever sleeping, etc – you know the drill! I’d love to give her this Bible! 🙂
HOLY MAMA! How neat, I would love to win this, thanks for the chance! My prayer request is that I have a reason to use that prayer bible soon! My husband and I have been trying to conceive for over five years now. We’ve put it in God’s hands for a long time, and are trying to be patient but it’s so hard when it’s all your heart desires. Please pray that we won’t be waiting much longer! God’s time is so much different than our own. 🙁
HOLY MAMA! I am praying for wisdom as I figure out this mama thing. I have a 2 month old and love being a mom, but am realizing how much I need to rely on God everyday.
Holy Mama! My prayer request is for more patience as the kids continue to grow older (5 year old son, 6 year old daughter) and I continue to balance work and home life.
HOLY MAMA! I’m heading back to work soon and I’m already crying just thinking about leaving my baby boy. 🙁
Holy Mama! Julie and Ethan are BEAUTIFUL.
HOLY MAMA! I am praying everyday for God’s will regarding our family finances. It is hard with a down economy and a baby.
Thank you!
HOLY MAMA!!!! I am praying for my Father who is currently suffering through unemployment and battling with depression. He is so dear to me!
Holy Mama! Prayers for our family’s financial situation each day!
Thank you!
HOLY MAMA! I’ve never heard of this Bible; it sounds fabulous. I’m sending my oldest to preschool in a week and have been praying for courage and confidence for him (and me!)
HOLY MAMA! I need some prayers as new mom and (as of two days ago) a new working mom!
HOLY MAMA! I need prayer for making some friends. Recently I decided church might be a good place to try and meet people with other young ones but until today never thought about asking Him for some help in the matter. Praying about meeting other 20 something mamas (or any mamas for that matter) may be just what I need to do.
Such a great idea for entries! Made me think. : )
HOLY MAMA…..I need prayer to be the mother and wife God wants me to be. So often I try to do it on my own and fail miserably. I wish I could just remember that life would be a lot less stressful and worrisome if I would just give myself over to God to begin with instead of trying to do it my way first. I just had my 4th baby in March and I would love this Bible!!!
Holy Mama! I’m praying for a friend who’s been dealing with infertility for 4 years and endured 1 miscarriage. Her grace and ability to continue to say “God is good” throughout her heartache moves me to trust more.
Holy Mama! My hubby and I are praying for him to find a new job… he’s been out of work for over a year and he’s definitely ready to be working again.
HOLY MAMA! My little Sawyer is just 3 wks old and this would be wonderful to have for our first year together. Nothing compares to trusting God when it comes to raising kidlets 🙂
Holy Mama, what does not need to be prayed over? My husband as he ministers as a pastor at our church, my 3 1/2 year old as he works out dealing with his emotions and independence in a productive and God pleasing way, my 1 year old for safety and protection over her heart, soul, mind and spirit as she grows, and my soon to be born 2nd baby boy as he enters this world. So many other things of course, a mama’s prayer list is never empty!
Holy Mama! I need prayer for stressful job. Teaching 6th graders, younger than I am used to, I am trying very hard to adapt!!
HOLY MAMA! My due date is in 10 days and I need prayer as we transition from a family of 3 to a family of 4.
Holy mama I need one of these and does it come with a nights sleep? My four month old stellan rules the roost!!!
Holy mama!
I’m praying that our little girl cooperates and arrives next month during the 1 one week her dad will be in this state. He’s going away for training for work & we’re praying he’ll be here to greet her… 🙂
HOLY MAMA! I need prayer for plain old amazing grace, as the mama to my 8 week old baby boy, who also happens to be named William.
HOLY MAMA! I am 27 weeks pregnant and gearing up for school to begin. I need prayer for sanity with kids and a healthy delivery in November 🙂
HOLY MAMA! I’ve been praying for my amazing husband who is a little stressed with work and is looking for a new job while we await the arrival of our third baby in 3 years! God is good!
I’m 36 weeks pregnant and praying for our little boy Benjamin Ellis to come into this world healthy and strong! We sure can’t wait to meet him.
I am 16 weeks pregnant and praying for the health of our baby boy. I am also working very hard in a graduate program and pray that I can continue to excel in my profession and in my upcoming role as a mama ;o)
Hi Katie! HOLY MAMA! I could use some prayer for my stress level and lack of sleep since starting my new job (first year teaching). However, I think someone who needs a little more prayer than I do is a friend of mine who is expecting her first child – excuse me, children. She’s expecting triplets & is nearing her 20th week which means bedrest is around the corner. I know she would absolutely love & appreciate this Bible. 🙂
Holy Mama! I could use some prayers for the delivery of my first baby next week. If some current complications don’t resolve, I’ll be having a c-section instead of the natural birth we wanted. Learning to accept God’s plan!
HOLY MAMA! I need prayers to be the best Mama I can be for my little guy!
Holy Mama! I am now 5 days overdue with our first baby and boy do I need prayers for patience. I’m also praying that God will enable me to surrender to His plan for the labor process as the doctor would like to induce soon and this was not in my original birth plan!
Holy Mama!
I am praying for a dear friend who is only 24 just diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer.
“HOLY MAMA” I need a prayer that my husband will pass his class this fall and get full time work again since we are expecting a little bundle of joy next year. We want to be able to provide not just emotionally but of course financially for our child as well.
HOLA MAMA! My daily prayer request is that baby girl (one month old now!) grows up to be a God-fearing woman. (And a shallow request….that I can soon fit back into my pre-pregnancy clothing, because there ain’t no way I’m going to fork over money for a new wardrobe.)
HOLY MAMA! He knows what I need prayer for. 🙂
I need a prayer for myself and all the new Mommies that are learning and trying our best to raise these kiddos as awesome as possible! 🙂
Constantly praying for my husband and his beyond busy work schedule. I know we should be thankful he has a job, but he’s on the verge of wearing himself thin.
HOLY MAMA! I’m praying that my best friend’s delivery goes well and we have a healthy baby Noah and a healthy mommy on October 10.
Holy Momma! I need prayer as school has started back and I homeschool my 3 children and have another one on the way!! I need energy, patience, grace and an extra measure of love!!
HOLY MAMA! I need prayer for my pregnancy and baby due Jan. 21st!
HOLY MOMMA! I need a prayer for my husband, who I know is still having a difficult time with the loss of his mother.
Holy Mama! I need prayer for my step daughter, she is battling addictions and facing jail time.
I need prayers for next week when I
tacklepaint a room for the first time in our new house.Holy Mama! I would love prayer for a dear friend of mine who is going through a rough time. I know God is still a God of miracles and she needs one right now!
Katie, you’re the best. You always make me smile.
HOLY MAMA I have a two year old that is teething and a 6 week old with reflux. Need I say more?
HOLY MAMA!! I need prayer for my husband and all the soldiers that are deployed and away from there families! What a great giveaway!
HOLY MAMA – I would love a new bible just for mommies! I have 4 kiddos – with the oldest being 4 — nope, no twins, triplets, or a set of quads! 3 boys and 1 sweet princess girl! 4, 3, 2 and 4 months — I could use a good Godly read! I love your blog, with I was as inspiring as you :).
HOLY MAMA! I’m about to have my first baby, due date August 28th, and need prayer for the strength to have a natural delivery.
HOLY MAMA! A girlfriend of mine and her husband have been trying to have a baby for the past 5 years – and are FINALLY pregnant. I’m so excited for her and my prayers are that she has a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
HOLY MAMA! We want prayer for our friends struggling with infertility.
Holy Mama! I’m having a baby at the end of December. My husband and I are constantly praying to be strong, great parents for our little one.
What a great idea! Holy mama! I need a prayer to help me get through the rest of my pregnancy. I am 29 weeks pregnant and have gone into labor 3 times (23, 24, and 25 weeks) and have been in and out of the hospital. Luckily they were able to stop it but now I am on 24/7 bedrest and only allowed up for a 10 min shower each day and am on medication every 4 hours around the clock. I am starting to go crazy and need the strength to get through these last weeks and keep my baby girl to term!
HOLY Mama! I’m excpecting my third baby Oct 26th. I have two beautiful boys, 4 and 2. My heart’s desire is to have a girl. (We decided not to find out the sex….one time to have a surprise). My prayer is that I will find peace if this little miracle is another boy. I know the Lord has a will and a plan, and that may include a partial football team!
Holy mama! I need prayers for patience and wisdom in raising our two baby girls who are 3 years & 4 months.
Holy Mama!!! I am pregnant with my first, so it’s very new. I need prayers to continue to trust in God’s plan for my family!
Holy Mama! I need some prayers because I’m pregnant with our first baby and was told I have gestational diabetes this week.
Holy Mama! I am asking for prayers for the very unfortunate lawsuit we are going through right now. Please pray for justice to be served and soon! Also please pray for my family and frineds to remain healthy and cancer free. Amen!
HOLY MAMA! Do I ever need some prayer right now!?! My daughter (my first) will be 12 weeks on Wednesday and I start back to work full-time on Sept 1st. ho hum…not excited about it, because I want to be home with her. I feel like we are just getting our routine now and now she will be going to daycare and I feel like I will hardly ever see her. Prayer and this bible would be great! Maybe I could have a quiet time with it while I pump at work?!
HOLY MAMA i love love love this giveaway. so great. and that’s one pretty Bible.
i need prayer for patience with my boys as we start a new school year. i home school them 3 days a week…it’s wonderful, but i always need prayers for extra patience!
I love that you are having this giveaway! Nothing will make a house a home and more than some time in the Word. Although, you’re right, a little paint helps, too :0)
Prayer for me:
to be a mom, better devoted and invested in the things of Jesus for my kids. That they learn more of who he is each day- through my devotion to him and desperate want to see them know the one who made them.
I know- that’s a whole lotta prayin!
Thanks girl.
How can I pray for YOU??
HOLY MAMA!!! I love this giveaway… My husband and I are expecting a baby girl in about 10 days!! 🙂 I will definitely need prayer to get me through this new phase of my life! Excited and nervous to start my new family 🙂
Love it! HOLY MAMA
I’ve been trying to get back into regular prayer time and bible time.
Thanks for your blog!
HOLY MAMA! Love this giveaway (and all things Bower Power)! I’m not *as* new of a mama (my baby just turned 10 months old). But my prayer need is for another soon to be new mama, my doula client who’s guess date is today. 🙂 Prayers for a safe and satisfying birth all around.
“Holy Mama!”
I have to confess. If I were to win this, I would give it to my sister-in-law! I need some prayer for baby envy because she’s going to have the first grandchild on my husband’s side! Lord willing, we will be next! 🙂
HOLY MAMA – We need prayer and lots of it! Just found out that we will be moving to Germany, per the US Army – and shortly there after my husband will be deploying. He will be missing a year of out (currently) 5 1/2 month old’s life. It will be a very trying year to say the least!
thank you for the chance to win this Bible – HOLY MAMA!! it’s a great idea!! i need prayer that i make the right decision about my finances…i know that God provides but He also gave us a brain to use!!! :^) thank you
HOLY MAMA! I need some prayers and guidance because I’m about to become a first-time mom, but I only get four weeks off with my precious son and then I have to go back to teaching high school 🙁 I love teaching, but I need more time with my son!
Holy Mama! Wow…what an awesome idea. I justed prayed for each of these requests and pray that God’s Will is done.
My request for prayer is for another baby. My husband I were blessed through adoption 10 months ago after 7 and 1/2 years of trying. We are so ready to bless our home and daughter with a sibling. We pray that God sends us our baby somehow soon.
May God bless you and your family. Congratulations to your sweet friend.
HOLY MAMA! I’m praying for daily direction to raise my 2 boys Mason (4) and Gray (10 weeks) to be men of God and wonderful husbands and fathers one day.
HOLY MAMA! I need prayer for patience dealing with my almost 4 year old and my 4 month old. I love my boys but having two is quite an adjustment!
I pray that I find balance in being a new mommy.
Holy Mama! I need (porcelain god) prayers! My 2 1/2 year old starts potty training tomorrow 🙂
“Holy Mama” I need prayer for helping me be a good wife to my husband and balance life now that we have a baby
Holy Mama! I need prayers for health. We just found out we are expecting our second child, and this pregnancy is kicking my rear end. I have been so sick I just wanna do nothing, which is super hard for me! Prayers would be appreciated!
I’m praying for the guidance to be a HOLY MAMA to my son and for the blessing of another. We’re trying to conceive now and could use every prayer we can get!
PS – do you ever say “Bower Power” the way that statue in Night at the Museum says “Fire-ah Pow-ah” (thats “Fire Power”, in case you aren’t fluent in reading crazy) when he flexes? No? Haven’t seen that? I say that in my head every time I read your blog title!
Holy mama! I need prayer for being a new mom. My son is 3 months old and a joy, but I struggle with the 4AM feedings. Hopefully, he will outgrow them soon!
Holy mama! I need a prayer for my uncle. He’s in and out of the hospitals with a multitude of health problems. He may be taking a turn for the worse so I’m asking for prayers to give him strength and to not lose hope that he can fight his health problems.
HOLY MAMA! I need prayer for successfully getting through a very busy next four weeks at work!
Holy Mama!
I am praying for a lot lately. My best friend’s mom recently passed away, completely unexpectedly, at age 60. She has always been so close to her mom, and their family was like family to ME growing up. Another loss was over the weekend – our coworker’s youngest son lost his short battle with cancer at age 24. We are all stunned, and I can’t imagine losing a son, especially at such a young age. Moms in general are the hardest workers out there, and all deserve a special prayer. Love your blog, you are an inspiration! Take care!
HOLY MAMA! I pray for my families health & happiness, and for all new moms!
I’m a doula, and I have the perfect holy mama due at ANY TIME NOW who could use this bible! 🙂 I think it’s super cool that you’re giving away a bible, btw!
Holy Mama I could really use one of these in the next couple of weeks. I need a prayer to get through the labor of my first child (Due Sept 16) without my mama (she went to be with God two years ago). Not that my husband isn’t good enough, but all girls need their mama’s.
Great give away Katie! Keep up the great work, I love your blog!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your giveaway – nothing can improve a home like God’s word. I don’t need to be included in the giveaway (have a collection of over 20 Bible versions and variations), but I just wanted to say I love your giveaway!
HOLY MAMA! I’m praying for God’s peace about how the Army will utilize my husband.
HOLY MAMA! My newborn son and I need some serious prayer as we’re dealing with serious infections from his grand entrance into the world!
Holy Mama! Pray for me…I’m prego with my first (about 8 weeks) and I feel so sick! Also, that my heart and my husbands will be prepared for our baby and raising him/her up in the Lord! Thanks!
Holy Mama! My boy just started 1st grade today and my prayer is for a wonderful school year.
Holy Mama….man we all need prayer dont we. As I read the above it just blow my mind how all of us deal with so much on a day to day basis. Please dear God, Bless all these women who read this blog and the things they are going through… give them peace and knowledge that you are there even in the darkest time. Please continue to bless Katie and to continually allow her to be the light that you have called her to be. Showing the world its ok to love you. Amen..
ok for me… HOLY MAMA… we need my hubby to be promoted so that we can have more children and afford for me to not work anymore… Please Lord!!!!
HOLY MAMA! I need prayers to be the best mama I can be to my 10 week old baby girl, to be a better wife and daughter, and to have faith in God’s plan for us.
Oh, and also prayers for patience with our annoying neighbors. LAWD, give me strength!!!
Holy Mama! I am pregnant with my fourth baby…due in November, I teach Kindergarten part-time, stay home with my 3 babies part-time and I am just exhausted and totally uncomfortable…prayer for the next few months of pregnancy…a little more energy and less body aches! 🙂
HOLY MAMA! This is such a wonderful giveaway! I am pregnant with our first child, a little boy-Elijah Paul, who will be here in roughly 6 weeks!! I also work full time as a PreK4 teacher for 13 little four year olds…I could def. use some prayer for patience, energy, and gentleness! Thanks Katie!
HOLY MAMA! I’m expecting and due October 15th. I’m tired. I’m stressed. I’m overworked, and I really just want to be able to spend time with the Lord right now and relish in this child he has growing inside me.
HOLY MAMMA! I need prayers for surviving newborn twins and and 18 month old! (I need a LOT of prayers!)
Holy Mama! Praying for my husband’s business, we’re self-employed… giving thanks to God for our healthy 9 week old son
Starting a new rotation in nursing school- pediatrics and labor and delivery!! 🙂
Praying for my husband and I….miscarried a few months ago and hoping that a little one will be in our near future!
I’m prayerful every day to be a good mother to my 3 month old, a good wife to my husband of almost four years and a good friend a neighbor to all.
HOLY MAMA! I find myself talking to God more and more now that my first child is here. This is a great inspiration to help me be closer to Him and help guide my child to follow in His footsteps. Plus, prayer for patience wouldn’t hurt either. 🙂
I am praying that I can be a good mom to my 3 month old little Anna, a good wife to Dave and that our family does OK financially on one income instead of two.
Prayer to be a more patient mom to my three little ones…
Holy Mama! I need some serious prayers for my friend who is 28.5 weeks pregnant! She was just admitted to the hospital and will be there for the duration of her pregnancy. She has preeclampsia and hopefully that little man of her’s will hold on for awhile and they won’t have to take him.
HOLY MAMA! I am praying that I will be a better mother to our almost 3 year old, and have more patience to deal with her temper tantrums. Her sweet moments are so sweet, and she deserves a little understanding from her mother while she goes through her terrible twos!!
HOLY MAMA! We are praying hard in our household to conceive our first little one. Also, PRAISE! Our friends were recently matched with their soon-to-be adopted son (after 5 years of infertility). We will welcome him in early September! It would be a lovely present for her (one I will probably buy if I don’t win!)
HOLY MAMA! I am a new mama and need prayer every hour of the day. 🙂
HOLY MAMA! I need prayer because I recently had a VERY difficult birth. See this post on my blog for details: http://greatscotts625.blogspot.com/2010/07/welcome-baby-david-we-are-so-blessed.html
Basically, I had preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome and our son was born 5 1/2 weeks premature. It was the scariest experience of my life!
Luckily, he is doing fine and so am I. He spent time in the NICU and I was in the hospital for almost two weeks. Tough time! Today marks my original due date so I am feeling extremely emotional and also extremely grateful today…knowing that we made it through, with God’s help.
I know it could have been SO MUCH WORSE and through this experience I’ve become much closer to God, my family, my husband, and definitely more accepting of myself. It would be great to have the bible to help us through this first year, as I am still struggling to make sense of what happened. I keep thinking about it and I know I need to focus on moving on for my son. I guess I am still processing the whole thing, trying to move past it, and having something to reference as I try to make sense of it would REALLY HELP! 🙂
I love your blog! 🙂 I just want you to know that you’re doing a GREAT job! Thanks for the inspiration!
HOLY MAMA!! Just had a baby, hubby started a new job, and we’re renovating a house. Can I say HOLY MAMA twice?? Pray for patience, perseverance, and sanity as we endure the stress of these life changes!!! Am using your blog for decorating ideas – thanks for all the creative suggestions and thoughtful posts!
HOLY MAMA!! What a fun giveaway. Right now I’m praying for my 5th grade son who starts school tomorrow and had a rough year last year. Thanks for a chance to win!!
“HOLY MAMA” my husband and I are trying to make our first precious little baby, we didn’t have luck the first month, but we’re praying. Also, after 3 years of living in TX from VA we are moving to DC for my husband’s career, his company is closing up after the close of the space shuttle program, we’re so happy to be back near family again–though we love the TX climate, our entire family has been praying to live at least on the same coast, so those are some answered prayers there! I love that you are not afraid to declare your love for Jesus, it makes you an even more beautiful person! It seems these days there are so many people who are not so open or willing to admit it and they’re missing out on the greatest love of all! What a improvement!
HOLY MAMA! I just had our third little one over the summer and was hoping to be able to quit my job so I could stay home with her and be able to pick my boys up from school. That ended up not being something we could do at this time, so this past Monday was my first day back to work. It’s been hard, but I am so thankful for the last 12 weeks that I was able to stay home with them. If you could just pray that I would be content right now with our situation and pray that God might provide a way for me to come home down the road. And, even if that never happens, for me to know (really know) that God loves my kids very much and they are in good hands. Thanks for keeping my family in your prayers!
holy mama!
It looks like we’ve got a surprise baby coming in April, right around my birthday! I have always DREAMED of having a baby on my birthday – I know, weird right?
We need some serious prayers that everything will go well with pregnancy and birth AND that we will be wise in our financial decisions because Mr. Gorgeous is a grad student and yet we’re determined to make the debt-free stay-home-mama thing a reality for our babe. Clearly we need to adjust some of our financial goals (including my carefully planned kitchen/bath reno) and make way for baby! This is also a praise because I am thrilled about the baby, and my job is horrible so I walk in there every day knowing I get to quit this spring!
Holy mama!
My prayer is that my upcoming job transition will go very smoothly. I’m excited about new opportunities … but change can be difficult.
This is so wonderful that you are able to pray for all of these people. I pray that the Holy Sprit will guide you as you pray for all of us.
My prayer request: Please pray that my darling husband and I can be a wonderful example of the love of Jesus Christ to his family (who don’t know Him).
I need prayer!!! Do I quit my job and become a stay at home mom? Can we afford it?
Holy Mama! This post was perfectly timed! I became a Mama last Thursday and think I need all of the prayful thoughts I can get. Things are going well so far but know I may need some prayers and advice once my Hubby goes back to work next week!
Holy Mama! I have been praying to God as it has been quite overwhelming lately with 2-month old baby, 2-year old toddler and my husband being stationed overseas. I can’t wait until we are together again.
HOLY MAMA! I’m expecting my first and this would be awesome to have! I’ll have to check it out even if I don’t win.
HOLY MAMA — going to need this in early Jan. when we welcome our first little one!
I need a HOLY MAMA prayer for sure. I am a really nice person but on occassion I yell at my husband. He’s the only one who see’s me frustrated as all get out. Now, let us all pray…
HOLY MAMA! I need some prayer to get my milk production up. I don’t want to have to supplement with formula!
HOLY MAMA “Could use prayer for my brother who is struggling in his walk with Christ
I could use prayer for what to do about my job situation. I would love to stay home with my new baby girl, but with the economy I need to find some sort of income to help my family.
HOLY MAMA! I am praying for my sweet baby boy due to be born in November.
Well, for the past few months, I’ve been praying my heart out for a new job…just an hour ago, I was offered one!
So mine isn’t technically a prayer, but a praise!
GREAT giveaway!
Randomness: The verse that helped me keep going:
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
:: Philippians 4:6-7
Hi Alisa! I just had to write back to you cause we have something in common. I too live thousands of miles away from my family and I’m very close to my mom. It’s hard to have a child and watch him grow without being able to see his grandparents all the time. And also have the advice and help from my mom. So you’re not alone. By the way, above is my website of my own ministry for babies…take a look. God bless, tammy