Alternate post titles included:
“Get the Freak Outta My Body”
“Baby It’s not Cold Outside”
“Eviction Notice Served”
Seriously. It’s my due date. Right now. Today. I am in a terrible terrible mood. And I think I speak for majority of gals who have reached their due date when I say “let’s get this show on the road!”. I am so over being pregnant and just want to meet him already. I thought it would happen by now. I seriously did. And now that it hasn’t, that feeling of anxiety, frustration, mixed with a dash of failure and a pinch of annoyed-at-everything-and-everyone-to-degrees-beyond-belief is cookin’ in my heart.
I know I should be milking these last days of just having Will alone…these are few and precious and will never happen again. And the other side of me says – what if something goes wrong?! What if I am that rare 1 in a hundred thousand that dies during childbirth or afterward from complications? Shouldn’t I be thankful for these extra days with my Will and my Jeremy and this growing healthy baby in my belly? And shouldn’t I just be grateful that I even got pregnant and carried this guy with me for so long? I mean, we should have gotten pregnant right after Will…and didn’t….and then should have gotten pregnant that first year of ‘trying’….and didn’t…and the fact is – God gave us this amazing wonderful gift of getting pregnant again…no matter how long the wait, it is a huge huge blessing. So why am I so fickle? And selfish? And crazy?
Oh and snarky?! Every single time someone says something to me, I have this internal reply. Something rude to say back. Basically it goes a little something like this:
Them: I know you are ready to pop!
Me: Really? Do you also know when? Because those are two things that sometimes doctors have to decide for you. Oh and thanks for knowing the status of my cervix. That doesn’t creep me out at all.
Them: Any news yet?
Me: Why yes. I just had the baby on the floor of the shower. Will cut the cord right after he boiled some water and got me a stack of towels. And now I’m taking the time to reply to your text instead of calling 911. Seriously! Don’t you think I would discuss news if there was any? I mean, this is kinda the biggest thing in my life right now.
Them: Any contractions yet?
Me: Yup…for the last four months my uterus has had contractions…they are called Braxton Hicks. Is there any other uterus activity you would like to discuss?
Them: The baby will come when it’s ready.
Me: What about inductions then? Does that mean you are a terrible mother for getting him out before he’s ready?
Them: He just likes it in there.
Me: Since you know what my unborn child likes, could you bribe him out? Because all the other methods have failed.
Them: So when do you think the baby is gonna come?
Me: Don’t you think I wouldn’t be this snarky if I knew that?
Them: Wanna know what worked for us? I actually…
Me: No.
Yeah. I’m just a barrel of fun today. This sucks. I hate today. Off to drown my sorrows in carbs. And again with the futile attempts at getting labor started. Much happier kitchen post later today.
p.s. let’s face it…I can’t do a post without photos…here are some self-portrait-maternity pics just to put a little romance into this cruddy day…
Oh, I feel so bad for you! I feel even worse that I have been secretly hoping that you haven’t had the baby yet and will hold on until the 7th because that is what date I chose…
You look beautiful though! Great self-portraits!
Oh sweetie, I know your pain! At the risk of giving irritating advice, may I suggest or Bad Lip Reading on YouTube (I highly recommend the Twilight episode) accompanied by alternating bacon and any unattended Halloween candy. It may not work, but it sure makes me feel better!
Hang in there!! Sending prayers your way.
Oh Katie! I feel your pain, really, I do. Well, I guess I really don’t, but I have! We have four beautiful munchkins, all of them induced, three of them because they were a couple weeks late. By the fourth one, my midwife pretty much decided that my body doesn’t go into labor on it’s own, and we only waited a couple of days past due to induce.
Just survive, sometimes that’s all you can do. Btw, you look great, really, super freakin’ adorable in those pics. I most especially love the one with both of the books. (hugs)
Hang in there, and be grateful. I lost my first baby at 24 weeks and delivered him, stillborn, in June. I miscarried my second at 6 weeks in September. I would give anything to be in your shoes right now. That little baby is a beautiful miracle… and he’ll be in your arms before you know it. XO
Aww!! I hope the baby comes soon enough for you!! Both mine went over D-Day!!!
Can’t wait to see pics! {{When he finally arrives!!}}
I am so excited for you!!! We are all (along with you) patiently awaiting the adorableness that is Bower baby #2! I hope you are able to get some rest during these last, horribly crappy few hours 🙂
Hi Katie, I don’t have any words of wisdom or comfort. I’m just wishing you a healthy baby, healthy mommy when the time comes.
I am 33 weeks, and have had two big pre-term delivery scares in the past few weeks. We haven’t told anyone about them…because it’s never easy to listen to well-meaning people’s words of advice!
So…healthy, happy baby to you!
Ah – Sending prayers your way! That last picture is priceless. Seriously – so sweet!!
I check your blog everyday but i don’t think i have ever commented . . .. i love how you keep your blog “real” as in you don’t sugarcoat things for the internet!!! Best of luck and I’ll check back often for the big reveal!
Oh sweet lady. Hang in there. Boo for the hard days. Yay for the sweet birthday to come. Hope you found lots of carbs to enjoy…maybe some chocolate too.
Big hugs to you…or maybe I should just give you your space. 😉
Praying for you.
I feel ya’ Katie! all too well. and gotta warn you- you’re not gonna like what i write next, so feel free to ignore this comment! 🙂 but yeah, my second was a Vbac attempt and i went 15 days overdue. yes, 15 days! and long story short (though if you wanna read the long version, here it is – ) – I did finally go into labor and attempt a vbac, but w/no success. And i tell you this b/c no matter how little man arrives – you are NOT a failure and don’t even allow yourself to go down any sort of guilt trip/mommy comparison road! i always think of that old Oleta Adams song, “I don’t care how you get here…..just get here when you can”. And the baby- no matter when/how he gets here will be so very loved that you will forget these long, stretched out, overdue days. (i’m sure i’m getting a snarky comment now from in your head….that’s ok! ….i get it 🙂 ) so good luck and love the pictures!
Oh boy, do I feel your pain. I went 6 days over with both of my kids. There is nothing like the horrible feeling of feeling so sad at not having your baby yet, but knowing you have no business feeling upset. No one understands unless they’ve been through it themselves. I know nothing makes it feel any better, so I won’t try to say anything that will try — just hang in here. One thing we all know for sure is that baby WILL come out eventually and when it does he has an amazing mother and family to wrap him up in their love. Best of luck!
You are hysterical. And I love how honest you are about it all.
I always feel bad for moms patiently (or not-so-patiently) waiting for their little ones and people bombarding them with those questions, as if you don’t have enough on your mind. On the other hand, you are an amazing person for having inner monologues and not shouting your “real” responses in people’s faces. Lord help the person that asks me when I’m preggo because they will get the “real” answer. 😉
Hang in there Katie! 🙂
I can’t say I know how you feel because I only have cats. But, I’m pretty sure there is a law on the books that lets pregnant women punch people in the face when presented with unwanted advice or uterus related commentary. If not, there should be and it should be called “Katie’s Law.”
Just in case the internet works this way, I am sending good vibes and thoughts of an expedited delivery.
Oh, I know how you feel!! I was ELEVEN days late (don’t want to scare you). Hang in there Mama – it’s almost over 🙂
I know I’m a jerkface. I know you’d give anything to be in this position…i really would hate me for complaining but you are so sweet. It’s people like you that went through such tragedy that remind me how blessed I am.
xo kb
I’m sure you don’t feel it, but you look fantastic. Hang in there, Katie!
Katie, these pictures are beautiful! Good luck with the carbs – I’m sending happy thoughts (and no obnoxious questions) to you from Boston!
Never had kids, so dismiss my comments altogether if you need to if you think I can’t relate (because, well, I really can’t…). But I get ya on being snarky about something that you feel totally blessed to be experiencing. It’s human to react that way, and it’s totally appropriate for you to just be READY after something you’ve waited for this long. All of the trying and waiting on him to finally be here. I hope the best for you and can’t wait to see your updates when he decides to make his debut. And thanks for the sweet pics, they’re adorable!
Hang in there Katie, you’re doing great! Love the pics you will always cherish those times. Best wishes for a healthy, happy delivery!
Gorgeous pictures! Your inner monologue is so true! By the end it just needs to be OVER and on ti the next stage! Good luck to you!
To anyone who asks you if there’s any news, contractions, etc. — just send them this link! My friends have said it works like a charm:
Can’t wait to hear the news, but hope you’re able to enjoy the time now with your 2 boys before becoming a family of 4!
I love your honesty, the vulnerability you allow us to see. There’s beauty in that (insert snarky comment here). Yet my heart hurts for you. I know you want to meet this little boy you’ve prayed so long to carry and you’re so darn ready for him to come and meet you face to face. Will be praying for you, for peace and joy and an uplifted heart as you wait, and for a smooth delivery, and easy transition of life as you’ll then know it.
Hahaha! I love your internal dialogue. The last couple weeks of pregnancy will. not. end. It is so miserable. Hang in there! I wish you a quick delivery! look amazing!! Being at your due date/over due sucks..been there…not fun at all. Enjoy your final moments with Will…even if they aren’t as fun as you’d hope thanks to the whole being super pregnant thing. Before you know it the real crazy of being a Mom of two will begin!!! Buckle up 🙂
Sending well-wishes your way, Katie & family!
Oh, and I LOVE the pictures!!!
I went 41 weeks with both of my babies…I feel your pain! There is nothing worse than those smug “I gave birth at 38 weeks” girls. Or worse, the “have you tried walking the baby out?” girls. Haha. Hang in there!
Oh sister. . . I hear you. I am 25 weeks (also have a 2 year old) and started with braxton hicks this week. I am so over being pregnant and having sciatica that makes me feel like an invalid I wish I could deliver yesterday (of course I want him to fully bake and be healthy and yada yada). But seriously I hear you. Praying for yours to come today!
I feel your frustration. My second baby born this past August was late, and everyone would ask several times a day “is the baby here yet?” Yeah, she’s been here for a few weeks we just didn’t tell anyone, ugh annoying!
Good luck on your soon to be outside baby boy #2!
Holy cow, you and your family are adorable. I absolutely love the pictures of the three of you on the bed. I hope that your day gets better!
It probably won’t make you feel any better, but a lot of doctors say that babies could really use 4 more weeks in utero (developmentally speaking), but they don’t get them because they would be too big to deliver normally. So consider this time extra credit for your in utero baby. Oh, and delivery dates are scientific, but also totally random since everyone is different. Go have a bowl of pasta and chase it with some ice cream because you have given your baby an awesome home for the past 40 weeks!! And thank the good Lord you aren’t an elephant!
Yanno what Katie Bower?
If you had shown your blog world the new nursery, he would have popped out yesterday.
Big prayers for you, #2, Jer and Will.
Katie– you forgot to add the “them” question about “how dilated are you?”—that one always creeped me out. I feel your pain and am hoping your little man arrives soon…
I do not think you are a jerkface. I have had miscarriage, baby and recently another miscarriage. While I am hopeful that we will be blessed with another kiddo to our family, I don’t think you should feel bad about venting. Being 9 months preggo with a toddler and your due date is no small feat and you have a great perspective on life.
All my blessings to your family
I remember reading your post when it was your due day with Will. You sounded the exact same. So yup, it sucks. But yes, he will come!! hopefully soon!
You look GREAT. Also, my birthday is on Wednesday… maybe the baby will share the date 😉
It’s been a long time since I was in your position waiting for those overdue babies, now I am into grands. But I feel your frustration. Know that we all wish you and your family a healthy delivery and a the gift of a beautiful baby boy to bring home. Hugs to you.
Those are some beautiful pictures! I love your little (growing) family. I’ll be thinking of you and wishing you some peace.
Oh man, I know… I remember that feeling quite vividly. You’re doing great, and you look beautiful! Hang in there, girl!
Thinking of you, Katie! Waiting SUCKS, that’s for sure!
I chose the 7th too 🙂
Hang in there! I delivered my first at 31 weeks, 3 days and then enjoyed a lovely 7 weeks in the NICU. There are worse things than hitting your due date! That said, I hope you get to meet that beautiful baby boy ASAP!
You’re an awesome, kick-a** momma. And I love your snarky comments. That’s EXACTLY how I’d want to respond too. Thanks for being honest.
Also, praying for you… (AND checking your blog WAY too much to see if it’s happened yet. I don’t think I was even this excited for a friend who recently had a kid. You’re way cooler than her I guess… maybe I need new friends if I like a complete stranger better than people I know??)
That last picture is perfect.
Katie – I have no kids. I can’t even pretend to know what you’re going through and have ZERO advice. But I just want you to know that I think you’re the best. I think you’re an awesome mom and I love you and your family. I love that you are open and honest with us. I love that you tell it like it is. I love how you let us in. I’ll be praying for you and your beautiful family! 🙂
I’m not going to tell you my story (because those only made me frustrated), but I was late, very late. I had all those feelings and hated the world. I had the same conflicts with how blessed I was and how I should be so grateful for all the extra moments of being pregnant since life was about to turn up.side.down.
This is all to say, SNARK AWAY! Feel those feelings and God Bless you for being honest. You are not alone.
I will leave you with one anecdote – as the days wore on I remember saying loudly (ok, maybe I was yelling… at the top of my lungs) “THIS BABY CAN’T STAY IN THERE FOREVER!!” (note: there may have been expletives…) and to be honest, I felt better. Because he didn’t. He is here. He is perfect. He is mine. For a moment I felt good, then I was frustrated, conflicted, and exhausted again.
So snark on sister, snark on! and GOOD LUCK 🙂
oh little mama.. I know exactly how you feel.. Although my first was 6 years 4 months and one day old when I had my second.. so there’s a blessing to add to your pile.. That far apart is quite a gap… I shut the baby making factory down with my second because of it.. Which ended up being a good thing because my second is AAAAAmazing. and so will yours be. When he finally gets here. *HUGS* hang in there. I know it isn’t easy.. don’t feel bad about being snarky either.. 🙂
You have a new mantra today:
This is NOT a permanent “condition” AND this too shall pass!!!
The sun’ll come out tomorrow……
I didn’t even make it to my due date and I know how much it sucks. I was induced at 39 weeks due to pre-ecplampsia and large baby (he was 8lb 13 oz) I was actually secretly THANKFUL for the pre-e because it was July in DC and I was hot and sweaty and huge and tired of being pregnant. and also sick of all the questions about me and my belly.
hang in there. that’s all i can say. eat lots of junk food and be mean to people just ’cause you can.
Aw girl- I was in the same spot about 21 months ago…it sucks and I hated it…go eat some chocolate- it probably won’t help but it’ll taste good…then go get a pedicure- so when you’re in the throws of labor and pushing you’ll know that at least your toes look good! 🙂
Amanda, *HUGS*
Hang in there Katie!!!!!!!!
Can’t say I feel your pain because I’ve never had the good fortune of being pregnant, but I did laugh at the Them/Me comments. Brilliant and right on. People just don’t know what to say or don’t think about what they do say. I don’t either so I’ll just say: I hope the baby is born by the time you read this, and you are both happy and healthy…whenever it does happen.
Absolutely LOVED your pix! Looking forward to seeing pix of the four of you soon!
Do not apologize for being snarky. I think every pregnant woman has gone through the faze of “Get this kid out of me NOW!!” Since I know I cannot say anything to make you feel better, I will just pray that you have the little one soon and that you have enough bacon and carbs to keep you company until then! By the way, your pics are beautiful!! Hugs to you!!
I love the snarky replies 🙂 Why do people lose any sort of common sense filter for what comes out of their mouths when speaking to pregnant women?
First of all that last picture of Will hitting Jeremy with the pillow is priceless! Please frame that one!
I am currently about 23 weeks pregnant with my first baby (a boy) and so I have ZERO advice on the labor stuff (aren’t you glad?! haha), but I can tell you that there have already been times in this pregnancy that I’ve been on the receiving end of everyone’s “advice”. Though i understand it’s all with good intentions and trust me I love talking about my pregnancy and future little babe, but seriously folks, think before you speak. From the person at work who asks me DAILY how I’m feeling (do you seriously want to know?), to the person who feels the need to tell me I’m “really popping, huh?” sigh. Then there’s just the do this, don’t do that stuff. I kind of just want to say – Just let me figure it out for myself, you know?
As I’m sure you’re well aware your little guy will be on his way soon enough. I say, take some time for just you. Yes, spending these last moments with Will and Jeremy is delightful, but sometimes a girl needs some quiet time to herself too. I hope that he shows up (much) sooner than later and your audience can’t wait to see pictures of him and hear all about it!
Goodness I’ve got another whole trimester to go still and I’m already anxious to meet my little guy, so I can only imagine once the due date is here how I’ll feel.
You are going to do great!
Peaceful, comfortable, labor inducing thoughts coming your way! 🙂
I love that you post about bad moods! Blogs that are happy happy joy joy all the time are annoying because nobody is really like that in real life!
I recommend for bad moods. 🙂
Start with the big lipped dogs like this:
Aw, I’m sorry you’re having such a crappy day, I hope it gets better soon! The pictures are wonderful – thank you for sharing. And I can’t wait for the kitchen post!
My husband was as upset as you are when my due date came and went. He said “Why do they call it a ‘due date’…they should call it a ‘due month’. Our kid will never get here! Are we ever going to have a baby!?”
Don’t hate me…but I hope Baby boy waits a couple more days so my prediction is right!! 🙂
That last photo is the best!
I know the feeling! My due date is Sunday and I feel the same way. I’m trying to think positive thoughts and be thankful that God has given us a precious gift. But at the same time, I’m tired of working 40 hours a week while only getting 3 hours sleep a night and at the same time trying to make sure my house stays clean and the dishes are washed so our potential guests don’t get grossed out, ha! On a side note I had a pedicure yesterday and it was glorious.
Hey Katie, we had our first son this past June, and he decided that he didn’t want to come out on his own. I am with you on all the unwanted comments and advice. To be honest…your multi-post birth story about Will REALLY helped me realize that Jordan would come at God’s perfect time, not mine. Thanks for the inspiration, and hang in there!
Oh and are you a Walking Dead fan? If so, then FOR THE LOVE OF BACON, DO NOT watch last night’s episode!
Bless your heart, Katie! I remember feeling the same way at the end of my second pregnancy. Your internal conversations made me laugh so hard! The pictures of you are gorgeous! And I also love the ones of all four of y’all! I’m definitely praying for a healthy and safe labor and delivery for you and the little man.
I have felt your pain Katie! I went exactly a week over with both of my babies and I was miserable. I have come to accept my body just likes to cook ’em for 41 weeks, but it is no less annoying when you’re that uncomfortable and that excited to meet your new little one. Don’t judge yourself too harshly for being cranky. I hope things get moving for you soon. In the meantime, get out and enjoy some nice brisk fall walks and maybe it will get things going! I currently live in Hawaii (military family) and while I love being here, I am missing fall….my favorite season. Good luck!
As the mother of two which both had to be evicted past their due date, my personal favorite was, “You’re still pregnant?!”. People say the most idiotic things to pregnant women.
On the upside, you look great!!! At this point with my first, even my nose was swollen!
Prayers for a safe, quick, beautiful delivery!
Gosh I really love you! Just wanted you to know you made my day.
I actually do feel your pain! I’m due this week as well… luckily though we are inducing on Friday if nothing happens before then! Thank you for everything you said, as I can totally relate! Even the guilt part… considering it took us almost 2 years to get pregnant (I said I would never complain), but you just get to that point!
You are awesome.
Cutest Family pics! You are doing awesome Hun! Hang in there! I’m sure Will is loving these last moments! Well, he probably doesn’t even know what’s about to come! Good Luck!
No baby comment 🙂 but the pictures are absolutely gorgeous. x
We are all sending vibes to the little guy to help remind him that it’s time! Sometimes kids can be so stubborn! 😉 Also sending you guys lots of blessings for when the little guy finally does decide to make an appearance.
hang in there! if it helps, the day i started to post about the baby (and wanting it here) my water broke all over the kitchen floor. here’s to hoping that works for you 😉
Let me chime in with the “hang in there” sentiments (I bet you are sooo tired of hearing that). After my first kid was 10 days late (yes, 10 freaking days!!), I was so happy when his sisters were 10 days and 3 days early. With both girls, my OB was surprised I lasted even that long, but once they did come, it was with no warning signs at all. Want to know my secret (worked for #1 too)? Schedule an induction. Seriously. I showed up at the hospital for my first induction, and my waters broke as I came out of the bathroom after changing into my gown. Little fella was not going to be pushed (ha ha) around. With my second, the induction was scheduled for Monday morning. In the early hours of Sunday morning, my waters broke just after a small contraction woke me up. With #3, another Monday induction was scheduled, and right after I turned off the light on Sunday night, I rolled over onto my side and my waters broke. Again. I had no idea I was in labor until my waters broke each time. I have jokingly given this advice to several mommas, and each one has gone into labor spontaneously before the induction could happen. I joke that it works because babies don’t like to be told what to do, but I was thinking about it this weekend at a baby shower, and I wonder if it’s because you set a date, and you know that’s when you’ll meet your baby, so you relax a bit as the waiting game is over, and finally, your body is ready.
Phew, essay over. Sending you speedy delivery wishes. Can’t wait to meet Little Guy (but not as much as you, Jeremy and Will). xxx
I’m offering no words of advice, strength, or comfort, I’m just praying for you. Sometimes that’s all we can do, besides being snarky. 🙂
Yeah…that would stink for sure. I had a friend do that and oh-my-goodness the stress!
xo – kb
Hi Katie! I thought I remember reading you wanted to have baby on your daddy’s birthday? Today is my birthday, and I was kinda hoping he would be born today too! haha Hang in there pretty momma!
Oh Katie! I know exactly how you feel. My first (born two months after Will) was 8 days late. As each day passed, I was bombarded with “did u have the baby yet?” Or “any news yet?”. I was seriously starting to lose my mind. It was rough. I tried everything. It starts to feel like they are never coming out. I totally get it and will be thinking about you all!
YES! Bad Lip Reading was HILARIOUS!!! The Twilight was pretty dang funny. But the “More Mitt” video ( had me laughing so hard I snorted. Tap tap it in that’s a zinger, and show me how to poke it on Tuesday.
As for going past your due date, just know you’re not alone. I know it felt like I was the only woman on earth who passed their due date. Every day that went by felt like a week. Hang in there, girl. It’ll all be worth the wait when you get to see his little face.
Hang in there, sweetie! My little one was TWO WEEKS past her due date. I was about to reach on up there and yank her out myself when my doctor said it was time to induce. Not the plan in my mind, but we do what we have to do deliver our little miracles. No matter how it happens, or when it happens, it’s always a blessing! Sending happy thoughts your way…
I know your pain…my first baby was two weeks early, naturally I thought that my second would be early. why you ask? we’ll isn’t that how it works. no, I finally went on maternity leave on my due date since I refused to keep working. My lovely husband would call me multiple times each day to see if I had contractions yet, which was always a frustrated no. Four days late and finally she came but the best part was the contractions started early in the morning on the 4th day and the baby was born before noon.
Good luck and know this to will soon pass 🙂
Good luck with your upcoming delivery, I’m sending positive vibes your way! Your pictures are lovely. God bless!
After miscarrying 3 times, it does become hard to hear pregnant women complain about being pregnant. Mind you, I have two living children I’ve birthed, and I complained while pregnant with them (and with the miscarried pregnancies as well!). You would think we’d learn not to complain, because it can always be worst, knowing the experience (pregnancy) itself is a blessing and a healthy birth is a miracle, but we don’t. Why? We are selfish and self-absorbed, but we should try to be content and rejoice. For even this “crudy day” is indeed “a day that the Lord has made, so let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24) Just encouraging ALL of us (myself totally included, Katie) to be joyful, made in His image, and forever grateful for it all. Praying you have a safe delivery and healthy baby (soon…in His time ;)).
haha…if only we had started that yet! We do have the sitting room off our bedroom ready so we are ready to welcome the little guy home.
xo – kb
Photos are beautiful. Honesty is perfect. Way to Go!
Your sentiments are precisely the reason why I have…
*Not given anyone a specific due date. When they ask, I tell them “Thanksgiving-ish.” She will be here when she wants to emerge. I was late. Hub was 5 days post Christmas. Who knows with our daughter! 🙂
*Started to lessen the communications with family. We keep in touch, but it’s not so regular, and if it provides a barrier, great.
*A firm plan with the hub should SHE (her initials) come when his parents are staying with us at Thanksgiving for the announcement/communications. Thankfully hub’s mom will get it and be supportive.
*A few back up projects to keep me busy if needed.
*Been beyond grateful to have the hub that I do. We rock each other’s world and I know he’ll do whatever is needed to support himself, our daughter, and me…as he has each breath of this journey.
Good Luck to you and yours! Sweet and blessed journeys to you all!
Well. On the up side your post totally made me smile today. You know, and made me terrified to speak to any pregnant women I know. Good luck and hang in there. You’re doing great.
I know your pain. Your dud date comes and you start to feel like it is all a big joke. Yes, it is a miracle- pregnancy and babies and all but it is also amazingly uncomfortable those last days. Can’t wait to see the baby. You will make it and this is not a big fat joke!
Oops… Meant to say due date instead of dud date… Well, I guess either one works!!
I love all those replies and I do that same thing when I’m miserable and people are trying to be nice. It was probably a good thing I was on bed rest the last two months of my pregnancy or I would have been out in public probably saying a few of these. You look beautiful and love the last shot of the family!
Those pictures are so great. Love the one of you, Jeremy and Will, followed by the pillow throwing! Wishing you well!
This will be me in 3 months! Ahh!!!
Sending best wishes 🙂
I’m smiling because I know EXACTLY how you feel! My first two children were late and every mother I saw with her newborn would make me so upset because they were holding theirs while mine was holding me hostage! I ended up being induced with both of them and as soon as I recieved pitocin, my body was like, oh! This is what we’re supposed to do?! And got cracking. Perfect babies, perfect deliveries. My 3rd went into labor a week early, but then decided he really didn’t want to come out either, so had to be evicted as well. I guess what I’m saying is, try not to stress it, as hard as that sounds. Pray and ask God to give you His peace about their birthday that He already planned. He knows the desires of your heart, just bring them to Him and let Him comfort you! Wishing you the very best and praying for a smooth, quick, painless VBAC very SOON! 😉
This morning, I was brewing my tea and I said, “I think it’s Katie B’s due date!” and I said a little prayer for you and your little fam. I’m rooting for this baby to come quickly, safely, and health-fully!
LOVE the snarky thoughts! Was thinking all the same things exactly a month ago when I was “over-due” with my second. Praying for peace of mind today and a healthy baby soon!
Sorry, I know how miserable it is at the end. It’s okay to be snarky! Let it out…..we don’t care.
Just want to make you feel better. For my first pregnancy, my due date was May 17. My darling son was born on ………………JUNE 25. So I hope this makes it a little easier for you. Oh and don’t hate today, it is my granddaughter’s 3rd birthday today!
I have no children, so I am sending onlyprayers (no advice) for you and the baby and that he comes soon. I love your blog, i found you through your BFF’s the Petersiks. I love all that you share, you are so real, always sharing the good and the bad. Take care and I cant wait to hear all about the newest Bower.
Mary Ellen
I’m right there with ya. 39 weeks and 1 day, and I’m ready to throat punch people anyone who so much as talks to me about this bambino. Snarky, party of one (or is it two?) right here.
Hahahaha. Katie, I’m not even pregnant and I’m snarky sometimes. You had me at the “you know what worked for us?” I was rolling my eyes every time someone on your Instagram said “I did xyz and went into labor” and I just want to say, you really know it was that thing you drank or that weird position you sat in that put you in labor?
No words of encouragement or advice for you. Peace out. (drops the mic and walks away)
Those last pictures of the whole family are kind of FANTASTIC!! Love them! Good luck to you!!
1) I’m sorry you’re feeling miserable. Please feel free to reply snarkily if it makes you feel better! Here, I’ll help you get started: “Maybe you should eat something spicy, or take a long walk….” 😉
2) Although I know you’ve done it in the past a bit- thank you so much for sharing that it wasn’t an easy process for y’all to get pregs with this bambino. As someone who has been trying for 8 months and has recently come to terms with the fact that some medical and divine intervention is going to be necessary for my husband and I to have a kiddo who is biologically ours, it’s so incredibly encouraging to hear that not only did you get pregnant but you have gone through a normal pregnancy and are now feeling all the normal “GET OUT OF HERE ALREADY” feelings. In a weird way, your (totally and completely understood and merited) cranky mood makes me feel like maybe I’ll get to be there someday. =) I hope you go into labor RIGHTTHISSECOND!
you look absolutely lovely and beautiful. and i say that in the least creepy stalker-ish way possible.
Katie, you look amazing!
I feel your pain! Going past your due date is bad enough without all the comments from friends/family/strangers!
I was 2 weeks overdue with my first and 4 days overdue with my second…..neither came on their own! “The baby will come when it’s ready” my rear!
Be angry, be snarly or just hide inside and avoid contact!
I’m cheering for you and I hope he decides to come on his own and soon! Good luck!
Katie…if it’s any consolation I think your full term baby bump looks so much prettier than Gisele Bundchen’s. Sending well wishes and prayers your way!!!!
God works in mysterious ways….
people just don’t know what to say i guess (re stupid questions)… well, good luck and i love the photos of the 3 of you on your gigantic bed… those are priceless… and Will’s Oct photoshoot.l.. He’s such an adorable little boy.. good luck… xoxo Patty
My little came the day after her due date. But I was on the end of being prepared so I did not want an early baby. The worst is that I work as a L&D nurse and I would have patients deliver that were due after me! Totally not fun.
Oh goodness, I called those my “Scrubs” moments… I remember them all too well. Wish people would realize that if a woman is in month 8 or 9 ( or 10?) of her pregnancy, the only things she needs to hear are along these lines:
“Can I treat you to a massage?”, “You are stunning, Sofia Vergara would be jealous”, or “I’d like to come clean your home and cook dinner for a week.”
Hang in there, and cute pics!!
No need to apologize, most of us have been there! I literally sat on the floor and sobbed when my EDD came and went with my THIRD baby. My first two were early (once c/s, one Vbac), so doesn’t that set the pace?? I didn’t get it, everyone said, “Oh your 3rd? It will just FALL out!” Really? Clearly no one told the baby that. I was out on the teeball field at 40+1 coaching. People were like, “OMG! Should you be doing that?” Uh, what else am I going to do? Just warn me if a ball is blazing at me, i’m a little slow on the reaction time.
She was born 5 days late. I went to see my midwife and she was going to induce me the next morning(2nd time VBAC-er), but she ended up sending me into labor (if you haven’t asked for a sweep, DO IT!). Try and hang in there!!! Sending you lots of labor vibes!
Preach it, this sounds horrible but for the last two months of my pregnancy I didn’t go to church because I didn’t want to have to deal with all those questions/comments from people. That and I broke my ankle at 36 weeks so that would have even led to more questions of why I had a cast on and was using a knee scooter I affectionately named “Scoots” to scoot around on. I made several trips to Ikea during this phase and got a lot of wierd looks, which I met in return with my “WTF are you looking at I’m 36 weeks with a broken ankle” look. Then I would scoot and get a $1 frozen yogurt.
My bebes was due October 7th and came October 22nd, my husband kept telling me to try all these “tricks” that would induce labor, and I was like, dude, it’s not happening. I did end up having to go for an induction and I’m sure the baby left claw marks on the inside of my uterus from not wanting to come out.
I basically had the same snarky conversation with my husband yesterday, though mine is just about general pregnant comments. ‘You’re getting so big!’ – really does that sound like a good thing to say to a pregnant woman? Then there’s the belly touching… do you want me to touch yours? No, then please leave me alone. Personal space, people! Or at least ask before you touch me.
I know it’s hard to not feel guilty about being snarky, especially after waiting to get pregnant, but it’s ok to be honest 😉
My little guy is 6 weeks old and came 5 days late so I know how you feel – be as snarky as you want. The more I was awful to other people, the less I was to my toddler and she was the only one who didn’t understand why so I hated snapping at her.
But here’s some hope. He came 5 days late but only took 45 minutes to come out once he was ready. Yes, 45 minutes from first ” hubby, I think I might be in labor” contraction to “there’s a baby!” so maybe waiting will make things go smooth and quick for you as well. Praying it all goes well!
I was 10 days late and had to be induced and then 20 hours later had to have a c-section when I was pregnant with my daughter. I understand the snarkiness. I understand the moments of fear and the quick thoughts of “what if this doesn’t work out the way I thought it was going to”. I understand how the comments that people make, thinking that they’re helpful, just make your skin crawl. But above all these things, God is good. Hold tight (1 Tim 6:12).
Katie– you have every right to be sassy!! You do you. I’m excited to see how stinkin’ cute he is…if he looks anything like Will, we both know he’ll be adorable.
If you’re hungry or craving bacon (which, let’s be real I’m always both), check out this recipe… it’s Bacon Cheddar Ranch Pull Apart Bread that is easy, quick and TO DIE FOR.
There is no shame in asking (begging!) for an induction. I’m being induced on Friday, if he hasn’t come by then, and I can’t tell you the relief I feel from knowing it’s coming AT LEAST by then.
I’m absolutely unbearable right now. Fuse? What fuse. Zero to sixty, baby.
I love how real you are! I’m due in 3 weeks and totally get it.
Best wishes for a safe, healthy and very soon labor.
Yep it sucks. My other favorite when I was waiting was “How are you feeling?”…Really Freaking pregnant, and no contractions thank you.
I’m sorry you’re having a crappy day, but for what it’s worth, that last pillow fight pic put a smile on my face. Such a sweet moment.
My son was a week overdue. The day after my due date, a woman stopped me and said ” oh, when are you due? My reply, “Yesterday.” in a very snarky tone. Her reply to me? “Oh, I was going to say…” She’s lucky she didn’t get punched in the face.
Also, that last photo is amazing.
This is one of those times when instead of writing your internal thoughts on your blog, you should have just kept them in that silly head of yours. Babies are supposed to stay in until they are ready. Deal with it. Some people can’t get pregnant. Imagine how they must feel reading this post.
Acupuncture sent me into labor! I went three days in a row (after being past my due date). It is worth a shot if there is a place around you. It was very relaxing.
I remember your announcement post, I was a few weeks further along than you. Is was my first pregnancy and amazing and daunting at the same time…for someone with no pregnant friends it was nice to relate to someone else.
I ended up going 11 days overdue and my daughter was born on 25/10/2012 via EMCS, at 9lb3oz. From wanting a waterbirth, to being told no because of being GBS+, having SPD and hyperemesis – the journey was a struggle. The last 11 days past due were the hardest, I am beyond impatient, and I completely agree it is really annoying when everyone around seems to know more about your womb than you…
Turns out no one knew about my womb, I lost my waters without knowing – my baby was big, but measured small in the third trimester & I never anticipated having to be cut open after only 4 hours of established labour, four short hours of foetal monitoring and being prodded…
It is a magical journey, and so worth it at the end, but entirely the hardest thing I’ve ever done…you have all the right to be snarky.
Vega Rose Elizabeth Swift was born at 4.04pm 11 days ago, and we are both recovering well.
Your pictures are so beautiful. I check your blog everyday and just love your posts. I wish I could say something to help but since I can’t I will just send positive thoughts your way.
Tomorrow would be a great day to have a baby.
won’t give you any advice…or even any “when I was pregnant” stories, hang in there many of your readers are praying a safe and happy delivery and birth for you whenever that is…LOVE the photes…
I went past my due date too with BH contractions for the last four months and finally had our baby on Oct 27th. With Storm Sandy coming our way I was freaking out about when our baby would be born. That was when someone told me about this eggplant parm recipe from Scalini’s restaurant in GA I think. I looked it up and there was a recipe. I made it on the 27th, ate it at 7:30 pm, and went into full on labor at 9:45pm with our son born at 11:25 pm that same day!!! I can even tell you how close we were to reaching the hospital and the fact I basically crawled into registration screaming the baby is coming! And got onto all fours. It was pretty intense but our son was born before Sandy hit and I was very happy. I will warn you…I never went into any first or second stages…it was full on stage three for that 1.5 hours. I guess second ones come quick even though you wait for a while to have them. Check out the recipe, the dish was actually really good and worth the effort to make it. I have also heard other eggplant dishes do the trick too,but this one, I am proof of. They even have a webpage dedicated to all the babies being born. Good luck!!!
Hi Danielle! I love your blog! Right now I’m 37 weeks 4 days with our third…not that I’m counting or anything 🙂 I love the maternity pics you took! You look gorgeous! And I’m so jealous you can still wear your wedding ring, mine has been off for months. I’m in your camp, get this baby out of me now!! Looking forward to holding this baby in my arms not my belly. Hope that your little one comes soon! Until then i hope the days hours minutes pass by quickly for you!
Totally cracking up at your snarky comments. What pregnant lady has NOT felt like that? It doesn’t matter who is commenting, or what they say, it makes you want to snap!
At least pregnancy agrees with you. Your photos are amazing, and you are one gorgeous pregnant gal. Hang in there, he’ll be here before you know it.
I think you have done so well this entire pregnancy. I am so very proud of you! Look forward to seeing you & Little Baby very soon (plus Jeremy & Will)! Love & prayers.
Yes, yes, a million times yes. I went through the same thing before my second kid, where I was DONE being preggo but felt I should be sucking up time with my first peanut. What a fun emotional balance beam! (I fell off that sucker all the time.) Then, the same with my third, WHO WAS TWO WEEKS LATE! Rascals, all of them.
Wishing you a speedy and soon delivery. Peace.
First, I love the pillow shots! How sweet and dynamic.
Second, I’m in the beginning weeks of my 3rd pregnancy, and yes,
I seem to have less patience for crap these days.
Third, good luck with the delivery! Hope it happens soon for you!!
I know how you feel. Everyone at church kept telling me “You haven’t dropped yet, you still have plenty of time.” Really?! Is that so?
I went into labor the next day.
Your photos are beautiful by the way. Gorgeous little family. Enjoy your last few days just the three of you. 🙂
Yikes! I hope you’re delivering a healthy baby as I type..and that all is going well for you. Be as snarky as you want. I had mine 5 & 4 days before their due dates & probably would’ve HURT someone if I hadn’t. Thinking about you, praying for you & sending good wishes!!!
Does it make you feel any better that I’m due tomorrow and I’m having the EXACT SAME FEELINGS!? I started my maternity leave on Nov 1st and now I’m freaking out that I’ll have to go back to work before I’m ready, he’s big enough, etc. (which I’m sure will be true no matter when this kid is born). And I know I shouldn’t be wishing away my last kid-free days, but I’m just so ready!! I’ve been try to pray about it…just give my frustrations to God…because only He knows this little boy’s birthday. But I know, so much easier said than done. Hang in there girl – you’re not alone! 🙂
Been there! I was a giant witch with a “B” even before my due date. Five days before my due date I started having contractions 1.5-3 minutes apart, I thought for sure I was close. I ended up being four days late! It was horrible! I had those stupid contractions for nine days. I actually went into the hospital the day before Nicolas was born and they sent me home because I was only dilated 3cm. It was so disappointing (and painful). You have every right to feel snarky, and don’t feel guilty… hormones are jerks that cannot be controlled. I wish I had sage advice, but sometimes venting or screaming is therapeutic.
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
I’d say is this the pre-labour melt down but you might reach through the internet and kill me 😉
Good luck when it happens! Hope all goes smoothly and you get to meet your baby soon 🙂
I hope you pop him out soon! It’s my birthday today! I had the same get the *5$#@($(&@ out of my body with my son, who ended up being almost 3lbs more then they said he was!
Happy Birthday, Little One (whenever you get here), and Congratulations to Big Brother Will! (Just thought I would get the jump on that because….it WILL happen….the baby WILL come. I might be typing while you are pushing)….(better you than me — LOL).
May you and Jeremy feel God’s hand holding yours as you deliver your beautiful second boy into this world. What a great family he will come into, and what a great responsibility for you and Jeremy to raise another man of God.
So excited for you.
(My baby sister is due with her girl in 16 days…I am on pins and needles for her!)
Praying for a speedy delivery for you and safety and healthy for you both. Also, LOVE the photos. They are beautiful as always. Oh, and it should be a sin to look so gorgeous pregnant! I was so swollen it was horrifying! Go girl!
I ‘almost’ know how you feel; my due date is next Thursday, the 15th. I too am hoping to rock a VBAC and wish this little critter (girl) would evacuate my uterus so I don’t have to listen to the scare tacticts and insistence on a repeat c-section. Wishing you all the best in the coming days and weeks! Look forward to seeing pictures of your new addition and hearing all the gory details…because those really are the best! 🙂
Take care,
ohh you should post pictures on facebook of it! I love that little sitting area and i think that is the perfect place for a mini nursery! Baby Bower is a lucky guy!
THANK YOU! This is exactly how I felt the last month of my pregnancy (40 weeks, 6 days). This is everything I wanted to say to anyone who spoke to me, which went from questions about uterine and cervical business to you’re still pregnant. I used chocolate chip cookie dough to cope as I had already tried everything anyone said worked for them except castor oil. Busy bodies need to keep it top themselves. Gorgeous pics as usual!
Snark away darling girl – you have most definitely earned the right to be cranky 🙂 And nothing anyone can say will make it any better so you should just go eat chocolate. And carbs. And whatever makes you feel even the tiniest bit better.
Due dates are an estimate only. Don’t dwell.
I’m so, so very sorry for your losses, Amanda… I too miscarried my first pregnancy (seven weeks) and have been trying for about a year after that to get pregnant. Feel free to stop by my blog if you ever need to commisserate. Sending out love and thoughts to you
I was due yesterday. Guess what hasn’t happened yet? Yeah, I’m eating my feelings one Jelly Belly at a time. Suck it.
I actually started keeping tabs on who called/ texted this weekend. I’d respond with “No baby yet, but congratulations, you’re the 3rd person to ask me this morning and the 19th since 5pm on Friday. Sadly, there are no prizes, so please don’t ask again.”
That was after my father in law called *22 times* on Saturday morning (he’s on a cruise and didn’t think he was getting through. My husband was ignoring his calls because we were at brunch with friends.)
My son was 8 days late, so for probably a month, I got daily texts asking “anything yet??” #1 I learned that many people do not feel an actual contraction until they’re really in labor and I must have repeated this to people a million times #2 if I wanted people to know, I would tell them regardless of if they asked. So I was in labor for seriously 2 days before he was born and I lied through my teeth until I got to the hospital and knew he was coming…
Hey Katie…I get it. I really do. I’m not perfect. I’m annoying and disgusting to myself sometimes but this is my truth…so I put it out there…not to make others feel worse but to remember my life in a really unsugarcoated way. And I do think that sometimes just admitting your own darkness can make you appreciate your bright moments that much more. Or maybe that’s just me…
xo kb
Love the pictures of the three (soon to be four!) of you! You rock! Painting your kitchen while 9 months pregnant?! I could barely waddle from the bathroom to the bed. I will be praying for you these next few days…hang in there!
This made me laugh out loud. If anyone has a right to be snarky, it would be the pregnant woman on a knee scooter!
err….I wasn’t trying to be cute…love the *photos
Great reply. It wasn’t like this pregnancy came easy for you either. Yes, many people can’t have children, but it doesn’t mean those that can aren’t grateful, and don’t deserve to blow off some steam. And oh yeah, it’s HER BLOG, with HER insight regarding things in HER life. I’m from the South so that is all I will say, and oh yeah, bless your heart.
Wow,-reader Katie that was really really harsh. So, if you can’t buy a house right now, than people around you better not complain about the broken faucet in their house? Go ahead and hide behind your computer and be rude, but don’t think I won’t call you out on it.
I was just wondering when your due date was, and lo and behold! I hope your little guy makes his way out of there quickly and safely. Sending positive thoughts your way!
I feel for you and thank you for putting your thoughts out there! I’m due in two weeks with my first child and I’m already getting tons of comments. I have never been through this so now I’m just anxiously waiting for the time to come. Every little thing by belly does I think, is that a contraction coming? Prayers your little guy comes soon!
I have so. much. sympathy. for you right now. Going past your due date is so discouraging, no matter how much we tell ourselves that it’s normal and happens all the time. My second? Born at 42 weeks exactly. While my husband was in Afghanistan. Lameballs. My third? Born at 41 weeks and a day. My fourth was just born on Friday, 6 days past (or 2 days, depending on what date one used). Clearly I just stay pregnant for a long time. But even knowing that and spending 9 months telling everyone around me that the baby wouldn’t be born until November even though I was due in October? It still sucked to watch October come and go without a baby.
Complain away. It doesn’t mean you’re not grateful to be pregnant or to have all the wonderful things you have- it just means you’re excited to meet your little guy and welcome him into your family! That’s a GOOD thing.
I sincerely hope that he arrives sooner rather than later and that labor/delivery goes quickly and smoothly and that you’re both healthy, happy campers at the end. Good luck, mama!
Also, if you don’t know about the website, you need it in your life.
I completely understand how you are feeling! I am 31 weeks with #3 and sooo ready for this to be over with!! I definitely prefer my children outside of my body. I remember getting really antsy with my second too. It has kicked in even sooner with the 3rd. I just keep telling myself that this will end. I will have a sweet baby to hold after it’s all said and done. I also will forget all about my snarkiness when this is over.
Oh, and just to give you some hope – I also had a VBAC with my second. I am praying that I will have another successful one with this baby. Good luck!!
Hi Katie,
I never post but felt it necessary when I saw this post because I am in the exact same boat. I was due this past Friday and have had constant texts, emails, and calls from friends and family asking me how I feel and whether baby is coming any time soon. The cherry on top is all the strangers who come up to you or just stare. I feel your pain. Good luck! We are unfortunately still without power due to Sandy and are staying at my in laws. I wish I could at least wait in my own home!!
I’m another one who went overdue with the second (4 days), but had a superfast labour when he came (4 HOURS). Two morals of the story: every minute that passes is another one closer to getting this done, and for goodness sake, don’t ignore early labour. You can do this!
Good luck, Katie! And I hope the little guy come out soon. I went nine days past my due date with my daughter…it was agony, and I was BEYOND sick of all the facebook messages that asked “when are you ever going to have that baby!?” The good thing is, you’ll forget all about this agonizing wait once he’s finally here!
Yikes! Ah carumba! I hope the baby comes soon love, is that safe to say?
I hope that no matter when, how, where this baby comes into this world that it’s the best day ever. Monday’s are shitty days he probably didn’t want to be on a Monday- can you blame him;)
I know that will wasn’t the easiest/best bonder— so I hope you get to experience that. I’m not gonna say any of the cliches– so get that brat out so we can see him 😉
Lots of love girl!
My daughter was 6 days overdue. And I was ready for her to come out a couple of weeks before her due date! Though I will admit that it was kind of fun to go out, have people ask me when my due date was, and to say off-handedly, “Oh, three days ago.” I took sadistic pleasure in seeing the panic flash in their eyes as they inevitably thought, “Oh no! She’s going to go into labor and have the baby right here in front of me!”
Last December I was pregnant with my second and oh my god I could not wait to get her out! My son was five weeks early so we just assumed she would follow suit… oh no. She waited and waited and waited, and I got more annoyed and annoyed and if another flipping person told me what a cute pregnant lady I was I was going to go crazy… I’m not cute, it’s the middle of the Christmas season, there’s a million people everywhere, I cannot stop sweating, my back hurts, my ankles/feet are too swollen to wear anything but Ugg’s two sizes bigger then my normal shoe size… I really, really wanted to appreciate the time with my son (and I did, I swear I did before I got huge and uncomfertable) but near the end I was done. She came one day after her due date and I honestly think I willed her out, 23 hours of labor (my son was six from start to finish) and she was turned in such a way as to say screw you I’m not coming out without a fight.
All I’m trying to say is bask in grouchiness… you deserve it. And I hope your labor is peaceful and wonderful and all that happy stuff.
Good luck Katie – sending lots of love and prayers!
KATIE!! I’m right there with you, literally! I was “due” October 28, I’m now 8 days into this overdue nonsense and yeah, I’ll go ahead and say it, I WANT THIS UTERUS SQUATTER OUT! And I know I went the midwife route for a reason, hospitals in general make me uncomfortable, but do they HAVE to be so nonchalant about getting this kid out of me!?! One more, “Baby?” text and I might blow someone’s house up. This just got real. Good luck on your end! 🙂
Today I am 41w4d pregnant. Not sure if that makes you feel better, or worse knowing your not the most pregnant woman in the world…but obviously I can relate to how you are feeling right now. Hang in there! I will add you and your baby to my prayers tonight. Maybe will will have our little babes on the same day 🙂
Oh girl do I hear you! I was here this time last year, and it sucks!! My sister came to stay the day before my induction was scheduled, and I swear if she suggested ‘one more lap around the block, I just know something will happen!’ she was totally going to get throat punched!! Big virtual hugs, hope things get moving soon!
Katie B. I just want to say that I really respect how you to respond to negative comments with a lot of grace and understanding! Especially when you just finished saying that you are totally over this day and feeling, well, really really pregnant. You are kind of my role model for this!
I’m praying that you have a healthy, wonderful delivery. Good luck to you in the next few days as you prepare to meet your new little guy. Keep us updated!
I remember my due date being somewhat anti-climatic. I wasn’t expecting my son to arrive before that (he wasn’t due then so why would he come early), but then once THE day arrived my hubby stayed home from work and we kinda looked at each other all day waiting… You will look back and read this post in a few weeks (or months) and laugh.
Good luck – lots of hugs to you!!!
I know you’re uncomfortable, but that snarky bit was hilarious. I especially like the comment about induction because we wound up inducing and people gave me crap about it like I had a choice. Thanks for the smile and good luck! We’re gonna go follow you on instagram 🙂 also, those pics are gorgeous. Hope you frame some.
My second baby was 4 days late and I can do relate to how you are feeling. A friend shared this video with me and I could not atop cracking up. Enjoy!
Silly auto correct…I could not *stop* laughing 🙂
Here’s to that idea!
xo – kb
My first child was one week overdue when I begged for an induction in order to be sure to make my sister’s wedding one week later. God knew what he was doing, I didn’t. His lungs weren’t quite ready and the result of my induction was a c-section and a baby who spent a week in the NICU with pneumonia. We got out of the hospital one day before the wedding.
I know it’s hard, but hang in there!
Katie reader – Its her blog so she can share those “internal thoughts” all she wants! She has every right to feel how she feels. Oh and for the record, I’m a reader that can not have kids and I was not offended by this post.
Oh man, I’ve been there. Six. Days. Late. You know what finally got my labor going? The plumber. Haha, but not in the way that you think! I had the misfortune of clogging our kitchen sink with oatmeal (note to everyone: never, ever put oatmeal down the sink) and water started coming out of every orifice in the kitchen. The next day was Sunday, and I don’t care how many days past my due date I was, we did not want to pay a plumber to come out on a Sunday. So Monday morning, the plumber comes first think and clears the pipes. The second he left, my water broke. It was another 36 hours before I met my sweet girl, but she was worth the wait.
These photos of you and your family are beautiful! So excited to meet your new little one soon : )
If you get desperate, I did the nipple stimulation with both my babies and it worked! I had pre-eclamsia with both of them so the were going to induce at 37 weeks but I was able to go into labor on my own with each by doing it. With my second son I was actually hooked up to a monitor so I was able to see each contraction registering when I did it.
I love this comment. I do understand Katie’s uncomfortable feelings as I was able to carry a pregnancy to full term however in the end after delivering our baby we lost him (He had a pre determined birth defect) I also was uncomfortable. But by the grace of God at least I was able to be pregnant that one time. I know Katie feels blessed to be able to be pregnant, but these posts are hard to read sometimes. However, I do know this is her blog, her feelings and I did make the choice to read it.
God bless.
I love the pictures.
I love this post because it describes EXACTLY how I felt on my due date last February. I was so angry at the world, so tired of the questions, the jokes, the comments. I cried, and cried, and cried. And you are right, one of my primary feelings was failure. I felt like i was a huge disappointment for not going into labor early. Finally, I was able to readjust my thinking and realize its a huge accomplishment (a blessing!) that I was able to carry my baby to term. Four days later, she decided to come out and see the world. Funny how short that seems in retrospect, but how excruciatingly long it felt at the time. It won’t be long Katie…hang in there!
That is hilarious!!! Cannot stop laughing.
Love your decorating posts, fun, creative and witty. I know it’s your blog, a blog about nothing and everything… But I am just blown away by your complaints about this child you carry. Be grateful you can carry to term, be thankful you have conceived again (you’ve stated you are but your words don’t match the griping)…
Today was your due date, today, I received news my son has autism. I prayed fervently that i could carry my little guy to term, he came 7 weeks early. I pray you start putting things into perspective. Read Ecclesiastes 3
After putting me on bedrest with pre-term labor at 25 weeks, Miss Quinland was induced TEN DAYS after my due date… and arrived 24 hours later… by C-section. (And after 14 years, I still remember feeling just like you do now!)
This is just a long way of saying a) you’re not alone; b) ANYTHING can happen; and c) just remember that God’s timing is not our timing. We’re all rooting for you (and praying for you!) and hoping that you’ll be cuddling the Little Baby soon.
Hey Katie,
I know how you feel. We are expecting a our first baby girl on November 2nd…..she still has not arrived. They are schedualing an induction for this weekend if she doesn’t make an appearance by them. I am hopeful. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy delivery!
Love the pic of you reading both books.
I have been induced twice. I was 11 days late with my oldest daughter, 2 days early with my son Zack. And I chose to be induced on my actual due date with my son Colton. I hope you get this baby out soon! And I hope that your delivery is what you want.
you (Katie Bower) reply with such grace and respect for people who don’t deserve it. I would have gone all ape-sh!t crazy on her for that piece-of-crap comment!!
Get a grip! I had a very complicated pregnancy with my last baby and almost lost her at 22 weeks. I wound up having her at 32 weeks after 10 weeks of bedrest, the Dr.’s stitching my cervix shut to keep her in, 3 hospital stays, weekly Dr. appts., missing precious time with my son before baby #2 came, an emergency c-section after I lost all of my amniotic fluid, and a preemie in the NICU for 4 weeks after she was born 8 weeks early. I cried for months and begged God for more time for her to stay inside and grow. You have a lot of nerve to complain about this. Count yourself F-ing lucky to have a FULL-TERM pregnancy with a healthy baby and count your damn blessings you whiney brat!!! You just lost a reader.
Awww. I’ve never had a baby so I cant even begin to imagine. God’s blessings to you and your family.
I love, love, love these photos!!! Oh wait…add at least one more love to that.
Love that last picture soooo much! So close – hang in there! and ps – your kitchen looks legit – too legit in fact 😉
For real! Having never been pregnant myself, I obviously can’t relate from experience, but I know I’ve been guilty of asking some of those questions of my friends, such as “how are you doing?”. I never knew I was such a jerk! 🙂
Katie girl, be as snarky as you want, say what you want, and do what you want. This is your pregnancy. But maybe ignorant never-pregnant people like myself really have no idea how annoying we’re being. I think it would be great to have so many people thinking about me, calling me, and checking in on me to show their love. You’re really blessed to have such a wonderful community of people who care about you and your family, myself included. Best wishes for a speedy arrival!
Love those pics! Good luck…sending you ‘go into labor’ vibes!!
I love the pictures!
I’m due on November 22nd, and since we’ve entered November I’ve been thinking every little physical change could mean the start of labor! I’m welcoming distractions for my busy mind, and your posts always bring a smile to my face.
I feel your pain, frustration, grumpiness… All of mine were overdue, while everyone else was having tiny babies born two weeks early. If this is any encouragement (and you should know, since you already have one), it’s SO much easier having the baby on the inside rather than the outside…ie. sleepless nights and sore nipples. 🙂 Take my word for it…I am a mother of five. Can’t wait to hear the delivery news though!!
I remember your video of how happy you were when you announced when you were pregnant. People just want to share in your joy – they aren’t trying to be annoying. I understand the snark might be hormones or just a bad mood, but realize that being pregnant is an invitation for questions, comments, etc. If you don’t want the comments, stay home!
thanks Karla. God’s blessings to you as well. I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your child. Yes, indeed her blog, but our words do reach many ears, hearts, and heads, and we should all be mindful of that. Praying for all who would love to be overdue or just due right now. 🙂
No I totally love that people care…because that is what they are trying to show. But at the same time, everyone has a bad day, right? I just want to hold my little bundle of joy…and I think most folks understand that sometimes waiting is hard. And believe me, the comments come to my house 🙂
xo – kb
Yes indeed. I am so blessed.
xo – kb
Girl, both my kidlets were late (3 weeks overdue with my first, 9 days with the second. Yes, my doctors were sadists.) so I totally feel your pain. Hang in there and try to refrain from punching out every person who has the nerve to look at you!!
Sorry to hear that A. I am so so lucky….and I know that…I have friends and family with situations where they lost their little ones or had close calls…and believe me, I would not wish that on anyone or try to take away from their heart-ache. I am definitely a whiney brat at times…and yesterday was just a bad day for me. Hope you can understand that.
xo – kb
When I was pregnant with my first, I went 9 days past my due date.
N.I.N.E. D.A.Y.S.
I’ll let that sink in for a second.
I was desperate.
There’s a pressure point on your ankle that hurts like h-e-double-toothpicks, but helped me get things going. They don’t recommend doing it until you’re past your due date, and you’re there, girlfriend. Just google “pressure points to induce labor” or something along those lines. You can thank me tomorrow from your delivery suite with your bundle in your arms. Hope it works for you!
oh girl i hear you. been there…it’s so hard!! i was always so fragile at the end of my pregnancies. i didn’t want anybody saying anything to me. for some reason people feel like a pregnant belly is an open invitation for comments and suggestions. 😉 people would say, “you’re STILL pregnant?!!!” that was always helpful. like i wanted to continue to look like a whale. all that to say…i sympathize! i’m praying you get your sweet boy SOON!!
Oh don’t get me wrong…I know how very very blessed I am. I am thankful. But sometimes you have a bad day…and that’s me…I just want to hold my little guy after waiting so long. Yes – I’m absolutely certain I am being whiney. No – I’m not perfect. Yes – I’m extremely impatient. And I definitely emersed myself in some self-reflection and scripture last night to get a grip through the emotional rollercoaster.
xo – kb
I’ll have to get Jeremy to do that 🙂
xo – kb
here’s what you need..
Wishing you only the best Katie!
Pulling for you and your VBAC, Katie! I’m pregnant with #2 as well after a C-section with the first and I’m desperate for a VBAC this time around. Just remember – induction will increase your chances of a repeat C. Compare a few more days of sucky uncomfortable-ness to getting to skip that 6-8 weeks of torturous recovery and not being able to pick up Will. Good luck!!! Can’t wait to hear your news very soon.
They really need to stop giving women due dates since 37-42 weeks is full term… it just gives us unmet expectations. I’m due in 2 weeks… I think all people should be allowed to say to us is “you look great!” And you are a beautiful pregnant person 🙂
I think that is definitely one of the reasons that pushed me into my bad mood. I worry. And I have a history of growing them big…so between the fear of extensive tearing and the fear of induction and the fear of a section repeat (therefore limiting the number of future kiddos), it just was a lot of worrying. Hopefully all of it will be needless worrying.
xo – kb
hi katie! I’ve haven’t been pregnant (yet!) so I can’t fully understand what you’re going through but I just want to say you are hilarious and beautiful and I hope you, your [boyfriendhusband], and Will get to snuggle with your little guy soon! wish you all the best!
That “he’ll come when he’s ready” line IS THE WORST! I mean, would someone tell that to the mom who suffered premature rupture of the membranes? or who had a post-date placental demise? NO! So we need to stop saying it to women who fall somewhere in between. Because it is just as untrue. Ugh. I went past due and induced with both my girls and nothing made me want to punch someone in the face more than that line. My oldest (induced at 41wks) was over 9lbs and had meconium in the fluid and if we let her fester in it “until she was ready” she could have died. There are real mathematical risks to “trusting birth” that are real/there whether people want to romantically overlook them or not. //end rant.
Anyway, I know (sort of) how you feel. hugs. And you’ll do great.
This post gave me the giggles. Love the self portrait pictures…wish I had looked that good when I was ready to pop. Hope your little one arrives soon and everything goes well!
A, I’m praying for you. To become that offended by somebody sharing their feelings is very, very sad. I’m so thankful we live in a world where we’re able to tell it like it is–just like Katie did!
And Katie, of course you’re allowed to have bad days! I love reading ALL of your posts, and so many of them have lifted me out of my own bad days. Bless you, and I’m praying for you!! 🙂
Wow, as a long time reader I was really surprised to see some responses to this post. This post was clearly written from a bad day perspective, and with full admission of that. How people can take this to mean you are ungrateful for either your pregnancy or anything that comes with that I find hard.
I’m not a religious person, but I’m sending big, positive thoughts your way for a healthy labour and son. xxx
Call me horrible, but I’ve learned to lie about my due date by at least a week…then people don’t bug the crude out of you. And yes, the end of pregnancy is awful…truly torture if you ask me.
My baby boy was 9 days late. 9 days. Since it was just after Christmas no one from my work thought I was going to be back after the holiday so I must of gotten 100 “O my goodness your still pregnant!” I finally decided to start saying “no, i left the baby in the bathtub and here I am, I’m very dedicated.” I had to beg to keep him in because I wanted a non medicated birth. With less then 36 hours to my induction that my midwife put off as long as she was medically allowed I did what I never thought I would… drank castor oil. Definitely not the start of labor I was hoping for but 6 hours later I was holding my baby boy. If you want to commiserate, or hear my experience with castor oil, just email me!
Katie, the number of C’s doesn’t always limit the number of kids you can have. Last time I gave birth, there was a woman down the hall who was on her *9th* C-section…no complications. Apparently it’s much safer nowadays and less invasive…or so the nurse told me 🙂
Love your post! Don’t love that you’re feeling that way, but I totally understand! With my pregnancy I wanted to kill my in laws. Constantly asked things just like you wrote. I ended up: deactivating Facebook, deleting emails and texts before reading them and unplugged the home phone.
Now I’m pregnant with babe #2. And I’m not telling anyone the due date. Trying to throw them off by at least a month. Hope it works.
Praying all goes well with your delivery!
that is fantastic!
The internet has allowed users to say what they want before thinking first and let go of all social etiquette. I cannot imagine someone would have the audacity to say something like this to someone’s face in person.
While I find it a bit odd to share such personal (and negative) feelings on a blog, I understand it is it your blog and you can do what you will with it and I am guessing you’re just turning to people for some comfort.
Hugs, mama. Hang in there. Drs. ought to be scolded for perpetuating the due date myth.
At least you are REALLY pretty when you are crabby! That’s a bonus.
I know those feeling of failure well, we had our baby early, as is 14 week early. And for 14 weeks I visited her the NICU praying for her to breath, eat, and live. The whole time enduring the stupid questions of those around us, ‘what wrong with her?’, ‘why did you have her early?’, and the worst ‘Isn’t she home yet?’. As well meaning as everyone was is only highlighted the fact that I had failed I my first motherly duty, hold on to her tight for 40 weeks.
Your wee one will be in your arms before you know it, until then hide from those well meaning friends.
I’m praying for you and the baby! I’m sorry you had a rough day, but if it makes you feel better I think you’re a very talented photographer. I love those pics of you and your boyfriend and sweet little Will.
I appreciate your honesty, Katie! I am sure that the people telling you not to complain have complained about things that other people would only hope for as well. How many of us have said “I’m hungry” without ever knowing what true real hunger feels like… Please keep sharing posts like this because they bring people together! People can share their experiences in a (mostly) non-judgemental way. So, I appreciate that.
Oh, and the last photo of the 3 of you made my heart jump a little. So cute.
I love this comment. I second that. Sending love and hugs your way.
I never even thought of how hard it would be to answer all those questions as a mommy of a NICU newbie. And you definitely didn’t fail…even though I am sure that feeling was there…thats like me…it’s our expectations and insecurities getting the best of us.
xo – kb
That’s definitely true in some cases…but here there are a lot of doctors who do not recommend more than three. And no matter what – vaginal births are definitely less invasive than c-sections. Also since I have issues with scar tissue buildup (we found that out with a knee surgery) I worry that it could happen in other areas of my body too limiting my chances of conceiving or having a safe pregnancy and delivery. It’s obviously all based on ‘if’s’ but we have always wanted a lot of kids so it’s hard to not fear the unknown.
xo – kb
I absolutely ADORE your preggo self portraits and family portraits. They are beautiful and funny and precious. (Your kitchen’s not too shabby, either!) Wishing you a safe and happy birth – Sarah (neonatal ICU nurse in ATL).
Nothing but LOVE to you Katie! Pregnancy is rough! Being uncomfortable, the fears, the HORMONES. Ugh… I am thankful for your honesty and totally get having a bad day and the need to vent. 🙂 Sorry that others don’t get that! Can’t wait to visit the site and see the exciting words that He’s Here! Sending prayers for a safe and perfect delivery!
I had my 2nd in August and felt that same frustration but honestly baby WILL come when baby is ready. You are not a bad parent for inducing but it’s usually not necessary. Due dates are just estimates anyway, you know? Despite feeling like it now, you won’t be pregnant forever! 🙂
I’m due with my first in February, and I totally feel you on the snarky responses to people. What is it about pregnancy that makes EVERYONE want to give you their unsolicited opinions and comments? I understand people care about you and want to know how you’re doing, but it gets old.
BTW, your pictures are adorable! For being grumpy, you sure are a beautiful lady!
Love the pictures! Can’t wait to see you happy with your new little one 🙂
Oh Katie, you have the best readers! I’m busting a gut reading some of the comments (and your post too)!
The helpful Canadian in me keeps wanting to say things like “have you tried…” or “I bet _____ would get things started” but I will bite my tongue and refrain…
Gah, I just can’t! Down dogs – try them! Seriously, I tried to keep my mouth shut and keep my unsolicited advice to myself. Really, I promise. Fail. Sorry…
With any luck, my advice was unneeded and you are pushing baby out as I type this. Sending birthy vibes your way.
I remember reading recently about a study here in Finland, that babies who are born past their due date (even a week or two) are usually much calmer and more ready to face the world. I think they mentioned higher intelligence as well. So carrying him a bit longer just might give you a Nobel price winning son. 😉
I am a few days late because I have a 10-month-old little boy and only gets read blogs and I have free time. 🙂 Just wanted you to know if you been in my thoughts and prayers as you prepare for this new that one. My boy came at 41 weeks and I remember those last few weeks but awful. I was a crab, a pain to be around, and set a lot of really snarky things. It’s amazing the more pregnant you are the dumber people are around you! 🙂
I have no nice cliches or thoughtful words just prayers for safe delivery and sweet baby pictures soon.
Hi Katie. I am approaching my due date (Tuesday) and getting anxious… and I remembered you had written about being anxious and so ready for Weston to arrive and so I went back to find this post. Thank you for always being so funny and relatable… and for letting the rest of us know that we’re not alone!
Aww congrats girl…it’ll be here in a flash I promise!!!
xo – kb