Meet Austin.
Meet Luke.
Meet Austin and Luke.
The boyfriend & I met Austin and Luke at our church. Considering we go to a church where the average age is 65, I guess you could say that younger people are forced to become friends. Needless to say, nobody forced us. And I can not imagine life without them. They are that cool. I could name a million reasons how they put awesomeness into our friendship.
First – they are hilariously fun. Seriously. They make me laugh so hard I have peed, choked on my own spit, spit out a beverage, snorted, sweated and had a week long episode of abdominal muscle spasms.
Secondly – they complete each other. One time we experienced Luke without Austin…let’s just say it wasn’t pretty. Kidding. It was just kinda like hanging out with a normal guy…and seriously, who wants to do that?!?! When Austin joined our group again, Luke was like a whole new man. Luke was a lightbulb, Austin was the electricity. And boy did they light up the room 🙂
Thirdly – they are graphically honest. Nothing is off limits. Most people only think about scenarios like – who is cuter outta your friends kids…Austin actually asks that out loud. in front of the parents. and the kids. and then states the abnormalities. Needless to say, it can create some awkward situations. But then again…those are her favorite.
Fourthly – they are really easy to hang out with. I like to credit them with the “easelax” quality. They are oh-so-easy to do nothing with. or something. or everything. but mostly nothing. They are just really easy to relax around.
Don’t get me wrong – they know how to have a good time.
(Austin, if you are reading this – please tell Luke not to kill me).
Fifthly (is that a word?) – they are real. Really real. Do you ever interact with people that you can just tell are fake? Like you tell them something is good, or hard, or wrong and the immediate response is like the acting in a made-for-TV-movie? Well, you won’t get that with these two.
Sixthly – they are smart. That’s right. They actually enjoy school. Lifelong learners these eleven-year-old-boys-trapped-in-grown-up-bodies. Which is probably what makes them so funny – their wit must be a direct result of too many hours in the classroom dreaming up jokes.
Funny thing is, Austin is 5 years younger than me. Not that I age-discriminate…I was homeschooled afterall and we self-taught will take non-kin human interaction any way we can get it. But it always strikes me as funny that I could relate so well to this quirky fun-factory of a youngster.
I guess it’s because we are okay with posing in public.
Or because we are both the eldest girl of our families.
Or it could be our love for food. We are both Italian afterall.
Or even our love of video games.
Yes, that is our den with a Halo tournament setup…complete with wall painting. I was coerced by Austin. (Don’t deny it.)
Whatever it is, I am thankful that we found each other. And I am thankful that they found each other.
Both Jeremy and I were honored to be a part of their special day. That union is so precious to us.
And I think that their bond, their friendship with each other is what got them through some rough times. And boy, were there rough times.
Austin suffered two miscarriages in less than six months. I think it broke her heart a little. I know that there is nothing more that this girl would be better at than being a mom. Just look at her with Brook’s baby, Lilley.
But it didn’t break her spirit. I didn’t know that a woman could be so resilent. She is a testiment that life does go on.
So what has this amazing fun couple brought to our house other than a gaudy video game painting? Afteall, that is the point of sharing the Friendship Files with you.
They taught us that a home is your own personal playground. That if you can’t live life fully in it…what’s the point of having it?
And that life is too short to worry about decor – afterall, the best accessories for your home are often free. Love, joy, compassion, laughter…just to name a few.
So tell me…now that you know all about how Austin & Luke have enriched our lives & our home. Yes, I use the word ‘enriched’ very loosely :)…What’s the funnest thing you have ever done at your home?
Was it sledding? Or maybe it was just a chillaxed dinner with your besties? Or maybe it was when you pranked your hubby and you laughed until your knee was raw from the slapping? Do tell…because both Austin & I love virtually having fun too!
My funnest thing I’ve done thus far in my house was a last minute planned party I did two weeks ago (hey I’ve only lived here 6 weeks, give me time). A friend’s deployment was moved up and they told him a mere 4 days before he was leaving.
Our mutual friends helped me send out invites, brought food and games and drinks, helped clean up etc. It was just… they were amazing and it was so much fun! We had so many people here to help send him off and my house didn’t feel crowded. I heart the new bigger house and good friends 🙂
Yes I will help you with your house this weekend. gosh.
Wow Amanda – way to go girl! I am sure that your fun event was something that the guest of honor will remember for a long time! I hope you promised them a party like that when they get back home 🙂
XO – Katie
Funnest? That changes week to week. This week I would have to say when my husband and his friend stacked up the contents of six boxes of books (they were going to the thrift store) in a doorway and let me ride my bike through them. It was awesome. And scary. And WAY fun!
I gotta go with late-night dance parties. Whenever my friends get together at our house, there comes a time, say around 1 am, that the girls decide a dance party is in order. So we grab the closet ipod and section ourselves off and just dance. There’s usually champagne involved…and the boys groan because they know if they were planning on leaving anytime soon, that plan just went out the window. There’s nothing like your best friend giving out choreography lessons to a Hall and Oates song to make your night a little less boring.
Thats so cool. Friends like that are not a dime a dozen, your a lucky gal! =)
When we first put in our new hardwood flooring we really enjoyed putting on our slippery socks and seeing who could slide the farthest. It was really fun until I tried it with wax paper. 🙁 I have never heard my husband laugh so hard.
Well, I haven’t done it, yet, but I have some super fun pranks up my sleeve that I’m DYING to try on hubby!! I’m waiting for not, though, because he’s still dealing with some not-so-fun side effects with his Crohns medication he’s starting, BUT I am DYing to cover the toilet opening with seran wrap (SP?) and just wait (at a distance, of course) to hear the “fireworks”. AAHHHHA HA AH HAAA!! I can’t wait. I will DEFinitely let you know how it works out…
OH! And I totally forgot about the bachelorette party we had a few weeks back. TOTAL blast… the guys were kicked out and we all sat around in lingerie! (the modest kind, not the ‘hubby only’ kind). It was loads of fun!!
I have to say I enjoy our home the most when we turn it into a little Texas dance hall! Sometimes to ching-ching is no where to be found, but that doesn’t stop us from a little Texas Two-Step. Best part about our dance hall is the beer is free!!! That and I love dancing with my hubby to be!
This made me cry….I miss them sooo much! Take good care of them while they are in Georgia.
Don’t worry Joan – I will 🙂 It’s hard to find BFF’s like these guys.
XO – Katie
I’ve been reading your blog and today I noticed a picture of my friend Austin. We were all sad to see them leave Atlanta with those two cutie boys:( This little entry made cry a little bit (and laugh thinking about some awesomely awkward situations). You captured them perfectly. Just wanted to say:)