One year ago, right around this time of night, I was sitting in a friend’s recliner concentrating on the living room crown molding breathing like a beached whale. Braxton hicks I thought. And a couple days later, I snapped a few photos of my darling boyfriend holding his new son. It’s a constant surprise how fast a year goes by. how fast a day goes by. how fast each hour is…
I love watching them together. I love seeing Will study Jeremy…kinda like the way I study him. And the funny thing is, I want to be jealous. I want to wish that Will loved me more, wanted me only, reached, hugged, looked & knew only me…but I don’t. I see them together and my heart is swollen with happiness.
Will is lucky. Most little boys don’t get to spend so much time with their daddy.
Jeremy is lucky. Most dads don’t get to be the comforter, the hero, the equal parent.
I am so lucky. For every single little thing. and then some.
But mostly for this guy.
and this other guy.
melt my heart katie! that’s how i feel about my girl and her daddy.
awww….tat’s so cute….Will is adorable.
AWhhh Happy Birthday Will:-)
Aww…so cute!! I’m 8 months pregnant with my first…you should give an emotional / hormonal gal a warning before you post something that’s going to have me fighting back the tears at the computer screen!! 😀 Such a sweet post!
There’s nothing like seeing a little boy with his daddy or “da-e” as my Will calls his father. We’re about to have another boy and I can’t wait to see him in his daddy’s arms. It’s just amazing how I thought I couldn’t love my husband more than the day I married him, but seeing him as a father makes my heart grow beyond imagination.
Aww, this is such a sweet blog post!
My little guy is 15 months and it flew by!!!!
Love my men!
My favorite pictures of my son and my husband are him being thrown in the air like that. I think it’s the pure joy of the moment. Beautiful Katie.
I love pics of my boys with their dad, so lovely to see another side of your man, isn’t it?
What precious photos of your two favorite boys! My 9mo old is also a daddy’s boy. He just lights up when my husband walks through the door, and thinks everything his daddy does is hysterical! I’m on a business trip overseas this week and although I miss both of them like crazy, it’s comforting to know that they are having some special bonding time together AND that my husband can totally handle things while I’m gone.
How sweet! I cannot believe he is one already!! Happy Birthday Will!
So cute. When we have children i really want a girl first so i can have my baby girl but at the same time i really want a boy so my husband can have his little man.
Too cute! I seriously can’t believe it’s been a year already! Also? I’m not even pregnant (or a parent) and this post made me hormonal/teary!
I love that you captured both sides of the ‘baby tossing’. It seems like they are both very much enjoying it. So cute!
oh my adorable. great pictures of will “flying”—the expression on his face is so precious! what a sweet blessing to watch your husband and son playing together with such joy.
I love the second picture of Will being tossed in the air – you captured the perfect facial expression!
Congrats! You are very blessed! May God continue to bless you and your family!
umm…i love this post. love the photos. love the words. love the sentiments so well expressed. 🙂
Your family is so beautiful. I’m so happy for you. 🙂
First, I apologize for the out of place “comment” . . . I happened upon your blog, certainly enjoy it, and have a question but don’t see a “contact me” sort of button. There probably isn’t one, as I am not super familiar with how blogs work. (yes, I guess I’m archaic) Anyway, I am painting my front door and am thinking of green and really like the green paint you used in your upstairs hallway in what I think is your old house. Do you remember the color? And, if so, do you mind passing it along? Thanks so much, in advance!
***Sniffle, Sniffle***
Makes me want a baby, RIGHT this minute!
You are very blessed.
You are so blessed Katie. And what beautiful pictures of your two favorite boys!
Don’t blink 🙂 Blink and he’s two. Blink again and he starts kindergarten. Blink again and he’s asking you how many mile per gallon of gas your new car gets… It’s amazing how fast they can grow and change. My youngest turned 8 today and it just kills me a little.
Enjoy it Katie, it goes by so fast even when you’re expecting it to go by fast. 🙂
Just lovely 🙂
Your last line is the quote of my day Amanda.
xo – kb
So sweet and such amazing photos.
Super sweet!
Such a sweet post! Y’all are the cutest family! 🙂 so when is Wills official birthday? Do you guys have anything fun planned?
Happy Birthday Will!!!
So sweet! If every child grew up with an amazing dad the world would be a much better place!
how precious! Happy birthday to Will!
So sweet…
Happy Birthday Will!!
Happy Birthday Will!
I hope Will’s special day turns out perfect!
Happy Birthday to little handsome Will! Your posts always make my heart flutter with joy! You have the most lovely family!
My first visit to the site and it is stunning. The pictures are great and what a happy little guy you have! 🙂 Happy Birthday little man! My wife and I are expecting our first and couldn’t be more excited – Finding out the gender on Monday. Quick reads like this that make me all the more ready to turn my life over to the little boy or girl that blesses us! Thanks
Aww Katie that is so great! I have a little boy 2 months.younger than Will so I love hearing and seeing what you family is up to especially Will. It gives me a heads up of what to expect like the toilet paper eating! You have such a great way of blogging I really enjoy reading daily.
So a little advice for me…My little guy is almost walking and we’re going to start going outside. I saw Will’s little kicks and they look like what I might be looking for. I was wondering what brand and how Will is doing walking in them. We have some hand-me-down shoes that fit but they inhibit his ability to move his feet crawling and cruising. Any info would be great! I can’t wait to see how you’re going to celebrate Will’s 1st birthday!
Adorable photos. Great reminder that I have to get some more pictures of my 11 month old with his dad. Happy birthday to Will! He looks like such an amazing boy.
Thanks Heather…and his official birthday is April 8th. We do have fun stuff planned. One family party and then one big party…and we are definitely those people that overdo it when it comes to shindigs. I promise to share all the gory details 🙂
xo – kb
Beautiful post….beautiful post….beautiful you. Thanks for sharing your boys with us.
Happy birthday Will!! Time does fly by! And as a mom of 4 I’ll tell you it gets faster with each baby!! Enjoy your sweet one year old!!
I saw this story and thought you might like it sinse it’s from your neck of the woods!
I know- no new baby yet, but it sure is fun to read about others! 😉
Oooh fun…off to read away!
xo – kb
This is totally off-topic, but immediately thought of you when I saw this tshirt:–6.
Back on topic: Will is adorable, your pics are fantastic! 🙂
Your pictures are so beautiful. When I was looking at the picture of your hubby and Will I almost forgot I wasn’t watching movie (you can almost hear the pictures!) They are so personal and at the same time totally relate to my own life. I can imagine my daughter and hubby doing the same things in a few months when she’s bigger. Sorry if this sounds corny but it’s true!