Buying Dream House Status Report #2
If you missed the first one – click here to catch up on what’s what.
Things are movin’ right along with the Dream House. And the biggest thing that happened since our last Status Report is that we have POWER! That’s right…a little Bower Power 🙂 I’ve been waiting a long time to write that. Having electricity really changes what you can see…like I had never actually seen the upstairs bathroom between the Jack & Will rooms….and what things really look like. For example, the kitchen…it looked just fine in the middle of the day with natural light. The color of the kitchen looked fresh and even with the layer of crud & dust, the entire thing looked good enough to live with for a long time.
But with the lights on, the entire thing transformed. I feel like the room looks way more dynamic and the cabinets look richer. Of course, some of the under cabinet lights need fixing and the eating area needs an entirely different fixture…but as a whole, I loved it way more after seeing it with the electricity flowin’ through it.
The path to power isn’t paved without a few potholes. Or drywall holes.
You may remember how our service cable was cut.
Apparently, when the bank hired an electrician to fix the cut cable, there was quite a bit of electrical work that needed to be addressed. The basement was the scene of the crime when it came to ‘flaws’ with the electrical – and they ended up needing to fix the cable, reroute lots of wires, bring the entire home up to code, and cover up several exposed outlets throughout the home.
That’s my nephew Cole at the bottom – he’s teaching those upcoming presidential candidates how to throw out proper peace signs.
The ceiling was actually something that got us emotional after we first saw it because of several reasons. One – we didn’t realize what a huge job this was…and we were very thankful that we wrote it into our original offer that the bank would be responsible for fixing it. In the end, it would have cost us several thousand dollars just to fix the cable and bring the house up to code. Secondly – we were concerned because we really didn’t want to have to fix drywall in the entertaining room in the basement…as well as a couple other holes in the mud area and the neighboring play area. If there is one thing I hate doing, it’s mudding. A little patch here and there doesn’t upset me but when I think about over a dozen large holes on a ceiling that need patched…well…consider this Jersey Peach a little sour. Thankfully, we found out a couple days later that the bank would be fixing these as well. Whew!
Another major progress item in the house is the mildew removal.
In five rooms in the basement (both bedrooms, the mud area, the play area, the landing and the little dining area) we noticed dusty gray and white residue on the walls. At first we were concerned that it was mold. So we googled. Everything that we found led us to believe it was mildew. So we talked to our FHA contractor about it and he said that it was mildew and he would check to see if he could find evidence of mold. Since we have really access to behind all of the walls, we looked and looked and he agreed that this mildew was from lack of air circulation and lack of temperature regulation (the furnace in the basement had been removed) and the moist air that got trapped in these rooms.
He recommended that we immediately treat all the walls and ceiling to remove the growth. First of all – mildew is like mold in that it is a fungus. Not good. Mildew can also stain your walls and ceiling. Mildew is easily treatable but if you find that you have mildew IN your walls…well, it probably needs to be taken care of by a professional.
We treated ours by using a 50/50 bleach/water solution.
We mixed it in large buckets and then used grouting sponges to wipe the walls and ceiling.
My mom and dad came to help and it was HUGE to have an extra set of hands to watch Will upstairs while the other three peeps wiped down all the rooms. We HIGHLY recommend wearing masks, rubber gloves and opening all the doors and windows that you can – that bleach is strong.
We also found that the best way to get maximum results is to work in a smaller area. We did about a 4×4 foot area at a time. First you want to use a sponge that has been dipped in the bleach solution but isn’t soaking or dripping. Protect all the areas that you don’t want spots on. Then you wipe three times. This is where that fun grouting sponge comes into play. First you wipe with the sponge side. This removes all the growth that is on top of the wall. Then you wipe with the other side – it has a gritty texture to it that helps scrub the walls extra well. The final wipe is with a normal sponge side again.
Now that we are all high on bleach fumes, I thought I’d give you a little more insight on the two main things that the FHA contractor is going to do for us. Because the Dream House is a foreclosure, these items are required by the government to get done so that we have a livable space. The contractor comes in – assessed what the house needs – submits the work and the price to the bank – they either agree or disagree to accept that bid – then the FHA inspector comes in and makes sure that the house is livable while taking into account the work that will be completed by the contractor.
The bid amount that is to be paid to the contractor will be added to our mortgage amount. And the work that needs to be done will be AFTER closing. I believe that sometimes they will do it prior to closing…but in our case, it’s gonna happen after.
The very first thing on the contractor’s list is the basement furnace. At first we didn’t know if this would be required…but in the end, the space is considered finished and it will be something that we need in the next couple years so we don’t feel like it’s breaking the bank to go ahead and get one now.
The second item is the water heater. We don’t really understand why anyone would take a water heater but apparently it was really important to the previous owners. Jeremy is standing next to where it was supposed to go. You see that stream of water? Yup…hooked up to that.
We have a buddy who builds high end homes that has offered us an electric water heater but we need to measure it to see if it will even fit in the space. I’ll let you know.
That’s it. Those are the only two things that we have to have before we move in. Although there are some changes that we want before all the boxes come in…like carpet. You may remember that horrible colored carpet in the upstairs rooms? Yeah…the floor coverings that make me want to throw myself into a jail cell and throw away the key?
Well, we are already on our way to picking out replacements. And nobody knows that jail cell feeling like Martha Stewart. That was low. I know 🙂 But seriously – she is our front runner right now on carpet selection choices.
Before we can tear out the old and lay the new, we definitely need to clean. CLEAN EVERYTHING. It’s so nasty dirty in there…it makes dive bars look clean. And before we clean, we need to close. You may have forgotten…we still don’t own the Dream House yet. But all that changes on Valentines Day 🙂
Now you may be thinking…well, katie how’s the sale of your house going? did you rent it? did you sell it? what’s up?
Well as of today we are currently between two different options. We received a rental offer (for more than we were asking!) and we received a lease/purchase offer. We counter-offered the lease/purchase offer. Hopefully, fingers and toes crossed, tomorrow we will hear if they have accepted…or counteroffered. With both options we will need to be out prior to March 1st. That means that we will have only a couple of weeks to clean, replace carpet, pack up, move out and move into our house. AHH!
Crazy huh?
Plumb bob crazy.
Oh and did I mention that we are trying to do this while keeping up with a newly budding photography business, a walking ten month old and a blog that is seriously in need of organization? I’m pooped just thinking about it.
Let’s change the subject. I have an idea. We were gonna try to come up with a name for the new house. Something fun. Something perfect suited for it. Let’s put it to you. I’d love to hear what you would call it. Jeremy suggested Biltmore Junior. McMansion is always a fav. I thought it would be fitting to call it Pickled Acres. You know…because it has a pickleball court and we love the five acres of land. I know that you can be more creative than that. Let the name game begin…
Let there be light!!! Everything looks awesome… the blue even looks different in the kitchen. Can ‘t wait to see what carpet pattern you choose.
WOW you are so busy!!! You are lucky that you were able to get into your dream home and start to clean and fix things up before the closing!!! Can’t wait to see the progress report!!
What about Tara? That way, at the dinner table, you can lift up your silverware and proclaim that you “will never go hungry again!”
Btw, I once heard a story where the foreclosed owner was so mad at the bank for foreclosing that he glued everything shut. Windows, drawers, doors, you name it. Crazy huh?
How about Bower Towers! 🙂
I think the name should have something to do with BACON! But I can’t think of anything clever at the moment 🙁
We bought a house with super-nasty carpeting, too (think urine…and they didn’t own a dog!). After we tore out the vile carpet, we washed the subfloor with bleach, let it dry thoroughly, then painted with Kilz primer/stainblocker (there are a few different varieties of Kilz, you want the one that seals in any stains). And we lived on the subfloor for a few years. Now, I know it would be much easier to put the new carpet in BEFORE you move in — I’m just saying, two weeks is not a lot of time (yeah, like you don’t already know that!), and if you run out of time, you can live on the subfloor for a month or two (or thirty). And even if you do make time for new carpet, I would still strongly recommend the whole wash/paint subfloor thing, for peace of mind if nothing else. But maybe you’re not a germaphobe like me.
Good luck with all you need to do in the next couple of weeks — we will all understand if you’re not posting much in the near future. (maybe you could just toss up some Will photos now and then to keep the hungry masses appeased.)
I feel your pain! We have to be out of our current home by Sunday and Wednesday we got snow! Yeah SNOW! IN MISSISSIPPI!!!! That put us way behind on the moving. So we have two days to move ALL of our furniture out. We close Monday and then we have to wait until mid March to close on our new home. Once we close we start renovating and then we can finally move in it. All of this happens while taking care of a two year old. GAG a maggot! I could puke just thinking about it.
The new house is gorgeous with the lights on!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! on the rental AND purchase offer! that’s incredible…what a weight off of your shoulders it must be! This is definitely the best Valentine’s Day ever for you guys!
Are you worried at all that this could be a money pit?
Bower Manor, perhaps?? 🙂
How about “Gauche, Gaudy, and House-Poor”? Oh wait: That’s you guys! Okay…how about “Unnecessary Acres”?
Hi Katie,
Congrats on the progress on your dream house. Before we moved into our short sale last summer, we had to replace all the carpet as well. On the advice of our mortgage broker and friend, we drove up to Carpets of Dalton and met with Dennis Duckworth (3010 Old Dug Gap Road, Dalton, GA 30721, 706-277-3132). He got us a fabulous deal on carpet and hardwood, and we’re very happy with the result. My dad even got the same carpet put in his house last week. We compared prices with several other places, and they were by far the best. Just thought I’d pass on the info to you. It was definitely worth the trip for us. Good luck!
Glad to hear that things are moving forward! I doubt the people took their water heater…Saw an add on Craigslist a few months ago that I am pretty sure was a house going into foreclosure…they were selling anything that a builder could haul away. I am sure they do that to get as much money out of the house as they can before they leave. It seems dishonest to me. Stinks to be the one buying!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!
Hahahaha, love it!
The rental/purchase offer sounds great, Bowers. That would give you a lot of piece of mind!
This made us laugh because we really are going to be house-poor 🙂
xo – kb
Pickleball Palace?
Lotsa-Work Landing?
Beautiful home, if anyone can make it through the next few weeks, you guys can.
for every one hater there are hundreds of supporters!
Bower Estate, Bower manor, Kensington (why? b/c I think it sounds cool), Bower Dreams, but McMansion is my favorite for obvious reasons. Like…then your boyfriend would be McSteamy and how cool would that be?
yikes! you are going to be a busy woman! so amazing though that your house would sell/rent so quickly!! ummmm but I pretty much just want to say that I noticed the BC sweatshirt and love that you’re representing 🙂
I’m excited to see the progress at the dream house! Best of luck for closing!
My husband wanted me to mention that the masks you were wearing were particle masks as opposed to a mask that would block bleach fumes, more of a respirator like this:
Since I’m assuming you were wearing it for safety reasons – I’m just pssing along what he said…
I would have worn the same thing you did having no idea what I was doing 🙂 It’s good he’s around for that stuff!
Congrats! What cool news! Nice that you have 2 offers on your current home and so great that lots of details are getting taken care of on the new casa! It looks beautiful with the lights on! 🙂 As far as names I love the previous suggestions of Bower Manor! Really cute! But, you are great with words I know you’ll come up with the perfect name for your dream home! I couldn’t think of a cooler close date than Valentines Day! 🙂
~ Ali
I’m jealous- I want to live there too. Looks like there’s lots of room for me 🙂
I’m glad you can get some of the “must do’s” scratched off your list before you move in. I think it makes a lot of sense to redo the carpeting now before you’re in. Hopefully the new carpets aren’t too stinky (you know the smell I’m talking about? Nope? Oh, I’m weird) because you might need a few days to let if off gas.
Good luck with the offers! 🙂
Ooh! Like this suggestion. Bower Power brought to you from Bower Towers. Yes, like that alot. Then you could break up your layout too, like the Jack & Will rooms might be on the East Tower. The basement could be the Sub Tower…maybe?
holy crud how rude! jealous much?
Way to handle rude people with class Katie. Seriously! The house is beautiful and I am really happy for y’all.
Wahoo! The house looks great! I’m a long time lurker. There’s a lot to learn about carpet that they won’t tell you, my husband sells carpet for a mill so we know a lot that they don’t say.
Here are a few tips…
Don’t buy from Costco, Lowes or HomeDepot. They all may run specials but totally hike up the prices, they’re way expensive and use worse quality carpet (Costco has the quality issue).
Magic Fresh is SOOO worth the money. We have gone through two dogs potty training and a cat that has a bladder issue, we can’t smell it. It doesn’t eliminate scent but it does basically chop it up into little pieces that can’t be smelled by humans. I wish we got the stainmaster too, both are totally needed for us!
Also, don’t buy a dyson, NO carpet manufacturers cover dyson damage, yes it’s that awesome that it rips the carpet out.
Hope that helps!
First rule of thumb when blogging about buying a house that looks like something most people would never be able to buy (particularly a 30-yr-old), is to never ask what the proper “big-house” name should be. I get that it’s a forclosure, and real estate in Atlanta is really cheap- but in light of the economy where most people are struggling, posts like that just seem out of touch. If you are more plugged in, and sensitive to the outside world than you seem, it would do your blog wonders to show that side. Particularly the very last paragraph of this post- total disconnect. There are people out there losing jobs, wondering how to pay their bills and you are debating between the name “McMansion” or “Pickled Acres”. The whole house situation would seem much more palatable if there were a trace of humbleness and grace.
How about The Sky Ranch? or The Bacon Ranch. :o)
Congrats on the gorgeous kitchen, and your upcoming Valentine’s Day closing. I’ll be thinking of you!
I love the one someone else mentioned The Bower Tower! Or here’s a few more:
Bower Villa
Casa de Bower
The Bower Castle
The Bower Kingdom
The Cardboard Box (just to be silly)
I looooove the dream house. You guys really did find the perfect diamond in the rough. So happy for you guys – ok, and maybe a little jealous 😉
Wow, looks like somebody is jealous! Love your new house Katie! I am so excited to see all the great things you will do for this home. It will be beautiful!!!
When my parents first married, a great opportunity came along for them to buy a big house for a great price. They had no kids and some people thought they were crazy, but they bought it and fixed it up (are still fixing it up!), ended up having a huge family, and it has always been a gathering place for family, friends, etc. Relatives and friends call up all the time and say “Hey, we’re passing through, can we come see you?” There’s always a place for them to sleep if the catching up runs late into the night. Also, my parents host a completely RSVP-free Sunday dinner for any family friends who want to come, every Sunday. That house has made it possible for some many wonderful relationships to be built. I know that you have a dream of this sort of thing happening in your home. Perhaps the rude responder above is short-sighted or unable to share the joy of others.
You know that you are right Amy. This is something that would be difficult to swallow if you were struggling. I have family that struggles and it’s not easy. And you are correct about me being out of touch…I mean, I am stuck at home all day with the baby and my laptop…but honestly this was never meant to be hurtful or bragging. I hope everyone knows that. I guess I just look at it like I went thrift store shopping and got a great deal on a big item. And since my family was naming the house at family dinner the other night, I thought it would be fun to hear all the creativity from other folks as well. I would probably do this no matter the size of the home – just because it’s funny.
Xo – kb
Geeze, I guess misery really does love company! Well, I for one, am really proud of you guys. You both seem to have your head on straight and you have really great family orientated goals. I truly hope you guys succeed in everything you do. You are so talented and you work hard for the things you want. I say more Bower Power to ya! And keep up the good work! I feel like the story of your house and how you are making it all work is more inspiring than it is insulting. Team Katie!
That’s where we got our carpet and hardwoods as well. They also have lists of installers they recommend. Very helpful.
My first thought for a name was The Bowery (a shady garden), but googling it, I found that there is a seedy area in NYC known as the Bowery, so maybe not such a good idea- phooey, I really like that name! Congrats on everything moving forward- what a BLESSING! Don’t let the little arrows shot your way steal your joy. In the Old Testament, they often placed a pile of stones and named a place in honor of what God did there. That would be a neat idea to put a large stone in your yard and name your home in honor of God’s blessing and provision. Hmmm, The Blessed Bowery- see, I still like that name! 🙂
Can I tell you how strangely happy the basement cleaning made me? I know that my joy in seeing grossness conquered may not be shared by many, but there’s something satisfactory about cleaning when you can visibly see the difference – way to go on all the hard work!
Also, I think you should seriously consider naming your new home Graceland. Elvis would be proud. 🙂
I didn’t know there was a “first rule of thumb when blogging about buying a house that looks like something most people would never be able to buy (particularly a 30-yr-old).” Good to know!
Your blog shows your work hard! Enjoy that big giant house of yours!
Amy, it is true that a lot of people are in hard times. That will ALWAYS be true. If you (as I do) live in a small apartment with loud neighbors and not much hope of the living situation changing anytime soon, then just enjoy Katie’s situation with her. Rejoice with those who rejoice…it will go a long way toward improving your outlook.
Katie, I’ve never sensed that you were “out of touch.” You just work hard and probably spend less time sitting in front of the TV than I do. 🙂
I love your blog Katie, you seem sooooo sweet, so so so nice, so caring. I love that you make fun of yourself in practically every post, it cracks me up and it just shows that you ARE humble and down to earth. There’s a reason you have so many loyal followers – you are awesome! 🙂
That said.. I can TOTALLY understand the jealous comments. I myself have hard time reading sometimes! You have the perfect life – you married a great guy who makes a ton of money, bought you a really nice car, a laptop, an iphone, you have a super nice camera any of us would love to steal from you, lol, and you don’t work. You get to stay home and play with your beautiful baby, and you’ve admitted you don’t clean… so those of us who have to go to work every day to help pay the mortgage/bills and then come home and help take care of the house might sometimes let that jealousy monster creep in and plant those evil thoughts – “Geez she is spoiled!” And I KNOW you would never, ever brag, but for people who are having a harder time it can come off that way. Jealousy, to a certain extent, is normal. But you don’t deserve the rude comments! In an indirect way I feel like I’m being rude, I apologize for that!!!
The house is beautiful! My house, it’s ehh… a bit smaller 😛 but I’m excited to see what you do with yours – you’re providing us with free inspiration! Half my decorating ideas were stolen, er, inspired(!) from awesome blogs like yours! 🙂 Keep posting pics of “McMansion”. I feel some inspirational rap lyrics floating around in my head about ignoring haters, but there are too many swears involved, lol.
Interestingly, I am not in a real tough situation, therefore I didn’t say what I did above out of jealousy. God has blessed us far beyond what we deserve. My husband has a great job and I have the ability to work as much or little as I want for our local school district. (I curently work 2 days a week). Without getting into the specifics of my own situation, I can simply say that we have been truly blessed. Because I acknowledge that this isn’t the case for everyone (and working in the school district with precious families and children who don’t have much) I am sensitive to the fact that others aren’t as fortunate. When I see posts that come off disconnected, and insensitive to the world around, I get particularly offended because I see daily how tough it is for others. It’s why I would never drag around pictures of my house, our big remodel projects, or ask for advice on nicknames for my over-sized house on 5 acres. I mean, think about it. You guys are sweet for patting Katie on the back and I applaud your effort at cheering on this senerio (one that will probably unfold to be quite different and more eye-opening than it is fancied to be), but come on. The tone of these posts and especially that last paragraph is just silly. Sensitivity, humbleness, awareness of the plight of others, thought before speaking, and being plugged in to the world around you- these are good qualities. I will always be troubled by people who seem insensitive, ingenuine (if that’s how you say it), boastful, and then clueless about how anyone would be affected by it. That’s just too much. Sorry for this interruption of reality. Now…. back to voting on proper names for Katie’s mansion! Yall have fun~
Oops, I said you don’t work, that’s offensive. What the heck is this blog anyway? I take that back! 🙂
Amy I have to say that I understand that you feel this way because of working in a school district. I, too, work as a teacher and see many children suffering because of being born into a situation that they have no control over. I preach everyday that the only way that children of these situations can move to a better way of life is to get an education. Most of them understand and truly give their best efforts.
My advice to you is to look at this from Katie’s perspective. I have read her blog and feel that for the most part she is in tune with decorating on the cheap. Most of her projects are done with little to no purchased materials and without the help of a high paying decorator. I don’t think you could classify her home or her projects as being out of touch rather she is showing the possibilities of what could be if given a little bit of DIY education.
I live in the Northeast corridor where property values are not what they are in Atlanta areas. I often dream about leaving this overly-populated area and moving south where family and a slower paced lifestyle seem to be prevalent. I have never read anything on Katie’s blog that showed evidence of rubbing her situation in other people’s faces.
I feel a lot of women who run these blogs are given a bad rap because design is important to them and they have made it a point to create a gorgeous home out of a Q-tip and an allen wrench. If they can do it we can all do it. You, obviously, choose to spend your time and money in other ways, and that is ok. But, please, do not chastise others for how they choose to spend theirs.
Katie and her husband are good, family-oriented, faithful, God-fearing people and I hope you can put your misplaced judgments aside — because that is what they are, judgments. “Judge not, lest you be judged.”
Oh, I just noticed the name on the carpet sample!!! Tybee Island!!! That is such a lovely spot to take a vacation to! We went in 2008 and I can’t wait to go back someday. Oops…Is that okay to talk about vacations?
To be honest, Amy, your comments come across the way you are describing the posts. You probably don’t mean it that way but that’s what really strikes me when reading them. God is very faithful to teach people things in His own time and way, and we each do have our share of hard times. I would not step on another person’s joy, both because I have my own that comes from Him even though I’m not wealthy by this world’s standards, and because that person is going to have hard times in life too. I don’t want to step in His place and speak what only He has a right to speak.
Oh, and when I looked at the front of the house I thought, Stoney Manor Haven… or something else restful and relaxing for all the people you will entertain. I’m sure you will use your house well for the benefit of your family and others. I grew up with a family at my church that had a HUGE house in Potomac, MD (one of the wealthiest areas in the countries)… they were so humble, sweet, and generous, and ALWAYS had people over. Every Thanksgiving they would invite anyone at the church who didn’t have family locally or didn’t have other plans to come over and they would spend that day together, enjoying food and fellowship. Talk about using your house well!
Typo — I meant, “one of the wealthiest areas in the country” (not countries :). Though that might be true too, who knows.
And one interesting tidbit about the father of that family: he didn’t even have his own bed growing up!
Hey Amy, Stop reading the blog then.
Congratulations! This is awesome news. So excited for you guys! You are right it looks amazing in the light. So cool!
Hi Bethany,
First of all – thanks for your comment. It wasn’t rude at all…just speaking kindly from a place of honesty. And secondly – I totally agree with you. Jealousy is normal. Sometimes I feel it…about those girls that got to go to HS prom or the ones that have tons of friends from their college sorority or that always say the kindest things and have the reputation of being ‘sweet’. Believe me…there is something to be jealous about with everyone. And I am spoiled…I know it. But I am also very aware that most of the folks that read this blog only get about 2% of Bower real life….it’s next to impossible to share it all…while still actually living life…so you don’t get to see the hardships, the trials, the stories about when we were dating and Jeremy had to move in with my parents because he got laid off, the times of us living on PB&J, no tv, and my fifteen year old car that broke down at willy nilly to frantically pay off the credit card debt that haunted us. You guys don’t get to hear about that. You hear about our celebrations, our happiest moments, and our good deals. And personally – I like it that way…it reminds me of what I should be thankful for.
oh and because I don’t want Jeremy to get a big head – the car is in my name, the laptop was bought with money that I saved, and the camera is one that the blog paid for…and I do clean….just not everyday like my mother would like….and that beautiful baby is screamin’ his head off right now so I better run 🙂
xo – kb
Ney Nikki~
will do!
Thanks for this reply Katie, it helps to hear a little about “real” life stuff, but I know what you mean – blogging about the bad stuff isn’t any fun. Thanks for sharing some of that personal information. It probably sucks that this is YOUR blog and you get people like me butting in and making comments like that! We’ve never met, yet here I am prattling on about your life, lol, it’s so weird.
By the way, I’m an engineer and I can’t afford a Nissan Armada.. but I’m at the beginning of my career… someday!! 🙂
is it too generic to keep calling it dream house? I like the barbie reference!
let’s just ignore the negative comments. all they want is to cause drama anyway so let’s just ignore them like i tell my 7th grade students to ignore the mean girls & the bullies 😉
i’m excited to see what you do with that kitchen!!
The Bacon Barn?
Bacon Acres?
Hmmm…not sure. Still thinking! By the way, I was unemployed for over a year and my husband was in graduate school, so the money was not exactly flowing. The good Lord Jesus, friends & family, and blogs like Bower Power kept me going when times were tough–thinking of things to write about on my own blog, enjoying others’ blogs–it gave me something to look forward to: that no matter how difficult the job search and the bill paying became, I knew God would be faithful and my home, no matter how small or big, owned or rented, was a happy and healthy and creatively decorated place for my husband and me.
So, you go Katie Bower! 🙂
Another unpopular responder here to say that I’m done reading, too. It cracks me up to hear all of you God People talking about “His Blessing” “His Work”, etc., ad nauseum. Wouldn’t you think that God would want her and her husband to buy a modest home on a modest budget and donate the rest of the money to a good cause? Or perhaps go on a mission to Central America to build homes for people that have nothing?
Or maybe–just maybe!–this is one of those situations where we get to watch someone get completely over their head (kinda like the previous owners).
There was absolutely nothing wrong with the last house, except that it clearly wasn’t huge enough.
And get off the “clearly this person is jealous” bandwagon: I’m just one of those people that thinks that a home like this is nothing more than a trophy and a way to prove to the world that you can have anything you want.
Me? I’ll live within my means, save for retirement, and shop at a thrift store only when I want to–not because I have no other options.
In the meantime, I’m curious. I’m not asking you to reveal your family’s income, but I am wondering what percentage of your income goes toward your new mortgage, your property taxes, and your estimated heating/cooling costs.
I bet these mean comments make you glad to have been home-schooled!
I think it makes perfect since to go for your dream house now. After all, it’s certainly a buyer’s market right now and who know what it’ll be like in a few years when you really need more space. It’ll also be so much easier to move with one not-yet-fully-mobile baby than several little ones in, say, five years.
Anyway, I’m wishing you the best of luck of the next few weeks and am so excited to read about your family’s new adventure. My husband and I are newly-married college students living in a tiny apartment. We dream of being in your shoes when we’re thirty!
I had no idea about the Dyson…good info! Thanks…
I’m not sure why certain people seem so angered by your blog posts — or why they feel the need to share that anger so venomously. Why not give Katie and Jeremy the benefit of the doubt? They’ve shared what their budget in looking for a house was, so we know that between low local real estate prices and the foreclosure status, they got a whole lotta house for not that much money. They’ve had a thorough inspection, so they know what the problems are. They have the luxury of having the problems be hugely noticeable — for instance, they knew before they even made an offer that there was no hot water heater, so they could budget for that (instead of buying a home with an older hot water heater and having it unexpectedly die and need replacing). Other than missing appliances and fixtures, the house’s only problems seem to be cosmetic — and cosmetic problems can be fixed creatively, cheaply, and over time. So why are there people who seem convinced they’re in over their heads?
Katie, I’ll be honest. Even in perfect condition at the perfect price, this wouldn’t be my dream house. I just wouldn’t want to live in a place that big. But, who cares if it’s my dream house? You’re the one who’s buying it, it should be your dream house — and it is! So good for you. And I’m really looking forward to seeing how you come up with creative and economical ways to fix up and decorate your dream house, so that I can steal some of them to use on my own (much smaller, and in worse condition) dream house.
Katie- Reading all the negative comments from others is totally sucking the joy out of my Saturday night, and its not even my blog or my house. I am hoping you are not taking these comments personally and are disregarding the rudeness. No matter what you do in life, someone is always there to rain on your parade. Moving on….. I personally like the name Bowerham Palace. (in reference to Buckingham Palace) It also refers to ham. And you know where that comes from…the same place that beloved bacon does!! I also am loving the Bower Towers!
Looking forward to the Feb 14th post!! Very exciting!!!
Couldn’t have said it better!
Yet you’re still here.
Congrats on the house, Bowers! I’m so happy for you that you’re getting your dream house…at such a great price! I have NO idea what is wrong with these people replying so negatively on here. Such nonsense! These people are judging you…having NO idea what you do for others who have less than you. Should you NOT enjoy this in your life…b/c others don’t have what you have? Ridiculous. There will always be people that have more than you do and have less than you do. God has blessed you…and part of that, I’m sure, is because you have put in the effort that it takes to receive these blessings from Him. Sometimes (not always) people who don’t have much are this way b/c they’re too lazy to work for it. Again, people…I said not always. I’m just really happy for you…enjoy!
Wow, some people are major buzz kills. Don’t let the haters get to you. Anyways, I am so happy for your little family moving into your new home!! You have to post on Monday to let us know what happens. How quickly will you be moving your stuff into the new house after closing?
p.s. I am with Brooke on Bowerham Palace!
Congratulations on the beautiful home! I especially love the kitchen–the cabinetry is gorgeous and the space looks fabulous. I agree about the light fixture in the dining area, though 😛
I love the above suggestion Bowerham Palace. Awesome! Or Pickle Palace. Or Chateaux Bower.
What’s up with the comments today? People are acting like you stole puppies from Haitian orphans. Don’t we come here for the great decorating ideas? This house is going to be a huge project full of ideas that I, for one, can’t wait to see! I wish people wouldn’t be so mean. 🙁
I do have a question about the ceiling in the basement… who made all the holes, the bank-hired contractors? Are they going to fix them and then paint the ceilings for you? It would be hard to match the red and I know you said you were doing that area last. That’s a lot of holes!!! Would be an extra bonus if they paint since I’m sure you have other colors in mind.
I don’t understand, what are those ceiling holes for?
I like the photos of you, and some of the best are the one with jeans skirt and boots or any other where you smile ;-))
Very fun Katie! Thanks for sharing your pictures and your story. I am excited and nervous for you and I appreciate your honesty. Your boy is cute, your husband loves you and you are cute as pie. I just can’t believe all the haters, seriously cannot understand why folks are so mean. That’s all I’ll say, just wanted you to get an encouraging comment after the Mean Girls made their statements.
I’m so confused why people are hatin’ on your house, Katie! If you can afford it, if it’s YOUR dream, who cares how big it is. Cuz let’s all be real here….if there is a first rule of thumb in life…it’s size does matter. HA!
No but seriously, I love love love your blog, and I totally get it. This is your DREAM home. This is probably the home that you’ll be living in the rest of your life. This is the house that your kid(s) will bring there friends over, have slumber parties, you’ll have birthdays, holidays, anniversaries….and who knows…It’s so beautiful maybe your kids will get married there! Nobody…NOBODY…should be bringing you and your husband down for all the hard work that you’ve done to have your dream home. Congrats for finding it and congrats on getting it for a steal. You have every right to shout it out to the world that you’ve got it. Sing from the mountain top, girl. It’s not a bad thing to get the most out of your money.
And just for reference…I happen to be one of those people in a hard situation. My husband has a30 year old family owned business that is currently falling on hard times. We do not have the funds to move and we live in a very small townhome with our two boys (our youngest being 10 moinths!!). Your blog inspires me to do more and get more with less….and also inspires me to follow my dreams as well (congrats on the photo biz!). I just can’t believe that there are people on here that are trying to bring you down. You go.
Keep doin what youre doin and it’s obviously working for you! Can’t wait to see more!
I have been following all of this and to be fair, bloggers open themselves up to the public eye every time they write and post. You take the good with the bad. I am no fan of being mean, but excessive praise and adoration for a person (in this case, Katie) that most of you guys don’t personally know is kinda weird in the opposite direction.
I think this site has some interesting decorating ideas and at times, funny posts. I will admit, however, that the last McMansion post was a bit much. HOLD UP EVERYONE- before you jump on me and tell me I have no right to think it’s impolite to brag or ask for input on names for her mansion- please realize I am not stirred up either way on all of this. I read everything and think the extreme sides on this issue are unneccesary.
Katie blogs about all kinds of things- some are great, some are good, and some I don’t relate to. So what?! I agree with the fans that there are lots of great ideas here. I would be lying if I didn’t admit that there are certain things I see (like the last paragraph of this post) that aren’t necessarily polite to say because it comes off less than considerate of other peoples situations.
SO?!? It is what it is. We all have the right to interpret these posts however they appear to us. Just because you guys don’t like how something she said was interpreted by some of the readers, doesn’t mean there is no truth or merit to it.
For example: calling readers “mean girls” because you don’t like how they responded to what most people (in the real world) would consider bragging, is unfair.
There are always blog followers that will wear blinders and praise the writer regardless. There will always be trolls that will simply seek to rock the boat. But lots of people are in the middle and are just keeping it real.
Bottom line on this particular issue: I genuinely don’t think Katie intended any harm, however, it would be considered impolite in many circles, to talk about your things (fancy home, etc) in a way that forces others to acknowledge their good fortune (i.e. help me name my mansion). If you guys can’t get your arms around the simplicity of that, you aren’t being honest.
To me this is like saying moms shouldn’t blog about their pregnancies or babies and ask for opinions on their baby’s name just because everyone isn’t fortunate enough to be a mom. If it bothers you that much then stop reading her blog. The rest of us are actually happy that Katie has found a fantastic dream home and excited that she is sharing this process with us!
Katie & Jeremy,
Congratulations on your new chapter of your life! I am so sorry that with your happy news there is so much hurt feelings too. I know it seems that you are buying so much of a home (and you really are) but really, when it comes down to the bottom line…the dollar amount is not excessive. I was thinking, we bought our home, built January 1981, yep we just had the house’s 93rd birthday. Our home’s price was much less than market value too. We have had to replace flooring, basement waterproofing, replace a waterheater, new electrical, new plumbing, rebuild the out garage, redo another out building, replace the roof, redo the front portch, and the list goes on and on. The thing is no one chastized us for buying or spending, we were in the right place at the right time and could do it. It is our dream. We have spent tons of money making our home liviable to us, I think it is great that you have the knowledge to have the bank do these repairs for you and that the house is in a very good state of repair, giving it was a forclosure. I think that it is even better that you are able to share your experiances with others so that they can learn from your experiance.
You and Jeremy have done so many cool DIY projects on the cheep, you have been an inspiration to myself and my husband. (We are getting ready to make our own bed too) Your countertop in the bathroom, we are copying that ! Your decor & that fact that everything is so inexpensive is great too. I can’t wait to see how you do 3000+ sq ft on that shoestring – but I have no doubt you will.
Who knows what your future holds, only God does. I think this home will be a haven to many more than just your family. I know you both want a house full of children, which will bring friends, sports teams, slumber parties, and millions of other get togethers. I know I like the fact that my kids are with their friends at our home. You both seem to be a loving and open armed family, I can see in a few years, when your children are older, you guys hosting missionaries, foster children, or exchange students. You just never know and your home will give you the flexability and options to do so if you wish. You never know what God has instore for any of us, it just takes a seed in our hearts to start growing. Sometimes that seed has to get alot of water before it can fully take root. I whole heartly believe things happen for a reason, this home too.
Best wishes for a smooth closing and a happy lifetime full of great memories.
Jenn W-M
Did nobody read the past entries where Katie has said what a large family she wants to have? It only makes sense to buy a house to fit her growing family.
I live in the suburbs in Alberta, Canada and my first home(12 more days!!!!) is a brand spanking new duplex that I’m not afraid to tell anybody that at 26 I was able to build a brand new home and neither should Katie for fear of judgement.
My duplex is 1/3 the size of her new home (fingers crossed) and cost $50,000 more then the Bowers $300,000 budget. But that doesn’t make me feel mean spirited, bitter or jealous because its my “dream home for now”. We chose something smaller as we don’t plan to have children and the Bowers chose something larger because they plan to have a large clan. End of story
And “McMansion” is funny. The world could use more people with a sense of humor, eh.
Oh…for a home name, which we did. My husband names everything, cars, homes, EVERYTHING. He thinks you take better care of it and it becomes part of the family when it has a name ????
I would recomend, casa di molte benedizioni, or House of Many Blessings.
Hi Katie, wow, I must have missed your original post that you are buying your dream home. Congratuations!!!! I am so happy for you guys. Can’t wait to see the progress, your kitchen is stunning!!! Have a great weekend.
Hi Katie,
About three months ago, we replaced carpet in our home and went with Home Depot because they honestly had the best bottom line price with their $97 install fee (we almost went with the Martha Stewart diamond pattern carpet (and the $37 install fee!!)). Ended up going with a different brand, I can’t remember the name to save my life, but I can send you pictures if you are interested, I love love love it! We ugraded to the nicer carpet padding as well, I am glad we did.
Just a tip – I bought a Lowe’s 10% off coupon on eBay for $1, which Home Depot matched, and we saved about $500 on our carpet & padding! I think it also reduced the labor charge by 10% as well?
Hope this helps!
So I scrolled down to see if anyone came up with funny or good names for your new house and was amazed that anyone would take offense to your post! As so many others have said, someone always has to rain on your parade when you are experiencing something positive in your life. Forget about em Katie! I love reading this and hope the hubby and myself have the opportunity to live in our dream house some day. I think it’s exciting and I hope you don’t let any of these silly party poopers make you feel down. Keep it comin! Can’t wait to see what you do with it. Between you and Young House Love I just don’t know what to do with myself! Inspiration overload! 🙂
I just typed out a long comment defending you (Katie), and then erased it… there is nothing to defend, I’m better off just leaving a comment saying that I LOVE the way that kitchen looks with lights on!! I was afraid that you’d say it looked horrible lit up, but so glad to see differently. Lookin’ good, hope everything goes well for you guys at closing tomorrow, and that’s fantastic news about the current house, good luck with that as well!!!
LOL! Yes, I’m absolutely certain that Katie was just thinking one day and decided that her house wasn’t huge enough and that she needed to get herself into debt “completely over their heads” so that people would think she could have anything she wanted. Absolutely, why didn’t I think of that sooner. Do you feel better now that you’ve pointed out your baseless opinion???
I’m not in a great financial situation. We’ve just bought our first house. It’s a huuge adjustment but reading Katie’s blog makes me believe that things will get better. You can still dream and with hard work, one day we could even upgrade and buy our dream house, just like the Bowers. Is there some rule that you can only buy one house in your lifetime? There is nothing wrong with having these ideals. There is nothing wrong with wanting better things for yourself. However, there is something wrong with a total stranger telling you that you shouldn’t want those things.
We have no idea what kind of financial situation the Bowers are in. From all that I’ve read over the last couple of years, they don’t rush into anything. Who are you to assume? We have this saying in Australia, you might have heard of it… you know what assuming does? It makes an ass out of you!
Dream Acres? Or does that date me….remember Green Acres…. maybe you can write a song too….grin. Enjoy the home.
Dear Katie,
How dare you! Yes, you read it correctly…I said how dare you! I can’t believe the nerve of you. Who does that? I mean really, who buys a two-piece after having a baby!?! I’m just not sure if I can read your blog anymore, because I can’t deal with the fact that you are in a two-piece after having Will. Is it not enough that you have the cute hubby that supports your dreams, the adorable child who makes me want another one, a too big – too gorgeous – too much land around it home at 30 (I vote for whoever said Bowerham…hilarious) and now you go and get your body back after baby also!? You just keep those pics to yourself missy, you hear?!
Ok, phew…I’m over that..I think! The holes in your walls literally made my stomach drop! So glad those will be taken care of for you. I’m truly happy that you and Jeremy are able to reach one of your dreams so early in life. It will be amazing having those 5 acres for your children to run and not worry so much about them. I’m from the country, so the bigger the yard, the better! 🙂 And, even if you didn’t have the blog, the photography business, and only your baby to raise…don’t forget that you are doing the most important, and hardest job which is being a stay-at-home mom!
Also, I would like to thank you for the education your blog provides me. I did not know what “gauche” meant…heck, I still don’t know if I’m pronouncing it right. But, thanks to your blog and I have put a new word into my small vocab. See, I am public education at its finest. 🙂
love the house! congrats! can’t wait to see what you’re going to do with it.
also wanted to say thank you for sharing all of this with us.
I’m so glad they will be fixing all those holes they made in the basement! I would have had a panic attack (possibly with tears) that would have lasted until I found out they were fixing it.
Hope the snarky comments didn’t get you down!
Good luck closing tomorrow! Looking forward to hearing about closing 🙂
xo- c
Not only because you are closing on you new home on Valentines Day, or because you have lots of work to do to make your dream house a home, I think you should call your new home The Love Shack. Plus then, thanks to the B-52’s you would have your own theme song. 🙂
Confession: I had to look it up too. And my mother had to teach me how to say it 🙂
Homeschooling at its finest…
xo – kb
That is great to know. We don’t have a Lowes around here and have looked at Home Deopt for carpet in a few rooms and never knew anyone who had lived with it in thier home. If you think about what the name of the carpet was I would love to know. We have been looking at the Martha samples too but it is all sooooo confusing. I just want to know can it hold up well over some time?
What exactly is a Pickleball court? I think having that in the name would be great though! Quirky and silly just like you!(and I mean that as a compliment) 🙂
The Bowery South.
I know those negative comments must hurt your feelings and I just really hate that for you. I hate it for your readers too because it will make you hesitate before sharing future good news.
Interestingly, our sermon last week was on appreciating God’s blessings on us and “wearing it well”. You’re wearing it well. Do we really want to show the world that, as Christians, we have to do without in order carry out God’s will? Or should we show the world what God’s blessings can do in our lives, and wear them well!! Let your light shine!
um… maybe I’m naive, but I thought they were just trying to be funny. Should’ve thrown in a few smiley faces and lol’s for effect!
I’m pretty sure Katie said somewhere that she’d love to have a big enough house to be able to keep overnight guests, like youth groups and such that are in town for volunteering (sorry, I know there’s a better term and explanation for what I’m thinking but I just can’t find it right now!). If that’s not considered “God’s work”… And I fully believe that Katie and her family have every right to share their blessings as a testimony to the wonders of God if you only choose to trust and believe in Him and His word. If only one more reader reads about her faith and what good things can happen when you devote your life to the Lord, and decides to go to church or tithe because of it, then what better could come of it?
So I can’t believe I’m the only one to say this (and maybe I’m not. I tried to read through the comments to see and ended up getting sucked into the “drama” of those who love to judge others… ANYWAY)…
No one else saw the “face” in the basement picture?!?!?!? Katie, I totally don’t mean to freak you out, but when I saw that picture (the one with your nephew showing off his “sign language” lol) the first thing I saw (after the cringing at the gaping ceiling holes) was a “face” (that kind of looks like Jack Black??) in the hole beside his left hand. See it??… I assume you looked by now and saw it too. Creepy right?? Am I really the only weirdo that saw it the first time?!? Ah well, I’m sure it’s nothing… lol
Congratulations! Hopefully everything goes smoothly and you get those keys today! I can’t wait to see all the new reno and decorating ideas you come up with to inspire us all. We got a great deal on a foreclosure too, that we wouldn’t have been able to afford otherwise, so I know the excitement (and that overwhelming feeling) you’re going through right now.
It’s great to see where life takes us, and to be able to look back and see where we were and how far we’ve come in life. I see it as inspiration and motivation to know that though there will be struggles in life, there are also blessings, with patience, hard work, optimism, and perseverance. Keep sharing your life with us (whatever parts you wish to share)! I still have a lot of house to decorate, and I’m low on ideas right now!
“Bower Acres” is my house name vote.
Perfectly put Stephanie!
I absolutely love your soon to be new home! The kitchen is gorgeous with the lights on. I also love Martha Stewart carpet. We don’t have any carpet in our home, but I do drool over it in Home Depot. It seems like really good quality carpet. Thanks for sharing your private life with us!
Beth Ann at Heir to Blair recently had an interesting post titled “Diary of a Mean Girl”
Where she says mean girls “never ignored an opportunity. They always found a stray thread on my self-confidence to pull, ripping the seams & shredding my self-worth.
Those girls grew up. Backpacks became Kate Spade bags & slap bracelets became diamond rings. & they have a new playground – Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, message boards.
Mean girls, set to conquer & destroy, but now with a keyboard & barbed fingers.”
I think that is what we have a case of here. Thanks for putting it all out their Katie and hopefully withstanding those barbed fingers.
I see Jack Black too!
I argree with so many of the nice people commenting on your post. People need to realize that there are many different things to consider when looking at your dream home and the first one should be location. It is as if people think you are super wealthy and buying a 5 acre property in the middle of New York City! You and your family love the south and also are willing to live in the country, which is very beautiful but not always as convenient. I love your dream home and if it were in Los Angeles at the same price my husband and I would have bought it! 🙂 People need to stop being so jealous. I can not for a second compare your life to mine living in such different places and neither should anyone else. We recently bought our dream home in LA. which is a 3 bedroom house, 1,200 sf and we paid $600,000. Pretty great for our area and on a quarter acre lot, small by country standards but large by LA standards 🙂 Sure, we pay a premium for where we live, but we are 2 miles from the beach and my husband can have a successful career as an attorney here. We could never survive in the country because we are such city people and so used to the convenience of it, but belive me after seeing your new home I wanted to go tell my husband to buy a riding lawn mower and get used to commuting to the nearest major city for work each day 🙂 Wish you all the best!
I’m choosing to ignore the negative comments, and I hope you are too, Katie! Your new house is beautiful (and it’ll just keep getting better with your love) and it’s just big enough for the family you’ll have and the people you’ll host. I like calling it Dream House too (gotta love the Barbie reference!) and I’m loving Bower Towers too!
Congratulations on your beautiful house and hopefully everything went well today!
Keep doing what you’re doing. You recognize that what you’ve achieved is a blessing.
I admire that you’re able to show LOVE to both your friends and those who persecute you – I, a fellow former Jersey girl gone Southern, am trying to apply this in my own life. It helps to have someone to look up to! I ordered “One Thousand Gifts” this morning, and can’t wait to read it – thanks so much for the recommendation!
Congratulations on your new home.
Okay, first off let me say this: Please put up more posts like this because reading all the comments is almost better than the post 🙂 Second, enjoy your house, I hope you love it and make many happy memories there. I love reading about the process as you go through it so seriously, keep sharing please!
I think that from the 2% of Katie we get to see on the blog, it’s clear she has a humble heart. I also think that people who are suffering are probably not spending their time reading home-design blogs. By the very nature of a reading a blog, you must have access to a computer and internet somewhere, either at home or a public library. And IF people who are having a rough time are indeed reading Katie’s blog, I can only imagine that her sense of humor brightens their day the slightest bit.
“Wouldn’t you think that God would want her and her husband to buy a modest home on a modest budget and donate the rest of the money to a good cause? Or perhaps go on a mission to Central America to build homes for people that have nothing?”
I just hate when people try to speak for God. The house is a foreclosure in a less expensive part of the country- that very well might be a modest budget for the Bowers. And even if they don’t use this home to host anybody beyond their seemingly large family circle (and I doubt that will be the case), aren’t still they improving the world in their own way?
I am OH-SO thankful for my three boys, 2 legged and 4 legged 🙂 My husband and our two chihuahua’s (kids) Chipotle and Mojito! My little family, I’m also very thankful for your blog! 😉
Bowerham Palace = awesome!
Love the house!! It’s going to look amazing once you’ve got it all decorated! Can’t wait to see what you do. So happy that you guys get to add more members to your family in this house. Great memories will live there! It’s beautiful and you deserve it!!
This is so true. And I’d just like to say that your blog posts are so encouraging that sometimes after I read them I email the links to friends who I know need an encouraging dose of Katie Bower, too. I’m probably more upset about the mean commenters than you are (I cannot stand to see sweet people abused), but I hope you feel the love of the rest of us and know that we share your joy.
A) This isn’t a party where people stand around in designer stilettos one-upping each other. It’s a blog which people seek out and can choose to read/comment on or not. There is no “forcing.”
B) This is a shelter blog, where the blogger writes about her home and home-related things. Is she only allowed to be self-deprecating and share about $5 thrift store finds and failed DIYs, lest she be accused of *gasp* prospering?
C) If all she ever did was ask advice about naming her big new house, maybe you could consider her braggy (I still wouldn’t want to assume that, but, whatever). But she also asks advice about little stuff, like replacing the knobs on her bedside table. And lots of bloggers ask for help naming their stuff. I actually see it as a way of being friendly; of reaching out to readers and saying, “But what do you think?”
There are people who actually stop following blogs when the blogger gets something nice (new house, furniture, kitchen, etc.) because they are “offended by the bragging” (jealous?). When the reader starts saying “Well, that hurt MY feelings,” “I thought that was insensitive,” etc., they are showing their own self-centeredness by focusing on how it made them feel. The truly selfless way to react to the good news of others is to share their joy, whether you thought they were bragging or not.
I’m commenting strongly on this because I used to be in the other camp. Thankfully some wise women helped me to see how wrong it is to pass judgment on people who are (perceived to be) less fortunate OR more fortunate than I.
I see the face!!! creepy.
And, I can’t believe nobody commented on the Martha Stewart comment you made. HILARIOUS! 😀 I think Martha actually takes jokes about her prison sentence quite well, too.
p.s. just found your blog today and LOVE it! and i LOVE the house. I’m from the South (TX) too, and as soon as we move back home (currently living overseas as expats for hubby’s work) we are going to look at some big houses, too (not as big as yours..our current house over here is 3 stories, 5 bedrooms 5 baths and it creeps me out! we didn’t buy it; free from the company..). Anyways, we will be looking at foreclosures also. Houses are super cheap in Houston and we alwaysssssss have siblings staying over so I can understand the needing extra rooms.