Sorry guys. I’ve been distracted lately with the birth of this little one:
On Sunday evening, my friend Brook started feeling those labor pains that she was expecting.
You may remember that I did some maternity photos for her a little while ago… which reminds me, I didn’t even get around to posting round two photos (yeah…we did some at the park…they were really fun. Is it weird to show you them after the fact? let me know.)
Anyhoo…Brook started having contractions and at 3 am-ish, her water broke.
That’s when it all began…You may recall she was gung-ho about going natural…even if it meant a breeched birth…like I honestly believed that she would choose to tear off her arm in pain before ever considering any other option. And since she was attempting a VBAC, she knew that it would definitely require the gumpshin to tackle it and the right doctor. Some of you recognized my description of “little Jewish man” as the dead ringer for Doctor Tate. You were right! And I got to meet the famous all-natural-method man.
Let me tell you…this man was incredibly patient and let my dear friend decide her fate…which is kinda unheard of these days when it comes to labor and delivery. I really liked him after we chatted…he’s a quirky kinda guy (which you know immediately makes me feel kindred to him) but he does have his downfalls. I mean, the man doesn’t touch bacon. Can’t win em all 🙂
At about 2 in the morning (this is after OVER 24 hours of natural laboring), Dr. T recommended some Pitocin to get her cervix open. Did I mention that this girl hadn’t slept in over 2 days? Yeah. Ridiculous. So in order to gather her strength to push, she got an epidural after the Pit (so that she could sleep for an hour or two!) and a few hours later was able to birth a beautiful baby girl after only 30 minutes of pushing.
Honestly, I am jealous beyond measure. And hopeful. It makes me think that there is a slim chance of me delivering my next baby without a c-section. I hope. Dr. Tate was all like “come see me the next time” but I don’t know if you can trust a man that doesn’t eat pork. I mean…with the exception of Jesus of course 🙂
I know Brook was slightly disappointed that she delivered with a bit of help…but c’mon girls…you don’t run the marathon the first time to win. You run to finish. and not die. And then you get an awesome prize at the end. I wish I could scream that from mountain tops to all you pregnant girls out there. DO IT, TRY and if it gets to be too much, there is no shame in getting meds. You are a winner either way!
Now let me step off my self-made-soapbox…
Little Margaret Olive was born at 7:39 am on Tuesday morning and weighed in at 7 pounds 4 ounces. She was 19 inches long. AND BEAUTIFUL. I thought that vaginal births always meant a wonky head…but this little girl was GORGEOUS. Julia and I already have Ethan and Will fighting over who takes her to prom.
Jeremy, Will and I got to see her before and during her first bath. Man, this girl can let loose a yelp! She might be a singer one day with a big voice like that. And the hair! My goodness…I love dark hair on a newborn.
So I hope you join me in congratulating this really special family on their new addition. Little Maggie is absolutely perfect, you guys. She almost makes me want to get pregnant again. Almost.
Beautiful photos! Congratulations to those wonderful people in them! Yes, I agree – we shouldn’t feel AT ALL guilty after accepting help at such crucial and dangerous times, such as when delivering a baby! Also, we should never judge others for the way they cope in those scary times, and afterwards (nursing or not nursing, especially). My first two kids were amazing, textbook children and that made me so proud – of course, I didn’t know it, since a veil was over my eyes, just like the Pharisees never knew they were hypocrits, they just thought they were always right:)!, but my third child (all boys, btw:)) taught me that ‘surviving’ is the operating word in the first 6 months:))) Man, I always talk too much! Anyway, love your blog and your personality:)! Greetings fom Croatia:)
Yay!!! I’ve been wondering (and praying!) how her labor went. So happy for their little family and that Brook was able to safely VBAC. And what an exquisite little baby, and gorgeous name to boot.
Awwww so adorable! Love the pictures!
Oh Congrats are definitely in order for the special family!
KT – you take phenomenal photos!
It’s like baby central at Bower Power and I love it! Congrats to the family!
Hi Katie!
I love this!!!! Beautiful!!!
Did you see what ACOG just announced? (American College of Gynecology and Obstetrics) It is safe and appropriate for women with not only one prior csection, but even two csections to have a VBAC. You can do it!!! 🙂
gorgeous!! congrats to their family (and will’s future gf)
Katie, your pictures and that sweet baby girl are both gorgeous! Congrats to the family!
Wow, what beautiful babies you have been surrounded by. The pictures of Margarets first moments are absolutely beautiful! Congratulations Brook!
Congratulations to everyone! My second was a VBAC and it was WONDERFUL compared to the section. You can do it!
She is beautiful! Also, you look great! I don’t know how your diet is going, but you look like you’ve lost weight!
I LOVE these pictures!! I especially the love the first one of little Maggie smiling and the one with mom and dad and baby, while mom and dad are kissing. So precious. Wanna come to Oregon to take some picture of us when we arrive home with our little Ethiopian baby!?
Congrats to the family! Maggie is beautiful and I love the pictures you got of the family. My second was a VBAC and I highly recommend it! You just need the right doctor (we opted for a homebirth with a midwife), even if he doesn’t eat bacon!
Beautiful post. Margaret is my name too! Congrats!
Beautiful! 🙂 I’m a Margaret too. Margaret Calla to be exact. I just adore the name Olive and it’s on my “girl list” if I ever do have kids.
These pics are amazing! Baby Maggie is soooo sweet. The pic of the mom and dad holding her and kissing – SO adorable. Makes my uterus hurt to see all these baby pics.
And! Can we just talk about how GORGEOUS Brook’s hair is? Naturally curly? It is truely beautiful. And she looks so great in the hospital!
Okay – enough gushing. I want to see the 2nd round of maternity pics!
Your pictures are so sweet. I especially like the last one because Will and Maggie are already checking each other out! You might win the prom date contest! 🙂
Ah, I’m ready for this again! I LOVE the pic of mom and dad lip locked with babe in the middle – and she does have ridiculously great hair. So not fair!
Beautiful pictures and what a sweet baby girl! I couldn’t agree with you more about trying for a natural birth. I was dead set on a natural birth with my first and when it didn’t happen, I was a little disappointed at first, but then I realized there was no shame in getting the epidural. I was once again set on having a natural birth with my 2nd, but other factors stepped in. Overall, I have two beautiful healthy children and I couldn’t ask for more! Stay up on your soapbox!! =)
Awwwww what a cutie!! Congrats!
I wonder who Will is gonna pick, Clara or Margaret? Tough choice for sure!
Aww you are too sweet. I’m back to my pre-baby weight…although I think it got reorganized onto my body because my midsection is still a little wobbly as it sits on the top of my jeans 🙂 Thankfully it didn’t require a diet per se…just breastfeeding!
XO – Katie
Wow, congratulations–all around! What an exciting time for you, your friends and family!
I know Jenny…I can’t wait till he actually meets Clara. Until then, I think he likes having Maggie around. He’s such a little playa 🙂
XO – Katie
Sheena…I am jealous too. And yes it is all natural! Can you believe that those photos of her kissin’ Kent was just a few hours after giving birth to Maggie?!?!
XO – kb
Congrats, Brook! You look fab, BTW!
You’re getting to be such a great photographer!! I was tearing up and I haven’t even read the text yet. 🙂 Welcome to the world, little gal!
Congratulations to the newly-expanded family!
I have a sweet almost-five-month-old daughter who was a VBAC and I can’t say enough about how great an experience it was. That said, I can’t stress enough how important it is to find a doctor who is supportive of your wishes and choices during childbirth, whatever they may be. My doctor was an unbelievable support throughout my pregnancy and then during the birth–so much so that I almost feel like he became a part of our family that night (and not in a creepy, strange way like that must sound!).
In addition, recovery from a VBAC is so much smoother than a c-section that I honestly felt almost normal within a few days, which is a huge plus with a rambunctious three-year-old big brother around. I am, if it’s not obvious, a huge fan of the VBAC experience . . .
And finally ( I really didn’t intend to write a novella here), I totally agree with the sentiments you expressed (along with those of previous comments) on respecting other women and their birth choices. Drugs, no drugs, at home, in a hospital, breastfeeding, formula feeding… all of it. It’s hard enough to be a mom without bearing the brunt of being judged by those who should be the most understanding, i.e. other moms.
Sorry for the rant . . . I feel very passionate about these subjects! And back to the point of the post: what a beautiful new little life to have around! Congrats again!
Great photos, Katie and congrats to Brook and her family! Such a beautiful baby! And yes, I’d love to see the rest of your photo shoot with her. I, too, had a successful VBAC and preferred it over the c-section; I’m happy to hear (from another commenter) that ACOG supports VBACs.
I noticed that the wobbly bit that hung over my jeans went away after I stopped breastfeeding. I think (for some women) the body holds on to a little extra fat to help nourish the baby.
Good luck! Audrey’s right – you look great! 🙂
Beautiful baby, beautiful family, beautiful photos. Just beautiful!
I really wanted an unmedicated birth but due to my gestational diabetes who made for a big baby, we had to have a c-section. This really makes me hopeful that I can try for, not only a VBAC, but also unmedicated.
Those photos are beautiful. You’re really talented!
WOW – look how big Will looks! When did that happen?
beautiful pictures katie. you really have talent!
all i know is that if you want a vbac you better go to an obgyn that supports this decision 100% … and has experience. great to see that someone posted acog’s release! my mil is a leading obgyn and says that one of the mistakes women make with vbacs is delivering with a doctor that is a) inexperienced in vbacs and b) doesn’t fully support the decision.
good luck! there is hope! remember, darby had a vbac with jm.
Katie you take such beautiful pictures! I wish I lived nearby so that you could take my maternity photos! I”m going to show my ph0tographer your site so he can copy your style for my next maternity pics. Your friends are very lucky:).
And you couldn’t have said it better about delivery… every woman should be proud no matter what! I had a c-section with my first and my doctor does not support a VBAC for my baby due in Dec. He told me from the very beginning. I could’ve looked for another doctor, but I chose not to. I trust my dr. and his reasoning completely and I feel like it is the right decision. I have prayed a lot about it and I continue to pray that God will lead me to the delivery He wants me to experience. Sometimes I feel like such a dunce for having a c-section in the first place and willingly accepting a second, but I remind myself that God knows what he’s doing! What other people say doesn’t matter. I think we should all be proud no matter what and stop being so hard on ourselves and others! Ok, off my soapbox now! Love reading your blog!
Feel the VBAC love! Katie, thank you for sharing these pictures. I had a medically necessary c-section in June with my first child, and I’m already praying and trying not to worry about what will happen the next time I get pregnant. Thank you for posting such beautiful pictures. I know you were posting them to share the photography, but they make me feel encouraged about my chances of having a better birth experience next time.
Hey Katie, like you my son was over 9 pounds and a c-section, and like your friend I had a cute little doctor who says no-no to bacon (but then again, I’m the same so it doesn’t bother me) Here’s to hoping no more c’s!
She is beautiful!! You took some really great post delivery family shots! The one of the two leaning against each other melts my heart!
Absolutely adorable! I love the first pic – she looks so content!
Hi there! Just came across this today! I love the pictures you take, Katie! I wish i had your photography skills!
And congrats to your friend on her VBAC! i did it! All natural (but mine was in also in a hospital setting). I am hoping that baby #3 is a successful homebirth!!!