For some odd reason, I take less photos in January. Probably because photography season is over and holidays are done and life chills out for a while.
I wanted to be sure that I took some pics of Will this weirdo part of early winter. It’s odd because we didn’t get snow this year. HOW I wanted snow. Snow would have forced me to dress up Will like the Coca Cola polar bear and taken him outside for a photoshoot. You know I’m not kidding. So instead of my snowflake and vintage coke crate filled shoot, I purposely pulled out my camera just to document the everyday. This is our January. all 40274o97095 photos of it 🙂
Will has discovered the joys of makeup…and already he has learned the importance of moisturizer. He smeared a little too much on his cheeks and looked up and said “Pitty”….irony and humor (since he is trying to say ‘Pretty’). I’m so proud of him. Next week we are gonna learn proper undereye care and cuticle maintenance.
I think when we decorated his old nursery with such an overriding man feel, some folks spoke up about their concern of forcing an infant to be in a room with such dominating masculinity. I think sometimes these sweet people just want to help. So to these sweethearts, I want to encourage you – I am not trying to make my boy…more boy. BELIEVE ME. I am trying to tone down that stereotypical alpha male agression as much as possible. It might be impossible. It might be in vain. He might end up with the same disposition and characteristics as if nobody introduced Barbies or nail polish or the joys of mouisterizing. But as much as I want him to be aware that he is a boy….I want him to understand that it’s important for him as a person to be gentle…and kind…and have a servants heart. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately.
Everything Will owns has to be pre-treated. The shirts are all napkins to him. He will even go under the bib to wipe his grubby little fingers on his shirt. I have considered investing in kegs of Oxi-Clean.
I talked about the importance of a good rug to mom’s this week on Wayfair….it’s true….I spend at least 50% of my day on the ground. And half of that involves blocks, cars, and forts.
I spent an entire evening cleaning out my fridge. And no, I still have never put a deli tray in this bad boy regardless of that being the one thing that the salesmen told me a french door was good for. I think I finally figured out a configuration of the shelves that works for us. We have a ton of drinks at all times. And condiments. We are like one of those self-serve bars at McDonalds. Obviously this was the ‘after’ photo. And yeah, Jer doesn’t even ask anymore when he sees me take photos of things like this.
These were all the leftover containers that I pulled outta there. I’m horrible at the leftovers. Will refuses them. So they just sit in there. And this isn’t even the pile of bottles that was sent to the recycling.
I probably don’t say this enough….Jeremy is a fantastic husband. I know that you all see the glimpses of his goodness here and there…but I really should be shouting it from the rooftops. Sure he has his flaws….like he breaks my things accidentally a lot. But on an everyday – every minute basis, he’s fantastic. Do you know that he offers to watch Will AND make dinner on some nights just so that I can watch Flippin Boston on our DVR? And that he makes sure to record my shows and has shown me 8 times how to turn on our surround sound just so that Rachel Berry sounds better? And that whenever I ask…AT ANY TIME…he will give me a foot rub? And that he tells me that I’m beautiful everyday? That’s rare, I think.
For the girls in my family, this is a very common sight…boys watching football. My dad & Jeremy are two peas in a pod when it comes to this.
Oh yeah – Will recently learned how to jump with both feet. Before it was like this skip thing that made me smile…but now he is officially a bouncing baby boy. minus the pants. plus the ‘pass on plastic? fantastic!’ sticker 🙂
Will loves to pray. He loves to say Amen. He loves to pray numerous times during the meal. We refuse to say no…so we make everyone at the table stop what they are doing and pray again. We are those parents.
Jeremy loves Oreo pie. Oh heck…I love it too.
The weather was crazy this month. Mostly like an armpit….dark, moist and has a dank smell.
There was a few days that it got foggy before the sun went down. If you know anything about me…it’s that I love me a good fog. Seriously. I’m obsessed.
I used to say that I wanted to married in a church and when the doors open, the fog machines would have a cloud that entered before me. Then I learned about interior church mold….and I got ixed-nay-on-the-ogg-fay.
I’ve never been so aware of the weather as I have this past year. I notice the trees, the sky, the plants, the temperature all more than ever before. It’s amazing how beautiful it is. how it’s like a perfect ballad of instruments working together to create every day.
And the color and composition of plants is just unreal.
it’s breathtaking. and sucks the beat outta my chest.
How gorgeous just a little water is….
Our garden after it’s all said and done. This coming year, I want to redo some things. I have plans. Jeremy stop groaning 🙂
Oh yeah…and our bulbs started off even before the holidays were over….it’s like they heard the starting bell and thought it was warm enough to come out. I did that once. It involved the month of March and a bathing suit and a desire to get a tan started. Not smart.
I put all our Christmas stuff away. It is thoroughly wrapped and organized and sorted. It’s weird for me to be organized.
Will has a coin jar. We put all the spare change in there. And when I say We…I mean Will….because he will pitch a royal fit if he doesn’t get to do it.
Love the look of concentration. I have that same look when I put on eyeliner.
Will also thinks he is funny. Just like his mama.
He is obsessed with bubble baths. See how well I am nurturing the masculinity right outta him?
And the entire time we talk about how to properly flutter our eyelashes 🙂
Okay. Fun fact. Will loves to balance things. It’s odd…but he LOVES to find things to balance on top of one another. He can balance more stuff than I can. Note the Buzz Lightyear mobile with the chair and the lawnmower on top.
Here he is working on getting that little cart on top too. He did it too. Right before he yelled “CRASH” and ran straight into them!
(You didn’t know this was turning into the Will show, did ya?! Suckah!)
He is also obsessed with Clara Petersiks videos. He watches that baby girl sing and count and sort laundry at least 10 times a day. Maybe she could come out with a teaching video for him? hint hint Sher 🙂
And then he gets excited when she laughs or smiles. They are in love…I just know it 🙂
And he calls her “Cara” cause he can’t say the L…and I’m working on getting him to say “Marry me please.”
Some folks ask how they can get their kid to look at the camera for a portrait. I say here’s my trick:
Put them in a place where they must sit…like a chair…in front of a big window…
and give them a snack.
NOT A JUICY OR COLORED SNACK. No red lollipops or something like that. (Will is eating Apple puff sticks)
Move in front of the window but not directly in front of them…you don’t want to cast a weird shadow.
Now set up your camera settings so your set and ready to shoot.
Now do a funny face or take the snack and put it in your mouth and make a giant yummy or yucky face.
Some times it is your reaction that makes them squeel…
Ever since we built the toy storage, we’ve been playing WAY more in his room. It doubles our ‘play’ space.
Will is gettting better at this little puzzle thing…I have no idea what they are called…puzzles? loopies? mazes? jungle gyms?
This past month I did the ovulating kit thing again. I also charted my temperature, watched cervical mucus (ewww), and took advantage of Jeremy a lot. Now I’m in the waiting period. Waiting sucks.
We set up a quick painting area in the basement. I simply roll out the white paper on the floor (it’s taped down) and plug in the space heater (it’s chilly down there).
Will is very careful. He doesn’t like to step on the paper.
At one point he painted on our tile faux wood weirdo floor. I love his little guilty look.
Lots more painting…
Afterward I took him over to get a little profile shot and see what he would do…I got the profile shot…
and then he did the funniest thing ever….
he looked right at the camera…
I DIED. I have no idea where he got that. I have NEVER said that to him. I treasure this photo.
Sweet little artsy hands.
More rain. We set up our chairs like this on the doors so that our bad gutters won’t waterfall all over the doors and leak into the living room. Yes – we are saving our dollar bills to fix it. So unglamourous.
Jeremy moved outta the office and into the basement. Why? Well, I took over – see all my stuff? and Will figured out how to knock on the door during Jer’s office hours and trick him into thinking it was me. Tricky McTrickerson.
After we finish the office bathroom, this is the next on my agenda…I am thinking something crazy outta the box…creative and fun and huge blown up photos and crazy colors.
Pastor Dad came down to help.
Let me vent to you for a second. I am so disappointed that Christians have a terrible reputation. That people stereotype Christians in a bad way….think they are judgemental, haters, offended group of legalistic rule-watching-bible-beaters who are stupid. That reputation exists for a million reasons but one thing stays the same…..I HATE THAT. It makes me angry and sad and disappointed. I want people to know that God wants you to be the best version of you….be authentic…have fun and JOY…know where you are from and where you are going….and that He loves you more than I can possible describe. There are gonna be struggles…our lives are crappy, sometimes we feel we can’t climb outta our muddy trenches…but it doesn’t change the fact that God made us outta the dirt to LOVE us. He gave us his son to LOVE us. to BE WITH us. to GIVE US the best possible relationship we can imagine. and God wants us to have a future. more than this dirty shell. and He loves it when we love each other.
I am trying to focus on that. BE like that. to break that mold that everyone keeps on trying to jam me into.
I say all that because I believe my in-laws are changing it in their own way. They are warriors. And they love Jesus. and they love people. I am blessed to have them in our life.
And Will is blessed to have them in his life – hopefully for another 50 years 🙂
This is what happens to our yard when it rains. We get trenches of mud. see how gross this is? yeah.
Will in the trenches.
What I do when the boy is getting muddy…
Notice anything new and highly fashionable in our living room? something tucked in the corner that all the fancy designers will be dying over?
It’s a very swanky Monster Jam pop up tent. I fully expect this bad boy pinned 10,204,235 times on MUST HAVE boards.
Living room’s across America be prepared for this new accessory 🙂
Will likes it right next to the window sill because it makes a little platform for his cars.
We tucked a bunch of pillows inside there and put the entire thing on a pad since it doesn’t have a bottom. His tush needed some cush.
He loves it. And he better for the sacrifice to my own personal sense of living room style 🙂
Muscle man EEeeeooow!
My life revolves around these little guys. He is learning the colors because of them so I can’t complain 🙂
One day I’m gonna miss this…I can feel it in my bones…
Finally, the end of the month brought some bluer skies. It was still chilly but the rain was gone!!!
I went out and layed in the grass.
Sounds crazy but I am. kinda.
Will took this as a sign that I obviously wanted to be rolled around the yard.
The only thing obvious to me was that he loved it.
As in – screaming laughter with chocked up breathing loved it.
After we picked the grass outta our hair, we visited our creek…
His little red nose….leftover squiddles from a cold….
I can’t wait for it to warm up a little more. I am resolute about visiting this creek more this summer…like every. single. day. I need to go ahead and plan for a really long extension cord for a mini fridge 🙂
Surprise blueberry bush growing out over our little stream…
Will loves it. Loves it more than staying dry. If that gives you any idea of what happened next 🙂
I took the rosemary plants out of the garden and replanted them in the pots. My gardening gloves smell amazing now.
Some folks ask who Will looks like.
Well…both of us. and a little bit of none of us 🙂
Here’s my chart of explanation….
Will likes to check out the flowers in the deck box. I like to check out his cutey bootie.
Of course, sometimes my darling son is not happy. He is going through the ‘screaming at nothing crying at everything’ stage. I love it with all my heart. It’s my favorite stage. I hope it never ends. I hope you know my voice is dripping with sarcasm right now.
You have survived!
Everyone give me some muscles and a GROOOEEEOOOO 🙂
Loved this post KB! thanks for putting in what you did about Cheistians having a bad rep. It’s like we can’t say ANYthing faith-related because if it’s the least bit controversial (even if it’s God’s POV) we can get bombed and slammed.
On a lighter note, I lol’d at the armpit comment. And I think Will’s just the cutest. If things don’t work out with Clara, i’ve got a baby girl, Lucia, who might be interested…:)
Sorry for all my typos. I should proof read. What’s a Cheistian? *Christian*
I have never heard of people being concerned for an infant being “forced” to sleep in such a masculine room. You know what else I’ve never heard of? Anyone being concerned of forcing a little girl to live in too feminine a room. Know why? Cause that’s stupid. Since when does true masculinity mean aggression and inability to be compassionate or thoughtful and since when is encouraging masculinity negative? Society would be better off if men acted like men and women acted like women. Carry on helping to mould his manliness to where he has it all, strength, sense of adventure, and sensitivity and kind-heartedness. And keep the dadgum nursery masculine! Good on ya.
I love your posts about DIY stuff around the house, decorating and renovating issues but I think those posts with random stuff, nice pics and just LIFE are ! Cheese !
Oooh I love love love this post! So real! And I love really about all the little details. I’m a details girl.
A couple of weeks ago I bought your spring picture files and I am wondering whether or not you are willing to sell the one of the greeny-orangey-reddy-yellowy leaves with rain drops on them? I loooove that shot and it would be perfect for my home! If you could let me know that’d be amazing. I love your nature shots.
Thanks so much! Xoxo
I know what you mean about not wanting to take photos this time of year – I’m in a rut for sure! It’s cold and I tire of all the puffy coat pictures 🙁 oh well…. Loved the long Will-filled post!!
Great post! Thanks for your daily inspiration on being a better mom, wife and Christian!
Katie – you have inspired me. I have a nine year old son (Seth) and a three month old daughter (Keira). I love taking pictures of them – but with bringing her home, doctor’s appointments and everything else in life – I haven’t taken the first picture of either one of them with my actual camera this year. Plenty with our phones of course but none with our camera. With all your pictures of Will and Jeremy and your daily life – I realized that I am probably missing some of the great things that Keira and Seth are doing. My husband’s name is also Jeremy and he’s hardly home during the week with work and school. He misses a lot more than I do so YES – I will start taking pictures of them as often as possible! Thanks Katie!! 🙂 btw – I read John and Sherri’s blog too!
katie. that is a while lot o’ love going on. my favs: the bubble bath, will getting muddy, the fog, and wrestling in the grass. reminds me of my boys!
dear katie,
1. i love your “day in the life” posts. both because they’re fun and because it reminds me to take pictures of the everyday things we do around the house.
2. if you call if cervical “fluid” no one thinks it’s gross.
3. i hope you git pregnit soon.
4. i got my hair cut the other day (it was looooong and in a ponytail all the time) and when she was done i thought “i look kind of like katie!” and it made me super happy.
5. the end
My daughter, Eloise, loves to watch Clara videos, too! Clara has even surpassed Elmo in popularity at our house. That’s saying a lot. Of course, Clara and Will are actual besties whereas Eloise is already perfecting that whole I read your blog, so I feel like I know you thing that her mama does so well.
Love the photos! The ones of Will with the coin jar are especially adorable!
What kind of camera would you recommend for a newbie, non-pro photographer who usually just snaps shots with her iPhone? 🙂
So cute, love posts like these! I’m still waiting for that how do you fit everything in post 😉
LOVE all the precious photos! They totally made up for my stomach turning at your armpit description 🙂
Thank you for sharing-loved it! Even the venting about Christians-couldn’t agree more! Thanks for being open and honest!
Adorable! I love these photo posts!
Those ‘blueberries’ aren’t blueberries! Don’t try and eat them. I can’t think what the name of that plant is, but blueberries…they are not!
That little boy is too cute! The pictures of him in the brown sweater are ADORABLE!
Love the money jar, we have one that’s exactly the same, I love it because it used to hold Root Beer we bought on a trip to Pennsylvania Amish Country. I love root beer, I love Amish people because they make root beer (and other tasty treats) and I loved our vacation, all good memories.
You are such a good mom! I enjoy just seeing the fun and love you have, and just love how much you treasure every moment. I think you found a great guy, they are a dying breed! 🙂
Really!? I thought maybe they went wild or something…not that I would try to eat them but just seriously thought that’s what they were 🙂 thanks the warning!
xo kb
Love the change jar! We have 2 just like that. One jar is for pennies only (try to get a little one to not put silver in the penny jar!). I have had the penny jar since I was in high school. I hate rolling pennies, so I thought we would just collect them. After about 20 years the jar is full and I now have to roll them all. We also have a “silver” coin jar. Unfortunately the robbers stole it a few months ago (left cash on the kitchen table, but stole the coin jar out of the corner). Papa felt sorry for us so he found us a new jar, just like yours, complete with a lid. It’s looking pretty empty right now, but the kids love watching it fill up. It’s a new challenge for them.
First of all, thank you for your “rant” about the typecast Christian. I feel like a few idiots really set back the good that the rest of us try to do in this world. You inspired me to try harder!
Also, I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again. These posts are my favorite. Sure, I love the posts on DIY decor and all. Yes, they are the reason I started following your blog. There is just something about the everyday, though, that really gets to me. It reminds me to document the everyday things that I sometimes miss.
One last thing: I think our boys are brothers from another mother. They are so much alike it is scary. My Canon just turned 2 and you may as well have been describing him rather than Will. Crazy.
Oh and PS: My favorite pictures were the ones where you were “rolling” in the grass. The joy on that boy’s face is unmistakable.
I was wondering, when you posted about the office bathroom, how Jeremy felt about having such a feminine space. Now it makes sense.
Love the monster truck tent too. We have a caterpillar one (it’s shaped like a truck) and a rocket ship, but we did just go to MonsterJam (my son is almost 4 and he LOVED it), so I might have to get that one too for his birthday.
Great pictures! And I love that you are so real about everything!
I love Will Fest photo posts! And I’m dyyyying over that little bomber hat and the world’s happiest little face under it, the one that says he truly needs nothing more in life than his mommy (& daddy) to roll around in the grass with! What a little treasure he is 🙂
Fun post…arn’t the winter months hard! We live in Reno, Nevada and sometimes the cold and snow sticks around till may. I want some warm…and I do need to remember to take more pictures during this time of year!
What a fun post! You have such a beautiful family!
I also loved what you said about Christians! Thanks for showing people that you don’t have to be a stick-in-the-mud to love God!
I’m so relieved that I’m not the only one with a crazy amount of condiments in her refrigerator! I don’t know about you – but my husband is responsible for at least 95% of our different mustards, ketchups, and sauces.
One of my favorite posts of yours ever! Please do this every month. You are such a an inspiration to us readers!
I love everyday posts. This was lovely.
Will is adorable – I love seeing pictures of him. He is all boy and I love that. I think it’s ridiculous that people made comments about him sleeping in a “masculine” nursey. He is a boy. No one ever says anything about baby girls sleeping in a bright pink nursery. And he is clearly well-rounded b/c you have mentioned he loves to cook!
Will is so adorable! Thanks for sharing these pictures and sharing a glimpse of your everyday world.
Will looks just like John Belushi in the guilty-face-painting picture!
Oh, and I love the everyday stuff posts. They make me smile 🙂
Aw, I love this post. So real and authentic.
Love the pictures of Will, he is very cute. 🙂 Thank you for sharing the pictures.
the pics with water are amazing! i love all kinds of weather/water, so i get your fog. 🙂
Once again, thank you for existing. Sending “get Katie preggers already” vibes your way….
I have a good feeling about this test, Katie! I think this is going to be your month 🙂
YOU GOT AN EGG! Okay, maybe you didn’t scream outloud at that, but when we were trying to conceive I would get an egg on the monitor and would scream “EGG!” and immediately make my hubby drop his drawers. like that instant. I hope that this is your month!
The photos are adorable. And I adore that your boyfriend tells you that you are beautiful every day. What a good example for your son 🙂
A great post. And amen sister! 🙂
So sweet! I love the photo posts/random recaps. Will is adorable. (I also love all of your living room pillows, btw.) We had only the tiniest bit of snow here in the DC area, but now I’m definitely ready for spring. Bring on the sunshine and gardening!
Love this post! And seeing Will line up those little cars on the window sill reminded me of my own son – he used to do that all of the time (he’s 18 now so it’s been a while)! So cute!
Love this post! I love when you share your family moments a little bit, seems like you have a very wonderful life and it’s nice to see people who are happy. 🙂
I LOVE LOVE LOVE posts like this. They are some of my favorites! Although I thoroughly enjoy all of your DIY stuff, too! I love that you too have a Jer that is amazing! I love that you too have a baby boy that you love beyond belief. I love that you too have awesome in-laws and I love that you too pray with your family and have taught will to learn to pray! Yes – I’m THAT blogger that is a little obsessed with your blog. Don’t judge. 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
Love this post! Will is just too cute for words 🙂 and you are too!!!!
I always love your pictures, you capture some great moments! Will is a doll, you are a lucky momma! 🙂 The guilty painting picture is my favorite!
Great post today – Will is such a sweetie 🙂
I think these every day photos are the ones you’ll look back on most fondly in 10-20 years. They’re the ones that will remind you what Will was like – how he played with the cars, liked to balance stuff, liked to paint in the basement.
This reminds me that I need to snap more pics too. I also have a tendency to put the camera down in January.
Thanks for sharing!
I absolutely love these posts 🙂 You have an amazing family…and I love that all during your posts I can relate to you.
Oh and we had one of those wonderful “must have” tents in our living room for a long time. lol it was Dora though.
Our ‘deli tray drawer’? Most days can be found perfectly holding a pizza box full of leftover slices. Yep, just the right size. You’re welcome. 🙂
Will looks EXACTLY like Jeremy in the picture of him standing & smiling with the laptop! Those eyes when he smiles.. adorable!
good luck with the fertility monitor. i have a love/hate relationship with it. i used it religiously for a looong time. then, i stopped using it. i decided to purchase a new pack of sticks and got pregnant the first time. thankfully, my friend was using the same thing so i could give them to her.
Katie, after ttc for over a year, I just started checking my mucus too. Err, I mean fluid. (I think that sounds less gross). I thought hubbs was going to fall to the floor when I came out of the bathroom the other day and asked him if he though the substance on my finger was more lotiony or egg white. – He thinks I have officially gone over the edge. (And maybe I have, but I feel like I am being more proactive, and that makes me feel better). Next month I am going to start doing the temperature thing too. For a year I prayed for a baby, and my heart broke a little each month. Now I have been praying for patience and I am starting to get more of a peace about it. (Well, on most days). Who knows, maybe we will have November or December babies together!
Oooh – I’d buy that one too – it’s beautiful!
Sigh. Me encanta this post.
There’s beauty in minutia.
Hi Katie –
I gotta know – what are you guys about to eat in the picture of Will praying? It looks delish! Care to share?
I love this post Katie. Wholeheartedly agree on the bad rap for Christians. Thank you for being bold enough to post about it. Your little man is adorable.
Beautiful post!! Love the winter shots and love the break down of Will – I think he has your smile, too.
Cervical mucous! Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it and won’t even think about it after a while.
Loved this post Katie. Seriously….chalked full of photos and laughter. Great post. Made my morning 🙂
I love this post! I love that you take pictures of the every day activities. I love that you share your Christian beliefs. I love that you posted your ovulation stick. I love that you posted pictures of Will testing out your makeup. I LOVE that you refuse to say no when Will wants to pray! I wonder why you have two of everything in the fridge? Mustard, mayo, chocolate syrup, caramel, eggs, lemon juice…
Phew, lovely mammoth post Katie! I’m glad I’m not the only one with a guy in her life who accidentally breaks her stuff ALL the time! It’s starting to upset him I think! he also tells me I’m beautiful everyday though so I guess that goes some way to make up for it!
Keep being awesome
I am loving your coin jar/jug thing! I have a small jam/jelly jar and guess what I counted yesterday and I finally have enough to buy me a new camera, I am heading away from the point & shoot and going for a SLR I am beyond excited. Of course my photos will never be a scratch on yours! Back to the jar/jug…any ideas where I can get me one of those?!!
I love a good Will Fest! Adorable.
When I have little ones, I need to remember to capture our everyday stuff, all of the little things. You do such a wonderful job of that!
By the way, if we were friends or related, I would totally give this to Will for Christmas/birthday.
I gave them to all of my younger cousins this past Christmas and it was a huge hit for the whole family!
KATIE BOWER!!! Updated living room tour PRONTO!! I see so many new and faulous things…. stencils??! the built ins are organized!!!? Im dyyying!!!
Also.. Just for the heck of it, I think we should see a “One Year” House Tour:)
They’re poke berries and they are poisonous (
When I was working in childcare, they always scared the kiddos about them when we went to the pumpkin patch. They look an awful lot like blueberries, but they taste terrible & can make you very very sick. The man at the patch had a much more detailed description, but suffice it to say, you’d shed a few pounds of water weight if you ate them…
Blueberry season is usually mid-late summer 🙂
Great post!!!! And also, I couldn’t agree with this more: “I am so disappointed that Christians have a terrible reputation.” And I’m not really anthing….. If Christianity were a club, I surely would not meet the requirements for membership. But nothing makes me angrier than the all-out assault on Christianity that the media and American celebrities have unleashed in the last ten years. Hypocritical, and disgusting.
OK…angry discourse over – carry on! 🙂
Thanks for another great post. I am with you on the Christians getting a bad rep. It’s so sad. I feel like the crazy radicals get all the press and then people lump everyone who believes in God with them. I love Jesus. I hope my life shows those who love Jesus as well as those who don’t know Him that God is good. That Jesus loves everyone no-matter-what. And that we are called to love one another just like He loves us. To not be hateful and prideful and judgemental and mean. But to be kind, loving, understanding, compassionate, and humble. Also, we can have fun and enjoy all that life as to offer! I’m with you in this fight to show people that God is good and Christians can be good too.
Hey! Love seeing your everyday pictures! And wanted to encourage you a little since I’m also in the waiting part of my month. 🙂 Here’s to that elusive second line! 😀 And here’s to patience and trust in the Lord no matter what.
I totally agree with you with what you said about Christians. Even though I know I’ve done my fair share of strengthening the stereotype, I’m saddened that a lot of people completely write us off as crazy radicals and hypocrites. Truth be told, we’re all hypocrites! But as Christians, we trust that Christ’s sacrifice and our trust in Him is changing us to be more like Him.
Thanks for another great post!!
Just saw flipping Boston for the first time this weekend. I am hooked : )
I love this post. Your Will is so stinking adorable (I also have a Will and he’s super cute too, but I might be slightly biased 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
First Of All I wanted to say HELLO all the way from Nova Scotia, Canada; where are having lots of snow, and cold temperatures.
I stumbled across your blog about a month ago, and I have been hooked ! I have a son who will be two in April as well. After about of a month of following your blog and seeing your amazing pictures of your son, I went out and purchased a new camera, and have been making an effort to capture our family moments. Keep up the awesome, witty posts ! Cheers….
i am in love with this post!
i think will is adorable. he is a very well rounded little boy. i don’t think a boy being masculine is a bad thing at all, as long a he can have a sensitive heart and love and respect his mama.
i love your “rant” about christianity.
i hope this is your month!
i love that you are willing to share your real life with us.
Loved all the photos. The Monster Jam ones made me smile a lot . . . my cousin is the one who designs the stuff for Monster Jam (like the art on the trucks and stuffed trucks and t-shirts and such).
And yes . . . everyone will want one now that you have it. 😉
Honestly I think I enjoy reading about refrigerator-cleaning as much if not more than I like the big makeover-reveal posts.
Good luck this month!!!
Yikes!!! Note to self…hands off the poke berries…unless I have a dress I need to fit into!
xo kb
That’s what happens when you coupon 🙂
xo kb
It’s our low carb mexican dinner…turkey with peppers and onions and black beans and mexicorn 🙂
xo kb
Hello! Just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that some of my best friends just started a gardening blog and that it might give you some inspiration for yours! They had an incredible garden last year and are documenting their second year of gardening now! You can check it out at – I think you’ll like it!
I love posts like these 🙂 As an almost-pastor’s-wife, I totally love your comment about Christians…and of course Will praying! You have the cutest family, KB!
Ahhh I love all the pics of Will. I think it’s awesome how much you play with him and interact with him. I’m the same way with my little man…just can’t get enough! Good luck with TTC #2. Best wishes!! =)
Hey Katie,
I was wondering if you could do a post about Lori and Cole? I am a single mom at 21 and I feel like her story may comfort a lot of young, single mothers out there.
– Melissa
Hey Katie, I too am amazed that anyone would feel it necessary to submit comments about an overly masculine room. In my opinion criticism, this type of non-productive criticism, stems from jealousy. You are an amazing Mother and wife and that is why you have a husband who loves you so deeply and cares about your well being more than his own. For 32 years I have been blessed with that same type of husband and without a doubt I know Will will have the best example to follow. From one Christian to another, I will pray that God would reveal His plan for you in a concrete way and that soon you will be blessed and overjoyed that the pee on the stick will reveal “positive” and we will all celebrate His timing!
GREAT post, katie!! love getting to share the everyday with you!
ps—did you get my box??
Katie, I love this post for so many reasons, but I have to chime in to say that my boyfriend and I are huge fans of “Flipping Boston” and we were at dinner the other night (we live in Salem, MA) and Peter was at the table next to us! I geeked out and told him that I was a huge fan of the Greek columns that he puts in his homes. He laughed and I got so red. It was so awesome! Have a great night!
Katie, I love reading your blog because you really get back to the “little things of life.” You have such a positive, whimsical outlook that I look forward to. Probably, it’s because I, too, think of life so whimsically. That wonderful hat on Will is amazing.
Love that you do a low carb meal and then Oreo pie… Oh I knew I liked you 🙂 by the way do you meal plan?
I don’t know if I have ever commented, but I read your blog everyday! I love it 🙂 that oreo pie also looks amazing. You should post the recipe!
Great post, Katie! Love your honesty and your bold statement of faith. An encouragement to me to be more bold in my own Jesus-loving beliefs. 🙂 Will is adorable, and I hope this “waiting” period goes by fast. :/
I loved this! My son likes to pray after each bite of food. It makes dinner a really long process but who am I to deny? Love these sweet little boys! There needs to be more good Christian boys around!
I’m glad someone said this. I have to admit this gender-neutral push I’ve seen everywhere drives me nuts. I’m not even a mom yet, but I will say that I am more concerned about my future children being kind, and self-sufficient than whether they wear frilly stuff or not. If my daughter wants to rock frilly, or my boy is all boy I’m fine with it. I’ve always loved pink, but I also love dirt, and blue and am a very well rounded adult. No matter what my children will have carhartts and workboots, know how to operate a tractor, chop and stack wood, cook, sew on a button and fix a hole in pants or a sock, change their own oil and feed cattle. I understand the intentions are good, but I personally won’t do it. To say masculine means aggressive is to say that feminine means passive. My focus will be on raising well-rounded kids and the rest is null.
P.S. If my girl doesn’t like pink, or my boy doesn’t like hyper masculine, I wouldn’t push pink/blue on them – since that’s pretty much the opposite of gender-neutral training. I just want my kid to wear what they want, be who they are, and be happy and kind and able to care for themselves.
I thoroughly enjoyed all of this… especially the Christian rant. I never had a real interest in photography other than a pretend blog… but you have inspired me 🙂
Will is such a cutie pie! I loved how he is so careful not to step on the paper when he paints. 🙂
Katie-Thank you for being you. Thank you for always making me smile. I am SO glad God made you! He did a really wonderful job!
Katie – I love seeing your posts about Will because I think he seems alot like my 2 year old son. I, too, need to invest in oxi-clean… just waiting patiently for a good coupon 😉 😉
No joke. This has become my third new business venture.
1. Dishwasher Unloaders, Inc. (“We Unload So You Can Take a Load Off”)
2. A store called “Peppermend Patties” (Because “Mend Over” was too aggressive) where it only sells obviously mended clothing.
3. And coming soon to an infomercial near you: The Poke Berry Diet Pill (“Your New Waist Aint No Hocus Poke-us. It’s Real.”)
What. I’m only the CEO, not the jingle-writer.
Will say a prayer for your waiting this month… and I loved this post! These are the ones that make all of us feel like we are secretly your best friend because we get a keeping-it-real glimpse of you and your life 🙂
Cute stuff. Use the pinterest ” make your own” oxiclean- it rocks!
Oh man! Favorite post ever. I love just seeing the day to day with your little man. Gives me lots to look forward to in the upcoming months with my own handsome guy. Your new living room design piece looks all too familiar. Ha! Totally get what you’re talking about with the whole “Christian” thing. When did that become a word with negative connotation? It’s sad. And I am soooo looking forward to reading an upcoming post with great fertility news from you. I’ll say a prayer right now!! This comment is all over the place… just wanted to say thanks for making me smile. Love your blog!
I use to…but not anymore – it just ended up with me spending too much time cooking and buying too much food and having too many leftovers thrown out. Bummer.
xo – kb
It’s a box. the shame.
xo – kb
No – I didn’t!
I better check the post office tomorrow!
And I was gonna text ya for a play date…is that still open for you?
xo – kb
On-demand foot rubs? Your husband is awesome! If you could figure out a way to clone him, you could get enough money to buy all the bacon you can eat, with some left over for me!
Loved the pictures and the post, but you made me cry! Seeing Will as a toddler brought me back to my boys as toddlers, they are now 10 and 8 and they do grow up so fast. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great at every stage, but sometimes I just get weepy thinking that they’re not babies anymore and are growing up way too fast. I would give anything to go back and re-live a week of that time again. It’s crazy but it’s good….enjoy it!!
yes! the boys would love that!! have you taken will to pdk yet? it’s a hike, but the kiddos love the playground and the planes.
Katie, we must be on the same schedule….is that weird to say? I’m waiting too…and it’s agony. Every month. But we also did a lot of prepping this time…so fingers crossed and lots of prayers your way.
PS – I love that you are thinking a lot about how to raise Will with a kind & gentle heart. I believe most of that just comes naturally from just showing your children how loved they are…but also think that when we make it a priority, there are moments when we can really point out something that was kind or good…and that can really help. 🙂
I agree wholeheartedly!
Yay for the “crying/screaming at everything” stage! Sometimes it feels like half the day is spent with a child in the time out corner…
Speaking of children, you know that um…”taking advantage of Jer”…makes it tough to tell what your mucus is like…’cause all that stuff isn’t yours only. Get where I’m going with that? Depend more on the other methods 🙂 OK, sorry if that was really awkward.
I am with you on the crap people give Christians. Almost like it’s a bad thing to be religious. Accommodations can be made for people with disabilities, or gay/lesbian, or transgender…or anyone else, but Christians shouldn’t be given the same consideration. WTF? Like kids getting in trouble at school for saying “grace” before eating their lunch. Hey, look away if you’re offended! Nobody criticizes kids for talking to their earthly friends over lunch…
Finally, PLEASE SHARE THE OREO PIE RECIPE! I am really really really really fighting the urge to lick my computer screen. That pie is SO CLOSE…and I want it SO BADLY. Thank you.
LOL That is what I was searching for in the comments, ‘did someone tell her these were BAD!?!”
KB I LOVE this post! I love how real you are! Love God, Love People that is the basis on how we are to live. You remind me to enjoy the little moments of my kids lives. You capture Will’s very well. If only we could lock those moments up to open them in real life (in 25 years)
Thank you for all your posts. They encourange me often and i am thankful.
Dude…I don’t know how some girls do it but I check out my mucus before hanky panky 🙂
Oh and the oreo pie is straight outta the box they sell at Kroger 🙂
xo – kb
No I haven’t! When can we go?! Are you open for weekends only or are you home on weekdays too?
xo – kb
hi katie, i don’t know if you are on any sort of meds or if you are ovulating on your own, but either way, i love seeing that egg on the cbefm! anywho, lots of baby dust your way, i’m sure jer doesn’t mind being taken advantage of. if you go a few
more months without getting preggo, give clomiphene a try.
Will is adorable, I love day in the life posts. And here is hoping the monitor works for you this month (although I’ve read that some times the first month you use it, it can be a little off because it’s adjusting to your hormones, so since this is month two, lots and lots of luck!). And the waiting period does suck, but the dollar store preggo tests are at least cheap and that way you don’t have to feel so bad about testing every day hehe (or at least that’s what I did!) 🙂
This part of your post:
“He is going through the ‘screaming at nothing crying at everything’ stage. I love it with all my heart. It’s my favorite stage. I hope it never ends.”
seriously almost brought me to tears. BAD tears. We had this day yesterday. And I was NOT patient. I was NOT full of grace. My husband walked through the door and the first thing I said was “Just a warning, I am in a HORRIBLE mood.” So I read those lines and thought you were serious for a second and decided I stink at this motherhood thing. And then I read that you were thankfully not. at. all. serious. PHEW.
I don’t know you. Just started reading your blog recently. But I am praying for you that God has another little bug planned for your future!
haha…we all get in ‘the mood’ don’t we? It’s what makes us human, right?!
xo – kb
Will is so handsome. Such a happy little guy! Love the photos of him at the end near the creek. That and the fact that you capture every day moments in a way that tells a story. It is so sad how often every day moments get buried and lost and they are often time the best parts of our lives.
I also love that Jeremy is so sweet to you.
And that you take photos of your fridge.
Sending baby vibes your way!
Good luck with your TWW! I hope you get some good news soon.
This is my most FAVORITE type of post. You always manage to pull at my heart strings with your way of conveying normal, day-to-day type things. I guess I’m not the only one who will stare at the trees in my back yard and get really excited about a new bloom and how lucky I am to experience simple pleasures. And that I’m lucky enough to not take them for granted….
Or when you toddler says something totally unexpected that you haven’t been trying to drive into their vocab and they suddenly just start to flourish on their own. It’s so bittersweet.
I am not a faith based person, wasn’t raised with it, but I respect your beliefs, and who cares what others think. And with that, I will reach to whatever God that is out there for me and pray that your temp taking, ovulation testing and taking advantage of your boyfriend works, and you get that little person you so deserve.
Katie, reading your blog is so refreshing! Love your photography and your voice to things.
I LOVE the stacking things hehe!! My daughter used to do that-only once it happened to be to get on to the chest freezer, then there was a stack on there-to get something from the top of the pantry!! All this while I was in the shower!
I hope this is THE month for you 🙂
Are you going to share Jeremy’s new office? Are you planning on doing anything with it or just leaving it?
Katie, I saw this on Pinterest and thought of you and your battle with Will’s matchbox cars, (which I had tons of as a kid too btw, yay for mixing gender stereotypes!). Not that you want/need another project with everything you have on your plate, I just thought you may find it to be an interesting idea 🙂
(Spoiler alert: it’s just metal strips on the wall that hold a bunch of cars)
Hi Katie!
I’m not usually a commenter, but I am trying to get better with it, so here I go. First of all Will is just the sweetest thing. I have the baby bug, and can not get enough of the beautiful shots you take of him. Also, totally agree on the Christian stereotypes being ridiculously stinky. Just cause someone met one person like that who said they were a Christian, that certainly is not the way that Jesus behaves, and not at all the way I behave. :o)
Anyway, just wanted to say Hi! and keep up the good work. Your dining room looks super fab with the new cabinet.
I think it was a lot more than a “few” idiots…
I enjoy your candor about controversial issues surrounding Christianity. As a Christian in NYC, I get my fill of “hallelujah” mockery. Do you think the anti-Christian sentiment is in some ways justified though?
Absolutely. The label ‘christian’ is thrown around by people a lot…by a lot of people that have no idea about having a relationship with Jesus…which is just sad…and it’s alse easy for our dark side to come out and flaunt the arrogance.
xo – kb
sooo cool! I have to check them out the next time I go to ikea 🙂
xo – kb
Oh once we finish the office bathroom, that office is next on our list!
xo – kb
I haven’t been reading your blog for long but I loved stumbling upon this post while catching up on my Google Reader stuff. Oh and here’s my list of things I love about this blog:
-bacon references. Seriously, that stuff is manna from heaven. Only more expensive.
-stopping dinner to let your son pray. Soo so sooo important.
-the masculinity thing. Good grief, I think the boy’s gonna be fine. Bubble baths and matchbox cars are both important for proper mental growth. 🙂
-the paragraph about Christianity. I totally agree. Oh and ps- My parents are pastors as well and it’s just so awesome to hear about Jeremy’s parents. Christian grandparents can make a huge difference in a kid’s life, as I’m sure you know.
-and the homeschooling reference. Are you guys homeschooled? Looking at it for the cuteness that is Will?
-Will watching Clara videos. In a word? Adorable.
Hmm…think that about covers it. I’m gonna go watch Friends and eat bacon. 🙂
I’m not one to comment, usually, I am more of a silent observer, but I really loved reading what you had to say about God and Jesus. I think it was something I needed to hear and it really sunk in for me. So I must say thank you! 🙂
I don’t know why it took me so long to add your blog to my favorites since I’ve been following YHL for years, but I am so glad I am here. Once my son is down for his nap and the laundry has been put in the washer, I love reading your stories and seeing how you decorate your home. Please, don’t get creeped out, but I just adore you! I adore your whole sweet family!! I love seeing Will’s precious face. And I can’t wait to see your newest little man! I love how you write, how you’re so real, how you’re so funny and sweet. Just from reading your blog, I can tell you’re an amazing Christian, wife, and mother. Again, I just adore you! I loved everything about this post–seeing Will’s stinkin’ cute face a thousand times, reading you brag about your hubby, completely agreeing with your thoughts about God, looking at your clean fridge, everything!
Anywho, sorry this comment was more like a novel, but I just wanted to let you know that you are the cutest! Thank you for being so great! I hope you and your sweet family have a wonderful day!
PS: Our son, Jackson, is a few months younger than Will The Cutie, (which is the superhero name I think he should have! ha!), and he loves praying as well. First, he would just shout “Amen!” after the rest of us, but now he can fold his little hands too, and I am just eating it up! (I follow you on Instagram, and the picture of Will’s praying hands is the sweetest!!) We too have to stop what we’re doing/eating to pray again. It makes my heart swell. I just love it so!! I also love the picture of y’all praying…I may have to steal that idea!
You are the just the best blogger (and I’m fairly certain mom & DIY-er) ever. Every post makes me happy and inspired and puts a smile on my fave! Love what you do, guuurrrrl. Also, I’ve been reading your blog for months now, but have been one of those weirdos who never comments. LAME. Sorry ’bout that….I shall change my lurker ways so that you know how inspiring you are!!! xo ~ Virginia
Aww Virginia you are too sweet. And I love that you delurked 🙂
xo – kb
you have got to be the funniest mother in the world… while reading this i see myself saying all these things like we’re twins… i thought i was the only one who loved the little things 🙂 like tushies lol and tricky mctrickerton !!!