Disclaimer : This is a sponsored video post brought to you by Rust-Oleum. All opinions are 100% my own.
I have something really fun to introduce to you…a video
I know. I am ridiculous. Ridiculously passionate about DIY projects
So now that you know what I am about to talk about, I am gonna warn you that this post might end up with us jumping on beds together, flinging stain in the air and singing Beyonce. I have the best readers in the world and I absolutely couldn’t wait to introduce you to Creator’s Studio because I know that a lot of you are here to learn new things, be inspired to improve your home, and to save money by tackling DIY projects. You might be a rookie, a pro, or just someone that is interested in paint and stain projects. Well, Creator’s Studio really lights a fire under my bootie because it is a collaborative environment meant for sharing insights and ideas through activities and challenges. If you have a do-it-yourself spirit, this is for you! It’s like a virtual community workshop. A she-shed. A man-garage. A space that brings passionate DIYers together. Rust-Oleum created this place to exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, discuss tips and tricks and maybe even create the next new product idea. (HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE?!)
They want you to join! You can go to this new site, create a profile and start discussing right away. Every few months, Rust-Oleum will post an “Innovation challenge” where community members (that’s you!) can submit ideas, vote and comment. You can win money and a MasterCreator badge!
I have officially used up my daily limit of exclamation points. I know. But I gotta say how excited I am to stalk the discussions to get the best info on staining and painting. Weirdly excited. Like in a very awkward geeky that-girl-is-naming-her-paint-brushes-kinda-way . So my virtual friends, I hope you join me over there…I bet you are gonna love it too!
Katie –
I love you but enough with the sponsored posts. All your posts have something to do from a company now. I started reading your blog many years ago when you didn’t have sponsored content and I really enjoyed it. Now, these types of posts make up 90% of your posts. Please reconsider the direction of your blog.
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing! Signed up! And seriously, when are you and Jeremy going to get your own show on HGTV!?!?
Looks just like LJ! and i love love how they took video of everyday life too. The snippet of the family praying before a meal was so special.
Ok i don’t know what happened but this was supposed to go on the family video on your last post, obviously. Whoops!
I know youve said to skip over them,but i am getting tired of these sponsored posts. Theyre not why i read your blog. Maybe space them out more? Less of the? Back to back is very annoying.
Seems like a neat idea. I joined to see what it’s all about. I’m hoping to get some good tips and inspiration.
Sounds fun, the community and the jumping on beds to Beyonce songs and naming our paint brushes. I am in for all of it!! I use rustoleum all the time and would love to work with them through my blog. Thanks for the heads up.
I think this is a perfect way to show em your stuff! They love bloggers!
xo – kb
Sorry that sometimes that they get close together. We have tried to space them out but sometimes we go a couple weeks with none and they are what keeps this blog free! I make sure each one is clearly labeled so feel free to skip.
xo – kb
I love to paint! I walk around my house constantly looking for ways to change décor in my house by painting something. We live in an older house and I imagine how thick the walls are because they have been painted so many colors:) Anyway, a few weeks ago we had some roofing leaks in our family room and had to do some major repair. And what comes after repair . . . new paint! I continued with the latest theme in the rest of my house of grey walls with white trim. I looked at the ceiling fan we had just taken down which was bright shiny brass and told my husband that I didn’t want to put that back up because the color was out of date. I remembered your post where you painted the fan in one of your boy’s room and told him “let’s paint it”. He said (and we are older and he is very old-school :))) “no way can you paint a fan and it will still work!” So I went out the next day and purchased a new fan in the bronze color that I wanted along with one can of bronze Rust-Oleum spray paint.. They were both laying on the table the next day when he came home from work. When he realized the price of the fan verses the price of one can of paint, we tried painting! The fan came out beautiful and now hangs in my newly remodeling family room!!!!! Thanks for your continued posts about paint Katie!
I would like to follow you!
So…. what’s your member name?
It averages less than one post a week. I typically post three to five times per week. Feel free to unfollow or skip all the sponsored posts!
xo – kb
This sounds like a great idea. It’s a way to get advice when you are analyzing a situation. Like what color to paint a room (my biggest dilemma)
I think it’s Bowerpower
xo – kb
For those who do not like the sponsored posts, they do not have to read them. I love your honesty and fun-loving attitude. Only you would include the bloopers. I was laughing out loud!
I have to say, I love that video. You are like the Kate Middleton of the DIY world, I swear. Great energy! I’m definitely going to go check out that site!