Warning – this is a uterusy post – so all you dudes out there can just close your laptops and put away the iphones. No man stuff here. Unless you count a really cool old truck. In which case – treat this post like a dirty mag and just look at the photos…not that you have ever read dirty publications or anything
Okay – so after announcing our biggest news of 2012 (that my uterus is now inhabited), I have been on overload with the best emails from you all. Seriously thousands. I am working my way through them all – so if you haven’t heard from me yet, I’m almost there…but to all my online girlfriends – thank you so much for your patience…and thank you so so much from the deepest part of me for showing me so much support and encouragement. I know it’s toughest for those of you still waiting on your little double line…it’s you who are humbling to me. it’s you who are the sweetest. it’s you who are most full of grace. Please know that there is a team of people praying for you and your journey!
I decided to do a post just to answer the most frequently asked questions so far….here we go:
- How did you find out?
I wasn’t late yet…but I knew that our little Valentines day romp was right on the day I ovulated, so on a Sunday morning I woke up and just decided that I would finally take the test. I had ONE EPT test in my possession – which I had been saving for the past eight months….and thought that I was pretty gutsy to take it without even being late yet. As I sat there, I said over and over in my head, “THIS IS CRAZY. YOU ARE NOT PREGNANT. THE LITTLE SCREEN IS GOING TO SAY ‘WHY ARE YOU TAKING TESTS YOU INSANE PERSON?'” and then it popped up super fast. PREGNANT. I did my little dance while still sitting on the potty and because I was so freaked out about acting normal in front of Jeremy, I hurriedly snuck into my closet and didn’t do my hair or makeup. Instead, I gulped down an old workout bottle of water (yeah, don’t ask why that was in my closet) and ran downstairs to try to pee again on an ovulation stick…(it’s not a full proof method but it’s all I had)…and again – it came back as positive. It was a pretty surreal moment.
- Who did you tell first?
When I was pregnant with Will, I kept it a secret from Jeremy for almost two weeks. I was waiting because I knew that if I told him I was ‘wild with child’ that he wouldn’t let me help finish the basement floor…and I really wanted to lay some engineered hardwood. I think that the glue may have something to do with Will’s disposition. KIDDING! Haha – that’s a punny word.
Anyhoo – when I was pregnant with Will I was DYING to tell someone – and I ended up telling Sherry first…we were talking on the phone while in the supermarket and I spilled the pregnancy beans right there in aisle three. So for this pregnancy I decided that my darling best friend is the awesomest good luck charm I could possible have so on the way to church I sent her Hawaiian-vacationing bootie this text:
- What did Jeremy say?
I think that instead of me telling you – I should just show you. We were expecting some of my family over for lunch after church – and my mom had been requesting that I video tape Will praying for the meal…so I took it as an opportunity to nail three birds with one giant uterus – (telling Jer, telling the fam, and documenting Will) – please excuse the rambling at the end – I am telling Boots & Norn that I am a power shopper –
- Does Will understand that he’s gonna be a big brother?
No. And yes. I think he understands that there is a very very tiny baby in my belly. We make it a point to stop and talk about babies whenever we see one out and about. And he will kiss my belly if I ask him to kiss the little baby. But it’s confusing because he thinks his name is “baby”…yes, if you point to him and say Who’s that? he will answer “baby”…so yes and no. I did immediately buy him a Big Brother shirt…so that’s how we told Jeremy’s family….and of course, took his picture. Get ready – here’s an entire photo montage of Will & his Shirt
And of course, we also did some outside –
- When are you due?
- Any morning sickness? nausea? symptoms?
Only a little bit of upset stomach – nothing major – and it’s usually at night…so I’m crossing my fingers for a pregnancy like I had with Will – a sickness free one!
- Where is the nursery gonna be?
Most likely the baby will sleep in our room for the first few months and then we will either co-sleep when the baby is old enough to control rolling over and not sufficate (we did this with Will and it takes a bunch of discernment for deciding if it’s right for your family so don’t be a sheep people)…or we will move the baby into their room. Speaking of room, we plan on making the room directly across the hall from us the nursery. It has an extra high ceiling in there – so I anticipate some decorating challenges…and no, I have no ideas yet – we’ll probably base the room design on what whether it’s a boy or girl. Right now the Jack room looks like this…except messier…
- Are you gonna find out the gender?
YES! We are definitely planners and if it’s a girl, we need to start immediate stalk-age of the sales rack at our favorite kiddie clothing stores and learning how to wipe correctly
- How are you planning to document the pregnancy?
I explained here how I am planning on documenting the pregnancy here…so go read all about it
- What does this mean for photoshoots?
Well, expecting a little one right after photoshoot season means two things…1. I’ll be decreasing my overall photoshoot monthly availability (so that I can maintain a more decent stress level) and 2. I will not be shooting past September. I figure if I can get out my last edited photos in October, I can go into delivery free and clear….maybe with a few frozen meals in the fridge this time. That means if you are looking to book a shoot – and have not yet confirmed with me that you are on my calendar with a CONFIRMED DATE – then it’s a good idea to do that PRONTO. I am only doing four shoots each month…practically nothing…but its all I can handle while I try to milk these last few months alone with Will and with projects and the blog….so shoot me an email at katie@bowerpowerblog.com if you were planning on setting something up but have not pulled the trigger yet. These are a first come first serve kinda thing people.
- Do you want a boy or a girl?
I want a boy and Jeremy wants a girl. I think I want a boy mostly because Jeremy is close to his brother and they are closer in age. Oh and Will’s clothing is ADORABLE. I worked hard to give him a cute wardrobe…and gals with boys will understand how hard that is. Jeremy I think wants a girl in hopes that I’ll quit after experiencing the stress of two kids. FAT CHANCE HOTTIE – YOUR BODY IS MINE!
- Are you gonna attempt a VBAC?
Yes. I think that if there are any prayer warriors out there, this is my number one prayer request! If you read my birth story with Will, you know that I went all the way to a ten, got to push, and then closed back up. My fatty baby with the giant head plus my tired uterus plus the hospitals rule about water being broken for so long meant that the doctor and midwife appointed me with a c-section. It was heartbreaking to say the least but I know looking back that we tried everything that we could to get him out naturally and then vaginally and it just wasn’t working in time. So this time, I know it’s imperative that I find the right doctor for me and my birth plan. If it ends up being another section – well, then the most important thing is healthy baby and healthy mommy
So I think that’s everything! If you have any other questions – I’ll try to answer them in the comment section And again – I can not stress this enough – thank you so much to each of you for being my friend
I love you like Xtina loves her breasts.
Supe cute that you captured the awesome fantastic news to your family! It sure made my eyes misty. And I love that “Amen” has 3 syllables where you live! xoxoxoxox
Haven’t even read the whole thing yet, but did watch the video and I have to say—Jeremy’s reaction is PRICELESS, he looks totally shocked. And Little Debbie’s screaming is hilarious. Exactly what my Mom would do.
Off to read the rest of the post, have a great weekend!
Oh my goodness, Jeremy’s reaction was priceless!! So happy for you guys
The look on Jeremy’s face is absolutely priceless…had to rewatch the beginning just to see it again…
His big brother pictures are adorable!! Congratulations, and I hope you have a sickness-free pregnancy!
Wow, SO much fun! Love this… love seeing your family in natural hanging out / prayer-before-meal mode.
Oh, and of course, so much fun to be “in” on the baby reveal!
Questions? OK:
1) Was Jeremy OK with you telling him the same time as your family??
2) Seriously, you waiting 8 months before peeing on even one stick?? I can’t tell you how many I peed on over the many years waiting for our miracle! I’d hate to know what I invested in those aweful little things….
3)Hmmm….not a question, but I appreciate your tenderness towards those moms still waiting. They are often forgotten in the excitement. I always ask my minister to include them in his prayers on Mother’s Day…..the moms yet to be.
Jeremy’s reaction made me laugh out loud! So awesome!
The look on your husband’s face is priceless! What a great way to document the announcement. Congrats again!
Ahhhh my boyfriends birthday is November the 5th, it’s Guy Fawkes Night (do you have that?) over here and there is the saying “Remember Remember the 5th of November” Congrats xoxo
You are beyond adorable and I am SO HAPPY for you. I know it’s probably weird to hear from “internet people” but that video just made me cry and smile the whole time. You all are so blessed and that just makes me happy. A happy and healthy pregnancy to you and OMG did your sister cut her hair?! lol
Congratulations!! Good luck on your VBAC. I’m going to be attempting one in July. Definitely find a doctor that is fully onboard with VBACs and check the hospitals policy. Sadly it’s something that’s hard to find around here…a lot of doctors don’t do VBACs because of liability issues, etc. Hoping for a wonderful second pregnancy.
So…I don’t have kids yet (and don’t plan on having any for a while) but this post made my heart skip a beat!!! So cool to hear the story behind the big news!! We are so thrilled for you and will be keeping you in our prayers.
Also? Love love LOVE the pregnancy photos you’re doing — the one with the green ikat backdrop is ADORABLE!
That was the sweetest video!! Jeremy’s face is priceless! It made me cry a little bit to see how happy everyone is for you both. You have a wonderful family.
Why did I just cry like a baby when watching the video!?! Ha. I’m SOOOO happy for y’all!!! How stinkin’ exciting. Can’t wait to follow along on this pregnancy journey with y’all!
I would LOVE to know if you are able to have a VBAC. I still struggle with my c-section, a lot! Knowing my first birth was a nightmare truly saddens me.
Our birth story: http://jenandjercook.blogspot.com/p/birth-of-boy-named-boston.html
Caution…. it could bring you to tears.
Anyway, CONGRATS!!! :))
That video seriously made me cry!
Can’t remember if I officially congratulated you or not, so I’ll say it again…or for the first time…CONGRATULATIONS! So happy for you!
One word for your attempted VBAC though…DOULA. Although I didn’t have a section with either of my two boys, I was terrified of having one and the one thing that seemed to keep popping up was that Doula’s can significantly reduce the risk of c-sections. I got one. I love her. I will never give birth without one. Doula.
Ahhh! I loved everything about this post….especially the b/f’s face when you told everyone :). So, so, so happy for you and can’t wait to follow your journey!
I just cried watching your announcement video. I’m a total sap lately b/c we are trying…have been for a long long time (well over a year) and it just hasn’t happened. I am still holding on to some hope, though. Thank you for sharing your experience.
PS-Did you make any changes or do anything differently while trying to conceive (change in diet/sleep/take magic pills!)?
I do have one request: can you combine all those weekly photos into just one monthly post maybe? I’m super happy for you that you are pregnant, but for the sake of those still trying (including me), I think it would be easier to see that post monthly versus weekly.
So incredibly happy for you & love the expression on Jeremy’s face when you told everyone!!
OMG!!!! Thank you so much for giving us a glimpse into your real life!! not that you don’t already do it, but to see real family conversations, your text with Sherry….it’s so candid and so real. I think that is why so many of us are drawn to you. it’s not just, ‘here, this is how you paint a desk, here’s a cute pic of my kid..etc’. these are TRUE moments in your life.
totally cried AGAIN, about your baby news. Thank you Katie, for being so real in a world full of fake ‘reality’. maybe it’s weird, but you really feel like a friend! LOL!! so fun!
Katie, your video made me cry! So happy for you! Seeing that “pregnant” sign on the pee stick is just such an amazing moment!
Jeremy’s reaction is so sweet and sincere. The reactions are amazing and beautiful! This is such an awesome and touching video! So excited for you
Reasons why I’m feeling like a creepster….
I adore your blog, don’t know how I found it, but adore you and your sweet family. I never comment, but started an email to you the other day when you posted, and promptly deleted it because I got anxiety about emaling a stranger. So that’s neat. Then today, I absolutely watched your video while on a conference call and burst into tears because y’all are just too cute. Been praying for you and am so thrilled! And your post when you announced was exactly the reminder I needed that day (and always) about the Lord’s perfect timing. xo
LOVE the video. Jeremy’s face a CLASSIC!
Hi Katie! i love your blog and have been reading for a long time, but this is my first time posting a comment. We’re in the process of trying for our second and I have definitely related to the same frustrations you blogged about in the past. Would you be able to share any tips, if you’ve received similar questions, on what methods worked best for you for tracking ovulation? I think you said you used the temperature method. A post on tips would be so helpful–i’m sure guys won’t want to read that post either! lol. Thanks and keep up the great blogging work!!
Aww! That video is so cute! Jeremy couldn’t have looked more shocked! So happy and excited for you guys
Darn you, Katie! Here you have me crying in my office AGAIN! The look on Jeremy’s face was priceless….you are blessed with such a beautiful family. And I could listen to Will saying “Amen” over and over again. Congratulations again!! XO
I LOVE your mom’s reaction!!! Pure joy! I’m so happy for you!
We told our parents during a family photo opp. My husband was taking the picture and he said “OK, everyone say ‘Nina’s pregnant!'” and then snapped the picture. We were hoping to get a picture with everyone’s face all surprised. Instead – nobody got it. The picture came out completely normal, akward silence, and then my mom turns to me and whispers, “really?” and THEN the hugs commenced. I guess it didn’t help that nobody knew we were trying to get pregnant in the first place, haha!
I love the video! Jeremy’s face is priceless! Thanks for sharing. When will you have your first ultrasound? There is nothing like seeing that little heartbeat for the first time! What if it’s twins???
I am so so so excited for you! Love having that on video!
Oh Katie, I teared up watching the video….congrats! Wish I could be your obstetrician (not in a weirdo way….I really am one:-)!) but that’s hard from Florida. Sending big fat juicy prayers up for you and the little peanut that God leads you to the physician who is right for you. So happy for you!
I am so happy for you and have been praying! Just had to leave a comment because I was watching the video with my almost 4 month old daughter in my lap and she squealed right along with your Mom
We re-watched 4 times and she did it everytime…so from our family to yours CONGRATS!!!!
YES! I’ve been waiting for this video ever since you mentioned that you videoed his reaction! Unfortunetly, I’m at work and can’t watch until I get home after dinner with the in-laws! This is going to be the longest day ever! We’ve recentyl just started actively trying for a baby and it’s exciting, but also weird to talk about with friends and stuff becuase you’re basically telling them outright that you’re doing the deed quite often. It’s weird.
LOVE the pics of Will in front of that awesome truck!
And the look on Jeremy’s face when you spilled the good news!
Congratulations! The look on Jeremy’s face when you told everyone was priceless! What a great moment to capture on camera.
And please send some of those successfuly baby waves out here to California! Hehe.
I’m sure there are plenty of stories but! My sister and I are two years (and a month) apart. My mom had a 28 hr labor session for my sister, and add to the fact that she was 10 days late, I’m sure my mom was less than thrilled. But I’m sending prayers and good vibes because I was a right on time baby. My mom walked like a trooper for hours before hitting the hospital and then a few hours after checking in, I popped. Normal delivery and everything!
Its possible! So happy for you guys
LOVED the video – thank you for sharing it! Jeremy’s face is PRICELESS. He wasn’t mad that you didn’t tell him first? What an awesome husband. The only other thing I have to say is, after my first child, who was delivered via the usual route, I required extensive reconstructive surgery to put all the kings horses and all the kings men back together again, if you know what I mean. So whenever I hear about someone wanting to try a VBAC, a little voice in my head screams: “WHHYYYYYYY???” LOL. In fact, when baby number two decided to arrive 5 weeks early while my OB was out of town, the Docs on call kept telling me to try a VBAC, and I nearly ran screaming out of the hospital. Luckily my Doc checked his messages at the office from the airport and came right away to save me from what would have been surgery #2. Good luck whichever way it turns out, but always remember: that baby will be precious no matter which exit he or she takes. Oh – and I’m personally pulling for a Bowerette. Clara will need a good sister-in-law.
Okay, I am crying happy tears, too! I loved Jeremy’s response! What a sweetie! From the posts about him always doing man things like installing towel bars without a shirt on, I guess I thought he was very macho, but his response was so loving and sweet. What an exciting time!
Thanks so much for sharing details! I put your video on the lowest voice setting while at work just enough to be able to hear it and completely broke out in tears. My husband and I plan to start trying for a child later this year. I’m so excited about the fact that I can follow your pregnancy and all the juicy details while possible going through the same thing myself. Congrats again!
aww! that video totally made me cry!!
You have such a great family! I’m so happy for all of you!
I love that there were multiple family members with tears in their eyes!!!!
We’ve been trying for a baby for a while now as well. I also had a gut feeling that I was pregnant this month.. had all the symptoms – something that looked like implantation bleeding earlier on, sickness at night, heightened sense of smell, difficulty sleeping at night, and the weirdest thing of all I was choking on my own saliva (which is apparently a no-so-rare pregnancy symptom). I decided that on the day of my missed period I would take a pregnancy test.. the result was negative :'( I know I could try again in several days but I’ve decided not to… I’ve told myself that those pee sticks are not cheap and I can’t be wasting them! But honestly, I really don’t wanna see another negative test after having all those symptoms… ugh!
Sorry, I really needed to vent but had no other outlet. Thanks for listening (reading). I love your blog and your honesty.. Wishing you a healthy pregnancy!!!
Congratulations Again!! So happy for you guys. I’m so glad you got the announcement on tape. Jeremy’s face is fantastic when you make the announcement.
OMG you made me cry at work with the video! (I´m pregnant too if I can use that as an excuse for it lol) And then I had to watch Jer´s reaction again… it was sooooo cute! I´m so happy for you two… I´m pregnant with my second too
That video was so beautiful! Jeremy’s reaction is so cute, as is your Mum’s haha. So happy for you Bowers! xx
That video almost made me cry… and I was watching it without sound at work even.
What a wonderful keepsake video !! First how precious is Will praying

And the look on your husbands face was priceless !! Wonderful
Sweetest video ever!! Jeremy’s face was priceless! So happy for you, it brought tears to my eyes.
You said to leave questions in the comments, (and since you appear to be telling all), I’ll follow suit: Why did you decide to tell the entire world (most of who you don’t truly know) that you are pregnant at 5 weeks (when so many women miscarry between that time up to 8 or 9 weeks?) You’ve always been forthright with other things, but when I saw that post, I was shocked. I actually wondered why no one in your family (or friends) discouraged you from doing that. It’s wonderful you are pregnant and certainly all your readers would be happy to hear that~ I was just personally amazed (and I’m sure alot of others are too) that you told the world (with the risk of having to provide the update if anything went wrong). A number of other people I have talked to that read your blog agree that it was insane to do that, but we are all guessing that if you are comfortable to announce in the manner you did, then you probably are comfortable to announce just about anything. Kuddos for your bravery- we (me and numerous blog pals) have had our chins on the floor for days over this.
That was precious!!! Jeremy’s face was PRICELESS! So glad you have that on video
all i can say is awwwww. i love that your dad was wiping tears away in the video. what a happy moment
congratulations to you and Jeremy!
Our two boys are the same distance apart as Will and this 2nd baby and our little one’s 7 mos now and it’s really great. our older son is so helpful and independent now. I think you’ll appreciate that. but they’re not too far apart that they won’t be able to play with each other ( i mean our 3 yr old wants to play with the baby now, so I anticipate them being friends as they get older)
I totally thought Jeremy was just hamming it up for the camera, he really didn’t know!? Haha, his face was priceless!
Thanks for sharing your video with us! You are so honest and “out there.” You share yourself with your readers and are so open that we really think that we “know” you! My husband thinks it’s nuts when I refer to you as “Katie in Georgia” and to Sherry as “Sherry in Virginia” and to my other blog friend “Hope in Virginia-I-mean-Georgia.” (For some unknown reason I always referr to her as being in VA when I know she’s in GA!)
One word of advice: SAVE THAT VIDEO CLIP! Jeremy’s face was priceless!
Congratulations again!!!
Congrats again! I just watched the video 3 times in a row. Jeremy’s face gets me everytime – pure shock! Gives me goosebumps and watery eyes! What a wonderful way to document that for all time! love it.
best always,
So, so, so happy for you guys!
Oh my word I thought I had cried a lot at your announcement, but seeing your boyfriend’s reaction slayed me. I am pregnant at the moment as well, so we might blame that, but I am just so happy for you guys!
Jeremy’s reaction was wonderful!! To see the joy and excitement in his face brought tears to my eyes! And how fun to have his reaction (and your families) on video! How exciting for your family. I can’t wait to follow this journey with you!! Congratulations!!
First of all. I’m still so excited for you!! Watching your video I was seriously sitting here in my office crying. (Glad no one came in because how would I explain crying to a video of a person I’ve never met but I read her blogs…) Anyway, I’ve been all teary eyed today because one of my best friends is due on my due date (Aug 7th) and found out this morning that she’s having a boy (after two girls). I’m having a boy (and our girls are really close in age too) so I’ve just been so excited with baby stuff today!! Oh and I have to tell you that when we finally got pregnant with my daughter (after 2 years of infertility) we got conceived on Valentine’s Day morning 2010 and my due date was Nov 7th. So I feel like we have an instant connection…maybe a weird one, but oh well. that’s ok:)
Don’t you know that some of us are trying to be sneaky & read/watch this at work, yo!?!?!?! The tears are hard to hide. I am beyond HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY for you all! GO BOWERS!
First of all. I’m still so excited for you!! Watching your video I was seriously sitting here in my office crying. (Glad no one came in because how would I explain crying to a video of a person I’ve never met but I read her blogs…) Anyway, I’ve been all teary eyed today because one of my best friends is due on my due date (Aug 7th) and found out this morning that she’s having a boy (after two girls). I’m having a boy (and our girls are really close in age too) so I’ve just been so excited with baby stuff today!! Oh and I have to tell you that when we finally got pregnant with my daughter (after 2 years of infertility) we got conceived on Valentine’s Day morning 2010 and my due date was Nov 9th. So I feel like we have an instant connection…maybe a weird one, but oh well. that’s ok:)
I think you’re having a boy. The boy “swimmers” are faster than the girl “swimmers” so if you got pregnant right when you were ovulating, it’s very likely a boy. I love boys – I have 2 of them. And a girl – who was very intentionally timed to be a girl =) Anyway, just thought I’d share the wealth of knowledge imparted to me from many “getting pregnant” books. Best of luck with your pregnancy. I’m sure you’re going to be a wonderful mom, again. Get some rest!
I LOVE Jeremy’s face when you told your family! His look and reaction is just priceless. I’m a LONG time follower of your blog, but don’t comment very often. But, I just have to tell you how happy I am for you and how much I love your honesty and humor, and your photos! You are so talented!!
That was perfect!! I seriously almost cried watching this video, and I was grinning like a crazy person through the whole thing! The look on Jeremy’s face was just priceless! I am so thrilled for you guys, and am praying for a healthy little guy or girl! Congratulations!
I am hoping for a VBAC for my next one too. So, I will pray for you because I know what it means to you (and me). Any advice on planning/preparing for a vbac or is it a go for it and see what happens kind of thing?
So cute! Love to get a little peak into your family life. I had to go back and watch Jeremy’s face when you told them. I’m so happy for you Katie.
Oh man, this is amazing! I cried happy little tears at work and 10 minutes after watching the video my boss asked why I was being so “smiley”! Thanks for warming the heart of a girl who’s never met you but loves your blog so much. Congrats!
As a chick waiting on a little bub of my own….and someone that’s surrounded by pregnant people (I just knew you would be one of them ANY day!), I have to say…your posts make me feel more happy than sad. When your waiting, you have a lot of time to think about and get excited for things to come. I had been thinking about using a camera to document a big reveal, and now with your video…it’s a done deal! I just see it now…waking my husband up with a camera in his face and watching his sleepy expression of confusion switch to pure excitement and delight!
Or maybe he’ll cop and attitude and then get happy….either way, videos are great and I loved yours! Thank you for sharing….everything…
Oh honey…the look on Jeremy’s face. haha. that was priceless. What a sweet video. Cute little Will praying, plus the sweet reactions from everyone. Oh Katie…I am just so trilled for you.
Congrats! It was cute watching you tell everyone! I had 2 vbacs (1 c sec and 2 nat after) and it was a great experience! I wish you luck.
That video is priceless. I was waiting for it since you said it was coming and figured I’d smiley way through. Nope, more tears and laughing again. Sooo happy for you guys! Will definitely add the VBAC to our prayers!
LOVED Jeremy’s reaction. 
Just have to say that my parents told me I was conceived on Valentine’s Day and I was born November 3!!! So MAYBE your sweet baby will be 2 days early and we can share a birthday!! Congrats and I’m so excited for you!!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your video of telling your family! I watched it twice. After reading your blog for a year now, it was so heartwarming to hear little Will saying his prayers and I just loved “being a part” of your family. You are certainly blessed and I will continue to pray for a happy healthy pregnancy and safe delivery. Can’t wait to meet the new little Bower child.
I’m catching up on all your big news but just wanted to say first, CONGRATS!! And secondly, I just loved Jeremy’s face in this video. And your family’s reaction is pretty much exactly how mine was too – lots of questions with a little worrying and much “yay”-ing.
Crying. Such a great video!!!
I think I’ll probably talk to my doctor about it…because honestly I have no idea what I can do differently. I do plan on doing a little more regular exercise (nothing insane) like swimming and trying to reduce the amount of swelling that I had (Will was swollen too) so I think that couldn’t hurt.
xo – kb
CONGRATS, so excited for you! Can you please tell me where in GA that Coca-Cola truck is located. My hubs works for Coke and it would make the perfect photo spot
It’s located outside an antique shop on Highway 78 in the tiny little town of Between
xo – kb
Definitely loved the video. Who wouldn’t? It was all perfect. Your son’s little prayer, and your husbands initial shock, and your family’s excitement! It was awesome. Congrats.
The video was precious! You are so sweet for sharing your family moments with all of your readers! I’m sure Will will make a fabulous big brother – and his prayers are so sweet! Take care, you’re in my prayers!
It’s definitely not for everyone…putting it all out there. But I’ve always been one to let it all hang out – even my muffintop and my mortgage amount – and to me – it’s really quite simple…you all are my friends and I need all the prayer I can get…plus, if I miscarried, then I would need for my friends to know what I went through and pray for me. A ton of my friends miscarried at different times in their pregnancy but they all told me one thing – it still hurts, whether you thought you were gonna have a baby for a day, a week, a month or 9 of them…and me announcing to the world is not me being brave – it’s just me being me.
xo – kb
I’ll be praying for your VBAC, sister! I had a similar situation with my first one that you did with Will which ended in a section. With my second, I was determined and hopeful that I would be able to do a VBAC. I found a supportive practice (a mix of midwives and doctors), scheduled the back-up section (not b/c I wanted to, but because the baby can’t stay in there forever!) for 2 weeks after the due date and just waited and walked and waited and walked and did all the stuff I could think of to get labor going naturally. Little stinker was 11 days overdue, but he came out on his own and it was SO MUCH BETTER THAN HAVING A SECTION. Seriously, recovery time was like nothing compared to what I experienced after having my daughter. I’m pregnant with my 3rd and hoping for the same outcome that I had with my son, but as I’m still in that high-risk category (because of my daughter), I still had to schedule the section (2 weeks past due date again . . . give em as long as you are able!). YOU CAN DO THIS! And remember that no matter what, the important thing is the health of both of you . . . doing it one way or the other does not make you a success or a failure . . . it just makes you a mama.
I’ve got about 6-8 weeks left with this little bundle . . . if you could toss up a prayer for my VBAC I would be so very grateful.
SO HAPPY FOR YOU ALL!! Thank you for sharing that video . . . I loved seeing the reaction of all of your family members.
OMG Jeremy’s face made me cry. I hope he wasn’t mad at you. So happy for all of you. And I am DYING over those cute pictures of Will. I want a Coca Cola truck like that!!!!
I’ve read your blog for awhile now and don’t usually comment but I just wanted to say congrats. My son was actually born April 1, 2010 and I’m pregnant again due Nov. 15th and I’m really hoping for a VBAC. The similarities are just so funny. Anyway congrats!
Thank you so much!
I am so sorry Kana! What a hard month…I know you need to let it all out girl! Anytime you need to – there are lots of girls here that are going through a similar struggle and are praying – so you just vent away.
xo – kb
YAY!! I loved the video. Jeremy’s expression is priceless.
Katie, thank you for posting such a precious video. You are so sweet to share this incredible moment with us; I felt like I was right there with your family (love your family)! I would have totally counted up to the due date just like your mom did. I can hardly wait until the day my kids start sharing news like this :). CONGRATULATIONS!!!
p.s. What a yummy lunch…. too bad mom and dad had to leave.
Such a special moment, brought tears to my eyes. I can’t wait for my day to share the big news.
So happy for you and your family, thank you for sharing!
[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.
You should totally test again! Even on the day of your missed period the amount of hormone in your urine could be too low to give a positive. If you’re looking for cheap tests, try the dollar store. As the name states, everything’s a dollar and the tests are just as good as the more expensive drug store brands. You can pee on a stick over and over without spending a paycheck on it every month!
Good luck!
I love that you documented it on video. That is too sweet.
I’ll pray for your VBAC request and you can pray for my uterus to be occupied. Deal?
You made me tear up! Love J’s face. Priceless!
[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.
Katie! I am so excited for you guys and absolutely LOVE this post. I started laughing and crying watching your video. What a blessing this little one already is! We are currently trying for our first and have been for over a year. I know that God has a plan and I can’t wait to receive the news you have
I will be praying for your pregnancy, the babies health, and the delivery process!
<3 Liz
Well said, lovely. So happy for you!
so so excited!!! will’s little voice is so cute
im crying at the video – love it and congrats again!!
OMG Katie that video is priceless. I give you props for always sharing such personal moments. Jeremy’s face is priceless too! So happy for you guys! Also, is so cute to see how Sherry and you are long distance BFF’s!
Wow! Thank you for including us in that magical moment in your life. I just love everyones reactions but especially your hubby’s. It was just pure joy and so awesome! Congrats again and I will be praying for you.
Great post! Thank you for sharing. It has been said 37673 times, but Jeremy’s face is priceless. Ohhhhh – and I am so glad you are finding out the gender.
Awww, I’m so happy for you Katie! CONGRATULATIONS!!
Haha, the boyfriend’s face was priceless. Your whole family is awesome. Thank you for sharing this very special moment with all of us.
All the best!
your family is TOO sweet!! i love your mom’s reaction, and Jeremy’s was very sweet as well.
I love how excited Will gets after the “Amen” part of the prayer. LOL!
I had a similar thought at first because it is so common for women to keep it a secret until they feel like it’s safe to assume a miscarriage is unlikely. But I started to think about who Katie is and what this blog is about, and if, God forbid, she miscarries, then she would share that with us, and that would be incredibly brave. I’m in my mid-twenties and my friends are just starting to have families, and I’m discovering more and more that miscarriages are more common than I thought but not talked about. So many women and men grieve in private, perhaps not even asking for prayer or support because hardly anyone knew they were pregnant in the first place. To me, the first trimester seems like an incredibly important time to have that kind of support around you, miscarriage or not, so telling people should not be so taboo. Yes, it may seem a bit odd for Katie to share so publicly, but she lives her life pretty openly, and I appreciate that she feels she can be open about this as well. This is real life, good or bad.
What a precious family moment! I love how your mom mentions she is doing “the Girl Scout thing” when you pray the second time. Something my mom would say, and brings back such memories! Congratulations, and best wishes for your pregnancy and for your healthy baby!
That’s so fun that you have everyone’s expression on video! You should set up a baby pool at babybookie.com so we (your followers) can all guess
Katie, thank you for sharing this video with us. It is so sweet and precious that you let us be a part of this special moment. I loved how your mom counted up the months to your due date; I would have totally done the same thing. I’m looking forward to the day when my children share similar news :). Congratulations! You are in our prayers.
p.s. What a yummy lunch… too bad mom and dad had to leave!
I love how excited will gets when he says Amen! It was just too sweet! Thanks for sharing the video, it was so great to see everyone’s reaction!
That was so awesome! What a great memory! It was so sweet that your dad was wiping away tears. You have an incredible family! Hope you have a great pregnancy and everything goes well.
OMG Jeremy’s face is soooo priceless! I love this video!
Big congrats to you all
Hey Katie! The famous almost-had-a-photoshoot-there truck! My family tells me it’s a balmy summertime there now! So very happy for you guys and do pray it will be a safe pregnancy and delivery. Hope you got the gloves back finally too!
Congrats!! I’m so excited for you…and the more I read your blog the more I wish we lived closer…I think we could be friends haha (does everyone say that!?)! Anyways, congrats again. I will pray for a smooth and safe pregnancy.
P.S- You are SO brave to tell Jeremy on camera in front of family!! The two times (one sadly ended with a miscarriage) that I told my husband he totally got the shakes and freaked out (but he was SUPER excited). It’s funny though. I’m almost afraid to tell him each time because he has NO warning and it must be a total shocker for them! haha.
Take care!
SOOO Happy for you!!
My 4.5 month old little muffin is a Valentine’s baby too :). So happy to share in your joy!
Woohoo! Loved the video. This is all so very exciting!
That video was so cute! My husband has been the 1st person I told with both my pregnancies but I didn’t document it (probably a good thing since #2 was conceived just 5 1/2 months after #1 and to say we were shocked would be an understatement!) I wanted a vbac so bad with my second but after he was 6 days overdue I went ahead and had a scheduled c-section. I will pray that you’ll be able to have a vbac, but if not, in my experience, the second c-section is waaaay easier. Probably because I was prepared and it was scheduled, but the recover was so much better and my baby boy had the most perfectly round head! Having 2 boys close in age is awesome and challenging. Especially when they are old enough to start wrestling….seems like it’s all they want to do! Good luck with everything!!!
Awwww! totally made my afternoon, watching this video and reading this post at my desk, at work ahem….working hard: it’s Friday!! I can’t lol
Great post…so excited for you guys!
Congrats again, Katie! I think I watched this 4 or 5 times because Jeremy’s face is priceless. So happy for you and your family!
This is the sweetest video ever. Between Jeremy’s face and your dad wiping away a few tears… I mean… come on. Congrats again!
was jeremy sad not to be the 1st to know?
congrats to you and your fam!!!!!
Beautiful. May God bless you and your lovely family. xx
I watched the first part of the video 3 times. Jeremy’s face cracks me up!!! Such a sweet moment. And on video! Congratulations again.
I cried so hard watching Jeremy’s face and your mom screaming with joy that I had to rewind it and watch it again to see it clearly! What a beautiful moment captured!
How fun that you can keep it in to share in such a fun way — I always end up running out of the bathroom and waving the stick in my hubby’s face immediately after it pops up (after I pull my pants up, of course)…. Maybe for #3 (when/if), I will do a really fun announcement…since it will be our last one we *intend* on having!
SO happy for you all!
(And Will’s Big Brother shirt is exactly the one we have hanging with the “Little Brother” outfit on our crib waiting for my son to wear it to the hospital when he meets his new sibling in a few weeks! Love it!)
Priceless!! Absolutely loved everyones reaction…..especially your hubbys!! Will is so cute saying AMEN!! HA! Norn cut her hair……Whaa!?! I think its the whole getting married thing. After I got married I chopped off all of my hair…….like ALL of it!! lol. So excited for you and your cutie fam!!
Long time silent (stalker) reader.
Just HAD to note – your Mum and Jeremy were PRICELESS. Loved it.
Well done!! I have two little boys close in age and ADORE it. Whatever, you’ll love being a Mum of two. Seeing them play together is the BEST.
So fun reading all this!! And the pictures of Will ( that feels weird to type, because my two-year-old son is also named Will) are adorable!! I love his outfit.
This is the best. I started crying as soon as you announced the big news, Jeremy’s face was perfect. Congrats to you and your family.
Holy cow – that’s PRICELESS! I mean, seriously – I love Jeremy’s face. He’s going to love that forever!
Katie, I sent you another email about setting a shoot date. I know you’ve got stacks of emails, so I just wanted to remind ya!
P.S. I have a great doctor who is very near where you are. If you need or want recommendations, I’m happy to. I’d totally recommend talking with him to see if he’s a good fit.
Like many of the ladies have posted on here, I instantly burst into tears when watching your family and hubby’s reaction to your news! I have been following you for quite a while now and love reading through your honest posts. As a fellow woman-of-around-the-same-age, mother, and Jesus-lover I have always felt like I have a lot in common with you and love “seeing” what is going on in your neck of the woods! Congrats on your big news! I can’t wait to “meet” your newest addition! God is good-all the time!
Aw! Jeremy’s reaction is so adorable! I think that’s exactly what my husband will do when I tell him I’m pregnant…you know, if I can ever get there.
That was awesome! Congratulations! So nice to see your parents here. Jeremy’s expression was great! p.s. did you and Lori both plan on going with shorter hair? My sister and I both got our hair cut short and didn’t know the other was doing it. Sisters! Congrats again – so happy for you and your family!!
Seriously Katie!? I don’t know how much more I can take. You had me crying all through this video, it was one of the sweetest things I have ever seen. Jeremy’s reaction, the joy from the rest of your family, the way Will cheers when he says Amen. Beautiful!!
Best Father-to-be reaction EVER!!! Love that you have it on film! I also love Will’s “AMEN!” at the end of prayer. That boy is definitely Southern, woowooooo!
First, totally teared up watching your movie announcement.
Second, I am in shock that your labor went that way because that’s EXACTLY how mine went with my first son. I mean, literally, my uterus closed back up and the doctors were appaled… ending in a c-section. They acted like it had never happened before and later I learned it really actually RARELY happens…. so I guess we’re extra special? Lucky? Ha! Good luck on your VBAC. I had a c-section the second time as well, but by choice.
Lori’s was accidental
xo – kb
Will is so awesome! I love it when he got excited at the end of the prayer. Great job on the surprise video love the idea. All the best.
Crying like a baby right now! If this is how I react to your announcement, I don’t even know how I will be when the time comes for me to tell my family!
congratulations! i’ve been a reader for a long time but never comment but finally am. i love your blog and every single post makes me laugh so keep doing what you are doing!
LOVE the video – I’ve been anxiously awaiting it since you teased it a few posts ago and it didn’t disappoint. Jeremy’s face was priceless! So excited for y’all!
Agreed! Very well said Katie. You can’t be anything but what you are (which we all happen to enjoy on a regular basis ;). Being yourself, in such a public forum, shows a lot of integrity as far as I’m concerned. I’m nothing but happy, happy, happy for you and your family. Praying for a wonderful pregnancy and a happy, healthy babe
What a sweet video. I love it! Your boyfriend’s reaction was truly precious.
what a beautiful video and a great glimpse into your family gatherings. you all seem VERY italian and i LOVE IT!
p.s. so nice to see cole! what a handsome little guy. would love to see more of him!
Awww – congratulations!! I’ll be sending BIG prayers for a VBAC – they wouldn’t even let me think about it with my second. Turned out baby #2 was breech too, so it was all for the best but I sure would have liked to try it!
Sending lots of good thoughts for a sick free, pain free, stress free pregnancy
Katie! I just had a VBAC with my precious baby Shea who was born in November. It went great!! I had an emergency C-section at 34 weeks with my first child 3 years ago and the whole experience was so stressful for us it brings tears to my eyes to think about it. This time I made it to 38 weeks and 2 days and my OB decided to break my water to keep things controlled, make sure he was there, etc. I never needed pitocin. I have to tell you, it was AMAZING. It hurt like hell but I wouldn’t want it any other way. Shea is healthy and happy!
I was really really really nervous about the whole birth as it got closer. I did have a pressure monitor inserted that wraps around the uterus (I know, sorry for the details) that can detect if the scar is tearing which is VERY unlikely. But it went so great. I know that you will do awesome too!
Whatever ends up happening, know that there are lots and lots of women who have done VBACS successfully.
I wish you the best!! I was showing Aidan your video and I said, that’s my friend Katie! She is having a baby! Ha, I feel like I know you from your blog, keep on doing what you do!
Just wanted to drop in and say congratulations to you and your family! How momentous and exciting! Wishing you all the best
ps Will’s enthusiasm to say Amen is a-freakin-dorable!
This is a great monitor for easing the worry of baby sleeping okay. It has an alarm for if they are not breathing correctly. I LOVE it!!
My little girl was born on November 2nd. Yay for November babies!!
Things I love about this post:
– Sherry’s texts
– Will’s Big Brother shirt
– the fact that you videoed your announcement
– Will’s sweet little voice
– your mom’s scream. seriously awesome
– your husband. He’s precious and we can tell how much he loves you.
CONGRATULATIONS! This little one is the one that you were supposed to get. S/he will be worth the wait.
congratulations! the video is awesome!
and i have to say… november 5th is an amazing birthday (it happens to be my and my moms too)!!
enjoy this time!
love that video:) i think it’s so cliché for everyone who you don’t even know to tell you their own story but i will do it anyway:) my due date was nov 5th (2010) and my little man was born 10/26/10. Praying you’ll have a safe and happy pregnancy!!! can’t wait to follow along on your journey
It’s my first time commenting, though I’ve been reading for awhile now. First off, congratulations! Secondly, I love Jeremy’s reaction! What a shock for him!
That was such a sweet video! I love that you document all these moments. Congrats again, I am so happy for you guys.
Like everyone else is saying, the video is awesome & Jeremy’s reaction is priceless. What touched me also was how close your family is. The
love is genuine. Being prayerful & recognizing that the Lord is in you midst is what it’s all about. May God bless you & keep you. You are blessed that you live in close proximity to your family. Mine is scattered around the country, darn it!!
well ms. katie. you did it. you made another baby with that hunka hunka of yours and i am so excited for you guys that i think i just pee’d a little!!!! i don’t know HOW i missed the post about the pregnancy until this moment…but i did and now i’ve been going back and forth and forth and back and reading every tiny little word you’ve written about it and watched the videos and cryed and rejoiced and gone for more kleenex and tried to decide how i can move to your neighborhood so i can have you over for lunch cause i’m so in love with you and everything you do that we could quite possibly be really good friends. just say’n. (even tho i’m alot older than you-my bff is actually alot younger than me) : )
i had unreal infertility problomos in the years i was trying to have my babies and i am just thanking God that he’s blessed you with another bambino. it is just the biggest blessing EVER and i cann’t wait to watch and read all about your life in the coming months! huge, huge hugs, but not around your middle (uterine area), just your neck!!!! hehe xo, beth
1. I’m crying
2. Loved your hubs reaction
3. Congrats!
YAY! This video was awesome! We did something similar when we told my family, but instead of video we did a succession of pictures. I’m so happy for you, mostly because it seems like we’ve been trying the same length and our due dates are only 1 day apart! We found out last week, too! Congrats again
HellO Katie
Congratulations on your wonderful news! Please be careful with your marriage. It’s precious, and it comes first, doncha reckon? We don’t read your blog to view a Reality TV show, y’know – and when you think about it, you as the Mother finds out first, but Jeremy as the Father should find out next? It should be a sweet, intensely private, joyful moment! Instead, he found out as just one person in a whole crowd of people, because the whole world is there as well, looking over his shoulder, hey?
Take care, Katie.
Warm wishes,
LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the video! Jeremy’s reaction was the BEST!!!
I’ll say again, that I think no matter the gender of your Bower Baby, you’ll love the age difference between your 2 children. My two boys are 2 years and 5 months apart and quite honestly my second baby’s “baby” stage was a blur (I thought a 2.5 year old would be potty trained, etc.- NOPE). No doubt it’s tough having a toddler and a newborn, but they are BEST friends now at 3.5 and 6 (and have been for a few years). They play well with kids their own age and with each other (wrestling, cars, legos, playdough, bicycles, ninja’s, etc.). We’re just now pregnant with our 3rd and while there will be a bit of an age gap, I knew I couldn’t do 2 in diapers, high chairs, car seats, strollers again. But I wouldn’t trade what I have with my 2 boys. (OH, and I’ll be attempting a VBAC with my 3rd as my 2nd was a C-Section I wasn’t happy about).
Lots of prayers for a beautiful, healthy, easy pregnancy, Katie!
Congratulations Katie! Been reading your blog for sometime. Love it. I am in Loganville, GA and wanted to recommend a great doctor if you don’t already have one.
Congratualtions! Mine is too, but for me it is the first time. Mine is due 2 weeks before yours.. baby buddies.
I don’t! If you have a recommendation – I’d love to hear it
xo – kb
I do reckon it comes first…but believe me, he might not be the first to know but it doesn’t mean he is any less as my husband or the father of this child. And this isn’t just a crowd of people…these are the same people that were there for me when I was in labor with Will…this is our family…our very closest people in our lives…I videoed it because I want it for me…not to be a reality tv show…not to mistreat my husband. I don’t take a lot of offense to a lot of things – but in general, I think it isn’t nice to tell others how they should celebrate their most precious moments. That’s like saying someone proposed wrong. Do you understand what I mean?
xo – kb
boo hoo cried at jeremys face in the video! (in the good cry way of course) congratulations guys!!!
I asked him and he said no. I think he married me because he never knows what to expect…he said that he’s just happy to know right away – he doesn’t care what number he is as long as he gets to tell his family
xo – kb
Thank you Katie for sharing this special and private moment with us, I think it shows that you DO actually consider us fam/friends and you dont just say that for readership. There definately isnt anything wrong with it… After all, the blog is called Bower Power, and obviously the little bowers have alot of power ;p
haha…that was not the intended haircut. She went in for a trim from an accidental grill fire and they took off a little more than she wanted. I still think it looks cute though
xo – kb
I’m so happy for you! I cried during your first video, and certainly bawled with my hand up to my mouth watching Jer’s reaction!! I’m praying for you.
I told my husband while taping it too, and he couldn’t believe it. Neither could I (even though yes, we were trying). He asked me if I was lying to him. Ha!! We also told my parents on video which was really special because my sister and I were BOTH annoucning our pregnancies, due the same month (July this year).
I’ll shoot you one back just as soon as I find it
xo – kb
p.s. YES – I am taking any recommendations!
do you think your sister and Boots will ever make Cole a big brother?! How precious if you two could be pregnant together!
Weird! I’ve only met one other girl that had that happen – so we are a trio
xo – kb
Congrats! Jeremy did have a great reaction and how COOL that u have this on video to show that precious baby someday (plus theres a cute will moment- so bonus, both kids will feel important!). Love it! Also since u brought up Will’s wardrobe… I always admire.. Where do u find cute little boy things?!???
I did! Thank you so much for sending them – I’m having a blast editing your photos
xo – kb
Just my mom left – she is so popular that she has commitments every day of the week
xo – kb
xo – kb
that is an awesome idea! I might just do that
xo – kb
I did chart but only one month – and it was more to get a hang of it….and I was using an ovulation kit so I also knew that way…both things just confirmed what I already knew – my ovulation day. I recommend reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility – it explains a lot more than I could blog about!
xo – kb
So excited for you guys! What a blessing.
Love the video, what a great keepsake for your family. Also I love that you are calling your uterus occupied! i just found out yesterday that I am expecting baby#3 and I am totally going to steal that phrase for when we tell our family! love your blog and congratulations!!
I’m a big fan of collecting things from several sources – baby gap, childrens place, target, walmart, and old navy are some of my favorites
xo – kb
Yes but not right now….I think they are just enjoying being newlyweds
xo – kb
While I certainly understand the sentiment (yes, most women probably wait to share until out of the first trimester), all the pearl-clutching in this post is rather ridiculous. I mean, shocked? Amazed? It’s ‘insane’? You (and numerous blog pals, lol) had your ‘jaw on the floor for days’?
It’s a personal decision. You might not have done it that way, but oh my, that is some absurdly dramatic disagreement! It’s like a Lifetime movie up in here
I’m really not an emotional person.. AT ALL. but the look on your hub’s face was priceless. i’m a single mom and i really hope that the person i marry will be that excited and in love when i tell him I’m pregnant. as for that tanya girl ^^ , whatever dude. my family and i are just as close. maybe it’s a georgia thing or something.. but we meet for lunch every sunday after church. there is nothing reality show about it. GOOD FOR YOU!! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU
As a fairly long-time reader now, there is no questioning how much you love, respect, and honor your husband, even if random commenters make accusations otherwise. That video was priceless! Such a sweet, delicate, joyous moment! Happy for you that you were able to get it recorded!
Omword…..your video made me cry! Jeremy’s face was priceless and so is Will when he says Amen. I absolutely love you and your family.
Darn it Katie, you need to stop making me cry! Although this time it was the look on Jeremy’s face that clinched it.
I am very happy for all of you, I can’t wait for lots of updates!
Love the video. Jeremy’s face is priceless! Congrats you guys!
what a sweet video!! i was smiles the whole time. and with all do respect…your hubby is a hottie
I LOVE that you captured the announcement on video. I watched it over and over to see each person’s expression…priceless, especially Jer’s!! Congratulations! Oh, and our family prays holding hands in a circle too.
The look on Jeremy’s face is priceless! “Are you serious?” So happy for you all.
I’m definitely a praying girl, so I’ll add your request to my prayer journal. And … I’m hoping you have a girl, too! I’ve seen some things that are-too-die for cute and I’m bursting to buy something. (I’m in that in between stage. My friends and I are done with our baby birthing but our kids aren’t old enough for it it…)
So, so happy for you and did I hear Will say, “Hallelujah!”
P.S. Danl was told so often that he “was cute” that he actually thought his name was “Cute.” We’d point to a picture of my husband and him and say, “Who’s that?” and he’d say, “Dad and Cute.” Love, love!
Oh man, for someone who I don’t know personally, this is the second time you’ve made me tear up! Thanks for sharing, the look on his face was priceless!
Oh heavens Missy – I can’t post them all each week (I’ll be lucky to take them each week)…I think I may just wait every three months or so and give y’all a belly update…that way it’s not all rubbing it in anyones face…I know it’s tough to see!
xo – kb
haha! That’s hilarious! I love it! Maybe I’ll try that one with the little baby
And yes, you heard a Hallelujah – but it was Cole…it’s his favorite thing to say at exciting events…I think he said it one time when he did something right at Karate 
xo – kb
I have no doubt that your husband and your family come first. I was crying watching the video because you have such a great, close, loving family. I have an awesome family, but it’s always nice to see other close families as well. Thank you for sharing this video!
Can I tell you that I (like many of your online girlfriends) bawled my eyes out at your video? And that I love Jeremy’s response? And how your dad totally looks protective of you, but pushes you towards Jeremy before he hugs & celebrates with you himself? And your mom’s reaction might be my favorite. Love her. And Will praying to “peas” keep the baby safe? oh.my.gosh. Tears. and smiles. and yearning ovaries.
I am SO thrilled for you guys & loving these updates. Not promising that I’m not watching the video again now. Congrats again – so excited to watch this journey you’re on!
That video is awesome! Jeremy’s reaction is priceless. There is so much love in that room and it shows. Congrats again! I’m very happy for you all that your uterus has a “no vacancy” sign.
Oh my gosh, that video was so awesome. Thank you for sharing.
I hope you have a very happy and healthy pregnancy. I was happy to hear that you are leaning towards wanting another boy. Two boys are so great and the bond between brothers is amazing. I can totally see Will with a little bro!
Boy or girl though, this baby is such a blessing. I’m truly happy for you and your lovely family.
I can’t decide what the best part of the video is: Jeremy’s adorable reaction and bearhug, or your Mama’s exclamations and audible happiness. LOVED IT! xo
Amazing!!!! I LOVE that you have it on film! Also LOVE Jeremys face – Priceless!!!!
You have to stop making me cry with your blog!! Such a blessing
I’m sorry, Katie.
I LOVED watching your video Katie! You have a wonderful family and it’s easy to see your husband adores you! You are very blessed and I am excited to watch your journey!!
congrats on the baby! My husband and I have been trying to have our first and it is really hard not to get my hopes up every month. Did the fertility monitor help you guys? Do you have any other suggestions on how to keep the faith up and not drive your husband crazy? He thinks we should just let it be and if it happens it happens but I just know it isn’t always that easy….sorry for the rambling! Congratulations again!
I love your blog! I follow you, Sherry and Pinterest daily.
I had a vbac with my second child……it’s definitely do-able…….but even if you have to have another c-section, you still have your baby at the end! Good luck!
That video is priceless!! Jeremy’s face- he had no idea!! And your dad was so quite throughout but you can see him wiping his tears.. So sweet. I’m beyond thrilled for you! AND I’m due on Nov. 1, so it will be fun following along since we’re practically the same!!
I saw your video and burst in to tears, yall are so awesome!
Oh, and I found a great doctor in Norcross, who delivers at Emory Crawford Long (now Emory midtown) if you’re interested. He is highly rated in the VBAC world and has like a less than 10% c-section rate. He has even delivered breech babies. If you’re interested, let me know (you can shoot me an email)! I’m planning on delivering with him in July.
The look on his face was just the sweetest thing! Thanks for sharing that.
Is it Dr. Tate? Because he is already on my list – we met during a friends delivery and I think he’s great
xo – kb
Oh darling – I knew that you weren’t saying it to be offensive or be overly critical or anything – just trying to be a friend with a gentle reminder – so thank you for the apology but I should have told you earlier that I do appreciate it when people remind me of my priorities!
xo – kb
Congrats!!! Loved the video! I found out on the 29th that we are expecting our second bundle of joy. I can’t wait to follow along with all of your updates.
I really want another baby but my husband doesn’t at all. I have endometriosis so it is hard to even get pregnant and we were SO lucky with our first (and found out at six months) I wish you all the best!
I just love your blog. We are TTC #1 and I feel like you have given me so much hope. I’m so happy for you and your family. I especially want to thank you for your” things to do before you get pregnant” post awhile back. It was right after another negitive test and couldn’t have lifted my spirits any more. You have really made me turn my thoughts back to being more positive and trying not to over stress about it.
Thank you for sharing all the good and bad. It’s funny how you feel like a close friend that I’ve never met.
God bless you and your family.
I’m not sure what I love more, the pure shock on Jeremy’s face or the gorgeous pictures of Will. So cute! Congratulations!!!!!
I’m really looking forward to seeing the nursery progression.
Congrats! Your family is so sweet. This really, really makes me miss my family. I live far away from mine and sometimes feel so lonely without them. Keep taking advantage of and celebrating with yours!!!
Okay, that video is one of the cutest and sweetest things I’ve seen! What a sweet and loving family you have. Congratulations Katie!
Congrats! I am a long time reader (love you and Sherry!!), but finally had to comment after I saw the due date–my birthday is November 5! I was due the 4th and my mom went into labor on that day, but I was born a day late. Always a beautiful time of year for a party. And if you happen to be in the UK, you get bonfires and celebrations because it’s Guy Fawkes day; I’ve always wanted to go and pretend it was all for me
So happy for you and sending good wishes!
your video is so cute. it reminds me of how i told my husband when i was pregnant with #3. we had a bunch of friends over for Thanksgiving (no family nearby) and i just kind of slipped it into the conversation while we were preparing dinner. his jaw DROPPED and everybody thought it was so funny that he was just finding out then! perfect moment!
i had an emergency c-section with my first and always felt that i was “robbed” of the birth experience that i had always wanted and hoped for. i tortured myself by constantly watching TLC’s “A Baby Story” (don’t even know if that’s still on the air) and i would BAWL every time i saw a woman having a normal vaginal birth because i so wished that could have been me. with my second pregnancy, i was determined to go for a VBAC. one of my friends was a doula, and she recommended that i read “A Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth” by Henci Goer. if you haven’t read it, it would be worth your time! it gave me peace of mind about having a VBAC because doctors like to try to convince you it is SO dangerous, when really there are more risks with having a c-section! anyway, with the help of my supportive husband, doula, and nurses advocating for me, i have had two drug-free VBACs. it is totally possible! if you have any questions, i’d be happy to talk about it!
Love your blog! Congrats on baby #2. So exciting! I did a VBAC with my 2nd and had such an amazing experience. I’m so glad I went that route and loved the experience.
Also, I’m trying to find the post you did about having such a hard time saying good-bye to your old house, and finally adding love to this one. My sister has just moved and is having a hard time leaving her old house behind. I remember reading it when I first found your blog, and thought it might help her.
Oh, gosh, I love the video- Jeremy’s expression was such a sweet moment. And Will’s prayers were precious. You are a blessed family & I will pray that you get your heart’s desire for a VBAC. We had a boy & a girl, boys are definitely easier, especially in the teen years. Hormones & attitude, yikes!!!
Love the pics of Will with that Coke truck. As a Georgia native, I am dying to know – where is that from? I want!!! Or at least want pictures of it!
I have to admit, I was on the same thinking as Jen especially with having my own difficulties with fertility and one miscarriage. However, the thing I love is that you are living the moment and that moment should be happy, celebrated, and excitement for planning for little sprouts arrival. I am more guarded about news like that which seems so pestimistic. I admire your positive energy, your dedication to your faith, and the fact you are true to you. Good luck and thank you for being a source of sunshine!
I have watched your video over and over. What a absolutely wonderful family you have! I love Jeremy’s reaction, and of course your moms! But what was so precious to me, was your dad’s reaction. You could see the excitement on his face, then when he pushes you and Jeremy together, he just slowly moves to the side, and watches you celebrate with Norn, and your mom. When he finally hugs you, you can see that he hugs you a little tighter, almost cherishing that moment. How sweet! That touched my heart!
Ps. Is Boots always so quiet at family functions?
I’ve only heard amazing things about him…going to him for hopefully a VBAC with my next. good luck with your search! Also, ICAN Atlanta is a great source of local information and support. (I put this in a different post, but not sure if it went through…please disregard if it did!
congratulations! very exciting for you and your family. hope all goes well with your pregnancy. looking forward to hearing about the nursery!!
I hope you don’t mind my commenting, but your husband’s booty is banging hot! Well done KT!
You and your family are so cute. I love that you let us “into” a big part of your world with that video. I am so happy for you guys!
haha…I know it
He’s been working really really hard to finish the P90X/Insanity program (five more weeks to go!)…so it’s actually a great compliment and motivation for him to get the rest of him banging hot too 
xo – kb
It’s in front of a little antique shop on Highway 78 in Between
xo – kb
Oh Boots isn’t quiet – I think he’s just more conversational…like how later he started more of a conversation with me because he had guessed it when he arrived. He’s not much of an ‘outburst’ kinda guy – more like a ‘let’s sit and talk for a while’ style
xo – kb
Katie…if my uterus becomes inhabited…I would like to do monthly shots like u have in the T-shirt. Is that Jeremy’s or one of yours? Love the family video. There is soo much love there. Can I have your mother?
Katie, please look into having Dr. Tate as your OB. He has a great reputation as a VBAC supporting doctor, and even helped a mom have a VBAC with triplets a few years ago.
What a great video! Dosent get much better then that. Goose bumps and tears Congrats! Will is adorable he will be The best big brother. Xo kayla
So this is my first time posting, although I am a long time reader, but I just have to congratulate you and also say thank you for sharing that video. Just beautiful. I hope all your birth plans and dreams come true.
I really don’t get emotional over the blogs I read but your last few videos have had me all blubbery mess! Congratulations!!
So, you offhandedly mention how tough it is to find cute boys clothes, and it makes me want to ask, what are your favorite sources? My little 4 month old is rockin’ the sleep n’ plays because his mom is super lazy and they just seem so much easier, but at some point, he’s going to have to get introduced to pants.
I love Jeremy’s reaction, but seeing your dad wipe his tears was icing on the cake. You are blessed with a loving family. Congrats again!
Congrats!!! You’re due on the same day I was with my son! He was our 2010 Valentine’s baby!
Like you we waited and waited for baby #2. We experienced a miscarriage after we had my daughter in 2006 and it was a very long four year wait to get our little guy!
The video is amazing! Jeremy’s reaction was AMAZING!
Thanks for sharing!!
Love the expression on Jer’s face =) Congrats again!!
So not to long ago I commented how we were keeping you in our prayers and I knew the feeling of wanting that uterus full and it not happening – so you can about guess how excited yet un excited I was when I watched the “you’re pregnant” video since I was jealous cause we were pregnant… Well exactly 1 day after watching your video I took a test and WE’RE PREGNANT TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shut the front door is all I kept saying – I made my husband watch your video with me 3 times after we took our test just so I could tell that I wasn’t dreaming. They were the best 2 pink lines I think I’ve seen in my life.
I’ve had most luck at Childrens Place, Target, Baby Gap, and Walmart
Happy Shopping!
xo – kb
Actually it’s a nightshirt I got from TJMaxx…and no…she’s mine
xo – kb
This is the MOST FABULOUS documented moment of time!! Jeremy’s face was priceless. That video made me cry from being sooo happy for you and feeling that moment of excitement in your life!! I’ll be praying for a healthy pregnancy for you…and for a girl!
Your video gave me happy chills. You are blessed with the sweetest most lovely family – and you and Jeremy couldn’t be more adorable and don’t even get me started on little Will. Thanks for letting your readers experience this happy time with you! Endless congrats to one of my favorite bloggers!
Two words- LOVE IT!!!
Congrats Amanda!
I’m so happy and excited for you! I wish we could have another baby so our 1 year old could have a baby brother/sister close in age, but alas, it would definitely not work with my career right now. Working 80 hours/week with no vacation days is not the best environment to be pregnant and have a newborn. But I’m really looking forward to watching your belly grow and seeing Will as a big brother. The video is the first one I’ve seen of Will talking and OH MY GOD he’s so adorable. My son looks a bit like Will when he was younger, so I’m so looking forward to the stage when you can understand what he’s saying! Anyways congratulations and much love and prayers from New York!
OK Katie..I guess I am now on the verge of stalking cause I keep visiting to see if you have posted anything new (BTW..THANKS FOR ANSWERING MY QUESTION ABOUT THE T-SHIRT). Do you feel like you are showing yet or more bloated than before? I see in the video you are wearing your belt empire style. You seem like you have a small frame. I’m jealous because after my daughter 4 years ago, I still have a belly now muffin top. THANKS.
haha…not a belly from a baby per se…maybe from the magic cookies I devoured
And I wore the belt that way because the dress has detail that stopped there…so I thought a belt could add a little color…but it kept slipping so I removed it pretty much right after the camera was off 
xo – kb
Ok, so I watched that like 20 times. Just the part when you made the announcement. The look on Jeremy’s face is PRICELESS!! Praying for you all!
Fantastic! Jeremy’s reaction was priceless… so priceless that I cried while watching the video! Can’t wait to follow along the journey. And yes. I know how hard it is to find cute clothes for Gunner, and the fact that you accomplished that goal, another little man would be great! I honestly didn’t care what sex the 2nd one was (or the first), but the girl clothes are so fun! Layken has a ton of clothes, and it can get expensive!
Congrats Katie! So excited for you both. We’ve been trying for almost 2 years now and it’s so frustrating. Our first came without any problems and they can’t figure out what the deal is. I am thrilled for you though. Like everyone else has said Jer’s face IS priceless. Just curious, where’d you get Will’s shirt. It’s perfect. What a cutie!
I feel like such a goob, but I cried watching that video of you telling everyone! Yep, I’m that person, that person that can cry at anything – cards, commercials, songs, even someone else’s happy news! And I am so happy for you all! My husband and I have been married for a year and a half now. We don’t have any munchkins yet but I’m getting pressure from every side! I think my sister would impregnate me herself if she could(that came out a little creepier than it sounded in my head, I apologize). And my parents are begging me, my father in law keeps hinting around at it; the only person who isn’t jumping on the baby train in my mother in law, who is apparently not ready to be deemed a grandma. My husband and I definitely want to try and get pregnant sometime this year (it was on my list of things to do for 2012
) and yet I’m a scared to be perfectly honest. Not about having a baby or the physical aspects, but how it will change my husband and I & our relationship. I never dreamed I could be as happy as I am married. Just the two of us, well us and our two fur ball dogs, and we are so happy with our everyday life… The unknown of how that will change is my biggest fear.
All of that said, I hope I can maneuver getting on camera telling my family! What a great video!
I agree. He is definitely great eye candy. LOL!
Hi, Katie! Congratulations on baby #2! God is good
lots of prayers came your way! Question.. Where is Will’s big brother shirt from? Sorry if you’ve answered this already… I skimmed through comments, but didn’t notice that question. Thanks!
Thank you Olivia
I can tell by your blog that you LOVE your husband with all your heart. I’ve never told Alan first about our babies. I always tell my 3 bestest friends then Alan. I think you should be able to tell or celebrate however you want. And I am so glad that you did your reality tv video so you could share it with us, your readers, your online girlfriends! I will never get Jer’s expression (and cute booty) out of my head.
congrats!! when is your doctr’s appointment? will you be getting a sonogram picture of the baby then, and if you do, will you post it? heheehe sorry, just nosey.
How priceless is Jeremy’s expression? What an amazing moment to have documented, I’m sure you will treasure this forever! I was crying like a baby watching this video at work.
I can’t believe people are questioning why you told and when you told. Ugh! I don’t think you are wrong to announce it so early. Why go into this thinking “Oh I shouldn’t tell people because I’m only 5 weeks and surely I will miscarry at 8-9 weeks so I should just not have any hope or trust”. UGH UGH UGH! A miscarriage does hurt at any time. You never get over it. But why not be happy about the present!
Oh my gosh, I loved the look on Jeremy’s face!! And you made me cry (again…I cried at the blog announcement too)! So happy for your family!!
I told myself I wouldn’t cry at that video but it is too priceless! Your family reacted perfectly and so sweetly. Congratulations again!
Ok, I definitely cried watching that video. What a fantastic way to tell your family!!! I hope that we can do something equally as special when the time comes (I can’t wait to be able to share that news!).
Jeremy’s reaction is priceless and I know that you will cherish that moment forever. One question, though: was he upset that you didn’t tell him before you told everyone? My husband is a little sensitive about that so he wouldn’t like it but I think it would be so fun!
O-M-G haha. We just found out were are expecting #2 as well (found out last Monday) and guess when my due date is? November 5th! That’s crazy. I remember thinking when you announced that it would be ironic if I was also pregnant.
Glad you are not sick! I was very sick with my frist for 14 weeks, and so far so good on this one! Just tired… but hey, I have a toddler, that is my life.
I just wanted to tell you congratulations on your new little blessing!! I have two little ones who were gifts courtesy of Valentine’s Day, my daughter Grace is 3 (Nov. 4) and my little guy, Will (great name) is 1 (Nov. 2)…and no, they weren’t named from the TV show!
It’s a running joke in our family to be careful on Valentine’s Day now!
I’ve been reading your blog for a little over a year now and just love it! I love seeing that you’re in GA too, my dad is originally from Atlanta area, so every summer for a month, my siblings and I were there visiting my grandparents. We actually just got back from a trip there last week and did Stone Mountain for the first time since I was kid (I’m 28 now)…wow that place has changed! And my husband and I are in the final stages of refinancing our house as well, that we bought last year too!
So just keep up the good work girl! And keep those baby updates coming…love them!
That video was the sweetest ever. Jeremy’s reaction was the best, so sweet. You can really see how much he truely loves you. Love the pictures of Will too. Congratulations!
Jeremy’s face is PRICELESS the moment you gave your news! Genuine excitement/deerinheadlights/happiness! Congrats to you both!
Katie – you have to know that the way you responded to this comment is to be admired. The commenters words had to be hard to see for you (they were for me!), and you replied with such grace. Well said my friend.
I don’t even know how I found you but I’m so glad I did. I am so excited for you and I don’t even know you!!!!
Your boy is adorable and I love his clothes. I have two boys but I think is time for the girl…maybe.
Yeah, the way some of us see it, a pregnancy is a pregnancy… that little life inside is just as amazing and precious no matter how far along it is, and there’s no need to keep it a secret if the Momma doesn’t want to.
SO happy for you!
You need to post a disclaimer – I had to grab tissues. So happy for you & your family!! I’m due with my first in the end of August and still not showing. Just looking…thicker. Thanks for sharing your story about home renos and life in general. You earned that recognition on AT. ~Mary
I will be praying for the VBAC, but seriously my OB has being doing this for 30+ years and with my friend who got pregnant 7 months after her baby was born c-section he said it was fine to do a VBAC and he has only ever had 1 issue and even still mom and baby were both fine! I know it sounds weird but start invisioning your birth and how you want it to go! Wow, the hippies are getting to me.. Anyways so happy for you and can’t wait to meet the nugget.
You know that was a popular question – but he said no…he didn’t care about that…he’s just glad I didn’t wait long to tell him…and that having everyone there made it more of a celebration
xo – kb
It’s gonna be closer to 8 or 9 weeks…and eventually when we get the ultrasound, yes, we’ll share it
xo – kb
Yay! Congratulations Katie! Your video brought tears to my eyes!! I know this is a little late but I must come out of my quite shell and say hello and tell you how I excited I am for you guys on this news! My heart was broken for you when you shared that you were having trouble getting pregnant with #2. My husband and I struggled with infertility for 2 years trying to conceive our first. Two years seemed like FOREVER at the time, but in retrospect I am thankful for God’s perfect timing. Having to wait for a baby is so difficult no matter how long your wait is. I can’t wait to follow along with your adventures this time around. You seem to be just a few steps ahead of me in life (having kids, buying a house, learning the art of photography, etc) so your blog is such an inspiration to me and I use it as a reference ALL THE TIME! Thanks for sharing so much with your readers. We love you and I will be praying for this little baby of yours as well as praying along with you for your readers who are still waiting to see those two lines that will change everything!
It’s from Carters
xo – kb
It’s cute, huh!? I got it at Carters
xo – kb
Oh my! I cried my little eyes out watching that!!! What a brilliant and emotional way to tell your boyfriend and family!!! I was not so smooth; I just blurted it out about 30 seconds after I took the first test!! My husband was asleep and said to me “Oh, that’s nice…” Then he woke up properly and was excited!! Hehe
Can’t wait for your little one!! Praying for a VBAC! I too had a c-sec that I didn’t want, but I didn’t have a choice with breech twins…
Oh! And you’ll have to update as to whether or not you got to do more of your baby bucket list!
Stay strong with the VBAC option! My mom’s first birth (my older sister) was very similar to yours and she had to push hard (heh…accidental labor joke) for the VBAC. She finally found a doctor who agreed to try and ended up having me within 3 hours of her first contraction! Although my sister and I always joke that she is prettier because I got all squished up and she got to come out in pristine condition. Seriously, that girl has a perfect nose.
Congrats guys!!
I rarely, if ever, comment…BUT ZOMgosh, Jeremy’s reaction is priceless! I’ve watched it three times. Just that part. Such a great way to document telling your husband and loved ones. Prayers coming for a healthy pregnancy and baby!
Congratulations!! I just found out we our due with our first baby on November 17th! I am excited to read about your progress as I experience all of this myself at the same time
CONGRATS!!!!!!!! Jeremy’s expression….priceless I had to repeat those 10 sec and teared up from your happiness!! God is so good!!!
What a beautiful clip, thank you for sharing! May your family have many many blessings! Such a special moment to catch on video, I had to share the news with my husband the second I knew. I was trying to think of all sorts of creative ways to tell him and then I just blurted it out, couldn’t wait even 5 minutes
Aww so sweet! I was due Nov 5th 2009 with my son (valentine’s baby!) and now I’m due Nov 15th 2012 (well unless the ultrasound tells me differently, last time I was actually 3 weeks further along than I thought, my cycle is weird). Congrats to you guys! Fun to be able to watch someone else going through the same stages in pregnancy at about the same time!
This is my f.a.v.o.r.i.t.e post ever! The look on your husbands face is priceless! Thank God you taped it! I’ll be praying for your baby all the way through! CONGRATS!
November 5th is a great day to be born. I should know, as that is my birthday!
I ADORE those photos will Will. I have the same shirt . . . for the future and plan to make it say BigGEST brother for Isaac.
I’ll be praying regarding your VBAC.
So funny, Jenna. Be my friend.
Congratulations Katie! I, too, had a c-section after being in labor for 29 hours with our first daughter. 7 months later, I found out I was pregnant again, and the doctors (plural–I got a second and third opinion) were not confident I could have a VBAC in such a short amount of time (our kids are barely 16 months apart). So the second time around, we hired a doula to advocate for me during the birth process–a decision that, I truly believe, paved the way for the successful VBAC of our second daughter. I highly recommend getting a birth doula. I searched high and low, read up tons of research on VBAC, and finally hired someone who had experience helping mothers who previously had c-sections. Good luck!
Congrats, Katie! So does this mean Sherry’s pregnant too? (I read awhile back that your readers were hoping for another set of lover-babies! lol).
My advice on the VBAC (not that you asked for it…) is to make sure you start NOW and exercise regularly. I wanted a VBAC so badly, but my body never went into labor on its own…so it was another C-sec for me. I read later that having good muscle tone is a major factor in a woman’s delivery. Not sure how true it is, but I can imagine having some solid ab muscles to work with will at least help you push better?
Counting down the weeks until the gender announcement…
-The Mama
I rarely comment, but I wanted to say – I cried during your video!
So sweet, I love your husband’s expression! Also, just to give you some VBAC inspiration – I had a very similar experience as you with my first daughter, all the way to 10, pushed for 2.5 hours (total 22.5 hrs), and then C-section. With our second daughter, I wanted a VBAC so bad!! And I did, 3.5 hrs worth of labor, and I had a cute little baby in my arms. I drank Red Raspberry leaf tea from 34 weeks on… not sure if that helped or not… I will be praying for you!!
Congratulations! I am a long time reader, first time poster. I have friends who are going through this same process and I know how much you wanted this baby! Have fun! I can’t wait to read more!
Oh, that video made me cry! I am so happy for you and your family and pray that your baby will grow strong and healthy just as God created him/her to be!
WOW, congrats on bambino #2, Jeremy’s face was PRICELESS!! and I totally laughed out loud, cause it looked like something I’d pull on my own DH!
Happy pregnancy!
I haven’t been on your blog for a couple months because my computer wasn’t working. But I came on this morning to check up on you and see how you were doing. SO happy to see that your prayers have been answered and that you’re pregnant. I hope you are feeling well. God bless! What an awesome video!
For some reason I felt the need to be excited again at work so I archived this post to see the video again and may I just say that I LOVE your mom. I giggle so hard when she yells, what an awesome, awesome, lady.