The last corner in our bedroom is so close to completion and I couldn’t be more happy with it. You all know I am a 85%er. Like projects get to the 85% mark fast and furious and they look pretty darn good but that last bit….IMPOSSIBLE. It’s like pulling teeth to get the photo in the picture frame and the frame on the wall. Or I make do with the ottoman that is too small or the wrong color because I plan on changing it but then NEVER DO. Well….I’m here to report that our bedroom reveal is within reach and I am loving it.
So I thought I would give you a sneak peek before the final reveal of our space and show you this corner of our bedroom before I put the last picture in the frame. That’s weird I know….but so am I.
Here is the way you may remember our corner…
Sounds about right.
And now our corner is looking so much better….
We worked with Modsy (click here to read about that amazing service) to render what it would look like with picture ledges and a new dresser and I said that I thought something big over the dresser would work well. So glad I got to see it in the 3D mock up first because it really inspired me to get on it!
Speaking of picture ledges….these ones we got at Ikea – they are the four foot length versions but I have the Pottery Barn ones too and the difference is for the Pottery Barn ones, they have a recessed area in the back that has a french cleat and the Ikea ones have holes that you drill through and you can see the exposed screw. If this makes a difference to you or you hate seeing the screw head, then yeah…the PB ones are for you.
For this area, we didn’t care about the exposed screw heads, we knew that they would be loaded down with pictures and so off to Ikea we went…
Yes, my kids are exactly like me and climb into the display beds. My kids love the children’s section at Ikea….it’s almost weird how much home decor makes it on their christmas list 🙂 But seriously who could argue with that face even if he requests a monster duvet in July.
Once we got home, I had Jeremy put up the ledges and I tried to figure out the picture frame sizes before we ordered artwork.
I knew that I wanted a mix of light and bright frames so the two styles of frames that I went with were the ever popular Ribba frame from Ikea and then a brushed gold frame from Target. Both of these come in multiple sizes and yes, Sherry (my BFF) and I obsess over the gold ones.
Since my top shelf was close to the crown molding and I wanted to leave an equal amount of room on the top as the bottom, those frames ended up being smaller. This method of planning is really helpful because nothing is worse than putting all the art in a frame to realize that the frame is too big. So plan out the frames first and then order the art.
Speaking of art….I literally was in heaven when shopping for this room. I knew that I didn’t want pictures of the kids blown up on my wall….some of you may disagree…but I like our master bedroom to not have any kid photos prominently visible from bed….where the magic happens. If you don’t understand…ask someone else why 🙂
My absolute favorite is the Mothers Embrace from Minted. Its a water color that I think that any mom can relate to. And I love dark moody scenery prints…the cloud one on the bottom shelf was a MUST and then the other one is called Night Clouds and I swear that is exactly what it looks like here at night.
The blue one reminds me of cells (I was a bio major in college and had my head in a microscope quite often) and how beautiful even the most simplest creations are. This is one that I knew that I would be hard pressed to find a perfect frame for so I ordered it with the frame.
And then the circle one reminds me of a thing I read once….how life is like a circle…with repeating seasons and how when we are young, our circle is full of new colors and experiences and then as we get older our circle gets bigger and how we come to realize that our job is to pass that wisdom along. I have no idea what the artist was going for that piece but this is what it reminded me of.
The little I LOVE YOU art is from Will. He painted it on a poster size piece of cardboard and I shrunk it down to keep it forever.
I have one more frame and I think I am gonna try to find one from our wedding that I can make look a little artistic for that frame.
Next to the shelves, we ordered a fiddle leaf fig….the one I wanted in this post. And yes, it is more glorious than I had expected! It’s the perfect height and despite a busted shipping box, it was in perfect condition. I think I’m still figuring out exactly how I like the branches and leaves (you bend them into place)….but seriously….no watering, no fig drama, no worries. Because you know if you are on Pinterest that a real fiddle leaf fig is more drama than a real pregnant Italian housewife. Oh the irony in that statement.
I did snag the basket because the base of it looks ridiculously small.
And it is the perfect balance to my shelves. Plus this space needed some kinda life….Bear lounging all over the rug doesn’t count 🙂
As for the other wall, we were able to get a new matching dresser (it is the bigger version of our nightstands) and I know the debate….why go matchy-matchy? Well the answer is simple…this space is open to another room – the sitting room – and so there is a lot of stuff going on. A lot of furniture. A lot of finishes. A lot of decor. I tend to clutter things up at times…and a quick and easy way to reduce the visual stuff is make major pieces match. So I chose to do that here. I get that a bedroom suite isn’t for everyone…and it’s not en vogue right now…but it totally works for us.
For over the dresser, I knew I wanted something big and the most important thing to keep in this space from before was our vow artwork. I made this artwork a while ago and it has our wedding vows. Look at how sentimental I am!
The room also needed a little more light on this side of the space so I brought in this simple white lamp. I just snagged it from our guest room and switched out that one for another light. Look at how thrifty I am!
I didn’t have a lot of wall space left (what with that giant fiddle leaf fig and the vow art) but we absolutely needed a wall clock before baby girl Bower gets here….for whatever reason, having a wall clock helps me stay awake during night time feedings. I track nursing sessions better and it just makes for an easier newborn-at-home. This modern one from Target was a great fit.
We first held it up with the vow art centered but it was all sorts of wrong.
Jeremy just scooted the wall art over and then held up the clock and things made more sense.
On the dresser, Jeremy only wanted one thing….the white noise maker. He can’t sleep without it. We used to have a big disgustingly dusty box fan. Then we upgraded to a big disgustingly dusty standing fan. And now we have the worlds smallest little pretty white noise machine….which has like a million different white noise versions in it. And now I am finally an adult.
On the other side I got a terrarium for some faux succulents and a gold hammered vase. That hammered gold vase is a great deal for how big it is!
I like that the top of each are similar in shape but they obviously aren’t the same.
Here is that corner from afar….
That’s our little corner update! We actually want to move the rug down a little after seeing our rendering but that might have to wait because it requires two strong people (not me) to move the rug and one person to lift the bed and one person to lift the mattress. So yeah….maybe in 2029 when all my boys are huge, they can move it for me 🙂 But I appreciate everyone that weighed in on that.
And because I know a million emails are coming…the wall color is Benjamin Moore Metropolitan Gray and the ceiling is Benjamin Moore Hale Navy. And here are the links to all the things….
Wish me luck with the last 5%! Happy hump day!
I honestly don’t know what makes me happier, the finished product (gorgeous) or the shot with all the laundry on the floor (reality at its best). I also keep forgetting about Modsy, so I am happy to remember that too!
Looks gorgeous! I love all your choices. Good luck for the remaining time ☺
Hi Katie!
Love what you did for this corner especially all the different arts that came together like they are cousins!
I love Ikea’s Ribba frames too but I realised they have turned really yellow after less than 5 years.
Do you have yellowing Ribba frames too? Will you repaint it?
What sort of paint will you use to repaint it with?
Also, I love your before picture (the first one), it’s so real. I would’ve love to help you tidy up that space, I love this sort of challenge! 😀
I love it! Looks great! I didn’t know there was a name for me but yes I too am a 85%er! The agony. I agree on the kids pics in the bedroom. My husband agrees w it! Or your parents pic! I am trying to figure out where I can use Hale Navy. I love the color so much!
Great job!
So pretty! Those IKEA shelves do come with little stickers the same color as the shelves that you can put over the screws to hide them! We bought a few of the black ones and I was a little leery of the exposed screw, so was relieved to find the stickers!
Looks great!! If that was my bedroom and sitting room I don’t think I’d ever leave! Loved the video for your white noise maker…..will have to try it as my husband cannot sleep without one too.
It looks so good! Thank you for including the “Before” shot – it gives me hope for my rooms that look similar on the daily even though my four are considerably older than yours (ages 21 to 16).
Love the gold map of Georgia, Did I miss the source on it? Thanks!
It’s from Minted and it’s in that little scrolly thing at the bottom of the post…just click over till you see it and then if you click on the photo, it’ll take you right there!
xo – kb
KB you’re the best. That before shot… you’re a real family! you’re a real human! LOL. Also … I JUST bought some of those target gold brushed frames and I was waffling but now I’m like well, Katie and Sherry like them so I’m good, they must indeed be awesome
The room looks amazing! You are so talented. Totally off topic, but can you tell me about the white noise machine? I’ve been using a box fan for far too long and I’m ready to upgrade.
Hi Katie – wonderful makeover! Sadly, my bedroom currently resembles your “before” photo, but I have big plans. Can you source the picture on the bottom ledge on the left? Looks like stairs going up. I love it but didn’t see it in the little scrolling thing at the bottom of the post. Thanks!
This room turned out fantastic! Definitely my favorite room in your house. I don’t know what you have in store for the last 5%, but you could leave it as is, and I’d be 100% happy with it! We have a corner in our bedroom just like this one, and I’ve been trying to decide what to do with the long empty wall adjacent to our dresser, and I think this could work for us. It’s always felt like just hanging art on that wall would look weird without a piece of furniture below to ground it, but shelves spaced out like this would fill the space nicely. I feel an IKEA run coming on!
I didn’t see the gold Georgia print in the scrolling images below the post to purchase it. I wanted to check the artist out to see if they do other states. If you have a link and could add it please, it would be great!
Here is the link! Sorry!
xo – kb
Thanks for the inspiration to get working on our own master bedroom. Current is similar to your before, and I appreciate the reality in knowing I am not the only one with that mess! 🙂 Can’t wait to see the entire room reveal!
Yes – here is the link for it!
xo – kb
This looks awesome 🙂 Out of the blue-any update on the Monroe house? Did I miss one? ❤️☀️
Thanks for responding, Katie! Love it!
At the risk of being a real pain, the link you sent is the one for the Georgia State picture. I was hoping for the link to the picture of the stairs – bottom shelf on the left?
Anyway, no worries. I really appreciate your response!
The bedroom is looking really great, Katie! So relaxing and peaceful. I totally get what you mean about no kids pic in the room. 🙂 I am encouraged to learn that I’m not the only one who has all these almost done projects. I think I am a 75%er myself. Lol! As always, thanks for the inspiration!
The room looks amazing! And I love your blog. Just an idea for a wedding photo in that frame, possibly turn the photo into a black and grayscale, I think that will help make it a little bit more romantic and artistic and fit in with the theme you are going with. Hope that helps. Your master bedroom is an inspiration!
One day my master bedroom will look this good!
It’s driving me nuts – why is there an unfinished outlet near the ceiling?! 😛
I love it, it’s beautiful, but please satisfy my curiosity and explain the outlet near the ceiling!
Lol! No pictures of the kids, grandma or grandpa, your parental units….. basically no people photos! Shoot, I don’t even want a picture of our dog in there!
Your blog is my absolute favorite. I’m an 85%er as well and I won’t have kid pics in the bedroom either. I especially love the art you chose, so I’m going to give something similar a try. The room looks fantastic.
We have no idea why an outlet is up there…maybe the previous owners had a tv on this wall? But we have to paint the cover and reinstall.
xo – kb
Doh! I am sorry. Here is the right link.
xo – kb
It was there when we moved in…we are thinking maybe it was for a television?
xo – kb
It’s slow going because we are trying to pay cash for all the renos…we did the brickwork, roof and trees so far…exterior is next!
xo – kb
I had the mats turn but not the frames. That’s interesting! I would repaint if I were you…try Rust-Oleum’s white spray paint!
xo – kb
Now hat you’ve had your white noise machine for a while, do you like it? We’ve had a fan in our hallway (on high) for the last few years which makes enough noise for all 3 of our bedrooms at the end of the hallway. However, id rather have noise machines in each bedroom. I was originally looking at a Dohm and have heard great things about those but was wondering how you liked this one?
We do. We found the one tone that we like the best and we read that there was a recall on the cord/plug (apparently it can break) so we put in for that. But in general, we don’t move ours so we never really anticipated it being an issue. Overall, I like the fact that it looks good out (so many are eh!).
xo – kb
I’m the same way about finishing a project! We redid our bedroom as well and am also waiting to take photos until I hang up all the picture frames. It’s like I just can’t bear to finish something!
glad that i’m not the only one!