Good friends are rare to find. Good shopping partners are even rarer. Sherry is both.
And that is why it’s so fun to hit up stores with her whenever we are together. During her last visit here we were able to squeeze in a little Goodwill adventure (between house crashing and family fun).
In about ten minutes, we had loaded an entire cart with goods. Some folks think of thrift stores as just dirty, intimidating junk hoards. And sometimes that is absolutely true. But in my experience, as long as the prices are right and you know how to look at items, most thrift shops are worth looking.
One of the things that struck our fancy was this sugar and cream holders. Love the pop of color…but most of all – I love that they were homemade and Sher is a lucky girl for taking these beauties home.
I took home a huge stack of books…but this extra large coffee table book had some great and interesting photography. It’s always better to get ones with jackets (you can just toss em!) because usually the cover will be in better shape.
This is my someones-gonna-kill-us look. Sher is doing the innocent-victim-but-escapes-alive look. And yes – you can-hyphenate-any-thing.
Sherry found this collection of animals….I love the quirk.
I love this wooden pea pod and polka dot sheet. A couple bucks for a queen sheet is a good price…given how much fabric you get is well over two yards. And the accessories – like a wooden pea pod – I would consider for under $5. And the greatest part is that it’s wood – so you can paint, sand or refinish to your heart’s content!
Sher found this small green dish (it reminded me of my shorts – and my face after I saw her great find!)…I think she actually was able to score it for less than a Whopper.
John actually pulled this giant popcorn bowl off the shelf. He’s got good taste. Because I already have one just like it 🙂
This holy bowl wouldn’t work for some things (coughwatercough) but the texture is what makes it so great. I think the dots are timeless.
I love it when weird stuff is hanging on the wall…so it’s only natural to think old sporting equipment would be good art. Case in point – an old racket ball racket and some crochet mallets.
Storage boxes are great because they can hold everything from jewelry to remote controls. This one was perfect because you could remove the glass to personalize it with paper, fabric or a replaced plain piece.
This little guy Sher and I fought over. Not literally. Because I could just body-slam her.
We saw stacks of suitcases that would be perfect for extra storage in open view.
Speaking of storage – I love the basket aisle. I use baskets and big bowls for newborn photoshoots…but this little one was colorful and so happy. I would use it everyday for napkins and silverware placed right on the table.
Sherry pulled some cute baskets down to demonstrate how adorable they would be as wall hangings. I obviously love a good basket on the wall. Consider me a fan.
Clothing is a great resource for fabric. Extra long skirts, men’s shirts and dresses are perfect for cutting up to use for everything from throw pillows, dining accessories like runners, placemats, and napkins, and any kind of sewing project.
One of my favorite things about our trip was not what we brought home (although I did buy everything in our demonstration below)…it is doing crazy things like creating vignettes in Goodwill.
Yes, people were watching.
But this just goes to show that you can actually create a cute scene from el cheapo stuff…
But the real fun part about our trip is that we filmed the entire thing. Sherry has the first part of our video posted on her blog this morning…so go over there and watch Part 1 for all these items and a bunch more….and then watch part two below:
sorry – no chest bumps this time. Just a lot of cheesey jokes. And an off-camera shopper who threatened me with a baseball bat….I wish I was kidding.
I can’t believe how much you guys found. And I not only love the ideas of incorporating old pieces with new but also the shout out to Melvin. 🙂
My local Goodwill seems to be very overpriced with not a good selection. I’m on the hunt for other local thrift stores to check out. I love those blue and white bowls!
oh my gosh. your goodwill videos kill me, and this was no exception. i’m collecting those sweet vintage kids books (from sher-dog’s video), and was insanely jealous to see they were just up the road from me!
which goodwill are you guys going to? because the prices beat the pants off the athens one.
Yay, Goodwill! I remember a post of yours from a loooong time ago (I’ve been reading forever, I just don’t comment a ton–working on it!) where you gave people tips for shopping at Goodwill since everybody seems to say, “Your Goodwill always has better stuff than mine!” I’ve been trying to put those tips to good use when I go Goodwilling now, so thanks for that! 🙂
I think I’m inspired to hit up a Goodwill. Mama needs fabric and I’m on a strict budget per my Mister… also these posts are hilarious. Not to be a total stalker but any word on the sex of #2? I don’t think I missed it?! 🙂
Love you and Katie on video! And you are right a good friend and a good shopping buddy are hard to find! 🙂 Loved all the tips you gave for the items you found – gave me some good ideas! LOVE that vignette with the books and the owl and cups 😉 Definitely going to be looking for some good books to display
Hey, what Goodwill was this? I don’t live far from you – in Covington/Conyers area. This looks like a good one to check out – their prices seemed better than mine! 🙂
I was able to watch the YHL video, but not this one. Not sure if its my computer or what. Is it on youtube perchance?
did you get the ‘my bookhouse’ collection? We have them and LOVE them. Reprints for 1920’s collection….all rave reviews on amazon and sells for $100 on ebay. My mom was flipping through them and kept getting excited because they were all stories she remembered growing up with.
Love it! And every time I see old suitcases, I think of the movie “White Oleander.” The main character did a great (and apparently therapeutic) set of dioramas in suitcases. It’s quite moving, and very cool.
Sure did! They aren’t in prestine condition but too cute to pass up 🙂
xo – kb
We went to the one in Centerville (I think technically it’s got a Snellville address but it’s in unincorporated Centerville). Love that one.
xo – kb
Not yet – I’m trying to get my appointment set up!
xo – kb
This was Centerville – on 124 and Bethany Church Road. Happy shopping!
xo – kb
You two are too funny. I’m going to have to check out that Goodwill, too. Hopefully you guys left some good stuff 🙂
You guys found some great stuff! Sorry about scary bat guy – that looked super uncomfortable. Just wait scary bat guy – the Goodwill crap bill be there in 5 minutes. You don’t need to be all up in Katie and Sherry’s grill. Sheesh! Glad it ended well and with cool Goodwill finds 🙂
I just love you guys! I am a hardcore Goodwiller too, and adjust my work schedule around the first Saturday every month for the 50% off day! I got a set of Nathaniel Hawthorne books from the 1940s for $4 total. I love me some old books!
Those videos cracked me up… Unrelated question for you, Katie – where’d you get your cute sunglasses?
The dollar store 🙂
xo – kb
I wish our Goodwills had 50% off days! JEALOUS!
xo – kb
Have you ever been to the goodwill
In Buford on hwy 20? It’s a lot like the one you’re showing and has great finds!
fun video! the lesson I took away was a stack of books will do ya good =)
Looks like a good time. I heard a great tip year ago – visit the thrift stores closer to wealthier neighborhoods. Stuff’s better 😉
First– your Goodwill is SOOO much better than mine. Did you get those books?!?! you should have!! seriously. i want them….
Second— you should do a monthly “Goodwill Shop” and then sell the pieces/accessories to viewers/whomever who cant find envision like y’all can….
Third— i see this ADORABLE baby bump.. and no updated baby photos.. in solid white or the cute fun fabrics?!?! did we nix it??!
So, besides the set of books, what did you end up bringing home? 🙂
You guys are so lucky to find so much good stuff at your local goodwill! I’m in Australia and our goodwill shops are cheap, but I can never find anything decent in there, perhPs Ijust don’t hHave the vision like you 🙂 looks like a fun shopping day!
U guys are ‘brand ambassadors’ for Goodwill stores! 😉 Guilty I’ve never been to one…and am so waiting to go to one soon!! Whats your best purchase so far -according to u?
And not to forget- i like ur spontaneity in the vid’s.,.from ur shopping i liked the wooden truck the pea pod tray ,fruit bowl and the racket!
And from your ole video that i just watched, loved the wooden truck with lill compartments for keeping matchbox cars..(like u suggested)..Oh.i so want one like that! Who bought that finally?
Our goodwill sucks! Its so small and dirty. Im so jealous yours. Its so large and full of great stuff.
I cant wait to see the rest of your outdoor table! I cant wait to build one of our own someday.
You two are adorable! I love that y’all were matching 🙂
I should have blogged about that huh?!
I got the set of books, the two books that Sherry recommended, the urn, Napolean, the white owl, the blue & white bowls, a few decorative books, and the wooden pea pod thingie 🙂
xo – kb
I don’t think so…yet 🙂
xo – kb
1 – yes!
2 – I’ve thought about it…maybe one day!
3 – just behind on the blog posts 🙂
xo – kb
Hi Arthi –
I guess my best purchase so far was the little bird that brought Sher and I together 🙂
And a fireplace screen for $5.
And a bazillion other finds.
Unfortunately we left that matchbox cars truck there….too bad because it really was adorable!
xo – kb
Love the video… You guys are so adorable!
Love your blog, I check for new posts everyday!
That’s a sweet friendship u have there! Oh no I wish u had bought that!
And the book collection was a great find too!!! 🙂
They have the best things sometimes!
So, the little pea-pod thingy? I’m 99% sure it was my grandma’s and we gave it to Goodwill.. We live in Lilburn and that crazy thing sat on the coffee table in her living room as long as I can remember right beside her big family Bible.. we snuck it off to Goodwill at some point when we moved in with her so when I saw that picture I immediately showed my sister and her words were “umm, that’s ours…” The only things ever in it were little knick-knacks or change we found on the floor when we were little, but we would always play with it and pretend to eat out of it and who knows what else.. SO cool to see it on here, especially since Meme passed away this past fall at 91 years old! She swore all of her old clothes and stuff were coming back in style, and maybe she was right!
So love this post! It made me literally dash to GoodWill on my Lunch break! Love all your finds and your creative ways of suggesting how to use them. Thanks! 🙂
These videos are hilarious! I think you guys accidentally just inspired next weeks Craftbaby Challenge! Maybe DIY anything you can find at Goodwill under $10.00? Love it!
Well, Katie! This post sent me into nearly 3 hours of post reading after I typed in “good will” in your search bar!!! So many wonderful tips and finds! Makes me want to shop right now! We are in the process of building a home and I’m doing my best to repurpose/repaint and breathe new life into thrift store/auction pieces! It’s been fun for sure! I also put in an order for 17 yds of all sorts of fun fabrics for house projects from! You are a real inspiration!
I do have one question, Did you ever find a home in your kitchen for the pig head from your Grandma’s kitchen? We have pieces like this that mean so much to our family or just me and my twin sister, that no one else would get. My Grandma Benes has an egg basket cookie jar that has been on her counter my whole life and I can never imagine seeing it anywhere else!
Love it! That’s “my” Goodwill that you visit. I’m never as lucky as you are, however, I really like the Goodwill around the corner from Perimeter Mall. Really nice “treasures.”
I couldn’t help but laugh every time you guys suggested to stack books. If I didn’t know any better I would think you guys got paid each time you mentioned a stack of books 😉
Adorable video. I’m glad you guys chose to do it all in one shoot. It made it more genuine!
thanks!! i believe a thrifting roadtrip will be in order very soon.
First off, I love your blog as well as Young House Love. You both inspired my husband and I to check out our local Goodwill. You’re not going to believe this, but we saw the EXACT same children’s book collection with the pastel colored spines. We are all the way in Chicago. I almost bought them so we could be the same. I thought I could put them in our living room on our shelves there because they would look so gosh darn pretty, but we bought the encyclopedia of Horses and Ponies for our 3 year old, and a book on the weather for my 4 year old, and a blast from the past Richard Scary book for my 20 month old instead. Thanks for the inspiration. I’m also planning to remove all the book jackets from my hardcovers 🙂
Oh and I mean the one your mom found at Goodwill that’s just like the one that was in your Grandma’s kitchen!
Love the video! I’ve been following YHL for a while now. Must subscribe to yours as well! This definitely has me jonesing to hit my Goodwill soon!
Was the matchbox cars truck same as the wooden truck? Cos someone sure did get that as per her blog 😉
TOTALLY unrelated to this post, but when I saw this recipe I instantly thought of you!!!
I have to say, it looks (and sounds) totally disgusting to me, but to each his own!! 🙂 Thought you’d get a kick out of it anyway.
haha…sometimes you get some catch phrase stuck in your head and repeat it a million times when you only have one take! Like did you count how many times we spanked things and each other?! crazy.
xo – kb
Love that idea!
xo – kb
haha…I guess it’s only right that I call it the Meme dish!
xo – kb
I did! I put it near the oven (on the little wooden wall next to the fridge) and it holds my dishtowels so I don’t burn my fingers getting cookies outta the oven 🙂
xo – kb
So, THAT’s where Uncle Melvin’s suitcase went.
Hehehehe, j/k!
That’s great, Katie! Maybe I’ll have to stalk some kitchen pics to see if I spy it! Oh and about the cookie jar, I put an add on a local consignment page on facebook and a lady has one!!!! I hope it’s in my price range!!!
Sherry looked way jealous of your ceramic owl. Actually I am too. hehe
I got it for $30!!!!! Not that you care, but I had to tell you!!!!
Have you been to the goodwill in Tucker on Lavista? I used to always find great stuff and great clothes. Haven’t been able to go as often lately, so I’m going through withdrawal. However, I feel inspired again after this video. Thanks!
Soo, we were cleaning today and found my Meme’s wooden pea-pod thing.. apparently we didn’t give it away after all, but crazy that you found one so close to here! But now maybe we can actually use it!!
Just had to share that I went to the Goodwill in Hamilton Mill [I think the technical address is Dacula, GA] and it had the exact same book set as the one you found! It was missing a couple but I thought it was so weird that the same set was at a different Goodwill!
If you ever feel the need to roadtrip to another Goodwill, I highly suggest Hamilton Mill. It’s so clean and it’s in a ritzy neighborhood so there’s lots of good stuff!
haha…oh good! I mentioned to Jeremy that we need to call it the Meme dish – so even though you found yours, it’s already named. Don’t wanna confuse the peapod by renaming 🙂
xo – kb
Haha…Actually I think we had a silent battle over Napolean. You know us and french guys 🙂
xo – kb
Oh my gosh, I was thinking the same thing! How many times were you going to tell us how to decorate using a stack of books?!! It made me laugh every time you guys mentioned it. I’m not sure what your love of a stack of books is all about, but I am a lover of Goodwill your shopping trip video! This would be a fun regular feature on both your blogs.
haha…it’s a small world! Everyone is finding that book set!
xo – kb
It’s a new thing Nancy….stacking books that is. just a brilliant never-before-seen idea 🙂 or it’s a drinking game. whatever you like 🙂
xo – kb
Hey Katie – i’m new to your blog and i’ve spent more time than I care to admit looking at old posts in the last few days! You may have mentioned this before but I was wondering what your career background is in? Schooling etc.? I’m a collage student so those things are on my mind :]
Katie! You should be so proud! I finally got my mother to walk into a Goodwill. [I guess she had a bad experience once, as in Britney exiting a car bad. But not in the nude sense! Oh, fudge.] I almost got her to see the potential in some much-love-needing pieces. Almost.
But! Baby steps!!
I went to school originally to be a doctor…but soon figured out that I don’t have enough dedication to be that…so I switched to a Biology teacher…which I never want to be because kids are hard to discipline…so then I worked in the insurance industry. boring I know but it was actually a good fit for me because I got to write and do math and socialize….it was a little bit of everything. I never saw myself doing anything long term except being a wife and a mom…so I guess that is what I am now…a career mom housewife 🙂
xo – kb
I was totally going to ask! My cousin found out that she was having another boy and it reminded me that you were still holding out on us!!!
Looks like fun! Except for the suitcases….all I could think was eww they were in a hotel…and bedbugs got in them….
I love these videos – you all crack me up!
Oh, Katie. I just got home from Goodwill and am still pinching myself at what I found. I need to tell someone, and I know you will appreciate this and understand my adrenaline rush.
I found this (|pdp|13853169|ClickCP|item_page.adjacency&lnk=Rec|pdp|ClickCP|item_page.adjacency) and recognized a good value when I saw it. Guess how much I paid? Ok- $40!
SHUT UP. I am so jealous. Awesome find girl!
xo – kb
You two are the cutest! I am soooo obsessed with Goodwill here in ol’ Knoxville, TN and have found some CRAZY stuff! LOVED watching ya’ll dream up ideas for cute old junk! FAVE bloggers!!!!!
Didn’t you find this pedestal bowl’s twin brother at Goodwill for like $1.50? I think it was may be in an earlier Goodwill video with Sherry. Awesome deal! Yours might not be W-S, but they look so much alike you would never notice.
YES! I own it too! Hollah for money saving!
xo – kb